<p> MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING Mauston Board of Education</p><p>DATE: April 21, 2014 TIME: 7:00 P.M. PLACE: District Administrative Office 510 Grayside Avenue, Mauston WI 53948</p><p>MEMBERS PRESENT: Buss, Rogers, Kryka, Fox, Vinopal, Berkos MEMBERS ABSENT: Zilisch</p><p>1. Board Chair Carrie Buss called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll call of members was taken; six members were present.</p><p>2. Mrs. Buss led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.</p><p>PUBLIC COMMENTS:</p><p>3. Angela Locken addressed the Board, asking them not to cut core elementary teacher positions. 4. Dave Klicko addressed the Board concerning the possibility of closing Lyndon Station Elementary School. He asked the Board to keep Lyndon Station open, because closing that school would have an adverse effect on the community.</p><p>REPORTS:</p><p>5. Mauston High School FFA: Amber Bellows reported on the new officers who have been elected to serve next year for FFA. </p><p>6. Superintendent’s Report: Superintendent Christine M. Weymouth noted that Mr. Zilisch will be recognized for his service to the Board at the May Board meeting. She reminded the Board that Saturday, May 3 is the day for the Spring WASB Academy. Dr. Weymouth also noted that Lynda Vinopal has volunteered to serve as the Board’s delegate to the annual CESA 5 Convention. She reminded the Board of upcoming Board meetings on May 5 (Special), May 12 (Special) and May 19 (Regular).</p><p>CONSENT AGENDA:</p><p>7. Motion by Berkos/Vinopal to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried 6/0, whereby the following items were approved:</p><p> a. Minutes of the March 17, 2014 Regular School Board Meeting b. Minutes of the April 8, 2014 Special School Board Meeting</p><p>8. Payment of monthly district vouchers totaling $1,171,926.13.</p><p>PENDING ACTION:</p><p>9. Board Clerk RJ Rogers administered the Official Oath of Office to the four Board members who were elected at the April 1, 2014 Spring School Board Election: Carrie Buss, Lynda Vinopal, Dan Berkos and Pam Holmes.</p><p>10. Motion by Buss/Kryka to accept the resignation of School District Nurse Julie Goers. The Board thanked Mrs. Goers for her service to the district. Motion carried 6/0.</p><p>11. Motion by Vinopal/Fox to accept the donation of ten iPAD Minis from the West Side/Grayside PTC (Parents & Teachers for Children), to be used in the 4K program at West Side Elementary School in the </p><p>Minutes of the Special School Board Meeting Page 1 of 7 4K classrooms. The devices are valued at $2,790.00. The Board expressed appreciation to the PTC for their generous donation. Motion carried 6/0.</p><p>12. Motion by Vinopal/Fox to accept the donation of a two-ton hoist valued at 4300 from Mr. Paul Rieder of Albany, WI to the Mauston High School Agriculture Department. The Board expressed appreciation to Mr. Rieder for the donation. Following discussion, the motion carried 6/0.</p><p>13. Motion by Vinopal/fox to accept the donation of $312.00 toward the purchase of a security camera for the front entrance at Lyndon Station Elementary from three local businesses in Lyndon Station that partnered to donate 10% of their sales on a given day toward the purchase of the camera. Businesses who participated were Martha’s Lyndo Inn, Swagger Inn and Miller’s General Store, all of Lyndon Station. The Board expressed appreciation for the donation. Motion carried 6/0.</p><p>14. Motion by Vinopal/Kryka to approve the CESA 5 Contract for 2014-2015, as presented (Ref. Exhibit #1/File). Following discussion, the motion carried 6/0.</p><p>15. Motion by Vinopal/Rogers to approve the Statement of Intent for Mauston High School to participate in the Wisconsin Global Education Achievement Certificate Program (Ref. Exhibit #2/File). Mr. Dillin explained the benefits of participating in this program for Mauston students. Following discussion, the motion carried.</p><p>16. Motion by Fox/Kryka to approve the addition of two courses to the summer school program at Mauston High School. Mr. Dillin explained that one class will be taught by Mrs. Joanne Casey, and one will be taught by Mrs. Rachel Tambornino. Both courses will focus on student needs in the areas of math, reading, and completion of the ROADS alternative learning program. Following discussion, the motion carried 6/0.</p><p>17. Motion by Berkos/Kryka to approve a Resolution of Support for Mauston School District’s application for a Wisconsin Instrumentality Charter School Grant (Ref. Exhibit #3/File). If awarded, the grant would total $150,000 per year for three years, which would be used for the purpose of planning and opening a Charter (Montessori concept) school at the Lyndon Station Elementary School facility. Following discussion, the motion carried 6/0.</p><p>18. The Board reviewed the Budget Planning Worksheet for 2014-2015, as presented (Ref. Exhibit #4/File). Superintendent Weymouth explained that a final decision on the proposed budget reductions and additions includes a question related to the amount the Board may approve for payment of longevity increases for support staff members ($.40/hr or $.45/hr). Support staff had requested an increase from $.40 to $.45. Motion by Berkos/Kryka to approve a longevity increase of $.40/hr for support staff for the 2014-2015 school year. Following discussion, the motion carried.</p><p>19. Motion by Berkos/Vinopal to approve the Budget Reductions and Additions for the 2014-2015 school year, as proposed by administration, and reflecting a $.40/hr. increase in longevity pay for support staff as previously approved by Board action. The Board discussed the proposed reduction of teacher positions, related to declining student enrollment. There was also discussion related to the proposal to approve district financial support for the Mauston High School soccer program ($20,000) for the 2014-2015 school year. Following discussion a roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried 5/1 (Approved: Fox, Vinopal, Rogers, Berkos, Buss; Opposed: Kryka). </p><p>20. Motion by Fox/Vinopal to approve the base wage salary increase of 2.07% for the Mauston School District teaching staff for the 2013-2014 school year ($735.00 per teacher). Following discussion, the motion carried 6/0.</p><p>21. Motion by Kryka/Vinopal to adjourn to Executive (Closed) Session in compliance with State Statute (19.85(1)(c) “Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility; and (f) </p><p>Minutes of the Special School Board Meeting Page 2 of 7 “Considering financial, medical, social or personal histories or disciplinary data of specific persons, … which, if discussed in public would be likely to have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person referred to in such histories or data…” [Discuss Superintendent’s goals and evaluation for 2013-14; review teacher evaluation Information and teacher contracts; discuss base wage salary increases for selected district employees; review proposed employment contract for high school assistant principal]. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried 6/0. The meeting adjourned to closed session at 8:10 p.m.</p><p>22. The meeting reconvened in open session at 9:17 p.m.</p><p>23. The Board Chairperson reported the following actions taken in closed session, to wit, “Board Action was taken in closed session to issue Preliminary Notices of the Board’s Intent to Consider the Non-Renewal of the teaching contracts for three staff members.” </p><p>24. Motion by Berkos/Vinopal to adjourn at 9:18 p.m. Motion carried 6/0.</p><p>MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL SCHOOL BOARD MEETING Mauston Board of Education</p><p>DATE: Monday, May 5, 2014 TIME: 6:00 P.M. PLACE: District Administrative Office (Training Room) 510 Grayside Avenue, Mauston WI 53948</p><p>MEMBERS PRESENT: Buss, Rogers, Vinopal, Berkos, Holmes MEMBERS ABSENT: Kryka, Fox</p><p>1. Following a site visit to Olson Middle School by members of the Board and administration, Board Vice- President Carrie Buss called the Special Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Five Board members responded to roll call.</p><p>2. Motion by Vinopal/Berkos to adjourn to Executive/Closed Session in compliance with Wisconsin Statute 19.85(1)(c), “Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.” [Consider proposed employment contract for high school assistant principal]. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried 5/0. The meeting adjourned to closed session at 7:03 p.m.</p><p>3. The meeting reconvened in open session at 7:30 p.m. Motion by Rogers/Berkos to offer an administrative contract to Joel Heesch, to serve as Mauston High School Assistant Principal. The motion carried 5/0.</p><p>4. Superintendent Christine Weymouth reminded the Board that graduation exercises will be held at Mauston High School on Sunday, June 1. All Board members are urged to attend, if possible; and Dr. Weymouth asked the members to let her know if they will be able to participate. Dr. Weymouth also noted that there will be a Special Board Meeting held on Monday, May 12, beginning at 7:30 p.m., for the purpose of Board reorganization, and presentation of the proposed Teacher Compensation Model.</p><p>5. The Board members and Bray Architects representatives Clint Selle and Matt Wolfert continued to review building reconfiguration options, as part of its ongoing study of district facilities (Ref. Exhibit #1/District File; Options 5, 6 and 8).</p><p>6. Discussion on reconfigured Grayside Elementary - Option #5 included, in part, the following points:</p><p>Minutes of the Special School Board Meeting Page 3 of 7 a. Library/Media Center moved back to center of the proposed reconfiguration of the Grayside Elementary building, per request at previous meeting. b. Moving five grades to the Grayside means district office space would be repurposed for classroom space. c. No space available in this option for flexible classroom space; d. Building storage moved to behind the stage area. e. Kitchen space would be expanded to accommodate larger student population. f. Mr. Selle noted that the art and music rooms encompass larger spaces than are probably needed; however, the location of these rooms behind the boiler room does not lend itself to either classroom space or kitchen expansion.</p><p>7. Discussion on reconfigured Olson Middle School Option #5 included the following discussion points:</p><p> a. District Office and Board Room spaces moved to OMS to accommodate five grades at Grayside. b. Kitchen area expanded; existing music area becomes district storage. c. Existing instrumental music area becomes shared vocal/band room. d. Three grades in this building configuration (Grades 4-6) result in several spaces available for flexible classroom space. e. Existing art room shown as moved to south side of building, adjacent along outside wall to the library/media center. f. Questions were raised about this building being suitable for smaller children (i.e., steps, etc.) – Bray said stairways could be enclosed.</p><p>8. Discussion on reconfigured Mauston High School, Option #5 (to include grades 7 and 8) included the following points:</p><p> a. Most classrooms for Gr. 7-8 would be on second level of existing A-Wing; with Grades 7 and 8 using science labs on the first floor A-Wing as well. b. Should Grades 7-8 have a “separate” entrance? Consensus was that all students eat breakfast in the commons and travel through the building to use gymnasium, music and art space – so a separate entrance is probably not needed.</p><p>9. The Board continued discussion about building reconfiguration options. Discussion on reconfigured Grayside Elementary School, Option #6 (to include PreK, Early Childhood and Grades 1 and 2) included the following points:</p><p> a. Noted that Option 6 allows for more flexible classroom space. b. Library is moved back to central area of the building. c. District Office spaces remain intact. d. Teaching and Learning Department retains office and training space. e. Noted addition of School Psychologist office space.</p><p>10. The Board’s review of existing Olson Middle School – Reconfiguration Option 6 (to include grades 3-6), included the following discussion points:</p><p> a. Existing technology education space redesigned to house IT Office and workspace, plus a flexible instruction room. b. Band and Vocal Music share space in existing band room. c. Existing Vocal Music room becomes district storage. d. Building Receiving area replaces current art instructional space, which moves to the south side of the building, adjacent to the library media center. e. Some discussion was given to use of current auditorium space.</p><p>Minutes of the Special School Board Meeting Page 4 of 7 f. Four grades in building (as opposed to three grades in option 5) appears to be more efficient use of building space.</p><p>11. The Board briefly reviewed Reconfiguration Option #8, which included the possibility of a building addition for Kindergarten to be housed at Grayside, and which resulted in Grayside being a PreK-Grade 4 building; OMS being a Grades 5-7 building and only grade 8 moving to the high school building. Discussion on this option included the following items noted:</p><p> a. In Option #8, District Office space would be moved to Olson Middle School. b. Construction of a Kindergarten wing would include additional bathrooms for that age group. c. Library/Media Center stays in the center of the building. d. Teaching & Learning moves out of Grayside, possibly to Olson Middle School? e. Kitchen would be enlarged. f. District Storage moved to area behind existing small stage at Grayside.</p><p>12. There was general consensus by the Board that Option #8 would not be feasible, in part because it involves new construction, while leaving parts of the existing Grayside Avenue campus buildings under- utilized.</p><p>13. After reviewing all the reconfiguration schematics, Bray Architects presented initial budget estimate documents to the Board, and discussed the potential costs of each option (Ref. Exhibit 3/District File). The Board discussed the impact of future borrowing on the district’s mill rate, in view of the pay-off schedule for current debt. </p><p>14. Of the Board members present, there was general consensus favoring Option #6, which moves toward the closing of West Side Elementary School (and/or Lyndon Station, depending on the outcome of pending grant for charter school funds); the reconfiguration of Grayside Elementary School to an EC/PreK through Grade 2 building; the reconfiguration of Olson Middle School to a Grades 3-6 intermediate elementary building; and moving grades 7 and 8 to the high school building. Board member comments and discussion points included the following:</p><p> a. General favor toward keeping grades 7 and 8 together. b. By closing two buildings and moving 400 plus students, are we maxing out the building capacities, and leaving no room for growth? c. The existing middle school was originally designed for high school students. Can it feasibly be redesigned and remodeled to accommodate much smaller children? (for example, can the stairs be enclosed for safety?). d. Leaving district office where it is may make more sense than moving it. e. A significant addition to the buildings may not be advisable, due to some existing perceptions that the high school was overbuilt in size.</p><p>15. Mr. Wolfert reviewed the scheduling of possible referendum dates for 2014-2015. The Board reviewed possible dates for future meetings, and scheduled four special meetings at which it will discuss Option #6 in more detail, including more costing information; potential construction schedules; and a referendum communication plan. The Board scheduled special meetings to be held on four Mondays: June 2, June 23, July 7 and July 28 (with Tuesday, July 22 as a possible alternative meeting date).</p><p>16. Motion by Holmes/Berkos to adjourn at 9:00 p.m. Motion carried 5/0.</p><p>MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL SCHOOL BOARD MEETING Mauston Board of Education</p><p>DATE: Monday, May 12, 2014</p><p>Minutes of the Special School Board Meeting Page 5 of 7 TIME: 7:30 P.M. PLACE: District Administrative Office (Training Room) 510 Grayside Avenue, Mauston WI 53948</p><p>MEMBERS PRESENT: Buss, Rogers, Kryka, Fox Vinopal, Berkos, Holmes MEMBERS ABSENT: None</p><p>1. Board Vice President Carrie Buss called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Seven members responded to roll call.</p><p>2. Mrs. Buss turned the meeting over to Superintendent Christine M. Weymouth, who conducted the election of the Board President for the 2014-2015 school year.</p><p>3. Election of the Board President: Superintendent Christine M. Weymouth opened the floor for nominations for Board President. Carrie Buss was nominated to serve as Board President by Brian Fox. Motion by Berkos/Kryka to close nominations, and elect Carrie Buss to serve as Board President for the 2014-2015 school year. Motion carried 7/0. </p><p>4. Election of the Board Vice-President: President Carrie Buss opened the floor for nominations for the office of Board Vice-President. Betty Kryka was nominated by Brian Fox to serve as Vice-President of the Board for the 2014-15 school year. Motion by Vinopal/Berkos to close nominations and cast a unanimous ballot to elect Betty Kryka to serve as Vice President of the Board of Education for the 2014-2015 school year. Motion carried 7/0.</p><p>5. Election of the Board Clerk: RJ Rogers was nominated to serve as Board Clerk by Brian Fox. Motion by Berkos/Vinopal to close nominations; motion carried 7/0. Motion by Kryka/Holmes to cast a unanimous ballot to elect RJ Rogers to serve as Board Clerk for the 2014-2015 school year. Motion carried 7/0.</p><p>6. Election of the Board Treasurer: Brian Fox was nominated to serve as Board Treasurer by RJ Rogers. Motion by Vinopal/Kryka to close nominations; motion carried 7/0. Motion by Berkos/Vinopal to cast a unanimous ballot to elect Brian Fox to serve as Board Treasurer for the 2014-2015 school year. Motion carried 7/0.</p><p>7. The Board discussed Standing Committees for the coming year. Mrs. Buss asked the Board to contact her if they have preferences for serving on particular committees. Committees will be finalized before the May 19, 2014 Regular School Board Meeting.</p><p>8. The board discussed the appointment of a member to serve as official delegate to the 2015 Wisconsin (WASB) Education Convention. President Buss asked the members to contact her if they are interested in serving as the Board’s delegate to the 2015 Convention.</p><p>9. Motion by Kryka/Fox to designate the Juneau County Star-Times newspaper as the official newspaper of the district, (for the purpose of publishing legal notices and board minutes). Motion carried 7/0.</p><p>10. Motion by Rogers/Kryka to name the Bank of Mauston as the official depository for school district funds. Motion carried 7/0.</p><p>11. Motion by Berkos/Vinopal to designate the law firm of Curran, Hollenbeck and Orton to serve as the primary legal counsel for the school district of Mauston. Following discussion, the motion carried 7/0.</p><p>12. The Board heard a presentation by members of the district’s administration and teaching staff regarding the proposed Teacher Compensation Model for the School District of Mauston (Ref. Exhibit #1/District File).</p><p>Minutes of the Special School Board Meeting Page 6 of 7 13. Dr. Weymouth summarized the background of the district’s study of teacher compensation, including discussions held by an initial team composed of 10 teachers, three administrators and three Board members and the Superintendent (Ref. Teacher Compensation Model/Exhibit #1/District File).</p><p>14. Mark Dahlke and Jennifer LaChappelle, Mauston teachers who worked on the Teacher Compensation Team commented concerning the project, and shared their perspectives on the drafted model. </p><p>15. The Board members discussed the model as presented and asked questions related to the proposals and regarding several facets of the plan, including in part: the proposed partial remedy for staff whose compensation was negatively affected over time by changes in the previous salary schedule (Ref. Exhibit #3/District File); the implementation and pay schedule for completion of the teacher portfolio rotation, as detailed in Feature III (Ref. Exhibit #2/District File); base pay compensation for staff who earn advanced degrees; elimination of reimbursement for graduate credits; and proposed supplemental pay for innovative supplemental pay; and compensation for approved professional development. </p><p>16. There was consensus to bring Feature I (equity compensation) back to the full Board for consideration at the May 19, 2014 Regular School Board Meeting.</p><p>17. Dr. Weymouth indicated that the Teacher Compensation Team will meet again to work on additional details regarding innovative supplemental pay and professional development compensation; as well as to address questions and/or concerns about other features of the proposed model, including sustainability and timing for supplemental pay based on completion of the portfolio rotation.</p><p>18. Motion by Rogers/Vinopal to adjourn to Executive/Closed Session in compliance with State Statute (19.85(1)(c) “Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.” (Consideration of non-renewal of teacher contracts). A roll call vote was taken; and the motion carried 7/0.</p><p>19. The meeting reconvened in open session at 9:11 p.m.</p><p>20. Motion by Kryka/Berkos to non-renew the individual teaching contract for Emily Seigworth, first grade teacher at West Side Elementary School. Motion carried 7/0.</p><p>21. Motion by Rogers/Vinopal to non-renew the individual teaching contract for Katie Malczewski, fourth grade teacher at Lyndon Station Elementary School. Motion carried 7/0.</p><p>22. Motion by Fox/Berkos to non-renew the individual teaching contract for Laura Koehler, special needs teacher at Grayside Elementary School. Motion carried 7/0.</p><p>23. Motion by Berkos/Holmes to adjourn at 9:14 p.m. Motion carried 7/0 and the meeting adjourned.</p><p>Recorded by: Melodye Jones, Recording Secretary; and RJ Rogers, Board Clerk</p><p>Minutes of the Special School Board Meeting Page 7 of 7</p>
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