Miami-Dade County Public Schools s6

Miami-Dade County Public Schools s6

<p> MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Prekindergarten Program for Children with Disabilities Teacher Checklist 2015-2016 August _____ CREATE a classroom folder for each student. Start with the following: IEP, Signed Photo Consent Form (Appendix F7 or Y3), Individual Daily Schedule with therapies (Appendix B2), Emergency Contact information (Appendix A5), and Parent/Teacher Communication Log (Appendix Y6). _____ REVIEW each student’s IEP (conference notes, initiation/duration date, frequency of therapies, consultations, nursing, allergies, etc.) _____ COMPLETE Class List (Appendix A-3) as you review each IEP. _____ NOTIFY SLP, OT and PT of students in your classroom with therapy on the IEP _____ SEND parent notification letter for any IEP due in September and notify PT, OT, & SLP (as needed) in a timely manner so they can plan to attend or send written input (pg. 2 of Notification of Meeting) _____ BEGIN WRITING daily lesson plans (Appendix D) _____ WRITE Temporary Instructor lesson plans _____ LOCATE “Early Childhood Development” Chart (by Pro Ed) and place in lesson plan book. _____ CHECK the online BDI-2 MDS database ( for each student’s entry assessment (Refer to directions in Appendix U1 - “BDI MDS Guidelines & FAQs”). _____ NOTIFY Stephanie Rad via e-mail, [email protected], of any student who does NOT appear in the BDI-2 MDS online database. ____ NOTIFY Deanna DeCario via e-mail, of all students who have “Consultation in Communication, Behavior, or Independent Functioning” in the Supplementary Aids & Services section of the IEP. September _____ UPDATE your Class List (Appendix A-3) and send it to your school’s assigned PreK Staffing Specialist via e- mail and to [email protected] by Thursday, September 3rd, 2015. _____ ADMINISTER PELI pre-test to all SPED 4 yr. olds prior to implementing B.E.L.L. Program (Appendix U) _____ UPDATE any IEP and Matrix due in September _____ SEND parent notification letter for any IEP due in October and notify PT, OT, & SLP (as needed) in a timely manner so they can plan to attend or send written input (pg. 2 of Notification of Meeting) _____ ATTEND one of the “NEW Assessment & Documentation” Information meetings being held on Sept. 14, 2015 or a 2nd date option TBA _____ COMPLETE the “Guide for Documenting Student Progress” for your class, individualize as needed for each student’s IEP, and place a copy of the form in each student’s class folder. _____ BEGIN taking weekly key developmental indicator anecdotes (1 per student/per area/per week) using one of the forms in Appendix H in the areas of Social/Emotional, Communication, and any other area for which KDI Anecdotes is a chosen form of documenting student progress _____ CREATE data collection sheets for every IEP goal for each SPED student (Forms in Appendix Q & in M5/N10 for LEAP/ASD) _____ BEGIN (week of Sept. 21st) administering BDI-2 Entry assessments, using the MDS, for students without a “Part B Entry” assessment already in the online database & upload. _____ COMPLETE “PreK Transitions & Changes of Placement” List (Appendix A2)and e-mail to your school’s assigned PreK Staffing Specialist AND your school’s assigned LEA. _____ REGISTER on the Professional Development Website for PreK Staff Development (Appendix G) _____ COMPLETE Classroom Inventory of Materials and send via e-mail to [email protected] by Friday, September 18, 2015 (Appendix I3 or I4) _____ START/UPDATE an ATIP for each student who has one recommended on the IEP (or continuing from last year). E-mail all ATIPs to Deanna DeCario ([email protected]) and Dearta Smith ([email protected]) for addition to the PreK SPED AT database. _____ START observations for the Functional Assessment of Behavior (FAB) (Appendix N5) and the Positive Behavior Support Plan (PBSP) (Appendix N8) for students as needed. _____ ADMINISTER VPK Assessment pre-test for all VPK role models October _____ UPDATE Class List (Appendix A-3) and re-send it to your school’s assigned PreK Staffing Specialist via</p><p>Appendix A4 e-mail and to [email protected] by Thursday, October 8th, 2015. _____ Update any IEP and Matrix which is due in October _____ SEND parent notification letter for any IEP due in November and notify PT, OT, & SLP (as needed) in a timely manner so they can plan to attend or send written input (pg. 2 of Notification of Meeting) _____ COMPLETE the ”PreK AT Guide” (Appendix J3, a one-page checklist) for every student who has difficulty with communication and/or physical access (except those who already have a current ATIP). E-mail the forms that have a “yes” answer in any of the 4 boxes on the right side to Deanna DeCario and Dearta Smith. _____ COMPLETE Teacher’s Needs Assessment online survey by Tuesday, October 13th, 2015. _____ COMPLETE all pre-test classroom assessments (Appendix U) _____ COMPLETE all Assessment Summary Charts (revised charts in Appendix U2) for the BDI-2 & PELI and e-mail to [email protected] by Friday, October 23, 2014 _____ LOCATE a copy of each child’s Entry BDI-2 Report and the accompanying Assessment Summary Chart and place in each child’s cumulative file (teal folder). _____ COMPLETE the “High Quality Classroom Checklist” (Appendix W & M6). (Bring it to the Classroom Management Training on 10/30/15.) _____ ATTEND one (1) of the three (3) IEP Training/Afternoon Meetings being held by your assigned PreK Staffing Specialist: 10/20/15, 10/26/15, or 11/9/15 _____ BEGIN Transition Activities for Exiting 5 year olds (by meeting with the Pre-K staffing specialist)</p><p>November _____ UPDATE any IEP and Matrix due in November _____ SEND parent notification letter for any IEP due in December and notify PT, OT, & SLP (as needed) in a timely manner so they can plan to attend or send written input (pg. 2 of Notification of Meeting) _____ ATTEND one (1) of the three (3) Matrix Training/Afternoon Meetings being held by your PreK Staffing Specialist: 11/17/15, 11/19/15, or 11/23/15 _____ Friday, November 20, 2015 is the end of first grading period (60 days) _____ COMPLETE the Curriculum Based Measurement (Progress Report) for each SPED student (Appendix R) for the first grading period (8/24/15 – 11/20/15) _____ REVIEW IEP annual goals and complete SPED EMS Progress Report (Marking Period 1), print, attach to Curriculum Based Measurement and send home Monday, November 23, 2015 ____ ATTACH SPED EMS Progress Reports to the IEP and file in the cumulative record _____ SCHEDULE Parent Conferences to review Progress Reports _____ COMPLETE pre-test classroom assessments and assessment summary charts on students who entered in October; send computerized results to [email protected] (Appendix U) _____ COMPLETE all RTs for transitioning students, as needed. _____ UPDATE all ATIPs in the “Results” section and email to Deanna DeCario & Dearta Smith. Indicate requests for feedback, classroom assistance, or assessment support (especially for those students transitioning to kindergarten). ** For ATIPs that are primarily for behavior and/or social skills or for students in a TEACCH or LEAP classroom, cc: Kathy Velazquez ([email protected]) and Claudia Monsalve ([email protected]). ** For ATIPs primarily for Independent Functioning, cc: Laura Seminario. _____ DEVELOP Functional Assessment of Behavior (FAB) (Appendix N5) and the Positive Behavior Support Plan (PBSP) (Appendix N8) for students as needed. December</p><p>_____ UPDATE any IEP and Matrix due in December _____ SEND parent notification letter for any IEP due in January and notify PT, OT, & SLP (as needed) in a timely manner so they can plan to attend or send written input (pg. 2 of Notification of Meeting) _____ COMPLETE pre-test classroom assessments and assessment summary charts on students who entered in November; send computerized results to [email protected] (Appendix U) Appendix A4 _____ UPDATE your “PreK Transitions & Changes of Placement” List (from Appendix A2)and e-mail to your school’s assigned PreK Staffing Specialist AND your school’s assigned LEA.</p><p>January</p><p>_____ UPDATE any IEP and Matrix due in January _____ SEND parent notification letter for any IEP due in February and notify PT, OT, & SLP (as needed) in a timely manner so they can plan to attend or send written input (pg. 2 of Notification of Meeting) _____ COMPLETE mid-year PELI _____ COMPLETE pre-test classroom assessments (BDI-2 &/or PELI) and assessment summary charts on students who entered in December; send computerized results to [email protected] (Appendix U) _____ SCHEDULE ESY meetings with parents, as needed _____ ADMINISTER VPK Assessment mid-year test for all VPK role models</p><p>February</p><p>_____ UPDATE Class List (Appendix A-3) and re-send it to your school’s assigned PreK Staffing Specialist via e-mail and to [email protected] by Thursday, February 4th, 2016. _____ UPDATE any IEP and Matrix due in February _____ SEND parent notification letter for any IEP due in March and notify PT, OT, & SLP (as needed) in a timely manner so they can plan to attend or send written input (pg. 2 of Notification of Mtg.) _____ COMPLETE pre-test classroom assessments (BDI-2 &/or PELI) and assessment summary charts on students who entered in January; send computerized results to [email protected] (Appendix U) _____ UPDATE your “PreK Transitions & Changes of Placement” List (from Appendix A2)and e-mail to your school’s assigned PreK Staffing Specialist AND your school’s assigned LEA. _____ ATTEND the “Transition to Kindergarten” PD, instructed by your assigned PreK Staffing Specialist, on February 16, 2015. (Bring your PreK Transitions & Changes of Placement” list.) _____ UPDATE all ATIPs in the “Results” section and email to Deanna DeCario & Dearta Smith. Indicate requests for feedback, classroom assistance, or assessment (especially for those students transitioning to kindergarten).</p><p>** For ATIPs that are primarily for behavior and/or social skills or for students in a TEACCH or LEAP classroom, cc: Kathy Velazquez ([email protected]) and Claudia Monsalve ([email protected]).</p><p>** For ATIPs primarily for Independent Functioning, cc: Laura Seminario. _____ SCHEDULE ESY meeting(s) with parents</p><p>March _____ UPDATE any IEP and Matrix due in March _____ SEND parent notification letter for any IEP due in April and notify PT, OT, & SLP (as needed) in a timely manner so they can plan to attend or send written input (pg. 2 of Notification of Mtg.) _____ COMPLETE pre-test classroom assessments and assessment summary charts for students who entered in February; send computerized results to [email protected] (Appendix U) _____ PREPARE for transition to kindergarten staffings. Begin post-test classroom assessments for students transitioning to kindergarten. (Exit BDI-2 Assessments must be administered during the designated assessment period: March 1-15, 2015, and uploaded by March18, 2015. Refer to Appendix U for further guidance.) _____ Tuesday, March 8, 2016 is the end of second grading period (60 days) _____ COMPLETE the Curriculum Based Measurement (Progress Report) for each SPED student for the </p><p>Appendix A4 second grading period (11/23/15 – 3/08/16) _____ REVIEW IEP annual goals and complete SPED EMS Progress Report (Marking Period 2), print, attach to Curriculum Based Measurement and send home Wednesday, March 9, 2016 _____ ATTACH SPED EMS Progress Reports to the IEP and file in the cumulative record _____ SCHEDULE Parent Conferences to review Progress Reports _____ CONTINUE to COMPLETE post-test classroom assessments and assessment summary charts for students transitioning to kindergarten and students returning to Pre-K _____ ATTEND Transition to Kindergarten Staffings April _____ UPDATE any IEP and Matrix due April _____ SEND parent notification letter for any IEP due in May and notify PT, OT, & SLP (as needed) in a timely manner so they can plan to attend or send written input (pg. 2 of Notification of Meeting) _____ UPDATE your “PreK Transitions & Changes of Placement” List (from Appendix A2) and e-mail to your school’s assigned PreK Staffing Specialist AND your school’s assigned LEA. (Consult your staffing specialist regarding PreK Changes of Placement for next year.) _____ COMPLETE pre-test classroom assessments and assessment summary charts for students who entered in March; send computerized results to [email protected] (Appendix U) _____ CONTINUE to COMPLETE PELI post-assessments and assessment summary charts for students transitioning to kindergarten and students returning to Pre-K _____ UPDATE all ATIPs in the “Results” section and email to Deanna DeCario & Dearta Smith. _____ ATTEND Transition to Kindergarten Staffings _____ IEPs due June, July, August and early September for students returning to Pre-K must be updated prior to June 9, 2016 May _____ UPDATE any IEP and Matrix due May _____ COMPLETE pre-test classroom assessments and assessment summary charts for students who entered in April; send computerized results to [email protected] (Appendix U) _____ ATTEND Transition to Kindergarten Staffings _____ COMPLETE any IEPs due in June, July, August, & early September for students returning to Pre-K _____ SEND all completed post-test Assessment Summary Charts for the BDI-2 and PELI for all SPED students, via e-mail, to [email protected] _____ COMPLETE Miami-Dade Pre-K SPED Program Evaluation online survey _____ RETURN Parent End-of-Year Evaluations to mail code 9614, Attn: Alexandre Lopes _____ ADMINISTER VPK Assessment post-test for all VPK role models</p><p>June</p><p>_____ Thursday, June 9, 2016 is the end of third grading period (60 days) _____ COMPLETE the Curriculum Based Measurement (Progress Report) for each SPED student for the third grading period (3/09/16 – 6/09/16). _____ REVIEW IEP annual goals and complete SPED EMS Progress Report (Marking Period 3), print, attach to Curriculum Based Measurement and send home Thursday, June 9, 2016 _____ ATTACH SPED EMS Progress Reports to the IEP and file in the cumulative record _____ COMPLETE Kindergarten Transition Packets (Rainbow Folders) for students transitioning to kindergarten and place in cumulative record _____ CLEAN and PREPARE classroom for summer break _____ LOCK UP valuable Pre-K materials, especially Boardmaker software, voice output devices and other electronics ****(Boardmaker software will not be replaced if lost or stolen)*** _____ LABEL all Pre-K materials with “Pre-K SPED”</p><p>REFER TO TEACHER HANDBOOK AT HTTP://PREKESE.DADESCHOOLS.NET FOR ALL QUESTIONS Appendix A4</p>

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