<p> CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>DEXTER ROMMELL VOISIN</p><p>School of Social Service Administration University of Chicago 969 East 60th Street Chicago, Illinois 60637 Email: [email protected] Phone: (773) 702-1124 Fax: (773) 702-0874</p><p>RESEARCH AREAS Community and Family Violence Exposure, HIV-related Risk Behaviors, International HIV Prevention and Intervention, Social Work Practice, Adolescent Risk and Protective Factors</p><p>EDUCATION 1999 Ph.D. Columbia University, New York School of Social Work (Practice)</p><p>1998 M. Phil. Columbia University, New York</p><p>1992 M.S.W. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan School of Social Work (Clinical Practice and Administration)</p><p>1990 B.A. St. Andrews College, Laurinburg, North Carolina College of Liberal Arts Psychology (Cum Laude)</p><p>LICENSURE Licensed Clinical Social Worker Number IL-149-010921</p><p>ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS 2013–Present Professor (with tenure) University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration</p><p>2006–2013 Associate Professor (with tenure) University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration</p><p>2006–Present Faculty Associate University of Chicago Center for Health and the Social Sciences </p><p>2004–2010 Faculty Associate University of Chicago Chapin Hall Center for Children Dexter R. Voisin/page 2 of 21</p><p>2002–Present Faculty Affiliate Center for the Study of Race, Politics and Culture University of Chicago</p><p>1999–2006 Assistant Professor University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration</p><p>1997–1999 Adjunct Lecturer Columbia University School of Social Work</p><p>1998 Adjunct Lecturer Hunter College School of Social Work</p><p>PROFESSIONAL LEADERSHIP 2013-Present Board Member Illinois African American Family Commission</p><p>2010–Present Board Member Illinois Statewide Committee for Juvenile Justice Programs, Disproportionate Minority Contact Subcommittee</p><p>2010–2011 Academic Leadership Fellow University of Chicago, Committee on Institutional Cooperation</p><p>2010 Expert Witness The Appropriations/Public Safety Committee of the Illinois House. Provided expert testimony on the unmet sexual health educational needs of incarcerated youth and young adults </p><p>2009 Policy Reform Conducted original research, which supported the passage of the Soto, Delgado Bill by the Illinois House of Representatives. This bill makes provisions for the establishment of a statewide advisory panel, which will inform how youth HIV prevention messages are framed by the Illinois Department of Public Health</p><p>2006 U.S. Delegate Member of the National Institute of Mental Health U.S. delegate team to Bangalore, India. The only social work scholar invited</p><p>AWARDS, FELLOWSHIPS, AND HONORS 2004, 2005, 2007 Visiting Assistant Professor (summers) University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine, Center for AIDS Prevention Study Collaborative Studies in HIV Prevention for Ethnic Minority Communities Program Dexter R. Voisin/page 3 of 21</p><p>2004–2005 Jr. Faculty Research Award University of Chicago, School of Social Service Administration</p><p>2000–2001 Faculty Diversity Award University of Chicago, School of Social Service Administration</p><p>1999 Doctoral Commencement Speaker Columbia University, School of Social Work</p><p>1998–1999 Predoctoral Fellow Columbia University, School of Social Work</p><p>1995–1998 Predoctoral Fellow, Minority Fellowship Program Council on Social Work Education, Arlington, Virginia; Columbia University, School of Social Work</p><p>1990–1992 Academic Fellow University of Michigan, School of Social Work</p><p>1988–1990 University Fellow St. Andrews College, College of Liberal Arts, Laurinburg, North Carolina</p><p>FUNDED RESEARCH GRANTS AND AWARDS 2013–2014 Principal Investigator Mediating and Moderating Pathways from Community Violence Exposures to Risky Sex among Adolescents Center for Health Administration Studies, STI HIV Intervention Network [$40,000, direct costs]</p><p>2013-2014 Co-Investigator (PI Alida Bouris) The Chicago Youth Study The Institute for Translational Medicine’s Pilot Projects in Translational and C linical Studies Award funded by the National Center For Advancing Translatio nal Sciences Grant [$20,000, direct costs]</p><p>2012–2014 Co-Principal Investigator Network Supported Engagement in HIV Care for Younger Black Men National Institute of Mental Health [R34 $450,000, direct costs]</p><p>2012–2017 Co-Investigator (PI John Schneider) Social Network Dynamics, HIV and Risk Reduction among Young Black MSM National Institute of Drug Abuse [RO1 $2,577,000, direct costs]</p><p>2011–2013 Principal Investigator School of Social Service Administration HIV Interdisciplinary Network (SHINE) University of Chicago Institutional Support [$88,487, direct costs] Dexter R. Voisin/page 4 of 21</p><p>2009–2013 Principal Investigator Partner Violence among Married and Unmarried Female College Students in Egypt (with Dr. Elham Ahmed). Institutional Support</p><p>2009–2011 Principal Investigator Media Influences and HIV Prevention among Adolescents (with co-PI Cathy Krieger) Children’s Place Association [$60,000, direct costs]</p><p>2006–2010 Principal Investigator National Institutes of Health, Health Disparities Loan Repayment Program [$12,972.00, direct costs]</p><p>2005–2007 Principal Investigator Predictors of HIV Risk Behaviors among Urban Adolescents, National Institutes of Mental Health [RO3 $100,000, direct costs]</p><p>2004–2005 Principal Investigator Community Violence and Drug and Sexual Risk Behaviors among African American Youth. SSA Junior Faculty Award [$5,000, direct costs]</p><p>2004–2005 Principal Investigator Community Violence and HIV-Related Risk Behaviors among African American Adolescents: A Qualitative Examination, National Institutes of Health, the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, and the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies [$25,000, direct costs]</p><p>2003–2008 Research Collaborator (PI Ralph DiClemente) Detained Adolescent Health Study Emory Center for AIDS Research, and the Rural Center for AIDS/STD Prevention at Indian, [$100,000, direct costs]</p><p>2001–2003 Investigator (PI Donna Baptiste) Trinidad and Tobago HIV Prevention Project, Research Collaborator (PI Dr. Donna Baptiste). National Institute of Mental Health and the William T. Grant Foundation, [R34 $100,000, direct costs]</p><p>1998–1999 Project Director/Research Collaborator (PI Nabila El-Bassel) Men’s Health Project National Institute on Drug Abuse, [RO1 $550,000, direct costs]</p><p>1997–1999 Principal Investigator Violence Exposure and HIV Sexual Risk Behaviors among Urban African American Adolescent Males. Columbia University Dissertation Grant, [$10,000, direct costs] </p><p>1997–1998 Research Interventionist (PI Robert Shilling) Enhanced Referral and Social Support in Detoxified Women National Institute on Drug Abuse, [R01-$2,758,694, direct costs]</p><p>GRANTS SUBMITTED OR UNDER REVIEW Co-Principal Investigator Dexter R. Voisin/page 5 of 21</p><p>Decision-Making, Risk Behaviors, and the Adolescent Brain: An Ecological Approach National Institute of Drug Abuse [RO1- 2,350,000, direct costs] Principal Investigator Pathways from Polyvictimization to Youth Problem Behaviors And Juvenile Justice System Involvement in Chicago and Los Angeles National Institute of Justice [$300,000, direct costs]</p><p>Principal Investigator The Northern Haiti Family Project National Institute of Child Health and Human Development [R21-275,000, direct costs]</p><p>Principal Investigator A Multimodal Approach to STI/HIV Prevention among Detained African American Adolescent Males [R34- $450,000, direct costs]</p><p>PEER REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS * Denotes current or former student co-authors</p><p>1. Voisin, D., Takahashi, L., *Berringer, K., *Kuhnen, .J, & *Burr, S. (Under review). “No safe havens”: How African American parents help their youth cope with community violence exposures.</p><p>2. Voisin, D., Sales, J., *Sung Hong, Jackson, J., Rose, E., & Diclemente, R. (Under review). The association between socioeconomic stress and sexually transmitted infection correlates among juvenile justice youth. </p><p>3. *Sung Hong, J., Voisin, D., & Hyeouk, C. (Under review). Sexual knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of South Korean adolescents: A systemic review. </p><p>4. Voisin, D., *Walsh, T., Bouris, A., Eavou, R., Bertozzi-Villa, C., Schneider, J. (Under review). The relationship between medication adherence and health-related factors among young Black men who have sex with men. </p><p>5. Voisin, D., Takahashi, L., *Berringer, K., *Kuhnen, .J, & *Burr, S. (Under review). “Sex is violence”: African American parents’ perceptions of the link between exposure to community violence and youth sexual behaviors. </p><p>6. *Voisin., D., & *Berringer, K. (Under review). Interventions targeting exposure to community violence sequelae among youth: A commentary. </p><p>7. *King, K., Voisin, D., & DiClemente, R. (Under review). Brief report: The relationship between male gang involvement and health related factors for female juvenile justice partners with non- gang Involvement histories. </p><p>8. *Hong, J.S., & Voisin, D. (Under review). A review of STI/HIV interventions for juvenile justice youth: Do they respond to an ecological approach? </p><p>9. *Elsaesser, C., & Voisin, D. (Revise and resubmitted). Correlates of polyvictimzation among Dexter R. Voisin/page 6 of 21</p><p>African American youth.</p><p>10. Voisin, D., & *Elsaesser, C. (In press). School engagement and health related factors among African American Adolescent males. Journal of Health Psychology. 11. Voisin, D., *King, K., DiClemente, R., & Carry, M. (Revise and resubmitted). Correlates of gang involvement and health-related factors among detained African American females. </p><p>12. McFadden, R., Bouris, A., Voisin, D., Glick, B., & Schneider, J. (In press). Dynamic social support networks of younger black men who have sex with men with new HIV infection. AIDS Care.</p><p>13. Yorke, C., Voisin, D., & *Alexander, L. (Under review). A systemic review: Cultural factors influencing mental health help-seeking attitudes among Caribbean immigrants. </p><p>14. Voisin, D., Chen, P., & Jackobson, K., & Fullilove, R. (Under review). The relationship between community violence exposure and sexual behaviors among a nationally representative sample of adolescents: Examining the moderating effects of gender and ethnicity. </p><p>15. Voisin, D., Hotton, A., & Neilands, T. (In press). Testing pathways linking exposure to community violence and sexual behaviors among African American adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence.</p><p>16. Voisin, D. (2013). Examining parental monitoring and deviant peers as pathways to sexual risk behaviors among Tehran adolescents. International Journal of High Risk Behaviors and Addiction. DOI:10.5812/ijhrba.14815.</p><p>17. Voisin, D., Wong, M., & Samuels, Gina. (2013). A Response to Anastas and Coffey: The science of social work and its relationship to social work education and professional organizations. Research on Social Work Practice. DOI: 10.1177/1049731513510046.</p><p>18. Bouris, A., Voisin, D., Pilloton, M., *Flatt, N., Hampton, K., Kuhns, L., Eder, M., & Schneider, J. (In press). Project nGage: Network supported engagement in HIV care for younger Black men who have sex with men in Chicago. Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research.</p><p>19. Yorke, C., & Voisin, D., & Baptiste, D. (In press). Factors related to help-seeking attitudes about professional mental health services among Jamaican immigrants in New York City. International Social Work.</p><p>20. Voisin, D., Hotton, A., *Tan, K., & DiClemente, R. (2013). A longitudinal examination of risk and protective factors associated with drug use and unsafe sex among young African American females. Children and Youth Services Review, 35, 1440-1446.</p><p>21. Voisin, D., & *Elsaesser, C. (2013). Pathways from polyvictimization to youth problem behaviors: The critical role of school success. International Journal of Higher Education dx.DOI.org/10.5430/ijhe.v2n4p. </p><p>22. Perkins, E., Voisin, D., & Brad-Stennis, K. (2013). Sociodemographic factors associated with HIV status among African American women in Washington D.C. International Journal of Women’s Health, 3(5), 587-591. Dexter R. Voisin/page 7 of 21</p><p>23. *King, K., Voisin, D., & DiClemente, R. (2013). The relationship between gang norms and risky sexual behaviors among adolescents with a history of being detained. Journal of Social Service Research, 39(4), 545-551. </p><p>24. *Bird, J., Voisin, D., & *Fisher, B. (In press). Millennial college students: Digital media, sexual risks and innovative digital approaches to improving sexual health. In L. Wilton, R. Palmer, and D. Maramba (Eds). Understanding HIV and STI Prevention for College Students. New York: Routledge Press.</p><p>25. Voisin, D., *Shi Shiu, Cheng., *Chan-Tack. A., *Sekulska, D., Krieger, K., & *Johnson, L. (2013). In their own words: Ethnic and sex differences in sources and preferences for HIV prevention information among young adults. AIDS Care. DOI.org/10.1080/09540121.2013.772274.</p><p>26. Chen, P., Voisin, D., & Jacobson, K. (2013). Community violence exposure and adolescent delinquency: Examining a spectrum of protective factors. Youth and Society. DOI: 10.1177/0044118X13475827.</p><p>27. *Bird, J., & Voisin, D. (2013). “You’re an open target to be abused”: A qualitative study of stigma and HIV self-disclosure among Black men who have sex with men. American Journal of Public Health, 103(12):2113-2199.</p><p>28. *Shi Shiu, C., Voisin, D., Chen, W., Juo, Y., *Hardestry, M., & * Huong, N. (In press). A synthesis of 20 years of research on sexual risk among Asian/Pacific Islander men who have sex with men in Western countries. Journal of Men’s Health. </p><p>29. Crosby, R., Voisin, D., DiClemente, R., Wingood, G., Salazar, L., Head, S., Rose, E., & Mc- Dermott-Sales, J. (2013). Relational correlates of unprotected oral and vaginal sex among African American adolescent females. Sexual Health. DOI:10.1071/SH12086.</p><p>30. Voisin, D., *Tan, K., & DiClemente, R. (2013). A longitudinal examination of the relationship between sexual sensation seeking and STI-related risk factors among African American females. AIDS, Education, and Prevention, 25(2), 124-134.</p><p>31. *Bird, J., & Voisin, D. (In press). Understanding the developmental and psychosocial needs of HIV positive gay adolescents. In L.Wilton (Ed). Understanding prevention for HIV positive gay men: Innovative approaches in addressing the AIDS epidemic. New York: Springer Press.</p><p>32. Voisin, D., Hotton, A., Schneider, J. (2013). Witnessing verbal parental aggression and sexual activity among low income African American adolescents. Journal of Child and Family Studies. DOI 10.1007/s10826-013-9720-7.</p><p>33. Voisin, D., *Bird, J., *Shi Shiu, Cheng, & Kreiger, C. (2013). “It’s crazy being a Black and gay youth” Getting information about HIV prevention: A pilot study. Journal of Adolescence. DOI:10.1016/j.adolescence.2012.09.009.</p><p>34. Voisin, D., *Tan, K., & DiClemente, R. (2013). A Longitudinal examination of STI prevention knowledge and STIs among African American Girls. Journal of Health Psychology, 18, 1582- 1587. Dexter R. Voisin/page 8 of 21</p><p>35. Voisin, D., Salazar, L., Crosby, R., & DiClemente (2013). The relationship between ethnic identity and Chlamydia and gonorrhea among low income detained African American female adolescents. Psychology, Health & Medicine. DOI:10.1080/13548506.2012.726361.</p><p>36. Voisin, D., *King, K., Schneider, J., DiClemente, R., & *Tan, K. (2012). Sexual sensation seeking, drug use, and risky sex among detained youth. Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research. DOI:10.4172/2155-6113.S1-017.</p><p>37. Voisin, D., *Tan, K., *Chan Tack, A., *Wade, D., & DiClemente, R. (2012). Examining parental monitoring as a pathway from community violence exposure to drug use, risky sex and recidivism among detained youth. Journal of Social Service Research, 38(5), 699-711.</p><p>38. Voisin, D., & *Sung Hong, J., & *King, K. (2012). Ecological factors associated with sexual health risk and STIs among detained youth: A systematic review. Children and Youth Services Review, 24(4), 479-498. </p><p>39. Voisin, D., & *Sung Hong, J. (2012). A meditational model of the relationship between witnessing domestic violence and bullying behaviors and victimization among youth. Educational Psychology Review. DOI:10.1007/s10648-012-9197-8. </p><p>40. Voisin, D., & *Bird, J. (2012). “You get more respect” Reasons for sex among African American high school youth: A qualitative study. Journal of Social Service Research, 74(5): 1164–1180.</p><p>41. Voisin, D., *Tan, K., Salazar, L., Crosby, R., & DiClemente, R. (2012). Correlates of STI knowledge among African American girls. Journal of Adolescent Health, 51(2), 197-199.</p><p>42. Schneider, J., Voisin, D., Michaels, S., Ostrow, D., Laumann, E. (2011). Evaluation of sexual networks as a cause for disparate HIV prevalence between blacks and whites: More questions than answers. AIDS, 25(15), 1933-1934.</p><p>43. Voisin, D., Harris, T., Crosby, R., Salazar, L., & DiClemente, R. (2011). Exploring the relationship between use of psychotherapeutic medication and laboratory confirmed STDs among detained youth. Children and Youth Services Review, 33(9),1527-1530.</p><p>44. Voisin, D., Jenkins, E., & Takahashi, L. (2011). Towards conceptual model linking community violence and HIV-related risk behaviors among adolescents: Directions for research. Journal of Adolescent Health, 49(3), 230-236.</p><p>45. Voisin, D., Neilands, T., & *Hunnicutt, S. (2011). Mechanisms linking community violence exposures and school engagement among African American adolescents: Examining the roles of psychological problem behaviors and gender. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 81(1), 61-71.</p><p>46. Voisin, D., & Neilands, T. B. (2010). School engagement, peer influences, and sexual behaviors among high school African-American adolescent boys. In W. Johnson (Ed.), Social Work and Social Welfare Responses to African American Males: What have we seen with our own eyes (pp. 101-114). Oxford University Press. </p><p>47. *Bird, J., & Voisin, D. (2010). A conceptual model of HIV self-disclosure in casual sex encounters among African American men who have sex with men. Journal of Health Psychology, 16(2), 365-373. Dexter R. Voisin/page 9 of 21</p><p>48. Voisin, D., *Bird, J., & *Hardesty, M., & *Shi Shiu, Cheng. (2010). African American youth living and coping with exposure to community violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 26(12), 2483-2498. </p><p>49. Voisin, D., & Neilands, T. (2010a). Community violence and health risk factors among adolescents on Chicago’s Southside: Does gender matter? Journal of Adolescent Health, 46(6), 600-602.</p><p>50. Voisin, D., & Neilands, T. B. (2010). Low school engagement and sexual behaviors among African American youth: Examining the influences of gender, peer norms, and gang involvement. Children and Youth Services Review, 32(1), 51-57.</p><p>51. *Corbin, D., Voisin, D., & Snell, C. (2009). Exploring the relationship between spirituality and HIV-related risk factors among young Black college students. Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services, 8, 238-250.</p><p>52. Voisin, D., & *Bird J. (2009). What African American adolescent males are telling us about HIV infection among their peers: Cultural implications for HIV/STD prevention. Social Work, 54(3), 201-209.</p><p>53. Voisin, D., Neilands, T., Salazar, L., DiClemente, R., Crosby, R., & Yarber, W. (2008). Pathways to drug and sexual risk behaviors among detained adolescents. Social Work Research, 11, 147- 157.</p><p>54. Voisin, D., & Guilamo-Ramos, V. (2008). A commentary on community violence exposure and HIV risk behaviors among African American adolescents. African American Research Perspectives, 12, 1, 83-100. </p><p>55. Voisin, D., DiClemente, R., Salazar, L., Crosby, R., Yarber, W., & Staples-Horne, M. (2007). Witnessing community violence exposure and health-risk outcomes among detained adolescents. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 74, 506-513.</p><p>56. Voisin, D., Salazar, L., Crosby, R., & DiClemente, R. & Yarber, W. (2007). Understanding motivations for having sex among detained youth: Implications for HIV prevention programs. Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services, 6 (3), 29-41.</p><p>57. Voisin, D. (2007). The effects of family and community violence exposure among youth: Recommendations for practice and policy. Journal of Social Work Education, 23(1), 51-66.</p><p>58. Crosby, R., Voisin, D., Salazar, L., DiClemente, R., & Yarber, W., & Caliendo, A. (2006). Family influences and biologically confirmed sexually transmitted infections among detained adolescents. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 76(3), 389-394.</p><p>59. Voisin, D., Salazar, L., Crosby, R., DiClemente, R., & Yarber, W. (2006). Ecological factors associated with STD-risk behaviors among detained adolescent females. Social Work, 51(1), 71- 78.</p><p>60. Voisin, D., Baptiste, D., Da Costa Martinez, D., & Henderson, G. (2006). Exporting a U.S. HIV/AIDS prevention program to a Caribbean island-nation: Lessons from the field. International Social Work. 49(1), 75-86. Dexter R. Voisin/page 10 of 21</p><p>61. Baptiste, D., Petersen, I., Bhana, A., McKay, M., Voisin, D., Bell, C., & Martinez, D. 2006). Community collaborative youth-focused HIV/AIDS prevention in two countries: Preliminary findings. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 31(2), 1-12. </p><p>62. Baptiste, D., Voisin, D., Smithgall, C., Da Costa Martinez, D., & Henderson, G. (2006). Preventing HIV/AIDS among Trinidad and Tobago teens using a family-based program: Preliminary outcomes. Social Work in Mental Health, 5(3/4), 327-348. Also published in Baptiste, D., Voisin, D., Smithgall, C., DaCosta Martinez, D., & Henderson, G. (2007). Preventing HIV/AIDS among Trinidad and Tobago teens using a family-based program: Preliminary outcomes. In M. McKay, D. Baptiste, R. Paikoff, & C. Bell (Eds.), Community collaborative partnerships and empirical findings: The foundation for youth HIV prevention. (pp. 333-354) California: Haworth Press. </p><p>63. Voisin, D., Salazar, L., Crosby, R., DiClemente, R., Yarber, W., & Staples-Horne, M. (2006). HIV testing among detained youth. Journal of HIV/AIDS Prevention in Children and Youth, 6(2), 83-96.</p><p>64. Voisin, D. (2005). The relationship between violence exposure and HIV sexual risk behaviors: Does gender matter? American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 75(4), 497-506. </p><p>65. Voisin, D., Salazar, L., Crosby, R., DiClemente, R., Yarber, W., & Staples-Horne, M. (2005). Teacher connectedness and health-related outcomes among detained adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health, 37(4), 337.e17-337.e23. </p><p>66. Voisin, D., Salazar, L., Crosby, R., DiClemente, R., Yarber, W., & Staples-Horne, M. (2004). The association between gang involvement and sexual behaviors among detained adolescent males. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 80, 440–442.</p><p>67. Voisin, D. (2003). Victims of community violence and HIV sexual risk behaviors among African American adolescent males. Journal of HIV/AIDS Prevention & Education for Adolescents & Children, 5(3/4), 87–110.</p><p>68. Anderson, T., DeCarlo, A., Voisin, D., & Bell, C. (2003). Trauma and violence in childhood: A U.S. perspective. Psychiatric Times, 20(10), 17–20.</p><p>69. Voisin, D. (2002). Family ecology and HIV sexual risk behaviors among African American and Puerto Rican adolescent males. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 72(2), 294–302. </p><p>70. Voisin, D., & Dillon-Remy, M. (2001). Psychocultural factors associated with HIV infection among Trinidad and Tobago adolescents. Journal of HIV/AIDS Prevention & Education for Adolescents & Children, 4(2/3), 65–82. Also reprinted in: Voisin, D., & Dillon-Remy, M. (2002). Psychocultural factors associated with HIV infection among Trinidad and Tobago adolescents. In B. A. Dicks (Ed.), HIV/AIDS and children in the English speaking Caribbean (pp. 65–82). New York: Haworth Press.</p><p>71. El-Bassel, N., Fontdevila, J., Gilbert, L., Voisin, D., Richman, B., & Pitchell, P. (2001). HIV risks of men in methadone maintenance treatment programs who abuse their intimate partners: A forgotten issue. Journal of Substance Abuse, 13, 29–43. Dexter R. Voisin/page 11 of 21</p><p>NON PEER REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS 1. Voisin, D. (2011). The global village and responses to HIV prevention. Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services, 10(2), 93-95.</p><p>2. Voisin, D. (2010). Improving service delivery to HIV-infected populations. Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services, 9(1), 4-6.</p><p>3. Voisin, D. (2010). Improving service delivery to HIV-infected populations. Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services, 9(1), 4-6.</p><p>4. Voisin, D. (2001). [Review of the book Boys into men: Raising our African American teenage sons, by N. Boyd Franklin, A.J. Franklin, & P. Toussaint]. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 21(1), 136.</p><p>MANUSCRIPTS IN PREPARATION 1. *Sung Hong, J., & Voisin, D. Sociocultural factors related to sexual knowledge and behaviors among South Korean youth.</p><p>2. Voisin, D., Takahashi, L., *Berringer, K., *Kuhnen, .J, & *Burr, S. African American parents teaching their youth how to cope with community violence exposures: What does gender have to do with it? </p><p>3. *Sung Hong, J., & Voisin, D. Conceptualizing the pathways from bullying involvement to juvenile justice involvement: Implications for school practitioners</p><p>4. *Bird, J., & Voisin, D. HIV disclosure patterns among Black men who have sex with men.</p><p>5. *King, K., Voisin, D., & DiClemente, R. The relationship between life chances and sexual risk behaviors among African American detained females.</p><p>SELECTED PRESS AND MEDIA COVERAGE Why Are Minority Girls More Likely Than Boys To Graduate High School and Attend College? Fusion February 27, 2014</p><p>“Confab examines STIs and HIV among youth” Windy City Times November 11, 2013 “Getting beyond the drama: Communication between parents” WVON April 29, 2013</p><p>“A Chicago reporter questions news about the city’s violence” StarTribune March 16, 2013</p><p>“Who should be face of Chicago violence?” The Root March 15, 2013</p><p>“Impact of street violence on Chicago youth” Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) Chicago Tonight February 28, 2013</p><p>“Who are Chicago’s killer kids?” The New York Daily News February 28, 2013 Dexter R. Voisin/page 12 of 21</p><p>“Illinois: HIV conference at the University of Chicago looks at problem in minority communities” AIDS Global Education Information System November 16, 2012</p><p>“Original “Dream Girl” Sheryl Lee Ralph will present her one woman play” The Chicago Crusader November 16, 2012</p><p>“HIV rates and violence” National Public Radio November 16, 2012</p><p>“Chicago sticker controversy” CLTV NEWS February 8, 2012</p><p>“Hopes to improve sex education and STD prevention for Chicago teens” Fox News Chicago November 17, 2011</p><p>“Teens exposed to gun violence face tough road” NPR March 26, 2011</p><p>In Chicago, stopping crime before it happens” NPR March 25, 2011</p><p>“Urban youth cope with neighborhood violence in diverse ways” MEDICAL NEWS TODAY DECEMBER 6, 2010 “Urban youth cope with neighborhood violence in diverse ways” PRESSINGOPINION DECEMBER 6, 2010</p><p>“Study looks at how South Side adolescents cope with violence” WBEZ91.5 DECEMBER 6, 2010</p><p>“Urban neighborhood violence: Some fight back, others withdraw, some strive to do better in scho ol” 7TH SPACE INTERACTIVE DECEMBER 5, 2010</p><p>“Youth deal with neighborhood violence in diverse ways” SIFY NEWS DECEMBER 5, 2010</p><p>“The way urban youth deal with neighborhood violence” SOFTPEDIA DECEMBER 3, 2010</p><p>“Urban youth cope with neighborhood violence in diverse ways” BRIGHTSURF.COM DECEMBER 3, 2010</p><p>“Urban youth cope with neighborhood violence in diverse ways” UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO DECEMBER 2, 2010</p><p>“Study focuses on how black teens cope with violence” SPORTS GOMES DECEMBER 2, 2010 Dexter R. Voisin/page 13 of 21</p><p>“Study focuses on how black teens cope with violence” CHICAGO PUBLIC RADIO DECEMBER 2, 2010</p><p>“Urban youth cope with neighborhood violence in diverse ways” GENETIC ENGINERRING & BIOTECHNOLOGY NEWS DECEMBER 2, 2010</p><p>“Urban youth cope with neighborhood violence in diverse ways” SCIENCE NEWS DECEMBER 2, 2010</p><p>“Urban youth cope with neighborhood violence in diverse ways” SCIENCE BLOG DECEMBER 2, 2010</p><p>Urban youth cope with neighborhood violence in diverse ways” RED ORBIT DECEMBER 2, 2010</p><p>“Deconstructing Chicago Youth Violence” CHICAGO PUBLIC RADIO January 6, 2010</p><p>“Professor’s goal: Separate HIV facts from fiction” CHICAGO TRIBUNE December 28, 2009</p><p>“Chicago again poised to be country’s most violent city for youth” MEDILL REPORTS November 24, 2009</p><p>“Windy City blown apart” THE POST October 25, 2009 “Response to student’s beating death” CHICAGO TRIBUNE October 9, 2009</p><p>“News Analysis with Elizabeth Brackett” CHICAGO TONIGHT October 6, 2009</p><p>“36 Chicago area students killed sets record” WASHINGTON TIMES May 13, 2009</p><p>“Illinois House Committee Approves Soto Bill to Create State Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS Prevent” ILLINOIS YOUTH AND HIV/AIDS: FORUM ‘09 March 12, 2009</p><p>“Audio: Sex Ed in Schools” WBEZ March 5, 2009</p><p>“An Examination of Gangs and Urban Violence” SSA CENTENNIAL December 6, 2008</p><p>“Deadly Lessons: A Night in Englewood” CLTV November 20, 2008 “Obama Is an Inspiration to Black Men, Boys” CBS NEWS November 5, 2008 Dexter R. Voisin/page 14 of 21</p><p>“When children are in line of fire” CHICAGO TRIBUNE June 26, 2008</p><p>“Experts Present Ideas to Stop Street Violence” FOX NEWS CHICAGO June 4, 2008</p><p>“Youth violence panel” (video) CHICAGO TONIGHT March 31, 2008</p><p>“Op-ed: The hopelessness of a generation” CHICAGO TRIBUNE February 24, 2008 “Professor Voisin discusses violence in Chicago” SVD (SWEDEN) July 26, 2007</p><p>“Deadly year for Chicago students” AP VIDEO June 7, 2007</p><p>“Deadly Lessons: 24 Hours in Chicago” CNN.COM June 3, 2007</p><p>“There are ways to reduce violence – let’s use them” CHICAGO SUN-TIMES May 29, 2007</p><p>“Measuring the Effects of Violence” (.mp3 file) WBEZ May 21, 2007</p><p>“Teen Violence” DAILY SOUTHTOWN January 7, 2007</p><p>“Social Disparities affecting African American Adolescent Males” XM Radio 169 April 17, 2006</p><p>“Girls & Boys Town planned for Chicago neighborhood” NORTHWEST INDIANA TIMES January 29, 2006</p><p>“Caring teachers make for better-behaved kids” YAHOO NEWS INDIA October 23, 2005</p><p>“Teacher Connectedness and Health-Related Outcomes among Detained Adolescents” KSU Radio Northridge, California October 18, 2005</p><p>“Teacher Connectedness and Health-Related Outcomes among Detained Adolescents” KCBS Radio San Francisco, California October 12, 2005</p><p>INVITED NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL LECTURES AND KEYNOTE SPEECHES “Urban youth living and coping with community violence exposures: Implications for practice and intervention.” Presented at the 2013 Annual Community Behavioral Healthcare Association of Illinois Conference, Chicago Illinois December 2013. Dexter R. Voisin/page 15 of 21</p><p>“Community violence exposure and sexual behaviors in a nationally representative sample: Examining the moderating effects of race/ethnicity and gender.” Presented at the National Institutes of Health 2012 Science of Eliminating Health Disparities Summit, National Harbor, Maryland December, 2012.</p><p>“Addressing youth multiple problem behaviors: The importance of school based interventions.” Presented at the Village Leadership Academy Teacher Training, Chicago, Illinois, December, 2012.</p><p>“Addressing youth multiple problem behaviors: The importance of field placement and university collaborations.” Presented at the SSA Annual Field Luncheon Breakfast, Chicago, Illinois, September 2012.</p><p>“The web of exclusion for African American youth.” Presented at the School of Social Service Administration, African American Alumni Association Symposium, Chicago, Illinois, February, 2012.</p><p>“The relationship between community violence exposure and gang involvement.” Presented at the Chicago Crime Commission, Chicago, Illinois, January, 2012.</p><p>“Conceptualizing pathways between community violence exposure and HIV-related sexual risk behaviors.” Invited lecture. Presented at the University of Illinois at Chicago, School of Public Health, Chicago, Illinois, April, 2011.</p><p>“Transformative education: Moving beyond the castle of your familiar.” Annual Aims of SSA presented at the School of Social Service Administration, Chicago, Illinois, September, 2010.</p><p>“Black boys don’t cry.” Keynote Address presented at the Tulsa City-County Library’s African American Resource Center, 4th Annual Convention, Tulsa, Oklahoma, September, 2010.</p><p>“Impact of community violence on youth.” Presented at the Tulsa City-County Library’s African American Resource Center, 4th Annual Community Forum, Tulsa, Oklahoma, September, 2010.</p><p>“Urban youth living and coping with violence exposure: Implications for practice and policy.” Rhoda Sarnat Memorial Lecture. Presented at the University of Chicago, School of Social Service Administration, Chicago, Illinois, June, 2010.</p><p>“I am young, educated, and living in the south. Why should I be concerned about HIV infection?” Keynote address presented at Arkansas State University, World AIDS Conference, Jonesboro, Arkansas, December, 2009.</p><p>“Everyday victims: Adolescents living and coping with the effects of community violence exposure.” Presented at the Division of Mental Health Forensic Services Bureau: 20th Annual Statewide Conference on Mental Health & Justice, Chicago, Illinois, August, 2008.</p><p>“The impact of community violence exposure on youth development: Implications for clinical service delivery.” Presented at Mercy Home for Boys, Chicago, Illinois, May, 2007.</p><p>“The importance of a violence research agenda.” Presented to SSA’s Visiting Committee, Chicago, Illinois, May 2007. Dexter R. Voisin/page 16 of 21</p><p>“Conceptualizing the relationship between exposure to violence and HIV sexual risk behaviors among adolescents.” Paper presented at the University of Chicago, School of Social Service Administration, Faculty/Doctoral Colloquium Series, Chicago, Illinois, January, 2006.</p><p>“Teacher connectedness and sexual risk behaviors among detained adolescents.” Presented at the 5th Indio-U.S. Conference on Behavioral Prevention for HIV/STDs, Bangalore, India, February, 2006.</p><p>“Family constellation and HIV sexual risk behaviors among African American males.” Presented at the Symposium on Social Work and Social Welfare Response to African American Males, sponsored by the National Association of Black Social Workers (Chicago chapter), the School of Social Service Administration, and the Center for the Study of Race, Politics, and Culture. Chicago, Illinois, April, 2005.</p><p>“HIV risk of men in methadone maintenance treatment programs who abuse their intimate partners.” Keynote address presented at the National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. Funded by the Community Capacity Building Coalition, Centers for Disease Control. Chicago, Illinois, February, 2002. </p><p>“Exposure to violence and HIV sexual risk behaviors among adolescent African American males.” Presented at the Annual Program Meeting, Council on Social Work Education. New York, New York, February, 2000.</p><p>SELECTED JURIED CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS “Correlates of gang involvement among detained African American adolescent females.” Society for Social Work Research, Annual Program Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, January, 2014.</p><p>“The relationship between male partner gang involvement and risk behaviors among their non- gang involved female partners.” Society for Social Work Research, Annual Program Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, January, 2014.</p><p>“Correlates of STI knowledge among African American girls.” Society for Social Work Research, Annual Program Meeting, Washington, D.C., January, 2012.</p><p>“African American adolescents living and coping with community violence in Chicago.” Society for Social Work Research, Annual Program Meeting, Tampa, Florida, January, 2010.</p><p>“Family constellation and HIV sexual risk behaviors among African American males.” Society for Social Work Research, Annual Program Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, January, 2006</p><p>“Family ecology and HIV sexual risk behaviors among African American and Puerto Rican adolescent males.” Paper presented at the NIMH Annual International Research Conference on the Role of Families in Preventing and Adapting to HIV/AIDS, Washington, D.C., July, 2003.</p><p>“Family variables associated with HIV sexual risk behaviors among African American adolescent males.” Paper presented at the Association for the Advancement of Social Work Research, Atlanta, Georgia, February, 2001. Dexter R. Voisin/page 17 of 21</p><p>“Association between community violence exposure and HIV sexual risk behaviors among African American adolescent males” and “Men who inflict intimate female partner violence and their risk for HIV infection.” Presented at the 128th annual meeting of the American Public Health Association Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, November, 2000.</p><p>“Theoretical frameworks for understanding and preventing HIV infection among African American adolescent males.” Paper presented at the National Association of Black Social Workers National Conference, Los Angeles, California, April, 2000.</p><p>“Exposure to violence and HIV sexual risk behaviors among adolescent African American males.” Invited paper presented at the annual program meeting, Council on Social Work Education, New York, New York, February, 2000.</p><p>“The association between family violence and HIV risk behavior in a population of urban African American males.” Paper presented at the National Institutes of Mental Health conference, Role of Families in Preventing and Adapting to HIV/AIDS, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July, 1999.</p><p>“Perceived multicultural competence of service providers in mental health settings.” Paper and professional in-service sponsored by the Jewish Board of Family and Children Services, New York, New York, February, 1997.</p><p>TEACHING EXPERIENCE School of Social Service Administration, University of Chicago Social Intervention: Direct Practice I Social Intervention: Direct Practice II Effective Cross Cultural Practice Advanced Clinical Evaluation Independent Research & Independent Study Doctoral Seminar on Developmental Risk and Resilience: Models of Prevention </p><p>School of Social Work, Columbia University Advanced Generalist Practice and Programming Practice II</p><p>School of Social Work, Hunter College Multicultural Social Work Practice</p><p>STUDENT MENTORSHIP Dissertation Committees 2013–present Roni Robertson, Dissertation Member 2013 Nicole Williams Beechum, Proposal Reactor 2012–2013 Cheng-Shi Shiu, Proposal and Dissertation Chair 2012–2014 Camille Quinn, Dissertation Member, University of Illinois at Chicago 2012 Desmond Patton, Dissertation Reactor 2011–present Fallon Wilson, Committee Member 2011 Florian Sichling, Proposal Reactor 2010 Jewel Brazelton, Dissertation Reactor 2004–2009 Jason Bird, Chair—Assistant Professor, Rutgers University Newark Dexter R. Voisin/page 18 of 21</p><p>2009 Md. Hasah Reza, Proposal Reactor 2009 Desmond Patton, Proposal Reactor 2008 Teresa Moro, Proposal Reactor 2007 Noriko Martinez, Proposal Reactor 2007 Jiyoung Kim, Proposal Reactor 2006 Terri Arthur Browne, Proposal Reactor 2005 Lissette Piedra, Dissertation Reactor 2003 Phillip River, Proposal Reactor 2002 Kama Brockmann, Dissertation Reactor 2002 Kevin Burke, Dissertation Reactor 1999 Amy Mericle, Dissertation Reactor</p><p>Graduate Student Research/Mentor 2010–2012 Akua Agyeman, Schweitzer Fellows Program 2011–2012 Jocelyn Jones, Research Supervisor/Advisor 2009–2010 Quincey Kyles, Research Supervision/Advisor 2002–2003 Cori Anthony Malone, Schweitzer Fellows Program</p><p>Undergraduate Student Research 2010 Devon Wade—University of Chicago Summer Leadership Alliance Program He is currently a PhD student at Columbia University, Sociology Department 2005–2006 Justin Hill—The College, University of Chicago (AB Thesis Advisor)</p><p>CLINICAL PRACTICE EXPERIENCE 2002–present Clinical Therapist Private practice</p><p>1996–1998 Clinical Social Worker Jewish Board of Family and Children Services New York, New York</p><p>1995–1995 Director of Recovery Residence & Clinical Therapist Charter Behavioral Health Care Systems Atlanta, Georgia</p><p>1993–1994 Medical Social Worker Grady Health Care Systems Atlanta, Georgia</p><p>1993 Psychiatric Social Worker Medical Center of Baton Rouge Baton Rouge, Louisiana</p><p>PROFESSIONAL SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 2013 Panelist, “Getting beyond the drama: Communication between parents” University of Chicago Medicine, Urban Health Initiative</p><p>2013 Panelist, University of Chicago, Office of Multicultural Student Affairs, Men of Color Forum Dexter R. Voisin/page 19 of 21</p><p>2013 Judge, University of Chicago Department of Medicine Research Day</p><p>2010–present Executive Committee Member, Center for Interdisciplinary Innovation and Inquiry on Sexual and Reproductive Health (Ci3), University of Chicago</p><p>2012 Volunteer, Community Affairs, The University of Chicago Medicine Real Men Cook</p><p>2012, 2013 Reader, Provost's Career Enhancement Postdoctoral Scholarship</p><p>2010–2011 Fellow, Academic Leadership Program</p><p>2010 Mentor, Leadership Alliance Program </p><p>2009 Member, University Honors and Awards Committee</p><p>2008 Member, University Registrar’s Advisory Committee </p><p>2005–2006 National Advisory Board Member, Study of African American Youth and Their Sexual Empowerment: Sex, Politics and Culture. Principal Investigator Dr. Cathy Cohen</p><p>2005–2006 Chair, Post-Doctoral Fellowship Committee, University of Chicago, Center for the Study of Race, Gender, and Culture</p><p>2003–2005 Member, Post-Doctoral Fellowship Committee, University of Chicago, Center for the Study of Race, Gender, and Culture</p><p>School of Social Service Administration 2013-2014 Chair, Faculty Search Committee 2013 Conference organizer, Third Annual STI/HIV Intervention Network (SHINE) Conference. Featuring keynote speaker Judy Auerbach 2012 Conference organizer, Second Annual STI/HIV Intervention Network (SHINE) Conference. Two-day conference, featuring keynote speakers Dr. Robert Fullilove and actress/singer Sheryl Lee Ralph 2010–2013 Reader, Doctoral Admissions Committee 2009–2012 Chair, Direct Practice Concentration 2009–2010 Member, Promotion, Tenure and Review Committee 2008–2014 Member, Curriculum Policy Committee 2008–2009 Member, Faculty Retreat Planning Committee 2007–2014 Member, Faculty Search Committee 2007–2009 Member, Admissions Committee 2007 (spring) Chair, Direct Practice Concentration 2005–2008 Member, Centennial Planning Committee 2004–2005 Member, Faculty Search Committee 2003–2006 Member, Internal Review Board 2003–2004 Chair, Direct Practice Concentration 2002–2004 Member, Field Education (Accreditation) Steering Subcommittee 2000–2004 Member, Curriculum Policy Committee 1999–2000 Member, Faculty Search Committee Dexter R. Voisin/page 20 of 21</p><p>Promotion, Retention and Tenure Reviewer for the Following Schools Binghamton University, State University of New York, School of Social Work Columbia University, School of Social Work Fordham University, School of Social Work Howard University, School of Social Work Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine Temple University, School of Social Service Administration University at Buffalo, State University of New York, School of Psychology University of Illinois at Chicago, School of Medicine University of Maryland, School of Social Work University of Minnesota, School of Public Health University of Southern California, School of Social Work University of Washington, School of Social Work</p><p>Editorial Co-Editor Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services, 2010-present</p><p>Editorial Board/Consulting Editor BMC Public Health, 2012-present Journal of Adolescent Health, 2012–present Journal of Social Work Research, 2013-present Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services, 2003–2009 Social Work, 2002–2008 Journal of HIV/AIDS Prevention in Children & Youth, 2004–2007</p><p>Ad Hoc Reviewer Achieves of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine AIDS and Behavior AIDS Care American Journal of Preventive Medicine American Journal of Public Health BioMed Central Public Health Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health Child and Family Social Work Children and Youth Services Review Criminal Justice and Behavior Critical Public Health Drug and Alcohol Dependence Family Systems and Health Global Journal of Political Science and International Relations Health Education Research Human Organization, Journal for the Society for Applied Anthropology International Journal of Public Health Journal of Adolescence Journal of Adolescent Health Journal of Adolescent Research Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology Journal of Early Adolescence Journal of Geography and Regional Planning Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health Dexter R. Voisin/page 21 of 21</p><p>Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality Journal of Research on Adolescents Journal of the National Medical Association Pediatrics Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services Psychology, Health & Medicine Psychology of Violence Research in Human Development SAHARA Journal Sexually Transmitted Infections Social Services Review Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies Western Journal of Nursing Research World Journal of AIDS Youth & Society Society for Social Work Research, Excellence in Research Award Allyn and Bacon, Pearson Education National Association of Social Work Press</p><p>Abstract Reviewer Society for Social Work Research Conference, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013</p><p>Grant Reviewer National Institutes of Health Scientific Review Panels (July 2006, October 2008, March 2008, October 2008, March 2011) United States Civilian Research and Development Foundation</p><p>Consultant African American HIV/AIDS Prevention Network Annie E. Casey Foundation—the Center on Applied Research and Technical Assistance Bright Promises Foundation The Children’s Place Association Chosen to Achieve, African American Mentoring Program St. Paul Public Schools Cook County Juvenile Detention Center Cook County Westside Health Center at Bethany-CBC Initiative Heartland Health Outreach, Incorporated Isaac Ray Center at Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center National Opinion Research Center (NORC) Pretzel and Stouffer Chartered</p><p>PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS American Public Health Association (APHA) Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Society for Social Work Research (SSWR)</p><p>Updated: January 2014</p>
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