<p> Manual: Human Resources Policy #: HR-C725 Approval Date: 7/14/2009 Effective Date: 7/14/2009 Revision Date: 7/14/2010; 3/2012</p><p>TUITION REIMBURSEMENT</p><p>I. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to ensure within the IU Health Physicians, investments in education are appropriately aligned with the strategic needs of the organization by supporting degrees (mainly Designated Health careers) from accredited institutions that support both our brand assurance and dedication to preeminent care.</p><p>II. SCOPE Full-time and part-time associates, advanced providers and physicians are covered by this policy. Supplemental status associates are excluded.</p><p>III. DEFINITIONS Academic Year: The beginning of the fall semester/quarter through the last summer semester/quarter of the following calendar year. For Wesleyan University, the academic year is from September through August. Accredited University: University nursing programs must be accredited by the State Board of Nursing and the National League of Nursing Accrediting Commission and/or the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. All other universities must have national, regional, or programmatic accreditation as provided by Academic Affairs and posted online on various locations within PULSE (e.g. The Learning Alliance, Human Resources and Benefits). Correspondence Course: A course offered by an accredited university/college via mail or electronic network. Designated Health Career: a list of approved health-related career tracks. Full-Time: defined as 72 - 80 standard hours per pay period. Grandfathered: Associates receiving tuition reimbursement or beginning classes immediately prior to April 1, 2012 for coursework not considered designated health career related, will be able to continue receiving tuition reimbursement for previously eligible coursework until they graduate or cease the continuous pursuit of their degree (cannot take a semester off other than Summer sessions). Reimbursement for these classes will be as stated in the previous policy. A work commitment agreement must be signed if an associate wishes to receive the new reimbursement rate. Part-Time: defined as 40 - 71 standard hours per pay period.</p><p>Page 1 of 11 Transfer: leaving your current position and taking a job in another affiliate hospital with no days lost. Work Commitment: The associate is required to continue his/her employment with IU Health Physicians in either a full-time or part-time position for two years following successful completion of a degree track and receipt of reimbursement.</p><p>IV POLICY STATEMENTS A. Associates may receive educational assistance for tuition, text books, and technology fees that appear on an official receipt or electronic media equivalent. Other expenses such as living expenses are not covered.</p><p>B. This program provides reimbursement to associates pursuing a degree recognized as a designated health career, this includes course requirements not directly related to the designated health career (e.g. math class required for a nursing degree). Associates beginning coursework in any of the designated health careers must obtain approval from their manager prior to the start of each class in order to be eligible for reimbursement.</p><p>C. Eligibility requirements for tuition reimbursement are as follows:</p><p>1. Associate must complete the six-month initial employment period (in a benefit eligible status) prior to the start of the educational course(s). 2. Associate must maintain an eligible and active employment status (this includes Family Medical Leave) throughout the completion of the academic semester/quarter. a. Changing employment status from eligible to supplemental during the course would make an associate ineligible to receive reimbursement for that particular course. b. Associates must remain active in an eligible status through the end of the course including through receipt of the final, official grade; the submission of the application to Human Resources; and the distribution of funds. The associate is not eligible to receive tuition reimbursement if he/she terminates from active status prior to processing of the application by the Human Resources. This process should be complete within thirty (30) days from submission of the application to Human Resources. 3. Associate must enroll in an accredited university/college as determined by IU Health’s Academic Affairs department. This includes correspondence courses or on-line degree programs offered by an accredited university/college. 4. Associate must enroll in courses, which may include correspondence course(s), which meet the policy’s eligibility requirements as listed below: a. Course is offered for credit through an accredited post-secondary school (as determined by Academic Affairs) as part of the school’s formal academic offerings. b. The associate is enrolled in a program identified as a designated health career or has been grandfathered into the program. 5. Associate must continuously pursue the completion of their degree (cannot take a semester off other than during summer sessions).</p><p>Page 2 of 11 6. Associate must sign a two-year work commitment and a promissory note unless being grandfathered into the program. 7. An associate who does not complete their degree track and is not eligible to begin their work commitment will be responsible for repaying all educational assistance. 8. If the associate begins the work commitment but leaves before the two-year work commitment is completed, then the amount to be repaid by the associate will be prorated. 9. Associate’s most recent performance appraisal must have been at a “Meets or above”. 10. Associate cannot currently be on a corrective action/performance improvement plan.</p><p>D. The rate of reimbursement for associates beginning an educational track on or after 4/1/2012 will be as follows:</p><p>1. Undergraduate studies: Up to $3,000 maximum per academic year</p><p>2. Graduate studies: Up to $3,600 maximum per academic year</p><p>3. Grandfathered associates will receive reimbursement rates in effect prior to 4/1/2012</p><p>E. Tuition Reimbursement</p><p>1. Monetary awards (grants): Associates who receive monetary awards from IU Health or a related foundation for post-secondary education expenses, and who meet the criteria for tuition reimbursement, are eligible to receive tuition reimbursement based on the difference between the total tuition expense (as indicated on an official bursar’s receipt or electronic equivalent if credit hour charges are shown) and the monetary award. All tuition reimbursement requests will be paid from an official bursar’s receipt or electronic equivalent after all state, federal, or private grants have been applied.</p><p>2. Testing out: Associates who test out of a course(s) from an accredited university/college will be reimbursed for related testing fees. Proof of the testing results and detailed cost of testing expense must be attached to the tuition reimbursement application form. This reimbursement will apply toward the rates of reimbursement per academic year.</p><p>F. Designated health careers are reviewed on an ongoing basis. As staffing needs and recruitment patterns change, careers will be added or removed from the list. If an associate begins a course of study under a designated health career, he/she will continue to be reimbursed under that maximum level as long as an ongoing </p><p>Page 3 of 11 pursuit of the degree is maintained (even if the program is dropped from the listing during the time of his/her educational pursuits). </p><p>G. Transfer Guidelines – Reimbursement for an associate who transfers (no lost work days) from one participating institution to another within the IU Health organization will be administered in the following manner:</p><p>1. Transferring entity will reimburse associate for coursework that commenced but did not end before the job change. Receiving entity will cover tuition reimbursement for classes commencing while employed at that entity. 2. There will be no transfer of funds between institutions for a transferring associate and there will be no charges to the associate for funds expended by the transferring entity. 3. Associate will be eligible to continue tuition reimbursement, if no break in college attendance, with the receiving entity even if that entity does not recognize the degree programs as a Designated Health Career. 4. If an associate leaves before the work commitment is fulfilled, the monies retrieved from ex-associate will be credited to the organization where he/she was most recently working. 5. The transferring entity will be responsible for communicating reimbursement information to the receiving entity.</p><p>V. PROCEDURE A. Application for tuition reimbursement must be submitted to the associate’s manager and approved before classes in the degree track begin. Upon completion of any approved course, the following documents are required before reimbursement will be granted:</p><p>1. Completed application form which is obtained from Human Resources or manager and indicates designated health career or grandfathered reimbursement. 2. Official grade report or electronic media equivalent issued by the college/university showing the following for each course: a. number of credits assigned b. assignment of a minimum letter grade of “C” or “pass” (if “pass/fail” course) or “satisfactory” (if a “satisfactory/unsatisfactory” course) 3. Verification of the total amount of eligible expenses paid. Associates may receive educational assistance for tuition, text books, and technology fees that appear on an official receipt or electronic media equivalent. This document must be submitted in original format with no areas blocked out or erased. </p><p>B. After the manager confirms completeness of application, verifies the most recent associate performance appraisal is “Meets or above”, and determines the associate is not currently on a corrective action/performance improvement plan then the </p><p>Page 4 of 11 manager forwards it to Human Resources for processing. If any information is missing from the application, Human Resources will return the application to the manager and associate to ensure appropriate documentation.</p><p>C. Reimbursement is made through Payroll via the associate’s paycheck within one (1) month from the date the payroll department receives the paperwork.</p><p>VI. APPEALS If an associate’s request for tuition reimbursement is denied and he/she wishes to appeal the decision, he/she has two weeks after notification to submit a written appeal to Human Resources. The appeal must include specific information stating why the application should be reconsidered.</p><p>VII. RESPONSIBILITY The department management is responsible for consistent application of this policy within a department. The Executive Director of Human Resources is responsible for consistent application of this policy throughout the organization.</p><p>VIII. EXCEPTIONS Exceptions to this policy require authorization by the Executive Director of Human Resources prior to any action being taken.</p><p>Under certain circumstances, the associate’s failure to begin or complete their work commitment may be excused and no repayment of educational reimbursement will be required. Whether or not any given circumstances will excuse the recipient from the payment of educational assistance shall be the sole discretion of Indiana University Health.</p><p>IX. CROSS REFERENCE HR-C675, Supplemental Status Employee policy</p><p>X. FORMS/ADDENDUMS Tuition Reimbursement Form Addendum IU Health and IUHP Mission Critical Designated Health Careers</p><p>Page 5 of 11 XI. APPROVAL BODY Administration</p><p>XII. APPROVAL SIGNATURES</p><p>______Amanda Bates Date Executive Director of Human Resources</p><p>______Kim Sherbrooke, FACMPE Date Chief Operating Officer</p><p>XIII. DATES Approval Date: Effective Date: Review/Revision Dates:</p><p>Page 6 of 11 Addendum </p><p>IU Health State-wide Mission Critical Designated Health Careers:</p><p> Coder (Medical Records) Imaging Technology (all specialties) Medical Informatics Nursing (PHD and Master’s level as well as Clinical Nurse Specialists, Nurse Practitioners, and Midwives) Occupational Therapist/Occupational Therapy Assistant Pharmacist Physical Therapist/Physical Therapy Assistant Pulmonary Function Technologist Radiation Therapist Respiratory Therapist RN (ASN, BSN) Surgical Technologist Neurodiagnostic Technologist Technologist-EEG Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Healthcare Informatics Bachelor’s degree in Healthcare Administration Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Nursing Informatics Master’s degree in Hospital Administration Master’s degree in Business Administration</p><p>IU Health Physicians Mission Critical Designated Health Careers:</p><p> Allied Health Tech Positions (All Variations) Certified Nurse Practitioner Clinical Nurse Specialist LPN (All Variations) Medical Assistant Neuropsychologist Nursing (DNP, PHD and Master’s level as well as Clinical Nurse Specialists, Nurse Practitioners, and Midwives) Physician Assistant (and Master’s level) Registered Nurse (All Variations) Specialist – Clinical Coding</p><p>Page 7 of 11 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT APPLICATION Associate: Please complete Section I thoroughly and attach the following: A) One (1) copy of your grade report and B) One (1) official copy of your receipts. Also, please provide an official verification from the school’s Bursar or Business Office or electronic media equivalent itemizing the tuition costs for each course per enrollment. Completed forms must be submitted to your manager within 30 calendar days from the completion of your course(s). Incomplete forms will not be processed. Reimbursement checks will be available through Payroll within one (1) month from the date your manager submits this form to Human Resources. Fax: 968-1007 or [email protected]</p><p>SECTION I – FOR COMPLETION BY ASSOCIATE ONLY</p><p>Name:______Department______Associate I.D. #______SSN:______Address______City/State/Zip______Date of Birth:______Gender M F Home Phone(______)______WorkPhone (______)______School Name:______Major Course of Study______Anticipated Graduation: Month______Yr ______Degree: ____Associate _____ Bachelor ____Master _____ Other </p><p>Please indicate the Designated Health Career or degree program you are pursuing: _____ Allied Health Tech Positions (all variations) _____ Nursing (DNP, PHD and master’s level and Clinical _____Bachelors Degree in Healthcare Administration Nurse Specialists, Nurse Practitioners, and Midwives) _____ Bachelors or Masters Degree in Healthcare Informatics _____Occupational Therapist/Occupational Therapy Asst. _____ Bachelors or Masters Degree in Nursing Informatics _____Pharmacist _____ Coder (Medical Records) _____Physical Therapist/Physical Therapy Assistant _____ Imaging Technology (all Specialties) _____Physician Assistant (and Master’s level) _____ LPN (all variations) _____Pulmonary Function Technologist _____ Master’s degree in Business Administration _____Radiation Therapist _____ Master’s degree in Hospital Administration _____Respiratory Therapist _____ Medical Assistant _____RN (All variations) _____ Medical Informatics _____Specialist – Clinical Coding _____ Neurodiagnostic Technologist _____Surgical Technologist _____ Neuropsychologist _____Technologist-EEG</p><p>SECTION II – FOR COMPLETION BY MANAGER ONLY</p><p>Manager: Please complete this section thoroughly. If you approve the associate to receive reimbursement, forward this form to Human Resources (HR) with official receipt(s) attached. If you do not approve the associate for reimbursement return this form to the associate with the reason for the disapproval. In order to approve the associate for reimbursement a “Yes” response must be indicated for questions 1-4 and for either 5, 6 or 7. Academic year is the beginning of the Fall Semester/Quarter through the last Summer Session of the following calendar year. Please see the reverse of this form for additional eligibility processing information. </p><p>Please circle 1. Did the associate successfully complete his/her initial employment period Yes No before the start of his/her courses? 2. Has the associate maintained full-time or part-time status throughout Yes No his/her enrollment? 3. Has the associate enrolled at an accredited college/university or Yes No J. Everett Light Career Center? 4. Has the associate obtained a minimum letter grade of “C” (or “Pass”/ Yes No “Satisfactory” if applicable)? </p><p>If the response to any of questions 1- 4 is “no” then the associate is not eligible for tuition reimbursement. </p><p>5. Does the associate’s most recent performance appraisal reflect a “Meets or above”? Yes No 6. Is the associate currently on a corrective action/performance improvement plan? Yes No </p><p>If the response to either question 5 or 6 is “yes” then the associate is not eligible for tuition reimbursement. </p><p>Page 8 of 11 7. Is the associate requesting reimbursement for Undergraduate studies? Yes No Maximum reimbursement is up to $3,000 per academic year. 8. Is the associate requesting reimbursement for Graduate studies? Yes No Maximum reimbursement is up to $3,600 per academic year. Total receipt: $______Less ineligible charges $______Total eligible tuition $______</p><p>_____ Approved to the maximum for all courses submitted (forward to Human Resource with receipt(s) attached). </p><p>_____ Approved to the maximum for the following course(s). List approved course titles below and forward to Human Resource with receipt(s) attached. </p><p> ______</p><p> ______</p><p> ______</p><p> ______</p><p> ______</p><p>_____ Not approved because:______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>Department manager signature______Date______</p><p>Page 9 of 11 ELIGIBILITY AND GUIDELINES A. Associate must be full-time or part-time status (supplemental status associates are excluded). B. Associate must complete the six-month initial employment period prior to the start of the educational course. C. Associate must maintain an eligible and active employment status (this includes Family Medical Leave) through the completion of the academic semester/quarter. 1. A status change from eligible to supplemental during the course would make the associate ineligible to receive reimbursement for that particular course. 2. Associate must remain active in an eligible status through the end of the course including through receipt of the final, official grade; the submission of the application to Payroll; and the distribution of funds. The associate is not eligible to receive tuition reimbursement if he/she terminates from active status prior to processing of the application by Human Resources (HR). This process should be complete within thirty (30) days from submission of the application to HR. D. Associate must enroll in an accredited university/college. This includes correspondence courses offered by an accredited university/college. (The only authorized exception is the J. Everett Light Career Center.) E. Associate must enroll in courses which may include correspondence course(s) that meet the policy’s eligibility requirements as listed below. 1. For reimbursement, the associate must be enrolled in a program identified as a designated health career or degree program according to the Tuition Reimbursement policy. 2. Course is offered for credit through an accredited post-secondary school as part of the school’s formal academic offerings. Courses providing continuing education credits are not covered by this policy. 3. The associate is enrolled in a program identified as a designated health career or has been grandfathered into the program. 4. Associate must continuously pursue the completion of their degree (cannot take a semester off other than during summer sessions). 5. Associate must sign a two-year work commitment and a promissory note unless being grandfathered into the program. 6. An associate who does not complete their degree track and is not eligible to begin their work commitment will be responsible for repaying all educational assistance. 7. If the associate begins the work commitment but leaves before the two-year work commitment is completed, then the amount to be repaid by the associate will be prorated. 8. Associate’s most recent performance appraisal must have been at a “Meets or above”. 9. Associate cannot currently be on a corrective action/performance improvement plan.</p><p>TUITION REIMBURSEMENT PROCEDURES A. Application for tuition reimbursement must be submitted to the associate’s manager within thirty (30) days of the end of each academic semester/quarter/class. The following documents are required: 1. Completed application form which is obtained from HR or manager and indicates designated health career. 2. Official grade report or equivalent electronic media issued by the college/university showing the following for each course: a. number of credits assigned b. assignment of a minimum letter grade of “C” or “Pass” (if “Pass/Fail” course) or “Satisfactory” (if a “Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory” course) 3. Verification of the total amount of tuition paid. Associates must submit official verification from the school’s business office or bursar or electronic media equivalent if credit hour charges are shown. This document must be submitted in original format with no areas blocked out or erased. Only tuition, books and technology fees are covered. Activity fees, living expenses, etc. are not covered by this policy. B. After the manager confirms associate eligibility and completeness of application the manager approves the application and forwards it to HR for processing. Fax: 968-1007 or [email protected]. If any information is missing from the application HR will return the application to the manager and associate to ensure appropriate documentation. C. Reimbursement is made through Payroll via the associate’s paycheck within one (1) month from the date HR receives the paperwork. </p><p>DEFINITIONS Academic Year: The beginning of the fall semester/quarter through the last summer semester/quarter of the following calendar year. For Wesleyan University, the academic year is from September through August. Accredited University: University nursing programs must be accredited by the State Board of Nursing and the National League of Nursing Accrediting Commission and/or the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. All Page 10 of 11 other universities must have national, regional, or programmatic accreditation as provided by Academic Affairs and posted online on various locations within PULSE (e.g. The Learning Alliance, Human Resources and Benefits). </p><p>Correspondence Course: A course offered by an accredited university/college via mail or electronic network.</p><p>Designated Health Career: a list of approved health-related career tracks.</p><p>Full-Time: defined as 72 - 80 standard hours per pay period.</p><p>Grandfathered: Associates receiving tuition reimbursement or beginning classes immediately prior to April 1, 2012 for coursework not considered designated health career related, will be able to continue receiving tuition reimbursement for previously eligible coursework until they graduate or cease the continuous pursuit of their degree (cannot take a semester off other than Summer sessions). Reimbursement for these classes will be as stated in the previous policy. A work commitment agreement must be signed if an associate wishes to receive the new reimbursement rate. </p><p>Initial Employment Period: an individual’s first six (6) months of IU Health Physicians employment as a regular full- time or part-time associate. </p><p>Part-Time: defined as 40 - 71 standard hours per pay period.</p><p>Transfer: leaving your current position and taking a job in another affiliate hospital with no days lost. </p><p>Work Commitment: The associate is required to continue his/her employment with IU Health Physicians in either a full-time or part-time position for two years following successful completion of a degree track and receipt of reimbursement.</p><p>Page 11 of 11</p>
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