Overall Course Design

Overall Course Design

<p> Service Desk Foundation (SDF) Name of ATO Assessor Date </p><p>Note: Refer to the SDF standards for detail on the range of knowledge that supports each competency</p><p>Ref Service Desk Foundation Yes / No Evidence/Remarks</p><p>SDF01 Professionalism</p><p>SDF01 / 1 Profile of the Customer Service and Support Specialist 01 / 1-1 Explain the role of the Customer Service and Support Specialist 01 / 1-2 Describe the responsibilities of the Customer Service and Support Specialist SDF01 / 2 The Service Desk 01 / 2-1 Describe the role of the service desk</p><p>01 / 2-2 Identify the responsibilities of the service desk</p><p>01 / 2-3 Recognize what the service desk expects of its customers </p><p>01 / 2-4 List the phases in the evolution of the service desk SDF01 / 3 Best Practices 01 / 3-1 Identify sources of service desk and IT best practices SDF01 / 4 Adherence to the Organization's Policies 01 / 4-1 Summarize the importance of adhering to the organization's policies 01 / 4-2 Recall the objectives of organizational policies SDF01 / 5 Service Commitments and Ethics 01 / 5-1 Describe the concept of providing consistent service 01 / 5-2 List ways in which following best practices and documented procedures benefits the customer and the service desk 01 / 05-3 Describe what is meant by personal accountability</p><p>Ó APMG 2014 Service Desk Foundation Syllabus Assessment – March 2014 Version 1.1 Owner – Product Development Manager Page 1 of 9 Service Desk Foundation (SDF) Name of ATO Assessor Date </p><p>Ref Service Desk Foundation Yes / No Evidence/Remarks</p><p>01 / 05-4 Recognize the importance of making and honouring commitments </p><p>01 / 05-5 Recognize how to protect and enhance the image of the service desk SDF01 / 6 Service Attitude 01 / 06-1 Identify the characteristics of a service attitude 01 / 06-2 Recognize the impact of a good service attitude 01 / 06-3 Recall the characteristics of excellent customer service SDF01 / 7 Environment 01 / 07-1 Describe characteristics of a friendly and supportive workplace</p><p>01 / 07-2 Recognize the difference between a shared work space and a private work space 01 / 07-3 List the considerations that team members who share space must take into account SDF01 / 8 Teamwork 01 / 08-1 Explain the basic concepts of teamwork 01 / 08-2 Describe the responsibilities of each team member 01 / 08-3 List the benefits of teamwork 01 / 08-4 List characteristics of successful teams 01 / 08-5 List characteristics of unsuccessful teams 01 / 08-6 Recall the characteristics of good leaders SDF01 / 9 Business Relationships 01 / 09-1 Recall techniques for establishing effective relationships with other parts of the organization 01 / 09-2 Identify techniques for establishing effective relationships with other support staff 01 / 09-3 List techniques for establishing effective relationships with customers</p><p>Ó APMG 2014 Service Desk Foundation Syllabus Assessment – March 2014 Version 1.1 Owner – Product Development Manager Page 2 of 9 Service Desk Foundation (SDF) Name of ATO Assessor Date </p><p>Ref Service Desk Foundation Yes / No Evidence/Remarks</p><p>01 / 09-4 Describe how to encourage and/or praise problem solving attempts by customers SDF01 / 10 A Global Perspective 01 / 10-1 Recall the need for being sensitive and respectful of other cultures 01 / 10-2 Recognize the impact of language barriers when managing customer interactions 01 / 10-3 Recall when to obtain assistance when supporting a customer whose primary language is different from yours 01 / 10-4 Recognize techniques for communicating cross-culturally 01 / 10-5 List options for obtaining language assistance SDF01 / 11 Social Media 01 / 11-1 Recall the definition of social media 01 / 11-2 Recall how to use social media tools effectively</p><p>SDF02 Skills</p><p>SDF02 / 1 Communication 02 / 1-1 Identify the elements that comprise communication 02 / 1-2 Explain the concept of customer differentiation 02 / 1-3 Recall the meaning of emotional intelligence 02 / 1-4 Recognize the difference between formal and informal communication in the workplace 02 / 1-5 Recall barriers to communication SDF02 / 2 Non-verbal and Verbal Communication Skills 02 / 2-1 Give examples of non-verbal communication skills 02 / 2-2 Give examples of good verbal communication skills</p><p>Ó APMG 2014 Service Desk Foundation Syllabus Assessment – March 2014 Version 1.1 Owner – Product Development Manager Page 3 of 9 Service Desk Foundation (SDF) Name of ATO Assessor Date </p><p>Ref Service Desk Foundation Yes / No Evidence/Remarks</p><p>02 / 2-3 Recognize why adapting to the customer’s communication style is important 02 / 2-4 Recognize how to adapt to a customer’s communication style SDF02 / 3 Listening Skills 02 / 3-1 Recognize the uses of paraphrasing 02 / 3-2 Identify the principles of active listening 02 / 3-3 Recall the benefits of active listening SDF02 / 4 Written Communication Skills 02 / 4-1 Recognize why using proper grammar and spelling is important in written communications and documentation 02 / 4-2 List what to avoid in written communications 02 / 4-3 Recall correct e-mail etiquette SDF02 / 5 Questioning Skills 02 / 5-1 Explain the difference between open and closed questioning 02 / 5-2 Recall examples of open questioning 02 / 5-3 Recall examples of closed questioning SDF02 / 6 Rapport Techniques 02 / 6-1 Recall the benefits of conveying empathy to customers 02 / 6-2 List some common customer emotions that the Customer Service and Support Specialist needs to manage 02 / 6-3 Describe phrases to use to acknowledge a customer’s emotions 02 / 6-4 Recall methods for acknowledging a customer’s emotions 02 / 6-5 Identify what to do after acknowledging a customer’s emotions SDF02 / 7 Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Skills 02 / 7-1 Recall the signs that a conflict is developing 02 / 7-2 Recall appropriate techniques to reduce and eliminate conflict</p><p>Ó APMG 2014 Service Desk Foundation Syllabus Assessment – March 2014 Version 1.1 Owner – Product Development Manager Page 4 of 9 Service Desk Foundation (SDF) Name of ATO Assessor Date </p><p>Ref Service Desk Foundation Yes / No Evidence/Remarks</p><p>02 / 7-3 Recall the principles of negotiating with a customer SDF02 / 8 Stress Management 02 / 8-1 Define stress 02 / 8-2 List causes of stress 02 / 8-3 List common symptoms of stress 02 / 8-4 List techniques for dealing with stress SDF02 / 9 Time Management 02 / 9-1 Recall what multitasking in a support environment means 02 / 9-2 Recall techniques to improve time management SDF02 / 10 Positive Approach and Attitude 02 / 10-1 Recall the differences between assertive, aggressive and passive behaviour 02 / 10-2 Recall why demonstrating confidence is important 02 / 10-3 Recognize how confidence is demonstrated over the phone SDF02 / 11 Call Management Skills 02 / 11-1 List the principal activities of managing a call 02 / 11-2 List ways to use silent time effectively 02 / 11-3 List the benefits of professionally managing a call 02 / 11-4 Recall the procedure for managing a telephone call 02 / 11-5 List the elements of a standard telephone greeting 02 / 11-6 Recall the benefits of using a standard greeting 02 / 11-7 List the benefits of using the customer's name during a call 02 / 11-8 Recall why providing status updates to customers is important 02 / 11-9 Recall what information is required in a status update 02 / 11-10 Recall techniques for keeping the customer's attention focused on the resolution Ó APMG 2014 Service Desk Foundation Syllabus Assessment – March 2014 Version 1.1 Owner – Product Development Manager Page 5 of 9 Service Desk Foundation (SDF) Name of ATO Assessor Date </p><p>Ref Service Desk Foundation Yes / No Evidence/Remarks</p><p>02 / 11-11 Recall the habits and situations to avoid when interacting with a customer 02 / 11-12 Recall the procedure for placing a customer on hold 02 / 11-13 Recall the procedure for transferring a customer 02 / 11-14 Recall the procedure for leaving a voice message 02 / 11-15 Recall the procedure for managing interactions related to unsupported services 02 / 11-16 Recall the procedure to disengage from a customer SDF02 / 12 Dealing with Customers 02 / 12-1 Recall the steps to take when dealing with an angry customer 02 / 12-2 Recall the steps to take when dealing with an abusive customer 02 / 12-3 Recall the steps to take when dealing with an inconvenienced customer 02 / 12-4 Recall the steps to take when dealing with a rambling customer 02 / 12-5 Recall the steps to take when dealing with an emotional customer</p><p>SDF03 Process</p><p>SDF03 / 1 Process Management 03 / 1-1 Recall the definition of process management 03 / 1-2 Recall the definitions of process and procedure 03 / 1-3 Recall reasons why documenting processes and procedures is important SDF03 / 2 Incident Management 03 / 2-1 Define an interaction 03 / 2-2 Define an incident 03 / 2-3 Explain the purpose of incident management</p><p>Ó APMG 2014 Service Desk Foundation Syllabus Assessment – March 2014 Version 1.1 Owner – Product Development Manager Page 6 of 9 Service Desk Foundation (SDF) Name of ATO Assessor Date </p><p>Ref Service Desk Foundation Yes / No Evidence/Remarks</p><p>03 / 2-4 Identify the basic activities of the incident management process 03 / 2-5 Identify the primary reasons for logging all customer interactions 03 / 2-6 List the steps to take to manage an incident 03 / 2-7 Identify what information is required to document (log) an incident 03 / 2-8 Recognize which variables are involved in determining the priority of an incident 03 / 2-9 Recall the steps used to close an incident 03 / 2-10 Explain the role of the Customer Service and Support Specialist in the incident management process SDF03 / 3 Request Fulfilment 03 / 3-1 Explain the objectives of request fulfilment 03 / 3-2 Define a service request SDF03 / 4 Escalation 03 / 4-1 Explain the different types of escalation 03 / 4-2 Identify possible circumstances under which escalation is appropriate SDF03 / 5 Problem Management 03 / 5-1 Explain the purpose of problem management 03 / 5-2 Define a problem 03 / 5-3 List the service desk’s responsibilities in the problem management process SDF03 / 6 IT Change Management 03 / 6-1 Recall the purpose of IT change management 03 / 6-2 Recall the service desk’s responsibilities in the change management process SDF03 / 7 Service Level Management 03 / 7-1 Recall the purpose of a Service Level Agreement (SLA)</p><p>Ó APMG 2014 Service Desk Foundation Syllabus Assessment – March 2014 Version 1.1 Owner – Product Development Manager Page 7 of 9 Service Desk Foundation (SDF) Name of ATO Assessor Date </p><p>Ref Service Desk Foundation Yes / No Evidence/Remarks</p><p>03 / 7-2 Recall the purpose of an Operational Level Agreement (OLA) 03 / 7-3 Recall the purpose of an underpinning contract (UC) SDF03 / 8 Knowledge Management 03 / 8-1 Recall the purpose of knowledge management 03 / 8-2 Recall why knowledge management is important to a service desk SDF03 / 9 IT Security Management 03 / 9-1 Recall why security policies are important 03 / 9-2 Recall types of security policies 03 / 9-3 Recall the importance of reporting security compromises 03 / 9-4 Recall reasons why maintaining confidentiality is important 03 / 9-5 Recall reasons why complying with legal requirements is important SDF03 / 10 Quality Assurance (QA) 03 / 10-1 Recall the purpose of quality assurance (QA) 03 / 10-2 List common QA practices used by a service desk 03 / 10-3 Recall methods used by the service desk for monitoring calls 03 / 10-4 Relate the benefits of incident monitoring 03 / 10-5 Recall methods for monitoring incident records (logs) 03 / 10-6 Recall the purpose of conducting customer satisfaction surveys 03 / 10-7 Recall the three most common types of surveys and the importance of each 03 / 10-8 Identify methods of distributing customer satisfaction surveys SDF03 / 11 Service Measurements and Statistics 03 / 11-1 Identify common measurements used in service desks 03 / 11-2 Recall some common service desk statistics and how they are used 03 / 11-3 Describe the impact to the customer and the service desk if Abandon Before Answer (ABA) measurements are higher than expected Ó APMG 2014 Service Desk Foundation Syllabus Assessment – March 2014 Version 1.1 Owner – Product Development Manager Page 8 of 9 Service Desk Foundation (SDF) Name of ATO Assessor Date </p><p>Ref Service Desk Foundation Yes / No Evidence/Remarks</p><p>03 / 11-4 Describe the impact to the customer and the service desk if Average Speed to Answer (ASA) measurements are higher than expected</p><p>Ó APMG 2014 Service Desk Foundation Syllabus Assessment – March 2014 Version 1.1 Owner – Product Development Manager Page 9 of 9</p>

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