The Denver Catholic Register VOL. LI WEDNESDAY, MAY 19,1976 NO. 41 15 CENTS PER COPY 28 PAGES For Human Life Amendment G rassroots C a m p a i g n O r g a n i z e d By James Fiedler A grassroots campaign for a human life amendment to the U.S. Con­ stitution is being organized in Colorado by pro-life leaders in the Archdiocese. The campaign will involve establishing Congressional District Ac­ tion Committees in each congressional district. Organizational plans and techniques for the ambitious effort were outlined March 12 at a meeting for area pro-life leaders by two represen­ tatives of the Washington, D.C.-based National Committee for a Human Life Amendment (NCHLA), supported by U.S. bishops. The NCHLA officials — William Cox, executive director, and Mary Helen Madden, associate director — explained that their organization lias started efforts to organize action committees for a human life amendment in all of the more than 400 Congressional districts in the country. Cox told the Denver meeting that although the need for an anti­ abortion amendment to the Constitution is clear, support for it in Congress has been decreasing. Congressmen, Cox contended, are finding it “easy and convenient” to avoid support for such an amendment. Even Congressional districts with a high percentage of Catholics continue to send Congressmen to Washington who do not support a human life amendment. The establishment of Congressional District Action Committees nationwide is necessary, Cox charged, because Congress is not organized to deal with principles and ideals. Congress, however, does react to and is influenced by well-organized, effective in­ terest and lobbying groups such as labor unions. Common Cause, or the Chamber of •Commerce, Cox claimed. The pro-life movement, he said, must be organized into an effective campaign to in­ fluence congressional support for an anti­ abortion amendment, “or dissipate into the pages of history.” EXPECT RIDICULE Cox warned that those who join in the campaign should expect to be attacked, and predicted that there will be abuse from those opposed to the work of the ac­ IN FO R M tion committees. (Photo by Mark Kiryluk) Cox urged that the action committees be RECRUIT organized as soon as possible, and no later Archbishop Greets Senior Citizens than September, so that there will not be O RG ANIZE even one Representative or Senator in the One of the participants at the Fourth Annual Senior celebration. A reception was held afterwards at Citizens’ Mass held Sunday, May 16, at the Cathedral, Dagwell Hall. The Mass, held for seniors of all faiths, (Continued on Page S) greets Archbishop James V. Casey following the was a spiritual observance of the bicentennial. From Catholic High Schools II■ 4 884 Receive Diplomas For Elderty Diplomas are being presented this month to 884 underclassmen will be Friday, May 28, 7:30 p.m, at high school students graduating from the 10 Mullen Gym.) Concelebrants at the Mass will be archdiocesan and private Catholic schools in Denver P'ather James Moran, chaplain, and Monsignor Wil­ and Colorado Springs. liam H. Jones, who will also be the main speaker and See Page 7 Commencement exercise schedules follow: present the diplomas. Valedictorian will be Stephen Benet Mill Academy (Colorado Springs) — 50 A. Adland. Co-salutatorians will be Matt McGuire graduates — Sunday, May 23, 8 p.m., in the school and Charles Baum. auditorium. Mass will be at 10 a.m. Bishop Richard Regis — 141 graduates —- held May 16 at Regis*Col­ C. Hanifen will deliver the commencement address. lege Field House. The principal concelebrant at the Sister .Mary John Thomas, Prioress of Benet Hill Mass was Archbishop James V. Casey. Valedictorian Priory, will present the diplomas. Scholarship stu­ was Joseph A. Ritter and salutatorian, Joseph G. dents and graduates honored will be: Kim Lee , Haubrich. St. Elizabeth’s Casterlin, Linda Gasteiger, Mari Elizabeth Horne St. Andrew — 2 graduates — Thursday, May 20, and Bernadette Malovich. 7:30 p.m., at the Seminary Chapel. Concelebrating Central — 164 graduates — Sunday, May 23, 3 p.m,, the Mass with Father John Bowe, principal and serv­ Center Blessing at the Cathedral. The principal concelebrant and ing his last year at St. Andrew, will be Fathers main speaker will be Bishop (Jeorge R. Evans, who Lawrence Gallegos (rector), Pat Valdez and Mark jWill also confer the diplomas. Valedictorian will be Matson. See Pages 8 and 9 Kathleen Ann Mortensen and salutatorian, Donna St. Mary (Colorado Springs) — 102 graduates — Kay Sandage. Friday. May 21. 7:30 p.m., at Colorado College’s Holy Family — 110 graduates — Sunday, May 23, Shrove Chapel. Mass will be concelebrated by with iviass at 4 p.m. at Holy Family Church. Com­ P'athers Stephen Dunn and Rawley Myers at 9:15 mencement will be at 5:15 p.m. in the auditorium. a m. at St. Mary's Church. Speaker will be Dr. Principal speaker will be James Ernst. Valedic­ Richard Gowen, president of the Metro Area School torian will be Ann Ruebush and salutatorian. Carmen Board. Diplomas will be centered by Andrew Mid- Platovsek. Archbishop James V. Casey will confer dlemist, principal, assisted by Thomas S. McCeney, School’s the diplomas. ^director of admissions and registration. Valedic­ Marycrest — 55 graduates — held Sunday, May 9, torian will be James Krack; salutatorian, Matthew at St. Catherine’s Church. Mass was concelebrated Ashley. Future by f’ather BennettColucci, O.F.M. Cap., Monsignor St. :\lary Academy — 57 graduates — Sunday, May William H. Jones and the Rev. William J. Mooney. 23, 7:30 p.m., at Bonfils Theatre. Father Martin Mar­ Valedictorian and salutatorian were Theresa Scholz quez, C.SS.R., will celebrate the Mass at 10 a.m. at See Page 11 and Seana Daley. the school. Principal speaker will be Father .Mullen — 91 graduates — Sunday, May 30, 3 p.m., Sherwood T. Boian, S.J. Diplomas will be presented at All Saints Church. '( Awards night for seniors'and toy-Sister-Helen Sanders, S.L. A R C H B IS H O P ’S O FFIC E 938 Bannock Street PASTORAL BULLETIN D enver, C O 80204 ADDITIONAL RETREAT FOR ARCHDIOCESAN Father Vincent Hovley, S.J. will direct the June PRIESTS retreat, and along with Father Edward Kinerk, S.J., will At the request of several priests in the Archdiocese, an also conduct the retreats in September. additional retreat is being scheduled this year on June 14 to PRIESTHOOD ORDINATION Official 17. The three regular retreats for the Archdiocesan Clergy The three seminary deacons who will be ordained to will be held on September 6 to 9, 13 to 16, and 20 to 23. All the priesthood invite the priests of the Archdiocese to their APPOINTMENTS Diocesan Priests are expected to make one of these ordination at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception The Most Reverend George R. Evans, to be Pastor retreats, or to write the Archbishop for special considera­ on Saturday, June 5,10:30 A.M. ot St. Rose of Lima Church, Denver. tion. Their individual Masses of Thanksgiving will be of­ Rev. Msgr. Robert F. Hoffman, to be Pastor of This year. Sacred Heart Retreat House has asked that fered on Sunday, June 6, at the following times and places: Christ the King Church, Evergreen. all scheduling and payment for retreats be handled by the Reverend Sam Aquila, All Saints Church. 12:00 P.M. Reverend Leo M. Blach, to be Pastor of St. Mary’s Office of the Vicar for Priestly Personnel. Accordingly, Reverend Jaime Moreno, Holy Ghost Church, 10:00 Church, Brush. please indicate to Father Horrigan by letter or telephone A.M. Reverend Patrick V. Sullivan, to be Pastor of St. call the retreat of your preference, and send a check made Reverend Tim Sauer, St. Thomas Seminary Chapel, Anthony of Padua Church, Denver. out to The Archdiocese of Denver for $60.00 in advance of 2:00 P.M. Reverend John F. Dold, to be Assistant Pastor of the retreat that you intend to make. Requests for the June Sincerely yours in Christ, St. Rose of Lima Church, Denver. retreat should be in Father Horrigan’s office no later than Edward M. Hoffmann Reverend Kevin C. Thissen, O.P., to be Pastor of June 1. Vice Chancellor St. Dominic Parish, Denver. Reverend Michael A. Winkels, O.P., to be As­ Episcopal, Roman Catholic Clergy Told sociate Pastor of St. Dominic Parish, Denver. ARCHBISHOP JAMES V. CASEY Friday. May 21, 7:00 p.m. — Denver, St. Unity Is Christian’s Vocation Catherine's Church, Planning Committee of District • B " Meeting. Unity is “our vocation as Roman Catholic priests May Christ . to the mission of Father Ryan — active in the Sunday. May 23, 10:30 a.m. — Denver, 10:30 Com­ Christians,” Episcopal 14. reconciliation . and we commissions — said that the munity. Concelebrated Mass, Confirmation, Pastoral Bishop Arthur A. Vogel of Bishop Vogel told the cannot do this if we are not talks had been taking place Visit. Missouri told an ecumenical meeting that Christians are reconciled.” in th6 context of the Sunday. May 23, 2:00 p.m. — Denver, St. meeting of Episcopal and “called to the mission of Bishop Vogel and Jesuit Eucharist. Elizabeth s Center, Blessing of the new Facility. Father Herbert Ryan, as­ Bishop Vogel explained Sunday, May 23 , 5:00 p.m. — Denver, Holy Family sociate professor of that the group recognized High School Graduation Exercises. The Denver Catholic Register historical theology at Loyola “the Eucharist as a cause as Marymount University of well as a sign of unity.” The BISHOP GEORGE R. EVANS The Most Reverend James V.
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