<p> Alice FFA</p><p>Agriculture Science Facility & Livestock Rules and Fees</p><p>The Agriculture Science Facility is next to the Jim Wells Fair County grounds on South Johnson Street. The purpose of the Alice Agricultural Sciences facility is to provide an extension to classroom instruction to maximize learning and to allow FFA members to utilize the facility for their Supervised Agriculture Experience (S.A.E.) animal projects.</p><p>All students and parents/guardians utilizing the Alice Agriculture Science Facility must acknowledge their acceptance and compliance of these regulations by signing this agreement. A copy of this agreement will be kept on file by the Alice Agriculture Science Teacher.</p><p>Teacher office hours are:</p><p>Raymond Ramirez 11:34-1:27 361-664-0126 x499 [email protected]</p><p>All participants must comply with the following criteria:</p><p>1. The Agricultural Science Facility is part of the Alice Independent School District and therefore, all rules and regulations found in the student handbook and the code of conduct applies.</p><p>2. Neither AISD, its employees, volunteers, nor the FFA are responsible for damage or loss to personal property, injury of members, animal projects, guests, or family of participants.</p><p>3. Only FFA members in good standing may utilize the agriculture science facility.</p><p>4. Any animal that is raised as a project at the facility MUST enter all shows as an Alice FFA project. Violators will lose their facility privileges for the individual and for the family for the following year.</p><p>5. All members that are new to raising a project in the facility must attend a meeting and facility walk- through with their parent/legal guardian, and an Agriculture Science Teacher to review all facility rules and expectations.</p><p>6. Jr. FFA Members must be enrolled in a Jim Well County School in order to utilize the Alice Agriculture Facility.</p><p>All students must perform the following at least 48 hours before bringing any new animal project into the agriculture facility grounds:</p><p>* Obtain permission from the Agriculture Science Teacher</p><p>*Attend a meeting with their parent/legal guardian and the Agriculture Science Teacher to review all updates/changes in facility rules. *Student & Parent must understand, sign, and turn in the Barn Rules Agreement and Alice FFA Constitution to the Agriculture Science Teacher.</p><p>The agriculture facility will be open from 6:00am till 10:00pm. No unauthorized persons are allowed at the facility without proper notification to the Agriculture Science Teacher.</p><p>Students are not allowed at agriculture science facility during “their” school hours on school days unless teachers are notified in advanced.</p><p>No parking in front of entry gates. All cars must park in designated parking areas.</p><p>NO DOGS ARE ALLOWED AT BARN UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY THE AGRICULTURE SCIENCE TEACHER.</p><p>Students/parents are expected to cooperate with and treat others with respect.</p><p>Disputes or matters of discipline will be determined by AISD Policy and Student Code of Conduct.</p><p>No animal will be allowed to run loose on the facility grounds except during the exercise of the animal, and only in designated areas. </p><p>No carcass steer, bull, boar, ram, or horse project will be allowed in the facility. Show animals only.</p><p>Animal Cost</p><p>The STUDENT is responsible for the initial cost of the animal(s) as well as all expenses incurred while feeding, caring for the animal(s), and entry fees etc. during the school year. This includes any major medical expenses (ex. Vet bills, etc.)</p><p>Care of Animal</p><p>The student is expected to be the primary caretaker of his/her animal, not a parent/guardian. This includes daily feeding and hydration for proper growth, the development of the animal project, cleaning the pen and surrounding area.</p><p>If a student is unable to feed his/her project, the Agriculture Science Teacher is to be notified PRIOR to the scheduled feeding. If anyone other than the student feeds an animal for more than 7 feedings in a month, the student will be asked to remove the animal within 7 days and will no longer be eligible to show the animal in the Alice FFA. School and other activities do not exempt students from this rule. A student medical issue can be an exception but an explanation and medical documentations is required.</p><p>Students are allowed to bring their breeders/professional groomsman and veterinary medical personal to the barn ONLY with a two-day notice to an Agriculture Science Teacher.</p><p>Students are required to maintain accurate records of their project (feeding records, weight records, and health management records)</p><p>Students must provide for their own animal’s clipping, shearing, hoof trimming, etc. Animal Specific Rules</p><p>Pigs</p><p>Pens must have clean sand up to the bottom of the panels and level to the concrete pad at all times.</p><p>*Pens must be cleaned and manure removed daily and dumped into the manure dump daily. Manure is not to be washed off the concrete pad onto the grounds outside of the pen.</p><p>All emptied feed bags must be removed off the grounds. </p><p>When animals are outside of their pen and inside the barn, manure must be removed immediately.</p><p>Fly traps must be maintained and placed in the dumpster outside the barn.</p><p>One heat lamp is allowed per pen but only one lamp per plug. Extension cords must be at least 16 gauge and must be safely secured out of reach of animals.</p><p>Feeders are the responsibility of the student.</p><p>Goats and Lambs</p><p>Pens must be cleaned and manure removed daily and dumped in the manure dump area.</p><p>All sheared/clipped wool/hair is to be swept up immediately and removed outside the barn, not in the manure dump area.</p><p>Heat lamps are not allowed.</p><p>Animals must be fed twice a day.</p><p>All feed/hay, kept in the feed pen, must be in an enclosed container (No feed bags on the ground)</p><p>Feed containers can be locked. Agriculture Science Teachers are not responsible for any feed theft nor are they expected to review security video to investigate missing feed.</p><p>All empty feed bags are to be removed.</p><p>When animals are outside of their pen and inside the barn, manure must be removed immediately.</p><p>Program clippers are provided. Clipper blades are to be the responsibility of the student.</p><p>Muzzles must be owned by students and are required for animals going to shows.</p><p>Animals returning from non-terminal shows (i.e. jackpots, breed shows) must be washed with an anti- fungal wash before they can be returned to pens.</p><p>Hay must be fed in a feeder. Hay cannot be fed directly on the ground. Cattle</p><p>Pens must be cleaned and manure removed daily and dumped in the manure dump area.</p><p>Animals are to be fed twice a day.</p><p>Hay bags are allowed.</p><p>All feeder troughs must have an attached hay feeder. Hay cannot be allowed to fall directly onto the ground.</p><p>Round bales and round bale feeders are not allowed.</p><p>All empty feed bags are to be removed.</p><p>Feed containers can be locked. Agriculture Science Teachers are not responsible for any feed theft nor will are they expected to review security video to investigate missing feed.</p><p>All opened bales must be in an enclosed container.</p><p>When animals are outside of their pen and inside the barn, manure must be removed immediately.</p><p>Animals returning from non-terminal shows (i.e. jackpots, breed shows) must be washed with an anti- fungal wash before they can be returned to pens. General Care of Stalls and Bedding</p><p>The pen is to be maintained with adequate sand.</p><p>The pen should be cleaned every day to ensure the health and well-being of the animal project.</p><p>All soiled bedding is to be promptly disposed of into the designated manure dump and within the barriers of the dump area. No manure dumping on the concrete ramp.</p><p>Draining of water troughs will be done through drain hoses or lines that extend away from the barn at least 20ft.</p><p>Water hoses connected to water lines at the barn are not be left on with pressure built up (example would be automatic waterers or spray handles).</p><p>A copy of key or combination shall be given to the Ag Teacher if a lock is placed on the gate.</p><p>Pen Assignments</p><p>Animal projects will be approved each year by Agriculture Science teachers based on student’s past performance and availability of pens.</p><p>Students will be assigned pens by the Agriculture Science teachers on a first come first serve basis.</p><p>Agriculture Science teachers reserve the right to adjust pen assignments as needed. Students may not move, or expand pens for any reason, unless approved by the Agriculture Science teacher.</p><p>Borrowing of School Tack</p><p>Any exhibitor may borrow feeder, buckets, clippers etc. Tack will be signed out and is the responsibility of the exhibitor. All Tack that is borrowed will be turned back in to the Ag Teacher. </p><p>Senior Students</p><p>No senior student may start a project that will not finish before school is released.</p><p>Removal of Animals/End of show season</p><p>If the student is cited with two (2) written warnings, then he/she must remove the animal on the third (3rd) offense. You will have 7 calendar days to remove the animal from the barn or the animal project becomes the property of the Alice Ag Dept. Any income from the sale of said animal will belong to the Alice Ag Dept.</p><p>The student is to remove any and all animal projects within two weeks after the animal’s intended final show. If the animal is still in the facility after two weeks from its final show, the animal project will become the property of the Alice Ag Dept.</p><p>All Tack is to be removed when animal is removed. If any tack is left it will become property of Alice FFA. </p><p>All pens will be cleaned at the end of the show season. Failure to clean pens may cause fair check to be held. </p><p>The agriculture teachers reserve the right to have any animal project removed and/or banned from the barn. (Discipline problems, parental conflict, insubordination, disrespect, etc). The student will have 48 hours to remove the animal project.</p><p>Animal Death</p><p>If an animal project dies at the agriculture science facility, it is the student’s/parent’s responsibility to remove the animal carcass within four (4) hours of being notified of its death.</p><p>If the carcass is not removed within 4 hours, this service will be provided at the expense of the owner of the animal project and the student and family will be banned from the facility indefinitely.</p><p>Animal Project Management</p><p>The animal project is the student’s responsibility. Agriculture teachers are available to assist and aid a student when a student requires or requests assistance. Agriculture teachers will closely monitor all show rules. Show rule violations will be reported and may result in the removal of the animal from the facility.</p><p>Ethical treatment of animals is required at all times and rule violations will not be tolerated. Any actions determined by the Ag teachers to be abusive, neglectful, and/or mistreating to the animals will result in the removal of animal project within 48 hours of the violation. We also reserve the right to report this abuse to the proper authorities.</p><p>It is not the responsibility of any Ag Science Teacher to remove any animal project, in the event of any major storm, hurricane, or other disaster.</p><p>Students/Parent Behavior</p><p>Students and Parents are expected to act in a professional manner at all times at the agriculture facility. Any activity, which endangers the health or physical well-being of students/parents/teachers/facilities or animals, will not be permitted. Loitering or other activities not directly related to the furtherance of the Student Agriculture Experience (SAE) will not be permitted on school grounds.</p><p>Young children must be monitored by their parents. No running or horse playing will be allowed in the barn (this is a safety and liability concern for the children around livestock).</p><p>Student Eligibility for Livestock Projects</p><p>High School Students must be enrolled in Alice High School and enrolled in at least one Ag course per year.</p><p>Jr. FFA membership use of the Alice Barn Facility is only available to students who attend a Jim Wells county school and are between 3rd grade (and at least 8 years old) and 8th grade.</p><p>Agriculture Science Teachers reserve the right to allow or reject any animal projects to any FFA and Jr. FFA member.</p><p>Be a member in good standing with the Alice FFA Chapter.</p><p>Be passing ALL subjects at the time eligibility based upon UIL rules in order to show an animal or represent the Alice FFA Chapter. Upon notice of ineligibility by an Agriculture Science Teacher, the student will have 2 weeks from that date to remove the animal project.</p><p>Student/parents must be present to complete all validation and registration procedures.</p><p>Problems, Complaints, and Chain of command</p><p>The Chain of Command will be strictly adhered to.</p><p>If it is determined by the Agriculture Science teachers that the Chain of Command has not been followed, this will be interpreted as a violation and considered failure to comply in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. Example - Emails, phone calls, and/or letters to any AISD employees by parents/students without prior notification of the Alice Agriculture Science Teacher will be considered a Chain of Command violation.</p><p>When a problem or concern arises, the following “Chain of Command” will be strictly followed…</p><p>1. Agriculture Teacher</p><p>2. CTE Department head</p><p>3. Assistant Principal</p><p>4. Principal</p><p>5. CTE Director</p><p>6. Central Office</p><p>Terms Conditions and Consequences</p><p>The Agriculture Science Teachers reserve the right to remove any animal from the facilities if any one of the following conditions exists:</p><p>- Animal abuse or neglect in any form</p><p>- Diseased or infected animals</p><p>- Animals that is unsafe to handle</p><p>-Students failing to observe rules</p><p>- Student is no longer involved in the program</p><p>- Any animal entered to show under 4-H when the animal project is housed at the Agriculture Facility.</p><p>- When a student does not abide by the school district code of conduct, the FFA bylaws, or barn rules.</p><p>Agriculture Science Teachers reserve the right to amend and or add any barn rule at any time as deemed necessary to maintain a safe environment for students and animals.</p><p>If the student fails to abide by any of the above-mentioned rules, discipline and/or misconduct violations of guidelines, actions can lead up to removal of the animal and/or banning any future Agriculture Facility privileges.</p><p>****DISCIPLINE CONSEQUENCES****</p><p>Any 3 documented violations of these guidelines or The AISD Student Code of Conduct can result in the removal of animals and student access to the barn. Alice Independent School District</p><p>Agriculture Facility Rules </p><p>Directions for Alice Independent School District Agriculture Science Facility usage Agreement:</p><p>1. Sign and date the Agriculture Science Facility Usage Agreement.</p><p>2. Turn in the signed Agriculture Facility Rules:</p><p>Student Name:______Grade:______</p><p>Parent Name:______</p><p>Address:______</p><p>City:______Zip:______</p><p>Home Phone Number:______Cell Phone:______</p><p>Email Address:______</p><p>Emergency Contact:______</p><p>Emergency Contact Phone Number:______</p><p>Animal Project/s:______</p><p>Feeding Period: County, Majors</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>I, ______have received a copy of the Agriculture Science Facility rules and Fees.</p><p>______</p><p>Student Signature Parent Signature</p><p>______</p><p>Date</p><p>______</p><p>Alice Independent School District</p><p>Agriculture Science Facility usage Agreement</p><p>By signing this document, I agree to the following terms: Student:</p><p>I agree to abide by the rules and criteria set forth in the AISD facility rules that I have received, read, understood, and signed. I agree to pay all relevant fees associated with the expense and upkeep of my project animal. I agree to conduct myself in accordance with the AISD Student Code of Conduct at all times. I understand that failure to abide by the rules of this agreement will result in the removal of my animal from the facility.</p><p>Parent/Legal Guardian:</p><p>I agree to abide by the rules and criteria set forth in the AISD facility rules that I have received, read, understood, and signed. I agree to pay all relevant fees associated with the upkeep of my son/daughter’s animal. I agree to indemnify AISD, AISD’s employees and volunteers of liability for any injury that my child or I may sustain by participation in activities at the AISD Agriculture Science Facility, and agree to monitor my student for compliance with the above stated rules. I agree to provide all academic, disciplinary, and attendance records of the student/exhibitor, if requested by any AST/FFA Advisor for membership review. I agree that this project is not mine. I will expect my son/daughter to care/feed/and manage this animal project. I understand that failure to comply with all of the rules/guidelines of this agreement may result in the removal of my son/daughter’s project.</p><p>This document is binding and non-negotiable.</p><p>______</p><p>Student Signature Date Parent Signature Date</p>
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