ESTABLISHED 1917 10c in U.S.A. and Canada February, 1937 1/8 in he Uni'cd Kingdom; 2/- in Australasia No. 21 0 New 100 -T's in a 3 Band Transmitter Direct Reading Percentage Modulation, Instantaneous Remote Controlled QSY A Low Cost 913 Midget Oscilloscopc Greater Radiophone Intelligibility www.americanradiohistory.com HEAVY DUTY Will Give Your Rig MORE DX APPEAL! Equip your rig with Taylor heat -tested Carbon Anode Tubes and contact those elusive DX stations Taylor's Combined you haven't been able to land! The extra power of Catalog and Hand- these custom -built tubes will give your xmtr an book, FREE, tells you entirely new "personality." And man O' man how how to more you will slay 'em! For medium power, try a pair of put DX Taylor T -55's ... the fastest selling amateur tubes appeal in your rig. on the market ... each with 55 watt plate dissipa- Send for it or get it tion has a rated input of 225 watts. For real wallop at your favorite dis- adapt your rig to Taylor T -155's or Taylor T -200's tributors! and get a rated input of from 600 to 700 watts! More Watts Per Dollar" TAYLOR TUBES, INC. 2341 WABANSIA AVENUE CHICAGO, ILL. www.americanradiohistory.com RADIO MFG. ENGINEERS BELIEVE IN PROGRESS Look Inside if You Are After Facts. FIRST All component parts used in the manufacture of the RME -69 receiver must be well chosen and indi- vidually tested prior to installation in the receiver. NEXT The placement of parts for electrical efficiency and highest gain is a vital step in the design of this communication type receiver. THEN The workmanship, which high quality instruments display, readily discloses the methods employed in their manufacture. FINALLY The inspection given each RME -69 receiver before shipment leaves nothing to guess -work. It is pains- taking and extremely thorough. Look Inside and be Convinced of the Facts. BULLETIN 69 IS AVAILABLE FOR THE ASKING. RADIO MFG. 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No. 216 February, 1937 CONTENTS Audio Selectivity with "Selectophones"-F. Malcolm Gager 8 A Truly Portable Receiver -John Hurrtoon, W9KJY - 12 The New ACR -175 Superheterodyne - 17 A Practical, Low Cost Oscilloscope - 19 A Neon Bulb Overmodulation Indicator- George W. Ewing, W6GM 22 U.H.F. Concentric Line Feeders -E. H. Conklin, W9FM - - 24 A Multi -purpose Frequency Meter -John Gluck. W8MYB 26 29 Measuring Audio Power - - - - - More Intelligible Radiotelephony -Ray Dawley, W6DHG - 30 Stabilizing the S.S. Superheterodyne-Charles D. Perrine, Jr., W6CUH 34 The Open Forum 37 What's New 39 42 Postscripts and Announcements - - - - Ten Cents Per Foot -Carlos S.
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