Ouachita Baptist University Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine Arkansas Baptist History 2-18-1960 February 18, 1960 Arkansas Baptist State Convention Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/arbaptnews Recommended Citation Arkansas Baptist State Convention, "February 18, 1960" (1960). Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine. 7. https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/arbaptnews/7 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Arkansas Baptist History at Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita. It has been accepted for inclusion in Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Executive Board ARKANSAS BAPTIST Now in Russian LOS ANGELES, Calif. (BP)-Two Southern Baptist publications, and THIRTY -SIX percent of every Co­ Southeastern Baptist Thfol. perhaps even more, are being trans­ operative Program dollar received in Semmary ---------------------------­ 20,771.59 lated into Russian language by Bap- our office for the year 1959 was for­ Midwestern Baptist Theol. tists in that country. · warded on to the Executive Committee Seminary -----------------­ 13,220.12 The two known to b'e undergoing in Nashville, Tenn., for world mission Radio & Television Com- translation aftet· reaching Moscow and benevolent causes. The total was • missi-on . -------------------------------- 18,019.75 are the Arkansas Baptist and the $576,000. It was distributed on the fol­ American Baptist Theol. Baptist Record, weekly publications lowing basis: Seminary ---------------------------­ 2,357.74 of Arkansas and Mississippi · Bap- Cooperative Carver School of Missions & tists respectively. \ Program Social Work ---------'-------------- 4,715.42 . This was reported here bv Larry Ward, executive secretary of Evan­ SBC Budget Fund ----·------·------· $ 6,062.82 Southern Baptist HospitaL ___ 2,526.10 Foreign Mission Board._____________ 251,465.47 gelical Press Association, Los Ange­ Home Mission Board ____________ :_ 89,435.46 Brotherhood Commission __ :____ _ 5,725.90 les, foUowing a· world .tour which Relief and Annuity Board ___ ____ 10,946.59 Public Affairs Committee ___ _ 943.08 included a visit to the often-re- · Southern Baptist Theol. Southern Baptist Founda- ported Moscow Baptist Church. Seminary ---------------------------- 23,129.28 tion --------------.------------------------ 1,010.47 Ward said that Baptists in Russia Southwestern Baptist Theol. Education· Commissi·on __ _____ _ 1,380.96 must read these and other· publica­ Seminary ---------------------------- 25,689.13 Historical Commission ____ ____ __ tions thoroughly, for they are very New Orleans Baptist Theol. 1,111.50 familiar with the doings of Baptists Seminary ---------------------------- 19,626.39 Christian Life Commission __ 774.66 in America as reported by these Golden Gate Baptist Theol. Total -------------------·------------------- ·$57 6, 00 0. 0 3 periodicals. Seminary ---------------------------- 77,087.57 -S. A. Whitlow, Executive Secretary tithe can look at those who do not 'L~ tOfAI.a'ld tithe and say they are the bl!Ihle, but JESUS HAD sent two of His disci­ maybe the tithers have been too. silent 'Ha«ta~' Se't.te4 ples ahead to make ready for the .supper about the doctrine of stewardship. So, before anyone tries to place the blame, JUST how important is the l'eligion in an upper room. "And his disciples of the contracting parties, in marriage? went forth, and came into the city, and this is a good time to stop and really found as he had said unto them: and ask the Lord, "Is it. I?" · Is being in love the only thing that Some church members could say, "All really matters? they made ready th.e passover. And in I ' the evening he cometh with the twelve. the smoking John Does ought to quit What doe·s a non-Catholic have to And as they sat and did eat, Jesus spending more money on tobacco than give up t·o marry a Catholic? said, Verily I say unto you, One of you they give to missions." On the other What about a Christian marrying one which eateth with me shall betray ~ ­ hand, the non-smoker may be of the who is. not a Christian?. ' opinion that "down at the church, let And they began to be sorrowful, and These· and many other questions of to say, Is it I?" (Mark 14:16-19) not thy right hand know what thy left hand doeth" and this attitude has 'Vital interest to persons looking toward The disciples could have looked at marriage are answered in "When Faith Peter and said, "He must be the one, helped some weak soul t·o become care­ less and indifferent toward world mis­ Is Not Shared-;-'' fifth in the Al'kansas because he usually is the first one to Bapt,ist series · of nine on "Lo0king to­ act or speak out in any situation," but sions. So, before we start blaming and start criticizing, and plunging into a ward Marriage." Turn to page 8 for they did not. Each one asked, "Is it I?" this feature. The group could have looked at tangent, let us stop and ask God, our James and John and said, "It must be great benefactor, "Is it . !?"-Ralph Next week, read "M a r r i a g e and one of them, because they could be dis­ Douglas, Associate Executive Secre- M·oney," by Jack Watson. gruntled about that first place in the tary. • kingdom business which they asked Book Store Names about," but they did not. Instead, "ARKANSAS' "They began to be sorrowful and to ARKANSAS Arkansan as Manager say unto him one by one, 'Is it I?' LARGEST NASHVILLE, 'Tenn. -CBSSB)- Miss These three words, "Is it I?" are RELI GIOUS Blanche Mays has been named man­ focusing, thought provoking, soul WEEKLY" ager of the Louisville, Ky., Baptist searching, as well as hard, cold, and ' 401 WEST CAPITOL , Book Sto-re effective Fe.bruary 16. Pres­ real words. .. ~ ...:: .:: LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS ently iri the Book Store D_epartment, When one thinks of 296,945 Arkan­ Baptist . Sunday School Board, Nash­ sas Baptists glVmg only $1,560,032 Official. Publication of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention ville, Miss Mays has s"erved as sales through the Cooperative Program dur­ co-ordinator for stores in the eastern ing the last associational year, there ERWIN L. McDONALD, Litt.D . ............... Editor-Mgr. MISS SHIRLEY JOHNSON ...... .... As s'! to Editor area of the Southern Baptist Con­ may be room for finger pointing and MRS. E. F. STOKES Circulation Mgr. vention. · blame fixing, but it behooves each of MRS. GARY LaRUE Mail Clerk us to solemnly ask "Is it I?" Think A native of Jonesboro, Ark., she was Published weekly except on July 4 and December 25 . associate in the religious education of it, each Arkansas Baptist gave, dur­ Second-c!ass postage paid at Littl e Rock, Arkansas. ing the associational year 1958-59, $5.25 Individual subscriptions, $2.25 per yea r. Church department of the Arkansas Baptist for world missions through the Coop­ Budget, 14 cents per month or $1.68 per year per State Convention for five years, and church family. Club plan (10 or more paid annually then became manager of the Little erative Program. This means that each in advance) $1.75 per year. Subscriptions to foreign Baptist gave 1.4 cents per day, about address, $3.75 per year. Advertising rates on request. Rock Baptist Book Store, before com­ the price of one cigarette. Think of it The cost of cuts cannot be borne by the paper ex· ing to Nashville. next Sunday morning. Our church cept those it has made for its indi vidua l use. Miss Mays succeeds Davis C. Hill as Articles carrying the author's by- line do not neces· auditoriums will be filled with Bap­ sarily reflect the editoria l policy of <he paper. manager of the Louisville st01:e. Dr. tists singing praises unto God, and AbbJeviations used in crediting news items: Hill was recently named financial ana­ praying prayers of thanks to God, who BP Baptist Press; CB church bulletin; DP Daily press; lyst · in the Merchandise and Sales Di­ only gave 1.4 cents per daY to world EP Evanqe'ical Press. vision office of the Sunday Schoo missions the week before. Some who February 18, 1960 Volume 59, No. 7 Board, Nashville. • Page Two ARKANSAS BAPTIST By E. J. Pearson, Sr., Ward which the greatest architect and build­ all its gloom. This friend has stood er of the universe has been building by me since we first became acquaint­ me a· home. This home will never need ed sixty five years ago, and I hold his THIS SUBJECT is in keepLng with remodeling or ·repairing. ' It will never promise in printed form, the Bible, and Paul's triumph over the thought of ap- grow old, and it will just suit me. he tells me that he. will never forsake proaching death. ' me . or leave me alone. I am interested in that land because The termites will never hurt its I have a clear title to a bit of property foundation, for it i·ests upon the "Rock My ticket to heaven has no date there. I have held this title for sixty­ of Ages." Fire cannot destroy my marked for the journey and no re­ :ive years. I did not buy it, it was giv­ home, and floods cannot wash it away. turn coupon. Just think of step­ en to me without money and without No locks . will ever be placed on its ping on shore and · finding it to be price. The giver purchased it for me doors, for no vile person can ever en­ heaven, and of taking hold of a hand at a great sacrifice. I am not holding ter that land where my d w e.ll i n g and' finding it God's hand.
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