<p> Huru International</p><p>Recruitment Questionnaire Out-of-School Girls</p><p>The following guide is designed to record some basic information on potential OUT-OF-SCHOOL beneficiaries to determine whether they should be recruited into the program. There are three steps to this process. STEP 1 – Meet with potential beneficiary and establish a friendly rapport. STEP 2 – Ask Assessment Questions to verify need and eligibility to become a beneficiary. STEP 3 – If eligible, giving her an Identification Number and invite her to an upcoming educational session.</p><p>Assessing Eligibility Out-of-school girls are eligible if they score any (A) in Section III: methods of managing periods.</p><p>SECTION I Basic Respondent Identifying Information Name of Respondent ______Age ______</p><p>Name of Village ______Location ______</p><p>Telephone Contact ______Referral by (Beneficiary name) ______</p><p>Name of interviewer/PVC ______Date ______</p><p>SECTION II Education, Living and Economic Status Cluster A: Level of education 1. What level of education do you have? A. [ ] Never gone to school or did not finish primary school B. [ ] Primary school C. [ ] Secondary school D. [ ] Vocational/technical course/institute College/Tertiary</p><p>Cluster B: Living/Family situation 2. Who do you live with? (Note: if the girl lives alone, with friends or with partner/spouse, probe if they feel secure or if they would wish the living arrangement to change) A. [ ] Alone B. [ ] Friends C. [ ] Husband D. [ ] Boyfriend E. [ ] Parents/Relatives F. [ ] Others (Specify) ______</p><p>3. Are you married? A. [ ] No B. [ ] Yes </p><p>4. Do you have any children of your own, or taking care of any dependents? A. [ ] Yes B. [ ] No 5. If yes in question 4, how many children do you have or are taking care of? A. [ ] More than 3 children B. [ ] 2 – 3 children C. [ ] 1 child</p><p>6. How many people live in your household? A. [ ] 2-3 people B. [ ] 4-5 people C. [ ] 6-7 people D. [ ] Other (Specify) ______Cluster C: Economic and financial status Note: These questions are intended to get a sense of a potential beneficiary’s economic status and financial well-being. On the RECRUITMENT CARD you’ll see that the intention is to learn whether the interviewee has sufficient income. If the answers don’t make this clear, PROBE: 7. What do you do for a living (income generating)? A. [ ] Unemployed/Living at home B. [ ] Housewife C. [ ] Casual labor D. [ ] Employed E. [ ] Small-scale business </p><p>8. How much income do you get on average per month? A. [ ] None B. [ ] Less than Tshs.100,000 C. [ ] Tshs.100,000 – 200,000 D. [ ] Tshs.200,000 – 300,000 E. [ ] More than Tshs.300,000 </p><p>9. Are you able to meet your basic needs (food, clothing, shelter, both for you and your dependents)? A. [ ] No B. [ ] Yes</p><p>SECTION III: Method of Managing Periods 10. What do you use during your periods? (tick the appropriate answer)? A. [ ] Pieces of cloth, Piece if a mattress, Tissues, newspapers or any other piece of paper, cotton wool etc. B. [ ] Disposable pads C. [ ] Others (Specify )…………………………………………………………</p><p>11. If you use disposable pads, are you able to get these disposable pads to cover your entire period each month (tick the appropriate answer)? A. [ ] Never/ Rarely /Sometimes B. [ ] Always</p><p>12. Where do you get money to buy the disposable pads? (Tick the appropriate answer)? A. [ ] From casual labor or other sources (sex work or transactional sex, boyfriend) B. [ ] From my spouse/partner/ parents/guardians/my employment or my business C. [ ] Others (Specify) …………………………………………………………………………………. Note: If a girl won’t say how she gets money for sanitary pads (or a supply of pads) PROBE to find out if it’s something that she would say puts her at risk or could make her feel ashamed. Inform the respondent if they are eligible for the program or not and Thank them for their time and responses. Huru International</p><p>KUTATHMINI WANUFAIKA WANAOWEZA KUWAPO WASICHANA WALIO NJE YA SHULE DODOSO LA KUWA MWANACHAMA </p><p>Mwongozo ufuatao umekusudiwa kuandika baadhi ya taaria za msingi kuhusu wanufaika wanaoweza kuwapo NJE YA SHULE, na kuamua kama waingizwe nao katika programu. Mchakato huu una hatua tatu:. HATUA 1 – Kutana na Wanufaika wanaoweza kuwapo na anzisha maelewano ya kirafiki HATUA 2 – Uliza maswali ya kutathmini ili kuhakiki mahitaji na kustahili kuwa mnufaika.</p><p>Kutathmini Ustahili Wasichana walio NJE YA SHULE wanastahili iwapo watashinda / jaza chochote (a) katika sehemu ya III Njia za kudhibiti siku / hedhi.</p><p>SEHEMU YA I Hoja za msingi za kupata taarifa za kidemografia Jina la mhojiwa ______Umri ______</p><p>Jina la kijiji ______Mahali ______</p><p>Namba ya Simu ______Jina la mnufaika ______</p><p>Jina la PCV ______Tarehe ______</p><p>SEHEMU III Elimu, Maisha na Hali ya kipato Kundi A: Kiwango cha Elimu</p><p>13. Una kiwango gani cha elimu? E. [ ] Sikusoma au sikumaliza elimu ya msingi F. [ ] Elimu ya msingi G. [ ] Elimu ya Sekondari H. [ ] Ufundi / kozi za ufundi / Taasisi/ Chuo</p><p>Kundi B: Maisha / Hali ya Familia 14. Unaishi na nani? (Angalizo: Kama msichana anaishi mwenyewe na rafiki mume au na mwenza / mchumba dadisi kama anajiona salama au wanatamani mpango wa ukaaji kubadilika) G. [ ] Peke yangu H. [ ] Marafiki I. [ ] Mume J. [ ] Mpenzi K. [ ] Wazazi/Ndugu L. [ ] Wengine (Taja) ______15. Umeolewa? C. [ ] Ndio D. [ ] Hapana</p><p>16. Je, una mtoto / watoto yeyote? Au unalea yeyote? C. [ ] Ndio D. [ ] Hapana</p><p>17. Kama ndiyo katika swali la 4, una watoto wangapi? Au unalea watoto wangapi? D. [ ] Zaidi ya watoto watatu E. [ ] Watoto 2 – 3 F. [ ] Mtoto 1</p><p>18. Ni watu wangapi wanaishi katika kaya yako? E. [ ] Watu 2-3 F. [ ] Watu 4-5 G. [ ] Watu 6-7 H. [ ] Wengine (Taja) ______</p><p>Kundi C: Uchumi na Hali ya fedha Angalizo: Maswali haya yamekusudiwa kupata taarifa za kiuchumi za wanufaika ambao wanaweza kuwapo katika kadi ya uanachama. Katika kadi ya uanachama tunaona lengo ni kujua kama mhojiwa ana kipato cha kutosha. Kama majibu hayako wazi. DADISI</p><p>19. Unafanya nini kuishi?Unafanya nini kwa ajili ya maisha F. [ ]Sina kazi / Ninaishi nyumbani G. [ ] Mama wa nyumbani H. [ ] Kibarua wa siku I. [ ] Nimeajiriwa J. [ ] Biashara ndogo ndogo 20. Kwa wastani unapata shilingi ngapi kwa mwezi? F. [ ] Sipati G. [ ] Chini ya shilingi 100,000/= H. [ ] Shilingi 100,000/= – 200,000/= I. [ ] Shilingi 200,000/= – 300,000/= J. [ ] Zaidi ya shilingi 300,000/= 21. Je, unaweza kupata mahitaji yako ya muhimu (Chakula, nguo/mavazi, kwa wote yaani wewe na wategemezi wako)? C. [ ] Hapana D. [ ] Ndio</p><p>SEHEMU YA III: Njia za kudhibiti siku 22. Unatumia nini wakati wa siku za hedthi zako? (Tiki jibu lialofaa) D. [ ] Kipande cha nguo, Kipande cha godoro, Tishu, Gazeti, au makaratasi mengine, Pamba n.k. E. [ ] Pedi za kutumia na kutupa F. [ ]Nyingine (Taja) ______23. If you use disposable pads Kama unatumia pedi za kutumia na kutupa, je unaweza kupata pedi za kutosha katika kipindi chote cha mwezi? (Tiki jibu linalofaa) C. [ ] Asilani/mara chache, wakai mwingine D. [ ] Mara zote 24. Unapata wapi fedha za kununulia pedi za kutumia na kutupa? (Tiki jibu linalofaa) D. [ ] Kutoka katika vibarua au vyanzo vingine (biashara ya ngono au mapenzi ya pesa, mpenzi (buzi). E. [ ] Kutoka kwa mpenzi / mume / mzazi / walezi kwa mwajiri wangu au biashara zangu F. [ ]Nyingine (Taja) ………………………………………………………………………………….</p><p>Angalizo:Kama msichana hatasema jinsi anavyopata pesa za kununulia pedi, mdadisi kujua ukweli labda kitu atachosema kinaweza kumweka katika hatari au kitamfanya ajisikie aibu. Mjulishe mhojiwa kama anastahiki katika program au hastahiki na uwashukuru kwa muda wao na ushiriki wao.</p>
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