<p>Milton Keynes Community Cohesion Plan 2009-2012</p><p>The Milton Keynes Cohesion strategy was launched in December 2008. The strategy was developed in partnership with local businesses, the umbrella consortium organisations, local statutory providers and internal council teams. It addressed cohesion within Milton Keynes and devised a vision for cohesion.</p><p>Milton Keynes will be a place:</p><p>Where people will live and work alongside each other and find a common sense of belonging in, and identify with, their community;</p><p>Where everyone gets on well with others from other backgrounds and comes together in common interests and appreciates and respects their differences;</p><p>And where members of each community can take pride in their contribution to the community as a whole and look forward to a shared and positive future.</p><p>The aim of the cohesion strategy was to build on the positive work which is already happening and to further promote the principals of cohesive communities across Milton Keynes.</p><p>The strategy outlined five broad strategic objectives by which cohesion work will be delivered within MK, they are:</p><p>. Building a sense of local pride and encouraging a sense of belonging . Promoting greater knowledge and understanding between differing communities . Engaging and supporting young people . Addressing social conflicts and tensions . Engaging with one another to improve satisfaction with the local area</p><p>This plan will provide guidance and direction for all agencies working with communities within Milton Keynes. It will develop cohesive communities by providing opportunities for agencies to link their work and deliver services in the community, provide opportunities for the different communities to bond over mutually shared activities and provide opportunities for people from different backgrounds to share their diverse lifestyles and cultures to help bridge some of those differences. </p><p>The plan will ensure that programmes of work and projects within communities is contributing to an increase in the % of people who believe people from different backgrounds get on well together in their local area.</p><p>1 Strengthening the links: Strengthening the Bonds: Strengthening the Bridges: Bonds within communities Bridges between communities Outcome Agencies work to build are strengthened and those are built to help reduce tensions links with its communities on the margins are (link to NI) supported</p><p>1. Building a sense The Milton Keynes Brand Work in specific communities Umbrella consultation groups are NI 2- % of people of local pride and includes a theme for our contributes to increased strengthened and encouraged to who feel that they encouraging a sense Cohesion work perception of cohesion within support and interact with each belong to their of belonging those areas other neighbourhood</p><p>2. Promoting greater Activities and interventions Events celebrating the diverse Awareness opportunities are NI 1 - % of people knowledge and contributing to cohesion population within MK are held, created to increase people’s who believe people understanding across MK are regularly enabling groups to feel pride knowledge of lifestyles and cultures from different between different collated and mapped in and share their culture and that are not their own backgrounds get on communities identities well together in their local area Increase the opportunities Vulnerable Children and Support schools and settings to 3. Engaging and for children and young young people achieve as develop measures to prevent NI 69 – reduction in supporting young people to design and deliver highly as their peers bullying or racist incidents as well the % of children who people of services as swift responses when they occur have experienced bullying</p><p>Equality Impact Communities are involved in An integrated system for reporting NI 23 – Increase in 4. Addressing Assessments are published challenging and preventing and identifying hate perceptions that discrimination, and acted upon and violent extremism incidents/crimes is developed for people in the area social conflicts and address issues of homophobia, race, religious and treat one another tensions unfairness disability related incidents with respect and consideration 5. Engaging with Confidence Campaign Marginalised groups are Parish Councils and NI 5 – Overall one another to (CSP)is developed to encouraged and actively Neighbourhood Action Groups general satisfaction improve satisfaction address local tensions and supported to participate in monitor and utilise local cohesion with the local area with the local area issues civic duties data</p><p>.</p><p>2 1. BUILDING A SHARED SENSE OF LOCAL PRIDE AND BELONGING</p><p>What has been achieved for people from Key things we’ve done for the different communities community in the last year.</p><p>The Local Strategic Partnership have Developed the Community Belonging adopted a number of indicators which thematic partnership which is the group promote the development of cohesion in responsible for monitoring the development Milton Keynes, in particular NI 1the % of and progress of NI 1 people who believe people from different backgrounds get on well together in their local area.</p><p>Areas have been identified for targeted An additional Place Survey is being carried cohesion work where the positive response out to provide further evidence in relation to to NI 1 was less than 76.2%. the associated indicators.</p><p>There are eight core umbrella organisations Communication between umbrella that advocate on behalf of the voluntary and engagement organisations and relevant community sector organisations on issues users and stakeholders has been including race and ethnicity, LGBT, faith strengthened groups, older people, younger people and disability and gender issues.</p><p>What we still need to focus on?</p><p>. Ensuring the Milton Keynes brand is widely communicated</p><p>. Developing a virtual cohesion networking group to further engage partners in the development, delivery and communication of community cohesion work.</p><p>. Developing community cohesion leaders at all levels within the Council and develop Cohesion champions within partner agencies.</p><p>. Supporting the umbrella consultation groups to develop their infrastructures further, enabling them to widen their reach.</p><p>. Developing stronger partnerships between internal council departments and presenting a unified front</p><p>. Identifying any further improvements in terms of usage which could make community centres or locality hubs more representative of local communities.</p><p>3 1. Building a shared sense of local pride and belonging Key Objective Action Timescale Lead Measure of Associated success indicator</p><p>Monitor and review the community cohesion performance March 2010 Community An increase in NI 1 indicators including assessing the success of all outcomes. Belonging group</p><p>Develop a virtual cohesion networking group. March 2010 MKC Cohesion Initial network with 30 partners NI 2- % of people who feel Support the umbrella consultation groups to develop their March 2010 MKC Equalities Funding allocated that they 1. Building a infrastructures. to work around the belong to their shared sense six strands neighbourhood of local pride and belonging Develop stronger partnerships between internal council April 2011 Community Increased departments. Belonging group participation of Actual marginalised 2009=52% groups Target Develop community cohesion leaders at all levels within MKC March 2012 MKC Equalities Identifiable leads 2011= 55% and develop Cohesion champions within partner agencies. </p><p>Develop and communicate the Milton Keynes brand MKC Branding alongside partner agencies. Communications information includes elements of cohesion</p><p>Identifying any further improvements in terms of usage which March 2012 Community Well Centres usage could make community centres or locality hubs more Being become more representative of local communities. multi-cultural</p><p>4 2. PROMOTING GREATER KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN DIFFERENT COMMUNITIES What has been achieved for people from Key things we’ve done for the different communities community in the last year.</p><p>The Community Grants Registration The MK Web MK Mix and the MKCVO have scheme supports voluntary and community events diary with a focus on events and sector agencies to develop their ability to celebrations around the equality strands deliver services.</p><p>Well over 100 events have been held and Several cohesion events run by community celebrated in MK including the World Picnic and voluntary organisation were supported event, the Diversity conference, Celebr8 by council funding and World Peace Day celebrations.</p><p>Many different organisations have held A number of Interfaith events have taken awareness events that have increased the place in faith based organisations including knowledge of local services and people, Mosques and Islamic centres including the such as the Spotlight events first Interfaith conference.</p><p>What we will focus on?</p><p>. Developing a mechanism for mapping cohesion activities and interventions across MK</p><p>. Developing protocols to ensure that local knowledge and intelligence about existing and emerging communities is communicated effectively</p><p>. Creating more opportunities to promote diversity positively in the media, ensuring that we identify and respond to negative and/or inaccurate reporting that could have an impact on cohesion </p><p>. Ensuring all MKC’s grants programmes are promoted to a wide range of local organisations and community groups so that all groups are encouraged and supported to apply.</p><p>. Developing a system to enable all communities and in particular groups falling within the six equality strand groups are appropriately invited to cultural and diverse events.</p><p>. Co-ordinating and collating cohesive events and activities aimed at building cross community and intergenerational relationships.</p><p>. Strengthening the current system for welcoming new arrivals and in particular migrant workers, asylum seekers and refugees.</p><p>5 2. Promoting greater knowledge and understanding between different communities Key Objective Action Timescale Lead Measure of Associated success indicator</p><p>. Develop a mechanism for mapping cohesion activities April 2010 MKC Cohesion Database of and interventions across MK activities developed NI 1 - % of . Ensure all MKC’s grants programmes are promoted to a September Community Increase groups people who wide range of local organisations and community 2010 Belonging knowledge believe groups. people from different . Research into the initial needs of new arrivals and in September MKC Cohesion Data to support background particular migrant workers, asylum seekers and 2010 targeted projects s get on well 2. Promoting refugees. together in greater their local knowledge and . Co-ordinate and collate cohesive events and activities March 2011 MKC Equalities Diary of events area understanding which focus on cross community and intergenerational developed between relationships. Actual different 2009= 76.2% communities . Develop protocols to ensure local knowledge and April 2011 MKEC Service delivery intelligence about existing and emerging communities is better informed Target communicated effectively 2011= 79.9%</p><p>. Create more opportunities to promote diversity April 2011 MKC Equalities Increase in NI 1 positively in the media and challenge negative and/or inaccurate reporting that could have an impact on cohesion </p><p>. Develop a communication system to appropriately invite April 2011 MKCLIP Increased all communities, to cultural and diverse events. communities attendance </p><p>6 3. Engaging and supporting young people What has been achieved for people from Key things we’ve done for the different communities community in the last year.</p><p>The Youth Cabinet has 26 young people The “MysayMK” website is a dedicated site who have been democratically elected, the for young people in MK, featuring access to are focussing 3 main areas, youth activities, volunteering opportunities, provision, healthy lifestyles and the all in information, advice and guidance. one card discount card</p><p>MK has received £250k for the small “Make a Difference” continues to provide medium and large grants from the Youth high quality and diverse volunteering Bank funds. Groups of young people have opportunities with valuable accreditation. been allocated funds for various positive activities for young people. The fund is administered and assessed by a selected group of young people.</p><p>The Sports Development team have a Volunteering opportunities for young people coordinated programme of “doorstep” from different backgrounds are encouraged activities being delivered locally over the and supported at different cultural and next two years. diverse events.</p><p>What we will focus on?</p><p>. Completing the inclusion audit which will establish stronger systems for collecting evidence about bullying and hate incidents, so that intervention can be more effectively targeted.</p><p>. Consulting on and implementing an inclusion strategy which will enhance provision and secure early provision of support for all learners when they need it, underpinned by a revised funding model for learners with learning difficulties.</p><p>. Raising attainment as it is still lower than national averages. Nationally the percentage of pupils achieving five or more A* – C grades at GCSE (including English and maths) in 2008 was 47.6% compared to 42.1% in Milton Keynes and at Key Stage 2, 73% of pupils achieved Level 4 or above compared to 72% in Milton Keynes.</p><p>. Review and support the development of school councils in primary settings to improve the involvement of children and young people in making decisions.</p><p>. Promoting the development of a Community Cohesion leads in all services for children and young people.</p><p>. Developing further and encouraging inter-generational and cross-community volunteering opportunities.</p><p>. Working with the umbrella consultation groups to ensure there are mechanisms for feedback and participation, particularly for marginalised groups.</p><p>7 3. Engaging and supporting young people Key Objective Action Timescale Lead Measure of success Associated indicator . Raise achievement of children and young people with March 2011 Assistant Director, 13.7% by 2011 learning difficulties Targeted Services</p><p>. Reduce the number of children not in school March 2011 Assistant Director, Rate of persistent Targeted Services absences in secondary schools reduced to 5% from 5.6%</p><p>. Increased proportion of black and minority ethnic March 2011 Assistant Director, 50% by 2011 from Tell Us heritage pupils achieving 5 or more A* – C grades at Universal Services 43% Survey NI 69 GCSE and equivalent including English and maths – reduction 3. Engaging in the % of and . Reduce the difference in achievement between pupils March 2011 Assistant Director, 21% by 2011 from children who supporting entitled to free school meals in KS4 and their peers Universal Services 27.8% have young people achieving 5 A* – C grades at GCSE and equivalent experienced including English and maths bullying</p><p>. Increase the opportunities for children and young people March 2011 Assistant Director, 100% of Schools Actual to influence the design and delivery of services Targeted Services have school councils 2009= 47%</p><p>. Support schools and settings to develop measures to March 2011 Assistant Director, Fewer children and Target prevent bullying or racist incidents as well as effective Targeted Services young people 2011= 43% and swift responses when they occur report experiencing bullying: . Promote the development of Community Cohesion April 2011 MKC Cohesion Leads identified leads in all services for children and young people.</p><p>. Develop further and encourage inter-generational and April 2011 Make A Difference Increase in NI 1 cross-community volunteering opportunities.</p><p>. Work with the umbrella consultation groups to ensure March 2012 MKCLIP Increase in there are mechanisms for feedback and participation, involvement form particularly for marginalised groups. marginalised groups</p><p>8 4. Addressing discrimination, social conflicts and tensions What has been achieved for people from Key things we’ve done for the different communities community in the last year.</p><p>Impact assessment are published and lead Public agencies have renewed their equality to some changes schemes and this has led to better impact assessment systems</p><p>The Prevent Board has commissioned Prevent Children and young People’s thirteen community projects to identify and project has been recognised nationally as promote issues and needs within the local best practice Muslim community and support the development of the local PVE programme</p><p>Race hate crime are reported a reporting Reporting centre training has taken place, centres in Milton Keynes increasing the number of centres from 37 to 40. More reporting has therefore been enabled through an integrated process. This system is being extended to cover all categories of hate crime.</p><p>What we will focus on?</p><p>.Publishing more impact assessments with the participation of the community.</p><p>.Integrating the Prevent programme into mainstream work.</p><p>.Achieving the objectives of the Prevent projects.</p><p>.Developing an engagement processes which provides feedback on the prevention work.</p><p>.Renewing a reporting system which involves faith and community groups</p><p>9 4. Addressing discrimination, social conflicts and tensions Key Objective Action Timescale Lead Measure of Associated success indicator</p><p>Projects are developed to prevent violent extremism in line May 2010 Safer MK via Projects are with the current risk assessment Prevent Board commissioned on time NI 23 – Increase in perceptions Public Agencies publish a set of impact assessment in line March 2010 MK Equalities 80% of planed that people in with their equality schemes impact the area treat assessments are one another published with respect 4. Addressing and discrimination Prevents Project meet their outcomes and contribute to the May 2011 Safer MK via 90% of projects consideration , social prevention of violent extremism Prevent Board complete their conflicts and outcomes Actual tensions 2009=26.3% A wider consultation on Prevention work is completed and May 2011 Safer MK via 100 participants then the same cohort is revisited to see how ideas are Prevent Board Target changing 2011= 33.6%</p><p>New systems for reporting and new reporting centres are May 2011 Safer MK via Greater trained and are working Prevent Board confidence in reporting incidents</p><p>10 5. Engaging with one another to improve satisfaction with the local area What has been achieved for people from Key things we’ve done for the different communities community in the last year.</p><p>Multi-agency programmes of work Confidence boosting campaigns in targeted developed aimed at increasing the local areas and with specific communities communities’ wellbeing and confidence in including Safer MK and TVP holding safety statutory services. sessions for LGBT communities.</p><p>Residents in local communities are Additional support to improve involvement continually encouraged and supported to and participation from identified groups has engage and contribute to the delivery of begun, ie BME involvement in services. Neighbourhood Action Groups.</p><p>Milton Keynes has forty five Town and Identified three priorities for each area Parish Councils and twenty eight where increased multi-agency participation Neighbourhood Action Groups which with residents will help to address or reduce enable local people to address issues the issues. relevant to their areas. </p><p>What we will focus on?</p><p>. Concentrating the delivery of cohesion work on the 7 steps to community cohesion.</p><p>.Providing a resource for groups to highlight best practice with regards to equality and cohesion for activities held.</p><p>. Continuing the targeted cohesion work in the 7 identified wards (Eaton Manor, Wolverton, Bletchley and Fenny Stratford, Campbell Park, Whaddon, Woughton, Denbigh, in partnership with the regeneration team.</p><p>. Increasing the involvement and representation of local communities in the decision making processes, particularly those from BME, younger people, people with a disability and women.</p><p>. Developing the neighbourhood action plans people from all communities are consulted with, particularly BME, disability, younger people, older people, particular faith groups and people from LGBT communities.</p><p>. Developing a range of arts project which illustrate, celebrate and enhance the understanding of cultural and lifestyle differences.</p><p>11 5. Engaging with one another to improve satisfaction with the local area Key Objective Action Timescale Lead Measure of Associated success indicator</p><p>. Use the 7 steps to community cohesion in the delivery March 2011 MKC Cohesion Trust in statutory of services to the community. services increases NI 5 – Overall . Develop the neighbourhood action plans to ensure March 2011 MKC Regeneration Inclusive plans general they include the views of groups from all communities. developed satisfaction with the local . Partners contribute to the targeted cohesion work in April 2011 MKC Regeneration Increase in NI 1 area 5. Engaging the 7 identified areas, in partnership with the and NI 5 with one regeneration team. Actual another to 2009= 82.7% improve . Provide a resource for recording best practice for April 2011 MKC Cohesion Best practice satisfaction cohesion and equality. captured Target with the local 2011= 85.6% area . Encourage partners’ engagement with BME April 2011 MKC Policy All partners communities, younger people, people with a disability encourage and women to increase their involvement and involvement representation.</p><p>. Develop arts projects which illustrate, celebrate and April 2012 Leisure Learning Increase in NI 11 enhance the understanding of cultural and lifestyle and Culture differences.</p><p>12</p>
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