DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE April 24th 2017 Case No: 16/02519/OUT (OUTLINE APPLICATION) Proposal: UP TO 80 RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS (INCLUDING AFFORDABLE HOUSING, INTRODUCTION OF STRUCTURAL PLANTING AND LANDSCAPING, INFORMAL PUBLIC OPEN SPACE AND CHILDREN'S PLAY AREA, SURFACE WATER ATTENUATION, VEHICULAR ACCESS POINT FROM STATION ROAD AND ASSOCIATED ANCILLARY WORKS. Location: LAND BETWEEN OLD MILL AVENUE AND STATION ROAD AND 43 STATION ROAD WARBOYS Applicant: MR GLADMAN DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED Grid Ref: 531051 280593 Date of Registration: 29.11.2016 Parish: WARBOYS RECOMMENDATION - APPROVE This application is reported to the Development Management Panel as Warboys Parish Council's recommendation of refusal is contrary to the officer's recommendation of approval. In addition this application is a departure from planning policy 1. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND APPLICATION 1.1 The site is located to the north of the built up area of Warboys, and comprises an arable field bordered by housing, hedgerows and fields. It is 3.63 hectares in size, with existing housing on Coronation Avenue and Orchard Close backing on to the site in the north and the rear of properties on Flaxen Walk to the south, separated from the site by two small field parcels. To the immediate east is a newt reserve and beyond that a site that benefits from planning permission for 120 dwellings (under ref 1301790OUT). David Wilson Homes have commenced development on this site. Access to the site the subject of this application would be via this new scheme mentioned above, and off Station Road. To the west the landscape is more open with fields for agriculture and a network of footpaths. A Public Right of Way (Warboys FP245/4) runs from the north-west corner of the site, through the field where it connects with the housing in the south. The site comprises a gentle slope falling from the north east to the south west. 1.2 The site falls within Flood Zone 1. Table 1 of the PPG defines land located within Flood Zone 1 as areas which are outside the flood plain and have little or no chance of flooding. These are areas with an indicative probability of flooding of 1 in 1000 years or greater (i.e. less than 0.1% chance in any given year) from fluvial sources. 1.3 This application is in outline with access to be considered at the outline stage. Layout, Scale, Appearance and Landscaping are ‘Reserved Matters’ to be considered at a future date (should outline permission be granted). The application is accompanied by an illustrative layout (included within the Design & Access Statement) showing how it could be developed and demonstrating how the site can be capable of accommodating the scale of development proposed (up to 80 dwellings). The illustrative layout is not necessarily the way the development will be carried out; that will be established at the reserved matters stage. 1.4 Officers consider, based on the tests (specifically ownership and intention) related to the breaking up of sites, that this application, for up to 80 dwellings needs to be considered alongside the adjacent permission for 120 houses. Accordingly for S106 purposes the application needs to be considered as a large scale major (being 200 or more units) 2. NATIONAL GUIDANCE 2.1 The National Planning Policy Framework (2012) sets out the three dimensions to sustainable development - an economic role, a social role and an environmental role - and outlines the presumption in favour of sustainable development. Under the heading of Delivering Sustainable Development, the Framework sets out the Government's planning policies for : building a strong, competitive economy; ensuring the vitality of town centres; supporting a prosperous rural economy; promoting sustainable transport; supporting high quality communications infrastructure; delivering a wide choice of high quality homes; requiring good design; promoting healthy communities; protecting Green Belt land; meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change; conserving and enhancing the natural environment; conserving and enhancing the historic environment; and facilitating the sustainable use of minerals. 2.2 Paragraphs 203-205 state that “Local planning authorities should consider whether otherwise unacceptable development could be made acceptable through the use of conditions or planning obligations. Planning obligations should only be used where it is not possible to address unacceptable impacts through a planning condition. Planning obligations should only be sought where they meet all of the following tests: * necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms; * directly related to the development; and * fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the development. Where obligations are being sought or revised, local planning authorities should take account of changes in market conditions over time and, wherever appropriate, be sufficiently flexible to prevent planned development being stalled.” Planning Practice Guidance 2014 For full details visit the government website https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-communities- and-local-government 3. PLANNING POLICIES 3.1 Saved policies from the Huntingdonshire Local Plan (1995) • H23: Outside Settlements • H31: Residential privacy and amenity standards • H37: Environmental pollution • H38: Noise Pollution • T18: Access requirements for new development • T19: Pedestrian Routes and Footpath • T20: Cycle Routes • T21: Public Transport Services • R1:Recreation and Leisure Provision • R2: Recreation and Leisure Provision • R3: Recreation and Leisure Provision • R7 Land and Facilities • R8: Land and Facilities • R12: Land and Facilities • En12: Archaeological Implications • En13: Archaeological Implications • En14: Open spaces and frontages • En17: Development in the Countryside • En18: Protection of countryside features • En19: Trees and Landscape • En20: Landscaping Scheme • En22: Conservation • En23: Conservation • En24: Access for the disabled • En25: General Design Criteria • CS8: Water • CS9: Flood water management 3.2 Local Plan Alteration 2002 • HL5 - Quality and Density of Development • HL6 - Housing Density • HL10 – Choice in new housing • OB2 - Maintenance of Open Space 3.3 Adopted Huntingdonshire Local Development Framework Core Strategy (2009) • CS1: Sustainable development in Huntingdonshire • CS2: Strategic housing development • CS3: The Settlement Hierarchy • CS4: Affordable Housing in Development • CS10: Contributions to Infrastructure Requirements 3.4 Draft Huntingdonshire Local Plan to 2036: Stage 3 (2013) • LP1 Strategy and principles for development • LP2 Contributing to Infrastructure Delivery • LP3 Communications Infrastructure • LP6 Flood Risk and Water Management • LP7 Strategic Green Infrastructure Enhancement • LP9 Development in Key Service Centres • LP 11 The Relationship Between the Built-up Area and the Countryside • LP13 Quality of Design • LP14 Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emissions • LP15 Ensuring a High Standard of Amenity • LP17 Sustainable Travel • LP18 Parking Provision • LP24 Housing Mix • LP25 Affordable Housing Provision • LP26 Homes in the Countryside • LP 28 Biodiversity and Protected Habitats and Species • LP 29 Trees, Woodland and Related Features • LP 30 Open Space • LP 31 Heritage Assets and their Settings 3.5 Huntingdonshire Design Guide (2017) 3.6 Huntingdonshire Landscape and Townscape Assessment (2007) 3.7 Huntingdon Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (2010) 3.8 LDF Developers Contributions SPD (2011) 3.9 RECAP CCC Waste Management Design Guide (CCC SPD) (2012) Local policies are viewable at https://www.huntingdonshire.gov.uk 4. PLANNING HISTORY 4.1 Neighbouring site to the East 1301790OUT - Demolition of 43 Station Road and the residential development of site to provide up to 120 dwellings with associated infrastructure – Granted - 29.01.2015 4.2 15/02021/S73 - Variation of condition 20 of application reference: 1301790OUT to: Prior to commencement of development mitigation measures shall be carried out in accordance with the details in planning application reference: 15/01816/FUL, unless minor variations are otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority – Granted - 15.06.2016 4.3 15/01817/REM - 120 dwellings and supporting infrastructure including details of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale – Granted - 15.06.2016 4.4 15/01816/FUL - The construction of 3 no. new ponds and associated landscape habitats for ecological mitigation as part of a great crested newt mitigation strategy and attenuation pond as part of a drainage strategy in connection with residential development on adjacent land (ref: 1301790OUT)- Granted - 15.06.2016 4.5 16/01989/REM - Reserved matters approval for the detailed design of the electricity substation to be installed at the site entrance on the eastern boundary of the site at the junction with Station Road – Granted - 28.11.2016 5. CONSULTATIONS 5.1 Warboys Parish Council recommends refusal on the following grounds: - (a) that the site is not allocated in the draft Huntingdonshire Local Plan to 2036: as such it would be contrary to the provisions of the Development Plan and should be refused; - (b) that the single point of access to the highway network at the site off the former 43 Station Road is inadequate to accommodate vehicular movements from 200 dwellings; - (c) Some 300 dwellings have either been approved or allocated for development in Phase 4 of the Huntingdonshire Local Plan to 2036, representing an increase of almost 20% in the number of dwellings
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