<p> SCHOOL OF AEROSPACE, MECHANICAL AND MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING</p><p>SIR LAWRENCE WACKETT AEROSPACE RESEARCH CENTRE SUMMER INTERN SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES FOR 2013</p><p>EXPECTED DURATION: 25TH NOVEMBER 2013 – 28TH FEBRUARY 2014 MONETARY AMOUNT FOR ALL SCHOLARSHIPS IS $5000</p><p>SCHOLARSHIP TITLE OF SUPERVISOR OR REQUIREMENTS/ NUMBER PROJECT SPONSOR DETAILS COMMENTS 1. Multi-functional Dr George Yiapanis Apply RMIT website and structural [email protected] http://www.rmit.edu.au/abo nanocomposites u ut/employment- by design Phone: 9925 3210 opportunities</p><p>2. Lighter-than-air Assoc Prof Cees Bil Apply RMIT website stationary [email protected] http://www.rmit.edu.au/abo observation UAV Phone: 9925 6176 ut/employment- platform opportunities</p><p>3. Aircraft flight path Assoc Prof Cees Bil Apply RMIT website optimisation [email protected] http://www.rmit.edu.au/abo using prevailing Phone: 9925 6176 ut/employment- wind models opportunities</p><p>4. Assessment of Prof. Jiyuan Tu Apply RMIT website inhalation [email protected] http://www.rmit.edu.au/abo exposure of Phone: 9925 6191 ut/employment- ozone initiated opportunities chemistry in airline cabins 5. Selective laser Dr Adrian Orifici Apply RMIT website melting for [email protected] http://www.rmit.edu.au/abo titanium bonding Phone: 9925 6092 ut/employment- with improved opportunities surface preparation 6. Characterisation Dr Adrian Orifici Apply RMIT website of mechanical [email protected] http://www.rmit.edu.au/abo and electrical Phone: 9925 6092 ut/employment- degradation in opportunities flexible solar cells 7. Analysis of the Dr Reece Clothier Apply RMIT website effectiveness of [email protected] http://www.rmit.edu.au/abo civil primary Phone: 9925 7007 ut/employment- surveillance radar opportunities for the detection of small unmanned aircraft systems 8. Optical fibre Dr Graham Wild Apply RMIT website sensors for [email protected] http://www.rmit.edu.au/abo greener and safer Phone: 9925 8015 ut/employment- air data systems opportunities</p><p>9. Fly-by-light uavs: Dr Graham Wild Apply RMIT website design and [email protected] http://www.rmit.edu.au/abo implementation of Phone: 9925 8015 ut/employment- an all optical opportunities power and flight control system 10. Flax laminate Dr Everson Kandare Apply RMIT website aluminium [email protected]. http://www.rmit.edu.au/abo reinforced epoxy au ut/employment- (flare) for Phone 9925 6166 opportunities automotive and rail engineering 11. Improving Dr Akbar Khatibi Apply RMIT website acoustic [email protected] http://www.rmit.edu.au/abo properties of Phone 9925 6105 ut/employment- composite aircraft opportunities structures 12. Heat transfer Prof. Gary Rosengarten Apply RMIT website enhancement [email protected]. http://www.rmit.edu.au/abo using two-phase au ut/employment- flow in Phone 9925 8020 opportunities microchannels It is expected the student will have an interest in thermal fluids or microtechnology and have studied some fluid mechanics and heat transfer. </p><p>** Please make sure you indicate which project you are interested in applying for** Scholarship Number 1</p><p>Project Proposal: MULTI-FUNCTIONAL AND STRUCTURAL NANOCOMPOSITES BY DESIGN </p><p>Background: Graphene-based polymer nanocomposites are an emerging class of highly functional advanced materials that hold promise for a more versatile and cheaper alternative to conventional composite materials. Their full potential can only truly be realised by exploring these structures at the atomic-level to gain a fundamental understanding of the structure-property relation. The aim of this project is to use molecular modelling to develop graphene-based composites with superior structural, thermo-mechanical and electrical properties. We propose to apply computational modelling to complement experimental fabrication and testing to obtain a basic understanding of the effects of processing conditions on the structural and functional performance of these novel structures.</p><p>Aim: To develop multi-phase graphene-enhanced polymer nanocomposites with improved structural, thermo-mechanical and transport (electrical and thermal) properties.</p><p>Research Activities: Computational molecular models of graphene-based nanocomposites will be developed in complete atomic detail based on experimental processing conditions using highly advanced molecular modelling software. The candidate will implement molecular dynamics to investigate the effects of curing conditions and parameters including applied electric field, resin viscosity and volume fraction on the ability of graphene to form thermal and electrical conductive networks within the composite</p><p>Research Innovations: A great deal of information about the properties of complex composite systems can be obtained from the structure and interactions at the atomic scale. However, for graphene-based nanocomposites, the atomic level structure- property relationship is lacking. This highly innovative project performed via a cross- disciplinary approach, aims to allow the discovery of fundamental insights into the mechanics and transport mechanisms in graphene-based nanocomposites. Significance: The significance of this project is the discovery of new enabling science to enhance structural, thermal-mechanical and transport (electrical and thermal) properties of multi-phase polymeric composites. Research outcomes from this collaborative project will enable the tailoring of nanocomposite properties for a wide range of applications in areas that address many of Australia’s major social and environmental challenges. These include sensor technology, civil engineering and automotive and air transport, which are vital in helping reduce CO2 emission and other pollutants generated from the consumption of fossil fuels. Supervisors: Dr. George Yiapanis, Dr. Everson Kandare, Dr. Akbar A. Khatibi, Prof. Irene Yarovsky</p><p>Snapshot of epoxy/graphene interface in full atomic detail.</p><p>Image depicting graphene flakes buckling upon application of an electric field. Scholarship Number 2</p><p>Project Proposal: LIGHTER-THAN-AIR STATIONARY OBSERVATION UAV PLATFORM </p><p>Aim: Lighter-Than-Air vehicles were the first devices capable of lifting a useful payload. Recent advances in material technology and design allow balloons to be closed and support high pressure. These balloons have the capacity to stay aloft for very long times with low energy consumption. These types of balloons are attractive as a stationary platform, e.g. for earth observation, telecommunication, relay, etc.</p><p>Research Activities: • Develop a model LTA UAV that can be used for experimental testing. • Development control laws for station-keeping under vaious external disturbances. • Conduct verification of control law design in actual experiment. • Optimise control laws to minimise energy usage.</p><p>Supervisors: A/Prof Cees Bil, A/Prof Roberto Sabatini Scholarship Number 3</p><p>Project Proposal: AIRCRAFT FLIGHT PATH OPTIMISATION USING PREVAILING WIND MODELS </p><p>Aim: Air traffic makes extensive use of prevailing winds to optimise their flight path for minimum fuel consumption. The use of satellite Earth observation techniques has improved the temporal and special forecasting of average winds. Tracking tail winds or reducing head winds reduces fuel consumption for air traffic.</p><p>Research Activities: • Develop a typical wind model for a Dubai to Melbourne route as obtained from satellite data and other sources. • Extend the ATM optimisation technique developed at SAMME to include wind data. • Conduct optimisation simulations for Dubai to Melbourne and vice versa air traffic.</p><p>Supervisors (and advisory team): A/Prof Cees Bil, Prof. Andrew Eberhard (SMGC), Grant Williams (Thales) Scholarship Number 4</p><p>Project Proposal: ASSESSMENT OF INHALATION EXPOSURE OF OZONE INITIATED CHEMISTRY IN AIRLINE CABINS</p><p>Background: Ozone is a photochemical pollutant whose outdoor concentration frequently exceeds the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. Cabin ozone originates either from outdoor air entry on the ground or during the course of flying. It is an important indoor pollutant not only due to its own adverse health effects, but also due to its ability to react with other volatile organic compounds (VOCs), either in the gas phase or on indoor surfaces including occupants (passengers et al.), to form products called ozone-derived secondary emissions (such as formaldehyde and ultrafine particles), which may be more harmful than primary emissions from indoor materials. </p><p>Aim: To determine the effects caused by exposure, inhalation, deposition, and respiratory cell responses to contaminants found in aircraft cabins, which will allow development of an innovative and integrated predictive tool for health risk assessment. The research questions of this project include: </p><p>Research Activities: • Identify possible Ozone- initiated reaction mechanisms in air cabin environments. • Perform Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations to assess the impact of the Ozone-initiated chemistry on cabin air quality</p><p>Supervisors: Prof Jiyuan Tu, Dr Kiao Inthavong</p><p>Scholarship Number 5</p><p>Project Proposal: SELECTIVE LASER MELTING FOR TITANIUM BONDING WITH IMPROVED SURFACE PREPARATION </p><p>Background: Adhesive bonding to titanium remains an expensive challenge for many high performance industries, due to the significant effort required to prepare the hard and smooth surface of titanium manufactured using traditional methods. Selective laser melting can produce titanium products with an increased surface roughness, where the characteristics of the surface are directly related to the SLM processing parameters. This has the potential for manufacture of tailored SLM parts with improved bonding performance. </p><p>Aim: To optimise the surface of SLM-manufactured titanium for adhesive bonding, and compare this to traditional manufacturing and bonding surface preparation techniques.</p><p>Research Activities: • Investigate the relationship between processing parameters, surface characteristics and bond strength for SLM-manufactured titanium. • Investigate the mechanical properties of an SLM-manufactured specimen where the surface has been optimised for adhesive bonding.</p><p>Supervisors: Dr Adrian Orifici, Dr Stefanie Feih Scholarship Number 6</p><p>Project Proposal: CHARACTERISATION OF MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL DEGRADATION IN FLEXIBLE SOLAR CELLS</p><p>Background: Flexible solar cells are seeing increasing use across a wide range of applications and industries. However, the performance of flexible solar cells under mechanical loads is not well known, and in particular the link between mechanical loading and degradation and reduction in electrical performance is unclear. </p><p>Aim: To study the effect of mechanical loading on the performance of flexible solar cells, and investigate the link between mechanical loading and electrical performance.</p><p>Research Activities: • Characterise the mechanical properties of flexible solar cells in static and fatigue loads. • Characterise the electrical performance of mechanically tested solar cells • Develop a relationship between the mechanical and electrical performance. </p><p>Supervisors: Dr Adrian Orifici, Prof. Chun Wang Scholarship Number 7</p><p>Project Proposal: ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CIVIL PRIMARY SURVEILLANCE RADAR FOR THE DETECTION OF SMALL UNMANNED AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS</p><p>Background: The 2013 Teal Report estimated the UAS market to be worth of $85 billion U.S. dollars over the next decade [1]. Approximately 88% of the total Unmanned Aircraft (UA) fleet are expected to belong to the mini UA or small UA classes [1]. Their small size coupled with their construction from materials such as plastic, wood, fibreglass and composite fibre are likely to make UA difficult to detect using primary radar systems. This poses an issue for Air Traffic Control (ATC), which is reliant on the use of primary radar systems for airspace surveillance, precision approaches and for monitoring surface movements at airports. Whilst small UA are not expected to routinely use controlled aerodromes, there is the potential for UA to violate control areas. Such a situation occurred in October 2012 when a remote pilot lost control of an unmanned airship in Keysborough, Victoria. The airship proceeded to violate the Moorabbin Class D control area [2]. The airship came within 2.7NM of Moorabbin airport and reached a maximum altitude of 1,930ft [2] making it a direct collision threat to aircraft using the active airfield. Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR) is necessary for the detection of non-cooperative (non-transponder equipped) aircraft.1 As the number of small UA flying in suburban areas increases, so too will the potential for small UA to stray into controlled airspace. </p><p>Aims and Objectives: The aim of this project is to determine the visibility of a range of typical civil and commercial UAS to standard air traffic control PSR. To date, there is no publically available data on the radar cross section (RCS) of typical commercial-off-the-shelf unmanned aircraft. This study intends to be the first in the world to conduct such analysis.</p><p>Research Activities: • Create CAD models of a typical multi-rotor, small and medium sized fixed wing UA; • Estimate the Radar Cross Section (RCS) of the three UA using existing numerical modelling techniques;</p><p>1 It is worth noting that Moorabbin airport is not equipped with a primary surveillance radar (PSR) and that the wayward airship was detected visually by an Air Traffic Controller in the Moorabbin tower. • Verify modelled results using experimental data conducted in the RMIT School of Electrical and Computer Engineering RF anechoic test chamber; • Publish results in high quality journal paper.</p><p>Research Significance: The outcomes from this study will be of significant interest to Air Navigation Service Providers, ATM surveillance technology suppliers (e.g., Thales, Raytheon, Saab Sensis) and UAS manufacturers around the world. This study will be a key input to a review of the effectiveness of existing ATM surveillance systems and procedures for UAS.</p><p>Supervisors: Dr. Reece Clothier & Dr. Roberto Sabatini Dr Reece Clothier and Mr Thomas Baum</p><p>References: [1] Zaloga SJ., Rockwell D., and Finnegan P. (2013) “2013 Market Profile and Forecast, World Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems.” Teal Group Corporation, Fairfax, VA, USA. [2] “Airspace incursion involving unmanned airship, Airship 11, 2.7 NM E of Moorabbin Airport, Victoria on 28 October 2012.” Investigation number: AO-2012- 143. Australian Transportation Safety Bureau, Canberra, Australia. Retrieved from: http://www.atsb.gov.au/media/4090797/AO-2012-143%20Final.pdf (5-Aug-13) Scholarship Number 8</p><p>Project Proposal: OPTICAL FIBRE SENSORS FOR GREENER AND SAFER AIR DATA SYSTEMS</p><p>Background: Air data instruments represent the most fundamental of traditional mechanical and electronic sensors used in aircraft. The air data system gathers information about airspeed, altitude, and rate of climb/descent. However, the fact that these systems are mechanical and electronic means they are relatively heavy and pose a fire risk. The solution posed in this research is to replace these traditional instruments with innovative optical fibre solutions. These novel optical fibre instruments will be lighter, as well as inherently safer. </p><p>Aim: To design transducers that will convert air pressure into strain to be measured by an optical fibre Bragg grating, which will have sensitivities given the range and resolution of the pressure measurements required.</p><p>Research Activities: • Finite Element Modelling (FEM) of relatively simple pressure transducers, based on design specifications. • Fabricate prototype transducers and measure static, dynamic, and differential pressures, based on altimeter, airspeed indicator, and vertical velocity indicator.</p><p>Supervisor: Dr Graham Wild</p><p>Scholarship Number 9</p><p>Project Proposal: FLY-BY-LIGHT UAVS: DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF AN ALL OPTICAL POWER AND FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM</p><p>Background: Electrical systems in aircraft consume considerable weight and space, while also presenting an increased risk of fire. Optical fibre technology represents a lighter, more compact way of delivering greater data rates, with little to no associated fire risk. Recent developments also mean that power can be transmitted over optical fibre links. Based on a preliminary feasibility study, on the data and power requirements of UAV flight control systems, this project will develop the first all optical fly-by-light aircraft flight control systems. </p><p>Aim: To design a full “3 axis” fly-by-light control system for an appropriate UAV. Further experimental work may be possible, to control and power a servo via an optical fibre link, facilitating the design and development of a 3 axis flight by light control system</p><p>Research Activities: • Feasibility study of all optical fly-by-light flight control systems • Design and implementation of single and then multi-axis fly-by-light control systems, for use in test conditions, and then in flight tests.</p><p>Supervisors: Dr Graham Wild, Dr Reece Clothier</p><p>Scholarship Number 10</p><p>Project Proposal: FLAX LAMINATE ALUMINIUM REINFORCED EPOXY (FLARE) FOR AUTOMOTIVE AND RAIL ENGINEERING</p><p>Background: There has been an extensive drive towards the development of new light-weight materials for automotive and rail applications with the objective to reduce CO 2 emissions. Glass Laminate Aluminium Reinforced Epoxy (GLARE) composites are a success story of the hybridisation design process combining desirable properties of metallic alloys and fibre/polymer laminates. However, GLARE is relatively expensive when considered for less structurally- demanding engineering applications such as automotive and rail. Thus, the replacement of glass reinforcements by relatively cheaper and lighter bio-fibre counterparts, could offer a cost- effective solution to the challenge of reducing the carbon footprint from road and rail transport systems. A new metal bio-fibre laminate is proposed that will satisfy criteria for automotive and rail application: (i) high specific structural properties, (ii) engineering sustainability and (iii) cost effectiveness. In this project, flax fibres have been proposed at replacement for glass reinforcements due to their comparable mechanical properties to the later. The successful development of a new class of a hybrid composite material such as Flax Laminate Aluminium Reinforced Epoxy (FLARE) demands a good understanding of many fundamental scientific issues governing the mechanics of such hybrid systems. The basic understanding of the effect of bio-fibres on the structural performance of metal-fibre laminates is lacking and is subject of the proposed project. Aim: To design and develop aluminium bio-fibre hybrid laminate composites with high specific structural properties for automotive and rail engineering applications.</p><p>Research Activities: To develop and evaluate the mechanics of FLARE composites with the objective to incorporate this new material in automotive and rail engineering. To investigate the effect of flax fibres on the mechanics of the hybrid composites To explore the feasibility of replacing glass reinforcements with bio-fibres for applications in automotive and rail sectors</p><p>Research Innovations: The proposed project will lead to the development of a new hybrid composite incorporating the mechanical properties of aluminium and flax/epoxy. This will be the first time FLARE composites would have been reported in literature. That is, there are numerous discoveries concerning the fundamental mechanics of this novel material that stand to be uncovered. The inclusion of flax fibres in place of glass reinforcements is in itself an innovative approach with a promising outlook for the automotive and rail industry.</p><p>Significance: The combination of aluminium alloys with bio-fibres offers an opportunity to create new hybrid materials with increased specific mechanical properties. This new class of material has potential to help solve some of the complex social and environmental challenges of our generation including significant reductions in CO2 emissions. Research outcomes from this project will enable the tailoring of new hybrid material properties for a wide range of applications within the automotive and rail industries. The inclusion of light-weight materials generated from renewable resources is one way of reducing CO2 emission and other pollutants generated from the consumption of fossil fuels. The proposed project falls under the field of advanced composite structures which is one of the main focus areas within SAMME. Supervisors: Dr. Everson Kandare and Dr. Akbar A. Khatibi Scholarship Number 11</p><p>Project Proposal: IMPROVING ACOUSTIC PROPERTIES OF COMPOSITE AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES</p><p>Background: In recent years, there has been an extensive demand to reduce the noise level in commercial aircrafts. Current research is mostly concentrated on long term solutions such as lowering aerodynamic-, engine- and other mechanical noise produced during take-off, cruise and landing. In addition to these approaches, it is also important to reduce the interior cabin’s noise level to provide more passenger comfort especially during long flights. Although composite laminates containing natural fibres have superior acoustic properties they, however, suffer from low mechanical properties and cannot be used as load bearing components. Hybrid materials incorporating natural fibres (flax) and synthetic fibres (glass or carbon) could provide the solution to improving acoustic properties without compromising structural integrity of composite aircrafts.</p><p>Aim: To investigate the acoustic and mechanical properties of hybrid composites in order to optimise the laminate layup and its constituent materials </p><p>Research Activities: • Develop a numerical model to simulate acoustic properties of hybrid composite laminates • Conduct a parametric study to identify important factors that affect structural and acoustic properties of hybrid laminates • Manufacture hybrid composite laminates and measure their mechanical and acoustic properties • Validate the predictive numerical model for acoustic and structural properties</p><p>Research Innovations: The development of numerical models to simulate the acoustic behaviour of hybrid composite laminates will provide a tool to investigate the effects of varying constituent fibre reinforcements on this property. Additionally, the configuration effect (e.g., lay- up sequence) of different fibre/polymer plies will be investigated with the objective to discover mechanisms that govern acoustic behaviour. This highly innovative project, performed via a cross-disciplinary approach, will aim to provide fundamental insights into the mechanics of multifunctional hybrid composite materials. The combination of experimental and theoretical approaches is expected to lead to the design and development of novel hybrid composite materials optimised for increased structural and acoustic performance. </p><p>Significance: The significance of this project lies in the discovery of new science enabling the design and development of new composite materials offering the combination of superior structural and acoustic properties. The research outcomes from the proposed project should enable the optimisation of hybrid fibre/polymer composites for structurally-demanding applications where noise reduction is also a requirement. The use of natural fibres in the development of the proposed composite materials should help address some of our major social and environmental challenges including the reduction of CO2 emissions. The proposed hybrid composite materials address some of the strategic research priorities of the Australian Government, those of ‘maximising Australia’s competitive advantage in critical sectors’.</p><p>This project also responds to the University's strategic research priorities in the area of “smart technology solutions” and has potential applications across various industrial sectors including aerospace, automotive and rail. These are some of the research areas identified by RMIT for advancing strategic partnerships in education and research. This project presents a unique opportunity to strategically integrate natural fibres into structural fibre/polymer composites with the objective to create new and better materials with enhanced acoustic properties. Supervisors: Dr. Akbar A. Khatibi and Dr. Everson Kandare Scholarship Number 12</p><p>Project Proposal: HEAT TRANSFER ENHANCEMENT USING TWO-PHASE FLOW IN MICROCHANNELS </p><p>Background: The removal of high heat flux from miniaturised electronic devices is an increasing problem as more elements are packed onto computer chips. High density microchannel heat sinks have been developed to help solve this problem, but they are limited to laminar flow and thus relatively low heat transfer rates. One method to increase the heat transfer rate is to utilise 2 immiscible liquids, like water and oil for example, to form what is called slug flow or Taylor flow. It has been shown that Taylor flow can increase heat transfer rates by several hundred per cent, but optimal flow rate characteristics are not clear and results in the literature vary widely.</p><p>Aim: The aim of this project is to use micro Particle Imaging Velocimetry (PIV) and thermal imaging to determine the types of two phase flow that maximise the heat transfer rate in microchannels.</p><p>Significance and Innovation: Using two immiscible liquid phases in microchannels is a very simple and cheap method of increasing heat transfer rates considerably for a variety of applications. This is a significant area which is highlighted by the fact that there is a large US DARPA research program dedicated to thermal management technologies, as there is the realisation that we need to be able to effectively cool electronics to keep performance increases at the current rate. The research area for this project has not had much attention in the literature. The student on this project will being working with a PhD student doing careful micro Particle Imaging Velocimetry and thermal imaging to determine the flow and thermal fields for a variety of two phase flows conditions in microchannels. The results will be new and easily publishable in top scientific journals and provide thermal designers with guidelines for designing heat transfer devices. </p><p>It is expected the student will have an interest in thermal fluids or microtechnology and have studied some fluid mechanics and heat transfer. </p><p>Supervisor: Prof. Gary Rosengarten</p>
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