<p>LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL DISTRICT 201 Q2</p><p>MANUAL FOR LIONS CLUB TREASURERS 2015/2016</p><p>“Looking Forward in a Changing World” Lions Club Treasurer’s Manual 2015-2016 “Looking Forward in a Changing World”</p><p>A Message from your District Governor – Kath Scully</p><p>Congratulations on accepting the position of Treasurer of your Club for the 2015/ 16 Lions year.</p><p>The position of Treasurer is an important position as you are custodian of all Club funds. You will maintain all moneys in keeping with recognised and accepted business procedure and you are required to give budgeting advice and regular financial statements to the Board of Directors and the Club.</p><p>Regular communication between yourself and other members of your Club executive is essential for effective handling of all important Club matters and this in turn will ensure that both Board and Club meetings are well structured and all members receive essential information about Lions and community events.</p><p>I am pleased to be able to assist your journey with this Treasurer’s manual, as a co mprehensive reference source, following on from appropriate training. </p><p>Much other information and resources are available also to assist you. Please make sure you use all at your disposal during your year. </p><p>Your President and Secretary also have been provided with reference manuals to a ssist their roles.</p><p>My theme this year is – Looking Forward in a Changing World</p><p>Please remember that myself, you’re Zone Chair and my fellow Cabinet Officers are there to support you. Please contact us at any time. </p><p>I wish you a successful, rewarding and enjoyable year.</p><p>Kath Scully District Governor 201Q2</p><p>2 Lions Club Treasurer’s Manual 2015-2016 “Looking Forward in a Changing World”</p><p>Welcome</p><p>Congratulations on being elected to this most important position of Club Treasurer. You will be on your Club’s Board of Directors and a member of your Club Executive. In these days of litigation and corporate governance, financial accountability must be of the highest standard. We owe it to ourselves and our Club to perform our duties in a professional manner. This manual has been compiled to assist you undertake the duties associated with your position, however it is not intended to cover every situation that might arise in your particular Club. How you go about the daily functions of your job is entirely up to you – provided you adhere to the requirements of the Incorporations and Collections legislations and Lions Clubs International. You will be responsible for: maintaining the financial records of the Club receipting and banking all moneys promptly keeping the books of accounts up to date, and providing your Board of Directors (and ultimately all members) with accurate information, at least monthly, regarding the financial standing of the Club. You must ensure that: all expenditure is duly authorised by the Board of Directors all income and expenditure is passed through the correct account records are kept in compliance with the legislative requirements of the Associations Incorporation Act 1981, the Associations Incorporation Regulations 1999, the Collection Act 1966, the Collections Regulations 2008 and the constitutional requirements of Lions Clubs International, and International, Multiple District, and District Dues are all paid when due. If at any time you are unsure of what to do, please do not hesitate to contact me on 0428 552 295 (home) or on my mobile 0428 552 295. If you would prefer to use email my address is [email protected] . A simple phone call or message for friendly advice might well prevent a problem arising and will make both our jobs easier. As the Lions Directory does not print the Club Treasurer’s contact details, I ask Incoming Treasurers to complete their details on Attachment I (back page this manual) and forward it to me at 1 Nicole Court Andergrove QLD 4740. I know that we will have a successful year – I wish you well in your role.</p><p>Tom Becker Cabinet Treasurer 201Q2</p><p>3 Lions Club Treasurer’s Manual 2015-2016 “Looking Forward in a Changing World” CONTENTS Section 1 Preamble 1.1 Introduction...... 2 1.2 Duties of the Club Treasurer...... 5</p><p>Section 2 Management 2.1 Additional Information Required...... 5 2.2 Understanding the Constitution and State Laws...... 5 2.3 Types of Accounts...... 6 2.3.1 Administration Account...... 7 2.3.2 Activities Account...... 7 2.4 Cheque and Deposit Books...... 8 2.5 Receipt Books...... 9 2.6 Hard Copy Records...... 9 2.7 Accounting Systems...... 9 2.8 Insurance...... 10 2.9 Audit...... 10</p><p>Section 3 Financial Management 3.1 The Budget...... 10 3.2 Club and International Dues and Fees...... 11</p><p>Section 4 Duties 4.1 Incoming Monies...... 12 4.1.1 Dinner Meetings...... 12 4.1.2 Monies from Dinner Meetings...... 12 4.1.3 Large Projects...... 13 4.1.4 Lions Projects...... 14 4.2 Dinner Meeting Records...... 14 4.3 Outgoing Monies...... 14 4.4 Board of Directors Meetings...... 14 4.4.1 Treasurer’s Report...... 14 4.4.2 Accounts for Payment...... 15 4.5 Audit...... 15 4.6 Incorporated Associations Annual Returns...... 16</p><p>Section 5 Lions International Commitments 5.1 Multiple District and District Dues...... 17 First Semi-Annual Dues July...... 18 Second Semi-Annual Dues January...... 19 5.2 Lions Clubs International Dues...... 20 5.3 Revised Suspension Policy...... 21</p><p>Appendices A – Sample of International Dues...... 22 B – Sample of International Membership List...... 23 A – Sample of Dinner Meeting Takings...... 24 B – Sample of Receipt...... 25 C – Sample Treasurer’s Report for Board Meeting...... 26</p><p>A guide to Art Unions...... 27-28 Notification of Club Treasurer ...... 29</p><p>4 Club Treasurer’s Manual 2015-2016 “Looking Forward in a Changing World” </p><p>SECTION 1 PREAMBLE</p><p>1.1 A Lions Club should run as a business with its financial affairs properly planned, documented and reported. The Club Treasurer is the Accounting Officer of the Club and should ensure that its financial affairs are organised, recorded, and reported in a business like manner.</p><p>Remember at all times that we are handling public Money given to us on trust to use for the purposes for which it was collected.</p><p>1.2 DUTIES OF THE CLUB TREASURER</p><p> Issuing of receipts for all monies received which are to be promptly banked into the accounts approved by the Board of Directors.</p><p> Issue Cheques, EFT which must bear the Treasurer’s Signature and one other, usually the President or Secretary, in payment of Club obligations. Such cheques must be approved by the Board of Directors.</p><p> Ensure the Club’s financial transactions are recorded into separate accounts maintained for Administration and Activities.</p><p> Prepare and submit a Financial Report for approval at Board Meetings and the Annual General Meeting.</p><p> Serve on the Financial Committee usually as Chairperson.</p><p> Prepare a budget for the forthcoming year.</p><p> Ensure books are Audited at the end of the Financial year.</p><p> Work closely with the incoming Treasurer to ensure a smooth changeover</p><p>SECTION 2 MANAGEMENT</p><p>2.1 It is necessary for the Club Treasurer to have:</p><p>(a) A Multiple District 201 Administration Manual</p><p>(b) International Association of Lions Clubs Constitution; and By-Laws Publication LA 1 - this can also be found on the Lions Clubs International {LCI} Internet site: http://www.lionsclubs.org/</p><p>(c) Multiple District 201 of Lions Clubs International Inc Constitution and By-Laws</p><p>(d) Standard Form Lions Club Constitution and By-Laws Publication LA-2 http://www.lionsclubs.org/ as well as your club Constitution and By-Laws.</p><p>5 Lions Club Treasurer’s Manual 2015-2016 “Looking Forward in a Changing World”</p><p>(e) District 201 Q2 Constitution – available from Cabinet Secretary</p><p>Note :- All documents above are on the new club CD</p><p>2.2 The Treasurer should be able to act as a “Watch dog” to ensure that the Club does not either knowingly or inadvertently step outside the bounds of the various Constitutions nor incur any liability outside the resources of the Club.</p><p>The majority of Lions Clubs in Australia are incorporated and the Treasurer should have an understanding of the requirements regarding Charitable Collections and Fund Raising Organisations as they apply in the State.</p><p>2.3 TYPES OF ACCOUNTS</p><p>Two types of monies are received into Club funds:-</p><p>(1) Club members monies {Administrative}</p><p>(2) Monies raised from the public for Charitable purposes {Community Service}</p><p>ACCOUNTS</p><p>Administration Community Service</p><p>Administration Convention Community Service Raffle Account Account Account Account</p><p>It is not necessary to have a separate Convention and Raffle Account. Many Clubs operate with an Administration Account and an Activity Account {Community Service}. </p><p>6 Club Treasurer’s Manual 2015-2016 “Looking Forward in a Changing World” </p><p>2.3.1 ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT</p><p>The Administration budget has to do with the basic financing of the Club – the income and expenditure necessary to run the Club.</p><p>Transactions include:-</p><p> Membership Dues</p><p> Club meeting income {Dinner Fees, Tail Twisting, Member Raffles} and Club Meeting expenditure {Members Dinner Costs}</p><p> Expenditure relating to direct administration of the Club – postage, telephone, stationery etc</p><p> Any transactions or activities conferring any benefit to the members of the Club</p><p> Direct work: Funds raised by Lions/Lioness/Leos doing direct work – such as delivering telephone books, gate keeping at sporting activities or car park attendants can be credited to this account. The test for Direct work is – Did the Club contract to do a job in return for payment of a fee {not the profit} of another organization? If a Club raises money from its own members in a manner which does not give rise to any public perception that funds are being raised for Charitable purposes, then in these circumstances only, such funds could be used to reduce dues</p><p> Member Donations: If a club member loans special tools, a tractor or truck etc. for an activity, it is appropriate to calculate hire charges, write an Activities Cheque and have the member donate this to the Club for credit into Administration Account. Accurate records must be kept. (Be careful as this may incur an expense to the person hiring the goods.)</p><p> The cost of submission of the “Annual Return of Association” is a Club running cost, therefore an Administration Account item.</p><p>2.3.2 ACTIVITIES ACCOUNT</p><p>Money raised from Projects that provide service or benefits to the Community.</p><p>Money cannot be transferred from the Activities Account to the Administration Account</p><p>Transactions that fall into this category include:-</p><p> Any money raised from the general public. </p><p> All costs associated with raising these funds.</p><p> All donations and services provided to the Community.</p><p>7 Lions Club Treasurer’s Manual 2015-2016 “Looking Forward in a Changing World”</p><p> All expenditure associated with providing these services.</p><p> All expenditure associated with the investigation of potential projects even if the project does not eventuate.</p><p> Interest received on funds collected from the public.</p><p> Costs of meals for guests who have been invited to the Club to talk about a project or potential project of the Club.</p><p> The costs of auditing the Activities Accounts. {75% of Audit cost}</p><p> Insurances relating to Activities and Projects</p><p> Postage, telephone and any other expenses, which can be clearly identified to projects {documentation required}</p><p> All Art Union return charges and permit/licence costs</p><p>The following examples of expenses, which are definitely NOT chargeable to the Activities Account:-</p><p> The cost of drinks etc. after a project</p><p> The cost of membership drive or the cost of training or anything which provides a benefit to Club members.</p><p> Providing any meals, drinks or other benefit to members at any Lions functions.</p><p>2.4 CHEQUE AND DEPOSIT BOOKS</p><p>Order new Cheque and Deposit books, you may wish to set up EFT banking from your Club’s bank by the middle of June as these may take time to obtain. Request your Bank to order Cheque Books that are printed with “Not Negotiable”.</p><p>Your previous Treasurer may require all of the current Cheque & Deposit books to finalise records and submit to the Auditor.</p><p>Incoming signatories for Bank Accounts shall arrange it with Bank to take effect from 1 st July. New customers at the Bank will require sufficient identification to meet the Bank’s requirements eg. Passport, Birth Certificate, Driver’s Licence etc. it will be necessary to take a copy of the Minutes of the Election of Club Officers Meeting, showing the names of the new Board of Directors, to the Bank.</p><p>Outgoing signatories will need to sign the “Notice of Authority” Bank Form to allow transfer of signatures to the new Officers.</p><p>START YOUR YEAR ON 1ST JULY WITH NEW BOOKS!!!</p><p>8 Lions Club Treasurer’s Manual 2015-2016 “Looking Forward in a Changing World”</p><p>2.5 RECEIPT BOOK</p><p>Purchase new Receipt Books for your year – one for each Account and one for Dues. Purchase ‘Carbonless’ books that have a reasonable space to write information after the words “Being for…………………………………”</p><p>Each receipt must bear the Club’s Name. A suitable rubber stamp will suffice.</p><p>2.6 HARD COPY RECORDS</p><p>Use one large ring back binder with dividers to separate Club Accounts, for the filing of Accounts and Receipts.</p><p>Write the Cheque Number or EFT transaction number on a copy of each paid Account and file all copies in numerical order according to Cheque numbers. Your Bank should be able to supply you with ring back binders for the filing of Bank Statements.</p><p>2.7 ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS</p><p>Some Clubs maintain Club records on various computer accounting packages. While this is perfectly in order, the volume of transactions may not warrant computerisation and thought should be given to a successor who may not have access to a computer or compatible programmes. (Most Auditors prefer Computer accounting packages)</p><p>To be effective any system must be readily accessible, transferable, easily understood and simple to operate to allow comparative information to be obtained.</p><p>It is suggested Clubs use an 18 column Cash Book. The Cash Book column headings may be designed/altered for your Club’s needs.</p><p>LionBooksNew is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet based application designed for Lion Clubs and is available on the District Administration CD or the MD website. </p><p>2.8 INSURANCE</p><p>The “Information on Insurance for Lions” details are printed in the Multiple District Directory each year.</p><p>Special consideration to taking out Optional Coverage is recommended. Policies include:-</p><p> Personal accident increased benefit</p><p> Lions members aged 76 to 80 years} not covered under the standard policy</p><p>9 Lions Club Treasurer’s Manual 2015-2016 “Looking Forward in a Changing World”</p><p> Lions members aged 81 to 85 years} not covered under the standard policy</p><p> Project equipment etc</p><p>2.9 AUDIT</p><p>It is preferable for the Auditor to be appointed at the beginning of the Financial Year. The Treasurer for approval by the Board of Directors will nominate the Auditor. Some Auditors may require to view the records on a half-yearly basis. The Treasurer should meet with the Auditor to ascertain the Auditor’s requirement for all Account records.</p><p>Please note that since the advent of GST many Accountants are no longer undertaking the preparation of Club Audits.</p><p>SECTION 3 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT</p><p>3.1 THE BUDGET</p><p>Preparation of the Club Budget is one of the Treasurer’s major responsibilities which is shared with the Finance Committee and often with the Club President. A wisely constructed budget will make all the difference whether the Club will be solvent at the end of the fiscal year. Be careful anticipating revenue and income and by carefully prioritising spending needs of the Clubs for the next 6 {six} or 12 {twelve} months, the Treasurer can do much to assure that the Club remains financially sound and healthy.</p><p>Each Club should have 2 {Two} budgets: an Administrative Budget and an Activities Budget. It is important to keep in mind that budget does not give “authority” to spend money; it is simply a guide to spending. Nevertheless, once the budget is approved every effort should be made to adhere to it.</p><p>Also remember that a Budget:- (a) Keeps the membership well informed of the Club’s financial condition {which they have the right to know}.</p><p>(b) Provides the necessary discipline for keeping funds under the proper category.</p><p>(c) Helps to establish that the Club is a charitable organization.</p><p>Caution !!! Under no circumstances may the net income of the Club projects or activities raised from the public be used in any manner whatsoever for administrative expenditures.</p><p>Clubs must establish 2 {two} bank accounts and 2 {two} sets of books: one for its administrative funds {dues, tail twister fines, door prizes, income etc}. The other for its activities funds {monies from projects and the community}.</p><p>10 Lions Club Treasurer’s Manual 2015-2016 “Looking Forward in a Changing World”</p><p>3.2 CLUB AND INTERNATIONAL DUES AND FEES</p><p>The Treasurer, with advice from the Finance Committee and approval of the Board of Directors, should set the annual members dues at an amount, which is necessary to maintain the financial of the Club.</p><p>If the amount of dues is insufficient to enable the Club to operate efficiently, the Finance Committee should recommend to the Board of Directors that dues be increased. The committee should stipulate the amount necessary to overcome the deficiency.</p><p>Club dues should be collected in advance, semi-annually or quarterly Invoices for Dues should be sent to the member by the Secretary or Treasurer approximately 10 {ten} days before the paying period.</p><p>SECTION 4 DUTIES</p><p>4.1 INCOMING MONIES</p><p>Consecutively numbered Receipts shall be issued for all monies received which must then be banked promptly intact without any deductions.</p><p>Ensure that every Receipt is printed/stamped with your Club’s correct name.</p><p>For Insurance coverage all money must be banked within 48 {forty-eight} hours or in the event of Bank holidays on the first working day thereafter.</p><p>4.1.1 DINNER MEETINGS</p><p>At each Dinner Meeting the Treasurer’s normal duties are:-</p><p>. Collect Dinner fees from members and visitors.</p><p>. Collect any payments from Club Members eg. Club Dues. {Receipts and Membership Cards should be issued promptly upon receipt of Dues}.</p><p>. Collect Tail Twisting money and issues Receipt to Tail Twister.</p><p>. Collect Raffle Money from Raffle Chairman and reimburse cost of prize to Chairman.</p><p>. Pay Dinner Fees to Caterer using a Cheque / EFT.</p><p>4.1.2 MONIES FROM DINNER MEETINGS</p><p> Monies collected from the Dinner Meeting are all from Lions Club Members and are to be deposited into the Administration Account.</p><p>11 Lions Club Treasurer’s Manual 2015-2016 “Looking Forward in a Changing World”</p><p> Club Semi-Annual Dues are deposited into the Administration Account.</p><p> With regards to Member’s Raffle, Tail Twisting and excess Dinner Fees, it is at the discretion of the Board of Directors as to the disbursement of these monies into Administration/Convention Account.</p><p>12 Lions Club Treasurer’s Manual 2015-2016 “Looking Forward in a Changing World”</p><p>4.1.3 LARGE PROJECTS</p><p>Large projects are those Funds Raising Projects that last at least one day and involve gate takings, major raffles etc. The Projects involve large sums of incoming money which should be handled by the Treasurer who is responsible for finances of the Club however with the consent of the Board of Directors and the Treasurer, the Project Chairman may be designated to perform some or all of the following duties.</p><p>The Treasurer will collect incoming monies at regular intervals during the Project, count and store such monies in a secure place – preferably a ‘Safe’. For Insurance the money shall be banked within 48 {forty-eight} hours of the Project.</p><p>The Treasurer/Project Chairman shall submit a Project Report to the Board of Directors Meeting showing all incoming and outgoing monies.</p><p>13 Club Treasurer’s Manual 2015-2016 “Looking Forward in a Changing World” </p><p>4.1.4 LIONS PROJECTS</p><p>Lions Mints: When ordering Lions Mints a Cheque for the total Amount should accompany the order.</p><p>Christmas Cakes: When ordering Christmas Cakes a Cheque for the total Amount should accompany the order..</p><p>4.2 DINNER MEETING RECORDS</p><p>A record of all Duties listed in 4.1.1 must be kept. A form similar to “Appendix C” should be employed for this purpose.</p><p>A copy of this form {Appendix C} given to the Secretary will facilitate the members attendance records.</p><p>4.3 OUTGOING MONIES</p><p>Payment of all Accounts must be approved by the Board of Directors at the Board Meeting and such approval recorded in or attached to the Board Meeting Minutes.</p><p>Payment is to be made by CHEQUE OR EFT IS NOW ACCEPTABLE.</p><p>A receipt is required for payments for Audit purposes. Some businesses do not issue receipts. When making payment request that a receipt be issued, alternately enclose a Form similar to that shown in “Appendix D”.</p><p>4.4 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS</p><p>4.4.1 TREASURER’S REPORT</p><p>At each Board Meeting the Treasurer shall submit a written report for approval by the Board of Directors and this report after being approved will become part of the Official Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting. It should be signed by both the Treasurer and the President. {Appendix E}</p><p>The Treasurer’s written Report shall contain:- Details of each Deposit and Payment since the last Board Meeting Cheque Numbers EFT Transaction Numbers Payee Reason for Payment Amount paid Account Balances</p><p>The Club Treasurer should also have on hand:- All Bank Statements. 4.4.2 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT</p><p>14 Lions Club Treasurer’s Manual 2015-2016 “Looking Forward in a Changing World”</p><p>The Treasurer shall submit a list of Accounts for payment. It is necessary for the Treasurer to have Accounts for Payment approved by the Board of Directors – this list is then attached to the official minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting.</p><p>4.5 AUDIT</p><p>Promptly at the end of the financial year, the Treasurer shall present all necessary records to the Auditor to complete the Audit.</p><p>The completed Audit shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting of the Club. The Annual General Meeting is generally held within 3 {three} months of the end of the Financial year. Returns should then be lodged with the Office of Fair Trading within 1 {one} months of the Annual General Meeting along with the required lodgement Fee.</p><p>The Office of Fair Trading will forward an “Annual Return of Association” form to the Club Secretary at the end of the financial year.</p><p>The records should include:-</p><p> All monthly reports presented and approved by the Board of Directors Income and Cheques written for payment of Accounts Bank Reconciliation showing all Income and Cheques written for payment of Accounts All receipts received to be attached to a copy of all accounts paid Deposit books and Cheque books Any other information required by the Auditor</p><p>15 Lions Club Treasurer’s Manual 2015-2016 “Looking Forward in a Changing World”</p><p>Incorporated Association Annual Returns</p><p>Your incorporated association must prepare an annual return. The management committee must ensure financial statements are prepared and presented to the AGM for adoption. </p><p>The annual return must also include a copy of the financial statement presented at the AGM, signed and dated by either the President or the Treasurer, including: A profit and loss statement (income and expenditure) A balance sheet (assets and liabilities) All mortgages, charges and securities that affect any of your incorporated association´s property at the close of the financial year A copy of the accountant or auditor´s report, or the verification statement, signed in accordance with your incorporated association´s reporting requirements.</p><p>Annual return form Within one month of the AGM, your incorporated association must: complete and lodge Associations Incorporation form 12 - Annual return of association and pay the $42.20 fee. You will be sent this form within one month of your incorporated association´s financial year ending. If you do not receive or need another copy of this form, please send a request to our Registration Services branch.</p><p>If your incorporated association has not conducted any financial transactions during its financial year, and it has no assets or liabilities, you must submit a statutory declaration with the Form 12 stating this.</p><p>If your incorporated association would like a receipt for the annual return fee, request one when you lodge the return.</p><p>Reportable financial year Under normal circumstances, an incorporated association´s reportable financial year is 12 months. Most incorporated associations select a financial reporting period of either January to December or July to June.</p><p>16 Lions Club Treasurer’s Manual 2015-2016 “Looking Forward in a Changing World”</p><p>SECTION 5 LIONS INTERNATIONAL COMMITMENTS</p><p>5.1 MULTIPLE DISTRICT & DISTRICT DUES</p><p> Your District Treasurer will bill your Club to cover these Dues in 2 {two} Semi-Annual payments in July and January – see the following 2 pages (amounts may change due to CPI increases).</p><p> It is clearly stated on the Account what amount is payable from your Administration Account and your Activities Account.</p><p> These Dues are to be paid upon receipt of the Account, with payment approval being ratified at the next Board of Directors Meeting.</p><p>Cheques to be made payable to:- “Lions District 201 Q2” EFT Transfer is now acceptable using your club ID number as the reference number.</p><p>Note: Club member numbers shown on your Dues Account are taken from April & October Membership Reports {WMMR}.</p><p>Late submission of this Report means that the last available Membership figure will be used to calculate your Club Dues Account.</p><p>17 Club Treasurer’s Manual 2015-2016 “Looking Forward in a Changing World” </p><p>LIONS DISTRICT 201 Q2 DUES ACCOUNT JULY LIONS CLUB OF DEE GEE PO Box 11 BOSSLAND QLD 1. PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED BY CABINET TREASURER BEFORE 20 TH AUGUST</p><p>2. MEMBERSHIP FIGURES ARE TAKEN FROM JUNE MEMBERSHIP REPORT.</p><p>3. IF YOU DO NOT AGEE WITH THE AMOUNT, PLEASE PAY THE AMOUNT BILLED. YOUR CLUB’S MEMBERSHIP REPORT MAY HAVE ARRIVED LATE, WE WILL ADJUST THE ACCOUNT LATER.</p><p>4. BOARD APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT OF THESE MULTIPLE DISTRICT AND DISTRICT DUES IS NOT REQUIRED PRIOR TO PAYMENT. THIS PAYMENT SHOULD BE RATIFIED AT THE NEXT BOARD/CLUB MEETING.</p><p>5. MAKE CHEQUES PAYABLE TO- LIONS DISTRICT 201 Q2 / EFT TRANSFERS ARE ACCEPTABLE</p><p>6. PLEASE FORWARD CHEQUES TO:- CABINET TREASURER PO Box 11 BOSSLAND QLD </p><p>PAYABLE FROM ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT M.D Directories – Membership from 31/3/ 37 members @ $3.00 $111.00 M/District Dues to 31/12/ 37 members @ $10.54 $389.98 M/District Public Relations Fund 37 members @ $2.53 $93.61 District Administration Fund 37 members @ $9.57 $354.09 District Convention Fund 37 members @ $5.81 $214.97 District Fares Equalisation 37 members @ $2.32 $85.84 District D.G’s Fund 37 members @ $1.74 $64.38 District 1st Vice Governor’s Fund 37 members @ $1.17 $43.29 District 2nd Vice Governor’s Fund TOTAL PAYABLE FROM ADMINISTRATION A/C EFT PAYMENT TO BSB: 000111 A/C NO: 12345678 $1,357 .16 </p><p>PAYABLE FROM ACTIVITIES ACCOUNT M.D. Youth Exchange 37 members @ $0.55 $20.35 M.D. Lioness program 14 members @ $5.50 $77.00 District Activities Fund 37 members @ $1.17 $43.29 District Youth and Youth of the Year Fund 37 members @ $3.49 $129.13 INSURANCE: Workers Compensation 37 members @ $0.40 $14.80 General Property 1 Club @ $9.90 $9.90 Fidelity Bonding 1 Club @ $16.50 $16.50 Personal Accident – Lions 37 members @ $7.15 $264.55 Personal Accident – Lionesses 14 members @ $7.15 $100.10 Personal Account - Leos 0 members @ $7.15 $0.00 Personal Accident accompanying Partners: 85% Lions Membership 31.5 members @ $1.93 $60.80 85% Lioness Membership 11.9members @ $1.93 $22.97 85% Leo Membership 0 members @ $1.93 $0.00 Excess Public Liability 37 members @ $2.20 $81.40 Loss of Cash: Lions Club 1 Club @ $11.00 $11.00 Lioness Club 1 Club @ $11.00 $11.00 Leo Club 0 Club @ $11.00 $0.00 Directors and Officers Indemnity 37 members @ $3.00 $111.00 TOTAL PAYABLE FROM ACTIVITIES A/C $973.69 EFT PAYMENT TO BSB: 000111 A/C NO: 987654321 TOTAL DUES PAYABLE $2330.85 There are 2 copies of the Account Supplied Keep 1 {one} for you Records Return the other with your payment</p><p>18 Lions Club Treasurer’s Manual 2015-2016 “Looking Forward in a Changing World”</p><p>LIONS DISTRICT 201 Q2 DUES ACCOUNT JANUARY LIONS CLUB OF DEE GEE PO Box 11 BOSSLAND QLD</p><p>SECOND SEMI-ANNUAL DUES</p><p>1. PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED BY CABINET TREASURER BEFORE 18 TH FEBRUARY 2. MEMBERSHIP FIGURES ARE TAKEN FROM DECEMBER MEMBERSHIP REPORT. 3. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THE AMOUNT BILLED, PLEASE STILL PAY THIS AMOUNT WE WILL ADJUST YOUR ACCOUNT LATER.</p><p>4. BOARD APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT OF THESE MULTIPLE DISTRICT AND DISTRICT DUES IS NOT REQUIRED PRIOR TO PAYMENT. THIS PAYMENT SHOULD BE RATIFIED AT THE NEXT BOARD/CLUB MEETING.</p><p>5. MAKE CHEQUES PAYABLE TO:- “LIONS DISTRICT 201 Q2” / EFT TRANSFER ARE ACCEPTABLE</p><p>6. PLEASE FORWARD CHEQUES TO:- CABINET TREASURER PO Box 11 BOSSLAND QLD</p><p>PAYABLE FROM ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT M/District dues to 30/06/ 35 members @ $10.54 $368.90 District Administration Fund to 30/06/ 35 members @ $9.57 $334.95</p><p>M/District Dues Outstanding $0.00 District Dues Outstanding $0.00</p><p>TOTAL PAYABLE FROM ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT $703 .85 EFT PAYMENT TO BSB: 000111 A/C NO: 123456789</p><p>PAYABLE FROM ACTIVITIES ACCOUNT District Youth and Youth of the Year Fund 35 members @ $3.49 $122.15</p><p>M/District Dues/Insurance Outstanding $0.00 District Dues Outstanding $0.00</p><p>TOTAL PAYABLE FROM ACTIVITIES ACCOUNT $122 .15 EFT PAYMENT TO BSB: 000111 A/C 987654321</p><p>TOTAL DUES PAYABLE $826.00</p><p>WARNING FAILING TO PAY THIS ACCOUNT ON TIME MAY RESULT IN A FINANCIAL PENALTY. {Article 7 Section 3 of District Constitution}.</p><p>There are 2 {two} Copies of the Account Supplied Keep 1 {one} for your Records Return the other with your payment</p><p>19 Club Treasurer’s Manual 2015-2016 “Looking Forward in a Changing World” </p><p>5.2 LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL DUES</p><p> In July and January you will receive Semi-Annual Dues Accounts direct from America.</p><p> These accounts are paid in AUSTRALIA DOLLARS from your ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT</p><p> The Account is to be paid upon receipt, with approval being ratified at the next Board of Directors Meeting.</p><p>Make Cheque payable to:- “Lions Clubs International” If EFT Payment for LCI Dues use club ID number as reference number. BSB: 000111 A/C 123456789</p><p> Detach or scan the top section of the Account and forward or email this with your cheque to the “District Treasurer” Even if you have paid by EFT</p><p>The District Treasurer will then deposit this money into the Lions Clubs International Bank Account.</p><p> Depending on when your payment is banked, you may owe a small amount of money or be in credit because of the daily fluctuating exchange rate.</p><p> It is important file a copy of each Lions Clubs International Account for your records.</p><p>Refer to Lions Clubs International Multiple District 201 Club Administration Manual – Chapter 7, from page 154</p><p>20 Lions Club Treasurer’s Manual 2015-2016 “Looking Forward in a Changing World”</p><p>From April, 2015 Revised Suspension Policy</p><p>NOTE: A Club which has an unpaid balance in excess of US$20 per member or US$1,000 per club, whichever is less, outstanding past 90 days will be automatically suspended including the charter, rights, privileges, and obligation of the Lions Club. In the event, the Club does not reach an active status by the 28th of the following month the club’s charter would be automatically cancelled. </p><p>Suspension is the temporary deferment of the charter, rights, privileges and obligations of a Lions club due to an unpaid balance. </p><p>Clubs on suspension shall not: (a) Conduct service activities (b) Conduct fund raising activities; (c) Participate in district and multiple district functions or seminars; (d) Participate in any voting procedures outside of the club (e) Endorse or nominate a candidate for district, multiple district and international office; (f) Submit Monthly Membership Report and report forms; (g) Sponsor a Lions club, or organize a Leo or a Lioness club.</p><p>Clubs on Suspension shall: </p><p>(a) Hold meetings to discuss the future of the club and identify the steps needed to regain an active status. (b) Make payments to clear the existing outstanding balance, or request a payment plan. </p><p>21 Lions Club Treasurer’s Manual 2015-2016 “Looking Forward in a Changing World”</p><p>APPENDIX A</p><p>LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL DUES PAGE: 01</p><p>MAIL PAYMENTS TO: 300 W 22ND STREET OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS 60523-8842 TEL: 630-571-5466 / FAX: 630-571-8890</p><p>IDENT# CLUB # LIONS CLUB OF 4340 123456 HAPPYVILLE 201 Q2 11 30 03 AUSTRALIA</p><p>NOTICE: DETACH THE UPPER SECTION OF THIS STATEMENT AND BOB BROWN RETURN WITH YOUR REMITTANCE OR DUPLICATE DEPOSIT SLIP CONFIRMATION OF YOUR REMITTANCE PO BOX 111 WILL BE SHOWN ON MONTHLY STATEMENT HAPPYVILLE QLD 4444 AUSTRALIA EXCHANGE RATE PER US DOLLAR $1.410000 EXCHANGE RATE PER US DOLLAR 1.410000 AMOUNT OF PAYMENT ------INVOICE DATE RETAIN THIS PORTION FOR YOUR PERMANENT RECORDS CHARGES INVOICE AND MO DAY YR NUMBRER DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS CREDITS</p><p>11 30 03 BALANCE FORWARD………………………..……..US CURRENCY 0.00</p><p>12 28 03 B100915028 SEMI-ANNUAL PER CAPITA (23 MEMBERS) 324.88</p><p>PER CAPITA BILLING IS BASED UPON STATISTICAL RECORDS OF THE INT’L OFFICE NOT THE MEMBERS LISTED.</p><p>A carrying charge of one percent (1%) per month will be levied on all accounts which are past due 60 days or more in the United States and 90 days or longer outside the United States. MONTH OF CLOSING BALANCE PLEASE SUBMIT A MEMBERSHIP LIST IF WE HAVE INCURRED THE THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FOLLOWING PROBLEMS WITH YOUR MEMBRSHIP USD 324.88 NOV 03 0024 0000 YOUR RECORDS AND OURS. REPORT FOR THIS MONTH. SEE REVERSE SIDE AUD 437.60 MEMBERSHIP OUR MEM YOUR MEM FOR EXPLANATION. PAY THIS AMOUNT REPORT RECORDS RECORDS UNLESS “CR” IS SHOWN</p><p>22 Lions Club Treasurer’s Manual 2015-2016 “Looking Forward in a Changing World”</p><p>APPENDIX B</p><p>The International Association of Lions Clubs 300 W 22nd Street, Oak Brook, Illinois 60523-8842, U.S.A. Invoice: PC0002 SEMI-ANNUAL PER CAPITA INVOICE Page 1 of 1</p><p>Invoice Date Period to</p><p>Ident. Club# District Lions Club of MO. DAY YEAR MO. DAY YEAR 4340 123456 201Q2 HAPPYVILLE 01-01-2004 06-30-2004</p><p>Member # Name Member # Name 1234567 Violet Crumble 1234568 Ginger Flower 1234568 William Cherry 1234569 Raymond Pecan 1234569 Jon Smith 1234570 Ulysses Blue 1234571 Ava Cardo 1234572 Granny Smith 1234573 Bob Brown LIFE MEM 1234574 Sugar Banana 1234575 Lola Lychee 1234576 Davidson Plum 1234577 Wendy Cherry 1234578 Yellow Macadamia 1234579 Malcolm Quince 1234580 Silver Chestnut 1234581 John Pear 1234582 Percy Peach 1234583 Bruce Lemon 1234584 Alan Pecan 1234585 Trevor Orange 1234586 Kenny Strawberry 1234587 Jonathon Apple 1234588 Albert Rambutan</p><p>Dues Not Included for Life Members Dues 23 Members @ $14.125 Semi-Annually Magazine Total $324.88 Conv. Fund U.S. DOLLARS</p><p>If the membership total appearing on this invoice differs from your total, send corrections on an MMR to the Statistical & Membership Department as soon as possible.</p><p>THESE FIGURES DO NOT REFLECT MEMBERSHIP CHANGES REPORTED IN THE PAST THREE WEEKS. ADJUSTMENT(S) FOR THESE CHANGES WILL APPEAR ON YOUR NEXT STATEMENT.</p><p>This invoice is rendered in accordance with Article VIII, Sections 2(a) and 2(c) and Article X Section 2 of your International Constitution and By-Laws. PAYMENT DUE 10 DAYS AFTER INVOICE DATE</p><p>23 Lions Club Treasurer’s Manual 2015-2016 “Looking Forward in a Changing World”</p><p>APPENDIX C</p><p>Lions Club of ……..…………………..…………… Meeting Date …………………..</p><p>MEMBERS MEALS DUES OTHER VISITING LIONS MEALS</p><p>Guests Meals</p><p>Meal Money Other Collections Members Raffle Tail Twisting Total Collected </p><p>No. of Meals @ </p><p>TOTAL PAID MEETING DATE CHEQUE NO. </p><p>APPENDIX D</p><p>24 Lions Club Treasurer’s Manual 2015-2016 “Looking Forward in a Changing World”</p><p>______</p><p>RECEIVED the amount of $……………………...on Cheque No …………………. Being payment for …..………………………….……………………………………. NAME ……………………………………………………………….. SIGNATURE……………………………..… Date ………………….</p><p>From: LIONS CLUB OF DEE GEE PO Box 11 BOSSLAND QLD</p><p>For Audit purposes please SIGN and RETURN to The Club Treasurer. “Thank You” ______</p><p>These Forms are best printed on colour paper. Three Forms will fit on one sheet of A4 paper.</p><p>25 Lions Club Treasurer’s Manual 2015-2016 “Looking Forward in a Changing World”</p><p>APPENDIX E Sample Treasurer’s Financial Report for Board Meeting</p><p>XXXX Lions Club Financial Statement September 2008 Administration Account Opening Bank Balance at 30th August $719.73 Income Dinner Meeting 3/9 $183.85 George Tangles (Dues) $35.00 Dinner Meeting 17/9 $78.00 Bank Interest (30/9) $1.53 $298.38 Expenditure 301703 JUA Underwriting P/L (Insurance) $13.75 301704 Morris Park (Dinner Meeting) $181.50 301705 Morris Park (Board Meeting) $70.00 $265.25</p><p>Closing Bank Balance at 30 th September $752.86 Outstanding cheques Nil</p><p>Activities Account Opening Bank Balance at 30th August $2,211.49 Income Mints 9/9 $410.00 Mints 19/9 $85.85 Mints 22/9 $60.00 Mints 25/9 $132.85 Bank Interest 30/9 $4.75 $693.45</p><p>Expenditure 302788 Legacy (Donation) $200.00</p><p>Closing Bank Balance at 30 th September $2,704.94 Outstanding cheques 302795 Bunnings $61.30 302796 Lions Club of Perth $50.00</p><p>Activities Investment Account Bank Balance at 29th August $5,352.49 Bank Interest 30/9 $15.80 Closing Bank Balance at 30 th September $5,368.29</p><p>26 Lions Club Treasurer’s Manual 2015-2016 “Looking Forward in a Changing World”</p><p>A SIMPLE GUIDE TO ART UNIONS</p><p>Queensland Office of Gaming Regulations For the conduct of Games under the Charitable and Non-Profit Gaming Act 1999</p><p>These guidelines are primarily designed to assist associations conducting Category 1 and/or Category 2 Games. The record keeping recommended in these guidelines is the least that should be maintained. Associations conducting Category 3 Games should seek the advice of their own auditors as to the most appropriate records for their particular situation. Associations may also need to refer to their own Constitution when determining what records need to be kept.</p><p>Good record keeping and a practical system of internal controls are the best methods by which members of associations can protect both themselves and the association.</p><p>Definitions A 'Category 1 Game is a game in which: • For bingo - the gross proceeds of all games in the session are not more than $2 000; or • For other games - the gross proceeds of which are not more than $2 000.</p><p>A 'Category 2 Game is a game in which: • For bingo - the gross proceeds of all games in the session are more than $2 000 but not more than $20 000; or • For lucky envelopes - the gross proceeds of which are not more than $5 000; or for other games - the gross proceeds of which are more than $2 000 but not more than $20 000. A 'Category 3 Game is a game, other than bingo, the gross proceeds of which are more than $20 000.</p><p>Section 78 of the Charitable and Non-Profit Gaming Act 1999 (the Act) provides as follows:</p><p>(1)A person conducting a category 1 game must keep accounting records correctly recording and explaining the transactions for the game.</p><p>(2)A person conducting a category 2 or 3 game must - (a) keep accounting records correctly recording and explaining the financial transactions for the game; and (b) keep the accounting records in a way that allows - (i) true and fair financial statements and accounts to be prepared when necessary; and (ii) the financial statements and accounts to be conveniently and properly audited.</p><p>27 Lions Club Treasurer’s Manual 2015-2016 “Looking Forward in a Changing World”</p><p>Category 1 Game A permit or Licence is NOT required.</p><p>Keeping Accounting Records The Lions Club must keep accounting records correctly recording and explaining the transac tions for all category 1 games.</p><p>Lodgement of Returns The chief executive may, by written notice to a Lions Club request a return be lodged conce rning the conduct of any category 1 game, otherwise no lodgement of returns is necessary.</p><p>Audit The Clubs accounting records should be audited annually, and unless requested by the chief executive in writing no separate audit is required</p><p>'Category 2 Game A permit or Licence is NOT required.</p><p>Keeping Accounting Records The Lions Club must keep accounting records correctly recording and explaining the transactions for all category 2 games.</p><p>Lodgement of Returns An audited report must be lodged with the chief executive for any art union, bingo or Calcutta sweep with gross proceeds exceeding $10.000. The chief executive may also, by written notice to a Lions Club request a return be lodged concerning the conduct of any other category 2 game.</p><p>Audit The clubs accounting records should be audited annually, and unless as above the gross proceeds $10.000 no separate audit is required.</p><p>General Information This is only a very brief outline of some of the new regulations; Assistance is also availabl e from (07 3872 0999) or from Queensland’s Officer of Gaming Regulation Locked mail Bag 180, Albert St Mail Centre, BRISBANE QLD 4002</p><p>28 Lions Club Treasurer’s Manual 2015-2016 “Looking Forward in a Changing World”</p><p>Notification of Club Treasurer</p><p>Post to:</p><p>PDG Tom Becker Cabinet Treasurer Lions Clubs International – District 201Q2 1 Nicole Court ANDERGROVE QLD 4740</p><p>The details of the Club Treasurer 2015/2016 are as follows:-</p><p>Club Name:</p><p>Treasurer’s Name:</p><p>Postal Home: ...... Address: ...... </p><p>Work: ...... </p><p>Telephone Home: ...... Numbers: Work: ...... </p><p>Mobile: ...... </p><p>Fax Numbers: Home: ...... </p><p>Work: ...... </p><p>Email Home: ...... Addresses: Work: ...... </p><p>29</p>
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