<p>WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION</p><p>WTO</p><p>GUIDE TO DOCUMENTATION</p><p>JULY 1999 (Updates and replaces the Guide issued in November 1998) INTRODUCTION</p><p>This guide provides basic information on GATT and WTO documents published since 1986 and explains how documentation is organised by the Secretariat. Section I describes the structure of documentation, section II provides examples of symbols, sections III and IV cover the access to and availability of documents, and section V explains how to obtain documentation. Annex I contains a list of all document series. Annex II lists all the schedules of concessions. The guide also contains a subject index to facilitate consultation. </p><p>Information on documentation published before 1986 can be found in Part IV of the Introduction to the Analytical Index: Guide to GATT Law and Practice, 6th Revised Edition (1995).</p><p>An electronic version of this document exists and can be obtained on request from Document Systems (TDD) - Tel. 739 5495/5122.</p><p>Document Systems Section</p><p>Language Services and Documentation Division</p><p>July 1999 WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION</p><p>GUIDE TO DOCUMENTATION</p><p>(RECENT SERIES)</p><p>Table of Contents Page</p><p>I. DOCUMENT NOMENCLATURE...... 1</p><p>A. LANGUAGES...... 1</p><p>B. COLLECTIONS...... 1 i) WTO Collections...... 1 ii) GATT Collections...... 1</p><p>C. SERIES...... 2</p><p>D. TYPES...... 3</p><p>II. DOCUMENT SYMBOLS...... 3</p><p>A. EXAMPLES FOR WTO COLLECTIONS:...... 3</p><p>B. EXAMPLES FOR NOTIONAL COLLECTIONS:...... 4</p><p>III. ACCESS TO DOCUMENTATION...... 4</p><p>A. DERESTRICTION PROCEDURES...... 4</p><p>IV. AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENTATION...... 4</p><p>V. SOURCES FOR OBTAINING DOCUMENTATION...... 5</p><p>A. HARD COPY DOCUMENTS...... 5</p><p>B. DOCUMENTS IN ELECTRONIC FORM...... 5</p><p>CD-ROM...... 5 Internet ...... 6 (b) Members service...... 7 (c) Public service...... 7</p><p>Publications...... 7 ANNEXES</p><p>Page Annex I - List of Document Series</p><p>I. WTO...... 11</p><p>A. WORLD TRADE OVERSEEING BODIES...... 11</p><p>B. TRADE IN GOODS...... 15</p><p>C. TRADE IN SERVICES...... 18</p><p>D. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY...... 19</p><p>E. SECRETARIAT – ADMINISTRATIVE...... 20</p><p>F. SCHEDULES OF CONCESSIONS...... 20</p><p>G. PLURILATERAL AGREEMENTS...... 21</p><p>II. GATT...... 22</p><p>A. GATT47 GENERAL...... 22</p><p>B. URUGUAY ROUND NEGOTIATIONS...... 24</p><p>C. TOKYO ROUND AGREEMENTS...... 27</p><p>D. BISD - BASIC INSTRUMENTS AND SELECTED DOCUMENTS...... 28</p><p>E. OTHER DOCUMENTS OF LEGAL INTEREST (JURISPRUDENCE, COUNCIL AND </p><p>RELATED - JCR)...... 28</p><p>Annex II - List of Schedules</p><p>A. SCHEDULES OF MARKET ACCESS CONCESSIONS - WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION...... 29</p><p>B. GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TRADE IN SERVICES - SCHEDULES OF SPECIFIC COMMITMENTS AND ARTICLE II (MFN) EXEMPTION LISTS (GATS)...... 32</p><p>SUBJECT INDEX...... 35 - 1 -</p><p>I. DOCUMENT NOMENCLATURE</p><p>A. LANGUAGES</p><p>1. The WTO has three working languages - English, French and Spanish. All formal documents are produced and disseminated in these languages.</p><p>B. COLLECTIONS</p><p>2. To facilitate navigation, documents are organised into collections. At the time of establishment of the WTO, a sectoral approach was adopted and five distinct document collections were created; one for each sector of activity and one for administrative matters pertaining to the Secretariat. The letters reproduced in bold below represent the new collections and appear as the first characters in document symbols (see symbols). The first part of a document symbol, therefore, identifies the collection to which a document belongs. i) WTO Collections</p><p> WT World Trade Overseeing Bodies (1995 - )</p><p> G Trade in Goods (1994 - ) </p><p> S Trade in Services (1994 - ) </p><p> IP Intellectual Property (1995 - )</p><p> OFFICE Secretariat - administrative (1995 - )</p><p>3. In two areas of documentation, namely the schedules of concessions and the plurilateral agreements, the concept of collection in the document symbol is not used. Nomenclature for the schedules of concessions on goods, for example, continues to be used in the same way as under the GATT (Schedule XXIII, Schedule XXXV, etc.). </p><p>4. It is useful, however, to assemble the schedules on goods and on services in one place and to group together the different plurilateral agreements, even if, for example, there is no apparent connection between the civil aircraft and the government procurement agreements. Two additional 'notional' collections were therefore created under the WTO (notional since no specific letters appear in the symbol identifying the collection to which the document belongs), for use principally in the storage of the electronic version of the documents.</p><p> SCHD Schedules of Concessions (1994 - ) </p><p> PLURI Plurilateral Agreements (1994 - ) ii) GATT Collections</p><p>5. With regard to documentation produced before the establishment of the WTO, this has been organised into five additional 'notional' collections.</p><p> GG GATT47 General (1988 - 1995) </p><p> UR Uruguay Round Negotiations (1986 - 1994) </p><p> TR Tokyo Round Agreements (1988 - 1996) - 2 -</p><p> BISD Basic Instruments and Selected Documents (1947 - ) </p><p> JCR Jurisprudence, Council and Related (1947 - ) </p><p>C. SERIES</p><p>6. Each document collection is made up of certain classes of documents which share a common legal framework. The different classes of documents are called series. In the examples provided below, the part of the symbol describing the series appears in bold face. A complete list of all the series in each collection is reproduced in Annex I.</p><p> WT World Trade Overseeing Bodies </p><p>- General Council (WT/GC/..) - Balance of Payments (WT/BOP/..) - Dispute Settlement (WT/DS/..) - Trade and Environment (WT/CTE/..)</p><p> G Trade in Goods </p><p>- Council (G/C/..) - Anti-Dumping (G/ADP/..) - Safeguards (G/SG/..) - Technical Barriers to Trade (G/TBT/..)</p><p> S Trade in Services </p><p>- Council (S/C/..) - Trade in Financial Services (S/FIN/..) - Negotiating Group on Natural Persons (S/NGNP/..)</p><p> IP Intellectual Property</p><p>- Council (IP/C/..) - Notifications (IP/N/..)</p><p> OFFICE Secretariat - Administrative </p><p>- Administrative Memoranda, Circulars, Internal documents, and Vacancy Notices in 1995 (OFFICE/95/..)</p><p> SCHD Schedules of Concessions </p><p>- Market Access - WTO - Services - Specific Commitments (GATS/SC/..) Services - Exemption Lists (GATS/EL/..)</p><p> PLURI Plurilateral Agreements </p><p>- Committee on Government Procurement (GPA/..) - Interim Committee on Government Procurement (GPA/IC/..) - International Dairy Agreement (IDA/..) - 3 -</p><p> GG GATT47 General</p><p>- Council (C/..) - Trade Policy Review Mechanism (C/RM/..) - Balance of payments (BOP/..) - Dispute Settlement (DS/..)</p><p> UR Uruguay Round Negotiations</p><p>- Final Act (MTN.FA) - Negotiating Group on Textiles and Clothing (MTN.GNG/NG4/..) - Negotiating Group on Services (MTN.GNS/..)</p><p> TR Tokyo Round Agreements</p><p>- Anti-Dumping (ADP/..) - Government Procurement (GPR/..) - Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (SCM/..) - Customs Valuation (VAL/..)</p><p> BISD Basic Instruments and Selected Documents</p><p>- Supplement No. 32 - Supplement No. 38</p><p> JCR Jurisprudence, Council and Related</p><p>- Panel Reports - Analytical Index - Text of the General Agreement, Tokyo Round Codes, Havana Charter</p><p>D. TYPES</p><p>7. There are several types of document which are identified by standard abbreviations: M for Minutes, N for Notification, R for Report, W for Working paper. In addition, a document can be an Addendum (Add.), a Corrigendum (Corr.), a Revision (Rev.), or a Supplement (Suppl.). </p><p>II. DOCUMENT SYMBOLS</p><p>8. Each document is identified by a combination of letters, numbers and abbreviations which together constitute the symbol - eg. G/C/M/1, L/4352/Corr.1, etc. As explained above, letters are used to identify collections, series and types of documents and numbers to indicate sequential order. Three-letter codes are often used to identify governments (e.g. COL for Colombia, USA for the United States, etc.). All documents are numbered in chronological order and some documents can have more than one symbol.</p><p>A. EXAMPLES FOR WTO COLLECTIONS:</p><p>WT/GC/M/1 the minutes for the first meeting of the General Council of the WTO. The first two letters of the symbol indicate the collection (WT) to which the document belongs, the next two the series (GC) and the remaining letter the document type (M) and its sequential number (1)</p><p>G/TBT/W/5 the fifth working paper in the TBT series of the G Collection - 4 -</p><p>G/AG/N/COL/1 the first notification by Colombia in the AG series of the G Collection</p><p>B. EXAMPLES FOR NOTIONAL COLLECTIONS:</p><p>C/W/15/Rev.1 the first revision of the fifteenth working paper of the GATT Council</p><p>MTN.GNS/TOUR/2 the note on the second meeting of the working group on tourism services</p><p>III. ACCESS TO DOCUMENTATION </p><p>A. DERESTRICTION PROCEDURES</p><p>9. Procedures for the circulation and derestriction of WTO documents (WT/L/160/Rev.1) were adopted by the General Council on 18 July 1996 and applied retroactively to all WTO documents circulated after the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement.</p><p>As provided for in paragraph 1 of the procedures, all WTO documents are circulated unrestricted, with the exception of documents specified in the Appendix to the above-mentioned decision which are circulated as restricted and subject to derestriction, or consideration thereof, as provided in the Appendix. Furthermore, notwithstanding the exceptions specified in the Appendix, any document that contains only information that is publicly available or information that is required to be published under any agreement in the Annex 1, 2 or 3 of the WTO Agreement is circulated on an unrestricted basis.</p><p>10. In addition, as provided for in paragraph 2 of the procedures, notwithstanding the exceptions to paragraph 1 set forth in the Appendix, any Member may, at the time it submits any document for circulation, indicate to the Secretariat that the document be issued as unrestricted; and, any restricted document circulated after the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement may be considered for derestriction at any time by the Ministerial Conference, the General Council, or the body under the auspices of which the document was circulated, or may be considered for derestriction at the request of any Member.</p><p>11. Restricted documents are circulated by the Secretariat to Members, and to observer governments and observer international intergovernmental organizations entitled to receive such documents. The above procedures for the circulation and derestriction of WTO documents do not apply to documents pertaining to the Councils and Committees established under the Plurilateral Trade Agreements, which are circulated and derestricted in accordance with separate procedures established by those bodies.</p><p>IV. AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENTATION</p><p>12. The Secretariat stores documents in three physical formats: on paper, on microfiche and as full- text electronic files. The organizational archive contains hardcopy and microfiche versions of most documents issued since 1947.</p><p>13. Documents in electronic form exist for all collections since 1988 - currently ca. 45,000 documents in each language. Selected documents produced prior to this date also exist in electronic form: the UR Collection from 1986 onwards and the panel reports in the JCR Collection from 1947 to date. - 5 -</p><p>V. SOURCES FOR OBTAINING DOCUMENTATION</p><p>A. HARD COPY DOCUMENTS</p><p>14. Documents are disseminated in hard copy as they are produced to all authorized representatives in Geneva and abroad. The Secretariat maintains a database of the names and addresses of all government bodies and individuals entitled to receive documentation. Delegations wishing to receive documentation should contact the Documents Centre (Tel. 739 5032 / 739 5881, located in room nos. 56-58).</p><p>15. The Secretariat also makes available copies of relevant documents for use in official meetings. Delegations wishing to obtain additional copies of such documents in limited numbers only should contact the Documents Centre.</p><p>16. Bound copies of documents may be consulted in the Library. </p><p>B. DOCUMENTS IN ELECTRONIC FORM</p><p>17. Electronic versions of documents are available on CD-ROM and on-line. Documents are offered in RFT, WordPerfect (5.1/5.2), Word 97 or Lotus 123 format (WK4), depending on their date of creation.</p><p>CD-ROM</p><p>18. The following series/documents are available on CD-ROM from WTO Publications: i) Complete Results of the Uruguay Round</p><p>This CD-ROM contains the complete legal texts and market-access commitments made by the 125 participants in the 1986-94 Uruguay Round. The trilingual CD-ROM organizes the data by country and permits comparisons to be made across several countries or groups of countries. The material included amounts to 300,000 "pages" of legal text covering goods, services, trade-related intellectual property rights, dispute settlement and individual countries' schedules of commitments in the goods and services areas. ii) Guide to GATT Law and Practice 1947-1994, Analytical Index</p><p>The Secretariat's handbook on the General Agreement. It provides an account of the drafting history, interpretation and application of GATT rules, based on official records. The 6th edition gives the most complete and up-to date presentation of GATT law from 1945 to 31 December 1994. It incorporates decisions by GATT bodies, the many interpretations of GATT law made by dispute settlement panels and a new chapter on institutional and procedural matters. Each researched chapter analyses precedents and practice and presents the relevant material in the original text, with full documentary references. This new easy-to-use CD-ROM enables users to carry out full text searches, to export text to word-processing packages and to print. iii) 1996 WTO Annual Report</p><p>This CD-ROM contains the English, French and Spanish versions of the printed publication and has a full-text search capacity. iv) GATT and Uruguay Round Documents</p><p>This CD-ROM, produced in English, French and Spanish, contains all Uruguay Round documents and other GATT documents (January 1988 - December 1996). This disk is not a computer - 6 - application and contains no management programme. It includes restricted, unrestricted and derestricted documents and is intended for official use by Members only. Inquiries regarding this CD-ROM should be directed to Ms. Reinhild Haimbl (Tel. 739 50 69).</p><p>19. Other CD-ROM disks currently available include: v) GATT Basic Instruments and Selected Documents</p><p>This CD-ROM contains the English, French and Spanish versions of the four volumes and 42 supplements which constitute this series. The BISD assembles the main decisions, resolutions, recommendations and reports adopted by the GATT Contracting Parties for the period 1948-1997. vi) Trade Policy Reviews of member countries</p><p>This trilingual CD-ROM contains reports published between 1995 and 1998. vii) Computer Based Training on the Textiles Agreement</p><p>This trilingual CD-ROM offers 3 hours of instruction on the WTO Textiles Agreement on an interactive platform. viii) High-Level Symposium on Trade and Environment</p><p>This CD-ROM provides access to audio-video files in English, French and Spanish of the entire proceedings of this conference, which can be viewed using Realplayer (included). ix) High-Level Symposium on Trade and Development</p><p>This CD-ROM provides access to audio-video files in English, French and Spanish of the entire proceedings of this conference, which can be viewed using Realplayer (included). x) WTO.ORD, ITD.ORD and WTO Training Package: </p><p>This CD-ROM provides most of the content of the two Internet sites and the full presentation (350 slides) of the training package on the WTO and the Uruguay Round Agreements. All are presented in English, French and Spanish. xi) Annual Report 1998 Trade Statistics</p><p>This CD-ROM provides access to the trade statistics and outlook contained in the 1998 annual report with full search capability. The statistics tables can be exported to an Excel worksheet.</p><p>20. All inquiries about these products should be directed to WTO Publications (see below).</p><p>Internet</p><p>21. Documents are now distributed via the Internet by means of the Document Dissemination Facility (DDF). New documents are posted in this database on a daily basis and remain permanently available for consultation and downloading. The DDF currently contains WTO documents produced from 1 January 1995 onwards and also Market Access Schedules and related data series. - 7 -</p><p>All WTO document series are included in the DDF except the following:</p><p>Administrative Memo G/TMB/Spec Textiles Monitoring Body G/TMB/W1 Textiles Monitoring Body - Working documents IDA/W/ International Dairy Agreement - Working documents IMA/1 International Bovine Meat Agreement IMA/INV/1 International Bovine Meat Agreement - Inventory of Domestic Policies and Trade Measures IMA/SPEC/1 International Bovine Meat Agreement IMA/W/1 International Bovine Meat Agreement - Working documents OFFICE(YEAR) Secretariat - administrative </p><p>(a) Members service</p><p>Access to the DDF is limited to WTO Members. For security reasons, passwords are only obtainable through the respective Delegations to the WTO. WTO staff members have access to the DDF through the Intranet.</p><p>The WTO Members Internet Site address is: http://www.wto.org/members</p><p>(b) Public service</p><p>Unrestricted official documents produced by the WTO are also available from the Home Page of the WTO website. These documents are permanently available for searching, online viewing and downloading to a local disk, either compressed or in their original format.</p><p>22. All inquiries about these services should be directed to Mr. J. Dickson (Tel. 739 5122) in the Translation and Documentation Division. Information regarding connection procedures and electronic mail facilities can be obtained from Mr. G. Karam (Tel. 739 5181) in the Statistics and Information Systems Division.</p><p>23. The WTO's website has developed into a rich resource for information on the WTO and the multilateral trading system. Apart from the growing library of official documents, the site also contains background explanations of the organization and the trading system, summaries of latest developments in all areas of the WTO's work including important meetings and rulings on disputes, press releases, special features on specific events, texts of the WTO's agreements, and special password-access areas for specific groups of users such as journalists.</p><p>The WTO Internet address is: http://www.wto.org</p><p>Publications</p><p>24. All publications are available from the Publications Office of the WTO Secretariat and its sales agents. Enquiries should be addressed to:</p><p>1 Documents in these series are posted in the DDF after derestriction. - 8 -</p><p>WTO Publications Centre William Rappard CH-1211 Geneva 21 Switzerland Telephone: (022) 739 52 08/739 53 08 Telefax: (022) 739 57 92 Telex: 412 324 OMC/WTO CH E-mail: [email protected] ANNEXES - 10 -</p><p>ANNEX I - LIST OF DOCUMENT SERIES</p><p>I. WTO</p><p>A. WORLD TRADE OVERSEEING BODIES </p><p>MAIN DOCUMENT SYMBOL SUBJECT SYMBOLS USED</p><p>PC/ Preparatory Committee for PC/ the WTO PC/M/ PC/R/ PC/R/W/ PC/W/ PC/AIR/ Airgrams PC/AIR/ PC/BFA/ Sub-Committee on Budget, PC/BFA/ Finance and PC/BFA/M/ Administration PC/BFA/W/ PC/INF/ Members and Observers of PC/INF/ the Preparatory Committee and its Sub-Committees</p><p>PC/IPL/ Sub-Committee on PC/IPL/ Institutional, Procedural PC/IPL/M/ and Legal Matters PC/IPL/W/ PC/SCS/ Sub-Committee on PC/SCS/ Services PC/SCS/M/ PC/SCS/W/ PC/SCS/SP/ Sub-Committee on PC/SCS/SP/ Services - Additions to Schedules PC/SCTE/ Sub-Committee on Trade PC/SCTE/INF/ and Environment PC/SCTE/M/ PC/SCTE/W/ PRESS/ Press Release PRESS/ PRESS/TE/ PRESS/TPRB/ UNCTAD/WTO/AIR Airgrams convening ITC UNCTAD/WTO/AIR/ meetings WT/AB/ Appellate Body WT/AB/WP/ WT/ACC/ Accessions WT/ACC/ WT/ACC/COUNTRY/ Accessions - Working WT/ACC/SPEC/ Party COUNTRY/ - 11 -</p><p>MAIN DOCUMENT SYMBOL SUBJECT SYMBOLS USED</p><p>WT/BFA/ Committee on Budget, WT/BFA/ Finance and WT/BFA/CONT/ Administration WT/BFA/SPEC/ WT/BFA/W/ WT/BOP/ Committee on Balance-of- WT/BOP/ Payments Restrictions WT/BOP/G/ WT/BOP/INF/ WT/BOP/N/ WT/BOP/R/ WT/BOP/S/ WT/BOP/W/ WT/COMTD/ Committee on Trade and WT/COMTD/ Development WT/COMTD/IF/ WT/COMTD/INF/ WT/COMTD/LDC/M/ WT/COMTD/LLDC/ WT/COMTD/LLDC/M/ WT/COMTD/LLDC/W/ WT/COMTD/M/ WT/COMTD/N/ WT/COMTD/W/</p><p>WT/CTE/ Committee on Trade and WT/CTE/ Environment WT/CTE/COM/ WT/CTE/INF/ WT/CTE/M/ WT/CTE/W/ WT/DAILYB/ Daily Bulletin WT/DAILYB(99)/ WT/DAILYB(98)/ WT/DAILYB(97)/</p><p>WT/DER/ derestriction Procedures WT/DER/ WT/DER/P/ WT/DER/RM/ WT/DER/W/ WT/DS/ Dispute Settlement WT/DSNUMBER/ WT/DSNUMBER/AB/R WT/DSNUMBER/ARB/ WT/DSNUMBER/R WT/DSNUMBER/RW/MEMBER</p><p>WT/DSB/ Dispute Settlement Body WT/DSB/ WT/DSB/COM/ WT/DSB/M/ WT/DSB/RC/ WT/DSB/RC/W/ WT/DSB(YEAR)/ST/ WT/DSB/W/ - 12 -</p><p>MAIN DOCUMENT SYMBOL SUBJECT SYMBOLS USED</p><p>WT/FIFTY/ 50th Anniversary of the WT/FIFTY/ GATT/WTO WT/FIFTY/H/ST/ WT/FIFTY/INF/ WT/FIFTY/ST/ WT/GC/ General Council WT/GC/ WT/GC/COM/ WT/GC/INF/ WT/GC/M/ WT/GC(YEAR)/ST/ WT/GC/W/ WT/IDB/ Integrated Data Base WT/IDB/URM/ WT/INF/ Information WT/INF/ WT/L/ General documents WT/L/ WT/LDC/HL Least developed Countries- WT/LDC/HL/ High Level Meeting WT/LDC/HL/INF/ WT/LDC/HL/M/ WT/LET/ Letters WT/Let/ WT/MIN(96)/ Ministerial Conference, WT/MIN(96)/ Singapore WT/MIN(96)/DEC/ WT/MIN(96)/DEC/W/ WT/MIN(96)/INF/ WT/MIN(96)/SR/ WT/MIN(96)/ST WT/MIN(96)/W/ WT/MIN(98)/ Ministerial Conference, WT/MIN(98)/ Geneva WT/MIN(98)/DEC/ WT/MIN(98)//DEC/W/ WT/MIN(98)/INF/ WT/MIN(98)/SR/ WT/MIN(98)/ST/ WT/MIN(98)/W/ WT/MIN(98)/WS/M/</p><p>WT/MIN(99)/ Ministerial Conference, WT/MIN(99)/INF/ Seattle</p><p>WT/REG/ Regional Trade WT/REG/ WT/REG/GEN/M/ WT/REG/GEN/N/ WT/REG/M/ WT/REG/W/ WT/REGNUMBER/ WT/REGNUMBER/M/ WT/REGNUMBER/N/ - 13 -</p><p>MAIN DOCUMENT SYMBOL SUBJECT SYMBOLS USED</p><p>WT/SPEC/ Special distribution WT/SPEC/ documents WT/ST/ Statements WT/ST/</p><p>WT/TC/NOTIF/ Technical Cooperation WT/TC/NOTIF/ADP/ - Handbook on WT/TC/NOTIF/AG/ Notification WT/TC/NOTIF/BOP/ Requirements WT/TC/NOTIF/GATS/ WT/TC/NOTIF/INF/ WT/TC/NOTIF/LIC/ WT/TC/NOTIF/MA/ WT/TC/NOTIF/PSI/ WT/TC/NOTIF/REG/ WT/TC/NOTIF/RO/ WT/TC/NOTIF/SCM/ WT/TC/NOTIF/SG/ WT/TC/NOTIF/SPS/ WT/TC/NOTIF/STR/ WT/TC/NOTIF/TBT/ WT/TC/NOTIF/TEX/ WT/TC/NOTIF/TPR/ WT/TC/NOTIF/TRIMS/ WT/TC/NOTIF/TRIPS/ WT/TC/NOTIF/VAL/</p><p>WT/TF/ Trade and Finance WT/TF/COH/ WT/TF/IMF/</p><p>WT/TPR/ Trade Policy Review Body WT/TPR/ WT/TPR/D/ WT/TPR/G/ WT/TPR/M/ WT/TPR/OV/ WT/TPR/OV/M/ WT/TPR/R/ WT/TPR/S/ WT/TPR/W/</p><p>WT/WGTCP/ Working Group on the WT/WGTCP/ Interaction between Trade WT/WGTCP/INF/ and Competition Policy WT/WGTCP/M/ WT/WGTCP/W/ WT/WGTGP/ Working Group on WT/WGTGP/ Transparency in WT/WGTGP/INF/ Government Procurement WT/WGTGP/M/ WT/WGTGP/W/ - 14 -</p><p>MAIN DOCUMENT SYMBOL SUBJECT SYMBOLS USED</p><p>WT/WGTI/ Working Group on the WT/WGTI/ relationship between Trade WT/WGTI/INF and Investment WT/WGTI/M/ WT/WGTI/W/ WTO/AIR/ Airgrams WTO/AIR/ WTO/AIR/UNNUMBERED Airgrams WTO/AIR/UNNUMBERED</p><p>B. TRADE IN GOODS</p><p>MAIN DOCUMENT SYMBOL SUBJECT SYMBOLS USED</p><p>G/ADP/ Committee on Anti- G/ADP/ Dumping Practices G/ADP/DNUMBER/ G/ADP/M/ G/ADP/N/ G/ADP/N/NUMBER/ MEMBER/ G/ADP/QI/MEMBER/ G/ADP/W/</p><p>G/ADP/AHG/ Ad Hoc Group on G/ADP/AHG/ Implementation of Anti- G/ADP/AHG/INF/ Dumping Committee G/ADP/AHG/M/ G/ADP/AHG/R/ G/ADP/AHG/W/</p><p>G/ADP/IG/ Informal Group on Anti- G/ADP/IG/ Circumvention of the Anti- G/ADP/IG/W/ Dumping Committee G/ADP/IG/M/ G/ADP/IG/R/ G/AG/ Committee on Agriculture G/AG/ G/AG/AGST/Vol.NUMBER/ G/AG/GEN/ G/AG/INF/ G/AG/N/MEMBER/ G/AG/R/ G/AG/W/ G/C/ Council for Trade in Goods G/C/ G/C/COM/ G/C/M/ G/C/W/ - 15 -</p><p>MAIN DOCUMENT SYMBOL SUBJECT SYMBOLS USED</p><p>G/IT Committee of Participants G/IT on Expansion of Trade in G/IT/M/ Information Technology G/IT/SPEC/ Products G/IT/SPEC/Q1/ G/IT/W/ G/L/ General documents G/L/ G/LIC/ Committee on Import G/LIC/ Licensing G/LIC/D/ G/LIC/INF/ G/LIC/M/ G/LIC/N/NUMBER/ MEMBER/ G/LIC/Q/MEMBER/ G/LIC/W/</p><p>G/MA/ Committee on Market G/MA/ Access G/MA/IDB/ G/MA/IDB/W/ G/MA/INF/ G/MA/M/ G/MA/NTM/QR/ G/MA/NTM/W/ G/MA/SP/ G/MA/SPEC/ G/MA/W/</p><p>G/MA/TAR/ Committee on Market G/MA/TAR/ Access - Tariffs G/MA/TAR/RS/ G/MA/TAR/W/ G/NOP/ Working Group on G/NOP/ Notification Obligations and G/NOP/W/ Procedures G/PSI/ Preshipment Inspection G/PSI/IE/ G/PSI/N/ G/PSI/W/ G/PSI/WP/M/ G/PSI/WP/W/ G/RO/ Committee on Rules of G/RO/ Origin G/RO/D/ G/RO/INF/ G/RO/M/ G/RO/N/ G/RO/W/ G/RS/ Rectifications and G/RS/ Modifications of Schedules Annexed to the Marrakesh Protocol - 16 -</p><p>MAIN DOCUMENT SYMBOL SUBJECT SYMBOLS USED</p><p>G/SCM/ Committee on Subsidies and G/SCM/ Countervailing Measures G/SCM/DNUMBER/ G/SCM/M/ G/SCM/N/ G/SCM/N/NUMBER/ MEMBER/ G/SCM/QI/MEMBER/ G/SCM/Q2/MEMBER/ G/SCM/W/</p><p>G/SECRET/ Schedules G/SECRET/ G/SECRET/HS/ Harmonized System G/SECRET/HS/ G/SECRET/HS96/</p><p>G/SG/ Committee on Safeguards G/SG/ G/SG/DNUMBER/ G/SG/M/ G/SG/N/ G/SG/N/NUMBER/ MEMBER/ G/SG/QI/MEMBER/ G/SG/Q2/MEMBER/ G/SG/W/ G/SP/ Additions to Schedules G/SP/ Annexed to the Marrakesh Protocol to GATT 1994</p><p>G/SPS/ Committee on Sanitary and G/SPS/ Phytosanitary Measures G/SPS/ENQ/ G/SPS/GEN/ G/SPS/GN/ G/SPS/INF/ G/SPS/N/MEMBER/ G/SPS/R/ G/SPS/W/</p><p>G/STR/ State Trading G/STR/ G/STR/DNUMBER/ G/STR/M/ G/STR/N/ G/STR/N/NUMBER/ MEMBER/ G/STR/QI/MEMBER/ G/STR/W/ - 17 -</p><p>MAIN DOCUMENT SYMBOL SUBJECT SYMBOLS USED</p><p>G/TBT/ Committee on Technical G/TBT/ Barriers to Trade G/TBT/COM/ G/TBT/CS/ G/TBT/CS/N/ G/TBT/D/ G/TBT/ENQ/ G/TBT/INF/ G/TBT/M/ G/TBT/Notif.YEAR. G/TBT/SPEC/ G/TBT/W/ G/TBT/10_7/N/ G/TMB/ Textiles Monitoring Body G/TMB/ G/TMB/N/ G/TMB/R/ G/TMB/Spec/ (paper only) G/TMB/W/</p><p>G/TRIMS/ Committee on Trade- G/TRIMS/ Related Investment G/TRIMS/D/ Measures G/TRIMS/M/ G/TRIMS/N/ G/TRIMS/N/NUMBER/ MEMBER/ G/TRIMS/W/ G/VAL/ Committee on Customs G/VAL/ Valuation G/VAL/D/ G/VAL/INF/ G/VAL/M/ G/VAL/N/NUMBER/ MEMBER/ G/VAL/SPEC/ G/VAL/W/</p><p>C. TRADE IN SERVICES</p><p>MAIN DOCUMENT SYMBOL SUBJECT SYMBOLS USED</p><p>S/C/ Council for Trade in S/C/ Services S/C/M/ S/C/N/ S/C/W/ S/CSC/ Committee on Specific S/CSC/ Commitments S/CSC/M/ S/CSC/W/ S/ENQ/ Enquiry Point S/ENQ/ - 18 -</p><p>MAIN DOCUMENT SYMBOL SUBJECT SYMBOLS USED</p><p>S/FIN/ Committee on Trade in S/FIN/ Financial Services S/FIN/M/ S/FIN/W/ S/GBT/ Group on Basic S/GBT/ Telecommunications S/GBT/M/ S/GBT/W/ S/IGFS/ Interim Group on Financial S/IGFS/ Services S/IGFS/W/ S/L/ General documents S/L/ S/NGBT/ Negotiating Group on Basic S/NGBT/ (TS/NGBT) Telecommunications S/NGBT/W/</p><p>S/NGMTS/ Negotiating Group on S/NGMTS/ (TS/NGMTS) Maritime Transport Services S/NGMTS/W/</p><p>S/NGNP/ Negotiating Group on S/NGNP/ (TS/NGNP) Movement of Natural S/NGNP/W/ Persons S/P/ Provisional Schedule of S/P/ Specific Commitments under the GATS S/WPDR/ Working Party on Domestic S/WPDR/ Regulation S/WPDR/M/ S/WPDR/W/</p><p>S/WPGR/ Working Party on GATS S/WPGR/ Rules S/WPGR/M/ S/WPGR/W/ S/WPPS/ Working Party on S/WPPS/ Professional Services S/WPPS/M/ S/WPPS/W/</p><p>D. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY</p><p>MAIN DOCUMENT SYMBOL SUBJECT SYMBOLS USED</p><p>IP/C/ Council for Trade-Related IP/C/ Aspects of Intellectual IP/C/M/ Property Rights IP/C/W/</p><p>IP/D/ Dispute Settlement IP/D/ - 19 -</p><p>MAIN DOCUMENT SYMBOL SUBJECT SYMBOLS USED</p><p>IP/C/ Council for Trade-Related IP/C/ Aspects of Intellectual IP/C/M/ Property Rights IP/C/W/</p><p>IP/N/ Council for Trade-Related IP/N/ Aspects of Intellectual IP/N/NUMBER/MEMBER/ Property Rights - Notification of Laws and Regulations IP/Q/ Legislation on copyright- IP/Q/MEMBER/ related matters: questions IP/Q2/MEMBER/ and responses IP/Q3/MEMBER/ IP/Q4/MEMBER/</p><p>E. SECRETARIAT – ADMINISTRATIVE</p><p>MAIN DOCUMENT SYMBOL SUBJECT SYMBOLS USED</p><p>OFFICE(95) Administrative Memo, OFFICE(95) OFFICE(96) Office Circular, Internal OFFICE(96) OFFICE(97) and Vacancy Notice OFFICE(97) OFFICE(98) (Since 1 January 1995) OFFICE(98) OFFICE(99) OFFICE(99) WTOS/ WTO Staff Council WTOS/</p><p>F. SCHEDULES OF CONCESSIONS</p><p>"SYMBOL" SUBJECT SYMBOLS USED</p><p>GATS/EL/ Article II (MFN) GATS/EL/ (See Annex II) Exemptions Lists GATS/SC/ Schedules of Specific GATS/SC/ (See Annex II) Commitments WTO Schedules of Concessions See the nomenclature in Annex (Goods) II - 20 -</p><p>G. PLURILATERAL AGREEMENTS</p><p>MAIN DOCUMENT SYMBOL SUBJECT SYMBOLS USED</p><p>GPA/ Committee on GPA/ Government Procurement GPA/DNUMBER/ GPA/M/ GPA/SPEC/ GPA/W/ GPA/IC/ Interim Committee on GPA/IC/ Government Procurement GPA/IC/M/ GPA/IC/SPEC/ GPA/IC/W/</p><p>IDA/ International Dairy IDA/ Agreement IDA/CMP/ IDA/CMP/W/ IDA/INF/ IDA/INV/ IDA/SPEC/ IDA/STAT/ IDA/W/ IMA/ International Bovine Meat IMA/ Agreement IMA/INV/ IMA/SPEC/ IMA/W/ TCA/ Committee on Trade in TCA/ Civil Aircraft TCA/M/ TCA/TSC/W/ TCA/W/ - 21 -</p><p>II. GATT</p><p>A. GATT47 GENERAL</p><p>MAIN DOCUMENT SYMBOL SUBJECT SYMBOLS USED</p><p>BOP/ Committee on Balance-of- BOP/ Payments Restrictions BOP/R/ BOP/W/ C/ Council C/ C/COM/ C/M/ C/M/Index/ C/W/</p><p>COM.TD/ Committee on Trade and COM.TD/ Development COM.TD/LLDC/ COM.TD/LLDC/W/ COM.TD/W/ COM.TEX/ Textiles Committee COM.TEX/ COM.TEX/W/ COM.TEX/SB/ Textiles Surveillance COM.TEX/SB/ Body CPC/ Committee of CPC/ Participating Countries CPC/W/</p><p>C/RM/ Trade Policy Review C/RM/ Mechanism C/RM/G/ C/RM/M/ C/RM/OV/ C/RM/OV/M/ C/RM/S/ C/RM/W/ DPG/ Domestically Prohibited DPG/W/ Goods DPG/Notif.YEAR. DS/ Dispute Settlement DSNUMBER/ DSNUMBER/R FIFTY/ Sessions of FIFTY/ CONTRACTING FORTY/ PARTIES etc. GATT/ Press Release GATT/ GATT/AIR/ Airgrams GATT/AIR/ GATT/AIR/UNNUMBERED/ Airgrams GATT/AIR/UNNUMBERED</p><p>GW/ Press Release GW/ GATT/WTO - 22 -</p><p>MAIN DOCUMENT SYMBOL SUBJECT SYMBOLS USED</p><p>ICITO/ Interim Commission for ICITO/1/ the International Trade Organization INF/ Information INF/ L/ General documents L/ Let/ Letters Let/ NTM/ Non-Tariff Measures and NTM/W/ Quantitative Restrictions</p><p>NTM(TG)/ Technical Group on NTM(TG)/W/ Quantitative Restrictions and Other Non-Tariff Measures NTM/INV/ Inventory of Non-Tariff NTM/INV/ Measures Spec/ Special distribution Spec(YEAR) SR. CONTRACTING SR.NUMBER/ PARTIES SR.NUMBER/Index SR.NUMBER/ST/ NUMBERSS/SR/ NUMBERSS/W/ TAR/ Committee on Tariff TAR/ Concessions TAR/M/ TAR/Spec/ TAR/W/ TE/ Bulletin covering GATT's TE activities relating to trade and environment</p><p>TRE/ Group on Environmental TRE/ Measures and TRE/W/ International Trade</p><p>UNCTAD/GATT/AIR/ Airgrams convening ITC UNCTAD/GATT/AIR/ meetings W. Working documents W.NUMBER/ relating to Sessions of CONTRACTING PARTIES - 23 -</p><p>B. URUGUAY ROUND NEGOTIATIONS</p><p>MAIN DOCUMENT SYMBOL SUBJECT SYMBOLS USED</p><p>MTN.FA Final Act</p><p>MTN.GNG/ Group of Negotiations on MTN.GNG/ Goods MTN.GNG/W/ MTN.GNG/AG/ Negotiating Group on MTN.GNG/AG/ Agriculture MTN.GNG/AG/W/ MTN.GNG/IN/ Negotiating Group on MTN.GNG/IN/ Institutions MTN.GNG/MA/ Negotiating Group on MTN.GNG/MA/ Market Access MTN.GNG/MA/W/ MTN.GNG/NG1/ Negotiating Group on MTN.GNG/NG1/ Tariffs MTN.GNG/NG1/W/ MTN.GNG/NG2/ Negotiating Group on MTN.GNG/NG2/ Non-Tariff Measures MTN.GNG/NG2/OL/ MTN.GNG/NG2/RS/ MTN.GNG/NG2/W/ MTN.GNG/NG3/ Negotiating Group on MTN.GNG/NG3/ Natural Resource-Based MTN.GNG/NG3/W/ Products MTN.GNG/NG4/ Negotiating Group on MTN.GNG/NG4/ Textiles and Clothing MTN.GNG/NG4/TSG/W/ MTN.GNG/NG4/W/ MTN.GNG/NG5/ Negotiating Group on MTN.GNG/NG5/ Agriculture MTN.GNG/NG5/TG/ MTN.GNG/NG5/PSE/ MEMBER/ MTN.GNG/NG5/TG/W/ MTN.GNG/NG5/W/ MTN.GNG/NG5/WGSP/ MTN.GNG/NG5/WGSP/W/</p><p>MTN.GNG/NG6/ Negotiating Group on MTN.GNG/NG6/ Tropical Products MTN.GNG/NG6/LT/ MTN.GNG/NG6/TI/ MTN.GNG/NG6/W/ MTN.GNG/NG7/ Negotiating Group on MTN.GNG/NG7/ GATT Articles MTN.GNG/NG7/W/ MTN.GNG/NG8/ Negotiating Group on MTN.GNG/NG8/ MTN Agreements and MTN.GNG/NG8/W/ Arrangements</p><p>MTN.GNG/NG9/ Negotiating Group on MTN.GNG/NG9/ Safeguards MTN.GNG/NG9/W/ - 24 -</p><p>MAIN DOCUMENT SYMBOL SUBJECT SYMBOLS USED</p><p>MTN.GNG/NG10/ Negotiating Group on MTN.GNG/NG10/ Subsidies and MTN.GNG/NG10/W/ Countervailing Measures</p><p>MTN.GNG/NG11/ Negotiating Group on MTN.GNG/NG11/ Intellectual Property MTN.GNG/NG11/W/ Rights and Counterfeit Goods MTN.GNG/NG12/ Negotiating Group on MTN.GNG/NG12/ Trade-related Investment MTN.GNG/NG12/W/ Measures MTN.GNG/NG13/ Negotiating Group on MTN.GNG/NG13/ Dispute Settlement MTN.GNG/NG13/W/ MTN.GNG/NG14/ Negotiating Group on the MTN.GNG/NG14/ Functioning of the GATT MTN.GNG/NG14/W/ System MTN.GNG/RM/ Negotiating Group on MTN.GNG/RM/ Rule Making and Trade- MTN.GNG/RM/W/ related Investment Measures MTN.GNG/TC/ Negotiating Group on MTN.GNG/TC/ Textiles and Clothing MTN.GNG/TRIPS/ Negotiating Group on MTN.GNG/TRIPS/ Trade-related Aspects of MTN.GNG/TRIPS/W/ Intellectual Property Rights, including Trade in Counterfeit Goods</p><p>MTN.GNS/ Group on Negotiations on MTN.GNS/ Services MTN.GNS/W/</p><p>MTN.GNS/AUD/ Working Group on MTN.GNS/AUD/ Audiovisual Services MTN.GNS/AUD/W/ MTN.GNS/CON/ Working Group on MTN.GNS/CON/ Construction and MTN.GNS/CON/W/ Engineering Services MTN.GNS/FIN/ Working Group on MTN.GNS/FIN/ Financial Services MTN.GNS/FIN/W/ including Insurance MTN.GNS/LAB/ Working Group on Labour MTN.GNS/LAB/ Mobility MTN.GNS/LAB/W/</p><p>MTN.GNS/PROF/ Working Group on MTN.GNS/PROF/ Professional Services MTN.GNS/PROF/W/ - 25 -</p><p>MAIN DOCUMENT SYMBOL SUBJECT SYMBOLS USED</p><p>MTN.GNS/TEL/ Working Group on MTN.GNS/TEL/ Telecommunications MTN.GNS/TEL/W/ Services MTN.GNS/TOUR/ Working Group on MTN.GNS/TOUR/ Tourism Services MTN.GNS/TOUR/W/ MTN.GNS/TRANS/ Working Group on MTN.GNS/TRANS/ Transport Services MTN.GNS/TRANS/W/ MIN.DEC/ Ministerial Declaration MIN.DEC/ NUR/ News of the Uruguay NUR/ Round NUR/MA/ PREP.COM(86) Preparatory Committee / PREP.COM(86)/ Meeting at Ministerial PREP.COM(86)/INF/ Level, Punta del Este PREP.COM(86)/SR/ PREP.COM(86)/W/ RBC/ Surveillance Body (Roll- RBC/ back) MTN.SB/ Surveillance Body MTN.SB/ (Rollback, Standstill) MTN.SB/RBN/ MTN.SB/SN/ MTN.SB/W/ MTN.TNC/ Trade Negotiations MTN.TNC/ Committee MTN.TNC/INF/ MTN.TNC/NUMBER(MIN)/ MTN.TNC/W/ MTN.TNC/W/FA MTN.TNC/40/ST/ MTN.TNC/LD/ Trade Negotiations MTN.TNC/LD/ Committee / Legal MTN.TNC/LD/W/ Drafting Group MTN.TNC/MIN(86) Trade Negotiations MIN(86)/ Committee / Meeting at MIN(86)/SR/ Ministerial Level, Punta MIN(86)/ST/ del Este MTN.TNC/MIN(88) Trade Negotiations MTN.TNC/MIN(88)/ Committee / Meeting at MTN.TNC/MIN(88)/ST/ Ministerial Level, Montreal MTN.TNC/MIN(90) Trade Negotiations MTN.TNC/MIN(90)/ Committee / Meeting at MTN.TNC/MIN(90)/ST/ Ministerial Level, Brussels - 26 -</p><p>MAIN DOCUMENT SYMBOL SUBJECT SYMBOLS USED</p><p>MTN.TNC/MIN(94) Trade Negotiations MTN.TNC/MIN(94)/ Committee / Meeting at MTN.TNC/MIN(94)/INF/ Ministerial Level, MTN.TNC/MIN(94)/ST/ Marrakesh</p><p>C. TOKYO ROUND AGREEMENTS</p><p>MAIN DOCUMENT SYMBOL SUBJECT SYMBOLS USED</p><p>ADP/ Committee on Anti- ADP/ Dumping Practices ADP/NUMBER/MEMBER ADP/M/ ADP/W/ AIR/ Committee on Trade in AIR/ Civil Aircraft AIR/M/ AIR/RN/ AIR/TSC/W/ AIR/W/ DPC/ International Dairy DPC/ Products Council DPC/W/ DPC/C/ Committee of the Protocol DPC/C/ Regarding Certain DPC/C/W/ Cheeses DPC/F/ Committee of the Protocol DPC/F/ Regarding Milk Fat DPC/F/W/</p><p>DPC/INV/ International Dairy DPC/INV/ Products Council / Inventory DPC/P/ Committee of the Protocol DPC/P/ Regarding Certain Milk DPC/P/W/ Powders DPC/PTL/ Protocols (Cheeses, Milk DPC/PTL/ Fat, Milk Powders) DPC/PTL/W/</p><p>GPR/ Committee on GPR/ Government Procurement GPR.DS/ GPR/M/ GPR/Spec/ GPR/W/</p><p>IMC/ International Meat IMC/ Council IMC/W/ IMC/INV/ International Meat IMC/INV/ Council / Inventory - 27 -</p><p>MAIN DOCUMENT SYMBOL SUBJECT SYMBOLS USED</p><p>LIC/ Committee on Import LIC/ Licensing LIC/INF/ LIC/M/ LIC/Spec/ LIC/W/ SCM/ Committee on Subsidies SCM/ and Countervailing SCM/M/ Measures SCM/Spec/ SCM/W/ TBT/ Committee on Technical TBT/ Barriers to Trade TBT/INF/ TBT/M/ TBT/Spec/ TBT/W/ TBT/Notif./ Committee on Technical TBT/Notif. Barriers to Trade / Notifications VAL/ Committee on Customs VAL/ Valuation VAL/INF/ VAL/M/ VAL/Spec/ VAL/W/</p><p>D. BISD - BASIC INSTRUMENTS AND SELECTED DOCUMENTS</p><p>The principal source for documents on the GATT is the Basic Instruments and Selected Documents (BISD). This series contains the text of legal instruments drawn up by the CONTRACTING PARTIES or under their auspices, as well as decisions, resolutions, recommendations, reports, texts of protocols of accession and other selected documents. Supplements to the BISD have been published approximately annually since 1952. Commencing with the Fourteenth Supplement, the series has contained a cumulative index.</p><p>T:\BISD\(Vol. no.)\ - English U:\BISD\(Vol. no.)\ - French (in preparation) V:\BISD\(Vol. no.)\ - Spanish (in preparation)</p><p>E. OTHER DOCUMENTS OF LEGAL INTEREST (JURISPRUDENCE, COUNCIL AND RELATED - JCR)</p><p>Guide to GATT Law and Practice - Analytical Index (1995) </p><p>Panel Reports (1947)</p><p>Text of the General Agreement, Havana Charter, etc.</p><p>Texts of the Tokyo Round Codes (1980) - 28 -</p><p>ANNEX II - LIST OF SCHEDULES</p><p>A. SCHEDULES OF MARKET ACCESS CONCESSIONS - WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION</p><p>Schedule of Schedule No. Volume No.</p><p>Angola CXXIX 33 Antigua and Barbuda XCVII 23 Argentina LXIV 15 Australia I 2 Austria XXXII 10 Bahrain XCVIII 23 Bangladesh LXX 26 Barbados XCIV 23 Belize C 23 Benin XLVIII 26 Bolivia LXXXIV 20 Botswana CI 33 Brazil III 2 Brunei Darussalam CII 24 Bulgaria CXXXIX Burkina Faso (Upper Volta) XLVI 33 Burundi LV 33 Cameroon CIII 24 Canada V 3(a+b) Central African Republic CIV 33 Chad CV 33 Chile VII 4 China VIII 4 Colombia LXXVI 18 Costa Rica LXXXV 20 Congo CVI 26 Côte d'Ivoire LII 13 Cuba IX 5 Cyprus CVII 24 Czech Republic XCII 22 Djibouti CXXXVII 33 Dominica CVIII 24 Dominican Republic XXIII 9 Ecuador CXXXIII Egypt LXIII 15 El Salvador LXXXVII 20 Estonia CXLIV European Communities CXL Fiji CIX 24 Finland XXIV 9 Gabon XLVII 13 Gambia CX 33 Ghana CXI 24 Grenada CXXVII Guatemala LXXXVIII 20 Guinea CXXXVI 33 Guinea Bissau CXXX 33 - 29 -</p><p>Schedule of Schedule No. Volume No.</p><p>Guyana CXII 24 Haiti XXVI 33 Honduras XCV 23 Hong Kong LXXXII 20 Hungary LXXI 17 Iceland LXII 15 India XII 5 Indonesia XXI 9 Israel XLII 12 Jamaica LXVI 16 Japan XXXVIII 11 Kenya CXIII 24 Korea LX 14 Kuwait CXIV 24 Kyrgyz Republic CXLII Latvia CXLIII Lesotho CXV 33 Liechtenstein - See: Switzerland Macau LXXXIX 20 Madagascar LI 13 Malawi LVIII 33 Malaysia XXXIX 12 Maldives CXVI 33 Mali XCIV 33 Malta CXVII 24 Mauritania L 26 Mauritius CXVIII 24 Mexico LXXVII 18 Mongolia CXXXIV Morocco LXXXI 20 Mozambique CXIX 33 Myanmar IV 2 Namibia XC 21 New Zealand XIII 5 Nicaragua XXIX 9 Niger LIII 26 Nigeria XLIII 13 Norway XIV 6 Pakistan XV 6 Panama CXLII Papua New Guinea CXXXVIII Paraguay XCI 22 Peru XXXV 10 Philippines LXXV 17 Poland LXV 16 Qatar CXXXI Romania LXIX 16 Rwanda LVI 33 St. Kitts and Nevis CXXVIII St. Lucia CXXI 24 St. Vincent and the Grenadines CXXII 24 Senegal XLIX 13 - 30 -</p><p>Schedule of Schedule No. Volume No.</p><p>Sierra Leone CXX 33 Singapore LXXIII 17 Slovak Rep. XCIII 23 Slovenia XCVI 34 Solomon Islands CXXXV 33 South Africa XVIII 7 Sri Lanka VI 4 Suriname LXXIV 17 Swaziland CXXIII 25 Sweden XXX 9 Switzerland/Liechtenstein LIX 13 Tanzania CXXIV 26 Thailand LXXIX 18 Togo CXXV 33 Trinidad and Tobago LXVII 16 Tunisia LXXXIII 20 Turkey XXXVII 10 Uganda CXXVI 26 United Arab Emirates CXXXII United States XX 8(a+b) Uruguay XXXI 10 Venezuela LXXXVI 20 Zaire LXVIII 33 Zambia LXXVIII 18 Zimbabwe LIV 13 - 31 -</p><p>B. GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TRADE IN SERVICES - SCHEDULES OF SPECIFIC COMMITMENTS AND ARTICLE II (MFN) EXEMPTION LISTS (GATS)</p><p>Schedule of Commitments Exemptions Volume No.</p><p>Algeria SC/1 28 Angola SC/115 EL/115 Antigua and Barbuda SC/2 EL/2 28 Antilles (Netherlands) SC/3 29 Argentina SC/4 EL/4 28 Aruba (Netherlands) SC/5 29 Australia SC/6 EL/6 28 Austria SC/7 EL/7 28 Bahrain SC/97 28 Bangladesh SC/8 EL/8 28 Barbados SC/9 28 Belize SC/10 28 Benin SC/11 EL/11 28 Bolivia SC/12 EL/12 28 Botswana SC/109 Brazil SC/13 EL/13 28 Brunei Darussalam SC/95 EL/95 28 Bulgaria SC/122 EL/122 Burkina Faso SC/14 28 Burundi SC/116 Cameroon SC/15 EL/15 28 Canada SC/16 EL/16 28 Central African Republic SC/17 Chad SC/108 Chile SC/18 EL/18 28 China SC/19 EL/19 28 Colombia SC/20 EL/20 28 Congo SC/21 EL/21 28 Costa Rica SC/22 EL/22 28 Côte d'Ivoire SC/23 EL/23 28 Cuba SC/24 EL/24 28 Cyprus SC/25 EL/25 28 Czech Republic SC/26 EL/26 28 Djibouti SC/104 Dominica SC/27 28 Dominican Republic SC/28 EL/28 28 Ecuador SC/98 EL/98 El Salvador SC/29 EL/29 28 Egypt SC/30 EL/30 28 The EEC and its Member States SC/31 EL/31 28 Fiji SC/32 28 Finland SC/33 EL/33 29 Gabon SC/34 EL/34 29 Gambia SC/112 Ghana SC/35 29 Grenada SC/96 29 - 32 -</p><p>Schedule of Commitments Exemptions Volume No.</p><p>Guatemala SC/36 EL/36 29 Guinea SC/102 Guinea-Bissau SC/110 Guyana SC/37 29 Haiti SC/111 Honduras SC/38 EL/38 29 Hong Kong SC/39 EL/39 29 Hungary SC/40 EL/40 29 Iceland SC/41 EL/41 29 India SC/42 EL/42 29 Indonesia SC/43 EL/43 29 Israel SC/44 EL/44 29 Jamaica SC/45 EL/45 29 Japan SC/46 29 Kenya SC/47 29 Korea, Rep. of SC/48 EL/48 29 Kuwait SC/49 EL/49 29 Lesotho SC/114 Liechtenstein SC/83-A EL/83-A 29 Macau SC/50 29 Madagascar SC/51 29 Malawi SC/100 29 Malaysia SC/52 EL/52 29 Maldives SC/101 Mali SC/53 EL/53 Malta SC/54 EL/54 29 Mauritania SC/113 Mauritius SC/55 EL/55 29 Mexico SC/56 EL/56 29 Mongolia SC/123 Morocco SC/57 EL/57 29 Mozambique SC/58 29 Myanmar SC/59 29 Namibia SC/60 29 New Caledonia SC/61 29 New Zealand SC/62 EL/62 30 Nicaragua SC/63 EL/63 30 Niger SC/64 EL/64 30 Nigeria SC/65 30 Norway SC/66 EL/66 30 Pakistan SC/67 EL/67 30 Panama SC/124 EL/124 Papua New Guinea SC/118 Paraguay SC/68 30 Peru SC/69 EL/69 30 Philippines SC/70 EL/70 30 Poland SC/71 EL/71 30 Qatar SC/120 Romania SC/72 EL/72 30 Rwanda SC/107 - 33 -</p><p>Schedule of Commitments Exemptions Volume No.</p><p>Saint Christopher and Nevis SC/119 Saint Lucia SC/73 30 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines SC/74 30 Senegal SC/75 EL/75 30 Sierra Leone SC/105 EL/105 Singapore SC/76 EL/76 30 Slovak Republic SC/77 EL/77 30 Slovenia SC/99 EL/99 Solomon Islands SC/117 EL/117 South Africa SC/78 EL/78 30 Sri Lanka SC/79 EL/79 30 Suriname SC/80 30 Swaziland SC/81 EL/81 30 Sweden SC/82 EL/82 30 Switzerland SC/83 EL/83 30 Tanzania SC/84 30 Thailand SC/85 EL/85 30 Togo SC/106 Trinidad and Tobago SC/86 EL/86 30 Tunisia SC/87 EL/87 30 Turkey SC/88 EL/88 30 Uganda SC/89 30 United Arab Emirates SC/121 EL/121 30 United States SC/90 EL/90 30 Uruguay SC/91 EL/91 30 Venezuela SC/92 EL/92 30 Zaire SC/103 Zambia SC/93 30 Zimbabwe SC/94 30 - 34 -</p><p>SUBJECT INDEX</p><p>Symbols used</p><p>ACCESSIONS Accessions WT/ACC WT/GC Special Distribution GG/SPEC General Documents GG/L</p><p>AIRGRAMS Airgrams WT/AIR GG/GATAIR WT/PCAIR GG/UNCAIR Airgrams Unnumbered WT/AIRUN GG/GATAIRUN</p><p>AIRCRAFT See: Civil Aircraft</p><p>ANNIVERSARIES 50th Anniversary of the GATT/WTO WT/FIFTY</p><p>ANTI-DUMPING PRACTICES Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices G/ADP Ad Hoc Group on Implementation G/ADP/AHG Negotiating Group on MTN Agreements and Arrangements UR/GNGNG08 Informal Group on Anti-Circumvention of the Anti-dumping Committee G/ADP/IG Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices TR/ADP</p><p>AGRICULTURE Committee on Agriculture G/AG Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures G/SPS Negotiating Group on Agriculture UR/GNGAG UR/GNGNG05</p><p>APPELLATE BODY WT/AB</p><p>BUDGET, FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION Committee on Budget, Finance and Administration WT/BFA General Documents WT/L Sub-Committee on Budget, Finance and Administration GG/PCBFA</p><p>BALANCE OF PAYMENTS RESTRICTIONS Committee on Balance-of-Payments Restrictions WT/BOP GG/BOP</p><p>CIVIL AIRCRAFT Committee on Trade in Civil Aircraft PLURI/TCA TR/AIR - 35 -</p><p>CLOTHING See: Textiles</p><p>COMPETITION POLICY See: Trade and Competition Policy</p><p>CONTRACTING PARTIES Statements WT/ST Sessions of CONTRACTING PARTIES GG/FIFTY GG/FORTY Summary Records - CONTRACTING PARTIES GG/SR Working documents relating to Sessions of CONTRACTING PARTIES GG/W Ministerial Declaration UR/MINDEC</p><p>COUNCIL General Council WT/GC Council for Trade in Goods G/C Council for Trade in Services S/C Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights IP/C Council GATT 47 GG/C Council Minutes GATT 47 JCR/COUMIN</p><p>COUNTERVAILING MEASURES See: Subsidies and Countervailing Measures</p><p>CUSTOMS VALUATION Committee on Customs Valuation G/VAL Negotiating Group on MTN Agreements and Arrangements UR/GNGNG08 Committee on Customs Valuation TR/VAL</p><p>DAIRY PRODUCTS International Dairy Agreement PLURI/IDA International Dairy Products Council TR/DPC Committee of the Protocol Regarding Certain Cheeses TR/DPCC Committee of the Protocol Regarding Milk Fat TR/DPCF International Dairy Products Council / Inventory TR/DPCINV Committee of the Protocol Regarding Certain Milk Powders TR/DPCP Protocols (Cheeses, Milk Fat, Powders) TR/DPCPTL</p><p>DERESTRICTION OF DOCUMENTS WT/DER WT/GC WT/INF WT/L</p><p>DEVELOPMENT See: Trade and development</p><p>DISPUTE SETTLEMENT Dispute Settlement WT/DS GG/DS Dispute Settlement Body WT/DSB Intellectual property IP/D Negotiating Group on Dispute Settlement UR/GNGNG13 - 36 -</p><p>Panelist – Curriculum vitae PANELIST</p><p>ENVIRONMENT See: Trade and environment</p><p>FINAL ACT Final Act UR/FA Final Act 1993 UR/FA93 Plurilateral Agreements UR/FAPLURI</p><p>FINANCIAL SERVICES Committee on Trade in Financial Services S/FIN Interim Group on Financial Services S/IGFS Working Group on Financial Services including Insurance UR/GNSFIN</p><p>FUNCTIONING OF THE GATT SYSTEM AND INSTITUTIONS Negotiating Group on Functioning of the GATT System UR/GNGNG14 Negotiating Group on Institutions UR/GNGIN</p><p>GATT 47 ARTICLES General Documents GG/L Negotiating Group on GATT Articles UR/GNGNG07</p><p>GENERAL DOCUMENTS General Documents WT/L G/L S/L GG/L</p><p>GOODS - TRADE IN Council for Trade in Goods G/C Domestically Prohibited Goods GG/DPG Group of Negotiations on Goods UR/GNG Negotiating Group on Natural Resource-Based Products UR/GNGNG03 Negotiating Group on Tropical Products UR/GNGNG06</p><p>GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT Committee on Government Procurement PLURI/GPA TR/GPR Interim Committee on Government Procurement PLURI/GPAIC Working Group on Transparency in Government Procurement WT/WGTGP</p><p>IMPORT LICENSING Committee on Import Licensing G/LIC TR/LIC</p><p>INFORMATION Daily Bulletin WT/DAILYB Information WT/INF GG/INF - 37 -</p><p>INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Committee of Participants on Expansion of Trade in Information Technology Products G/IT</p><p>INTEGRATED DATA BASE User Reference Manual WT/IDBURM</p><p>INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights IP/C Dispute settlement IP/D Notifications IP/N Legislation on Copyright-related matters: questions and responses IP/Q Negotiating Group on Intellectual Property Rights including Trade in Counterfeit Goods UR/GNGTRIPS UR/GNGNG11</p><p>INVESTMENT See: Trade and Investment</p><p>LEAST DEVELOPED COUNTRIES High Level Meeting WT/LDC/HL</p><p>LEGAL TEXTS Final Act See Final Act Text of GATT, Havana Charter JCR/LEGTEX Text of Tokyo Round Codes JCR/TOKYO Text of Panel Reports JCR/PANELS</p><p>LETTERS Letters WT/LET GG/LET</p><p>MARKET ACCESS Committee on Market Access G/MA Committee on Market Access -Tariffs G/MATAR Negotiating Group on Market Access UR/GNGMA Negotiating Group on Tariffs UR/GNGNG01 Negotiating Group on Non-Tariff Measures UR/GNGNG02</p><p>MINISTERIAL MEETINGS Ministerial Conference, Seattle WT/MIN99 Ministerial Conference, Geneva WT/MIN98 Ministerial Conference, Singapore WT/MIN96 Ministerial Meeting, Marrakesh UR/TNCMIN94 Ministerial Meeting, Brussels UR/TNCMIN90 Ministerial Meeting, Montreal UR/TNCMIN88 Ministerial Meeting, Punta del Este UR/TNCMIN86</p><p>MEAT International Bovine Meat Agreement PLURI/IMA International Meat Council TR/IMC International Meat Council / Inventory TR/IMCINV - 38 -</p><p>MISCELLANEOUS Analytical Index JCR/ANAIND Analytical Index (Up-dated) JCR/NEWANIN2 Council Minutes JCR/COUMIN Committee of Participating Countries GG/CPC Interim Commission for the International Trade Organization GG/ICITO Special Distribution Documents WT/SPEC Summary Records JCR/SUMREC</p><p>NATURAL RESOURCE-BASED PRODUCTS Negotiating Group on Natural Resource-Based Products UR/GNGNG03</p><p>NON-TARIFF MEASURES See: Tariffs and Non-tariff Measures</p><p>NOTIFICATIONS Agreement between IMF and WTO – Notifications WT/TF/IMF Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade/Notifications TR/TBTNOT88 - 95 G/TBTNOT95 - Domestically Prohibited Goods DPG/Notif. General Documents GG/L Handbooks on notification requirements WT/TCNOTIF Intellectual Property IP/N Working Group on Notification Obligations and Procedures G/NOP</p><p>PHYTOSANITARY MEASURES See: Sanitary and phytosanitary measures</p><p>PREPARATORY COMMITTEE Preparatory Committee for the WTO WT/PC Airgrams WT/PCAIR Sub-Committee on Budget, Finance and Administration WT/PCBFA Members and Observers of the Prep. Committee and Sub-Committees WT/PCINF Sub-Committee on Institutional, Procedural and Legal Matters WT/PCIPL Sub-Committee on Services WT/PCSCS Sub-Committee on Services - Additions to Schedules WT/PCSCSSP Sub-Committee on Trade and Environment WT/PCSCTE</p><p>PRESS RELEASES Press Release (inc. Environment and TPR) WT/PRESS GG/GATT Press Release GATT/WTO GG/GW News of the Uruguay Round UR/NUR</p><p>PRESHIPMENT INSPECTION Preshipment Inspection G/PSI Negotiating Group on Non-Tariff Measures UR/GNGNG02</p><p>QUANTITATIVE RESTRICTIONS See: Tariffs and Non-Tariff Measures - 39 -</p><p>REGIONAL TRADE Regional Trade WT/REG General Documents GG/L Negotiating Group on GATT Articles UR/GNGNG07</p><p>RULES OF ORIGIN Committee on Rules of Origin G/RO Negotiating Group on Non-Tariff Measures UR/GNGNG02</p><p>SANITARY AND PHYTOSANITARY MEASURES Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures G/SPS</p><p>SAFEGUARDS Committee on Safeguards G/SG General Documents GG/L Negotiating Group on Safeguards UR/GNGNG09</p><p>SCHEDULES Services - Article II (MFN) Exemptions Lists SCHD/GATS-EL Services - Schedules of Specific Commitments SCHD/GATS-SC Services - Provis. Schedule of Specific Commitments under the GATS S/P Goods - Schedules of Concessions SCHD/WTO G/SECRET Goods - Rectifications and Modifications of Schedules Annexed to the Marrakesh Protocol G/RS Goods - Additions to Schedules Annexed to the Marrakesh Protocol to GATT 1994 G/SP</p><p>SECRETARIAT ADMINISTRATIVE Administrative Memo, Office Circular, Internal and Vacancy Notice (since 1 January 1995) OFFICE/99 OFFICE/98 OFFICE/97 OFFICE/96 OFFICE/95 Staff Council WTOS</p><p>SERVICES - TRADE IN Article II (MFN) Exemption Lists SCHD/GATS-EL Committee on Specific Commitments S/CSC Committee on Trade in Financial Services S/FIN Council for Trade in Services S/C Enquiry point S/ENQ General documents S/L Group on Basic Telecommunications S/GBT Group on Negotiations on Services UR/GNS Interim Group on Financial Services S/IGFS Negotiating Group on Basic Telecommunications S/NGBT Negotiating Group on Maritime Transport Services S/NGMTS Negotiating Group on Movement of Natural Persons S/NGNP Provis. schedule of specific commitments under the GATS S/P Schedules of specific commitments SCHD/GATS-SC Sub-Committee on Services WT/PCSCS Sub-Committee on Services - Additions to Schedules WT/PCSCSSP - 40 -</p><p>Working Group on Audiovisual Services UR/GNSAUD Working Group on Construction and Engineering Services UR/GNSCON Working Party on Domestic Regulation S/WPDR Working Group on Financial Services including Insurance UR/GNSFIN Working Group on Labour Mobility UR/GNSLAB Working Group on Professional Services UR/GNSPROF Working Group on Telecommunications Services UR/GNSTEL Working Group on Tourism Services UR/GNSTOUR Working Group on Transport Services UR/GNSTRANS Working Party on Professional Services S/WPPS Working Party on GATS Rules S/WPGR</p><p>SPECIAL DISTRIBUTION WTO WT/SPEC GATT GG/SPEC</p><p>STATE TRADING State Trading G/STR General Documents GG/L</p><p>SUBSIDIES AND COUNTERVAILING MEASURES Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures G/SCM TR/SCM Negotiating Group on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures UR/GNGNG10</p><p>SURVEILLANCE Surveillance Body (Rollback) UR/RBC Surveillance Body UR/SB</p><p>TARIFFS AND NON-TARIFF MEASURES Non-Tariff Measures and Quantitative Restrictions GG/NTM Inventory of Non-Tariff Measures GG/NTMINV Technical Group on Quant. Restrict. and Other Non-Tariff Measures GG/NTMTG Committee on Tariff Concessions GG/TAR Negotiating Group on Tariffs UR/GNGNG01 Negotiating Group on Non-Tariff Measures UR/GNGNG02 Integrated Data Base GG/IDB</p><p>TECHNICAL BARRIERS TO TRADE Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade G/TBT Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notifications G/TBTNOT95 - Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade TR/TBT Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade / Notifications TR/TBTNOT88 - 95 Negotiating Group on MTN Agreements and Arrangements UR/GNGNG08</p><p>TECHNICAL COOPERATION Handbooks on notification requirements WT/TCNOTIF</p><p>TEXTILES Textiles Monitoring Body G/TMB Textiles Committee GG/COMTEX Textiles Surveillance Body GG/COMTEXSB Negotiating Group on Textiles and Clothing UR/GNGNG04 UR/GNGTC - 41 -</p><p>TRADE AND COMPETITION POLICY Working Group on the Interaction between Trade and Competition Policy WT/WGTCP</p><p>TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT Committee on Trade and Development WT/COMTD GG/COMTD</p><p>TRADE AND ENVIRONMENT Committee on Trade and Environment WT/CTE Sub-Committee on Trade and Environment WT/PCSCTE Bulletin covering GATT's activities relating to Trade and Environment GG/TE Group on Environmental Measures and International Trade GG/TRE Press Release PRESS/TE</p><p>TRADE AND FINANCE Coherence: WTO – IMF – WORLDBANK WT/TF/COH Agreement between the IMF and WTO – Notifications WT/TF/IMF</p><p>TRADE AND INVESTMENT Working Group on the relationship between Trade and Investment WT/WGTI</p><p>TRADE POLICY REVIEW Trade Policy Review Body WT/TPR Trade Policy Review Mechanism GG/CRM Press Release PRESS/TPRB</p><p>TRADE-RELATED INVESTMENT MEASURES Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures G/TRIMS Negotiating Group on Trade-related Investment Measures UR/GNGNG12 Negotiating Group on Rule Making and Trade-related Invest. Investment Measures UR/GNGRM</p><p>TRADE NEGOTIATIONS Trade Negotiations Committee UR/TNC Trade Negotiations Committee / Legal Drafting Group UR/TNCLD Trade Negotiations Committee / Ministerial Meeting, Punta del Este UR/TNCMIN86 Trade Negotiations Committee / Ministerial Meeting, Montreal UR/TNCMIN88 Trade Negotiations Committee / Ministerial Meeting, Brussels UR/TNCMIN90 Trade Negotiations Committee / Ministerial Meeting, Marrakesh UR/TNCMIN94</p><p>TROPICAL PRODUCTS Negotiating Group on Tropical Products UR/GNGNG06</p>
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