<p> PUBLIC HEARING Village of East Syracuse October 3, 2016</p><p>RE: Local Law No. 2, of 2016 – Part 874 Flood Hazard Reduction</p><p>RE: Local law to amend Municipal Code to add new Section 874 Flood Hazard Reduction for the Flood Damage Prevention as authorized by the New York State Constitution Article IX, Section 2 and Environmental Conservation Law, Article 36.</p><p>Mayor Robert T. Tackman called the Public Hearing regarding proposed local law number 2 of 2016 to order at 7:00PM.</p><p>Local Law is attached. </p><p>Comments:</p><p>Director of Code Enforcement Randy Capriotti reported that this law is based on NYS DEC model law. </p><p>Village Attorney Robert Germain remarked that he has worked on this with other municipalities. FEMA tasked DEC to enforce the new regulations from the changes to Building Code a few years ago.</p><p>Mayor Robert T. Tackman attended the informational session regarding the changes to floodplain. Appears that several properties in the Village will be impacted, mainly located near the railroad tracks and along Routes 690 and 481.</p><p>Trustee Daniel Wagner asked if properties in the 100 year flood zone will now have to obtain a permit.</p><p>Director of Code Enforcement Randy Capriotti remarked that they will have to get flood insurance.</p><p>Town of DeWitt Supervisor Ed Michalenko noted that if this law if not adopted and an emergency occurs the Village may not be eligible for FEMA aid. Added that rainfall events are recorded for the National Weather Service at the Syracuse Airport. 100 year storm is considered in excess of 4 inches of rain in a 24 hour period. We have had one such storm. </p><p>The Town dealt with the same issue.</p><p>Hearing no further comments, Mayor Tackman closed the public hearing regarding proposed Local Law No. 2 of 2016 at 7:05PM.</p><p>1 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Village of East Syracuse October 3, 2016</p><p>Following the Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Robert T. Tackman called the regularly scheduled meeting of the Village of East Syracuse Board of Trustees for Monday, October 3, 2016 to order at 7:06PM. </p><p>Present: Deputy Mayor James E. Carr, Jr., Trustee Janet L. Mattox, Trustee Carol Para, Trustee Daniel J. Wagner, and Mayor Robert T. Tackman.</p><p>Also Present: DPW Superintendent Ron Russell, III, Parks Director Tom Richardson, Village Clerk Patricia J. Derby, Fire Chief DJ Brewster, Acting Assistant Fire Chief Tim Marcely, Director of Code Enforcement Randy Capriotti, and Village Attorney Robert Germain.</p><p>Four Village residents and guest attended including Planning Board member Liz Landry, Housing Authority Chairperson Sally M. Seeley, Director of EAVES Vincent Stevenson, and Town of DeWitt Supervisor Ed Michalenko.</p><p>Review of Correspondence A record of recent correspondence has been distributed to the Board of Trustees and all department heads to assist in monitoring activities.</p><p>Motion – by Trustee Mattox, seconded by Trustee Wagner - To accept the following vouchers for payment: From Consolidated Fund Abstract, vouchers numbered 55089 through 55279 and Abstract in the amount of $173,164.23.</p><p>Polling the Board: Deputy Mayor Carr – yes, Trustee Mattox – yes, Trustee Para – yes, Trustee Wagner – yes, and Mayor Tackman – yes. Motion Carried.</p><p>Local Laws</p><p>Motion – by Trustee Para, seconded by Trustee Wagner - To adopt a resolution pursuant to Article IX of the New York State Constitution and Environmental Conservation Law Article 36 of the State of New York approving the adoption of Local Law No. 2 of 2016 by adding a new Section 874 Flood Hazard Reduction. The purpose of this local law is to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the Village of East Syracuse and to minimize private and public losses due to flood conditions in specific areas by provisions designed to:</p><p>2 1. regulate uses which are dangerous to health, safety and property due to water or erosion hazards, or which result in damaging increases in erosion or in flood heights or velocities; 2. require that uses vulnerable to floods, including facilities which serve such uses, be protected against flood damage at the time of initial construction;</p><p>3. control the alteration of natural floodplains, stream channels, and natural protective barriers which arc involved in the accommodation of flood waters; 4. control filling, grading, dredging and other development which may increase erosion or flood damages;</p><p>5. regulate the construction of flood barriers which will unnaturally divert flood waters or which may increase flood hazards to other lands, and;</p><p>6. qualify and maintain for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program.</p><p>Polling the Board: Deputy Mayor Carr – yes, Trustee Mattox – yes, Trustee Para – yes, Trustee Wagner – yes, and Mayor Tackman – yes. Motion Carried.</p><p>Fee Schedule</p><p>Motion – by Trustee Mattox, seconded by Deputy Mayor Carr - To amend the Village of East Syracuse Development Fee Schedule (adopted by Local Law #1 of 2002) to add fees for Floodplain Development and Solar permit fees as follows:</p><p>Development Permit Fee </p><p>Floodplain Development $250</p><p>Solar Permit $250</p><p>Discussion: Trustee Wagner asked if these fees were in-line with what other municipalities charge? Director of Code Enforcement Randy Capriotti responded yet. Have already had one solar permit application.</p><p>Deputy Mayor Carr inquired about the expanded area in the Village with the new flood maps. Mayor Tackman estimates approximately 10 – 15 properties. Won’t know until the new maps are released.</p><p>Trustee Mattox asked what is involved in the solar permit. Director of Code Enforcement Capriotti replied that the inspections are done to the NYS criteria by an outside inspector, similar to all electrical work inspected by independent electrical inspectors and all plumbing done by the County.</p><p>Polling the Board: Deputy Mayor Carr – yes, Trustee Mattox – yes, Trustee Para – yes, Trustee Wagner – yes, and Mayor Tackman – yes. Motion Carried.</p><p>3 Village Office Copier Lease</p><p>Motion – by Trustee Para, seconded by Trustee Wagner - To release the Xerox WorkCentre 7845PT (Village Office copier) for 39 month lease for $378.78 per month (current lease is $465.48).</p><p>Discussion: Mayor Tackman noted that will keep the machine currently in the Village Office for approximately $50 less each month.</p><p>Deputy Mayor Carr asked if the lease was the better option over buying. Polled EAVES and Town of DeWitt – both lease, with EAVES having the exact same copier.</p><p>Town of DeWitt Supervisor Michalenko explained that can run into considerable increased costs if there are problems with a purchased machine. With a lease costs are known for that term.</p><p>Trustee Wagner asked about additional charges for operations including overages. Village Clerk Derby reported that this copier is used by all departments including Parks summer brochure and program flyers. Overages occur frequently. Trying to control those extra charges by switching to 6 month schedule instead of monthly.</p><p>Trustee Mattox asked about other leases. The Village also has leases with Toshiba for copiers in Court, Fire Department and DPW. Other copiers in Court and Parks are owned. Use for these copiers reflects the operations for those departments.</p><p>Village Clerk Derby reported that obtained other proposals but Eastern offered the best options at the lowest cost.</p><p>Polling the Board: Deputy Mayor Carr – yes, Trustee Mattox – yes, Trustee Para – yes, Trustee Wagner – yes, and Mayor Tackman – yes. Motion Carried.</p><p>Phone System</p><p>Motion – by Trustee Mattox, seconded by Deputy Mayor Carr - To enter into a three (3) year agreement with CornerStone Advanced Communications Solution for phone services. Corner Stone will provide similar services but change T-1 line to FIOS dedicated fiber, unlimited PRI, maintain alarm lines at various location, port all numbers, and provide security, monitoring and control of voice traffic. Estimate monthly charges are $1055 (currently pay $508 for Verizon lines [alarms, etc.], $369 for FIOS, and $607 for PRI with Earthlink – totals $1547).</p><p>Discussion: Cornerstone proposal included consolidating all the phone bills to one managed system as well as upgrades to the service by changing out the T-1 lines.</p><p>4 Polling the Board: Deputy Mayor Carr – yes, Trustee Mattox – yes, Trustee Para – yes, Trustee Wagner – yes, and Mayor Tackman – yes. Motion Carried.</p><p>Christmas Decorations</p><p>Motion – by Wagner, seconded by Trustee Para - To approve the purchase of Christmas decorations from Display Sales for 10 50” wreaths (50 lights at $449 each), 3 48” deluxe sprays (20 lights at $289 each) and 10 5’ fancy forked snowflakes (96 lights at $439 each): Total $9747 from account A7550.0200.</p><p>Discussion: Plan to intersperse old snowflakes that are still in good shape with new snowflakes (with LED lights) and wreaths that show up better during the day. Also placing 3 sprays on the “old fashion” street lights near the Christmas Tree.</p><p>Polling the Board: Deputy Mayor Carr – yes, Trustee Mattox – yes, Trustee Para – yes, Trustee Wagner – yes, and Mayor Tackman – yes. Motion Carried.</p><p>Surplus Equipment</p><p>Motion – by Trustee Wagner, seconded by Deputy Mayor Carr - To declare the trailer shelving in the Fire Department 1995 Wells Trailer (donated from Carrier Corp) as surplus and offer to donate to Syracuse City School District (SCSD).</p><p>Discussion: Fire Chief Brewster reports that they haven’t been used in at least four years.</p><p>Polling the Board: Deputy Mayor Carr – yes, Trustee Mattox – yes, Trustee Para – yes, Trustee Wagner – yes, and Mayor Tackman – yes. Motion Carried.</p><p>Motion – by Trustee Wagner, seconded by Trustee Mattox - To declare the 2002 Chevy Tahoe (VIN#1GNEK13Z52R141619) surplus and offer to County auction.</p><p>Polling the Board: Deputy Mayor Carr – yes, Trustee Mattox – yes, Trustee Para – yes, Trustee Wagner – yes, and Mayor Tackman – yes. Motion Carried.</p><p>Training</p><p>Motion – by Trustee Wagner, seconded by Deputy Mayor Carr - To approve attendance at training for DPW Superintendent Ron Russell and Randy Hughson at CNYWW </p><p>5 Fall Conference in Canastota on Thursday, October 20th. Registration is $40 (for both). Will take a Village vehicle. Polling the Board: Deputy Mayor Carr – yes, Trustee Mattox – yes, Trustee Para – yes, Trustee Wagner – yes, and Mayor Tackman – yes. Motion Carried.</p><p>Motion – by Trustee Wagner, seconded by Deputy Mayor Carr - To approve the attendance at training for Director of Code Enforcement Randy Capriotti at NYS DEC Floodplain Management Training in Manlius, on Friday, October 14th from 10AM to 5PM. Will take a Village vehicle.</p><p>Polling the Board: Deputy Mayor Carr – yes, Trustee Mattox – yes, Trustee Para – yes, Trustee Wagner – yes, and Mayor Tackman – yes. Motion Carried.</p><p>Motion – by Deputy Mayor Carr, seconded by Trustee Mattox - To approve the attendance at training for Nate Baker at Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents at Syracuse Fire Department Training Center, 312 State Fair Blvd, Syracuse, and Wednesday, November 2nd through Friday, November 4th. There is no cost. </p><p>Polling the Board: Deputy Mayor Carr – yes, Trustee Mattox – yes, Trustee Para – yes, Trustee Wagner – yes, and Mayor Tackman – yes. Motion Carried.</p><p>DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS</p><p>Building Maintenance – Janet Forest</p><p>I will be getting fall Inspection for HVAC units done on October 21st, getting them ready for fall and winter heating season. I had Integrated Facilities, Carrier and Woodcock here this past month to finalize a repeated problem with unit 2 always tripping. Finally Carrier found the problem with the wiring in the controls link and while doing so found other areas needing attention. Such as we will be getting a Quote for a motor and capacitator and IFS replaced their Relay. Woodcock and Armani were not able to fix these issues due to not their property area in the unit. </p><p>Fire Department – Chief DJ Brewster</p><p>Fire Calls for the Month of September</p><p>Building Fire 2 Vehicle Fire 0 Misc. Fire ie: shed, dumpster etc. 2 Outdoor Fire/Brush 1 Other Fires 1</p><p>6 Medical 5 MVC w/Injury 4 MVC without injury 7 Fire Alarm 29 Mutual Aid 5 Hazardous Conditions 0 Other Hazardous 0 Misc. ie: animal, lockout, good intent etc. 15 71 calls for September until 9/28/16 18-Village 48-Town 5-Mutual Aid</p><p>Fire Chief DJ Brewster reports that they are working with the grant writers to see what is available. Will pursue that avenue again.</p><p>The Truck Committee met and is preparing their recommendations to the Department. Will bring any decision of the Department to the Board for their approvals. Mayor Tackman will share the Rescue Truck specifications with the Board. </p><p>DPW – Superintendent Ron Russell, III</p><p>TREE WORK – Trees that were compromised were removed at 210 Old Bridge Street, 509 North Center Street and 104 Allen Street. Tree trimming was done on East Yates and East & West Ellis Street.</p><p>SIDEWALKS - A sidewalk problem was corrected at 414 Highland Ave. The concrete mix used several years ago failed and DPW removed and replaced the defective panels.</p><p>SANITARY SEWERS – DPW flushed a sewer repair on West Irving. An access cover to a sewer vault on East Yates Street was excavated and the damaged frame replaced. Numerous vents and CO’s were repaired.</p><p>STREET SWEEPING – Chip seal areas were swept to remove any residual stone. Streets were swept where needed.</p><p>PAVING – Considerable time was spent preparing Kinne Street & Burnet Ave for paving. With combined crews from DPW and DeWitt Highway department the streets were milled and then areas around valve boxes, manholes and catch basins were cut out. Construction signs were set up, the milled areas were swept and safety cones placed and monitored until paving. The streets were paved the week of September 11th. After paving all signs were removed and the cross walk at ESE was repainted. The area of Kinne Street between the Bryne Dairy driveway and Manlius Street will be paved ad curbs installed after the State DOT finishes the paving project on Manlius Street. DPW crews will continue patching problem areas as time and weather allows.</p><p>7 I would like to acknowledge the Town of DeWitt Highway Department and Superintendent Conte for their assistance in completing this project. This was instrumental in keeping construction inconvenience to a minimum.</p><p>DPW crews assisted Fire Department transporting cars for their vehicle extrication training month. Crews also performed scheduled duties such as trash and yard waste pick-up. 2 surplus vehicles were cleaned, lettering removed as well as other prep and sent to auction.</p><p>Work activity for October will include street repair, shutting down the pool and winterizing it, the beginning of leaf season and the transition from summer to winter operations. DPW MEO Jeremy Messina returned to work this past Friday after 6 weeks off for an injury.</p><p>DPW Superintendent Ron Russell, III notes that they’ve been busy. Paving on Kinne Street and Burnet Ave took a lot of time. Repairs are being made on Kinne Street where someone drove inside the cones and tried to turn-around. Mayor Tackman asked about striping on Kinne Street. DPW Superintendent Russell reports that the crosswalk for ESE was added. The stop bar at Kinne & James will be done soon.</p><p>Liz Landry thanked DPW for removing trees in her area.</p><p>Parks Department – Director Tom Richardson</p><p>The Village fall festival will be held on October 15th at East Syracuse Elementary School Field from 10 – 2.</p><p>Monthly senior pitch tournaments have started back up on the 3rd floor of the Village Municipal Building. 22 seniors attended party on September 15th. Next event will be on October 20th </p><p>The Bennett Manor monthly luncheon will start on October 25th. The monthly senior movie will be on Thursday, October 27th. In September seniors had trips to Cortland Repertory Theater and Turning Stone Casino</p><p>Seniors will travel to Owens Apple Orchard for apple picking on Tuesday (10/). Additional trips include Seneca Niagara Casino (10/18), Turning Stone Casino (11/15) Mary Poppins (11/30), Lights on lake (12/1), (12/10), Senior Christmas Party (12/15).</p><p>Two new classes of children from ESE began the intergenerational program at Heman Street Apts. Senior Center. Miss Albanese’s 2nd grade came to Heman St on Monday, September 24th and Mrs. McGinley’s 3rd grade joined the seniors on Wednesday, September 26th </p><p>8 Food sense program continues this month. People have until Friday, October 14th to register and pay fee for October food supplies. Pick up date is Wednesday, October 26th. Call Tom Richardson – 463-6714 for more information.</p><p>CNY Karate begins its youth fall session on Friday, October 7th </p><p>On Friday, October 28th will be Family Movie night on the 2nd floor at the Village office from 7 – 9. Popcorn and refreshments will be served. Bring your pillows and blankets</p><p>The Village Annual Halloween party will take place on October 31st at East Syracuse Elementary and at the Fire Station. There will be a parade from the school to the Village Hall (weather permitting).</p><p>Parks & Recreation Director Tom Richardson reported on the first meeting of the revised Recreation Commission. Have seven new people who are ready to volunteer and offer new ideas for programs.</p><p>Code Enforcement – Director of Code Enforcement Randy Capriotti</p><p>September 2016 Report</p><p>I. Rental Inspections A. Initial inspection – 30 structures, 56 units B. Re-inspections – 5 Units C. Total potential rental UNITS – 650; Currently rental UNITS – around 645 D. About 99.5% of the 2016 rental units have been registered to date. </p><p>II. Fire Inspections- 10 A. Place of Assembly – 2 B. Commercial – 10 C. Multi-families; - 7 structures - 33 units</p><p>III. Housing Court A. Court Order to Inspect - 0 B. Rental Inspections - 0 C. Ordered to apply to ZBA for use variance – 0 D. Ordered to register – 0 E. Outdoor Storage – 1 F. Nuisance Vehicles – 0 G. Parking Violation - 0 H. Property Maintenance - 0 I. Illegal Signs -0 J. Zoning -0</p><p>9 K. Container Location- 0</p><p>IV. Notices/Violations Cited A. Outdoor Storage – 2 B. Nuisance Vehicles – 0 C. Grass – 3, Ordered cut - 1 D. Property Maintenance – 0 E. Signs – 0 F. Pools – 0 G. Rental Reg. – delinquent notices - 0 H. Communication Towers – 0 I. Sprinkler Inspections – 0 J. Stop Work Orders – 0 K. Order to repair/demolish - 0 L. Disruptive Conduct Notices Mailed – 0 Eviction Proceedings - 0</p><p>V. Uniform Code Complaints – 3 Corrected/Unfounded – 3 Pending - 0</p><p>VI. Planning Board – Discussed Islamic Culture Center (Hartwell Ave.)</p><p>VII. Zoning Board of Appeals – Did not meet</p><p>VIII. Building Permit Plan Reviews – 11, Permits Issued- 7, Pending-2</p><p>IX. Appearance Tickets Issued - 1</p><p>Director of Code Enforcement Randy Capriotti reports that they are a bit behind in 2016 inspections. Will work with Kerry doing the re-inspections after he does the initial. Will delay sending out 2017 notices until November so as not to confuse which year inspections are scheduled. Found a few Landlords with different addresses on the tax roll – they will be added to the registration list.</p><p>Village Office – Village Clerk/Treasurer Patricia J. Derby</p><p>Annual Financial Audits F.J. Pompo & Associates completed the annual audit for the Court and have begun their review for the all Village accounts. Awaiting the Court audit report before making the anticipated adjustments and corrections for the Court Bail accounts which have been out of balance and actually in negative numbers for years. Preliminary review of the Village accounts presents some work to close out the NYS EFC SSO project.</p><p>Holidays and Events There are no changes to garbage and recycling pick up for Columbus Day October 10th but yard waste collection will be pushed to Tuesday because Village Office and DPW Operations are closed for the Holiday.</p><p>10 No change for Veterans Day Friday, November 11th but collections for Thanksgiving week will be pushed to Saturday, November 26th. Village Offices will be closed Friday, November 11th for Veterans Day and Thursday, November 24th & Friday, November 25th for Thanksgiving.</p><p>Village Tax Collection Any delinquent taxes will be turned over to the County after October 31st. To date the Village has collected 88% of Village taxes owed or $2,265,218.18 from $2,574,815 warrant.</p><p>Grants GIGP Roof Drains Work was completed as of July with the plants taking hold. Project signs will be installed now that the pictures are done.</p><p>Projects SSO Mitigation, Phase 2, Contract 2 Proposal has been submitted to NYS EFC for a NYS Water Grant of $370,835 for project costs of $1.5 million to continue the improvements to address existing sanitary sewer pipe deficiencies and reduce infiltration and inflow into the sanitary sewer system consistent with the work done in Phase 1. Engineering fees are estimated to be $219,000.</p><p>Community Development Work has been completed on Phase 2 & Phase 3 of the Kinne Street curbs and sidewalks project that finished the block from Manlius Street to Ellis on the east side and Yates on the east. </p><p>Other Committees and Boards Zoning – did not meet in September. Last met March 2016. Planning – Planning Board met in September to begin review on Islamic Cultural Center of Bosniaks in Syracuse at 720 Hartwell Ave. Matter was referred to Onondaga County for their review. Planning Board will meet again on October 17th to continue their review. Work on Design Guidelines continues as well. Safety Committee – Next meeting is October 18th. </p><p>Village Clerk Patricia J. Derby announced that will host all supplemental providers, such as AFLAC, Colonial, NY Life, Deferred Comp/Nationwide and other on Wednesday morning, October 26th for all employees to learn more or update their coverages.</p><p>BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS</p><p>Trustee Janet Mattox asked where we are in the process to hire third Firehouse Caretaker position. Mayor Tackman’s schedule has eased up a bit – hope to conduct interviews in the next couple of weeks.</p><p>11 Trustee Carol Para announced that still looking for a Crossing Guard if anyone knows anyone that is interested have them fill out an application at the Village Office. Thanked Tom for helping out until we can get someone.</p><p>MAYOR’S REMARKS – Robert T. Tackman</p><p> Handed out revised Employee Handbook. Asked the Board to review and be prepared to accept at the November meeting. </p><p> Looking to schedule a time to meet with all employees, including part-time and volunteers, to cover Workplace Violence Prevention. This program was prepared by Workers Compensation carrier.</p><p> Thanked Trustee Para and Renee Simone for helping out with American Red Cross program to install smoke detectors. Visited over 200 residences sharing the information. Program is for single family and renters. Does not include the carbon monoxide detectors. Geared towards preventing fatal fires.</p><p>ANNOUNCEMENTS</p><p>Senior trips: Tuesday, October 4th Owens Orchards Tuesday, October 22nd Seneca Niagara Casino Tuesday, November 15th Turning Stone Casino Wednesday, November 30th Mary Poppins Thursday, December 8th Lights on the Lake Sunday, December 11th CNY Playhouse - It’s a Wonderful Life Thursday, December 15th Senior Christmas Party</p><p>Youth trips and activities: Friday, October 29th Halloween Movie Night Monday, October 31st Halloween Party - At ESE with Parade to Fire Station I Wednesday, November 23rd Bowling Tournament - At Bowl Mor Lanes Friday, December 9th Christmas Movie Night Saturday, December 17th Breakfast with Santa</p><p>Karate Kids program for four (4) weeks October 7th to October 28th </p><p>Senior Lunch program at Bennett Manor once a month Tuesdays at 11AM </p><p>Senior Card Party Village Municipal building once a month on Thursdays at 10:00 </p><p>12 Movies & Pizza – Monthly program for seniors at Village office (2nd Floor) Pizza Lunch at Noon, Movie to follow </p><p>1st Annual Fall Festival – Saturday October 15th 11:00 – 3:00, Food, musical entertainment, crafts</p><p>Annual Christmas Tree Lighting at the Municipal Building on Monday, December 5th at 6PM with crafts, refreshments and a visit from Santa to follow.</p><p>Annual House lighting Contest – Judges will judge houses on Monday, December 12th. Winners will be announced on Tuesday, December 13th </p><p>Court Cancelled – November 8th – Election Day November 22nd (Thanksgiving week) December 27th (end of month)</p><p>Next Board of Trustees meeting – Monday, November 7th at 7PM</p><p>COMMUNITY COMMENTS</p><p>Liz Landry noticed that the flags put out by the Village are not lite up at night. </p><p>Sally Seeley brought to the Board’s attention a lengthy complaint received from a resident at Bennet Manor about the conditions and practices of the Manager. Residents are very concerns about protecting their confidentiality and are afraid of repercussions.</p><p>Asked Village Attorney about situation where Manager adds addendum to lease. Residents are told after 3 addendums they will be evicted. Village Attorney Robert Germain noted it is difficult to comment without seeing what the situation is, but that addendums are added by mutual agreement of both parties.</p><p>Trustee Wagner shared experience of his friend who lives at Bennett Manor. He went to Court and prevailed against the Managers threats to evict.</p><p>Village Attorney Robert Germain offered that there are remedies for this type of stuff.</p><p>Mayor Robert T. Tackman suggested that the Village host a meeting and invite resident to come here to discuss any concerns. Once we know what the problems are then we can take measures to correct what we can. Had thought that the re-financing option would afford us some leverage but that doesn’t look like it will happen now.</p><p>13 Director of Code Enforcement Capriotti reports that any complaints reported to Codes have been taken care of.</p><p>Mayor Tackman pointed out that these resident’s complaints don’t appear to be Codes issues. Will get something scheduled in the next couple of weeks where they can come in and meet with the Village Attorney, the Housing Authority and the Board.</p><p>Presentation – EAVES/ Ambulance District</p><p>EAVES Director of Operations Vincent Stevenson presented re-visited the proposal to have the Village become part of the Town of DeWitt Ambulance District established in 2010. This would assure that all Town residents pay their fair share for ambulance services and provide the necessary financial support to help off-set the low reimbursement rates from Medicare/Medicaid.</p><p>Director Stevenson provided data and information to the Village Board’s questions concerning: operations, support to the East Syracuse Fire Department, costs and process for tax to East Syracuse residents, legal references for Ambulance Districts, opting out, monthly operating costs, call activity and staffing.</p><p>The Village currently contracts separately with EAVES for services for $8000 annually. This is approximately less than 6 cents per 1000 to Village Residents. Town of DeWitt residents pay approximately 25 cents per assessed 1000 as part of the Ambulance District.</p><p>The Village Board of Trustee will continue to study the issue before making any decision.</p><p>Discussions</p><p>The Board continued the meeting, discussing the following topics:</p><p>Village Employees/Time Clock</p><p>Trustee Mattox noted that many employees are not using the facial recognition time clocks. </p><p>Motion – by Trustee Mattox, seconded by Deputy Mayor Carr – That by October 15th the facial recognition time clocks should be used exclusively for recording all hours worked for all Village employees.</p><p>Polling the Board: Deputy Mayor Carr – yes, Trustee Mattox – yes, Trustee Para – yes, Trustee Wagner – yes, and Mayor Tackman – yes. Motion Carried.</p><p>14 Process for Buying Fire Apparatus</p><p>Deputy Mayor Carr asked about the process for buying a fire truck. Mayor Tackman explained that each step, from the acceptance of specification, to sending notice to bidders and opening bid, to determining the way that it will be paid for, must be accepted by the Board of Trustees.</p><p>Motion – by Trustee Para, seconded by Trustee Wagner - To adjourn.</p><p>Meeting adjourned at 9PM.</p><p>Respectfully submitted by,</p><p>Patricia J. Derby Village Clerk</p><p>Minutes were provided unapproved to Board of Trustees and Department Heads on Tuesday, October 04, 2016.</p><p>15 Review of Correspondence</p><p>7/26/16 Municipal Audit Services; RE: franchise fees;</p><p>8/16/16 EAVES; RE: ambulance district;</p><p>8/29/16 ISO; RE: East Syracuse Fire Department assistance during public Protection classification process;</p><p>8/29/16 Comp Alliance; RE: quarterly assessment;</p><p>8/31/16 Sprint; RE: removal of telecommunications equipment from St. Matthews’s location;</p><p>9/1/16 Mayor; RE: Fire Department decision;</p><p>9/1/16 Web Inquiry; RE: property on Schrouder Street;</p><p>9/7/16 DPW Superintendent; RE: tree removal 104 Allen Street;</p><p>9/7/16 Web Inquiry; RE: phones at Village Office;</p><p>9/7/16 BSK; RE: Bond counsel agreement;</p><p>9/12/16 Village Clerk to Onondaga County Planning; RE: site plan review for Islamic Cultural Center of Bosniaks in Syracuse at 720 Hartwell Ave.</p><p>9/12/16 FOCUS Greater Syracuse; RE: National Preparedness month;</p><p>9/12/16 Onondaga County; RE: tax delinquent auction;</p><p>9/13/16 OBG; RE: pet waste grant;</p><p>9/13/16 NYMIR; RE: winter incidents;</p><p>9/13/16 OBG; RE: proposal from engineering services;</p><p>9/14/16 Office of Frank Miller; RE: Lapoint matter;</p><p>9/15/16 Mayor to Manlius Street businesses: RE; NYS DOT paving project;</p><p>9/15/16 Mayor; RE: grant support letter – Scoop It. Bag It. Trash It.</p><p>9/16/16 Mayor; RE: American Red Cross smoke detectors installation;</p><p>9/16/16 OBG; RE: SSO phase 2, contract 2 submittal to EFC;</p><p>16 9/19/16 Web Inquiry; RE: DPW;</p><p>9/19/16 Village Clerk to Planning Board; RE: meeting minutes;</p><p>9/19/16 Office of Frank Miller; RE: Lapoint matter;</p><p>9/19/16 Village Clerk to Community Development; RE: payment request for Kinne Street sidewalk project;</p><p>9/19/16 Cohen Law Group; RE: assessments for cable franchises;</p><p>9/20/16 Village Clerk to Recreation Commission; RE: committee revitalization;</p><p>9/21/16 Bank of Greene County; RE: municipal financing program;</p><p>9/22/16 Mayor to Town of DeWitt; RE: letter of support for EAVES; 9/22/16 FEMA; RE: Department of Homeland Security’s floodplain Management;</p><p>9/22/16 Accident Report; RE: at 204 North Center;</p><p>9/26/16 NYS EFC; RE: signage for Roof Drains project;</p><p>9/27/16 CNYRPDB; RE: grant application pet waste;</p><p>9/27/16 Inquiry; RE: information Yeadon Fabric Domes;</p><p>9/27/16 Mayor; RE: Court negative balances;</p><p>9/28/16 Web Inquiry; RE: Parks band concerts;</p><p>9/28/16 NYS DEC; RE: Brownfield clean-up at Canada Drive, Town of DeWitt</p><p>9/29/16 Village Engineers/OBG; RE: comments on site plan application for Islamic Cultural Center of Bosniaks in Syracuse </p><p>9/29/16 Village Engineers/OBG: RE: sign display for roof drains project;</p><p>9/30/16 Web Inquiry; RE: Codes for apartment on McCool Ave;</p><p>17</p>
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