<p> REGULAR MEETING AGENDA METCALFE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION</p><p>December 16, 2014 6 PM</p><p>Meeting Place Metcalfe County Board of Education 109 Sartin Drive Edmonton, KY 42129</p><p>1) Call to Order Invocation by Donnie Perry Joey Shive called me meeting to order and led the pledge of allegiance </p><p>2) Recognition Student of the Month Special Olympics Staff of the Month Doug Clemmons Community Hoss Foundation</p><p>Recognition is sponsored by Edmonton State Bank, South Central Bank & Alliance Corporation</p><p>3.) Superintendent & Director Reports</p><p>Allen Trotter Mr. Trotter shared the KY School Report Card for Metcalfe County Middle School. He presented information on the following:</p><p>Accountability Profile summarizes the status of a school or district in the state accountability system, Unbridled Learning: College and Career Ready for All. The Overall Score is used to compare and rank school and district performance and to calculate an AMO improvement goal. An accountability classification based on the percentile rank, rewards or assistance category, participation rate and graduation rate are also included. Accountability is based on students enrolled a full academic year (100 days). The middle school had a Needs Improvement/Progressing classification. </p><p>Next Generation Learners(NxGL) is one of three components of Kentucky's accountability system. The component includes multiple measures of student performance on tests and student accomplishments of graduation and readiness for college and career. Reporting is organized into five categories: Achievement, Gap, Growth, College/Careen Readiness and Graduation Rate. The total score for the middle school is 54.4.</p><p>Achievement reports student performances in the five content areas of reading, mathematics, science, social studies and writing (on-demand and language-editing and mechanics). A formula awards points based on the student performance levels of Novice, Apprentice, Proficient and Distinguished (NAPD). Accountability is based on students enrolled a full academic year (100 days). The middle school has 68 total points in Level - Performance Type Category. In Achievement Scores for Accountability by Grade Level by shown below are the Percent of Proficient/Distinguished scores: Reading - Percent Proficient/Distinguished - School 46.9 and State 53.2 Mathematics - Percent Proficient/Distinguished - School 45.3 and State 44.8 Science - Percent Proficient/Distinguished - School 74.0 and State 64.2 Social Studies - Percent Proficient/Distinguished - School 52.3 and State 59.4 Writing - Percent Proficient/Distinguished - School 30.3 and State 43.7 Language Mechanics - Proficient/Distinguished - School 34.2 and State 40.3</p><p>Program Review Accountability - Currently, there are three Program Review areas included in accountability: Arts and Humanities, Practical Learning/Career Studies and Writing. There are four identical standards across all three program reviews. Those standards are: (1) Curriculum and Instruction (2) Formative and Summative Assessment (3)Professional Learning (4) Administrative/Leadership Support Scores/rating for Program Review Accountability School are as follows: Arts and Humanities 8.9 Proficient Practical Living/Career Studies 8.6 Proficient Writing 7.8 Needs Improvement Total Score 25.3 Proficient Currently the middle school is working to pull Global Language and Global Competency pieces checklists to their Program Review Binders. This will help the middle school to have this in place before this becomes a part of the accountability and will help them be more prepared.</p><p>Explore is a high school readiness test for grade 8 that measures achievement in English, Mathematics, Reading and Science. Scores are as follows: English School 13.5 State 14.6 Mathematics School 14.4 State 15.3 Reading School 13.8 State 14.5 Science School 15.9 State 16.6 Overall Composite School 14.5 State 15.4 Dr. Lile added the Explore is on a 25 point scale. </p><p>Next-Generation Instructional Programs and Support (Program Review) is a systematic method of analyzing components of an instructional program, including instructional practices, aligned and enacted curriculum, student work samples, formative and summative assessments, professional development and support services, and administrative support and monitoring KRS 158.6453(1)(i). This shows the classification of the three categories of which we are accountable and shows the ratings which Mr. Trotter has already shared. Mr. Trotter asked if there was anything board members wish to discuss from the School Report Card. Board member Tim Brown asked why the writing scores were low? Mr. Trotter told him some pieces were missed that could have been submitted, we are aware of the pieces that were not included and are working to address that. Dr. Lile added that program reviews are still relatively new and are being examined by KDE.</p><p>Next Mr. Trotter presented the MAP results for grades 6,7 & 8. Math and reading scores are shown from Fall 2010 to Fall 2014:</p><p>6th Grade Math Reading Grade 6 Fall 2014 210.5 208.5 Grade 5 Spring 2014 216.6 212.9 Grade 4 Spring 2013 209.9 204.7 Grade 3 Spring 2012 202.9 199.2 Grade 2 Spring 2011 192.5 185.1 Grade 2 Fall 2010 180.5 178.7</p><p>7th Grade Grade 7 Fall 2014 217.9 213.8 Grade 6Spring 2014 220.4 213.4 Grade 5 Spring 2013 221.7 213.9 Grade 4 Spring 2012 212.5 206.3 Grade 3 Spring 2011 202.9 197.4 Grade 3 Fall 2010 191.4 190.6</p><p>8th Grade Grade 8 Fall 2014 224.1 216.9 Grade 7 Spring 2014 224.3 217.1 Grade 6 Spring 2013 220.4 212.5 Grade 5 Spring 2012 218.6 214.6 Grade 4 Spring 2011 213.5 209.1 Grade 4 Fall 2010 23.8 203.3</p><p>Dr. Lile added there is typically a summer lag on the fall scores particularly in math, this data is included because it is the most recent. Students read during the summer but they do not do as much math. This is not unusual across the nation. The RIT score changes each time you test, so your goal continues to rise. </p><p>Board member Robin McMurtrey asked if the middle school did a Winter Map test. She was told that is going on now. The middle school is concreting on classroom level assessments and analyzing those and looking at questions to be sure they match standards. </p><p>Dr. Lile shared there is information on the district website from NWEA , the company that produces MAP, that explains what MAP is and what it does. He encourages everyone to go the website and read that. The really nice thing about MAP is the scoring is consistent regardless of grade level. In summary, Mr. Trotter mentioned what was working well at the middle school. There is good community involvement participating in events such as Guest Speaker Day, Safety Days, Shrek, other plays and Chamber Education Day, as well as Hornet Central Bank Science Institute, Mammoth Cave, US Army Core of Engineers , Lindsey Wilson College, Western Kentucky University and , 21st Century has a really good program going on. Program Reviews and science are going well, there is approximately 100 pieces of evidence uploaded for the first nine weeks from teachers. Data analysis is going well, we are tracking students individually. There is good parent involvement consisting of seven committees and SBDM. What's not working for us is Literary, our Assessment Scores continue to be a concern. There is a Literacy Committee that meets regularly . We are using Word of the Week, there are school wide reading strategies that are in place. To address reading all teachers require AR points, Read 180 and Achieve 3000. Rigor is also something we need to work on. All departments are meeting in a PLC and sharing assessment questions in order to challenge students in each grade. We are working on .</p><p>Board Member Robin McMurtrey asked if there had been any joint PLC meetings between departments. She was told at this time, that had not happened at this time. </p><p> Dr. Lile complimented Mr. Trotter on the student leadership on Chamber Education Day. He also mentioned he had been to see the Shrek (the play) and was impressed with the students.</p><p>Dr. Lile Construction Update - We are working through some issues regarding the grade on the building site. Last week there was a meeting with Jeanie Cannon of RBS Design Group, Tim Geegan of Alliance and two engineers from America Engineers. Plans have been reviewed and changes discussed. The Building Committee has reviewed the new proposed plans. Jim Ivy with RBS Design Group will call or be here next week to discuss further. The TELL Survey is being set up for us to take. We are on a two year cycle. Board member Robin McMurtrey asked if there was a way to compare data from the same teachers who had been in the district multiple years. Dr. Lile replied he didn’t think so. Mr. Stephens confirmed this. There is a request to create a position for Volleyball Coach at the middle school. We hope to have in place this Spring. Board meeting dates for January - June of 2015 are listed for your consideration. We were not able to stay on the second Tuesday of the month for all meetings. Dwight will be talking about the budget. The news is mixed at this time. The Commissioner of Education shared there would be a SEEK shortfall this year and this will be with us also next year. There is also be a state shortfall. However, today we received info that our SEEK fore cast is up. We have attributed this to the SAAR Report which was submitted at the end of the last school with an increase of 30 students. We are still looking at substantial budget cuts for the 2015-16 school year possibly in the amount of $500,000.</p><p>Bennie Stephens He also complimented the middle school play "Shrek" that is going on now. Mr. Stephens presented the 2015-16 Comprehensive District Improvement Plan (CDIP) to the board. He discussed the 8 goals of the plan. 1) Cohort and Graduation Rae 2) College and Career Readiness 3) K-Prep reading and math 4) Non-duplicated Gap reading and math 5) PGES growth and support 6) Health Improvement 7) Children's Internet Protection Act 8) Parent and Student Involvement</p><p>The 2014-15 targets for the various goals were discussed along with the strategies and activities to address the goals. Mr. Stephens pointed out he had received input and feedback from the 2014 Edmonton-Metcalfe County Chamber of Commerce Leadership Class, Metcalfe County School Administrators, and the draft plan was posted on the district web page for community input. The TELL survey was also used to identify needs for the plan.</p><p>Dr. Lile added KDE dictates the format and some of the goals for the CDIP, such as the numerical goals.</p><p> Mr. Stephens is also requesting approval of the 2015-16 Certified and Classified Evaluation Committees. The committee members are the same as last year.</p><p>Jamie Howard Ms. Howard did not have any items for the meeting tonight. On behalf of Jamie Moss, she is requesting approval of a Shortened Day Waiver for a Student. All of the paperwork is in order.</p><p>Chris Huffman He shared the monthly attendance report with the Board. Our attendance did drop some, we are remaining above 90%. Coy Neal will be finished with the demolition of the old high/middle school this week as long as the weather cooperates. There is an open place in the roof that we are looking at enclosing and making two storage rooms. The will tie in with future construction on this site. There are two items for surplus, a walk-in cooler in the old middle school cafeteria and a sink in the kitchen that we do not have a use for.</p><p>Dwight Ross He is asking for approval for the regular monthly finance reports. We also have a KETS Offer of $12,479, this is the first offer and we and we have budgeted for the match. The Draft Budget will be coming up in January. Normally we don't do a lot or work on this, but we do have some changes we are going to make. The increase to SEEK will be nice, but we have to give a 2% salary raise next year and the increase will not cover this at our current staffing level. The closing of the TVA plant in western Kentucky will reduce our funding by approximately $200,000 over the next two years. We will be taking a close look at the budget</p><p>4) Consent Items 4A. Minutes 4B. Field Trips 4C. Fundraisers 4D. Personnel items 5E. Create Middle School Volleyball Coach Position</p><p>Robin McMurtrey moved to approve the Consent Items as presented, seconded by Donnie Perry, with the voting as follows:</p><p>Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey - yes</p><p>5) Action Items</p><p>5A. Consider Shortened Day Waiver for Student</p><p>Tim Brown moved to approve Shortened Day Waiver for Student, seconded by Donnie Perry, with the voting as follows:</p><p>Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey - yes</p><p>5B. Consider Approval of 2014-15 Comprehensive District Improvement Plan</p><p>Donnie Perry moved to approve the 2014-15 Comprehensive District Improvement Plan, seconded by Tim Brown, with the voting as follows:</p><p>Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey - yes</p><p>5C. Consider Approval of 2015-16 Certified & Classified Evaluation Committees</p><p>John Caffee moved to approve the 215-16 Certified & Classified Evaluation Committees, seconded by Robin McMurtrey, with the voting as follows:</p><p>Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey - yes</p><p>5D. Consider Approval of Surplus Property</p><p>Tim Brown moved to approve surplus property as presented, seconded by John Caffee, with the voting as follows:</p><p>Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey - yes</p><p>5E. Consider Approval of Board Meeting Dates for January - June 2015</p><p>January 13, February 09, March 17, April 14, May 12, June 09</p><p>Donnie Perry moved to approve board meeting dates for January - June 2015, seconded by John Caffee, with the voting as follows:</p><p>Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey - yes</p><p>5F. Consider Approval of KETS/Technology Offer Robin McMurtrey moved to approve KETS/Technology Offer of $12,479, seconded by Donnie Perry, with the voting as follows: Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey - yes</p><p>5G. Consider Approval of December Financial Reports</p><p>Warrant # 14121A Check Date 12/05/14 Advice# 55364-55654 $ 256,039.90 Check # 7152734-7152740 $ 723.09</p><p>Warrant # 1412X1 Check Date 12/05/14 Check # 7152741-7152767 $ 157,636.45</p><p>Warrant # 14121B Check Date 12/19/14 Advice # 55655-55947 $ 264,606.80 Check # 7152768-7152773 $ 829.70</p><p>Warrant # 1412X2 Check Date 12/19/14 Check Date 7152774-7152800 $ 162,136.23</p><p>Check # Name Amount Check Date 654408 AFFINITY THERAPEUTIC SERVICES 1,510.00 11/11/2014 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/GF 654409 ARAMARK 836.48 11/11/2014 MAINTENANCE 654410 BARREN CO. BUSINESS 138.88 11/11/2014 SUPPLIES/MCES SBDM 654411 BROWN'S WRECKER 250.00 11/11/2014 TRANSPORTATION 654412 CLASSROOM DIRECT 80.19 11/11/2014 SUPPLIES/MCES SBDM 654413 DOLLAR GENERAL 37.50 11/11/2014 SUPPLIES/FRC & MCMS SBDM 654414 ERIC SEXTON 305.98 11/11/2014 TRAVEL 654415 HEARTLAND REHABILITATION 339.30 11/11/2014 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/GF 654416 HOSS BROADCASTING 100.00 11/11/2014 ADVERTISING/GF 654417 KENTUCKY ART & CRAFTS 510.50 11/11/2014 SUPPLIES/21ST CENTURY 654418 KONICA MINOLTA 3,628.30 11/11/2014 COPIERS/GF 654419 MATT SHIRLEY 263.12 11/11/2014 TRAVEL 654420 MCHS CHEERLEADERS 400.00 11/11/2014 ADVERTISING/GF 654421 MELINDA OWENS 100.00 11/11/2014 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/NEXT GEN LEARNING 654422 PHILLYS NAPIER 100.00 11/11/2014 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/NEXT GEN LEARNING 654423 SARA LEE EARTHGRAINS 1,340.44 11/11/2014 FOOD SERVICE 654424 SOUTHERN BELLE 6,109.75 11/11/2014 FOOD SERVICE 654425 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 43.16 11/11/2014 SUPPLIES/FINANCE 654426 ADMIN ARSENAL CORP 313.20 11/13/2014 NETWORK SERVICES 654427 ALLEN TROTTER 91.59 11/13/2014 TRAVEL 654428 CANTO USA 44.18 11/13/2014 SUPPLIES/MCMS SBDM 654429 DEMCO 51.75 11/13/2014 SUPPLIES/MCMS TITLE I 654430 EDMONTON IGA 154.30 11/13/2014 FOOD SERVICE 654431 GREEN COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 3,549.76 11/13/2014 OCT 2014 MIGRANT SERVICES/MIGRANT 654432 HENRY HERBERT 107.64 11/13/2014 TRAVEL 654433 JENNIFER SHEARER 96.85 11/13/2014 TRAVEL 654434 KONICA MINOLTA 43.56 11/13/2014 COPIERS/GF 654435 KY SCHOOL BOARD ASSOCIATION 213.90 11/13/2014 MEDICAID BILLING FEES 654436 MEDIACOM 99.95 11/13/2014 UTILITIES 654437 MICHELLE BELL 95.94 11/13/2014 TRAVEL 654438 RIVERSIDE PUBLISHING 1,591.37 11/13/2014 SUPPLIES/GF 654439 SAFETY-KLEEN CO 270.59 11/13/2014 TRANSPORTATION 654440 SCOTT ROACH 20.00 11/13/2014 TRANSPORTATION 654441 TRI-COUNTY EMC 56.86 11/13/2014 UTILITIES 654442 YOBITECH 361.08 11/13/2014 NETWORK SERVICES 654443 KAREN NUNN 33.12 11/13/2014 TRAVEL 654444 KASC 200.00 11/13/2014 REGISTRATION/MCES PD 654445 LISA HAYES 25.30 11/13/2014 TRAVEL 654446 MCHS - ACTIVITY 50.00 11/13/2014 POSTERS/MCMS TITLE I 654447 SPECIAL OLYMPIC 35.00 11/13/2014 REGISTRATION/SPECIAL OLYMPICS 654448 TEACHER SYNERGY 28.00 11/13/2014 SUPPLIES/MCES TITLE I 654449 U S TREASURY 142.00 11/13/2014 STUDENT ACTIVITY/YSC 50,000.0 654450 COY NEAL CONSTRUCTION 0 11/14/2014 DEMOLITION/SITE IMPROVEMENT 654461 WALGREEN'S 17.69 11/18/2014 PICTURES/MCES RTTT 654461 A T & T 412.00 11/18/2014 UTILITIES 654462 AIRGAS MID AMERICA 24.43 11/18/2014 MAINTENANCE 654463 AL J SCHNEIDER 304.42 11/18/2014 LODGING/YSC 654464 ALLEN TROTTER 84.12 11/18/2014 TRAVEL 654465 AMAZON 407.00 11/18/2014 SUPPLIES/TITLE I 654466 AQUA TREAT, INC 560.00 11/18/2014 MAINTENANCE 654467 BARREN CO. BUSINESS 335.96 11/18/2014 SUPPLIES/MAINTENANCE/FINANCE/MCES SBDM 654468 CENTRAL STATES BUS SALES 185.39 11/18/2014 TRANSPORTATION 654469 CHARITY NUNNALLY 52.50 11/18/2014 COMMUNITY EDUCATION 654470 DOLLAR GENERAL 36.20 11/18/2014 SUPPLIES/GF 654471 ENGLISH, LUCAS, PRIEST & OWSLEY 1,030.00 11/18/2014 LEGAL FEES/OCT 2014 654472 FARMERS RECC 384.99 11/18/2014 UTILITIES 654473 GREER'S AUTO SERVICE 543.47 11/18/2014 MAINTENANCE 654474 KONA PRODUCTS 822.00 11/18/2014 TRANSPORTATION 654475 MCHS CHEERLEADERS 80.00 11/18/2014 ADVERTISING/MCMS SBDM 654476 MICHELLE BELL 101.20 11/18/2014 TRAVEL 654477 MICKEY MUNROW 294.53 11/18/2014 TRAVEL 654478 REALLY GOOD STUFF 64.32 11/18/2014 SUPPLIES/MCES SBDM 654479 SCHOOL SPECIALTY 71.04 11/18/2014 SUPPLIES/MCES SBDM 654480 SIGN WAREHOUSE 305.90 11/18/2014 SUPPLIES/21ST CENTURY 654481 SCRTC 3,523.11 11/18/2014 UTILITIES 654482 SCRTC 117.00 11/18/2014 UTILITIES 654483 SUBWAY 32.95 11/18/2014 FOOD/GF 25,429.6 654484 TRI-COUNTY EMC 7 11/18/2014 UTILITIES 654485 C P G 498.00 11/20/2014 MAINTENANCE 654486 CATHY NUNN 163.74 11/20/2014 TRAVEL 654487 ECT SERVICES 797.50 11/20/2014 MAINTENANCE GLASGOW-BARREN COUNTY CHAMBER OF 654488 COMMERCE 15.00 11/20/2014 CHRISTMAS PARADE ENTRY FEE/GF 654489 MAINSTREET SCREENPRINTING 98.23 11/20/2014 SHIRTS/TITLE I 654490 MCHS BOYS BASKETBALL BOOSTERS 360.00 11/20/2014 BASKETBALL SHOES/YSC SUPPLEMENT 654491 MELSON ROOFING 925.00 11/20/2014 MAINTENANCE 654492 PIZZA HUT 144.00 11/20/2014 FOOD/MCMS TITLE I & GF 654493 THE PRINTING PRESS 2,175.00 11/20/2014 SUPPLIES/YSC 654494 FASTENAL 68.33 11/21/2014 MAINTENANCE 654495 WALMART 899.02 11/21/2014 SUPPLIES/MCHS SBDM & YSC & FRC 654496 AQUA TREAT, INC 223.03 11/24/2014 MAINTENANCE 654497 AT & T 65.35 11/24/2014 UTILITIES 654498 B R TIRE 50.00 11/24/2014 TRANSPORTATION 654499 BARREN CO. BUSINESS 415.69 11/24/2014 SUPPLIES/MCHS & MCES SBDM 654500 BRANDY MORGAN 46.92 11/24/2014 TRAVEL 654501 CDW-G 108.08 11/24/2014 NETWORK SERVICES 654502 CHRIS HUFFMAN 169.38 11/24/2014 TRAVEL 654503 DENISE COMBS 46.92 11/24/2014 TRAVEL 654504 DWIGHT ROSS 131.93 11/24/2014 TRAVEL 654505 EDMONTON IGA 36.86 11/24/2014 FOOD/GF 654506 EDMONTON-METCALFE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 225.00 11/24/2014 CHAMBER BUCKS/GF 654507 FASTENAL 150.54 11/24/2014 MAINTENANCE 654508 FERGUSON'S 489.74 11/24/2014 MAINTENANCE 654509 FRED HARBISON 550.00 11/24/2014 REIMB FOR STATE FOOTBALL TICKETS/GF 654510 GILLIE HYDE 100.00 11/24/2014 TRANSPORTATION 654511 GRREC 250.00 11/24/2014 REGISTRATION/PERSONNEL 654512 JAMIE HOWARD 253.92 11/24/2014 TRAVEL 654513 KONICA MINOLTA 702.47 11/24/2014 COPIERS/GF 654514 MACKENZIE MINTON 46.92 11/24/2014 TRAVEL 654515 ORIENTAL TRADING 453.52 11/24/2014 SUPPLIES/GF 654516 PITNEY BOWES 56.00 11/24/2014 POSTAGE/MCES SBDM 654517 RADIO SHACK 83.97 11/24/2014 TRANSPORTATION 654518 TEACHER SYNERGY 50.00 11/24/2014 SUPPLIES/MCES SBDM 654519 TRIUMPH LEARNING 127.12 11/24/2014 SUPPLIES/MCES TITLE I 654520 WALMART 587.15 11/24/2014 SUPPLIES/21ST CENTURY & FRC SUPPLEMENT 654521 4 IMPRINT 238.48 11/25/2014 SUPPLIES/MCMS SBDM 654522 ACE HARDWARE 16.73 11/25/2014 MAINTENANCE 654523 AMBER STEELE 198.61 11/25/2014 TRAVEL 654524 BENNIE STEPHENS 132.94 11/25/2014 TRAVEL 654525 CABINET FOR FAMILY & HEALTH SERVICES 33.00 11/25/2014 PERMIT FEE FOR MCMS CONCESSIONS/MAINTENANCE 654526 EDMONTON IGA 116.79 11/25/2014 SUPPLIES/FRC 654527 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTION 1,050.96 11/25/2014 SUPPLIES/MCMS TITLE I 654528 FRYSC KY, INC. 340.00 11/25/2014 REGISTRATION/FRC 654529 JAMES MILES 85.00 11/25/2014 REIMB FOR BUS PHYSICAL/TRANSPORTATION 654530 KIM SMITH 350.00 11/25/2014 RENT FOR CHINESE APT/GF 654531 LORI ESKRIDGE 38.83 11/25/2014 TRAVEL 654532 METCALFE MIDDLE SCHOOL 44.75 11/25/2014 REIMB FOR SNACKS/PD 654533 PATTY BUNCH 66.76 11/25/2014 TRAVEL 654534 PLUMBERS SUPPLY 28.50 11/25/2014 MAINTENANCE 654535 RABEN TIRE 4,036.80 11/25/2014 TRANSPORTATION 654536 TRI-COUNTY EMC 75.00 11/25/2014 WELFARE ASSISTANCE/FRC 10,942.2 SUPPLIES/GF/MAINT/SOLE KIDS/PD/MCMS & MCES SBDM/NEXT GEN 654537 FIRST BANKCARD 2 12/02/2014 LEARNING 654538 LOWE'S 46.87 12/02/2014 TRANSPORTATION 654539 LOWE'S 6,855.75 12/02/2014 MAINTENANCE 654540 WALMART 193.55 12/02/2014 SUPPLIES/MCES SBDM 654541 AL J SCHNEIDER 367.92 12/02/2014 LODGING/IDEA B PRE 654542 ANGELA GOTT 1,107.75 12/02/2014 TRAVEL 654543 HENRY HERBERT 270.80 12/02/2014 TRAVEL 654544 JENNIFER STOTTS 70.84 12/02/2014 TRAVEL 654545 JOYCE HUFF 65.78 12/02/2014 STUDENT TRANSPORTATION/IDEA B 654546 KENTUCKY COUNCIL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN 110.00 12/02/2014 REGISTRATION/IDEA B PRE 654547 LEANNE BELL 46.92 12/02/2014 TRAVEL 654548 LEIA TUCKER 36.80 12/02/2014 TRAVEL 654549 LIGHTHOUSE RESTARUANT 358.90 12/02/2014 FOOD/MCMS RTTT 654550 PAMELA STEARNS 201.48 12/02/2014 TRAVEL 654551 SUBWAY 65.90 12/02/2014 FOOD/MCES PD 654552 WALMART 392.59 12/02/2014 SUPPLIES/MCMS TITLE I/MCMS RTTT/MCMS SBDM 654553 ABELL INTERNATIONAL ELEVATOR 627.00 12/02/2014 MAINTENANCE 654554 ACCURATE LABEL DESIGNS 638.95 12/02/2014 SUPPLIES/MCES SBDM 654555 AL J SCHNEIDER 162.06 12/02/2014 LODING/GF 654556 B R TIRE 25.00 12/02/2014 TRANSPORTATION 654557 BENNY LILE 87.40 12/02/2014 TRAVEL 654558 BUDDY BROWN 117.94 12/02/2014 TRAVEL 654559 CANNON INDUSTRIES 225.92 12/02/2014 TRANSPORTATION 654560 CLASSROOM DIRECT 86.25 12/02/2014 SUPPLIES/MCES SBDM 654561 DOLLAR GENERAL 120.65 12/02/2014 SUPPLIES/GF 654562 DONNA YOUNG 106.72 12/02/2014 TRAVEL 654563 FASTENAL 16.73 12/02/2014 MAINTENANCE 654564 GLASGOW ELECTRIC MOTOR 37.40 12/02/2014 MAINTENANCE 654565 HOBART CORPORATION 560.05 12/02/2014 MAINTENANCE 654566 JEFFRIES HARDWARE 418.79 12/02/2014 MAINTENANCE 654567 L-S BUILDERS SUPPLY 551.59 12/02/2014 MAINTENANCE & TRANSPORTATION 654568 LEANNE BELL 46.92 12/02/2014 TRAVEL 654569 LORINDA JONES 178.82 12/02/2014 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/GF 654570 METCALFE COUNTY MIDDLE SCHOOL 400.00 12/02/2014 YEARBOOK STIPEND DONATION FROM PAM STEARNS/MCMS SBDM 654571 METCALFE FARM SUPPLY 40.95 12/02/2014 MAINTENANCE 654572 MILES BODY SHOP 226.00 12/02/2014 TRANSPORTATION 654573 NASCO 140.04 12/02/2014 SUPPLIES/MCES SBDM 654574 PEGGY DUFF 47.84 12/02/2014 TRAVEL 654575 SCHOOL SPECIALTY 133.20 12/02/2014 SUPPLIES/MCES SBDM 654576 STERICYCLE 652.07 12/02/2014 MAINTENANCE 654577 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 1,279.20 12/02/2014 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/FINANCE 654578 AQUA TREAT, INC 175.00 12/05/2014 MAINTENANCE 654579 BARREN CO. BUSINESS 318.59 12/05/2014 SUPPLIES/COMM ED/MCMS & MCES SBDM 654580 DOLLAR GENERAL 184.70 12/05/2014 SUPPLIES/GF/MAINTENANCE/MCMS SBDM 654581 ECT SERVICES 244.00 12/05/2014 MAINTENANCE 654582 EDMONTON WATER, SEWER & GAS 4,535.78 12/05/2014 UTILITIES 654583 GENEVA SCROGGY 48.30 12/05/2014 TRAVEL 654584 GLASS AGGREGATES 388.72 12/05/2014 TRANSPORTATION 38,745.8 654585 GORDON FOOD SERVICE 2 12/05/2014 FOOD SERVICE 654586 GREEN COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 2,941.61 12/05/2014 MIGRANT SERVICES 654587 JAMIE HOWARD 60.66 12/05/2014 REIMB FOR SUPPLIES FOR CHRISTMAS FLOAT/GF 654588 JULIA SANCHEZ 172.04 12/05/2014 STUDENT TRANSPORTATION/IDEA B 654589 KENTUCKY COUNCIL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN 70.00 12/05/2014 REGISTRATION/TITLE I 29,849.9 654590 KENTUCKY STATE TREASURER 3 12/05/2014 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS/PAYROLL 654591 MARY ANN FORBES 57.04 12/05/2014 TRAVEL 654592 MID STATE WASTE 1,930.88 12/05/2014 MAINTENANCE 654593 PC MALL GOV. IN 283.02 12/05/2014 TECHNOLOGY SUPPLIES/MCMS TITLE I 654594 SCRTC 862.50 12/05/2014 UTILITIES 654595 WENDY GIBSON 45.00 12/05/2014 COMMUNITY EDUCATION 654596 A-1 AUTO PARTS 698.55 12/09/2014 TRANSPORTATION 654597 AFFINITY THERAPEUTIC SERVICES 1,930.00 12/09/2014 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/GF 654598 ANGIE BISOP 2,635.70 12/09/2014 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/GF 654599 ARAMARK 285.22 12/09/2014 MAINTENANCE 654600 ARLINDA KESSLER 193.21 12/09/2014 TRAVEL 654601 BARREN CO. BUSINESS 469.49 12/09/2014 SUPPLIES/MCES SBDM 654602 BG ON STAGE 25.00 12/09/2014 STUDENT ACTIVITY/GIFTED & TALENTED 654603 BG ON STAGE 25.00 12/09/2014 STUDENT ACTIVITY/MCES SBDM 654604 BOB'S AUTO SUPPLY 4,082.50 12/09/2014 TRANSPORTATION 654605 BOTTS PLUMBING 315.00 12/09/2014 MAINTENANCE 654606 DAVIS PUBLICATIONS, INC. 19.95 12/09/2014 SUBSCRIPTION/MCMS SBDM 654607 DOLLAR GENERAL 47.85 12/09/2014 SUPPLIES/GF 654608 EDMONTON STATE BANK 200.00 12/09/2014 INCENTIVES/LET'S GET MOVIN' 654609 FLEET PRIDE 48.10 12/09/2014 TRANSPORTATION 654610 GATEKEEPERS 50.00 12/09/2014 TRANSPORTATION 654611 HOSS BROADCASTING 100.00 12/09/2014 ADVERTISING/GF 654612 KARA FORD 34.04 12/09/2014 TRAVEL 22,786.5 654613 KEY OIL , INC. 7 12/09/2014 TRANSPORTATION 654614 KIM COMPTON 60.00 12/09/2014 TRAVEL 654615 KONICA MINOLTA 1,705.11 12/09/2014 COPIERS/GF 654616 LAURA MILLER 167.28 12/09/2014 TRAVEL 654617 NATIONAL DROPOUT PREVENTION CONFERENCE 440.00 12/09/2014 REGISTRATION/GF 654618 PRO-ED 862.40 12/09/2014 READING PROGRAMS/TITLE I 654619 RIDGEWAY DISTRIBUTORS 744.09 12/09/2014 TRANSPORTATION 654620 TRI-COUNTY EMC 146.67 12/09/2014 UTILITIES 654621 TRI-STATE INTERNATIONAL 893.80 12/09/2014 TRANSPORTATION 654622 BARREN CO. BUSINESS 52.64 12/10/2014 SUPPLIES/MCHS SBDM 654623 LAWSON PRODUCTS 432.00 12/10/2014 TRANSPORTATION 654624 MATTIE SOUTH REED 62.18 12/10/2014 TRAVEL 654625 MEDIACOM 99.95 12/10/2014 UTILITIES 654626 NAEA 90.00 12/10/2014 RENEWAL/MCMS SBDM 654627 SCHOLASTIC 279.80 12/10/2014 SUPPLIES/MCMS TITLE I 654628 SHIRTS & MORE 45.00 12/10/2014 TSHIRTS/MCMS SBDM 654629 ENGLISH, LUCAS, PRIEST & OWSLEY 1,618.29 12/10/2014 LEGAL FEES/OCT 2014 654630 JERRICA REED 100.00 12/10/2014 PAINTING/TITLE I 654631 LILY TRAN 100.00 12/10/2014 PAINTING/TITLE I 59,373.6 654632 RBS DESIGN GROUP 0 12/10/2014 ARCHITECT FEES/GF</p><p>DECEMBER 2014 RECEIPTS DATE FROM FOR AMOUNT 12/4/2014 COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY MEDICAID 2113.55 12/2/2014 STACEY SLINKER CASH/LET'S GET MOVIN' 84.00 12/2/2014 PAUL PEARL FRC DONATION 30.00 12/2/2014 KENTUCKY STATE TREASURER DISABILITY DETERMINATION 15.00 12/2/2014 KENTUCKY STATE TREASURER DISABILITY DETERMINATION 15.00 12/2/2014 KENTUCKY STATE TREASURER DISABILITY DETERMINATION 15.00 12/2/2014 KENTUCKY STATE TREASURER FUND 2 PROJECTS 114875.00 12/2/2014 LINDA LONDON FRC/YSC DONATION 100.00 12/2/2014 SEVEN SPRINGS CHURCH FRC/YSC DONATION 200.00 12/2/2014 DEBRA FRANCIS SCHOLARSHIP DONATION 100.00 12/4/2014 COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY SEEK 43330.00 12/4/2014 COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY SEEK 60641.00 12/4/2014 COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY SEEK 474106.00 12/4/2014 CAROLYN HUFFMAN FRC DONATION 100.00 12/4/2014 HISEVILLE CIRCUIT UMW FRC DONATION 100.00 12/4/2014 ATT USF FUNDING 3077.64 12/8/2014 NEW LIBERTY BAPTIST CHURCH FRC DONATION 100.00 12/8/2014 EAST FORK OIL CORPORATION FRC DONATION 500.00 12/8/2014 MATHEMATICA POLICY RESEARCH PREP 600.00 12/8/2014 KENTUCKY STATE TREASURER FUND 2 PROJECTS 93310.00 12/10/201 4 HICKORY COLLEGE CHURCH OF CHRIST FRC DONATION 100.00 12/10/201 4 WINFREY'S CHAPEL CHURCH FRC DONATION 50.00 12/10/201 4 WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY TRANSPORTATION REIMB. 301.86 12/10/201 NOVEMBER 2014 MOTOR 4 METCALFE CO CLERK, CAROL CHANEY VEHICLE 16254.69 12/10/201 4 METCALFE CO CLERK, CAROL CHANEY DELIQUENT TAX 17.80 12/11/201 4 COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY NOVEMBER 2014 FOOD SERVICE 85286.44 12/15/201 4 MISSIONARY MOUND BAPTIST CHURCH FRC DONATION 100.00 12/15/201 4 SUE DAVIS FRC DONATION 100.00 12/15/201 4 NADINE HOLLEY CRIME CHECK 10.00 12/15/201 4 CASSIE KEEN CRIME CHECK 37.00 12/15/201 METCALFE CO SHERIFF, RONDAL 4 SHIRLEY NOVEMBER 2014 PROPERTY TAX 918220.36 12/18/201 4 EDMONTON-METCALFE CO CHAMBER CHRISTMAS FLOAT WINNER 125.00 12/18/201 4 GLASGOW-BARREN CO CHAMBER CHRISTMAS FLOAT WINNER 200.00 12/18/201 4 MIKE & LANETTA SHIVE ALUMNI DUES 20.00 12/18/201 4 AMERICAN FIDELITY PAYROLL REFUND 29.50 12/18/201 4 KENTUCKY STATE TREASURER SUBSTITUTE REIMB 62.22 12/18/201 4 CASH EXPRESS FRC/YSC DONATION 50.00 12/23/201 4 KENTUCKY REVENUE CABINET UTILITY TAX 1298.74 12/23/201 AUG & SEPT 2014 SEVERE NEED 4 KENTUCKY STATE TREASURER FS 5322.39 12/30/201 SEPT & OCT 2014 SEVERE NEED 4 KENTUCKY STATE TREASURER FS 5819.63 12/31/201 DECEMBER 2014 DAILY 4 KENTUCKY STATE TREASURER DEPOSITS 11379.13</p><p>John Caffee moved to approve December Financial Reports, seconded by Donnie Perry, with the voting as follows:</p><p>Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey - yes</p><p>6) Board Discussion Dr. Lile announced the Alumni Association met on December 15th for an organizational meeting. Everyone was reminded of the Band Concert and Art Show at the MCMS Auditorium on December 18th. Community Education recently had an event "Layers of Love" at a home basketball game.</p><p>7) Public Comment None</p><p>8) Adjourn</p><p>Donnie Perry moved to approve to Adjourn, seconded by Robin McMurtrey, with the voting as follows:</p><p>Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey - yes Metcalfe County Board of Education</p><p>______Joey Shive, Chairman</p><p>______Benny Lile, Secretary</p>
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