<p> Project GLAD Washoe County School District 20 th Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 IDEA PAGES By Amy Taylor (Agnes Risley) and Ruby Forte (Roger Corbett) I. Unit Theme: 20th Century Wars and Conflicts Understanding: Political, economic, and social ideas have significant importance and impact on the shift of international relationships and power. Causes and effects of wars and conflicts in 20th century America Technological advances from war to war World wide impact due to United States involvement Historical relevance (holidays, people, and symbols) II. Focus and Motivation Observation charts Inquiry chart Picture file cards Living wall – map of the world showing war locations Living wall – comparing and contrasting WWI and WWII 1. Cause and effects 2. Type of military combat 3. Technology Poems/chants Teacher – made big book “War is always different, war is always the same” T-graph for Social Skills</p><p>III. Closure Reprocess all charts Ongoing Assessment – Learning Logs Team exploration – Poster board mind map</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 1 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) Personal Response to Soldiers – Write a journal entry if you were a soldier, family member at home, or a citizen of the country where the war is being fought Portfolio – haiku poem Home school connections Teacher / Student assessment IV Concepts All wars are caused by political, economic, and social ideas and those ideas have significant impact. There were and continue to be, technological developments that advance military combat. Wars and conflicts inevitably change the world and the people who live in it. The following wars and conflicts cause great changes in our world:</p><p>WWI 1914-1918 – “The Great War”; Conflict between Central Powers (Germany, Austria- Hungary, Belgium, Turkey) and Allied Powers (Russia, Serbia, US, Great Britain, Italy, Japan) fought in Europe; caused by a European rise in nationalism and build-up of military strength (leading to fear among nations); the battles were fought on land, in the trenches; new technology included poison gas, gas masks, tommy (machine) guns, bi- planes armed with guns and bombs; highlights include the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary by Serbian Nationalists, The Western Front / No Man’s Land, Anastasia & Csar Nicholas Romanov, Bloody Sunday / The Russian Revolution, the Red Baron, Mata Hari and Veteran’s Day (Armistice Day).</p><p>WWII 1939 – 1945 – Conflict between Axis Powers (Germany, Austria, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Romania) and Allied Powers (Great Britain, France, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and US) fought in Europe, North Africa and the Pacific; battles were fought on land, at sea, and in the air; new technology included aircraft carriers, German U-boats (submarines), penicillin, the Atom Bomb, B-29 bombers (airplanes loaded with bombs and used strictly for bombing purposes, not for combat), propaganda; highlights include Franklin D. Roosevelt being elected to 3 terms, Tuskegee Airman, Pearl Harbor, Jewish </p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 2 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) Holocaust (Hitler, Anne Frank), Rommel, Mussolini, MacArthur, Patton, Normandy, D- Day, Hirohito, Winston Churchill, Rosie the Riveter, Iwo Jima, Battle of Midway, Navajo Code Talkers, Memphis Belle, sinking of the Bismarck, A-bomb, Albert Einstein, Battle of the Bulge, American internment camps</p><p>Korean War – 1950 – 1953 – Conflict between communist forces (North Korea, Russia, China) and “free” states (South Korea, US) fought in Korea; caused by the rise of communism in Asia and the fear of communism throughout the Western Hemisphere / The Domino Theory ; N. Korea fired at S. Korea at the 38th parallel; battles were fought on land and in air; new technology included propeller powered fighters, MiG-15 jets, F-86 Sabre jets, G-suit, Napalm; highlights include 38th parallel, Truman, MacArthur, Battle of Heartbreak Ridge; Eisenhower and “The Buck Stops Here”, Operation Big Switch</p><p>Vietnam War 1957 – 1975 -- Conflict between communist forces (North Vietnam / Democratic Republic of North Vietnam, Viet Cong / National Liberation Front / South Vietnamese in support of communism) and “free states” (Republic of Vietnam / South Vietnam and US) fought in Vietnam; caused by Vietnam’s successful independence from France and a separation of North and South by the Geneva Conference of 1954; battles were fought on land and in the air; new technology included M-16 assault rifles (right handed only), Huey gunships, F-4 Phantom jets, Zuni missles, Agent Orange; highlights include Green Berets, Marines’ Force Recon, Navy Seals, and Air Force Air Commandos, Jane Fonda, Ho Chi Minh, American protests (protestors shot at home), Hawks & Doves, Joe McCarthy and Communist Witch Hunt, Eisenhower, and Vietnam Memorial Wall built in 1982</p><p>Standards 1.8.1 Describe how a current event is presented by multiple sources. E 10.8.4; E 11.8.2 2.8.2 Evaluate sources of historical information based on: bias, credibility, cultural context, reliability, time period. E 4.8.4; E 8.8.1; E 11.8.2</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 3 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) 2.8.3 Read and use informational tools, including: Charts, diagrams, graphs, maps, political cartoons, photographs, tables. E 2.8.4; E 11.8.2; E 11.8.5; G 1.8.1; G 1.8.2; G 1.8.3; G1.8.4; G 1.8.7; G 1.8.8;0 M 5.8.1; M 9.7 7.8.17 Identify causes, outcome, and consequences of World War I, including: Sarajevo, alliances and nationalism, weapons and tactics, Treaty of Versailles. 7.8.19 Identify the contributions of scientists and inventors including: Darwin, Mendel, Pasteur, Daimler, Marconi, Einstein.</p><p>Standard 8.0: The Twentieth century, a Changing World: 1920 to 1945: Students understand the importance and effect of political, economic, technological, and social changes in the world from 1920 to 1945.</p><p>8.8.1 Define totalitarianism. C 1.8.1; C 7.8.1 8.8.2 Identify scientific and technological advancements and their impacts, including: airplane, radio, automobile, household appliances. G 5.8.3; G 5.8.4 8.8.4 Explain how literature, music, and visual arts were a reflection of the time. E 3.8.3 8.8.5 Describe the causes and effects of the Great Depression and the New Deal on Life in the United States and Nevada, including: Stock market crash, family life, Hoover Dam, government programs. 8.8.6 Identify causes, effects and outcome of World War II, including: legacy of WWI, Pearl Harbor, Allies, Axis powers and leaders, atomic bomb, United Nations. Ec 2.8.1; Ec 2.8.6; Ec 2.8.7; Ec 6.8.5; Ec 6.8.6; Ec 8.8.1; Ec 8.8.3; G 4.8.6; G 5.8.2; G 5.8.3; G 5.8.4 8.8.7 Identify key elements of the Holocaust, including; “Aryan supremacy”, Kristallnacht, “Final Solution”, concentration and death camps. C 8.8.3 8.8.8 Identify the effects of WWII on the home front in the United States and Nevada, including: end of the Great Depression, internment camps, rationing, propaganda, “Rosie the Riveter”</p><p>Standard 9.0: The Twentieth Century, a Changing World: 1945 to 1990: Students understand the shift of international relationships and power as well as the significant developments in American culture.</p><p>9.8.1 Identify the Cold War, including: Marshall Plan, Berlin Blockade, NATO. C 8.8.1; C 8.8.2; G 2.8.5; G 2.8.6; G 4.8.6; G 4.8.7; G 4.8.8; G 4.8.9; G 4.8.10 9.8.2 Identify the effects of the Cold War on the United States, including: arms race and nuclear testing, McCarthyism, space race, Cuban Missile Crisis. C 8.8.1; C 8.8.2; C 8.8.3 9.8.3 Explain why the United Nations was involved in the Korean War and the outcome of its involvement. G 4.8.9; G 4.8.10 9.8.5 Discuss how science and technology changed life in the United States and the world after WWII, including: television, electronics and computers, medical advances, atomic energy. 9.8.6 Summarize the changes in the United States’ demographics. G 4.8.1; G 4.8.2; G 4.8.4; G 4.8.5; G 4.8.6; G 4.8.8</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 4 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) 9.8.7 Describe the impact of the United States military and atomic testing in Nevada. G 5.8.3; G 5.8.4 9.8.8 Identify the major issues, events and people of the modern Civil Rights movement in the United States and Nevada, including: Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Jr., Brown v. Board of Education, voting rights, integration, Grant Sawyer, César Chávez. C 5.8.6 9.8.9 Identify the causes and effects of the Vietnam War, including: Tet Offensive, Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, anti-war movement, draft and lottery, POWs and MIAs. G 4.8.9; G 4.8.10 9.8.10 Identify the significance to United States political culture of the following: Watergate, Iranian hostage crisis, Iran-contra Affair. 9.8.11 Identify key people and events that contributed to the end of the Cold War, including: recognition of China, détente, disarmament, Strategic Defense Initiative. 9.8.12 Describe the significance of the breakup of the USSR, including: fall of the Berlin Wall. C 7.8.1; G 4.8.8; G 4.8.10 9.8.13 Describe the effects of tourism and gaming on Nevada. G 2.8.4 9.8.14 Identify examples of arts, music, literature, and the media in United States society. E 3.8.3 10.8.4 Identify the causes and effects of the Persian Gulf War. G 4.8.6; G 4.8.10</p><p>Geography 1.6.1 Identify and locate Earth’s major parallels and meridians. 1.6.3 Use maps, graphic representations, aerial photographs, satellite images, and computer resources to identify and locate Earth’s physical and human features. 1.6.5 Identify the features of maps that have changed over time. 1.6.6 Use a world map to illustrate a spatial pattern of global significance. 1.6.7 Explain the difference between a state and a country, using appropriate examples. 1.6.8 Label a map of the world with the seven continents, four oceans, and major seas, such as the Caribbean, Mediterranean, Black Sea, Red Sea, Arabian Sea, and South China Sea.</p><p>2.6.1 Locate examples of landforms that define the political boundaries of countries or world regions. 2.6.3 Explain how the same issue is perceived by different cultural groups. 2.6.4 Choose a technology and examine the different stages of its development. 2.6.5 Explain the relationship between the location of an historical event and its outcome. 4.6.1 Identify key demographic categories used to compare populations. 4.6.2 List the cause and effects of human migration and settlement. 4.6.3 Discuss changes in the historical movement of people and goods. 4.6.6 Identify how the characteristics of a region are related to its primary economic activity. 4.6.7 Identify and list characteristics of both developing and developed countries.</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 5 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) 4.6.8 Categorize various cultural, political, and economic organizations as local, state, regional, national or international in scope. 4.6.9 Describe issues of cooperation and conflict around the world.</p><p>Civics 4.8.2 Provide examples of how political parties changed. H 6.8.13 4.8.3 Identify the impact of interest groups on the political process. G 4.8.8 4.8.4 Identify the influence of the media in forming public opinion. E 4.8.1; E 4.8.2; E 11.8.2; H 10.8.5; S 22.8.3 4.8.5 Identify propaganda and persuasion in political advertising and literature. E 4.8.4 5.8.6 Identify examples of conflict resolution that respect individual rights at school and in the community, within the United States. H 9.8.8; S 18.8.4 7.8.1 Define the world’s major political systems, including: monarchy, totalitarian dictatorship, presidential system, communism. H 8.8.1; H 9.8.12 7.8.2 Define the world’s major economic systems, including: capitalism, mixed economy, socialism, command economy. H 6.8.12; S 16.8.5 8.8.1 Identify nations that play a significant role in U.S. foreign policy. 8.8.2 Define foreign policy and describe ways nations interact diplomatically, including: treaties, trade, humanitarian aid, military intervention. 8.8.3 Describe the purpose of the United Nations. H 8.8.7 8.8.4 List and describe non-governmental international organizations, such as the World Bank, Amnesty International and the International Red Cross. G 4.8.10</p><p>Science 5.8.2 Describe some applications of radioactive isotopes including using nuclear energy to produce heat. 5.8.3 Compare and Contrast between high and low level nuclear wastes and their associated hazards. 5.8.6 Explain how nuclear reactions convert small amounts of matter into a relatively large amount of energy. 11.8.1 Describe how positions on the Earth’s surface can be located using latitude and longitude. G 1.8.1 11.8.2 Compare a variety of map types, and locate Nevada and Nevada features on each. G 1.8.2; G 1.8.5 11.6.3 Investigate, design, and use various kinds of maps. 11.8.3 Use a color-coded map to compare and contrast various geological features such as temperature, population density, geology, or precipitation. G 1.8.2; G 1.8.3; G 1.8.4; G 1.8.5 11.8.4 Identify the time of day in various places throughout the world, given the local time of day.</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 6 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) Language Arts 1.6.3 Determine how the function of a word (part of speech) changes when a suffix (e.g. -ness, -tion, -able, -ous, -ly) is added. 1.6.4 Apply knowledge of common foreign words and phrases to increase comprehension. 1.6.5 Identify and define commonly used idioms to increase comprehension. 2.6.1 Develop a plan for reading that includes the determination of purpose, appropriate reading strategies, appropriate rate for fiction vs. nonfictions, and related graphic organizers. 2.6.2 Confirm and deny predictions while reading. 2.6.3 Identify and explain the relationships between main ideas and supporting details in text. 2.6.4 Summarize information from several sources by comparing and contrasting various texts to construct deeper meaning. 2.6.5 Adjust reading rate to suit the structure of content area texts. 3.6.3 Compare works of literature from the same historical period written by authors from different cultural, generational, and gender perspectives. 3.6.4 Compare a variety of themes generated by a single topic. 3.6.6 Describe how an author creates mood by choosing words with specific connotations. 3.6.7 Compare how several literary forms address the same topic. 4.6.1 Identify and use the text features of newspapers, magazines, and editorials to gain meaning. 4.6.2 Find similarities and differences among texts in the treatment, scope, or organization of ideas. 4.6.3 Evaluate information from and differentiate between primary and secondary sources. 4.6.4 Verify information from one source by consulting other sources. 4.6.5 Evaluate and analyze how authors’ ideas, purposes and styles shape the content of texts, such as advertisements and public documents. 5.6.1 Write informative papers that have a distinct beginning, middle, and conclusion that develop a clear topic with appropriate facts, details, and examples from a variety of sources. 5.6.2 Extract and reformat information into workplace communications such as lists and memos. 5.6.3 Write narratives or short stories that include relevant and meaningful dialogue. 5.6.4 Write responses to literary selections that demonstrate an understanding of character motivation and development. 5.6.5 Write summaries of nonfiction texts such as magazine or newspaper articles. 5.6.6 Write short expository text that proposes a solution to a problem and offers simple persuasive evidence in support of the solution. 6.6.1 Generate ideas for writing by responding to visual stimuli such as objects or photographs. 6.6.2 Use organizing techniques appropriate to the purpose for writing such as categorizing, outlining, and manipulating organization of ideas, sentences, paragraphs and words.</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 7 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) 6.6.3 Write paragraphs and compositions with clear transitions between ideas. 6.6.4 Revise compositions to improve organization and consistency of ideas and to meet the criteria of a rubric. 6.6.5 Edit for use of standard English. 6.6.6 Produce writing with a voice that shows awareness of an intended audience and purpose. 6.6.7 Share final drafts with designated audience. 7.6.1 Use correct verb tense consistently in writing. 7.6.2 Identify and correct fragments and run-on sentences in writing. 7.6.3 Use semi-colons to correct run-on sentences, colons in business letters, and apostrophes in contractions and possessives. 7.6.4 Use rules of capitalization. 7.6.5 Spell frequently misspelled words correctly (e.g. their/they’re/there and you’re/your). 8.6.1 Identify the tone, mood, and emotion conveyed in both verbal and non-verbal communication. 8.6.2 Identify effective speaking techniques and develop criteria for evaluating oral presentations. 9.6.1 Use specific and varied vocabulary and apply standard English to communicate ideas. 9.6.2 Develop and deliver presentations that include media aids appropriate to audience and purpose. 10.6.1 Demonstrate active listening skills by participating in conversations and group discussions. 10.6.2 Ask and answer questions to generate possible solutions to a problem. 10.6.3 Develop criteria for evaluating effective group participation. 11.6.1 Formulate a plan for research to answer a focused question. 11.6.2 Distinguish between information from primary and secondary sources. 11.6.3 Document research sources in order to prevent plagiarism. 11.6.4 Record information using note-taking and organizational formats. 11.6.5 Present research findings using written text or media.</p><p>Vocabulary</p><p>Republic - A form of government where the power resides with the people who vote for officers who represent them in governing</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 8 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) Republican – a person who believes in and supports a republic Democracy – a government where political control is shared by all the people, either directly or by representatives they elect Democrat -- a person who believes in and supports democracy Nationalism – devotion to the nation as a whole; patriotism Nationalist – a person who believes in and supports nationalism Imperialism -- developing or extending an empire comprised of other nations or territories all controlled by a central government Imperialist – a person who believes in and supports imperialism Communism -- a social system with no classes and no private ownership of the means of production Communist – a person who believes in and supports communism Socialism – public, collective ownership of the means of production with the aim of operating for use rather than profit Socialist Propaganda – a widespread effort to promote an idea or opinion to help or do damage to a cause Revolution – an uprising against authority, usually government, to protest Ally -- a friend or helper; a country or group leagued with another by treaty Allies / Allied Powers – In WWI, Russia, France, Great Britain, US, Italy, Japan; In WWII, Great Britain, US, Russia Alliance – a formal treaty or agreement between countries Central Powers – allies of Germany in WWI, including Austria-Hungary Axis Powers – allies of Germany in WWII, including Japan and Italy Anti-Semitism – hostility toward or prejudice against Jews Citizenship – being a citizen; the activities or attitudes of citizens with regard to obligations or rights Citizen – a person with allegiance to, and entitled to protection from, a government Political – pertaining to the government; having an organized government Nuclear – using energy from an atomic nucleus Conflict – a struggle, battle or opposition Diary – a written, daily record of experiences</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 9 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) LITERATURE WWI Causes and Consequences of World War I, Stewart Ross, 1998 Eyewitness Books, World War I, Simon Adams, 2001 World War I Primary Sources, Edited by James D. Torr, 2002 World War I Life in the Trenches, Stephen Currie, 2002 WW1 Flying Aces, John F Wukovits, 2002 WW1 Strategic Battles, John F Wukovits, 2002 WW1 Weapons of War, Gail B Stewart, 2002 WW1 Leaders and Generals, Craig E Blohm, 2002 Hell Fighters, African American Soldiers in WW1, Michael L Cooper, 1997 A Multicultural Portrait of WW1, Michael V Uschan, 1996 Voices From the Past World War I, Kathlyn Gay & Martin Gay, 1995</p><p>WWII The Tuskegee Airmen Black Heroes of WWII, Jacqueline Harris, 1996 Navajo Code Talkers, Nathan Aaseng, 1992 Hiroshima The Story of the First Atom Bomb, Clive A. Lawton, 2004 Children of the World War II Home Front, Sylvia Whitman, 2001 Voices From the Past World War II, Kathlyn Gay & Martin Gay, 1995 Life of a Nazi Soldier, Cherese Cartlidge and Charles Clark, 2001 Flying Higher The Women Airforce Service Pilots of WWII, Wanda Langley, 2002 A Child in Prison Camp, Takashima, 1974 World at World Battle of Midway, G. C. Skipper, 1980 The Flag With Fifty-Six Stars, Susan Goldman Rubin, 2005 Hiding From the Nazis, David A. Adler, 1997 I Am An American, Jerry Stanley, 1994 The Code Talkers, Robert Daily, 1995 A Day The Made History Hiroshima, Stephen Hoare, 1987 Remember Pearl Harbor, Thomas B. Allen, 2001 Pearl Harbor, Nathaniel Harris, 1986</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 10 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) The Story of D-Day, R. Conrad Stein, 1977 Atom Bomb, Tom Seddon, 1995 D-Day, Tom McGowen, 2004 My Hiroshima, Junko Morimoto, 1990 Always Remember Me, Marisabina Russo, 2005 Exploring the Bismarck, Robert D. Ballard, 1991 The Second World War, C.A.R Hills, 1985 The Good Fight, Stephen E. Ambrose, 2001 One Eye Laughing, The Other Weeping: The Diary of Julie Weiss, Dear America Series, Barry Denenberg</p><p>Vietnam War An Album of the Vietnam War, Don Lawson, 1986 Always To Remember, Brent Ashabranner, 1988 The Last Day in Saigon, John Griffiths, 1986 The Vietnam War, Richard Edwards, 1986 The Story of The Vietnam Veterans Memorial, David K. Wright, 1989 10,000 Days of Thunder: A History of the Vietnam War , Philip Caputo, 2005</p><p>Korean War The Korean War “The Forgotten War”, R. Conrad Stein, 1994 Chi-Hoon A Korean Girl, Patricia McMahon, 1993 North Korea in Pictures, Alison Behnke, 2005 The Military History of The Korean War, S.L.A. Marshall, 1963 The War in Korea, E. B. Fincher, 1981</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 11 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) Read Alouds The Flag With Fifty-Six Stars, Susan Goldman Rubin, 2005 A Child in Prison Camp, Takashima, 1974 My Hiroshima, Junko Morimoto, 1990 Always Remember Me, Marisabina Russo, 2005 Baseball Saved Us, Ken Mochizuki, 1993 The Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Muriel L. Dubois, 2002 Children of Vietnam, Marybeth Lorbiecki, 1997</p><p>Group Readings D-Day Landings, Richard Platt, 2004 A Wall of Names the Story of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Judy Donnelly, 1990 The Land I Lost, Huynh Quang Nhuong, 1982</p><p>Narrative Faithful Elephants, Yukio Tsuchiya, 1988 Feathers and Fools, Mem Fox, 1989</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 12 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) Project Glad Washoe County School District 20th Century Wars and Conflicts – 6th grade By Amy Taylor and Ruby Forte Unit Planning Pages I. FOCUSING/MOTIVATION Big Book Read Aloud Poetry / Chants Inquiry Charts Observation Charts Awards (Scout) Guest speakers Videos Music of the time Picture file cards</p><p>II. INPUT Read Alouds Poetry / Chants Shared Readings Narrative Input Chart - Faithful Elephants, Yukio Tsuchiya, 1988 Pictorial Input Chart – World Map of Wars Comparative Input Chart – Soldiers, Technology, and interesting people of WWI and WWII 10/2 Lecture ESL Preview/Review Expert Groups</p><p>III. GUIDED ORAL PRACTICE T-Graph Poetry/Chants – Shared Reading Farmer- In – The – Dell (Sentence Patterning Chart) Personal Interactions Author’s Chair Expert Groups Process Grid</p><p>IV. READING / Writing A. Whole Group Expository Frame – Wars and conflicts are similar and different in many ways. (Cooperative Strip Paragraph) Poetry Frame – “Soldiers Here, Soldiers There Story Map – Faithful Elephants, Yukio Tsuchiya, 1988 Found Poetry – From an expository piece</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 13 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) B. Small Group/Cooperative Group/Flexible Grouping Guided Reading Sentence Game/Trading Game from SPC Team Flip Chants and Flip Books Team Big Book Ear – To – Ear Reading using Poetry Packet Team exploration Report</p><p>Team Tasks: Team World Map, Comparative Input chart, Story map, Process Grid, Poems, Poetry Sequencing, Story retell, Expository Frame, Cooperative Strip Paragraph Expert Groups #1-4 ELD Group Frame ESL Preview/Review/Reading Instruction and skill reinforcement</p><p>C. Individual Choices/Portfolios Reading/Writing Choices: Independent Reading, Pocket Poetry, Flip chants, Make word cards, add to charts Cognitive Content Dictionary Learning Logs Interactive Journal Writing Portfolio: Narrative/Expository/Poetry samples</p><p>D. Writer’s Workshop Mini – Lessons Plan, Share, Write, Revise, Edit, Publish Conferencing Author’s Chair</p><p>V. Extended Activities for Integration</p><p> Big Book Letter writing campaign in support of opposition to war Readers Theater Music of the era discuss meaning of lyrics </p><p>VI. Closure Process Charts/Inquiry Teacher/Student Generated Test Personal Inquiry Home/School Connection Observation chart assessment Portfolio Conferences</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 14 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) Author’s Chair Team Presentations Team Evaluations</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 15 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) 7-8 week Planning guide for 20th Century Wars and Conflicts</p><p>Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Cognitive Content Dictionary Observatio Guest n Speakers Charts Inquiry Chart Shared Reading – Poems, Chants, Songs, Farmer in the Dell World Map Comparative Narrative Story Map Pictorial Pictorial input WWI / WWII Expert Groups Process Grid Team Tasks Team Project Interactive Writing/editing Cooperative Strip Interactive writing / editing Paragraph Independent Writing: Independent project Learning logs, Interactive journals, writers workshop Guided Reading Groups (homogeneous) Group frame for Cooperative Strip ELD paragraph for struggling readers Teacher made test Project Presentation Read Aloud – Teacher made big book, non-fictional & fictional accounts of war</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 16 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) Reinforcers World War I was fought from 1914 – 1918. Just add pictures World War II was fought from 1939- 1945.</p><p>The Korean War was fought from 1950 – 1953.</p><p>The Vietnam War was fought from 1957 – 1975.</p><p>WWII Allies Axis US Austria Great Britain Germany France Italy Russia Japan Australia New Zealand Canada</p><p>WWI Allies Central Serbia Austria- Russia Hungary France Germany Great Britain US</p><p>Korean War N. Korea S. Korea China US Russia</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 17 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) Vietnam War N. Vietnam S. Vietnam China US Russia Korea Viet Cong Australia</p><p>World War I ended when the Treaty of Versailles was signed in Paris on 11/11/18 at 11:00 AM.</p><p>After that, the League of Nations was formed.</p><p>Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen was known as the Red Baron. He was the most famous “Flying Ace” of World War I. He won 80 air combats during the war. He died after being shot down on by a single shot from an Australian soldier on the ground on April 21, 1918. He got his nickname because he painted his biplane red to deliberately stand out as an easy target.</p><p>Navajo Code Talkers were information specialists who transmitted messages in code over radio during WWII. The Marines used them because their coded language could not be cracked by the German spies.</p><p>The 99th Fighter Squadron consisted entirely of African-American fighter pilots known as the The Tuskegee Airmen. This was the first group of airmen from Tuskegee that were of African American descent. Before this, all pilots were white.</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 18 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) Western front</p><p>During World War I, soldiers on both sides were trapped in trenches, exposed to cold, wet weather and covered in mud. On Christmas Day, 1914, soldiers on both sides put down their weapons and met in No Man’s Land. They exchanged small gifts with each other and played a game of soccer.</p><p>“Hawks” were supporters of the Vietnam War who believed we had a right to stop communism at any cost.</p><p>“Doves” were opponents of the Vietnam War who wanted a peaceful end.</p><p>Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) was the only President in US history to be elected to 3 terms in office. Because the US was in the middle of WWII, Roosevelt was allowed to run for a third term.</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 19 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) Rosie the Riveter is a cultural icon of the 6 million women who went to work in the manufacturing plants during WWII. For many of these women, it was the first time they had gone to work outside of their homes. With the men off fighting the war, it was extremely necessary for the women to help build wartime munitions.</p><p>The Green Berets are a Special Forces Unit of the US Army introduced in the Vietnam War. Originally, they were sent only to train the South Vietnamese army, but eventually ended up penetrating deep into enemy territory for the purpose of attacking strategic targets, rescuing friendly troops, or collecting intelligence. Their distinct uniform consisting of a green beret is how this Special Forces Unit received their name.</p><p>The US became involved in WWI after a German U- boat sank the ocean liner Lusitania. The Lusitania carried civilian passengers from Europe to the US. A total of 1,198 people died, including 139 Americans. The most famous passenger killed was Alfred Vanderbilt, an American fashion ??????</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 20 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) War Is Always Different, War Is Always the Same</p><p>War Is Always Different, War Is Always the Same</p><p>World War I began in Europe when nationalism spread and countries built strong armies. They began to fear each other and formed alliances. The Central Powers (Austria, Hungary, Germany) fought the Allied Powers (Serbia, Russia, France, Great Britain, United States) in “No Man’s Land” (an area of land located between France and Germany, where the soldiers dug trenches). </p><p>New technology developed during World War I included: bi-planes armed with guns and hand bombs, blimps, gas masks, mustard or chlorine gas, tanks, </p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 21 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) machine guns (Tommy guns), and German U-boats.</p><p>In World War I, 9 million soldiers died – more than had ever died before. Buildings were destroyed. People were left homeless. Innocent women, children and animals died as cities were attacked and bombed. The world agreed never to have another huge war and formed the League of Nations.</p><p>World War I was based on fear and innocent people died. War Is Always Different, War Is Always the Same.</p><p>World War II began in Europe after the Industrial Revolution as countries competed for economic world power. Colonial empires formed in smaller, poorer (sometimes uncivilized) foreign territories. Countries feared each other </p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 22 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) and again formed alliances. The Axis Powers (Germany, Japan, Italy) fought the Allied Powers (United States, Great Britain, France, Australia, Canada, Russia) in Europe, Africa, the Pacific and the Atlantic. Soldiers battled on land, in the air, and at sea.</p><p>New technology developed during World War II included: B-29 bombers, penicillin, and the A-bomb. In World War II, 20 million soldiers died – more than had ever died before. Buildings were destroyed. People were left homeless. Innocent women, children and animals died as cities were attacked and bombed. The world agreed never to have another huge war and formed the United Nations.</p><p>World War II was based on fear and innocent people died. War Is Always Different, War Is Always the Same.</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 23 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) The Korean War began as a conflict between North and South Korea. The country divided itself at the 38th parallel. The United States feared the Domino Theory – the spread of communism through Asia. The U.S. formed an alliance with S. Korea to prevent communist N. Korea from taking over. Soldiers clashed deep in the Korean jungles.</p><p>New technology developed during the Korean War included: MiG15 jets, F-86 Sabre Fighters, G-suits for pilots, and Napalm.</p><p>In the Korean War, there were approximately 69,000 soldier casualties in the first year – more than ever before. Buildings were destroyed. People were left homeless. Innocent women, children </p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 24 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) and animals died as cities were attacked and bombed. In 1953 an armistice was signed temporarily suspending military action; however, an official peace treaty was never signed. </p><p>The Korean War was based on fear and innocent people died. War Is Always Different, War Is Always the Same.</p><p>The Vietnam War (classified by some historians as a conflict rather than a war) began as a conflict between North and South Vietnam. The country divided itself into two territories. North Vietnam chose a communist government while the free state of South Vietnam formed an alliance with the U.S. Conflicts between soldiers occurred in the Vietnamese jungles and swamps. </p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 25 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) In the Vietnam War, 2,400,000 soldiers died – more than ever before in a foreign conflict. Buildings were destroyed. People were left homeless. Innocent women, children and animals died as cities were attacked and bombed. In 1973, the US pulled agreed to pull all troops out of Vietnam. The conflict officially ended when North Vietnam took over South Vietnam in 1975 and officially united both territories as one communist country, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.</p><p>The Vietnam War was based on fear and innocent people died. War Is Always Different, War Is Always the Same.</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 26 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 27 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) Faithful Elephants by Yukio Tsuchiya</p><p>Page by page narrative input</p><p>Word cards: Ueno Zoo sparkling in the sun</p><p>Word cards: performing blowing</p><p>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p>Word cards: tombstone sun warms every corner sad story</p><p>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Word cards: Japan was at John, war.</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 28 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) Tonky </p><p>Wanly</p><p>Speech bubbles: </p><p>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p>Word cards: What would poisoned to death happen if bombs hit the zoo?</p><p>Speech bubbles: </p><p>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p>Word cards: threw it to the ground kerplunk!</p><p>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p>Word cards: snap! We must inject poison directly into his body. Speech bubbles: </p><p>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p>Word cards: starve him to death</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 29 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p>Word cards: thinner and thinner weaker and weaker sad shape Please give us water!</p><p>Give us something to eat!</p><p>Speech bubbles: /</p><p>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p>Word cards: banzai trick You poor, poor, pitiful elephants!</p><p>Speech bubbles</p><p>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p>Word cards: threw it at their feet Oh Tonky! Oh Wanly! / Here! Eat your food!</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 30 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) Speech bubbles: </p><p>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p>Word cards: pretended not to see</p><p>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p>Word cards: lay on their sides stayed away</p><p>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p>Word cards: dead trunks stretched high</p><p>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The elephants are dead! They’re </p><p>Word cards: dead! burst into tears</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 31 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) Speech bubbles: </p><p>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Word cards: bombs raised their fists Stop the war! Stop the war! Stop all wars!</p><p>Speech bubbles: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Word cards: resting peacefully patting the tombstone tenderly</p><p>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 32 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) Soldiers</p><p>Soldiers here, soldiers there, Soldiers, soldiers, everywhere!</p><p>Brave, young soldiers marching, Naïve, loyal soldiers protecting , Courageous, injured soldiers fighting , Muscular, well-trained soldiers infiltrating.</p><p>Soldiers on the battlefield, Soldiers in the air and sea, Soldiers under a bunker, Soldiers in the trenches.</p><p>Soldiers here, soldiers there, Soldiers, soldiers, everywhere!</p><p>Soldiers throughout the combat zone, Soldiers behind enemy lines, Soldiers around the entire world, Soldiers after the war.</p><p>Brave, young soldiers dying, Lonely, scared soldiers mourning, Tortured, patriotic soldiers crying, Stoic, neglected soldiers remembering.</p><p>Soldiers here, soldiers there, Soldiers, soldiers, everywhere!</p><p>Soldiers! Soldiers! Soldiers!</p><p>By A. Taylor & R. Forte</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 33 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) In Flander’s Fields In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below.</p><p>We are the dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow. Loved, and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders Fields.</p><p>Take up our quarrel with the foe To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders Fields.</p><p>By John McCrae</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 34 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) REMEMBER PEARL HARBOR</p><p>History, in every century, records an act that lives forevermore. We’ll recall, as into line we fall, the thing that happened on Hawaii’s shore.</p><p>Let’s remember Pearl Harbor as we go to meet the foe. Let’s remember Pearl Harbor as we did the Alamo.</p><p>We will always remember how they died for liberty. Let’s remember Pearl Harbor and go on to victory.</p><p>Author: Unknown</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 35 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) World Wars – (Yes, Ma’am)</p><p>Is this World War I? Yes, it is! Is this World War I? Yes, it is! How do we know? There were soldiers in trenches. How do we know? Germans sank the Lusitania. Where was it fought? Mostly in Europe. Who do we remember? Anastasia and the Red Baron. What were the alliances? Allies vs. Central Powers. What did we invent? Tommy guns, Bi-planes, and U-boats.</p><p>Is this World War II? Yes, it is! Is this World War II? Yes, it is! How do we know? We fought on land, at sea, and in the air. How do we know? Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. Where was it fought? In Europe and the Pacific. Who do we remember? Hitler, Anne Frank, and Navajo Code Talkers. What were the Alliances? Allies vs. Axis Powers. What did we invent? B-29’s, penicillin, and the a-bomb.</p><p>Is this the Korean War? Yes, it is! Is this the Korean War? Yes, it is! How do we know? No treaty was signed. How do we know? We had Operation Big Switch. Where was it fought? In the jungles of Korea. Who do we remember? Truman firing MacArthur. What were the Alliances? China, Russia, & N. Korea vs. US & S. Korea. What did we invent? Napalm, MiG-fighters, and G-suits.</p><p>Is this the Vietnam War? Yes, it is! Is this the Vietnam War? Yes, it is! How do we know? Only war we ever lost. How do we know? Actual footage appeared on T.V. Where was it fought? In the jungles of Vietnam. Who do we remember? Ho Chi Minh and the Green Berets. What were the Alliances? N. Vietnam vs. S. Vietnam and the US. How do we remember? The names upon the Wall. By A. Taylor & Ruby Forte</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 36 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) Soldiers Cadence</p><p>I don’t know but I’ve been told War in the trenches was mighty cold No Man’s Land filled with mustard gas Made us invent the famous gas mask</p><p>Sound off – A soldier’s life Sound off – World War I 1-2-3-4 – War is destructive.</p><p>Tuskegee Airmen flew the skies Not a single airman ever died Penicillin healed our wounds a whole lot faster The A-bomb was a world disaster</p><p>Sound off – A soldier’s life Sound off – World War II 1-2-3-4 – War is frightening.</p><p>2,000 soldiers refused to come home Because they knew the US was wrong Napalm burned through our clothes and skin And the war ended with no resolution</p><p>Sound off – A soldier’s life Sound off – Korea 1-2-3-4 – War is devastating.</p><p>Agent Orange caused cancerous cells We fought in jungles where leeches dwell People hated us when we came home We weren’t given a hero’s welcome</p><p>Sound off – A soldier’s life Sound off – Vietnam 1-2-3-4 – War is unforgiving.</p><p>By A. Taylor & Ruby Forte</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 37 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) 20th CENTURY WARS AND CONFLICTS</p><p>HOME/SCHOOL CONNECTION 2</p><p>Name Date</p><p>Choose a type of technology that was used during World War I and describe it to a family member. Do you think that it helped us to win the war? Sketch or write about it.</p><p>Parent signature</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 38 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) 20th CENTURY WARS AND CONFLICTS</p><p>CONEXIÓN 2 DE HOME/SCHOOL</p><p>Nombre</p><p>Fecha</p><p>Elija un tipo de tecnología que fue utilizada durante Primera Guerra Mundial y descríbalo a un miembro de la familia. ¿Usted piensa que nos ayudó a ganar la guerra? Bosqueje o escriba sobre él.</p><p>Firma del padre</p><p>20th CENTURY WARS AND CONFLICTS</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 39 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) HOME/SCHOOL CONNECTION 1</p><p>Name Date</p><p>What are your feelings about war? Do you think there are other alternatives to war? Talk with an adult and discuss what you think about war. Sketch or write what you think. </p><p>Parent signature</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 40 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) 20th CENTURY WARS AND CONFLICTS</p><p>HOME/SCHOOL CONNECTION 3</p><p>Name Date</p><p>What would you have done if you were Jewish during WWII? What would you have done if you were a German during WWII? Answer these questions with your parent. Sketch or write your answers.</p><p>Parent signature</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 41 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) 20th CENTURY WARS AND CONFLICTS</p><p>HOME/SCHOOL CONNECTION 4</p><p>Name Date</p><p>Tell your parents about one person that you have learned about so far. Is it someone you admire? Is it someone that helped stop the war? Or is it someone who is just an interesting person? Sketch or write what you are thinking.</p><p>Parent signature</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 42 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) 20th CENTURY WARS AND CONFLICTS</p><p>HOME/SCHOOL CONNECTION 5</p><p>Name Date</p><p>Write a letter with your parents thanking a vet for all of your freedoms that you enjoy. Attach it to this paper to be mailed to a vet.</p><p>Parent signature</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 43 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) 20th CENTURY WARS AND CONFLICTS</p><p>HOME/SCHOOL CONNECTION 6</p><p>Name Date</p><p>Have your parents tell you what they think about war. Have they ever had a family member fight in a war? What was it like for the soldier / family? </p><p>Parent signature</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 44 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) 20th GUERRAS Y CONFLICTOS DEL SIGLO</p><p>CONEXIÓN 1 DE HOME/SCHOOL</p><p>Nombre</p><p>Fecha ¿Cuáles son sus sensaciones sobre guerra? ¿Usted piensa allí es otros alternativas a guerrear? Hable con un adulto y discuta lo que usted piensa de guerra. Bosqueje o escriba lo que usted piensa. </p><p>Firma del padre</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 45 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) 20th GUERRAS Y CONFLICTOS DEL SIGLO</p><p>CONEXIÓN 3 DE HOME/SCHOOL Nombre</p><p>Fecha ¿Qué usted habría hecho si usted era judío durante WWII? ¿Qué usted habría hecho si usted era un alemán durante WWII? Conteste a estas preguntas con su padre. Bosqueje o escriba sus respuestas.</p><p>Firma del padre</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 46 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) 20th GUERRAS Y CONFLICTOS DEL SIGLO</p><p>CONEXIÓN 4 DE HOME/SCHOOL Nombre</p><p>Fecha Tell your parents about one person that you have learned about so far. Is it someone you admire? Is it someone that helped stop the war? ¿O es alguien que es justo una persona interesante? Bosqueje o escriba lo que usted está pensando.</p><p>Firma del padre</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 47 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) 20th GUERRAS Y CONFLICTOS DEL SIGLO</p><p>CONEXIÓN 5 DE HOME/SCHOOL Nombre</p><p>Fecha Escriba una letra con sus padres que agradecen a un veterinario por todos sus freedoms de que usted goce. Únalo a este papel que se enviará a un veterinario.</p><p>Firma del padre</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 48 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) 20th GUERRAS Y CONFLICTOS DEL SIGLO</p><p>CONEXIÓN 6 DE HOME/SCHOOL Nombre</p><p>Fecha Haga que sus padres le digan lo que piensan de guerra. ¿Han tenido siempre una lucha del miembro de la familia en una guerra? ¿Cuál era como para el soldado/la familia? </p><p>Firma del padre</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 49 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) World War I</p><p>In the 19th century, Great Britain, France and Germany became very powerful and wealthy. Nationalism, or pride in one’s nation, was rising and countries began building up their armies. They argued about control of territories and resources. Many countries formed alliances, or agreements with other countries. The Central Powers consisted of Austria-Hungary and Germany. The Allied Powers consisted of France, Great Britain, Serbia, Russia and the US. The Serbian nationalists is Russia assassinated, or killed, the Archduke of Austria-Hungary, beginning the war. The war raged from 1914 - 1918. The US did not get involved until 1917, when a German U-boat (submarine) torpedoed and saind the cruise ship, Lusitania. The war ended when Germany surrendered and the Treaty of Versailles was signed in France on November 11, 1918 at 11 AM. That day was originally called Armistice (or Peace) Day. This is where we get Veteran’s Day today.The League of Nations was formed to prevent a world war from ever happening again. Germany was forced to pay for all the damage they had caused to other countries during the war and to give back all the land they had conquered. Russian citizens were finally pushed to revolt against their czar, causing the Russian Revolution and eventually switching to a communist government. </p><p>There were many influential people in World War I. The Red Baron was a German Flying Ace who had more kills than any other fighter pilot in the war. He was eventually shot down by an Australian infantryman. Anastasia was the daughter of Czar Nicholas Romanov of Russia. She had 3 older sisters and one younger brother. When the Russian citizens revolted, they captured the entire royal family and killed them. </p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 50 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) The war in Europe was fought on the ground. The soldiers had to live in trenches, or ditches, dug into the ground. The piece of land that Germany and France were fighting over was called “No Man’s Land.” There was a lot of disease, hunger and suffering. More people died than ever before in this war. This war was also the most expensive in history. One Christmas, the German and French soldiers called a truce, or temporary stop, to the war. They played soccer with each other all day. </p><p>World War I had many new technological advances. It was the first time bi- planes were used. These planes had machine guns and bombs. Blimps were also used to drop bombs. The Germans had perfected the U-boat, the very first version of the submarine. Poison gas was used and gas masks had to be invented. The British had a secret weapon – the tank. The tank was not very maneuverable and was often left abandoned. The British soldiers were called Tommies and since they were the first to use machine guns, these guns became known as Tommy Guns. World War I was also the first time political cartoons were used to promoted ideas. This is called propaganda.</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 51 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) World War II After World War I, Germany was forced to pay for the damages they caused. Because of that, Germany fell into a deep economic crisis. The country had very little money, so the government printed more. This made their money worthless around the world. Adolf Hitler was now in charge of the country and he formed the Nationalist Socialist Party, or Nazi Party. He withdrew Germany from the League of Nations and began invading countries across Europe. He began in Belgium and continued through Denmark, Holland (the Netherlands), Poland and France, declaring war along the way. Countries formed alliances again, just like they had in WWI. Germany now had an alliance with Italy and Japan – these countries were called the Axis Powers. The Allied Powers consisted of France, Great Britain, Russia, Canada, Australia and the US. The war was fought from 1939 – 1945. On December 7, 1941, “The Day of Infamy”, Japan bombed a US naval base in Pearl Harbor, Japan, forcing the US into the war. The war ended when Germany surrendered and the US dropped two atomic bombs on Japan, forcing a surrender. After the war, the United Nations was formed to again prevent another world war. </p><p>There were many influential people in World War II. Anne Frank is the most famous Jewish victim. She went into hiding with her family for 2 years before being sent to a concentration camp, where she died of typhus. Her diary told her story to the whole world. Oskar Schindler was a Nazi who had compassion on the Jews and set up his own concentration camp to save more than 1,200 Jews. Sadako was a Japanese girl who suffered from radiation poisoning after the A-bomb was dropped. She eventually died from the disease, but Japan has a monument for her in a local park. World leaders were also made famous during the war. Franklin D Roosevelt was the only US President to be elected three times. Winston Churchill was the Prime Minister of England. Hitler ruled Germany; Hirohito was the emperor of Japan; and Mussolini led Italy. General Eisenhower and General Patton led infamous attacks in Europe. General MacArthur became famous by uttering the words, “I shall return” to the Pacific and force Japan to retreat. The US employed Navajo Code Talkers in the war to speak in codes that the Germans never cracked. The Tuskegee Airmen were a unit of military pilots comprised entirely of African American men.</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 52 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) World War II was fought in the air, on the land, and at sea. There were many famous battles, including The Battle of the Bulge, The Battle in the Atlantic, The D-Day invasion, and the capture of Iwo Jima (a Japanese held island in the Pacific). The victory of Iwo Jima is captured in a monument in Washington, D.C., where a statue shows US Marines lifting a flag to signify the land’s occupation by the US. Soldiers’ letters home had to be censored, or read for security reasons. If any information was written in the letters, the US military blacked out the important lines. The slogan, “Loose lips sink ships” became famous. Another interesting fact is the painted designs on the battleships. With German submarines all around, battleships had to camouflage themselves in the water. The boats were painted in dazzling designs of pinwheels, checkerboard, stripes and wavy lines. Black, white, yellow and red paint was used to confuse the German soldiers looking out of the submarine’s periscopes.</p><p>World War II had many new technological advances. Planes had advanced to fighters and bombers. A bomber could hold up to 16 people, all with different jobs. German U-boats were perfected and the term submarine was used to describe them. Penicillin, an antibiotic, was invented and used to help soldiers fight infection during battles. The atomic bomb (nuclear bomb or A-bomb) was used for the first time, after a suggestion to the President by Albert Einstein. The first bomb was dropped on Hiroshima in Aug of 1945 and was called Little Boy. The second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki 3 days later and was called Fat Man. </p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 53 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) Vietnam</p><p>After WWII, Vietnam fought for their independence from France. Their leader, Ho Chi Minh, actually studied communism in France and led Vietnam to a victory. After the victory, Vietnam was divided. Some people wanted a communist government and others wanted a democratically elected government. The country agreed to split into two territories, North Vietnam and South Vietnam. North Vietnam was a communist territory and ruled by Ho Chi Minh. South Vietnam opposed communism and were led by Ngo Dinh Diem (No Din Yee-Em). A country wide election was to be held, joining the country under one chosen government. However, Ngo Dinh Diem was afraid of Ho Chi Minh’s popularity and never allowed the election. North Vietnam, called the Democratic Republic of Vietnam began invading South Vietnam. They had loyal supporters in the south, called the Viet Cong. The US did not get involved at first, but sent support to South Vietnam, called the Republic of Vietnam, to prevent the Domino Effect of Communism from spreading. The US only sent troops to train and help the South Vietnamese Army. These troops were called the Green Berets and it was the first time this Marine unit of special forces was used. After an attack on US ships in the Tonkin Gulf, US troops were sent to help fight in Vietnam. After several peace talks in Paris, France, the US President, Lyndon B. Johnson signed a peace treaty in 1973 and pulled the US forces out of Vietnam to let South Vietnam fight for themselves. The war ended in 1975, when North Vietnam took control over the whole country, and switched to communist government. </p><p>There were many influential people during the Vietnam War. The “Hawks” were US supporters of the Vietnam war. A group called the “Doves” opposed the war. These groups were engaged in several protests in the US. Our President during the war, Lyndon B. Johnson, became so unpopular that he decided not to run for re-election. Our President when the war ended was Richard Nixon. Jane Fonda was an actress who visited Vietnam and made many enemies when she refused to help the US soldiers she saw in prison camps and openly supported Ho Chi Minh. </p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 54 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) The war in Vietnam was fought in the jungle and in swamps. It was new ground for US soldiers who were not used to the heat or the insects (including leeches). Back home, it was the first time since the Civil War that our country was so divided. The Peace Symbol became very popular and the largest protest ever held occurred in 1969 when 800,000 people marched peacefully to Washington, D.C. It was also the only time that the US army fired upon protestors. During one protest at a college campus, four young men were shot and killed by US guards for protesting against the war. When the war was finally over, the soldiers did not come home to a hero’s welcome. Most of them were forgotten or spit on upon their return. Not until 1982 was a memorial, a large black wall with all the names of the dead or missing, erected. </p><p>The new technological advances of Vietnam included Agent Orange. It was a chemical spray that killed the flora so it was easier to find the enemy. However, this chemical was very harmful to soldiers – only they didn’t know it until much later after the war was over. Vietnam was also the first war to be filmed and televised across the nation as it occurred. </p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 55 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) Korea</p><p>After WWII, Communism grew in Asia. China and Russia were giant communist countries that influenced many of the smaller, Asian nations. This communist influence by larger countries was called The Domino Theory. The country of Korea was split into two territories, with North Korea wanting to become communist and South Korea wanting to be a nationalist country. The country split at the 38th parallel. In 1950, North Korea fired on South Korea troops, beginning a civil war in that country. Russia and China immediately sided with the communist North Koreans, while the US sent money and equipment to help South Korea. The US eventually sent troops to fight for South Korea. The war lasted for 3 years, until a ceasefire was declared in 1953. No official peace treaty was signed and there was no resolution. Both territories decided to recognize each other as separate countries. </p><p>The important people of the Korean war included the US Presidents, Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower (who was a general in charge of D-Day in WWII), and US general Douglas MacArthur, who was later fired and removed from command by President Truman. Kim Sung was the leader of North Korea and Syngman Rhee was the President of South Korea.</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 56 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) The Korean was was fought in the jungles of Korea. The most famous battle was the Battle of Heartbreak Ridge, which took approximately 3,700 American and French lives and over 25,000 North Korean and Chinese lives. “Operation Big Switch” was a deal between the US and North Korea to exchange prisoners of war. However, when the US prisoners were released from their Korean prisons, over 2,000 of them refused to return home to the US and wanted instead to stay in North Korea and China. </p><p>New technology in the Korean war included several new aerial war planes and helicopters. The most famous are the MiG15 fighter jets, the F-86 Sabre Cats, and armed helicopters. The fighter jets were able to travel at supersonic speeds. The G-suit was also invented to prevent pilots from getting sick during anti-gravity flights. Napalm was also invented as a product of chemical warfare. It was an acidic poison that burned through clothes and skin and was sprayed as bombs containing it exploded. It was a jelly-like substance that suck to whatever it first came into contact with. </p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 57 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) Influential People / Symbols & Holidays Where did it take place? Who was involved?</p><p>Interesting Facts 20th Century Wars Cause of war / Beginning Event / and Conflicts How US got involved WWI</p><p>New Technology / Advances Effects of war / Redefined boundaries / Ending event</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 58 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) Influential People / Symbols & Holidays Where did it take place? Who was involved?</p><p>Interesting Facts 20th Century Wars Cause of war / Beginning Event / and Conflicts How US got involved WWII</p><p>New Technology / Advances Effects of war / Redefined boundaries / Ending event</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 59 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) Influential People / Symbols & Holidays Where did it take place? Who was involved?</p><p>Interesting Facts 20th Century Wars Cause of war / Beginning Event / and Conflicts How US got involved Korean War</p><p>New Technology / Advances Effects of war / Redefined boundaries / Ending event</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 60 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) Influential People / Symbols & Holidays Where did it take place? Who was involved?</p><p>Interesting Facts 20th Century Wars Cause of war / Beginning Event / and Conflicts How US got involved Vietnam War</p><p>New Technology /Advances Effects of war / Redefined boundaries / Ending event</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 61 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) 20th Where Cause of war Effects of Influential Interesting New Century / Beginning did it take war / People / Facts Technology / Wars Event / How and place? US got Redefined Symbols Advances Conflicts involved Who was Boundaries / & involved? Ending Event Holidays</p><p>World Europe Nationalism Russian Anastasia More Blimps used in Europe; Revolution – (& people for bombing War I Central competition Czar Romanov died than Biplanes w/ Powers from Nicholas family) ever guns and – Austria Industrial replaced by before (9 hand- 1914- Hungary, Revolution; Lenin and Red million released Germany 1918 arms build- Communism Baron total, bombs up (due to 116,000 Allied nationalism); Germany Mata Hari US) Chlorine Powers – Serbia, fear (due to lost all land / Eve gas Russia, arms build- gained and Cavell Most France, up) had to repay expensive Gas masks Great debt Veteran’s war Britain, US Serbian Day German U- nationalist League of (Armistice Lusitania boats assassinate Nations Day) 11- (primitive d Archduke formed 11 @ 11 Western submarines) Ferdinand of AM, 1918 Front – Austria- Treaty of fighting in Tanks Hungary Versailles the (Great German U- signed on trenches Britain’s boat sank 11/11/18 secret the Lusitania No Man’s weapon) Land Machine Tommies guns (Great (Tommie Britain’s guns – used soldiers) by GB soldiers)</p><p>Political cartoons</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 62 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) 20th Where Cause of Effects of Influential Interesting New Century war / did it take war / People / Facts Technology / Wars Beginning and place? Event / How Redefined Symbols Advances Conflicts US got Who was Boundaries / & involved involved? Ending Holidays Event </p><p>World War Europe & Colonial Colonial Anne Frank More people Improved U- II Pacific Empires built empires died than ever boats 1939-1945 (some in foreign overseas MacArthur before (20 Northern lands were broken million total, Bombers B- Africa) up Patton 300,000 US) 29 Anti-Semitism Axis in Germany United Rosie the Most A-Bomb (Fat Powers – (superior Nations Riveter expensive war Man & Little Austria, race); Hitler’s formed w/ most Boy) Germany, retaliation for Hitler countries Italy, WWI; Rise of Millions killed involved Penicillin Japan Nationalist- in Holocaust Rommel Socialist party Tuskegee Slinky Allied (Nazi); deep A-bomb Mussolini Airmen Powers – economic dropped on Propaganda France, depression in Hiroshima & FD Auschwitz & Great Germany and Nagasaki Roosevelt Concentration Britain, around world; camps US, Germany sent Winston Russia, all Jews to Churchill Battle of Australia, ghettos / Midway New concentration Hirohito Zealand, camps and Sinking of the Canada began Albert Bismarck invading Einstein smaller, FD Roosevelt weaker Iwo Jima elected to nations of Memorial unprecedented Europe 3rd term (specifically France) Internment camps in US Japan bombed Pearl Navajo Code Harbor, HI Talkers 12/7/41 Peal Harbor</p><p>D-Day / Normandy</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 63 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) 20th Where Cause of Effects of Influential Interesting New Century war / did it take war / People / Facts Technology Wars Beginning and place? Event / How Redefined Symbols & / Advances Conflicts US got Who was Boundaries Holidays involved involved? / Ending Event </p><p>Korean Korea Growth of Ceasefire Truman Battle of Propeller War communism in 1953 – “The Buck Heartbreak powered 1950- N. in Asia; no peace Stops Ridge fighters 1953 Korea, Domino treaty Here” China, Theory signed; no 38th MiG15 jets Russia (Russian resolution Eisenhower Parallel controlled – however, F-86 Sabre S. communism); US, North MacArthur Operation Fighters Korea, country Korea & (was fired Big Switch US divided at China by (21 Us G-suits for 38th parallel; signed President soldiers pilots temporary Truman) wanted to North Korea armistice stay in Napalm (communists) to stop China fired at South fighting rather than Korea be (Nationalists) Country returned to remains US) divided into N & S 1st year – Korea 69,000 US soldier casualties</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 64 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) 20th Where did it Cause of Effects of Influential Interesting New Century war / take place? war / People / Facts Technology Wars and Beginning Conflicts Who was Event / Redefined Symbols & / Advances How US involved? Boundaries Holidays got involved / Ending Event </p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 65 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) Vietnam Vietnam / France North Lyndon Hawks Agent 1957-1975 Southeast lost Vietnam Johnson vs. Doves Orange Asia governing took over did not run US control of South for re- Biggest involvement N. Vietnam Vietnam; Vietnam; election peace in the war (Democratic country became march – 1965-1975 Republic of divided one Nixon 1969 Vietnam) & into 2 country – (800,000) Viet Cong parts; no all Ho Chi 4 US (S. Vietnam elections communist Minh protestors supporters), were ever killed China & held; Ho US sent Green Russia Chi Minh 16,000 Berets Longest and troops in war S. Vietnam communist early Eisenhower (Republic of party 1960’s as Only war Vietnam), governed a result of JFK US lost US, Korea, N. an act Australia Vietnam; signed by Jane Sen. Joe Ngo Dinh Kennedy Fonda McCarthy Diem governed Vietnam Veteran’s free state Wall chastised S. Memorial and Vietnam; shunned US sent upon military return to (Green U.S. -- Berets) to 1st time in train S. U.S. Vietnam history soldiers; eventually sent troops to fight</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 66 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) Wars and Conflicts World War I World War II Korean War Vietnam War Of the 20th Century 1914-1918 1939-1945 1950-1953 1957-1975</p><p>Who was involved</p><p>Cause of the War</p><p>Effects of The War</p><p>Symbols and Holidays</p><p>New Inventions and Technology</p><p>Interesting Facts</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 67 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) Name:</p><p>Date:</p><p>20th Century Wars and Conflicts</p><p>1. Match the wars with the dates.</p><p>WWI 1957-1975</p><p>WWII 1950-1953</p><p>Korea 1914-1918</p><p>Vietnam 1939-1945</p><p>2. Name two central powers of WWI.</p><p>3. Name two allied powers of WWII.</p><p>4. Name two axis powers of WWII.</p><p>5. Name two allied powers of WWI.</p><p>6. Name 1 Ally of N. Korea.</p><p>7. Name 1 ally of S. Korea.</p><p>8. Did the United States form an alliance with N. Vietnam or S. Vietnam?</p><p>9. What was the cause of WWI?</p><p>A. The rise of communism</p><p>B. Anti-Semitism/revenge</p><p>C. Rise of nationalism</p><p>D. Weapons of mass destruction</p><p>10.What was the cause of WWII?</p><p>A. The rise of communism</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 68 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) B. Anti-Semitism/revenge</p><p>C. Rise of Nationalism</p><p>D. Weapons of mass destruction</p><p>11.What was the cause of the Korean War?</p><p>A. The rise of communism</p><p>B. Anti-Semitism/revenge</p><p>C. Rise of Nationalism</p><p>D. Weapons of mass destruction</p><p>12.What was the cause of the Vietnam War?</p><p>A. The rise of communism</p><p>B. Anti-Semitism/revenge</p><p>C. Rise of Nationalism</p><p>D. Weapons of mass destruction</p><p>Short Answers:</p><p>13.Explain which event ended WWI.</p><p>14. Explain which event ended WWII.</p><p>15. Explain which event ended the Korean War.</p><p>16.Explain which event ended the Vietnam War.</p><p>17. Name at least one interesting or influential person from: A. WWI B. WWII C. Korean War D. Vietnam War</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 69 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) 18.Categorize the interesting facts listed below under the correct war. “The Buck Stops Here” The Western Front Green Berets Atom Bomb U.S. protestors killed Holocaust Navajo Code Talkers The Big Switch Lusitania 38th Parallel Hawks vs. Doves Pearl Harbor Tuskegee Airmen No Man’s Land Largest Peace March FDR Elected to 3rd Term</p><p>WWI WWII Korean War Vietnam War</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 70 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 71 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB) 19.Explain how technology advanced from WWI to WWII. Give examples.</p><p>Twentieth Century Wars and Conflicts Level 6 NV 72 Washoe County School District - Project G.L.A.D (06/06 JB)</p>
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