<p> Step 3:EvaluationStep ( VPAT a product askedto willprovide be Requesters 2:Basic Step Information 1:IdentificationStep Notes: EITASoftware Appendix C: ProcurementAccessibility& Page Page 1</p><p> http://umt.edu/accessibility/guides/eit/procurement/request.php on the Accessibility site onthe Accessibility http://umt.edu/accessibility/guides/eit/procurement/request.php Voluntary Product Accessibility Template B. A. 1</p><p>If all VPAT “applicable” categories are not marked fully supported: notfully marked are categories “applicable” VPAT If all accessible.” “fully marked categories”are “applicable VPAT If all - form the Request Software Evaluation by besubmitting initiated evaluation can Software count.local processes sole insourcerequestsa and inthe bid that GrizMart, beand a step will There and questions to (if needed) Accessibility Roadmap the Submit umt.edu/accessibility/guides/eit/procurement at information isavailable Additional http://umt.edu/accessibility/guides/eit/procurement/request.php on the Accessibility site onthe Accessibility http://umt.edu/accessibility/guides/eit/procurement/request.php 2. 1. 2. 1. o o Otherwise, EITA or ATS staff review the software. staff orATS review the Otherwise, EITA if: to Step softwareisreferred 4-Determination The self-study. during the and researched be highlighted softwarewill Existing should be accessible. UM softwarepurchased All Accessibility Roadmap which includes: Roadmap Accessibility is required. information Otherwise, further if: to Step softwareisreferred 4-Determination The</p><p> and testing process on the Accessibility website. testing onthe process and standards to according current forUM listed purchase recommended as be software (withand version #)will date are VPAT confirmed, If the ratings individual same scopeisthat software-generated-products software is1 ofthe use-scope the no other comparable software isaccessible. comparable no other and individual; same scope isthat software-generated-products software is1; ofthe use-scope the 3B below. to isprocessedaccording Step the confirmed, software are not If ratings ® 1 and the Accessible Software Request form Accessible andSoftware the</p><p>Please submit a UM submit EEAA- Please a</p><p>D R A F T [email protected]</p><p>5/15/14-10am ): Step 5: Ratings 5:Ratings Step Reports & 4:DeterminationStep Page Page 6:Review Step along with:site RatingsbeonUM Appendixdisplayed A. isdescribedwill Accessibility formula in rating The 3. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2</p><p>Purchasing records are reviewed quarterly supervised by EITA staff to determine: supervisedby quarterly EITA recordsare reviewed Purchasing prior to ofProvisional submittedexpiration. designation 2months Use for review and designation requests that requested who ordepartments individuals by the reviewed category. “approved into forpurchase” roll automatically are temporary. designations use Provisional document Roadmap Accessibility VPAT versionreviewed and date ofsoftware program, Name appropriate useperiod provisional –if ofthe and ofthedate department Name EITs. alternate accessible disabilities have with individuals ensurethat measure(s) which will the describe to be required will the useorexceptionisgranted, requestor provisional a If either byUM President review for“Exception.” use” and/or of“Provisional determination the forfinal are CIO submitted to recommendations EITA forrecommendations.subgroup software/procurement bythe EITA informationisreviewed and report Compiled expected; and expected; than are policy”) larger in this specified fully requirements meetaccessibility not does of purchases departmental ofindividual totals cumulative Whether and are requested from the PresidentCIO. from by arethe requested and “ reviewed. efforts, and periodically accessibility ofgenuine evidence provides “ Exceptions” are infrequently, based on substantial research as indicated above research indicated as infrequently, basedonsubstantial Exceptions” are vendor for1-3yearif the period, are recommended Provisional agreements Use” Section 1: Competitors. 1: Section (EEAAP) Plan AlternateAccess and EquallyEffective Remediation 3: Section with orATScanthis help process. needed, EITA staff and, if requester DesiredVendor/Product Information. 2: Section alternative. a as viable them reasonsrequestor wouldreject the and any that price</p><p>The names of competitive products, their VPATs, ofcompetitiveproducts, The names</p><p>A “provisional use” designation does not not does use”designation “provisional A</p><p>Their status should be status shouldbe Their D R A F T</p><p>The desired vendor, the vendor, the The desired</p><p> software (that software (that 5/15/14-10am Applications and Operating Systems and Section 508 1194.22 refers to Web-based Internet Internet Systems 5081194.22refersto and Section Web-based Operating and Applications 5081194.21refersto 508standards.Section Software reflectSection VPATs largely SoftwarecategoriesAppendix C2: 508 WCAGstandards and vs. this like (#,#,#.#). will rating look The designation. in included the will and date be version, or“denied.” “exception,” granted an use,” “provisional granted forpurchase, “approved” Groupsoftwareas EITAdesignate Working will The UM Appendix C1: Ratings Page Page 5081194.22)if:Section VPATs analyzed initially through WCAG standards(as should meet 2.0 AA and functionality 2.0AA softwareshouldmatchWCAG such However, locally maintained. and licensed VPAT). that ofthe Suchsoftwareisusually section 5081194.21(and byaddressed Section is servers onlocal maintained ispurchased, software stored that and andDesktop Enterprise Enterprise software and Desktop 508and WCAG Section 2.0. both to information related provide because they forassessingand softwareaccessibility standard commonly accepted are the they because softwarepurchases forall beVPATs required will Standards 2.0AA. to meetWCAG required functionality reflectthe 508 1194.21can Section to5081194.22 and be WCAGmapped Section and2.0can applications. information 3</p><p>Examples include: include: Examples categories.those in andof exceptions the number ofnot #.#isthesupported categories third number The products (2). (1)orproducesaccessible have that exceptions produces products producesnoproducts (0), program whether indicates the second#isa 0-2and The how project–approximately users. scopeofthe many first #isthe The o o o o originalrequest. their on copies was beyond indicated additional what department purchased has a Whether staff, and students on campus, and that produces accessible products. producesaccessible and that and students oncampus, staff, faculty, by used multiple accessible, iscompletely 2,0)Software that (>1000, expertise. with security only beby used those can and exceptions multiple nocompetitors, has softwarethat (3, 0,30.30)Security its functionality is provided via web browser or internet connection. browser web isprovided functionality orinternet via its onthe web products are shared its</p><p>A 0 indicates that the software supportscategories. theaccessibility that all software A 0indicates</p><p>D R A F T software, vendor, Theofthe name</p><p>5/15/14-10am initially reflected through VPAT’s 1194.22 section) and applies to: VPAT’sapplies 1194.22section) reflected through and initially byWCAGstandards(as 2.0AA orinternet web componentisevaluated that a has Software software Web-based Page Page 4</p><p>SaaS (locally created) – created and maintained byUM programmers maintained and –created created) SaaS (locally and functionality product –final (pages) Site fees. through monthlyand oftenservice purchased hard to customize, internet, via providedthe byaccessed –functionsvendors, are as that Service) SaaS (Software a</p><p>D R A F T 5/15/14-10am</p>
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