<p>- 1 - Junior Stepping Stone Project</p><p>Table of Contents</p><p>SECTION PAGE Stepping Stone Information 2 Stepping Stone Components 3 Research Paper Information - Requirements 4 Interview Questions 5 Interview Summary 6 Setting up the Interview 7 Conducting the Interview 8 After the Interview 9 Research Paper Rubric 10 Stepping Stone Presentation General 11 Information Presentation Preparation 12-13 Teacher Review of Stepping Stone Presentation 14 Plan Presentation Scoring Rubric 15-16 Stepping Stone Timeline 17</p><p>- 2 - Junior Stepping Stone Project</p><p>What is the “Stepping Stone”?</p><p>Stepping Stone, a culminating project assessment for high school juniors, allows students to demonstrate their understanding of their chosen career pathway, their ability to create a plan for their future, and their ability to design and participate in a multi-phased, research-based learning process. This multifaceted task reinforces and refines complex skills such as: </p><p> Long and short term goal completion Professional communication Critical and creative thinking Professional attitudes and basic knowledge application Insightful self-evaluation Time management Organization and planning Presentation strategies</p><p>All juniors at Carl Wunsche Sr., High School are required to complete the Stepping</p><p>Stone Project. Grades earned for each element of the project will count in the English 3 and CTE courses. Please see the “Stepping Stone Rubric” at the end of this handbook for information regarding how each element of the project will be weighted.</p><p>- 3 - Stepping Stone Components</p><p>3 P’s: Paper, Project, Presentation</p><p>1. Writing a research paper on a challenging aspect of the major of study, reflecting basic writing as well as information literacy skills and using multiple sources, including at least one interview with the student’s CTE teacher.</p><p>2. Designing and producing a related, rigorous, student-generated project or product to be incorporated in the final presentation.</p><p>3. Preparing an oral presentation for an audience consisting of teachers and two or more combined classes of peers.</p><p>- 4 - Research Paper Information</p><p>Junior Project Research Paper</p><p>Students will meet the criteria of the Stepping Stone research paper by writing a research paper on a topic approved by both their CTE and English Teachers. </p><p>The topic should: </p><p> reflect the student’s particular interests and goals in their chosen career pathway be timely and creative be appropriate for including a student-generated demonstration or visual Speak to your English Teacher for information about research approaches. </p><p>Research Paper Requirements</p><p> 1 inch margins</p><p> 12 point font (print) size with font chosen from one of the following: o Times New Roman o Arial o Tahoma Page numbers in a consistent location according to MLA format.</p><p> Double-spaced throughout the outline, text, and works cited page.</p><p> Minimum of four (4) sources, including one personal interview.</p><p> Proficient level of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and usage.</p><p> In-text and/or parenthetical documentation</p><p> Title page and a works cited page according to MLA format.</p><p> Three to four (3-4) pages in length, not including the title page, and works</p><p> cited page.</p><p> Paper must be turned in as part of a research folder to include: </p><p> o Research paper o Works Cited o Research Articles (2 journals; 1 website) . printed out, with any referenced or quoted text highlighted . MLA citation at top of the first page of the article</p><p>- 5 - Interview Questions</p><p>Student Name______Date______</p><p>English Teacher______Pathway______</p><p>(To Be Approved By Your English Teachers)</p><p>Required Background Questions: </p><p>1. Please describe your job title and responsibilities. ______2. What is your educational background? ______3. Does your job require a college degree or special certification? ______4. How long have you been employed in this industry / position(s)? ______</p><p>Original, Student-Generated Questions: Please list a minimum of 5 appropriate questions that you would like to ask the industry professional. 1.______</p><p>2.______</p><p>3.______</p><p>4.______</p><p>5.______</p><p>6.______7.____</p><p>______8.______</p><p>______</p><p>Approval by English Teacher______</p><p>- 6 - Interview Summary</p><p>Student Name______Date______</p><p>CTE Teacher______Pathway______</p><p>(To Be Reviewed By Your CTE AND English Teachers)</p><p>Who did you interview?______Date of interview?______What is their job description and job title? ______How does their expertise support you in preparation for your research paper and project? ______</p><p>Provide at least 3 of the original, student-generated questions that were asked and the responses that you received. 1.______</p><p>2.______</p><p>3.______</p><p>Approval by CTE Teacher ______</p><p>Approval by English Teacher______</p><p>- 7 - Interviewing Tips</p><p>SETTING UP THE INTERVIEW </p><p>Students should speak to the teacher they wish to interview in advance and schedule an appointment. Don’t expect or demand that it be done the next day or the day after that. </p><p>People need up to two weeks advance notice to plan their schedules. Be considerate of their time. </p><p>A student should use the following protocol when scheduling an interview: </p><p> Identify yourself by name and program if the teacher does not know you. Explain to the person what your Stepping Stone project is about. Briefly explain to the person about what you have decided to do for your student-generated visual for the Stepping Stone, and then explain you are writing a research paper dealing with your project and major field of study. Politely ask if the person has time to meet with you to be interviewed. Explain that the interview is a requirement for the paper and that you must use the information and quotes from the interview in the body of the paper. Be flexible. Do not tell the person how busy and over committed you are. You must be willing to fit into his or her schedule. If the teacher requests that you meet with them on their conference period, be sure to get approval from the teacher whose class you will be missing. Be sure and write down the date, time, and place for the interview. Repeat this information back to the person being interviewed to make certain you have the correct information. Thank the person for being willing to give up some of his or her time and assure the person that you will be there for the interview at the appropriate time. </p><p>- 8 - Interviewing Tips</p><p>CONDUCTING THE INTERVIEW </p><p> It is a good idea to contact the teacher the day before the interview to remind the person that you will be arriving the next day. Ask the person if that time is still convenient for him or her. Express that you are looking forward to talking with the person. Show up for the interview on time! Plan your travel time so that you are not late. It is better to arrive early than late. Dress appropriately for the interview. Leave the chewing gum at home. Do not slouch during the interview. Look interested! Before going to the interview, plan and write down 5-8 relevant questions to ask. Keep the questions focused on what the paper is going to be about. Unless it is vital to your paper, avoid asking questions about salary, job satisfaction, etc. If you must ask about salary, limit the question to what salary range a person might expect if taking an entry level position in that career. Do not ask the person being interviewed what his/her salary is! Remember to take paper and pen so that you can take notes! If you plan to tape the interview, put in new batteries and a blank tape before you arrive and test it the day before your scheduled meeting. You must always obtain permission to tape record the interview ahead of time. Many people feel uneasy about being taped. Do not get so absorbed in taking notes that you are not really listening to the information that the person is giving to you. Be ready to ask follow-up questions that relate to what the person is saying. When you have finished the interview, thank the person for his or her time. After the interview, be sure to write a “Thank You” letter / card that you deliver within one week after your appointment. </p><p>- 9 - Interviewing Tips</p><p>AFTER THE INTERVIEW </p><p> Read over the notes and fill in any details that you can remember that you failed to have time to write down during the actual interview. </p><p> If the interview was taped, the student should listen to the tape and take some more notes. </p><p> Pull pertinent quotes and facts from the notes to use in the research paper. </p><p> If there are questions in your mind about something you wrote down or did not understand, it is a good idea to call the person you interviewed and ask for clarification. This will help avoid providing false information or incorrect quotes in the paper. </p><p> Write a thank you letter and deliver it within 5-7 days after the interview. In the letter, mention the Stepping Stone Project, the date of the interview and your appreciation for them in granting you the interview. In a second paragraph, point out some useful information the person gave you that you intend to use in your paper. You may give the letter directly to the teacher or to their tower aide. </p><p> Limit the thank you letter to one page or less. Business correspondence should be concise and to the point. </p><p>- 10 - Student Name______Date______CTE Teacher______Pathway______</p><p>Research Paper Rubric</p><p>Content Organization Documentation Works Cited Mechanics 27 Superior 23 Clear thesis 20 Accurate 17 Correct 13 Concrete Examples, plan/flows Internal format Consistent/accurate Necessary Definitions Thesis, Documentation, Sources (4) for Spelling, & Explanations Topic Sentences, Following MLA paper written Punctuation, Clarified, Transitions guidelines using MLA Word choice Concrete Word Choice Interview Aligns with Proposal correctly cited Length: 3-4 pages 23 Accurate/well 20 Logical plan 17 Few mistakes 14 Minor 11 Occasional developed but some weak mistakes errors, but not transitions distracting 21 Acceptable/lacks 17 Inconsistent 15 Some 13 Incorrect 9 Errors weaken sophistication organization improper format effectiveness citations 18 Little evidence to 15 No apparent 13 Incorrectly 11 8 Distracting errors support thesis plan of documented Substandard that interfere with organization form clarity </p><p>Total Score: ______</p><p>- 11 - Stepping Stone Presentation: General Information</p><p>The presentation schedule for Stepping Stone Projects is determined by the student’s teacher. Each teacher will work out a schedule of presentations in conjunction with other classes. You may be allowed to choose the date of your presentation, depending on the schedule your teacher works out. </p><p>Students that do not present their Stepping Stone Projects on the day assigned: </p><p> Will be rescheduled to present the following day, before school or after school, for a maximum grade of 80. Any student that does not present at the scheduled presentation time for a maximum grade of 80 will present the following day with a maximum grade of 60. Taking a zero on this assignment is not an option. </p><p>All Stepping Stone Project Topics have been approved in advance by the English teachers. Any deviations from the approved topic will result in significant grade deduction for the presentation and could result in disciplinary action. </p><p>- 12 - Presentation Preparation</p><p>STEP 1: Gather ideas </p><p>1. What are the major aspects of the project? </p><p>2. How do the paper and project connect? </p><p>3. What are the main points covered in the research paper? </p><p>4. What problems were encountered? </p><p>5. What emotions were experienced while working through the paper and project? (Anger? Excitement? Pride? Frustration?) </p><p>6. What personal growth was gained from the paper and project? </p><p>7. Did the project affect future career plans?</p><p>STEP 2: Organization </p><p>1. Use some type of visual organizer to plan out the presentation (examples: index cards or PowerPoint outline) </p><p>2. Plan the introduction. The introduction should have the following attributes: Grab attention Make topic clear Take no more than 60 seconds Uses quotations, readings, dramatics, jokes, surveys or other audience participation sets, games, audio-visual devices, demonstrations, or questions Uses your electronic portfolio to display personal mission statement, explanation of topic choice, and future career goals. </p><p>3. Plan the conclusion </p><p>4. Plan the display of the project </p><p>5. Plan the visual aids/props and test them to make sure that they are working properly </p><p>6. Decide how to integrate technology into the presentation </p><p>7. Determine how you will use your electronic portfolio in the presentation Presentation Preparation</p><p>- 13 - STEP 3: Speech Techniques to Remember</p><p>1. Eye contact - This is extremely important. Practice often enough that you rarely need to look at any notes. Remember this is a friendly audience that wants you to be successful. </p><p>2. Posture - Stand proud. You have accomplished a great deal and should show pride in your accomplishments. </p><p>3. Voice - Talk clearly and audibly so the whole audience can hear. Sound natural.</p><p>4. Gestures - Use natural gestures to make points in the presentation. Over gesturing or distracting mannerisms should be avoided. </p><p>5. Props - Practice using any props that are part of the presentation. </p><p>6. Dress – Wear professional dress. If wearing clothing appropriate for the profession (ex. medical scrubs) will enhance the presentation, the student may choose to do that. </p><p>STEP 4: Rehearse </p><p>1. The presentation should be well-rehearsed and should last between 6-8 minutes. Presentations that are either too long or too short will receive a substantial point deduction. </p><p>2. Make sure that your technology components work properly in advance of the presentation. </p><p>3. Make sure that any videos (student-generated only) shown as part of the presentation do not exceed a total of 3 minutes in length. </p><p>- 14 - Student Name______Date______</p><p>CTE Teacher______Pathway______</p><p>Teacher Review of Stepping Stone Presentation Plan</p><p>CTE Teacher ______The student’s presentation matches the previously approved topic submission. ______The presentation includes a product or project that the student has developed. Recommendations: ______</p><p>Teacher Signature______</p><p>English Teacher ______The student’s presentation visuals are free of significant spelling and grammatical errors. ______The student’s presentation visuals are easily read from a distance of 10-15 feet. (font size, image, etc.) Recommendations: ______</p><p>Teacher Signature______</p><p>Name______ID# ______English Teacher ______Total Points ______</p><p>- 15 - CTE Teacher ______Title/Topic of Presentation ______</p><p>Stepping Stone Project Presentation Scoring Rubric </p><p>Rated Area Exceeds Meets Expectations Below Points Expectations Expectations Awarded The student had his / The equipment and The equipment and visuals were not prepared her equipment and visuals were not and ready to use AND negatively impacted the Equipment / Visuals visuals prepared and completely prepared; presentation. ready to use. (4-5 but the presentation (0-1 Point) Points) occurred with only minor problems / delays. (2-3 Points) The presenter was The presenter was The presenter wore inappropriate clothing OR Appropriate dressed dressed in business distracting clothing. Professional Dress professionally for the casual attire. (7-8 (0-6 Points) presentation or in Points) other clothing appropriate for the profession. (9-10 Points) The Electronic The Electronic The presentation did not include an adequate Portfolio contained a Portfolio contained a introduction (one or more elements missing). personal mission personal mission (0-6 Points) statement, future statement, future E-Portfolio and career goals and an career goals and an Project Introduction explanation of topic explanation of topic choice, each of these choice, but these elements was elements were not developed. The well developed. The Stepping Stone Stepping Stone Presentation was Presentation was included in a folder included in a folder within the E-Portfolio. within the E-Portfolio. (9-10 Points) (7-8 Points) Presentation Presentation The presentation did not relate the topic to the described how the mentioned the speaker's chosen career pathway and the Project Relationship project fits in with the speaker's chosen presentation ended without any conclusions to Career Pathway/ speaker's chosen career pathway, about what has been learned or how career Future Career Goals career pathway, what touched on what has decisions will be effected. has been learned in been learned in the (0-9 Points) the research AND research and how that how that will help in relates to career obtaining future goals, but does not career goals. fully develop these (13-15 Points) ideas. (10-12 Points)</p><p>- 16 - The presentation included The presentation included The presentation did not two or more visual aids, one student-generated use a visual, OR none of one of which was student- visual aid that illustrated the visual aides were Visual Aids / generated, that greatly some elements of the student-generated. Props enhanced the topic. (0-6 Points) understanding of the topic. (7-8 Points) (9-10 Points) The speaker spoke clearly, The speaker spoke clearly, The speaker did not was audible to the entire but was barely audible to speak clearly, was Clarity and audience, made frequent some of the audience inaudible to most of the Effectiveness of eye-contact and only and/or frequently looked at audience and/or read Speaking occasionally looked at notes. extensively from notes. notes. (7-8 Points) (0-6 Points) (9-10 Points) The presentation was The presentation was The presentation was not informative and engaging. It informative but did not informative enough for a clearly illustrated the illustrate the student’s Stepping Stone Project. Presentation of student’s interest in their interest, OR the student’s OR it did not include a Topic chosen pathway and their career plan needs career plan or any plan for pursuing a career. improvement. indication of genuine (13-15 Points) (10-12 Points) interest. (0-9 Points) Content in the research Content in the research Content in the research paper was obviously paper was related to the paper was loosely related correlated to the presentation. Student to the presentation. presentation. Student directly referenced their Student did not reference Research Paper directly referenced both research OR interview their interview or their their research AND their during the presentation. research during the interview during (6-8 points) presentation. presentation. (0-6 points) (9-10 Points) The presentation fell within the 6-8 minute time The presentation was requirement. (This does not include the Q&A period.) between 4-6 minutes in Videos shown as part of presentation do not exceed 3 length OR included a minutes in length. video exceeding 3 (Award 10 Points) minutes in length. (Award Presentation 5 Points) *********** Timeframe The presentation was Presenters will receive a signal to stop at the 8-minute less than 4 minutes in mark. length. (Award 0 Points) *********** (Neither of these time frames should include the Q&A period.) The presenter allowed the The presenter allowed the The presenter did not audience to ask questions audience to ask questions allow the audience to ask Questioning AND responded but did not respond questions OR failed to knowledgeably. effectively to some respond to the questions. (4-5 Points) questions. (0-3 Points) (3-4 Points) Total Presentation Points </p><p>- 17 - STEPPING STONE TIMELINE</p><p>Dates for the timeline below will be given to you by your English teacher. This page is provided as a place to record those dates for your reference.</p><p>What To Whom When Weight</p><p>Interview English Teacher Daily Grade</p><p>Research Paper English Teacher Major Grade</p><p>Teacher Review of Presentation English Teacher Daily Grade Plan & Visuals</p><p>Cornerstone English Class Major Grade Presentation</p><p>- 18 -</p>
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