H4402 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 21, 2003 Whereas, in 1953, President Dwight D. Ei- permission to revise and extend their pabilities, and that means we have got senhower christened the new Ford Research remarks on H. Res. 100, the resolution to be able to handle a conventional ar- and Engineering Center, which was a mile- just agreed to. mored attack or conventional warfare. stone in the company’s dedication to auto- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there We must be able to handle guerilla motive science and which houses some of the most modern facilities for automotive re- objection to the request of the gen- warfare. We must be able, at the same search; tleman from Michigan? time, to conduct the war against ter- Whereas Ford’s innovation continued There was no objection. rorism, and we have to prepare for the through the 1980s with the introduction of f eventuality that ballistic missiles may the Ford Taurus, which was named the 1986 at some point be launched against the PERMISSION FOR COMMITTEE ON Motor Trend Car of the Year, and which re- United States. sulted in future aerodynamic design trends ARMED SERVICES TO FILE SUP- Mr. Chairman, this bill addresses throughout the industry; PLEMENTAL REPORT ON H.R. America’s military issues. We address Whereas this innovation continued 1588, NATIONAL DEFENSE AU- all of the issues that are brought up through the 1990s with the debut in 1993 of THORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL with respect to personnel. We have a the Ford Mondeo, European Car of the Year, YEAR 2004 the redesigned 1994 Ford Mustang, and the 4.1 percent average pay increase in this introduction in 1990 of the Ford Explorer, Mr. HUNTER. Mr. Speaker, I ask bill. We have targeted bonuses where which defined the sports utility vehicle unanimous consent that the Com- we have critical skills requirements (SUV) segment and remains the best selling mittee on Armed Services have permis- and critical grade requirements. We SUV in the world; sion to file a supplemental report on provide for family housing. We do all Whereas, as the 21st century begins, Ford the bill (H.R. 1588) to authorize appro- the things that are important for peo- continues its marvelous record for fine prod- priations for fiscal year 2004 for mili- ple. At the same time, we modernize ucts with the best-selling car in the world, the Ford Focus, and the best-selling truck in tary activities of the Department of and we have more money for mod- the world, the Ford F-Series; Defense, to prescribe military per- ernization than we have in years past, Whereas the Ford Motor Company is the sonnel strengths for fiscal year 2004, Mr. Chairman. world’s second largest automaker, and in- and for other purposes. We have lots of old platforms. We cludes Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Aston Mar- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there know that our Army helicopters aver- tin, Jaguar, Land Rover, Volvo, and Mazda objection to the request of the gen- age 18.6 years of age. Two-thirds of the automotive brands, as well as other diversi- tleman from California? Naval aircraft are over 15 years. And if fied subsidiaries in finance and other domes- There was no objection. you go down the line you even come up tic and international business areas; and Whereas, on October 30, 2001, William Clay f with some antiquities. You come up Ford, Jr., the great-grandson of Henry Ford, with B–52 bombers, the youngest of NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- which was built in 1962. So we have became Chairman and Chief Executive Offi- TION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2004 cer of the Ford Motor Company, and as such many years where modernization is re- is concentrating on the fundamentals that The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. quired, and we have embarked on this have powered the Ford Motor Company to SWEENEY). Pursuant to House Resolu- first step of modernization with this greatness over the last century and made it tion 245 and rule XVIII, the Chair de- bill that provides a little over $70 bil- a world-class auto and truck manufacturer, clares the House in the Committee of lion for modernization. and that will continue to carry the company the Whole House on the State of the Mr. Chairman, we have learned les- through the 21st century to develop even bet- ter products and innovations: Now, there- Union for the consideration of the bill, sons in Iraq, and this committee, which fore, be it H.R. 1588. worked very hard, Democrats and Re- Mr. UPTON (during the reading). Mr. The Chair designates the gentleman publicans on all of our subcommittees Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that from Texas (Mr. BONILLA) as chairman listened to our military after the oper- the amendment to the preamble be of the Committee of the Whole, and re- ation in Iraq, and we asked them what considered as read and printed in the quests the gentleman from New York their lessons learned were, what new (Mr. SWEENEY) to assume the chair systems, what new capabilities could RECORD. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there temporarily. we work on to give them even more ef- objection to the request of the gen- b 1346 fectiveness on the battlefield. They tleman from Michigan? talked to us, and we have embedded IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE There was no objection. some of these requests, Mr. Chairman, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Accordingly, the House resolved in this bill. question is on the amendment to the itself into the Committee of the Whole So this bill reflects not just rec- preamble offered by the gentleman House on the State of the Union for the ommendations from the administra- from Michigan (Mr. UPTON). consideration of the bill (H.R. 1588) to tion over the last several years, but it The amendment to the preamble was authorize appropriations for fiscal year reflects what war-fighting leaders need agreed to. 2004 for military activities of the De- on the battlefields and what they have TITLE AMENDMENT OFFERED BY MR. UPTON partment of Defense, to prescribe mili- learned is required as a result of this Mr. UPTON. Mr. Speaker, I offer an tary personnel strengths for fiscal year most recent conflict. So this is a very amendment to the title. 2004, and for other purposes, with Mr. up-to-date bill. The Clerk read as follows: SWEENEY (Chairman pro tempore) in Mr. Chairman, we need a number of Amendment to the title offered by Mr. the chair. what I would call so-called enablers to UPTON: The Clerk read the title of the bill. continue to fight today’s wars and also Amend the title so as to read: ‘‘Resolu- The CHAIRMAN pro tempore. Pursu- prepare for tomorrow’s wars. We need tion recognizing the 100th anniversary year ant to the rule, the bill is considered as airlifts. You have to have the ability to of the founding of the Ford Motor Company, having been read the first time. move that air bridge and move across which has been a significant part of the so- Under the rule, the gentleman from that air bridge either from the United cial, economic, and cultural heritage of the California (Mr. HUNTER) and the gen- States to a military operation around United States and many other nations and a revolutionary industrial and global institu- tleman from Missouri (Mr. SKELTON) the world, or to move from foreign- tion, and congratulating the Ford Motor each will control 60 minutes. based troops, troops in Germany or Company for its achievements.’’. The Chair recognizes the gentleman other places, move them into the bat- The amendment to the title was from California (Mr. HUNTER). tlefields and not only move troops in agreed to. Mr. HUNTER. Mr. Chairman, I yield but move equipment in and provide A motion to reconsider was laid on myself such time as I may consume. that bridge of tankers to be able to the table. We have an excellent defense bill be- move strike aircraft in, long-range fore us today. We have learned a num- strike aircraft or short-range tactical f ber of lessons from the conflict we just aircraft which, combined with preci- GENERAL LEAVE concluded in Iraq. I think the lessons sion munitions, can hit those targets, Mr. UPTON. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- of the last 15 years are that we must whether it is an al Qaeda cave in Af- imous consent that all Members have have in this country broad military ca- ghanistan or a leadership bunker in VerDate Jan 31 2003 01:23 May 22, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21MY7.015 H21PT1 May 21, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4403 Iraq or in some other part of the world. I want to also say I am very grateful a lot of good things for the troops: the We have supplied more money for that to our subcommittee chairman, the 4.1 percent average pay raise, the fam- very important area, Mr. Chairman. gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. ily housing, the medical care, all of We also need to bolster precision- WELDON), the gentleman from Colorado this combined together does a great guided munitions which have provided (Mr. HEFLEY), the gentleman from New deal. The research and development us with so much leverage in this oper- Jersey (Mr. SAXTON), the gentleman that grows into future systems. The ation. We do that here. from New York (Mr. MCHUGH), the gen- procurement of the weapons systems We also provide for more robust mis- tleman from Alabama (Mr.
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