Social-Emotional Scale Items

Social-Emotional Scale Items

<p> SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL SCALE ITEMS</p><p>1. POSITIVE PHYSICAL CONTACTS Often------Seldom</p><p>2. NEGATIVE PHYSICAL CONTACTS Often------Seldom</p><p>3. SENSE OF SECURITY Strong------Weak</p><p>4. FEARFULNESS Strong------Weak List fears:</p><p>5. NEED FOR APPROVAL Strong------Weak</p><p>6. FAILURE/FRUSTRATION Handles well------Very upsetting</p><p>7. SELF-ESTEEM Strong------Weak</p><p>8. DECISION MAKING Mostly independent------Wants others' input</p><p>9. LEADERSHIP Leads------Follows TEMPERAMENT SCALE</p><p>1. ACTIVITY LEVEL Is awake, alert, active, a greater portion of day-time hours; may also be awake ------for longer periods during the night.</p><p>2. QUALITY OF MOOD Upbeat, generally happy with life. ------Smiles frequently and easily.</p><p>3. RHYTHMICITY Has consistent rhythms observable in eating, sleeping, active and quiet ------periods of behavior.</p><p>4. ATTENTION SPAN /DISTRACTIBILITY Is interested for long periods. Is not ------easily distracted.</p><p>5. APPROACH/WITHDRAWAL Plungers Actively involved in relating to people, events, materials. Often elects to be ------with people.</p><p>6. ADAPTABILITY Adjusts with minimal distress to changes in routines; adapts easily to the ------new situation. Appears to be passively awake, quietly resting or asleep for a greater portion of day-time and night-time hours.</p><p>Often seems like nothing is right, everything is a source of complaint.</p><p>Arhythmical, sleeps, eats, is active or quiet at varying, unpredictable times.</p><p>Is interested for very short periods. Is easily distracted.</p><p>Sideliners Prefers to observe for period before becoming involved. May withdraw or elect solitary activity in preference to people.</p><p>Highly distressed by any interruption in usual sequence of events. Much fretting and restlessness during change. 7. SESITIVITY/THRESHOLD OF RESPONSIVENESS A. Highly tuned sensed ------A. Low tuned senses or repeated ------stimulus to elicit responses. B. Responds quickly to attention B. Appears to need much given. ------"coaxing". C. Likes lots of cuddling and C. Prefers distance and minimal touching. touching.</p><p>8. INTENSITY OF REACTION Energetically moves arms, legs, head ------Shows mild response and some body and body in response to most stimulus; movements when stimulus occurs. reacts with entire body intense energy Gives subdued cues when distressed. to discomfort, distress.</p><p>9. COMMUNICATION Gives easily recognizable clues as to ------Needs are not easily recognized nor own needs and wants. Responds indicated with consistent cues. May or enthusiastically when needs are met. may not show enthusiasm when needs met. 10. AUTONOMY Attempts to meet own wants, needs ------Passively waits for needs to be met or with some sense of independence and becomes angered; little attempt to meet self-reliance. own needs. g g d e n SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL 1 n i i r e p g t r o s l e a e m v M e E D</p><p>Expresses emotions (smiles, cries, startle response…) Quiets when held or other needs are met Smiles in response to attention Seeks and maintains eye contact Explores features of a familiar person Reaches for a familiar person Separates easily from parent to known adult Discriminates strangers Vocalizes in response to attention Vocalizes to gain attention Smiles and vocalizes to mirror image Responds to own name Shows recognition of others' names Plays alone contently near an adult Imitates an adult (waving, pat-a-cake…) Repeats actions that produce attention Hands book or toy to an adult to read or share Takes part in a game for two (give-and-take, peed-a-boo…) Imitates another child g d g e n SOCIAL-EMOTIONS 1 (continued) n i r i e p g t r o s l e e M m v e E D</p><p>Shows beginning discrimination between appropriate and inappropriate behaviors Imitates caring or empathetic behaviors</p><p>Behaviors of special concern: g d g e n SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL 2 n i r i e p g t r o s l e a e m v M e E D</p><p>Shows emotional responses that are appropriate to the situations causing them Is able to be distracted, calmed, or reassured when emotionally upset Shows understanding of names of basic emotions (happy, mad, sad, scared) with facial expressions or body gestures Expresses emotions in non-hurtful ways Expresses emotions with dolls or toys Solicits adult help when angry, frustrated or fearful Shows awareness of emotions in others with verbal labeling or empathetic behavior Separates, as a toddler, from parent to known adult Appears comfortable with other adults in the room Moves through daily transitions with minimum difficulty Shows recognition of peer and adult names Identifies self in mirror Refers to self by name Uses "my " to show identity and ownership Watches other children play (Primary On-Looker Play) Independently chooses a toy and plays alone (Solitary Play) Plays alongside children but is primarily interested in own activity (Parallel Play) g d g e n SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL 3 n i r i e p g t r o s l e a e m v M e E D</p><p>Verbalizes basic feeling using names (happy, sad, mad, scared) Refrains from hurtful behaviors Requests adult intervention when words are not working with peers Makes appropriate requests for help, reassurance, and affection Knows own sex Enters activities easily and independently Adjusts to changes in the daily routine Accepts directions and redirections from adults Is able to take turns Shows understanding of ownership of others Is able to protect own body, space, materials, toys, etc., in socially acceptable ways Plays around other children in a common theme (Cooperative Play) Takes on roles in dramatic play, primarily alone (Role Play) Participates in group role playing in a common dramatic activity (Socio-Dramatic Play) Shows caregiving behavior to plants and animals</p><p>Behaviors of special concern: g d g e n SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL 4 n i r i e p g t r o s l e a e m v M e E D</p><p>Uses emotional vocabulary beyond the 4 basic names (happy, sad, mad, scared) Uses words to express feelings Uses words to solve social-emotional problems Shows awareness that words can be hurtful Avoids situations that could lead to hurtful behaviors Shows sensitivity toward others (takes their thoughts, feelings and behaviors into account) Shows awareness of group members' absences Shows awareness of differences (culture, race, gender, abilities…) Takes on same sex role in role-playing Makes play decisions free of sexual stereotypes Seeks attention from others in productive ways Is accepted by peers Has special friends Offers to help Accepts help from others</p><p>Behaviors of special concern: g d g e n SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL 5 n i r i e p g t r o s l e a e m v M e E D</p><p>Uses emotional vocabulary of at least 10 words Refrains from hurtful behaviors including words Engages in cooperative play involving group decisions, role assignments, fair play Plays games using rules agreed upon by the players Handles winning and losing appropriately Suggests sharing and taking turns Demonstrates conflict-resolution skills Helps peers resolve conflicts Observes classroom and yard rules Shows understanding of difference between real and pretend Show tolerance and respect for differences (culture, race, gender, abilities…) Takes responsibility for classroom tasks Remembers to care for plants and animals</p><p>Behaviors of special concern: g d g e n GROSS MOTOR 1 n i r i e p g t r o s l e a e m v M e E D</p><p>Lifts head when held at shoulder Supports head and chest while on stomach Moves head from side to side and up and down while on stomach Holds head and chest erect Rolls from stomach to back Turns from back to stomach Pulls to sitting position, grasping adult's fingers Sits propped with support of pillows Maintains sitting position Moves from stomach to sitting position Swipes at objects Reaches for object with both hands Grasps object with one hand and holds for at least 1 minute Crawls on belly, using arms to pull body forward Turns to hands and knees from sitting position Rocks back and forth on hands and knees Creeps, using alternating hands and knees motion Creeps upstairs Creeps downstairs, feet first, on stomach Stands with support Bounces up and down in standing position with support Pulls self to standing position Lowers self from standing to sitting position Moves from sitting to standing position without support Seats self in chair Side-steps around furniture g d g e n GROSS MOTOR 1 (cont.) n i r i e p g t r o s l e a e m v M e E D</p><p>Stands alone for 1 minute Takes a few steps without support Walks independently Pushes toy while walking Pulls toy while walking Walks backwards Walks upstairs/downstairs with help Runs Takes a few alternating steps on a 12" balance beam Squats and returns to standing position Bends at waist to pick up object without falling Climbs into adult chair, turns, and sits Climbs up stairs and goes down slide Uses rocking horse or rocking chair Rides small riding toys Rolls a ball Kicks a large stationary ball Is comfortable with swinging</p><p>Comments: g d g e n GROSS MOTOR 2 n i r i e p g t r o s l e a e m v M e E D</p><p>Points to head, tummy, back, hand and foot, when asked Walks upstairs/downstairs alternating feet Walks sideways Walks on tiptoes Walks between 2 lines 12" apart Walks sideways on 6" balance beam Walks forward on 6" balance beam Marches to music Rises to standing from supine or prone position Climbs up and down 8" step Runs 6 steps Jumps from height of 2" with feet together Jumps from height with 6" with feet together Jumps in place with both feet off the floor Rolls down hill Rolls on flat surface Goes down 4'-high slide Throws ball into basket on floor Kicks ball when rolled to him/her</p><p>Comments: g d g e n GROSS MOTOR 3 n i r i e p g t r o s l e a e m v M e E D</p><p>Points to neck, chest, arm, and leg when asked Is aware of body in space Walks upstairs/downstairs alternating feet without help Walks forward on a line 6" wide Walks forward on a 2" balance beam Balances on 1 foot with help Hops on one foot (L/R) Broadjumps forward on two feet Jumps from a height of 1-1/2' Runs 10 steps with alternating arm movements Runs changing direction Pedals riding toys Rolls 8" ball to a target Throws a ball overhand Pitches a ball underhand Throws a ball into a hoop, equal to or above head Moves through obstacle course Somersaults forward with assistance Swings a bat Catches 4" ball with 2 hands Pantomimes movements Gallops Skips Hangs from overhead bars</p><p>Comments: g d g e n GROSS MOTOR 4 n i r i e p g t r o s l e a e m v M e E D</p><p>Points to a shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, ankle, and waist when asked Walks on tiptoe changing direction Balances on one foot (R/L) Walks backwards on 6" balance beam Jumps backwards Hops on two feet for 5' Hops on 1 foot for 5' Gallops to a rhythm Skips to a rhythm Somersaults forward 2 or more times Raises legs 1' for 5 seconds when lying on back Climbs a 5' ladder Jumps from a height of 2' Pumps swing from stationary point Pedals and steers big wheel Pedals and steers tricycle Maneuvers scooter Bounces 8" ball with 2 hands Bounces 8" ball with 1 hand Pulls self up on overhead bars Completes push-up with bent knees Goes down firepole unassisted Goes down 6' high slide</p><p>Comments: g d g e n GROSS MOTOR 5 n i r i e p g t r o s l e a e m v M e E D</p><p>Names body parts when pointed to: head, neck, shoulder, arm, elbow, wrist, hand, chest, waist, tummy, back, hips, leg, knee, ankle, foot Rolls 4" ball to target Catches a 4" ball with 1 hand Bounces a 4" ball with 1 hand Kicks a moving ball while running in the same direction Dribbles soccer ball, stopping ball and changing direction Bounces basketball with one hand Throws a football Jumps large rope held by two people Jumps individual rope Maneuvers hula hoop Completes 3 jumping jacks Somersaults backwards Completes a headstand Completes a cartwheel Moves from bar to bar on overhead bars (at least 3, alternating arms) Completes push-up with straight knee Participates in organized games</p><p>Comments: g d g e n FINE MOTOR 1 n i r i e p g t r o s l e a e m v M e E D</p><p>Follows moving object horizontally, vertically, and through most of a circle Reaches for an object Uses grasp reflex Uses palmar grasp Transfers toy from hand to hand Uses neat pincer grasp Turns page of cardboard book Builds 2 cube tower Places 1 peg in peg board Turns knob handle Points with index finger</p><p>Comments: g d g e n FINE MOTOR 2 n i r i e p g t r o s l e a e m v M e E D</p><p>Places 6 large pegs pegboard Strings 3 1" beads Puts tiny object into small container (cheerio or raisin) Builds 6 cube tower Imitates a 3 block train with cubes Stays on large paper while scribbling Holds large crayons/markers with thumb and finger Imitates horizontal, vertical, circular strokes Nests 4 cups in order Works puzzle with 8 pieces Takes apart and puts together snap toys and pop-beads Folds paper Molds and stretches playdough Puts clothes pin on edge of box Turns pages of book</p><p>Comments: g d g e n FINE MOTOR 3 n i r i e p g t r o s l e a e m v M e E D</p><p>Handedness established, R or L or appears ambidextrous Uses pincer grasp Controls thin crayons/markers Initiates horizontal, vertical, and circular strokes Draws intersecting lines Builds tower using 9 cubes Stacks 5 rings in order Places 5 square pegs in a pegboard Constructs with a variety of manipulatives Demonstrates manual dexterity with puzzle pieces Screws and unscrews (jar lids, bolts and screws, etc.) Strings 3 1/2" beads Puts clothes pin on line by squeezing Transfers glue or paint to paper with brush or spreader Uses glue to glue objects Moves felt pieces on flannel board Builds with unit blocks Tears paper in strips Unbuttons large buttons</p><p>Comments: g d g e n FINE MOTOR 4 n i r i e p g t r o s l e a e m v M e E D</p><p>Controls thin paint brush Draws face (eyes, nose, mouth) Draws recognizable shapes Writes name Uses knife for spreading Uses knife for cutting Uses scissors with proper hand placement Cuts a 4-6" strip Cuts on a curve Turns faucet on/off Shapes clay Controls glue (squeeze bottle) Appears to focus near/far Uses cooking tools appropriately and effectively Uses carpentry tools appropriately and effectively</p><p>Comments: g d g e n FINE MOTOR 5 n i r i e p g t r o s l e a e m v M e E D</p><p>Uses scissors in a controlled way Controls stencil when tracing Copies or forms most letters and numerals Prints own name Prints own name or word on a line no larger than 1/2"</p><p>Comments: g d g e n COGNITIVE 1 n i r i e p g t r o s l e a e m v M e E D</p><p>Mouths objects Localized tactile stimulation by touching the same spot or searching for object that touched body Looks to floor when something falls Turns to find hidden sound Shakes & bangs object to make sounds Reacts to extreme sensations (temperature, taste, smell, sound, pressure) Imitates simple action or sound Shows recognition of familiar people Pulls string horizontally to obtain toy Nests 3 cans Does 2 shape puzzle Anticipates with simple cause-effect toys Drops one of two objects when receiving a third object Transfers one object to other hand (two in one) to receive a third object</p><p>Comments: g d g e n COGNITIVE 2 n i r i e p g t r o s l e a e m v M e E D</p><p>Knows where things belong Follows 2 step direction Retrieves object in container (bottle by inverting) Participates in messy activities Matches shapes (circle, square, triangle) Matches colors (red, blue, yellow, orange, green, purple) Recognizes shapes (circle, square, triangle) Recognizes colors (red, blue, yellow, orange, green, purple) Names shapes (circle, square, triangle) Names colors (red, blue, yellow, orange, green, purple) Finds familiar objects when asked Names familiar objects in pictures Finds details in favorite book Names action picture (eating, crying, running…) Recognizes some opposites (wet/dry, open/shut, up/down, full/empty) Attends to an activity for 5 minutes Adds to story being told Imitates your behavior Imitates your behavior Rote counts to 10 Repeats simple nursery rhyme, song fingerplay Understands the concept of 1 and 2 Uses props in play Searches for way to activate unfamiliar toy</p><p>Comments: g d g e n COGNITIVE 3 n i r i e p g t r o s l e a e m v M e E D</p><p>Asks questions Follows 3-step direction Hears and names sounds Knows loud and soft Knows hot and cold Knows soft and hard Knows rough and smooth Knows sweet, sour and salty Matches smells Identifies 3 objects by their use Matches colors (black, white, pink, brown) Recognizes colors (black, white, pink, brown) Names colors (black, white, pink, brown) Names missing object Identifies by feel (without seeing) Classifies by 3 sizes Classifies by function (things that cut, roll…) Completes 15-piece puzzle with guides</p><p>Comments: g d g e n COGNITIVE 4 n i r i e p g t r o s l e a e m v M e E D</p><p>Explores and experiments with materials Completes 15 piece puzzles without guides Matches shapes (rectangle, star, diamond) Recognizes shapes (rectangle, star, diamond) Names shapes (rectangle, star, diamond) Draws representationally Generates more than 1 solution to a problem Sorts by 2 attributes (e.g., color and shape) Sorts by 3 attributes (e.g., color, shape, and size) Understands things can change and still keep identity Distinguishes between real and pretend Sees things from a different perspective Goes from the specific to the general (a spaniel belongs to the family of dogs) Goes from the general to the specific (all fruits have seeds, therefore, and apple is a fruit) Sequences a 5 part story Selects something that does not belong in a set Recognizes relationships (makes analogies) (i.e., cause/effect, part-part, part-whole, sequence, opposites) Recites phone number Recites address Knows age Points to right and left when asked Uses concepts of yesterday, today, and tomorrow Attends to an activity for 10 minutes Discusses ideas that are abstract (beyond concrete) (e.g., what if…, when…)</p><p>Comments: g d g e n COGNITIVE 5 n i r i e p g t r o s l e a e m v M e E D</p><p>Thinks in reverse Completes 30 piece puzzle Tells time on a non-digital (analog) clock Thinks ahead (simple strategy game, supplies needed for project) Remembers 3-step direction Guesses rule for a set Understands overlapping sets Counts to 100 Counts backwards from 10 Recognizes concepts of great than and lesser than Uses single graphs (picture, bar, line) Names money (penny, nickel, dime, quarter, dollar) Divides a whole into fractions when asked (1/2, 1/4) Uses equations signs ( + , - , = ) Writes equations horizontally and vertically Uses ruler as measurement tool Names days of the week Names months of the year Names seasons and characteristics of each Knows birth date</p><p>Comments: g d g e n LANGUAGE 1 n i r i e p g t r o s l e a e m v M e E D</p><p>Responds to voice or sound by turning head or moving eyes and/or limbs Differentiates cries to show pleasure or distress Experiments in vocal play Laughs aloud Becomes partner in conversation when spoken to Babbles (repeats syllable 2 or 3 times) Imitates non-speech sounds (clicks, coughs, etc.) Uses facial expression, eye gaze, vocalization of gestures (pointing, reaching) to communicate Responds to own name Imitates language by repeating sounds, changes pitch and inflection of sounds Uses words instead of vocal noises Performs on verbal cue alone Inhibits activity in response to "NO" Labels 3-4 familiar objects Shows body part, clothing, or toy on request Imitates sounds of animals, vehicles Responds to other people's questions and comments</p><p>Comments: g d g e n LANGUAGE 2 n i r i e p g t r o s l e a e m v M e E D</p><p>Repeats new sounds and simple words Uses 2-word phrases meaningfully Uses verbs that match action Refers to self by name Asks "why" questions Uses time-related words (soon, now , later, after nap) Uses pronouns -- me, you, I Says parts of songs, finger plays, rhymes Takes turns in conversation Initiates conversation Combines 2 words to express possession (my turn, that's mine) Answers yes/no questions Knows names of playmates Uses "no" and "not" in speech Understands spoken directions without visual assistance (such as pointing and other gestures) Uses 3 word sentences Uses 5-6 word sentences Uses regular plural forms</p><p>Comments: g d g n e LANGUAGE 3 n i r i p e g t o r l s e e a v m e M E D</p><p>Identifies sounds Produces most vowel sounds Produces consonants H, M, N, P Articulation is understandable at least 80% of the time Initiates and responds to verbal greetings Answers "who", "where", "what" questions Asks "who", "where", "what" questions Participates in storytelling Recites nursery rhymes, fingers plays, and songs Talks in group situations Talks to self in play Uses language to create fantasies Says full name on request Uses adjectives and adverbs Put 2 sentences together with a conjunction Makes rhyming pairs Uses pronouns Uses possessives ('s or pronouns) Varies tense appropriately (referring to past, present, future) Uses irregular past tense Uses irregular plurals Comments on Receptive (Hearing and Comprehension):</p><p>Comments on Expressive:</p><p>Comments on Expressive [Articulation (substitutions, omissions, …), Grammar, Quality (volume, tone, fluency, …) and Effectiveness]: g d g e n LANGUAGE 4 n i r i e p g t r o s l e a e m v M e E D</p><p>Speaks fluently (minimal stuttering or hesitations) Varies intonation and loudness Uses plural pronouns correctly Uses gender-specific pronouns correctly Uses regular and irregular past tense forms Uses at least 6 prepositions correctly Asks "when" and "how" questions Answers "when" and "why" and "how" questions Tells a story by looking at pictures in a book Relates an experience with some understanding of sequence and closure Creates own story Says alphabet by rote Names upper and lower case letters Knows consonant sounds Writes words and wants words spelled Uses left to right progression in writing Recognizes at least 5 written words Identifies rhyming patterns Identifies initial sounds of words</p><p>Comments: g d g e n LANGUAGE 5 n i r i e p g t r o s l e a e m v M e E D</p><p>Asks the meaning of words and then uses them correctly Sequences a story with 8 parts Puts story in book form Composes a series of 4 rhyming words Identifies beginning, ending, and middle sounds Knows consonant sounds including both "g" and "c" sounds Names vowels as such Knows long vowel sounds Knows short vowel sounds Recognizes at least 20 written words and shows understanding of meaning Sounds out 30letter words Sounds out blends (bl, dr, …) Sounds out digraphs (th, ch, sh, …) Sounds out diphthongs (ou, oy, …) </p><p>Reading ability:</p><p>Comments on Receptive (Hearing and Comprehension):</p><p>Comments on Expressive [Articulation (substitutions, omissions, …), Grammar, Quality (volume, tone, fluency, …), and Effectiveness]: g d g e n SELF HELP 1 n i r i e p g t r o s l e a e m v M e E D</p><p>Holds bottle without help while drinking Drinks from cup held by adult Holds and drinks from sip cup using two hands Holds and drinks from sip cup with one hand Eats strained foods fed by adult Feeds self with fingers Feeds self with spoon Attempts to wash face with wet cloth Takes off shoes when laces are untied and loosened Pulls off socks Settles self to sleep in crib Has one nap</p><p>Comments: g d g e n SELF HELP 2 n i r i e p g t r o s l e a e m v M e E D</p><p>Eats independently with a spoon Drinks from regular cup Washes hands using soap Wipes face and hands using washcloth Gets tissue Blows nose (tissue held by adult) Throws away used tissue Removes shoes Puts on shoes Fastens and unfastens Velcro shoes Takes off simple clothing (pants, sweater, jacket) when unfastened Pushes arms through sleeves, legs through pants Puts on jacket Pulls on pants Puts on socks, aligning heel Zips large zipper without working catch Puts on hat and removes it Sits on toilet or potty Uses words or gestures to indicate need to use toilet Stays dry during nap Settles self to sleep in toddler setting Helps pick up toys when asked Uses adult as a resource to help solve problems</p><p>Comments: g d g e n SELF-HELP 3 n i r i e p g t r o s l e a e m v M e E D</p><p>Discriminates edibles Pours own drink from a small pitcher into a cup Gets own lunchbox Assists teacher in cleaning up after eating Dries hands using paper towels from dispenser Uses foot pedal garbage can Unties bows and unlaces shoes Unbuttons Removes winter clothing (mittens, boots, snowpants) Removes wet swimwear Releases catch on zipper Fastens zipper catch and works zipper Unsnaps fasteners Snaps fasteners Puts clothing in cubby Tells adult when diaper needs changing Uses toilet for urination (less than one accident per week) Uses toilet for bowel movements (less than one accident per week) Has no toileting accidents Naps independently and resettles when awakened Selects individual toy and takes to table or play space Puts toy away after using it Completes a task Uses dust pan and brush Wipes up spills Knows when to ask for help g d g e n SELF HELP 4 n i r i e p g t r o s l e a e m v M e E D</p><p>Opens lunchbox Takes care of own drink needs Uses a fork Spreads with a knife Cleans up after lunch Washes face independently Blows own nose and washes hands Unties knot on shoelace Laces shoes (last few holes) Ties knot on shoelace Ties bow on shoelace Buttons Unbuckles (shoes, belts) Buckles Puts on winter clothes Puts on swimwear Wipes after toileting Remembers to flush Remembers to wash after toileting Completes own clean-up of toys, projects, spills Rests quietly for 45 minutes</p><p>Comments: g d g e n SLEF HELP 5 n i r i e p g t r o s l e a e m v M e E D</p><p>Cuts with a knife and fork Washes hands at all appropriate times using proper procedure Takes care of all dressing needs Remembers to ask when wishing to leave the room Assumes responsibilities for belongings and school materials</p><p>Comments:</p>

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