<p> LOUISIANA MARITIME ASSOCIATION (LAMA)</p><p>Www.louisianamaritime.org </p><p>Morning Report</p><p>Friday, March 16, 2012</p><p>National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) http://www.dhs.gov/files/programs/ntas.shtm </p><p>No Threat Advisory Issued.</p><p>Key Navigation Issues</p><p>Fog Conditions</p><p>Algiers Point Navigation – Current Status: Closed to Navigation as of 0315 this morning.</p><p>Yesterday's Closure Information:</p><p>Navigation Closed: 0330, 15 March, 2012 Navigation Opened: 0948, 15 March, 2012</p><p>Southwest Pass Navigation – Current Status: Open to Navigation</p><p>Other Navigation Conditions</p><p>None to Report. HPL Bridge Navigation Issues</p><p>For the week of March 12th, KMTC will continue the retrofit work in Span two, but will maintain at least 500 ft of clearance within the navigable channel at all times.</p><p>For the week of March 19th, it is proposed to have no air draft restrictions.</p><p>KMTC will require a Minimum Wake 7am through 7pm, Monday through Saturday.</p><p>Operational Advisories and Restrictions Now In Place</p><p>USCG</p><p>MARINE SAFETY BULLETIN Volume XII, Issue 19: CARROLLTON GAUGE AT 9 FEET AND FALLING – 24 February 2012</p><p>The Carrollton gauge indicates a Mississippi River stage of 9 feet on the fall.</p><p>1. IN ACCORDANCE WITH 33 CFR 161.65, THE GOVERNOR NICHOLLS HARBOR TRAFFIC CONTROL LIGHT 94, GRETNA HARBOR TRAFFIC CONTROL LIGHT 97 AND THE WESTWEGO TRAFFIC LIGHT 102 HAVE BEEN DE-ENERGIZED.</p><p>2. THE HARBOR TRAFFIC CONTROL LIGHTS ARE LOCATED AT: GOVERNOR NICHOLLS LIGHT, MM 94.3, AHP, LDB, LMR (LLNR 13855/34770), GRETNA LIGHT, MM 96.6, AHP, RDB, LMR (LLNR 13880/34795) AND THE WESTWEGO TRAFFIC LIGHT, MM 101.4, AHP, RDB, LMR (LLNR13950).</p><p>3. THE GOVERNOR NICHOLLS LIGHT 94 AND THE GRETNA LIGHT 97 ARE PROPERLY OPERATING.</p><p>For further information, contact the following: Coast Guard Vessel Traffic Service Lower Mississippi River (24 hours): (504) 365-2230 Coast Guard Sector New Orleans Command Center (24 hours): (504) 365-2543 Coast Guard Sector New Orleans Waterways Management: (504) 365-2280</p><p>MARINE SAFETY BULLETIN Volume XII, Issue 21: High Water Safety Advisory: LMR MM 219 to MM 229 – 14 March 2012</p><p>As a result of the Baton Rouge gauge reading 25 feet and expected to continue to rise, the COTP New Orleans has issued a Safety Advisory from MM 219 to MM 229, Lower Mississippi River (LMR). The following are recommendations for the advisory:</p><p>Port Allen Lock: A. It is recommended that Canal Tows 600 feet in length or greater, excluding the length of the towing vessel, use a Private Assist Vessel with a minimum of 1000 horse power when entering and exiting the Port Allen Locks. B. Canal Tows exiting the Port Allen Locks intending to head northbound are recommended to proceed southbound and then top around at or below MM 226 prior to heading north. C. Owner / Operators are reminded to ensure towing vessel inspections are completed before entering the RNA as per 33 CFR 165.810 (f). D. Companies should consider staffing vessels with the most experienced crews. E. Towing vessels are recommended to catch a headline when entering the Port Allen Lock. F. Vessels will be put on queue for lock turn when their tow is built and may remain in the area in which their tow was built until it is time for lock turn.</p><p>MARINE SAFETY BULLETIN Volume XII, Issue 23: Waterway Status – Navigation Advisory Lower Mississippi River Mile Marker 228-229 – 14 March 2012</p><p>T. E. Iberson Construction Company is conducting construction operations in the vicinity of LMR MM 228 to 229 on the RDB. All vessel traffic is advised to proceed at the slowest safe speed when transiting through the area so as to minimize wake. Construction equipment may extend out 100 yards from the existing dock. All vessel traffic is advised to use caution and maintain a distance of 50 yards away from construction operations when transiting the area. T. E. Iberson Construction Company and the towing vessel MR CHESTER will be monitoring and may be contacted through VHF Channel 13 and 16 or via telephone at (985) 696-1219 for further information.</p><p>MARINE SAFETY BULLETIN Volume XII, Issue 22: Carrollton Gauge at 8 Feet on the Rise – 14 March 2012</p><p>As a result of the Carrollton Gauge reading 8 feet and rising, the Algiers Point VTS Special Area Operating requirements are in affect:</p><p>1. In accordance with 33 CFR 161.65, the Governor Nicholls Harbor Traffic Control Light 94, Gretna Harbor Traffic Control Light 97 and the Westwego Traffic Light 102 have been energized. 2. The Harbor Traffic Control Lights are located at: Governor Nicholls Light, MM 94.3, AHP, LDB, LMR (LLNR 13855/34770), Gretna Light, MM 96.6, AHP, RDB, LMR (LLNR 13880/34795), and the Westwego Traffic Light, MM 101.4, AHP, RDB, LMR (LLNR13950). 3. The Governor Nicholls Light 94 and the Gretna Light 97 are not operating. 4. Downbound vessels check in with Vessel Traffic Service Lower Mississippi River (call sign "New Orleans Traffic"): Not lower than Huey P Long Bridge, MM 106.1, AHP (SHIPS and TOWS), and the Marlex Terminal, MM 99.0, AHP (SHIPS and TOWS). Upbound vessels check in with "New Orleans Traffic": Not higher than the Algiers Canal Forebay, MM 88.0, AHP (SHIPS), Industrial Canal, MM 92.7, AHP (SHIPS and TOWS) and Crescent Towing Smith Fleet, MM 93.5, AHP (TOWS).</p><p>------Recent Worldwide Piracy Reports</p><p>The Senior Watch Officer from the Office of Naval Intelligence has provided the following advisory:</p><p>1. REPORTS FROM MARITIME FORCES AND COMMERICAL MARITIME INTERESTS INDICATE CONCERN WITH THE POTENTIAL FOR LOCALIZED DISRUPTION TO SHIPPING IN CONJUNCTION WITH FUTURE IRANIAN NAVAL EXERICISES. DURING PREVIOUS EXERCISES IRANIAN MARITIME FORCES CONDUCTED BOARDINGS AND INSPECTIONS OF MERCHANT SHIPS, INCLUDING THOSE FLAGGED TO EUROPEAN NATIONS. THE POSSIBILITY EXISTS THAT IRAN WILL ATTEMPT TO CONDUCT BOARDINGS AND INSPECTIONS DURING EXERCISES BETWEEN DECEMBER 2011 AND MARCH 2012. THE MOST LIKELY LOCATION FOR THIS ACTIVITY WOULD BE IN THE VICINITY OF THE STRAIT OF HORMUZ, PARTICULARLY IN AREAS CLOSER TO IRANIAN TERRITORIAL WATERS.</p><p>Please share with vessel owners, operators and charterers.</p><p>------BAR Pilots Operational Area – SWP to Pilot town Normal Operational Draft - 45' Freshwater. (See temporary restrictions below)</p><p>Current Restrictions in Place – Updated January 2, 2012</p><p>Maximum recommended draft for all vessels in Southwest Pass is 44 feet.</p><p>On December 31, 2011 Capt Mike Lorino, President of the BAR Pilots provided the following information: "Due to channel conditions, Bar Pilots are lowering the draft to 44ft fresh water in their operating territory effective Monday, January 2,2012."</p><p>Important Note from BAR President Captain Mike Lorino – Posted March 13</p><p>As a result of the lack of federal funding for dredging during the past year, the Bar Pilots membership had to reduce the RECOMMENDED LOADING DRAFT in Southwest Pass. The decision to reduce the loading draft was given careful consideration by the Bar Pilots and was the subject of much discussion and debate amongst the Bar Pilot membership. Our membership recognizes the complications and difficulties that a reduction in draft causes your principals in using our River system. Because of this, the Bar Pilot membership has worked closely with industry on vessels that were loaded to our recommended draft in the event that the RECOMMENDED LOADING DRAFT decreased before arrival here. As has always been the case, vessels are only moved through Southwest Pass if the Bar Pilot for the vessel believes that it can safely be transited. I regret to report that some vessels have not complied with the above accommodation that the Bar Pilots have made. We are aware that some vessels are arriving inbound after loading to a deeper draft than our recommended draft. Moreover, and more disturbing, there are an ever increasing number of vessels being loaded on the River for outbound transit OVER the RECOMMENDED LOADING DRAFT. Yesterday, an agent for an outbound vessel asked whether the Bar Pilots would move a vessel with a 44.4’ draft. Later it was learned that the vessel was actually loaded to 45.6’ with knowledge that the recommended draft was 44ft. The vessel was then trimmed by the master to 44.8’ but still requested transit through Southwest Pass over the 44ft. draft limitation. This evening the vessel was denied transit and is heading back to the dock to discharge cargo that should have never been loaded. There is no excuse for this to occur. Therefore, as of today, any inbound or outbound vessel more than 1 inch over the Bar Pilot RECOMMENDED LOADING DRAFT will not transit Southwest Pass. The only exception to that policy will be in the event that there is a lowering of the RECOMMENDED LOADING DRAFT and a vessel is already in transit. In this instance, the Bar Pilots will evaluate it upon arrival and, if it can safely be transited, the Bar Pilot membership will try to accommodate that vessel. Mike Lorino, Jr. Associated Branch Pilots ------Crescent Pilots Operational Area – Pilot town to Mile 90 AHOP Normal Operational Draft - 47' Freshwater (See temporary restrictions below)</p><p>Current Restrictions in Place – Updated January 27, 2012</p><p>As of January 26, 2012 at 1739 Local the Pilots have changed their recommended draft to: 44 feet for the Crescent Pilot operating territory from Pilottown to Venice. 46 feet for Crescent Pilots' operating territory from Venice to mile 104.7 AHP. On JANUARY 17, 2011, the Crescent Pilots provided the following information: "Due to deteriorating channel conditions in the Pilottown area, the Crescent River Port Pilots are reducing the recommended draft to 42' effective 0600 Wednesday January 18."</p><p>------NOBRA Pilots Operational Area – Mile 90 to Mile 233.5 Normal Operational Draft - 47' Freshwater up to Mile 180 AHOP and 45' Freshwater from Mile 180 to 232.1 AHOP</p><p>Current Restrictions in Place – None.</p><p>1. Vessels transiting up to and including MM 180 AHP will be restricted to 47' or less; and 2. All vessels transiting above MM 180 AHP will be restricted to 45' or less.</p><p>------LMR Federal Pilots Current Restrictions in Place – As below.</p><p>In reference to the above NOBRA Pilot operating restrictions; Captain Steve Paquette, President of the Federal River Pilots reports the Federal Pilots are making operational decisions on a case by case basis.</p><p>------Reports of Marine Incidents and Safety Advisories Affecting Navigation on the LMR i. The Coast Guard has released a precautionary notification regarding vessel transits in the vicinity of Fukushima, Japan. The message is as follows:</p><p>In the event a vessel bound for a U.S. port transits within the 'cautionary area' described as a 50 mile (43 nautical miles/80 kilometers) of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant (37°N, 141°01'E) the U.S. Coast Guard recommends the vessel's master submit transit information, including the date and total time within the cautionary area, to the cognizant U.S. Coast Guard Captain of the Port using the comment block in the routine submittal of their 96-hour Advanced Notice of Arrival. ii. CBP Statement Concerning Radiation Monitoring of Travelers, Goods from Japan To address radiological and nuclear risks, CBP employs several types of radiation detection equipment in its operations at both air and sea ports, and uses this equipment, along with specific operational protocols, to resolve any security or safety risks that are identified with inbound travelers and cargo. iII. 24MAR11 Waterway Status - Navigation Advisory Lower Mississippi River Mile Marker 216.5 LDB- Amended</p><p>Manhattan Construction Company is conducting construction operations in the vicinity of mile marker 216.5 Lower Mississippi River on the LDB. All vessel traffic is advised to proceed at the slowest safe speed when transiting through the area so as to minimize wake. Construction equipment may extend out 35 to 50 yards from the tree line towards the channel on the LDB. All vessel traffic is advised to use caution and maintain a distance of 100 yards from the LDB when transiting the area. Manhattan Construction Company and the towing vessel MISS VIRGINIA will be monitoring and may be contacted through VHF Channel 67 or via telephone at (281) 541-1711 for further information. ------Upcoming Scheduled Events of Interest</p><p>1. CY 2012 Tentative Dates for USCBP Quarterly Agents Meeting</p><p> May 17, 2012 August 15, 2012 November 15, 2012 February 21, 2013 Continuing every third month on the Third Thursday of the month.</p><p>------Today's Lower Mississippi River Conditions</p><p>1. Southwest Pass Tides</p><p>Tides for Southwest Pass starting with March 16, 2012. Day High Tide Height Sunrise Moon Time % Moon /Low Time Feet Sunset Visible</p><p>F 16 Low 2:52 AM -0.3 7:05 AM Rise 2:59 AM 41 16 High 5:03 PM 1.2 7:07 PM Set 1:51 PM</p><p>Sa 17 Low 3:41 AM -0.2 7:04 AM Rise 3:45 AM 30 17 High 6:30 PM 1.1 7:07 PM Set 2:51 PM</p><p>Su 18 Low 4:20 AM 0.0 7:03 AM Rise 4:26 AM 21 18 High 7:56 PM 1.0 7:08 PM Set 3:50 PM</p><p>M 19 Low 4:45 AM 0.1 7:02 AM Rise 5:03 AM 13 19 High 9:17 PM 0.9 7:09 PM Set 4:46 PM</p><p>Tu 20 Low 4:49 AM 0.3 7:01 AM Rise 5:37 AM 7 20 High 11:52 AM 0.5 7:09 PM Set 5:41 PM 20 Low 2:47 PM 0.4 20 High 10:38 PM 0.7</p><p>W 21 Low 4:23 AM 0.5 7:00 AM Rise 6:10 AM 3 21 High 10:40 AM 0.6 7:10 PM Set 6:35 PM 21 Low 4:32 PM 0.4</p><p>2. Today's River Stages, Bridge Air Gaps, Lock Status ------River Stages </p><p>------Bridge Air Gaps </p><p>------Lock Status</p><p>------3. Today's Weather Forecast:</p><p>430 AM CDT FRI MAR 16 2012</p><p>TODAY THROUGH SAT NIGHT N OF 27N E TO SE WINDS 10 TO 15 KT. SEAS 3 TO 4 FT. S OF 27N E TO SE WINDS 15 KT INCREASING TO 15 TO 20 KT SAT NIGHT. SEAS 3 TO 4 FT BUILDING TO 4 TO 6 FT SAT NIGHT. SUN AND MON E TO SE WINDS 15 TO 20 KT. SEAS 4 TO 7 FT.</p><p>------</p><p>4. Today’s LMR PORTS Screen (Includes HPL Air Gap Sensor Reading AND River Velocities).</p><p>Lower Mississippi River PORTS, NOAA/NOS 2012-03-16 07:36 CDT </p><p>------Water Levels (above MLLW)------Carrollton-LWRP 7.2 ft, Steady Pilottown 0.6 ft, Steady Pilots St. East 0.6 ft, Rising ------Winds------Spd Dir Gusts Spd Dir Gusts Pilottown 2 kn ENE 3 Pilots St. East 7 kn NE 8 ------Air and Water Temperature------Air Water Air Water Carrollton-LWRP 55 °F Pilottown 62 °F 58 °F Pilots St. East 63 °F 57 °F ------Barometric Pressure------Pilottown 1023 mb Rising Pilots St. East 1023 mb Rising ------Air Gap/Bridge Clearance (above water surface)------Huey P. Long Bridge 141.1 ft, Stdy. Crescent City 161.5 ft, Stdy. ------Currents (F)lood, (S)lack, (E)bb, towards °T------Spd Dir Spd Dir Port Allen 2.2 kn (E), 183.0°T First Street Wharf 2.8 kn (E), 58.0°T</p><p>------5. Information Regarding Hale Boggs (Luling) Bridge Air Gap</p><p>Luling Bridge Cable Repairs – Reduced Air Draft: The LULING “HALE BOGGS” BRIDGE is undergoing cable repairs thru the summer, 2012.</p><p>The work on the Luling Bridge will focus on one side at a time leaving the other half of the bridge available for unobstructed navigation at the bridge's stated height of 158.4 less the Reserve Gage. </p><p>The NOBRA Pilots are requesting a 10' buffer zone for reporting purposes. They are asking that any vessel that has an air draft measurement that falls within 10' of [158.4 less the Reserve Gage] to contact VTS NOLA with the vessel information. This will aid the NOBRA Pilots in the navigation of the bridge.</p><p>------6. LMR River Stage Predictions</p><p>The following River Stage Predictions are provided by the USACE. The Information is updated as received.</p><p>This update posted on: March 16, 2012 - Updated</p><p>The LMR at New Orleans is predicted to rise 1.2' over the next 5 days, from 8.1' up to 9.3', level off, then drop .5' over the following 5 days. </p><p>------7. LMR River Crossings Surveys</p><p>The following LMR River Crossings Surveys are provided by the USACE. The information is updated as received.</p><p>This update posted on: March 15, 2012</p><p>Below are the latest USACE survey results for the LMR crossings, with updated survey information for the crossing at Sardine Point.</p><p>Changes from the previous survey at this location, which was completed on March 6, are reflected below. </p><p>Capt Ron </p><p>Ronald W. Branch, CAPT. USCG (Ret.) President Louisiana Maritime Association (LAMA) [email protected] [email protected] </p><p>Desk: (504) 899-5535 Cell: (330) 760-0786 </p>
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