DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD,CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA,LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA ● REG.NO. MCS/067/2018-20RNI REGN. NO. 1543/57 JOURNALISM OF COURAGE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2020, MUMBAI, LATE CITY, 16 PAGES SINCE 1932 `5.00, WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM 2 THEINDIANEXPRESS,SATURDAY,DECEMBER19,2020 TAMILNADU NEWSPRINT AND PAPERS LIMITED KAGITHAPURAM -639 136, KARUR DIST. TAMIL NADU Phone: 04324-277 001 (10 LINES) NOTICEINVITINGTENDER Tender Material Description Due Date No. 202113 Sodium Soap (Imported) required for 31.12.2020 004213 Deinking Plant(QTY. (MT) -360) 202113 Procurementof90GSM Plain KraftSheets of 004248 various sizes -450 MT 04.01.2021 202113004213 [email protected] Planning Department Email 202113004248 -purchase.packing @tnpl.co.in Government of Meghalaya Terms &Conditions, Tender Fee, EMD areavailableinTender documentat Secretariat Main Building our websites: www.tnpl.com/ www.tenders.tn.gov.in DIPR/4747/Tender/2020 TNPL -Maker of bagasse based eco-friendly Paper M.G.Road, Shillong -793001 e-mail: [email protected] RFP No.PLR.100/2020/78 Dated Shillong the 16th December,2020 Request for Proposal Planning Department, Government of Meghalaya invites bids for engagement of an agency for Development, Implementation and Maintenance of Scheme Management System under Meghalaya Enterprise Architecture (MeghEA) as per detailed specifications provided in the RFP document to act as reliable System Integrator. Scheme Management System has been envisioned to enable several services such as processing of proposals for sanction submitted by all Departmentsofthe Government of Meghalaya, monitor sanction status and review sanction proposals. REP document can be downloaded from the website http://megplanning.gov.in/. Important Dates: Floating of RFP document: 16.12.2020 Last date of submission of queries on RFP: 27.12.2020 Pre-bid conference :28.12.2020 Last date of submission of Bids :08.01.2021 The bid document should reach the above address before the last date (and time) of submission. Sd/- [R. Lyngdoh] Officer on Special Duty &exofficio MIPR No.1554 Joint Secretary to the Government of Meghalaya, ¹fcªfeÀfe-OXeEBÊ IYfg³ÀffgdMÊX¹f¸fRYfgSX ÀffBadMXdRYIY dSXÀf¨fÊ dt.17/12/2020 Planning Department UGC-DAE CONSORTIUM FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Government of India Department of Atomic Energy (¹fcd³f½fdÀfÊMe ¦fif³MÐÐÀf I¸feVf³f, ³fBÊ dQ»»fe IeÀ½ff¹fØf ÀfaÀ±ff) Board of Radiation and Isotope Technology IYû»fIYf°ff IZY³ýi ENGINEERING GROUP Kolkata Centre Vashi Complex,NaviMumbai 400703 LB-8, Sector-III, Bidhannagar, Kolkata-700106 ^maVr¶ {dkmZ {ejm Ed§ AZwg§YmZ g§ñWmZ nwUo NOTICE INVITING TENDER INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE EDUCATION AND RESEARCH PUNE (An Autonomous Institution of Ministry of Education, Govt. of India) Tender No.BRIT/SS&L/Logistics/2020/110 NOTICE INVITING TENDER No. 01-03/2020-21 UGC-DAE CSR, Kolkata Centre of the Consortium invites separately sealed Dr.Homi Bhabha Road, Pune -411 008 lwww.iiserpune.ac.in Sealed tenders are invited for and on behalf of the President of India by the Chief Executive, BRIT,Vashi, Navi Mumbai -400 703 from bids in Two Bid System i.e. Part-A (Eligibility) &Part-B (Financial Bid) reputed agencies /operators as follows - from eligible bidder(s) for the following services. (1) Providing Manpower Providing IT enabled authorized logistics services on behalf of BRIT-DAE (Skilled &Unskilled) for housekeeping &infrastructural support services at Nature of work in asafe, secure and timely manner for consignments of Radiopharmaceuticals the Office of UGC-DAE CSR, KC (2) Providing Security Services at the /Radiography cameras on pan India basis. Office &Guest house of UGC-DAE CSR, KC. (3) Providing Canteen Duration of Contract 1Year extendable further to two more years at the expiry of 1year contract Services at the Guest house &Office of UGC-DAE CSR, KC. period, subject to semi-annual performance review by the purchaser and Complete details, eligibility criteria &general guidelines for the tenderers strictly at the same rates /cost /terms and conditions as during Iyear. are available on our website www.iuc.res.in and also are available on the e- Estimated Cost of the contract 630 lakh (All Inclusive) p.a. Publishing system of CPPP, Government of India. Interested bidders are requested to visit the above site in order to view/download the tender Earnest Money Deposit Bid Security Declaration to be submitted documents. The last date for submission of complete bid(s) at the above Performance Guarantee 3%ofthe work order value upfront prior to award of the Contract address, with Tender Fee as detailed in the tender documents is 15/01/2021 Security Deposit 2.5 %ofthe work order value recoverable from the monthly Bills at 15.00 hrs. All future corrigendum, addendums, amendments and revisions, Date of Display of Tender Document December 19, 2020 if any with regard to this NIT, shall be detailed /uploaded on our institute on Website website Pre-Bid Conference January 9, 2021at 1400 hrs at BRIT,Vashi Complex UGC-DAE CSR, KC Last Date for submission of Tender February 3, 2021 up to 1400 hrs Date and Time of opening of Technical Bid February 3, 2021 at 14:30 hrs at BRIT,Vashi Complex Contact details for clarification regarding DGM, ISOMED, BRIT ([email protected]) TAMILNADU CIVIL SUPPLIES CORPORATION tender documents HO: No.12, THAMBUSAMY ROAD,KILPAUK, CHENNAI-600010. 1. Tender documents consists of :Notice Inviting Tender (Annexure-I),Detailed Scope of work (Annexure-II), Eligibility criteria VEHICLE DISPOSAL NOTICE SHORTTERM E-TENDER NOTICE for Bidder(Annexure-III),Terms &Conditions of the Contract(Annexure-IV), Special Conditions of contract (Annexure-V), Office of the Principal DirectorofCommercial No. :QC2/035813/2020 Dated:17.12.2020 Letter of Transmittal (Annexure-VI), Format of Certificate from aScheduled Bank (Annexure-VII), Technical Bid (Annexure- Audit, bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai -400 051, Short Term E-Tender No.: TNCSC/20-21/ET/17 VIII-A),Financial Bid (Annexure- VIII-B), Bid Evaluation Scheme(Annexure-VIII-C),Undertaking (Annexure-IX), Form of intends to dispose Office StaffCar/2011- Maruti Tamil Nadu Civil SuppliesCorporation invites Online electronictender for “The Supply of 5,000 Nos. of LowDensity Black Polyethylene Covers having the Performance Guarantee (Bank Guarantee) Bond (Annexure-X), Declaration (Annexure-XI), Bid Security Declaration (Annexure Suzuki SX4 on "asiswhere is" basis. The interested sizeof9.8 x6.4 x5.2 meters with 250 micron thickness.” –XII),Tentative List of Destination Airport (Annexure-XIII), Checklist for the Bidder (Annexure-XIV). individuals /Dealers may refer agmaha.cag.gov.in Complete Short Term E-Tender documentcan be viewed, downloaded and for detailed terms and Conditions uploaded through https://www.mstcecommerce.com/eprochome/tncsc 2. Interested Agencies may submit the tender documents complete in all respect along with the Bid Security Declaration. If the Sd/- from 19.12.2020to29.12.2020. Bidder/Contractor refuses to accept their bidding due to their own reasons, they will be suspended for the time as notified (Vidya Muraleedharan) The biddershavetoparticipate in online bidding only with Digital Signature Certificate(DSC) of Class-III. by the Government of India. Sr.Audit Officer /Admn ForRegistration and further details contact MSTC LIMITED, 3. Tender document can be downloaded from our website: www.britatom.gov.in up to January 2, 2021. Phone: (044) 25222842 /25251910 /25261005 e-Mail : [email protected] 4. Bidders are required to submit the following in separate sealed and super scribedenvelopes indicating: - LastDatefor Online Submission : 29.12.2020 upto 02.00 PM Short Term E-Tender Opening Date and Time : 29.12.2020 at 3.30 PM Envelope No. Superscription DIPR/ 4750 /Tender/2020 MANAGING DIRECTOR Envelope-I Bid Security Declaration Government of India Envelope-II Technical Bid BhaBha atomIc ReseaRch centRe Envelope-III Financial Bid hot LabUtility &engg. services section north site, trombay,mumbai–400 085 The envelopes shall be then put in acover sealed and super scribed “Tender No.BRIT/SS&L/Logistics/2020/110” notIce InvItInG e-tendeRs *Note –:Bidder to submit aduly signed “Bid Security Declaration” accepting that if they withdraw or modify their bids during period The Chief Engineer and Head, HLU&ESS, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, North Site, Trombay,Mumbai –400 085 on of validity etc., they will be suspended for the time notified by the Government of India. behalf of the President of India invites online item rate tenders on 5. Copies of Income Taxreturns filed for preceding 3financial years, copy of PAN/GIR Card number of the Bidder and two bid system for following works :- copy of GST Registration should be submittedalong with technical bid. 1. NIT No. BARC/HUES/RE-155/03/2020-21, Name of work – 6. Tenders may be depositedinthe Tender Box provided at the Security Counter or submitted in person or sent through speed post/ Supply,Installation, Testing &Commissioning of minimum 10 – passengers Lift (machine Room type) with removing &buyback of couriersoastoreach to General Manager,ESSA, Board of Radiation &Isotope Technology,BRIT-BARC,Vashi Complex,Sector-20, old lift &Comprehensive AMC of the lift at NHCF building, RLG, Vashi, Navi Mumbai-400703orhis authorized representative on or before February 3, 2021 up to 1400 hrs (or the next working BARC, Trombay,Mumbai-400085. Estimated cost–Rs.24 Lakhs. day if the tender receiving date happens to be aGovernment holiday or closed working day). Period of completion –08months, Tender Processing Fee -Rs. 1416/-. Dates for downloading of tender documents:15/12/2020 7. Pre-Bid Enquires will be permitted prior to submission of Technical and Financial Bids.Accordingly,aPrebid Conference would be (10:00 Hrs) to 28/12/2020 (18:00 Hrs.) Last date and time scheduled on January 9,2021 at 1400 hrs at BRIT,Vashi Complex of closing online submission of tender – 05/01/2021 8. The Technical Bid will be opened on February 3,2021 at 14:30 hrs.atBRIT,Vashi Complex, in the presence of attending Bidders.
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