<p> Come and Learn . . . Go and Share . . . Honor and Serve Our Savior Lutheran Church –April 2017 Newsletter 1010 – 8th St. South - Brookings, SD 57006 www.oslcbrookings.net Church Office (605) 692-6989; Church e-mail – [email protected] Pastor Ken Brokmeier - Home - (605) 692-9249; e-mail – [email protected] Vicar Alexander Eckert - Home – 517-667-8914; e-mail – [email protected] </p><p>Jesus said, “Because I live, you will also live.” John 14:19</p><p>PLASTIC EASTER EGGS AND JESUS The bright colors can get us to think of the joy and Christians often get upset by the fact that our cheerfulness of Easter. The plastic of the eggs will holidays have often become so commercialized. kind of last forever. Have you ever found plastic Christmas to so many people has little to do with Easter eggs from an Easter egg hunt from last year Christ - even though it is all about Christ. People or even years before that? Because of Christ, we often focus on many gifts, without focusing on will live forever! God’s “Gift” to us. You have to have the Christmas And, after the kids have eaten the candy from tree, but we focus about a key bit of the symbolism inside the eggs and the plastic eggs are empty and with the tree and that is that it points to heaven. ready to be stored until next year’s Easter egg hunt, Now we’re approaching Easter. At Walmart those empty eggs can remind us of our Savior’s have you been pleased to see their displays of the empty tomb, and Jesus’ words, “Because I live, you empty tomb? Or instead have you seen Easter also will live.” We’ll probably never see a display bunnies, Easter eggs, peeps, jelly beans? Maybe of the empty tomb at Walmart, but we can use the instead of getting upset at the commercialization of Easter bunnies, Easter eggs, peeps, candy and even Easter we could use that commercialism to promote the plastic eggs to remind ourselves and to tell our Christ and Easter! How can we use the Easter fellow shoppers that because Jesus lives, we too can bunny, Easter eggs and peeps to promote Easter? live forever! Amen. All three of these Easter symbols remind us of new life and the resurrection. It’s springtime (that UPDATE FROM PASTOR ON HIS HEALTH means we don’t really need any more snow….), and I saw my regular doctor in the middle of March. so we will be seeing baby bunnies and baby chicks. Lab work was again done and there appears to be no Eggs don’t just hatch at Easter time, but hatching signs of infection. I’m still seeing the wound nurse eggs always get us to think of new life. Bunnies, and slow progress continues. Surgery? Possibly chicks and hatching eggs can get us to think of the sometime late spring or early summer. new life we have because, after Christ died on the cross to pay for our sins, he rose from the dead, SERVING GROUPS FOR LENT never to face death again, and even though we will The following groups are scheduled to serve die (unless Judgment Day comes first), we won’t after the Midweek Lenten Services: April 5 – Group really die. We’ll live forever through faith in him. 5 (Linda Harms, Chair) and April 13 (Maundy But what about those plastic colored eggs filled Thursday) – Group 6 (Sue Carlson, Chair). with candy and other trinkets that the kids like to Questions? Contact Mardell Colbeck or call her hunt for? Again you have the picture of the eggs. at 605-693-2849.</p><p>- 1 - EASTER BREAKFAST If you would like to take a BIC - please contact Easter breakfast will be served Easter Sunday, Pastor or Vicar to get started! 8:00 – 9:05 AM. If you or your guests plan to eat, PRAYER REQUEST/UPDATE ON MEMBERS please put your name and the number of people Please remember in prayer our homebound. We attending the breakfast on the signup sheet on the also include the following: Walter Palmer (father of back counter. Jeff Palmer), Mary Schwisow (mother of Dane We are in need of men to cook the breakfast. Slater), Joel Curran (son-in-law of Ganters), Brad The signup sheet is on the back counter. Knutson (son-in-law of Ruth Lucas) and Amber Saturday, April 15, will be set up for the Hartman – all dealing with cancer. We also have the breakfast at 9AM. following addresses for Jordan Zmuda who is serving in the military: CONFIRMATION Jordan Zmuda Please note during Lent confirmation class will PO Box 3394 be held on Wednesdays from 5:00 – 6:15 PM. Fort Polk, La. 71459 Thank you to the families who brought “supper” for Please get Newsletter prayer requests to Linda the confirmation class, pastor and vicar. by the 20th of the month. Only the students scheduled to be confirmed this year will attend confirmation class on April 12 ORGAN DEDICATION ON APRIL 2 and 19, 6:30 – 8:00 PM. We will be practicing Pastor Jacob Behnken is planning to come and examination on those days. play for our worship services on Sunday, April 2. There will be no confirmation on April 26. If We will be having a special song service that day weather is a factor or your child is sick and unable reviewing the Christian Church Year Calendar. to attend, please let Pastor or Vicar know and make Pastor Behnken will be having short recital between sure you obtain the homework information. services (about 10:00-10:35AM). Confirmation parents, please check with your We will plan to have a meal following the child each week regarding their assignments. If second service. Group 7 will be in charge of the you are not sure, please contact Pastor or Vicar. potluck. Watch the bulletin for more details. </p><p>BIBLE STUDY OPPORTUNITIES MIDWEEK LENTEN SERVICES 1. Sunday Morning (including teens) - We We have a couple of Midweek Lenten Services continue the Old Testament Stories following before the start of Holy Week. the same schedule as the Sunday School until All Midweek services will Easter. The teens will meet on March 26. On begin at 7 PM. We will plan April 2, we will not have Adult/Teen Bible to again serve refreshments classes to permit us to gather to listen to the and time of fellowship after organ recital. the services. The overall 2. Sunday Morning – Love and Respect – There is theme for our services this one more class that will be held on April 9. We year will be: REPENT thank Matt Fenske for leading this class and all March 29 – Turn to Jesus; He Changes Your who attended. life 3. Coming soon on Sunday – After Easter we will April 5 – Turn to Jesus When You Face continue on Sunday morning beginning on April Temptations 23 with another Hot Topic! April 13 – (Maundy Thursday @ 7PM) – Turn 4. Thursday morning Breakfast Bible Studies – to Jesus and Receive a Special Assurance of Both the 7AM and 9AM groups are currently Your Forgiveness studying the topic of Law and Gospel. April 14 –(Good Friday @ 7PM) – Turn to 5. Bible Information Class – Pastor and Vicar have Jesus; He and He Alone Finished Your a couple different BIC classes going right now. Salvation</p><p>- 2 - April 16 – (Easter Sunday @ 7:15AM) – Turn Linda Berkland, Pastor or past servers like: Naomi to Jesus with Rejoicing Boone, Annie Borns, Sue Brokmeier, Mardell April 16 – (Easter Sunday @ 9:30AM) - Turn Colbeck, Ann Hansen, Donna Langland, Ruth to Jesus for Resurrection and Life Lucas, Judy Miller, Arla Reed, Mona Tunender, and Carolyn Willert, ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE REPORT If you live out of town and are concerned about The 50th Anniversary Committee continues to driving in to set things up for communion weekend, meet. As noted earlier, the organ dedication is we also would welcome individuals to help with scheduled for April 2nd. replenishing the elements after the first service. The second event will be the main event on Thanks for giving this your consideration. Sunday, June 11 with a 10:00 AM service. The theme is We are Thankful for God’s Favor based on THANKS TO Psalm 90. Former Pastor Paul Zell will be our guest Our ushers/greeters, and those who take care of speaker. We will be serving a catered meal. It will the flowers/plants for church especially during be important to sign up for this meal so please the winter. begin to mark your calendars. The committee is Those who have been blessed and bring special working on a special booklet that will contain some gifts in addition to regular Sunday offerings. history and also some pictures and comments from Laura Seidl for tabulating the HyVee receipts. previous Pastors and Vicars. Our counters who faithfully counts and records The third event will be Mission Festival. The the offerings each week. theme is Declare God’s Glory Among the Nations Jonathan Dykstra, Hunter Winghart, Matt based on Psalm 96. We are working with Pastor Knutson, Seth Brokmeier, and Ray Widner and Brian Schmidt, our former vicar, to come and be others for recording and projecting the services. our guest preacher. We will plan on having a Corbin and Sami Kratovil for their work to wire potluck similar to past Mission Festivals. the new AV-Organ area with outlets. Seth Hansen and Karl Seidl for moving the AV USHERS Equipment and coordinating the construction of The ushering schedule is printed in the the back corner of church and projecting and newsletter and bulletin for the next four weeks; recording or services. If you are scheduled to serve, Lynne will Lynne Wellberg, Linda Schumacher, Scott typically contact you by phone, e-mail or both or Thompson and Gladys Bren for their secretarial put a reminder in your mail box to remind you of and custodial work. the schedule prior to the month beginning. If you All who make our visitors feel welcome. are not able to serve, we ask that you identify and Those who are serving on the Church Council contact a replacement for yourself. We also ask that and various committees and serving groups. you contact Lynne to help keep the schedule as The various individuals and families who updated and accurate as possible. provide treats on Sunday mornings. A contact list for all ushers is available to assist May the Lord richly bless these and so many other in locating and contacting a replacement. Please labors of love for his Kingdom! notify Lynne of changes. If there is an upcoming period where you would like to be scheduled, please PICTURES AND HISTORY NEEDED FOR let Lynne know as well and we will do our best to ANNIVERSARY accommodate you. The anniversary committee is looking for pictures of the two churches who merged with Our ALTAR GUILD Savior over the years: Argo Congregation and Oslo Thanks to all who have signed to serve so far in Congregation. We would also appreciate pictures 2017. There are still a few spots remaining. If you of the different locations in which we have have questions or are not sure we invite you to ask worshipped the past 50 years (Student Center, Dairy</p><p>- 3 - Micro on SDSU Campus, Lutheran Student Center, your event – even if it is not church related. Bostwicks in the Mall). We ask that you get CHECK OUT THE SIGN UP SHEET!! pictures to the committee by April 13. GOOD STEWARDS INC. (GSI) Thrift EXAMINATION AND CONFIRMATION Numerous items are available: living room This year Examination Sunday will be May 7 at chairs, dining room tables, bassinet, high chair and the 11:00 AM service and Confirmation will be bouncy chair; baskets, basketballs, books, games, May 14 at the 11:00 AM service. purses, yarn and material, etc. Great selection of winter clothing, etc. APRIL USHERS GSI is in need of the following: bed frames, 4/2, 8:30 – D. Boone/B. Diersen; 11:00 – G. box springs and mattresses, oak filing cabinet, Carlson/Brennan Carlson; 4/9, 8:30 – G. Harms/S. sofas, hall tree, kitchen chairs, birdcages, all types McCarthy; 11:00 – D/K Davis; 4/16, 7:15 – K/J of electronics, x-box and games and ice skates. Can Seidl; 4/16, 9:30 – T/H Winghart; 4/23, 8:30 – B. also use larger sized men’s and ladies’ clothing, Kramer/J. Romsdahl; 11:00 – J. Longhenry/B. snowsuits and men’s western shirts. Johnson; 4/30, 8:30 – A. Buskrud/Mike Olson; Donations to GSI Thrift can be considered a 11:00 – B. Krogman/D. Weitala charitable deduction. Let us know if you need a charity receipt when dropping off your donations. CHOIR PRACTICE/BELL CHOIR PRACTICE Volunteers are always needed. You can begin Choir practice is on Wednesdays, following the registering to be part of the volunteer grant program Lenten Service. We will practice on Thursday, for 2017-2018. Signup sheets are available at the April 13, following the Maundy Thursday GSI Store. When a person volunteers for 96 or Communion Service. more hours during the year, a $600 grant will be The choir is scheduled to sing on June 11 for available for a GPLHS student. our special anniversary service. Announcement of practice dates will be in future bulletins. OPEN HOUSE BIRTHDAY If there are members who would like to sing a One of our members, John Schmidt, turns 70 on solo or a group song, please talk to Kathy Winghart April 5. His brother and some nieces are planning a or Sue Brokmeier. surprise Open House Birthday gathering on Saturday, April 8 in the church fellowship hall from THRIVENT ACTION TEAMS NEEDED 1-3PM. You are invited to stop by and wish John a All Thrivent members 16 years and older can Happy Birthday or send him a card (410 Medary lead two different Action Team events each year. Ave South #17. Because of his eyesight, John We have had a number of Thrivent Action Team doesn’t usually read the newsletter so we are trying events already this calendar year with more to keep this a secret. Thanks for your help. possibilities. Please check the sign up sheet or with Pastor for possible events for the next couple of THIS ‘N’ THAT months. If you have an idea for a possible Thrivent Harvest Table serving May 1 Action Team, please speak with Pastor. Teens/Youth – scheduled to be greeters on The deadline to apply for a grant is no sooner Sunday, April 9, 11:00 AM Service. than 120 days before the event and no later than 21 If you have any thoughts or suggestions for the days before the event. For each approved event the AV committee, feel free to share them! team receives $250 gift card that can be used to help Past Sunday morning services can be viewed sponsor the event. online. Go to – www.oslcbrookings.net If you are Thrivent member and interested in Please mark Monday, May 1, on your calendars helping but not sure of the process, please speak as we are schedule to serve for the Harvest with pastor and he would be happy to help register Table that night. </p><p>- 4 - If you are interested in visiting GLPHS for an mailboxes. Prices are marked on the boxes. Still overnight stay, please contact pastor and we will selling other cards/napkins located below the try and make arrangements for you to do so. mailboxes as marked which are less than cost.</p><p>HARVEST TABLE APRIL GREETERS Our congregation will be serving the meal for the 4/2, 8:30 – Clayton/Cal Cook; 11:00 –W/Y Harvest Table on Monday, May 1. We can use about 20 Wosje; 4/9, 8:30 –G. Bren/L. Schumacher; 11:00 – people to help with serving and clean-up. The meal is Youth Group; 4/16 7:15 and 9:30 AM– All served from 5:30-6:30 at the United Methodist Church members; 4/23, 8:30 –S/P VanMaanen; 11:00 – Living Center. Help is needed basically from 4:30PM L/A Klavetter; 4/30, 8:30 –J/J Miller; 11:00 – T. on. There is a sign up sheet. In the past we have Leins Family. If you can’t greet on the Sunday especially had our Youth Group spear head this effort but we invite any of our members of friends to help us. assigned to you, please find a replacement. This year we have received a Thrivent Action Team Card to help pay for some food but are in need of GREETERS WELCOMED desserts and buns. Please sign up. We welcome you to become a greeter (a good NEW FRIENDS way to learn the names of the members of the The remaining date for New Friends for the congregation and for them to get to know you). If 2016-2017 school year April 23. We invite you have questions or are interested, please speak members of our congregation and students from our with Pastor or Linda Schumacher. campus ministry to help with this rewarding event. If you have questions, please speak with pastor. WELS NURSES CONFERENCE April 21-22, 2017, our WELS Nurses BOOK CLUB Association is holding a spring conference with the Book Club met on March 30th at Perkins. We theme of “Ministering to Those Who Struggle.” discussed the book, A Man Called Ove written by The conference is taking place at Wildwood Lodge, Fredrik Backman. Information on our next book Pewaukee, WI. and date will be announced in the future. Their project is to collect SMALL tubes of toothpaste and hand sanitizer (no bigger than 3 HELP US WITH CONTACT INFORMATION ounces) for the Central African Medical Missions. There are several members including children of For further information, speak with Pastor. current members for which we need contact information. We will likely be placing a note in MARRIAGE RETREAT mailboxes seeking that information. Please help us A marriage retreat will be held October 20-21 at keep or church records current. If you have the Lodge in Deadwood. It is called “Mysterious questions, please speak with Pastor Brokmeier. Marriage.” This is the same topic being offered this February Wednesday nights through the Interactive LWMS SPRING RALLY Faith program. The cost will be about $350 The LWMS spring rally will be held on including lodging. So if you have not had the Saturday, April 29, 9:00 AM, South Shore, SD. All opportunity to participate in the Interactive ladies of the congregation are welcome to attend. If Program, you may want to spend a weekend in you have questions, feel free to speak to Yvonne Deadwood in October. See Pastor for more info. Wosje, Sue Brokmeier and other LWMS ladies. COLLEGE STUDENTS LWMS We ask the college students please go website: The Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society will www.oslcbrookings.net. On the right column of the be meeting Monday, April 10, 7:15 PM. home page in yellow text there is information for Check out the LWMS Greeting Cards including College Students. Click on the blue “Click here” sympathy cards. These are located beside the and you will be taken to a form you can complete. </p><p>- 5 - Do you need a ride to church? Can you offer worship services, teach Sunday school, attend someone a ride to church? We invite you to Bible Class and a host of other activities. communicate with other students so that no one is Save your HyVee Receipts – We invite our “Left Behind” because they didn’t have a ride to members and college students to save your church! HyVee receipts. They can be placed in the box We will not have Bible study on Wednesdays under the mailboxes in the fellowship hall. For during Lent. every $150,000 of receipts we turn in, our We invite you to consider volunteering to sing congregation receives a check for $1,000. in choir, usher, run the software to project our</p><p>- 6 -</p>
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