Eastern Kentucky University Encompass Eastern Progress 1979-1980 Eastern Progress 3-20-1980 Eastern Progress - 20 Mar 1980 Eastern Kentucky University Follow this and additional works at: http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1979-80 Recommended Citation Eastern Kentucky University, "Eastern Progress - 20 Mar 1980" (1980). Eastern Progress 1979-1980. Paper 25. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1979-80/25 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Eastern Progress at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in Eastern Progress 1979-1980 by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. riuusii,i\ March 211. IMM Vol. 5K-\o. 25 Official Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky University ll Pages Richmond. Ky. 40475 Alcohol Beverage Control Citations for liquor violations given to 35 persons, 5 Richmond bars Itv I \NFT JACOBS The Family Dog and The Bear and Cole, who is supervisor for the New* Editor out through the state ABC Board and Hull an' already on probation and there eastern district of Kentucky, said he followed orders concerning the is the possibility that they could lose supervised the investigation which was A har check by Male agents of Ihe downtown scene "I'm just an indian. their liquor license, according to a "normal investigation based on many I'm not a chief." he said Alcoholic Beverage <'nnlrol Com- Vaughan However, this possibility complaints " inissiim 'ABO Thursday night. March Crawford said March fi was chosen exists also on a first violation and Ihe "There has been a continual diluge of i> left IB person* and five hars cited for because "that happened to be a day severity of measures will depend on the phone calls and letters from allegedly li(|iinr violations according lo Joe when we could get everyone available reactions of the new administration, he reputable citizens - over the past two Vaughnn. assistant held director for lo help " Vaughan said a Thursday added months on minors, which I refer to as the stale ARC night was chosen because it was found Har owners will also appear in less than 21 years of age. in the bars." by Hichmond police to be the night I ndercovcr agents ;md the Kentucky Madison County District Court March slated Cole "I'd say this information when most liquor arrests involving Male Police aided in Ihe investigation 2K lo answer criminal charges con- was substantiated based on what we minors were made He added that the cerning liquor violations and per- found in Kichmnnd " check had been set for the previous The five liar*. The Family Dog. Ihe mitting the consumption and - or A Hichmond attorney Johnny Coy. week, but was postponed due to bad Hear and Mull Suiters Mill. Phone :l possession of alcoholic beverages by Ihe local ABC officer, said he was not weather •i x : .mil IKHOS Saloon. will appear in Frank minors • ^:... ". _ wA J *"+- J**£t ?V&~. contacted about Ihe bar check in any The ABC came to Hichmond ap- ■■ lorl IH-IOIC Ihe Slate Hcgulalory Hoard According to Dale Crawford, way "It was done strictly through proximately one year ago and visited at a dale to lie announced in the next supervisor of Ihe ABC, Lea Cole han- Frankfort They have their own en- le« weeks ••very licensee there according lo dled the Imr check himself He did not forcement officers." said Coy "My job Crawford Two years ago was the last have all Ihe details of the bar check, but The 15 persons cited, mainly as a local administrator is to handle time liars were cited for serving to University students, must make their suil it came out of several complaints licensing. I'm not an enforcement of- minors Violations were written against initial appearance in Madison Countv received in the office, both written and ficer " llamhock's Liquor Store. Poopeotzies District Court March 28 All of them. phoned in He said he could not say Coy added thai Frankfort has not and The Family Dog whom they were from since they do not ttllh, Ihe exception of two. were contacted him since about the check According to Cole, under the cir- normally leave Iheir name arrested on n misdemeanor charge nf (ireen Angel. Ihe area ABC in cumstances, the ABC doesn't have any possession ol alcohol hy a minor Vaughan. on ihe other hand, credited vcsligalor. was involved in Ihe in alternative hut to watch the bars "Mr complaints to local churches and vestigation downtown Angel said he Angel is going lo be instructed to Two individuals were reportedly bar schools. I'niversity students and was told when lo come and helped get monitor the area closely." he stated employes at Phone 3. and Slitter's Mill concerned parents whose children were one of Ihe bars quieted down after Ihe "We do not intend to harass any one and were riled with selling alcohol lo driving while intoxicated and having agents already had come in place, but watch the Hichmond area in minors accidents Angel said the har check was carried general." Powell announces approval of four-day week for summer school \NET JM'OHS consumption of electric power," stated during Ihe regular school year. Powell great on a percentage basis." he said, News I (lilui the I'niversity president said he lelt doubtful this would occur although it is a possibility if the Quick draw? Continuation of this plan ..will due to most nf Ibe population residing energy situation becomes more acute I nivefsif) President JC Powell probably he based on results of the iwtu on campus and the utilization of coal lor We may find institutions finding some With Spring returning lo campus junior Kathy Booth an arl major from recently announced approval of the session, according lo Powell, and the heal in Ihe cold weather similar woj lo reduce energy con- Lexington, found a vantage point In the Kayine al which lo sketch a scene modification ol ihe IMW Summer School continuation of the energy crisis "The energy savings will not be as sumption iphoto lit Brian Polls i instructional week \nalysis of the effects on instruction The summer session will he changed and learning will also aid in deter- lo a lour day Monday through Thurs- mining its continuation day week with classes lasting 75 Dr John Howlett. vice president for minutes Classes which require Academic Affairs and Kesearch. Qualifying petitions available meeting ihe normal live days will recommended Faculty Senate approval continue lo do so nl Ihe plan in early February Faculty will remain on a five day At this lime he sited Murray State work week utilizing Friday lor student and I IK- I'niversity of Illinois as two for Senate presidential candidates conferences oral exams committee universities under such a program By JWF.T.IAt OBS junior art major, has been in the senate meetings and other related activities "This modification was made to police administration major, was \n iiig.im/aitonal committee was News I (Inen three years Beck is a freshman public "We have recognized the real impact recently elected president al ihe 101 nieil in handle Fn-e I'niversity really conserve fuel and costs for the Qualifying petitions for elections for relations major nt the summer program on Ihe energy national convention ol Alpha Phi whose current responsibilities he in large number of commuting students Student Association President Vice Senate President Chris Kremer said problem " stated Powell "A large thai attend ihe summer session," said Sigma the national criminal |UStice Mel lol (I s hands Ihe com mil Ice will he President candidates may he picked up he was "optimistic" about Ihe honor society He did not want his new comprised 1,1 senators ui,h special number ol our summer school students Knwlell "Not all courses are in Ihe Student Senate office Mar 24 and organization's future and the possibility duties to conflict with Ins role as .1 skills which may !•<• utilized in promote commute and Ibis will allow a 21) per programmed for a four-day week, hut turned in March 27 with the signatures rent cut in gas use " of being represented on the national student senator Ihe program whose future depends on most of them will be Of course, the of 2im full lime students according lo a level in the organization "There is a Powell also ciled Ihe impact this will elasscs will be lengthened propor Senator Susan Lew is was also elected Ihe committee s handling of it for next report made al Tuesday's Student possibility that the senate will get national treasurer ol Ibis society, but vcar have INI campus energy since facilities iionatdy " Senate meeting another national representative if we will remain in ihe senate \ survey nf Ihe I niversity lood are air conditioned in the summer "We feel this can he done very ef- Kleclions for officers will be held "'I ne air conditioner is a large user nf have someone at the meeting in A representative from ihe College nl services u as okayed Tuesday hj I .am lectively without imparing the quality April 15 Mlanta." he commented electric power and the four-day week l»iw Enforcement will lie elected to Martin, director ol lind service The of instruction." he added In new business, the senate elected to "Kight now it seems lo be im- will relieve a percentage of Ihe cost of take Hales' place A motion passed to siir\e> v.i- taken Wednesday by ihe As far as using the four-day plan send two representatives to Atlanta to a portant." he said "Maybe later we'll name Males an Honorary Senator for student Hights and Responsibilities meeting of Ihe American Student lind nut it's not his service in Ihe senate Commit 111- and asked questions in Federation I ASF I scheduled for March Two resignations were announced al determine leclmgs on the price and 2H lo decide the future of the national Ihe senate meeting First was ihe Vice President Tim liuller reported quality, ol Ihe lood as well as proposed lobbying organization resignation of Ed Prichard.
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