<p>Catherine Booth College – School for Learning & Development TSA Capability Framework The Salvation Army Capability Framework</p><p>Introduction: A Capability Framework is a tool that identifies the skills, knowledge and attributes (collectively called ‘capabilities’) that are needed by the people within a particular work setting. The Framework provides the basis for a range of people-related activities, such as recruitment and training. This Capability Framework is initially being developed in The Salvation Army’s Social Services, but has intended application in all areas of Salvation Army mission. Acknowledgement is given to the Community Sector Workforce Capability Framework (developed in 2010 by the Office for the Community Sector - Victorian State Government), which has been a major resource for the project. A capability is “an integration of knowledge, skills, personal qualities and understanding used appropriately and effectively…”1 In this model the word capability is used in relation to the total framework to encompass attributes, knowledge and skills. The word competency is used in relation to specific clusters of skills and knowledge only.</p><p>Uses of the Framework: One key use of the framework is to help identify strengths and gaps, and subsequent training and development needs. It will be accompanied by easy to use training needs analysis tools. A further product is a training matrix which will list learning and development opportunities for each area. A variety of delivery methods and resources will be used including: on line or face to face delivery, internal or external facilitators, organisationally or self-directed, accredited or non-accredited, etc. The framework has a range of other potential uses in engaging and developing our people, including workforce planning, job design, recruitment, selection and performance management. These will be explored by the Human Resources Department and Catherine Booth College.</p><p>1 J Price "Educating the healthcare professional for capability" in D Kernick, (ed.) Complexity and Healthcare Organization: A View from the Street. Oxford: Radcliffe, 2004, 227-243. v1.0 31 October 2012 Page 1 of 20 Elements of the Framework: The framework takes a minimalist approach – it seeks to represent the essential capabilities for our work in the simplest practical way. This leaves room for the model to be expanded for particular settings.</p><p>Mission Values: The five values of The Salvation Army (TSA) – compassion, community, human dignity, justice and hope – provide a sound theological and philosophical basis for our workforce capabilities. Ongoing work will be needed to explore and apply their full meaning in various contexts. Personal Attributes: The personal attributes (page 3) describe characteristics that contribute in a major way to successful outcomes. They are qualities that we often look for when employing or appointing someone. They will be nurtured and developed in a constructive, supportive work environment, but if significantly absent may be very difficult to evoke. The attribute Spiritually Respectful is included with awareness of a possible tension between the wide range of perspectives on “spiritual” matters found in our workforce, and the intentional spiritual emphasis of TSA. The personal attribute gives attention to qualities we would expect in all members of the workforce. More specific expectations are found in specialist competencies. Competencies: The competencies (pages 4-7) are presented from three perspectives and within four layers, in each case with a short list of indicative behaviours. Three All competencies can be looked at from three perspectives: meeting the needs of the client, the perspectives: team, and the organisation. The term client is intended to indicate all those to whom a service is provided, whether inside or outside the organisation. While front-line workers will usually be more client-focussed, and senior management / governance staff may be more organisation focussed, in reality the three perspectives are needed throughout TSA. In addition to the client, team and organisation perspectives above, there is also a cluster of common competencies that relate to all three perspectives. These are found on page 7. Four Layers: These layers relate to, but do not correspond exactly to administrative levels used across TSA. Many positions call for a mix of competencies from different functions. High level roles will generally call for the management competencies as well as those from the senior management or governance functions. Service Delivery Competencies relate to front-line activities, often in direct contact with external clients, but also with internal clients. Management Competencies enable leaders, regardless of the scale of their operations, to work with and through others to achieve their goals. This layer relates to team leaders and program managers as well as those who manage other managers. Senior Management Competencies enable leaders and specialist experts to inform territorial policy, and to interpret, contextualise and implement approved plans, policies and systems. Governance Competencies enable leaders to receive expert input, to set strategic direction, and to establish policies and systems for the territory and where appropriate for divisions or networks. While our trustees (generally members of the Territorial Policy Council and Finance Council) have a clear governance mandate, those in divisional or network leadership will exercise some governance competencies where local policies and systems are necessary. Specialist Specialist roles will have their own lists of additional competencies (skills and knowledge). These competencies: tend to focus on delivery of service but may also cover other areas, such as contribution of expertise to policy and program planning. These lists of specialist skills and knowledge will be developed through a consultation processes within each specialist setting.</p><p> v1.0 31 October 2012 Page 2 of 20 Catherine Booth College – School for Learning & Development TSA Capability Framework</p><p>Personal Attributes</p><p>Attributes Indicative behaviours P1 Collaborative o Treats others with dignity & respect o Encourages and cooperates with others to achieve common goals o Inspires trust and confidence o Actively supports agreed policies & decisions o Responds appropriately to instruction o Willing to compromise to achieve TSA objectives</p><p>P2 Culturally o Respects difference in all its forms inclusive o Values diversity as a strength o Positively utilises diversity o Recognises the rights of others o Is non-judgemental </p><p>P3 Innovative o Finds ways to work better and smarter o Generates options and ideas o Is open to change and alternatives o Questions the status quo</p><p>P4 Analytical o Collects, organises and applies information relevant to specific needs o Researches & reviews arguments and opinions before making judgement</p><p>P5 Decisive o Makes sound, timely decisions o Makes decisions in the face of diverse opinions o Gives appropriate rationale for decisions</p><p>P6 Outcome focussed o Aims for optimum outcomes o Sets a clear path/goals and manages time to achieve key outcomes o Avoids distraction and diversions o Follows through with commitments o Is thorough o Needs minimal direct supervision</p><p>P7 Positive o Displays an optimistic approach to work o Remains calm and focused when faced with change, crisis and difficulty o Recovers from and deals with setbacks and obstacles o Is proactive and self-motivated</p><p>P8 Self-aware o Recognises impact of behaviour and emotions on others o Reflects on and learns from experience o Receives and responds to constructive advice</p><p>P9 Ethical o Is credible and truthful – shows integrity o Is reliable and trustworthy o Acknowledges and learns from mistakes o Reflects expected standards of behaviour and/or Code of Conduct</p><p> v1.0 31 October 2012 Page 3 of 20 P10 Client Focussed o Committed to and acts for well-being of internal and external clients. o Is mindful of impact of own role on most marginalised and challenging clients o Demonstrates empathy o Ensures client needs remain key focus o P11 Spiritually o Alert to and respectful of spiritual beliefs and respectful practices of others o Respects TSA’s spiritual identity and activities</p><p> v1.0 31 October 2012 Page 4 of 20 Catherine Booth College – School for Learning & Development Capability Framework Competencies (Skills & Knowledge) Client Service Delivery Management Senior Management Governance perspective C1 Vision, mission & o Supports and works within the o Promotes ownership of and o Articulates and inspires o Establishes, articulates and values mission, vision and values of adherence to vision, mission ownership of vision, mission and inspires ownership of vision, (Expressing the the TSA and values values mission and values vision, mission and o Celebrates the achievement of o Sets high standards of o Drives a culture of high values of TSA) successful outcomes performance for self and others performance o Models TSA values C2 Strategic focus o Supports achievement of goals o Contributes to planning processes o Maintains a focus on the big o Maintains a long-term focus (Contributing to o Provides feedback and other o Translates strategic plans into picture o Establishes, monitors, long-term input for ongoing planning clear goals, timelines and o Establishes local strategic plan evaluates and makes organisation and budgets aligned to TSA strategic plan appropriate adjustments to the local planning) o Ensures activities are aligned to o Monitors and reviews progress TSA strategic plan and long- TSA objectives against local and TSA plans term goals o Monitors and reports on progress o Adjusts local plans in light of against local plans, and makes review outcomes appropriate adjustments C3 Client service Refer to the relevant Specialist o Shows detailed knowledge of o Maintains high level awareness of o Advocates and negotiates for (Ensuring client Competencies matrix for client issues and provides sector issues client issues at the highest needs are identified further detail on the advanced level care o Advocates and negotiates for levels within the social and and met) competencies that apply to o Implements policies for clients’ issues within the social political arenas your setting protection of client and political environment o Establishes organisational confidentiality o Ensures client access to services measures and targets for client o Oversees client service delivery o Fosters a culture of respect for service and holds others o Focuses team on best practice client dignity and excellence in accountable for achieving them client outcomes service delivery o Advocates and negotiates o Establishes targets for programs; effectively for clients holds others accountable for strong results o Acts to correct areas of poor service C4 Continuous o Contributes to evidence based o Encourages reflective, evidence o Undertakes regular reporting and o Establishes systems for regular improvement practice based practice and innovative review of processes, organisational reporting, (Bringing about o Records stakeholder complaints thinking incorporating stakeholder feedback and review improvements to and feedback o Implements systems to address feedback o Uses reports and feedback to existing policies o Participates in reviewing complaints, problems and o Implements local processes for inform governance activities and programs) feedback and review feedback critical incidents Establishes innovative and o Offers suggestions to improve o Identifies improvement o effective models for service processes priorities delivery Acts to implement improvement o Assists teams to take proactive o o Designs responsive change o Reflects on practice approaches to change and problem solving management strategies v1.0 31 October 2012 Page 5 of 20 Catherine Booth College – School for Learning & Development Capability Framework o Ensures improvement priorities inform activities</p><p>C5 Policy & program o Participates in policy and o Provides expert input to o Fosters a research culture o Understands emerging internal development program review influence sector development o Keeps informed of changing and external issues and their (Researching and o Identifies opportunities for o Conducts relevant research and political and social context impact on the long-term implementing new development consults with stakeholders to Provides high level consultation strategy of the organisation policies and o assist development of clear and o Establishes TSA policy programs ) and advice to influence strategy workable models, programs, o Contributes to and supports framework and fosters staff policies and procedures established policy framework support for implementation o Develops local policy and fosters o Encourages an innovative staff support for implementation approach to policy and o Envisions and evaluates new and programme development innovative possibilities and actions those with significant benefits</p><p>Team Service Delivery Management Senior Management Governance perspective T1 Interpersonal & o Regulates own behaviour o Models and promotes teamwork o Engenders wellbeing, synergy o Engenders organisational team dynamics o Engages and contributes to and collaboration and a spirit of collaboration wellbeing, synergy and a spirit (Engaging team activities including o Fosters productive working across teams of collaboration effectively with discussions relationships and team well- o Leads by example in all others) o Gives constructive feedback being activities and communications o Contributes to team spirit o Leads discussions effectively o Motivates others through o Builds culture of consultation personal interactions o Adapts leadership style to individual needs T2 People o Participates in, and responds to o Optimises individual and team o Implements systems for o Establishes systems and Management supervision performance performance management and structures to enable effective (Making things o Accepts responsibility for supervision supervision happen through actions of staff and teams o Empowers others to achieve o Empowers managers by others) under authority results investing them with the o Rewards and recognises good o Takes action on escalated cases authority and latitude to performance of ongoing poor performance as accomplish tasks o Addresses poor performance appropriate o Ensures support for critical o Ensures affirmation of good incidents performance o Provides professional supervision o Ensures staff receive appropriate entitlements v1.0 31 October 2012 Page 6 of 20 Catherine Booth College – School for Learning & Development Capability Framework T3 Staff Capability o Maintains awareness of own o Recruits and selects team o Reviews and plans staffing to o Establishes systems that (Ensuring the right skills strengths and gaps members with strong and ensure effective and efficient position TSA as an employer of people are in the o Seeks, and is open to, feedback appropriate skill bases from use of personnel choice right places with on own effectiveness diverse backgrounds o Prioritises staff development as o Establishes organisational the right skills) o Proactively identifies areas for o Effectively inducts new team an essential activity succession planning systems self-development members o Balances individual and and processes o Actively works to address skill o Promotes and supports training organisational capability needs o Fosters an organisational and knowledge gaps and personal development o Encourages and contributes to culture of life-long learning o Assists others to identify o Monitors, reviews and builds development of existing and o Ensures equitable and training needs staff capabilities emerging leaders appropriate access to o Maintains and updates technical o Develops team members o Implement local succession development opportunities proficiency through coaching, mentoring planning processes and effective delegation T4 Diversity & o Recognises and respects o Actively and calmly works to o Implements processes for the o Establishes systems and conflict differences in culture, style and solve problems and resolve management of conflict and protocols for management of (Working effectively viewpoint conflicts disputes, aligned to conflict and disputes with differences) o Responds in culturally o Identifies and acts on organisational protocols appropriate ways underlying causes o Takes action on escalated o Respectfully provides own point o Promotes inclusive and issues of view culturally appropriate practice o Minimises and resolves tensions in the workplace </p><p> v1.0 31 October 2012 Page 7 of 20 Catherine Booth College – School for Learning & Development Capability Framework</p><p> v1.0 31 October 2012 Page 8 of 20 Catherine Booth College – School for Learning & Development Capability Framework Organisation Service Delivery Management Senior Management Governance al perspective O1 Financial management o Ha o Prepares budgets, controls o Negotiates, according to authority, for o Establishes financial (Managing financial resources) ndl expenditure, reviews financial resources with government & systems, budgets and es performance and adjusts philanthropic agencies sustainable practices fin accordingly o Implements and monitors sustainable o Ensures long term an o Explores and activates funding financial practices for own area availability of adequate ces sources resources an o Reports to funding bodies d rec or ds ac cur ate ly an d in ac cor da nc e wit h pol icy an d pr oc ed ur es o Pro du ces re qui re d re po v1.0 31 October 2012 Page 9 of 20 Catherine Booth College – School for Learning & Development Capability Framework rts o Us es fun ds res po nsi bili ty O2 Resource management o Sh o Supervises care, maintenance o Negotiates and establishes contracts o Ensures long term (Managing non-financial resources) ow and replacement of property o Ensures work-related knowledge is availability of adequate s and equipment captured, shared and retained in line resources car o Monitors contracts and checks with organisational policies o Establishes systems and e that contractual obligations of policies for capturing, an both parties are met sharing and retaining d o Utilises resources efficiently and work-related knowledge res respectfully pe Implements processes and ct o in systems for capturing relevant us workplace knowledge e of pr op ert y an d eq uip me nt o Do cu me nts /ca pt ur es an d sh are s rel v1.0 31 October 2012 Page 10 of 20 Catherine Booth College – School for Learning & Development Capability Framework ev ant kn ow led ge O3 Relationship Management o Co o Builds connections with other o Maintains effective relationships with o Creates and sustains (Building relationships with internal and external op TSA centres and services internal and external stakeholders dynamic, strategic and stakeholders) era o Builds and uses interagency and including service providers productive relationships tes community connections and o Operates in political environments and & partnerships that wit partnerships key networks and negotiates for win- inform strategic h o Enhances the reputation of the win outcomes decision-making oth service and the TSA o Operates in political er environments and key TS networks to promote A organisational interests ce ntr es an d ser vic es o En ga ge s an d co op era tes wit h co m mu nit y an d rel ate d ag en v1.0 31 October 2012 Page 11 of 20 Catherine Booth College – School for Learning & Development Capability Framework cie s o Pro mo tes the TS A in all int era cti on s O4 Policy & quality compliance o Un o Ensures relevant legislation and o Implements and monitors processes o Establishes, reviews and (Meeting broad compliance requirements) de TSA systems, policies and for compliance with legal and quality improves systems to rst procedures are communicated, requirements and TSA systems, ensure compliance with an implemented and adhered to policies and procedures legal and quality ds o Contributes to the ongoing o Contributes to the establishment of requirements and TSA an development and improvement policies ensuring compliance systems, policies and d of systems and policies o Identifies and implements procedures co improvements to ensure ongoing mp compliance lie s wit h rel ev ant leg isl ati on an d TS A sys te ms , pol ici es an d v1.0 31 October 2012 Page 12 of 20 Catherine Booth College – School for Learning & Development Capability Framework pr oc ed ur es o Ap pli es TS A pol icy an d pr act ice mo del s O5 Risk management o En o Monitors essential services and o Implements TSA risk management o Establishes a TSA risk (Managing organisational risk) sur associated risks systems and establishes local plans management framework es o Consults broadly to identify risk and processes o Sees emerging problems tha areas o Accepts responsibility for positive and for TSA and ensures that t o Identifies and records risk negative outcomes risks are managed ris factors o Takes proactive steps to ensure that o Establishes systems and ks Monitors and updates risk local risks are managed protocols to protect to o Ensures activities positively promote public image of TSA pe management plans o opl o Takes action on high risk the public image of TSA e, circumstances as set s, pr og ra m me s an d re pu tat ion are ide v1.0 31 October 2012 Page 13 of 20 Catherine Booth College – School for Learning & Development Capability Framework nti fie d an d re po rte d in ow n wo rk co nte xt</p><p> v1.0 31 October 2012 Page 14 of 20 Catherine Booth College – School for Learning & Development Capability Framework Service Delivery Management Senior Management Governance Common A1 Communication o Lis o Provides informed, meaningful o Provides considered responses and o Establishes a framework (Communicating information effectively) ten and relevant messages when confident, clear messages to inspire for effective s communicating with staff and trust and confidence of others communication between act clients o Establishes processes for effective levels, units and ive o Facilitates effective workplace communication within and outside area functions ly communication of responsibility o Sp o Presents with confidence and ea clarity ks wit h co urt es y o Co nv ey s inf or ma tio n eff ect ive ly – ver bal ly an d in wri tin g o Ad apt s sty le to v1.0 31 October 2012 Page 15 of 20 Catherine Booth College – School for Learning & Development Capability Framework au die nc e A2 Time and task Management (organising self o Per o Clarifies roles and o Structures time and tasks to achieve o Prioritises governance and others) for responsibilities of staff priority outcomes within required activities to focus on ms o Identifies and communicates timeframes organisational ow team priorities o Clarifies and prioritises responsibilities sustainability n o Monitors task completion for and activities o Clarifies distinction rol self and team between governance and e o Meets deadlines management an responsibilities o Delegates activities d o Makes and res appropriately communicates timely po decisions in relation to nsi strategy bili tie s effi cie ntl y o Ma na ge s ti me an d res po nsi bili tie s o Pri ori tis es wo rk an d ad dr ess v1.0 31 October 2012 Page 16 of 20 Catherine Booth College – School for Learning & Development Capability Framework es wh at is mo st im po rta nt o Us es av ail abl e too ls eff ect ive ly to as sis t wit h pla nni ng an d or ga nis ing A3 Safety & Wellbeing o En o Identifies, responds to and o Implements and monitors safety o Establishes and (Contributing to a safe workplace) sur reports on hazards and systems within area to ensure TSA and improves safety systems es incidents regulatory requirements are met to meet TSA and saf o Provides information for o Identifies and responds to emerging regulatory requirements ety compliance with legislation safety issues and improves processes o Keeps informed of of o Manages work practices for as required emerging safety issues sel staff health and wellbeing f an d oth v1.0 31 October 2012 Page 17 of 20 Catherine Booth College – School for Learning & Development Capability Framework ers in wo rk en vir on me nt o De mo nst rat es ba sic firs t aid ski lls o Ap pr op ria tel y ide nti fie s & re po rts ha zar ds an d inc ide nts A4 Administration o Co o Prepares accurate reports, o Writes succinct and lucid reports and o Establishes systems, (Managing administrative and reporting tasks) mp tenders and documents that documents for boards and councils, processes and policies let meet audience needs funding bodies and key stakeholders for effective es o Ensures personnel and program o Implements processes for data management and ac records are maintained management and reporting, aligned to reporting of data and cur organisational framework information v1.0 31 October 2012 Page 18 of 20 Catherine Booth College – School for Learning & Development Capability Framework ate o Applies systems and processes re to manage information in line po with TSA guidelines rts , log s, ca se not es an d file s o Us es tec hn olo gy an d sof tw are ap pli cat ion s eff ect ive ly in ac cor da nc e wit h tas k re qui re v1.0 31 October 2012 Page 19 of 20 Catherine Booth College – School for Learning & Development Capability Framework me nts o Col lec ts, us es an d sh are s inf or ma tio n in lin e wit h TS A pol icy an d gui del ine s</p><p> v1.0 31 October 2012 Page 20 of 20</p>
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