<p> 1</p><p>1 The current and future use of imaging in urological robotic surgery: A survey of the</p><p>2 European Association of Robotic Urological Surgeons</p><p>3 Archie Hughes-Hallett, MRCS1, Erik K Mayer, PhD1, Philip Pratt, PhD2, Alex Mottrie, PhD3,4, Ara</p><p>4 Darzi, FRS1,2, Justin Vale, MS1, </p><p>5 1. Department of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College London 6 2. The Hamlyn Centre for Robotic Surgery, Imperial College London 7 3. Department of Urology, OLV Clinic, Aalst, Belgium 8 4. O.L.V. Vattikuti Robotic Surgery Institute, Aalst, Belgium 9 10</p><p>11 Corresponding Author </p><p>12 Erik Mayer, </p><p>13 Department of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College London, St Marys Hospital</p><p>14 Campus, London, W2 1NY</p><p>15 07984195642</p><p>16 [email protected]</p><p>17</p><p>18 No reprints will be available from the authors</p><p>19</p><p>20 No financial support was received</p><p>21</p><p>22 Article Category: Original Article</p><p>23</p><p>24 Word count abstract: 244</p><p>25 Word count manuscript text: 2,142</p><p>26 5 figures and 2 tables</p><p>27</p><p>28 2</p><p>29</p><p>30 Introduction</p><p>31 Since Röntgen first utilised x-rays to image the carpal bones of the human hand in</p><p>32 1895, medical imaging has evolved and is now able to provide a detailed</p><p>33 representation of a patient’s intracorporeal anatomy, with recent advances now</p><p>34 allowing for 3-dimensional (3D) reconstructions. The visualisation of anatomy in 3D</p><p>35 has been shown to improve the ability to localize structures when compared to 2D</p><p>36 with no change in the amount of cognitive loading [1]. This has allowed imaging to</p><p>37 move from a largely diagnostic tool to one that can be used for both diagnosis and</p><p>38 operative planning. </p><p>39</p><p>40 One potential interface to display 3D images, to maximise its potential as a tool for</p><p>41 surgical guidance, is to overlay them onto the endoscopic operative scene (augmented</p><p>42 reality). This addresses, in part, a criticism often levelled at robotic surgery, the loss</p><p>43 of haptic feedback. Augmented reality has the potential to mitigate for this sensory</p><p>44 loss by enhancing the surgeons visual cues with information regarding subsurface</p><p>45 anatomical relationships [2].</p><p>46</p><p>47 Augmented reality surgery is in its infancy for intra-abdominal procedures due in</p><p>48 large part to the difficulties of applying static preoperative imaging to a constantly</p><p>49 deforming intraoperative scene [3]. There are case reports and ex-vivo studies in the</p><p>50 literature examining the technology in minimal access prostatectomy [3–6] and</p><p>51 partial nephrectomy [7–10], but there remains a lack of evidence determining</p><p>52 whether surgeons feel there is a role for the technology and if so what procedures</p><p>53 they feel it would be efficacious for.</p><p>2 3</p><p>54</p><p>55 This questionnaire-based study was designed to assess: firstly, the pre- and</p><p>56 intraoperative imaging modalities utilised by robotic urologists; secondly, the current</p><p>57 use of imaging intraoperatively for surgical planning; and finally whether there is a</p><p>58 desire for augmented reality amongst the robotic urological community. </p><p>59</p><p>60 Methods</p><p>61 Recruitment</p><p>62 A web based survey instrument was designed and sent out, as part of a larger survey,</p><p>63 to members of the EAU Robotic Urology Section (ERUS). Only independently</p><p>64 practising robotic surgeons performing RALP, RAPN and/or robotic cystectomy</p><p>65 were included in the analysis, those surgeons exclusively performing other</p><p>66 procedures were excluded. Respondents were offered no incentives to reply. All data</p><p>67 collected was anonymous. </p><p>68</p><p>69 Survey design and administration</p><p>70 The questionnaire was created using the LimeSurvey platform</p><p>71 (www.limesurvey.com) and hosted on their website. All responses (both complete</p><p>72 and incomplete) were included in the analysis. The questionnaire was dynamic with</p><p>73 the questions displayed tailored to the respondents’ previous answers.</p><p>74</p><p>75 When computing fractions or percentages the denominator was the number of</p><p>76 respondents to answer the question, this number is variable due to the dynamic nature</p><p>77 of the questionnaire.</p><p>78 4</p><p>79 Survey Content</p><p>80 Demographics</p><p>81 All respondents to the survey were asked in what country they practised and what</p><p>82 robotic urological procedures they performed, in addition to what procedures they</p><p>83 performed surgeons were asked specify the number of cases they had undertaken for</p><p>84 each procedure. </p><p>85</p><p>86 Current Imaging Practice</p><p>87 Procedure-specific questions in this group were displayed according to the operations</p><p>88 the respondent performed. A summary of the questions can be seen in appendix 1.</p><p>89 Procedure non-specific questions were also asked. Participants were asked whether</p><p>90 they routinely used the Tile Pro™ function of the da Vinci console (Intuitive</p><p>91 Surgical, Sunnyvale, USA) and whether they routinely viewed imaging</p><p>92 intraoperatively.</p><p>93</p><p>94 Augmented Reality</p><p>95 Prior to answering questions in this section, participants were invited to watch a</p><p>96 video demonstrating an augmented reality platform during Robot-Assisted Partial</p><p>97 Nephrectomy (RAPN), performed by our group at Imperial College London. A still</p><p>98 from this video can be seen in figure 1. They were then asked whether they felt</p><p>99 augmented reality would be of use as a navigation or training tool in robotic surgery.</p><p>100</p><p>101 Once again, in this section, procedure-specific questions were displayed according to</p><p>102 the operations the respondent performed. Only those respondents who felt augmented</p><p>103 reality would be of use as a navigation tool were asked procedure-specific questions.</p><p>4 5</p><p>104 Questions were asked to establish where in these procedures they felt an augmented</p><p>105 reality environment would be of use.</p><p>106</p><p>107 Results</p><p>108 Demographics</p><p>109 Of the 239 respondents completing the survey 117 were independently practising</p><p>110 robotic surgeons and were therefore eligible for analysis. The majority of the</p><p>111 surgeons had both trained (210/239, 87.9%) and worked in Europe (215/239, 90.0%).</p><p>112 The median number of cases undertaken by those surgeons reporting their case</p><p>113 volume was: 120 (6 - 2000), 9 (1 – 120) and 30 (1 – 270), for RALP, Robot assisted</p><p>114 cystectomy and RAPN respectively.</p><p>115</p><p>116 Contemporary use of imaging in robotic surgery</p><p>117 When enquiring about the use of imaging for surgical planning, the majority of</p><p>118 surgeons (57%, 65/115) routinely viewed preoperative imaging intraoperatively with</p><p>119 only 9% (13/137) routinely capitalising on the TilePro™ function in the console to</p><p>120 display these images, when assessing the use of TilePro™ amongst surgeons who</p><p>121 performed RAPN 13.8% (9/65) reported using the technology routinely.</p><p>122</p><p>123 When assessing the imaging modalities that are available to a surgeon in theatre the</p><p>124 majority of surgeons performing RALP (74%, 78/106)) reported using MRI with an</p><p>125 additional 37% (39/106) reporting the use of CT for preoperative staging and/or</p><p>126 planning. For surgeons performing RAPN and robot-assisted cystectomy there was</p><p>127 more of a consensus with 97% (68/70) and 95% (54/57) of surgeons, respectively,</p><p>128 using CT for routine preoperative imaging (table 1). 6</p><p>129</p><p>130 Those surgeons performing RAPN were found to have the most diversity in the way</p><p>131 they viewed preoperative images in theatre, routinely viewing images in sagittal,</p><p>132 coronal and axial slices (table 2). The majority of these surgeons also viewed the</p><p>133 images as 3D reconstructions (54%, 38/70). </p><p>134</p><p>135 The majority of surgeons used ultrasound intraoperatively in RAPN (51%, 35/69)</p><p>136 with a further 25% (17/69) reporting they would use it if they had access to a ‘drop-</p><p>137 in’ ultrasound probe (figure 3).</p><p>138</p><p>139 Desire for augmented reality</p><p>140 In all 87% of respondents envisaged a role for augmented reality as a navigation tool</p><p>141 in robotic surgery and 82% (88/107) felt that there was an additional role for the</p><p>142 technology as a training tool.</p><p>143</p><p>144 The greatest desire for augmented reality was amongst those surgeons performing</p><p>145 RAPN with 86% (54/63) feeling the technology would be of use. The largest group</p><p>146 of surgeons felt it would be useful in identifying tumour location, with significant</p><p>147 numbers also feeling it would be efficacious in tumour resection (figure 4).</p><p>148</p><p>149 When enquiring about the potential for augmented reality in Robot-Assisted</p><p>150 Laparoscopic Prostatectomy (RALP), 79% (20/96) of respondents felt it would be of</p><p>151 use during the procedure, with the largest group feeling it would be helpful for nerve</p><p>152 sparing 65% (62/96) (Figure 2). The picture in cystectomy was similar with 74%</p><p>153 (37/50) of surgeons believing augmented reality would be of use, with both nerve</p><p>6 7</p><p>154 sparing and apical dissection highlighted as specific examples (40%, 20/50) (Figure</p><p>155 5). The majority also felt that it would be useful for lymph node dissection in both</p><p>156 RALP and robot assisted cystectomy (55% (52/95) and 64% (32/50) respectively). </p><p>157</p><p>158 Discussion</p><p>159 The results from this study suggest that the contemporary robotic surgeon views</p><p>160 imaging as an important adjunct to operative practice. The way these images are</p><p>161 being viewed is changing; although the majority of surgeons continue to view images</p><p>162 as two-dimensional (2D) slices a significant minority have started to capitalise on 3D</p><p>163 reconstructions to give them an improved appreciation of the patient’s anatomy. </p><p>164</p><p>165 This study has highlighted surgeons’ willingness to take the next step in the</p><p>166 utilisation of imaging in operative planning, augmented reality, with 87% feeling it</p><p>167 has a role to play in robotic surgery. Although there appears to be a considerable</p><p>168 desire for augmented reality, the technology itself is still in its infancy with the</p><p>169 limited evidence demonstrating clinical application reporting only qualitative results</p><p>170 [3,11–13].</p><p>171</p><p>172 There are a number of significant issues that need to be overcome before augmented</p><p>173 reality can be adopted in routine clinical practice. The first of these is registration (the</p><p>174 process by which two images are positioned in the same coordinate system such that</p><p>175 the locations of corresponding points align [14]). This process has been performed</p><p>176 both manually and using automated algorithms with varying degrees of accuracy</p><p>177 [2,15]. The second issue pertains to the use of static preoperative imaging in a 8</p><p>178 dynamic operative environment; in order for the preoperative imaging to be</p><p>179 accurately registered it must be deformable. This problem remains as yet unresolved.</p><p>180</p><p>181 Live intraoperative imaging circumvents the problems of tissue deformation and in</p><p>182 RAPN 51% of surgeons reported already using intraoperative ultrasound to aid in</p><p>183 tumour resection. Cheung and colleagues [9] have published an ex-vivo study</p><p>184 highlighting the potential for intraoperative ultrasound in augmented reality partial</p><p>185 nephrectomy. They report the overlaying of ultrasound onto the operative scene to</p><p>186 improve the surgeon’s appreciation of the subsurface tumour anatomy, this</p><p>187 improvement in anatomical appreciation resulted in improved resection quality over</p><p>188 conventional ultrasound guided resection [9]. Building on this work the first in vivo</p><p>189 use of overlaid ultrasound in RAPN has recently been reported [10]. Although good</p><p>190 subjective feedback was received from the operating surgeon, the study was limited</p><p>191 to a single case demonstrating feasibility and as such was not able to show an</p><p>192 outcome benefit to the technology [10].</p><p>193</p><p>194 RAPN also appears to be the area in which augmented reality would be most readily</p><p>195 adopted with 86% of surgeons claiming they see a use for the technology during the</p><p>196 procedure. Within this operation there are two obvious steps to augmentation,</p><p>197 anatomical identification (in particular vessel identification to facilitate both routine</p><p>198 ‘full clamping’ and for the identification of secondary and tertiary vessels for</p><p>199 ‘selective clamping’ [16]) and tumour resection. These two phases have different</p><p>200 requirements from an augmented reality platform; the first phase of identification</p><p>201 requires a gross overview of the anatomy without the need for high levels of</p><p>202 registration accuracy. Tumour resection, however, necessitates almost sub-millimetre</p><p>8 9</p><p>203 accuracy in registration and needs the system to account for the dynamic</p><p>204 intraoperative environment. The step of anatomical identification is amenable to the</p><p>205 use of non-deformable 3D reconstructions of preoperative imaging while that of</p><p>206 image-guided tumour resection is perhaps better suited to augmentation with live</p><p>207 imaging such as ultrasound [2,9,17].</p><p>208</p><p>209 For RALP and robot-assisted cystectomy the steps in which surgeons felt augmented</p><p>210 reality would be of assistance were those of neurovascular bundle preservation and</p><p>211 apical dissection. The relative, perceived, efficacy of augmented reality in these steps</p><p>212 correlate with previous examinations of augmented reality in RALP [18,19].</p><p>213 Although surgeon preference for utilising AR while undertaking robotic</p><p>214 prostatectomy has been demonstrated, Thompson et al. failed to demonstrate an</p><p>215 improvement in oncological outcomes in those patients undergoing AR RALP [19]. </p><p>216</p><p>217 Both nerve sparing and apical dissection require a high level of registration accuracy</p><p>218 and a necessity for either live imaging or the deformation of preoperative imaging to</p><p>219 match the operative scene; achieving this level of registration accuracy is made more</p><p>220 difficult by the mobilisation of the prostate gland during the operation [18]. These</p><p>221 problems are equally applicable to robot-assisted cystectomy. Although guidance</p><p>222 systems have been proposed in the literature for RALP [3,4,13,18,20], none have</p><p>223 achieved the level of accuracy required to provide assistance during nerve sparing.</p><p>224 Additionally, there are still imaging challenges that need to be overcome. Although</p><p>225 multiparametric MRI has been shown to improve decision making in opting for a</p><p>226 nerve sparing approach to RALP [21] the imaging is not yet able to reliably discern</p><p>227 the exact location of the neurovascular bundle. This said significant advances are 10</p><p>228 being made with novel imaging modalities on the horizon that may allow for imaging</p><p>229 of the neurovascular bundle in the near future [22].</p><p>230</p><p>231 Limitations</p><p>232</p><p>233 The number of operations included represents a significant limitation of the study,</p><p>234 had different index procedures been chosen different results may have been seen.</p><p>235 This being said the index procedures selected were chosen as they represent the vast</p><p>236 majority of uro-oncological robotic surgical practice, largely mitigating for this</p><p>237 shortfall.</p><p>238</p><p>239 Although the available ex-vivo evidence suggests that introducing augmented reality</p><p>240 operating environments into surgical practice would help to improve outcomes [9,23]</p><p>241 the in-vivo experience to date is limited to small volume case series reporting</p><p>242 feasibility [2,3,15]. To date no study has demonstrated an in-vivo outcome advantage</p><p>243 to augmented reality guidance. In addition to this limitation augmented reality has</p><p>244 been demonstrated to increased rates of inattention blindness amongst surgeons</p><p>245 suggesting there is a trade of between increasing visual information and the surgeon’s</p><p>246 ability to appreciate unexpected operative events [23].</p><p>247</p><p>248 Conclusions</p><p>249</p><p>250 This survey depicts the contemporary robotic surgeon to be comfortable with the use</p><p>251 of imaging to aid in intraoperative planning; furthermore it highlights a significant</p><p>252 interest amongst the urological community in augmented reality operating platforms.</p><p>10 11</p><p>253</p><p>254 Short to medium term development of augmented reality systems in robotic urology</p><p>255 surgery would be best performed using RAPN as the index procedure. Not only was</p><p>256 this the operation where surgeons saw the greatest potential benefits, but it may also</p><p>257 be the operation where it is most easily achievable by capitalising on the respective</p><p>258 benefits of technologies the surgeons are already using; preoperative CT for</p><p>259 anatomical identification and intraoperative ultrasound for tumour resection.</p><p>260</p><p>261 Conflicts of Interest</p><p>262 None of the authors have any conflicts of interest to declare</p><p>263</p><p>264 References</p><p>265 1. Foo J-L, Martinez-Escobar M, Juhnke B, Cassidy K, Hisley K, Lobe T, Winer</p><p>266 E. Evaluating mental workload of two-dimensional and three-dimensional</p><p>267 visualization for anatomical structure localization. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg</p><p>268 Tech A. 2013;23(1):65–70. </p><p>269 2. Hughes-Hallett A, Mayer EK, Marcus HJ, Cundy TP, Pratt PJ, Darzi AW,</p><p>270 Vale J. 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Surgeons</p><p>337 blinded by enhanced navigation: the effect of augmented reality on attention.</p><p>338 Surg Endosc. 2013;27(2):454–61. </p><p>339</p><p>340</p><p>341</p><p>342</p><p>343</p><p>344</p><p>345</p><p>346</p><p>347</p><p>348</p><p>14 15</p><p>349</p><p>350</p><p>351</p><p>352</p><p>353</p><p>354</p><p>355 Tables</p><p>CT MRI USS None Other RALP (n=106) 39.8% 73.5% 2% 15.1% 8.4% (39) (78) (3) (16) (9) RAPN (n=70) 97.1% 42.9% 17.1% 0% 2.9% (68) (30) (12) (0) (2) Cystectomy (n=57) 94.7% 26.3% 1.8% 1.8% 5.3% (54) (15) (1) (1) (3) Table 1 - Which preoperative imaging modalities do you use for diagnosis and surgical planning? 356</p><p>357</p><p>358</p><p>359</p><p>360</p><p>361</p><p>362</p><p>363</p><p>364</p><p>365</p><p>366 16</p><p>367</p><p>368</p><p>Axial Coronal Sagittal 3D Do not slices slices slices (n) recons. view (n) (n) (n) (n) RALP (n=106) 49.1% 44.3% 31.1% 9.4% 31.1% (52) (47) (33) (10) (33) RAPN (n=70) 68.6% 74.3% 60% (42) 54.3% 0% (48) (52) (38) (0) Cystectomy 70.2% 52.6% 50.9% 21.1% 8.8% (n=57) (40) (30) (29) (12) (5) Table 2 - How do you typically view preoperative imaging in the OR? 3D recons = Three dimensional reconstructions 369</p><p>370</p><p>371</p><p>372</p><p>373</p><p>374</p><p>375</p><p>376</p><p>377</p><p>378</p><p>379</p><p>380</p><p>16 17</p><p>381 Figure Legends</p><p>382</p><p>383 Figure 1 – A still taken from a video of augmented reality robot assisted partial</p><p>384 nephrectomy performed. Here the tumour has been painted into the operative view</p><p>385 allowing the surgeon to appreciate the relationship of the tumour to the surface of the</p><p>386 kidney.</p><p>387 Figure 2 – Chart demonstrating responses to the question - In robotic prostatectomy </p><p>388 which parts of the operation do you feel augmented reality image overlay would be of</p><p>389 assistance?</p><p>390</p><p>391 Figure 3 - Chart demonstrating responses to the question - Do you use intraoperative</p><p>392 ultrasound for robotic partial nephrectomy?</p><p>393</p><p>394 Figure 4 - Chart demonstrating responses to the question – In robotic partial</p><p>395 nephrectomy which parts of the operation do you feel augmented reality image</p><p>396 overlay would be of assistance?</p><p>397</p><p>398 Figure 5 - Chart demonstrating responses to the question – In robotic cystectomy</p><p>399 which parts of the operation do you feel augmented reality overlay technology would</p><p>400 be of assistance?</p>
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