<p>See this tablespoon of white food?</p><p>Well, The British Journal of Nutrition confirms that its special active ingredient… can burn up to 11 pounds of ugly, troublesome fat—WITHOUT making ANY changes to the foods you love or anything else you do.</p><p>That’s right – just one delicious daily spoonful can help you control your blood sugar and boost your metabolism! </p><p>Wait—white food is bad for you, right? WRONG. Not this one… </p><p>This recently discovered super-food also helps control your appetite, keeps you feeling full longer, and conquers those challenging mid-day and late-night cravings!</p><p>…again, WITHOUT making ANY other changes to your current lifestyle. Just imagine the additional results you’d receive when also following a healthy nutrition and workout plan!</p><p>Now, I can’t guarantee that you’ll lose 11 lbs in just one week, but if you continue watching, you’re going to discover several free and easy life-changing fat loss tips that you can start TODAY, feel results TOMORROW, and amaze your friends and family in NO TIME at all! </p><p>Before I tell you what this food is, I should warn you that there is a catch. Because as powerful as this white food is… there’s also another dangerously fattening “health food” often eaten along with it… </p><p>Which slows your metabolism, makes you hungry—and disrupts your fat burning hormones nearly twice as fast. </p><p>Hi, my name is Chad Tackett and I’m a certified personal trainer and recognized nutrition expert who has teamed up with highly-regarded, world renowned fitness expert, Kim Lyons…</p><p>Now, you may not have heard of me, but if you’ve followed fitness or nutrition in recent years, I bet you’ve heard of Kim…</p><p>But that’s not all. Kim was also the star trainer on The Biggest Loser… and a guest on the Today Show, Dr. Phil, The Doctors, CNN and much more. The list is endless. </p><p>Kim and I created this video for you, because frankly, we’re sick of so many companies just recycling the same old tired weight loss advice… slapping a gimmicky new name onto their magical “system”… and then promising it’s the next big thing that will make you skinny overnight. </p><p>We all know that’s total garbage.</p><p>Because, as you’re about to discover, the real answer to YOUR permanent weight loss success lies in doing the OPPOSITE of what virtually every diet in the world tells you to do. </p><p>In fact, tens of thousands of people have already experienced life-changing results with the same exact steps you’re going to discover in this video… </p><p>Real men and women—just like you--from all over the world… of all ages, sizes, fitness levels, and genetic pre-dispositions. </p><p>And their stories prove that ANYONE can lose 20, 50… 85… even 100+ pounds or more and reach their desired weight, and keep it off for good—WITHOUT suffering through a single minute of the traditional diet process… </p><p>WITHOUT having to give up meat or carbs or pizza or desert or any of the foods you love most… </p><p>And definitely WITHOUT feeling hungry all the time—not ever!</p><p>I know you’re probably dying to discover the tablespoon of the white food I mentioned that can fight cravings, reduce your appetite, and raise your metabolism …along with the worst food for slowing it… </p><p>But you probably won’t believe me until you understand my background and how I discovered the simple, yet powerful tips I’m going teach you today… </p><p>I’ve always been very passionate about nutrition and fitness… and especially in helping people just like YOU look and feel their very best.</p><p>Not only did I get my degree in exercise science and nutrition from Oregon State University… soon after graduation, I became a certified personal trainer with specialization in fat loss and weight management. </p><p>Then, not long ago in 2008, I even got the Oregon State University Alumni of the Year Award—which only a few dozen out of millions of graduates ever get … and I was the youngest ever. The reason I got the award was for the innovation behind the first ever fitness program on the Internet—which I developed 17 years ago--and has helped hundreds of thousands of people eat right, get active, and be healthy. </p><p>Now, I say none of this to brag. If anything, I’m just a regular guy who’s extremely passionate about helping people lose fat, get fit, and live a healthy lifestyle.</p><p>I created this video, in part, because recent updates and discoveries that Kim and I have made mean it’s even simpler and easier to eat the foods YOU love—yes, including pizza, ice cream other so-called junk foods—and still reach YOUR ideal weight. </p><p>Sadly… I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been shocked by a personal training or nutrition consulting client who would come and ask me about a weird new diet… or some crazy new rule for losing weight…</p><p>And this leads to the embarrassing part of my story. You see, being totally committed to a honest system that’s real and actually works for people… also left my business vulnerable to all the shady companies with slick marketing who would promise people they’d lose 40 pounds in the next two weeks. </p><p>I couldn’t compete… and was so frustrated that false information was winning out over the honest truth that I was trying to share with people like you.</p><p>That is… until I reached out to Kim—because we shared the same no-nonsense, just- get-results approach to healthy eating and physical activity. </p><p>Kim’s career had really taken off on TV, but she had never done much online at that point. </p><p>So it seemed like a match made in heaven. It was… </p><p>And it turns out, the result of our synergy was even better than expected. The people who used the step-by-step plan we designed we’re getting better results than anything I’d ever seen before… </p><p>The results we’re beyond phenomenal. They were unprecedented, and it part’s of what helped Kim get even more featured appearances like the ones you saw earlier. </p><p>It was also around this time that we discovered how powerfully certain foods can affect your metabolism and fat burning hormones… </p><p>In fact, one day, I was researching foods and metabolism and came across an article in the British Journal of Nutrition about a powerful ingredient in certain foods that has shown to help regulate blood sugar, control your appetite, reduce cravings, and accelerate fat loss… especially in the abdominal area.</p><p>This special ingredient is called lignan, which most associate with flax seeds… but there’s another super-food that not only contains lignans, it has even MORE fiber … AND it contains a healthy dose of omega 3’s, which is absolutely critical to losing fat.</p><p>PLUS, it’s lower in fat and calories, it has more than double the calcium, it’s much easier to use, it’s less expensive, it tastes even better, and it’s a great source of protein! Can you guess what it is?</p><p>The answer is…</p><p>CHIA SEEDS. </p><p>And it turns out, white chia is the most potent and best for you—mostly due to higher omega-3 levels, which again, are critical to long-term fat loss.</p><p>The great thing is… most major grocery stores now carry this amazing little South American superfood.</p><p>Just by sprinkling some chia seed over your breakfast, lunch or dinner can make you feel more full and satisfied and help you fight any sweet-tooth cravings… not to mention an endless list of nutritional benefits, from amino acids and essential fatty acids, to fiber and more. </p><p>Still, if the lignans from flax and chia are so great for weight loss—why aren’t more people skinnier?</p><p>Well… unfortunately, most people who consume lignans also often overlook another horribly fattening food the natural food products industry has told us was “healthy”. </p><p>I’m talking about something called “agave nectar”—a syrup often used to sweeten smoothies, energy bars, shakes, deserts, pancakes, and more. </p><p>Make more emphasis throughout on the words bold and emphsiszed.</p><p>Agave is one of the highest-sources of fructose—and fructose is probably the most problematic sugar when it comes to weight loss. </p><p>Agave has about 60 calories per tablespoon, compared to 40 calories for the same amount of table sugar. The bottom line is that refined agave sweeteners are NOT any healthier than sugar, honey, high-fructose corn syrup, or any other sweetener. Worst of all, studies show that high amounts of fructose can quickly disrupt the effectiveness of a hormone in your body called “leptin”… and one of the chief functions of leptin is to help you feel full and satisfied. </p><p>This is another reason why soda is so problematic for weight loss… </p><p>It’s almost always sweetened with high fructose corn syrup—which food and drink manufacturers love because it’s cheap, and disrupts your leptin hormone—making you hungrier and craving more snacks and other foods they sell! </p><p>That’s why you’ll find that giving up fructose-rich foods like agave or canned soda makes it significantly easier to keep all your cravings in check… </p><p>And don’t worry—this may sound restrictive—but in a moment, I’m going to reveal how Kim and I discovered a way for you to actually satisfy virtually any craving you have, eating many of your favorite “forbidden foods”…</p><p>Including chips, cookies, ice cream, pizza, and more. </p><p>Part of the trick is doing things in the right order, at the right time, WITHOUT COUNTING calories. </p><p>Without ever torturing yourself with something Kim and I call… </p><p>The “Crazy Calorie Counting Cycle.” </p><p>We call it this because it forces you to make the same fatal fat burning mistake over and over again… starting, stopping and then restarting the same diets countless times. You lose a little weight each time, but you gain noticeably more back. </p><p>So, you keep going through this vicious cycle and paying to actually pack on more pounds…</p><p>Here’s how it works: We all know that in order to lose weight, you have to burn more calories than you store. So the diet industry came up with a bunch of gimmicks for doing this… </p><p>So the first thing you do is start some diet that promises to create a caloric deficit. Maybe they don’t even make you count calories specifically, there’s some super restrictive form of “portion control” that ultimately gives you the same result… </p><p>In this sense, the diet companies have done two things that are directly sabotaging you… FIRST, even though you may be creating a caloric deficit with their hot new diet in the beginning… </p><p>You’re also not eating enough, and that creates blood sugar spikes whenever you DO eat. </p><p>SECOND, they know there’s no way you’re going to want to give up your favorite foods. So they trick you into eating tasteless versions of your favorite foods in ridiculously tiny portions. But again, that gets old fast… </p><p>And then, you start feeling tired, increasingly frustrated, and cravings become stronger. </p><p>At this point, you’ve created a full-blown fat stacking chain reaction. </p><p>Your body has no choice but to let the Ghrelin Gremlin loose. </p><p>No, it’s not actually a gremlin, but it sure creates havoc like one. You see, Ghrelin is a hormone in your body that makes you crave sugary and fatty foods. It’s actually a genetic survival response. </p><p>You may be able to fight through it for a little bit, but it’s so strong that eventually your willpower runs out… which results in overeating at the absolute worst times of the day and accelerated fat storage. </p><p>This is why you may not be hungry all day, but when you sit down at the dinner table or in front of the TV at night you feel insatiably hungry and just eat and eat. </p><p>Many times at this stage of the crazy cycle, you become emotional, and you start to crave foods even more intensely. This is where you have to really watch out, because you can actually start emotional eating and indirectly force food addictions by attaching emotional needs and pleasure with ANY food that’s available. </p><p>Now, to make up for your mistake, you may start to workout. Your body is already adjusting to a drastic decrease in calories, now you’re burning more calories, so what type of response do you think this creates in your body? </p><p>Yep, you guessed it, famine response . . . and the problem is, this tells your body to store even more fat</p><p>Make more emphasis throughout on the words bold and emphsiszed.</p><p>Your body will actually be storing fat 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I hope you now see why every diet you have ever tried was DOOMED to fail before you ever started it...</p><p>Whether it’s calories, carbs, protein or fat... counting them is a TOTAL waste of time.</p><p>Not only is it a waste of time… it actually SABOTAGES your ability to reach your ideal weight. </p><p>Instead, Kim and I will show you how to work WITH your natural urges… continue to eat the foods you love—balanced with other foods… in the right amounts, at the right times of the day. </p><p>It’s that simple. </p><p>It’s the only way both your body and emotions will be satisfied while still progressing toward your ultimate weight loss goals… </p><p>Please show more excitement and enthusiasm where highlighted below</p><p>That’s exactly what Kim and I discovered how to do. Together, we created a step-by- step, simple daily system for ensuring that you eat delicious food… never feel deprived, anxious, or overwhelmed … and still experience the best fat burning your body is capable of… </p><p>We called it Fast Track to Fat Loss… </p><p>And to date, it’s helped thousands of people achieve their health, weight loss and fitness goals—WITHOUT the counting, deprivation, and other drawbacks of dieting. </p><p>Here’s how it works… </p><p>We just added the word “the” below – sorry, our oversight (please re-read with “the” included before “5 simple keys…”</p><p>You’ll start by watching the ‘5 Simple Keys to Fat Loss’ videos that Kim and I worked hard to create… </p><p>Do that, and in one hour you’ll get the simple A-Z system for picking food that has been working for so many of our clients for years…</p><p>Please add a pause (or reread with a pause) where highlighted below</p><p>Do that, and everyone who knows you—including your doctor—will be dumbfounded... Just follow the simple steps we break down for you—and you’re virtually guaranteed to lose weight because everything in your body that governs fat loss…</p><p>From your metabolism, to your hormones, and more—will all be functioning at peak levels…</p><p>And that includes your mind and emotions—especially as your body embraces this nourishing process, just as strongly as it rejects starvation...</p><p>That’s why it works—you are working WITH your body - and your natural desire to eat the foods you love - instead of trying to fight human nature...</p><p>The videos begin by showing you about something Kim and I call, “Energy Overdraft” which helps you flip your natural fat-burning switch “ON”—and create a “Natural Hyper Fat Burning Environment”… </p><p>WITHOUT counting Calories, Grams, Carbs, Points or anything else. </p><p>You’ll see exactly how to use simple exercises that can double or triple the effect of your energy overdraft—so you burn more calories while not thinking about reducing what you eat or giving up foods you love… </p><p>Please be excited about this – that it really is fun</p><p>Don’t worry—you won’t have to think about pavement pounding or “insane” workouts that even world-class athletes struggle with. The exercises Kim and I show you are fun, low-impact, and really easy to follow… </p><p>Next, the core videos walk you through the Fast Track Carb Stacking Matrix… </p><p>Here, you’ll discover why certain carbs are GOOD and absolutely necessary—along with the 3 kinds of natural, delicious carbs you should consume each day… plus 2 types of carbs that turn your fat-burning OFF faster than just about any food. </p><p>Specifically, we’ll show you how to combine carbs throughout the day for the most energy and fastest fat loss. </p><p>The Protein Power Push—also outlined in the videos—teaches you how to accelerate your fat loss by picking and preparing delicious protein. You’ll be shocked by what you can eat and how unrestrictive it truly is… </p><p>The Hydration Equation is about the critical role of water in weight loss. Because without drinking the correct amount of water you’ll lose weight more slowly. You’ll learn exactly when to drink water and how much you PERSONALLY need … it’s not one size fits all… </p><p>And no it’s definitely NOT eight 8-ounce glasses per day like most people believe. </p><p>Can you please re-read this (with emphasis on bold words):</p><p>Operation Healthy Kitchen shows how to shop and stock your kitchen, so that you always have a balance of foods you love—coupled with foods that will greatly accelerate fat burning… </p><p>You’ll learn the best ways to prepare meals at home - or how to order meals when out, including how to balance or substitute for “junk foods” in a way that can make them your greatest ally in the war against belly fat. </p><p>Most people are shocked by how delicious and fun eating can be when you know the right foods and combinations for your body.</p><p>Together the ‘5 Keys’ are:</p><p>1. Energy Overdraft: Creating Natural Hyper Fat Burning</p><p>2. Fast Track Carb Stacking Matrix</p><p>3. The Protein Power Push</p><p>4. The Hydration Equation</p><p>5. Operation Healthy Kitchen</p><p>Simply push play and in less than an hour you’ll know everything you need to know to achieve healthy, LONG-term weight loss. Each video is a bite-sized 5-10 minutes and so simple you won’t need to take notes. </p><p>Especially since you’ll also receive instant access to the step-by-step… </p><p>Fast Track Manual </p><p>This is a detailed guide that perfectly compliments the video series, and can be stored on your laptop, tablet or phone for easy reference. It reminds and guides you through the 5 simple keys to fat loss processes… </p><p>But more than that, it gives you additional tips, tricks and secrets you can use daily to speed up your results. For example, Mark Carlson used the “fist/palm/thumb” rule to lose 50 pounds in just 4 months after nothing else had worked – and after 3 years, has kept it ALL off … and many others have raved about this easy-to-follow technique as well. </p><p>This guide alone contains more real, usable weight loss info than most books or programs—yet it’s only the beginning… </p><p>Next, there’s the:</p><p>Fast Track at a Glance – Easy Reference Guide </p><p>This fun little tool is something you’ll use every single day--whether at the grocery store, the kitchen table, at work, or dining out. </p><p>Simply glance at the Meal Plan Chart within the guide… and you’ll instantly know a variety of delicious options for exactly what you can eat (including the Carb Stack) whenever you feel hungry! </p><p>Then just fill in the blanks with selections from the Recommended Food List—and presto —you can eat until you feel full and satisfied … with no counting, frustration, or guilt. </p><p>Of all the aspects of the program, we often get the most positive feedback about this part —since it helps with the daily decision process of what to eat and when… which is the number one problem most people have with food and dieting. </p><p>(And don’t worry—there are several healthy “cheats” within the guide which detail how to still include so-called “bad” foods in your diet and get amazing results.) </p><p>Another thing you’ll get is…</p><p>The Top 5 Breakfasts, Lunches, Snacks, Dinners, and Deserts</p><p>This gives you 25 of the most popular and delicious options to eat regularly. </p><p>It shows how they fit into the Fast Track Carb Stacking Matrix—and how you can eat savory meals guilt-free and with full confidence they’re going to help you shed fat at the maximum sustainable rate. </p><p>You’ll be shocked by some of the meals on here—including burgers and fries, pizza, fajitas and tacos, and even an AMAZING fat-burning ice cream recipe! And don’t worry, you’re not limited to these meals—they just make it easier for you to enjoy what you eat and know you’re still progressing. In a way, it’s the perfect compliment to another piece of the program… </p><p>The Exact Meals and Workouts of the Top 10 Fast Track Success Stories</p><p>Because what better way to learn and shed fat faster than by copying others who’ve had amazing success with the system?</p><p>This informative manual includes the exact meals our most successful clients ate and the exact workouts they performed to lose as much as 125 lbs and keep it off for good… like John who has totally transformed his life: </p><p>Or like Melody, who lost 80 lbs in less than 5 months and continues to lose unwanted fat….</p><p>Wendi is another amazing story—she lost 85lbs in just under 6 months… after she had tried pretty much everything else. Look at what she says… </p><p>Looking at these remarkable stories may give you the impression that the program is designed for those who need to lose really large amounts of weight… </p><p>While it can certainly do that—many of our clients have also used it to lose less, a lot quicker. </p><p>Like Katie who lost 23 inches in 12 weeks, 11 from her waist alone – and has gotten in even better shape since…</p><p>We had to change this name (from Ryan to Jason):</p><p>Jason, who lost 40 lbs in 12 weeks and has no problem keeping it all off because he enjoys following our step-by-easy-step process… </p><p>Shannon, who lost 13 inches in 12 weeks and is now in the best shape of her life… </p><p>And Eric—who was pretty “normal” by most standards, but used the program to get absolutely ripped with a magazine-cover type body and 6-pack abs. He now competes regularly in triathlons and adventure races…</p><p>Again, these stories and what these people ate to shed fat as easily as possible is all detailed in this exclusive guide. </p><p>It also provides some of the most delicious meal prep tips and tricks, product preferences and simple workout strategies these individuals used to get their jaw- dropping, permanent results. Now, let’s summarize everything you get as part of the system: </p><p>√ You get the 5 Keys Video Series—where Kim and I take you from “Hyper Fat Burning” to Setting Up Your Kitchen—and worth $97 on its own.</p><p>√ You get the complete Fast Track Manual, so you can quickly access steps in the system anytime, anyplace—in a mere seconds… normally sold at $47.</p><p>Please re-do with the word “a” after “at:</p><p>√ You get the “Fast Track at a Glance” Cheat Sheet and Meal Plan Chart— something you’ll use daily to always know what to eat and when… which we’ve been told by many clients is worth at least $77. </p><p>√ And you’ll get our Top 5 Breakfasts, Lunches, Dinner and Deserts Guide plus the Exact Meals of Our Top 10 Success Stories Guide—valued at $37 each. </p><p>All in all, that’s $298 in real value… which would still be a steal. Especially when you consider what many people spend on gym memberships… meal plans… supplements and even medical expenses, doctor visits, and insurance caused by excess weight. </p><p>Those things can run you many thousands of dollars per year—and most often fail to deliver even a fraction of the results that are possible with the Fast Track to Fat Loss System that Kim and I have spent our entire career perfecting…</p><p>Sorry, we had to revise this just a little, can he re-do this sentence:</p><p>It’s easy to see why we’ve sold the entire program at the normal price of $199 … and our clients were thrilled to pay it.</p><p>Still, because we are both sooooo tired of all the diet gimmicks and methods that don’t work and leave people worse off than before they started… we want to get this program into the hands of as many people as possible. </p><p>So… for less than $199 - even less than $99...</p><p>You can get our entire Fast Track to Fat Loss Program—which can help you lose fat and keep it off for good—all while still enjoying the foods you love… </p><p>All for the fair and reasonable price you see below. </p><p>If you’re truly serious about getting off the diet roller coaster and never having to count calories again – simply make your selection below now to get started .... When you do you’ll receive instant access to all of the tools that make fat loss fast, simple and easy...</p><p>First, you’ll see this page below—which summarizes everything you get… </p><p>Next, you’ll enter your name and info, and press this button to complete your 100% safe and secured order—with full knowledge and total peace of mind that you’re protected by the highest level of encryption and security. </p><p>And BUYSAFE’s triple guarantee that protects your information, your satisfaction and ensures you get the lowest price possible… </p><p>Once you’re inside, that’s where the real fun begins—as you jump into the 5 Simple Keys to Fat Loss videos… download the guides… and experience the super-supportive community that I’ll tell you more about in just a moment. </p><p>Needed to change Jason to Ryan in the paragraph below:</p><p>As you’ll see throughout, the system has not only worked for Jeanne, Lee, Laurie, Ryan, and others within this video… </p><p>Or Katie and Melody who were featured on the Dr. Oz show along with Kim: </p><p>It’s literally worked for THOUSANDS of other people just like you. </p><p>In fact, when we surveyed clients who followed through on the program—we discovered… </p><p>The average Fast Track success story loses 33 lbs in 12 weeks</p><p>That is seriously unprecedented in the weight loss industry—and one of the reasons why Kim and these success stories have been highlighted in so many places, including Dr. Oz, magazines, and a variety of other TV shows.</p><p>Because it works. It’s one of the few programs that actually utilizes hard science as its foundation… including information cited in the “New England Journal of Medicine” conducted a 2 year study on weight loss which it published on Feb. 26, 2009.</p><p>And the best part is… you do NOT need a Ph.D. in nutrition… you don’t need to measure or count or calculate… you don’t need a lot of time or will power… </p><p>All you need is the ability to watch the videos, and follow a few simple steps… </p><p>Your body’s natural fat burning furnace—activated by the process—will do the rest. You do NOT have to give up dairy or gluten or grains or deserts… and you don’t have to deprive yourself or feel your stomach growling from hunger all the time. Not ever! </p><p>Fast Track for Fat Loss flat-out works…and as you saw in some of our success stories, it works especially well for people who seem to have “fat genes” and slow metabolisms. </p><p>And not just in the short-term, but permanently – FOR LIFE. Because we actually teach you super simple strategies for combing the right foods… at the right times of the day… in the right amounts—specifically for YOU. </p><p>Foods that YOU love and can enjoy—now and in the years to come.</p><p>To get started, just make your selection below and you’ll get instant access to the entire system. </p><p>Now, to make this an even better deal, I’m going to throw in some additional fat-burning tools at no extra cost… </p><p>First there’s… </p><p>Elite Fat Burning Food Secrets</p><p>This quick guide reveals the top 25 WORST foods to eat when you want to lose weight. </p><p>Plus, it provides delicious, healthy alternatives to ensure you satisfy your cravings without packing on the pounds… </p><p>You may not know it, but these 25 hidden ingredients are in almost every recipe waiting to ruin your plans for fat loss. </p><p>And they’re almost impossible to avoid if you don’t have the substitutes in this guide. </p><p>This guide has been sold separately for as much as $37, but it’s yours absolutely free when you join the Fast Track to Fat Loss program today. </p><p>You’ll also get access to…</p><p>The Fast Track to Fat Loss Supportive Community—an active social network of Fast Trackers pulling together for your success…</p><p>Of course, this is waaaaaaay more than just a community! </p><p>Please re-read this paragraph; sorry, we had to revise a bit: It’s hard to use just one term to capture what this is… it’s a support network… nutrition tools … latest research … online classes… it’s an “experience”… and much more—all rolled into one. </p><p>Inside, we continually update you with the latest reliable research, there are new delicious fat-burning recipes added every day, we have daily challenges and contests for BIG prizes. Yes, we have given away MANY luxury vacations, treadmills, and even a Maserati sports car with $10K cash in the trunk!! </p><p>Not to mention inspirational messages, goal-setting sessions, live chats every week, and more. </p><p>Plus, you get free lifetime access to our innovative meal and workout planners that take you step-by-step through choosing the right foods to create your meals specific to what YOU love… as well as creating workouts that are custom-tailored to your time and equipment availability, goals, and fitness level. </p><p>Whether you want to workout at a gym or at home – it doesn’t matter, you’ll have a realistic-yet-highly effective new workout program… all tailored to YOU.</p><p>I am also personally very active in the community offering support and encouragement, answering questions, posting new video blogs each week, hosting webinars, and other fun stuff. You’ll get to correspond directly with me and have the support of our certified personal trainers as well.</p><p>Bottom line, WE ARE HERE FOR YOU—more committed to you reaching your goals and being healthy than probably anyone you’ve ever encountered. Just look at what some people say about it:</p><p>This is worth at least $37/month—priceless actually!—but it’s yours free FOR LIFE as a customer of the Fast Track to Fat Loss program. </p><p>Lastly, you’ll receive a Free Invitation to the annual live, in-person Fast Track Retreat.</p><p>This is an exclusive opportunity to meet Kim and I, all our Fast Track trainers, and other Fast Track community members face-to-face on one of the most amazing trips of your life. </p><p>All you have to do is get yourself to the destination and we’ll do the rest—giving you daily classes on cutting-edge nutrition and mindset, working out together, eating all our meals together, going out and having a blast at nights, site-seeing and together and so much more. This bonus pack alone provides more value than virtually any weight loss program, clinic, trainer or option in existence. It’s easily worth over $1,000 when you consider that community access is for life and most companies would charge many hundreds of dollars for tickets to an in-person event like we hold. </p><p>Again, it’s all yours FREE when you click below to claim your spot in the Fast Track program today. </p><p>I meant it when I said that both Kim and I are passionate and committed to giving EVERYONE the tools they need to reach and sustain their ideal weight… </p><p>No matter how much pressure or pushback we get from big companies who are threatened by what we’re doing… </p><p>So…</p><p>To experience safe, healthy, permanent weight loss… </p><p>To look younger, and feel your absolute best… </p><p>Just make your selection below—right now—and begin your transformation today. </p><p>Fast Track Is Changing Lives and giving thousands back control over their health. It’s helping them to look and feel great – better than they ever have before. </p><p>In fact, I’m so confident the program will work for you… I also offer a DOUBLE guarantee. That means, in the highly unlikely event you don’t think this is the best, most effective program ever… then Kim and I simply REFUSE to take your money. </p><p>Here’s how it works: </p><p>Once you click below and get started, you have 60-full days to test-drive the entire program out WITHOUT risk or obligation. Watch all the videos. Download the step-by- step guides… get personal support in our online community.</p><p>You must be blown away by the results you experience—otherwise just say the word, and I will PERSONALLY get on the phone with you—helping you troubleshoot and figure out how to get the results you want and deserve. </p><p>That’s the first guarantee—you can have me personally help you if you’re not progressing like you should be. For any reason!</p><p>The second guarantee Kim and I make is an Unconditional No Questions Asked 60-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee. Again you have 60 full days to try out Fast Track to Fat Loss. If at any time during the first 60 days you are not totally convinced this is the single most effective process and program you’ve ever seen… you can also send an email to [email protected] with your refund request.</p><p>Or you can call the toll-free-number that we provide on this page, in the community, and on your email receipt —and get a full, immediate, no-questions-asked refund. You can even cancel within the community area. </p><p>We make it easy because we ONLY want fully, 100% satisfied customers. Period. </p><p>Of course, this is a big risk for us… as you could just watch the videos, download all the guides, get awesome results, and STILL ask for your money back… </p><p>But in my experience, nearly all of our clients are so astonished by the results they see —again, our average success story loses 33 pounds in just 12 weeks…</p><p>And they’re usually so in love with the community that supports and actively helps them KEEP the weight off for life… </p><p>They wouldn’t dream of asking for a refund. And I’m betting that if make your selection below and try out the program today—you’ll be the same. </p><p>As you learned a moment ago, when you hit the button below—you’re not only protected by my personal, double-guarantee—but also the BUYSAFE guarantee and extensive accreditation we’ve sought out to make sure your entire online purchase is safe, secure and risk-free. </p><p>I hope you’ll take action now and make the decision to join us.</p><p>Of course, that isn’t the only choice facing you right now… </p><p>Please inflect down</p><p>Because doing nothing is also a choice. </p><p>But doing nothing… or putting the entire fate of your health and weight loss goals in the hands of unproven, gimmicky programs that don’t have real, adequate proof behind them… </p><p>Well, those would not be wise choices in my humble opinion. I’ve partnered with Kim and dedicated my life to creating and optimizing this program because I believe I was put on this earth to help people—good, honest, well-intentioned people like you—achieve their health goals… </p><p>And I hate that so many people are led astray each day by hype and false claims… </p><p>Sorry, can you please have him re-do this sentence without “the” </p><p>With the Fast Track to Fat Loss—you tap into all the real-world research, work and development and results Kim and I have spent our entire careers helping people achieve. </p><p>And you get it all for a highly discounted price… double-guaranteed for 60 full days… plus over $1,000 in gifts just for testing it out. </p><p>This is your big moment. An opportunity to change the entire course of your life. </p><p>Can you please sound regretful here:</p><p>Just 2 short months from now, you could look back at this moment with regret—knowing you COULD have totally transformed your body and health… but didn’t. </p><p>Or, you could look back with profound gratitude, having lost 10, 20, even 30 pounds or more… eating foods you love… no more counting, frustration, or guilt… </p><p>And with your all your body’s fat-burning switches turned fully ON—ready to burn up any remaining fat you have in the months to come. </p><p>How amazing would that feel? </p><p>I know you’ll make the right decision and I look forward to seeing you right inside the Fast Track to Fat Loss community area – offering you fun, motivation, and personal support.</p><p>Just click the button below, get started, and I’ll see you on the other side!</p>
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