<p>MEDIA INTERVIEWS</p><p>1. Interview 7/30/04 with Chris Saldana Channel 8 eyewitness news regarding Political Action Committees and political ads</p><p>2. Interview 8/10/04 Regarding Kerry and Bush's visit with Chris Saldana, Channel 8</p><p>3. Interview 8/14/04 interview with Channel 8 regarding Kerry and Bush's visit and its affect on the electorate</p><p>4. Phone interview – 9/28/04 - interview with Paul Zach of The Straits Times: Singapore regarding public attitudes toward the election and campaigns</p><p>5. Phone interview with Christina Littlefield fo the Las Vegas sun regarding congress trips paid by lobbyists and interest groups 9/28/04</p><p>6. Phone interview with Kurt Baird of the Las Vegas Sun regarding internet and political campaigns digital democracy 10/7/04</p><p>7. Live Interview with at KVBC station (Channel 3) with "Sue Manteris" regarding electoral college Thursday 10/7/04 5:30am</p><p>8. Taped interview at channel 3 station with Kim Capozzo regarding moveon.org pol. TV advertisement and election. Wed 10/13/04 </p><p>9. Taped interview with Britney from PBS Channel 10 regarding negative campaign ads. Monday 10/25/04 shown on Nov. 2, 2004.</p><p>10. Live interview with Sue Manteris KVBC Channel 3 regarding election. Thursday 10/28/04 5:30am</p><p>12. Taped interview regarding Election results on UNLView Wednesday 11/3/04 </p><p>13. Rebel Yell interview with Marek Biernacinski, March 3, 2005 regarding Students across nation becoming more politically polarized </p><p>14. Interview regarding LV commission on tourism and unanimous vote printed in Review Journal 7/12/05 - author Chris Jones business reporter, UNLV class of 1995!!!</p><p>15. Channel 3 news 5pm 7/19/05 Tuesday Malone - San Diego Corruption scandal </p><p>16. Face to Face with Jon Ralston Channel 1 live, regarding Lance Malone Trial in San Diego - Corruption scandal 7/19/05</p><p>17. 11/3/05 Fox news channel 5 regarding Oscar Goodman's comment on cutting off the thumbs of juvenile vandals.</p><p>18. 11/28/05 Channel 8 interview with Cindy Cesare regarding Nevada Primary front loading 19. 2/7/06 Fox News Channel 5 Jack Carter kicks off run for Senate</p><p>20. 3/7/06 - Channel 3 interview - Nye County corruption</p><p>21. 4/13/06 - Channel 5 Fox News - discussion about the Galardi trial and the implication of various public officials</p><p>22. Interview Ian Rexroad Capitol News Connection from PRI, Congressional delegation and Nevada public policy 6/23/06</p><p>23. Lisa Mascaro Reporter Las Vegas Sun, Immigration and coming elections. 6/27/06</p><p>24. Ray Ring, High Country News Magazine Primary and General Election 8/10/06</p><p>25. Tim Pratt, Las Vegas Sun, Phone interview regarding Racial conflict in the Valley. 10/2/06</p><p>26. Steve Timko, Reno Gazette Journal, phone interview regarding Latino Voting turnout 10/3/06</p><p>27. KNPR State of Nevada, in-studio participant, ballet measures 10/6/06</p><p>28. Channel 8 local news, 6:30 am and 7 am - live broadcast regarding the Nevada Caucus, the Governors race, the Senate race, and Congress. 10/16/2006</p><p>29. Email interview with Adam Tanner at Reuters.com regarding the Nevada Senate Election - October 18, 2006</p><p>30. Sunday 10/22/06 interview on campus with Martha Guzman, Channel 8 News regarding early voting and turnout</p><p>31. 11/1/06 interview with Jonathan Weisman at the Washington Post regarding the Gibbons scandal and the NV congressional races</p><p>32. 11/1/06 Channel 5 news interview with Lorraine Blanco regarding Nevada elections and Bill Clinton, Al Gore, etc.</p><p>33. 11/2/06 Channel 3 news interview with Rob McMillan regarding Leadership PACs</p><p>34. 11/3/06 channel 8 news interview with Jim Niedelman regarding early voting and voter remorse</p><p>35. 11/7/06 radio interview 6:20 A.M. on KDWN regarding the election</p><p>36. 11/8/06 Channel 3 interview regarding Gibbons and Titus</p><p>37. 11/21/06 interview for David Clark at the West Valley View newspaper regarding Lynette Boggs McDonald’s loss for reelection to the Clark County Commission 38. 11/29/06 Telephone interview with Nicole Feneberg Lucht, Henderson Home News regarding conflicts of interests within the Henderson city council</p><p>39. 12/8/06 Live radio interview at KNPR studio regarding the implementation of ballot measure 5 (Smoking restrictions) with Michael Squires.</p><p>40. 12/14/06 TV interview with FOX news (Cable) regarding Nevada caucus and Culinary Union</p><p>41. 1/12/07 Radio into interview with Michael Squires, State of Nevada, KNPR, regarding Governor Gibbons’ Northern Nevada appointments</p><p>42. 1/22/07 live interview with Channel 8 at 7am and 7:30am regarding Governor’s State of the State address</p><p>43. 2/6/06 phone interview with Tom Magee of the Denver Post regarding unionization in Nevada.</p><p>44. 2/6/07 phone interview with Michael Squires for an article he is writing for the Sun regarding Nevada Caucus</p><p>45. 2/16/07 interview with Channel 3 reporter Robert Santos regarding the presidential candidates visiting Nevada this weekend.</p><p>46. 2/21/07 interview with Channel 3 reporter Luis Cruz regarding the diversity among the 2008 presidential hopefuls.</p><p>47. 3/1/07 [date when article appear] phone interview with Bob Cusack, reporter for www.thehill.com regarding Edwards’s gambling stance expected to hurt his chances in Nevada caucus.</p><p>48. 3/29/07 Interview with Boston Globe reporter Susan Mulligan regarding Running for president in Nevada.</p><p>49. 6/28/2007 Interview with RJ reporter Brian Dugan regarding recent Senate vote on immigration bill</p><p>50. 7/16-18 Several Email interviews with April Corbin, assistant news editor at the Rebel Yell regarding the Faculty Senate's discussion of changing the Latin Designation requirements from top 1/5/10% to a GPA range from 3.5 to 4.0.</p><p>51. 7/26/07 telephone interview with Molly Ball of the RJ regarding Hillary Clinton's campaign</p><p>52. 8/29/07 Phone interview with Amanda Llewellyn at The View (local paper) regarding local women's desire to run as co-president with Huckabee.</p><p>53. 9/14/07 radio interview at KNPR regarding university employees contributing money to campaigns. 54. 10/11/07 TV interview with Lindsay Stewart, Fox News (Cable) regarding candidates ignoring the Nevada Caucus.</p><p>55. 10/23/07 Phone interview with Susan Mulligan of the Boston Globe regarding Nevada Politics.</p><p>56. 10/24/07 Interview with Paul Harasim of the Review Journal regarding the Mock Caucus at UNLV</p><p>57. 11/2/07 Telephone interview with Laura Dine from NPR Day to Day about the upcoming Caucus.</p><p>58. 11/2/07 Telephone interview with Paul Harasim of the Review Journal regarding Nevada Caucus</p><p>59. 11/13/07 Telephone interview about immigration debate with David Lightman, McClatchy Washington Bureau</p><p>60. 11/15/07 Recorded Telephone interview with Linda Duffin from the BBC regarding Immigration and the Presidential Election</p><p>61. 11/15/07 Live radio interview with David Glass KSRO Newstalk 1350 regarding Presidential debate at UNLV.</p><p>62. 11/15/07 Live television interview with CNN reporter Melissa Long regarding debate and the immigration issue</p><p>63. 11/15/07 in person interview with Aftenpostens reporter John Hultgren (Norway) regarding the Nevada Caucus</p><p>64. 11/15/07 Live telephone interview with Linda Duffin from the BBC for post-debate discussion</p><p>65. 11/15/07 telephone interview with Aftenpostens (Norwegian Newspaper) reporter John Hultgren (Norway) for post-debate analysis</p><p>66. 11/15/07 telephone interview with Henry Brean, reporter for the Review Journal, for post debate analysis.</p><p>67. 11/16/07 live studio interview with Dave Berns and Brian Bahouth with KNPR State of Nevada regarding the Presidential debates</p><p>68. 11/16/07 TV interview with Local Channel 8 reporter Edward Lawrence regarding Presidential debate.</p><p>69. 12/6/07 telephone interview with Nick Coltrain The Nevada Sagebrush News about the upcoming caucus</p><p>70. 12/7/07 telephone interview with Steven Thomma McClatchy Newspapers regarding Nevada's political culture and the upcoming caucus 71. 12/10/07 TV interview with Las Vegas One reporter Carol Wilkinson regarding the presidential race.</p><p>72. 12/11/07 TV interview with PBS Channel 10 Cathy Hanson regarding the UNLV caucus panel/forum lecture</p><p>73. 1/3/2008 TV interview with Channel 3 reporter Marie Mortera regarding Iowa Caucus</p><p>74. 1/7/2008 Telephone interview with Jennifer Steinhauer of the New York Times regarding Nevada and the Presidential Caucus.</p><p>75. 1/8/2008 In person interview with Guillermo Garcia of the San Antonio Express regarding Nevada Caucus</p><p>76. 1/9/2008 Telephone interview with Matt Johnson Fox 5 regarding Caucus and Culinary Union endorsement of Obama</p><p>77. 1/9/2008 Telephone interview with Adam Tanner of Reuters regarding Culinary Union endorsement of Obama</p><p>78. 1/9/2008 Live Radio interview (in studio) with Dave Berns on KNPR regarding Presidential Primary</p><p>79. 1/10/2008 (3:30am) Live radio interview on Morning Edition NPR regarding Nevada Caucus and Presidential Primary</p><p>80. 1/10/2008 telephone interview with ROBERT WOOLLARD Bureau Chief AGENCE FRANCE PRESSE regarding NV caucus</p><p>81. 1/10/2008 telephone interview with Susan Ferriss at the Sacramento Bee regarding immigration, citizenship and voting.</p><p>82. 1/11/2008 telephone interview with Brandon Jacobson at CBS Nightly News regarding Latinos and the Presidential Primary.</p><p>83. 1/14/2008 telephone interview with Tim Reid of the London Times regarding the Nevada Caucus</p><p>84. 1/14/2008 telephone interview with Jerome Sherman Pittsburg Gazette regarding Latino voters.</p><p>85. 1/15/2008 telephone interview with Annie Flanzraich of the North Tahoe Bonanza regarding the Nevada Caucus</p><p>86. 1/15/2008 telephone interview with Tim Reid (again) of the London Times regarding the NV Caucus. 87. 1/15/2008 telephone interview with Maria Sacchetti of the Boston Globe regarding immigration and the Latino Vote in Nevada</p><p>88 1/15/2008 TV interview 2pm at UNLV with local Channel 3 News reporter regarding debate.</p><p>89. 1/15/2008 Live TV interview 10pm at for Channel 3 News on the CW News regarding debate.</p><p>90. 1/15/2008 Live TV interview 11pm at Channel 3 News NBC studio regarding debate.</p><p>91. 1/15/2008 telephone interview with Carrie Budoff from Politico.com regarding NV caucus</p><p>92. 1/16/2008 telephone interview with Ben Arnoldy at the Christian Science Monitor regarding Unions and the NV Caucus</p><p>93. 1/16/2008 in person interview (8pm) with Daniel Alling Foreign Correspondent, Swedish Radio regarding NV Caucus.</p><p>94. 1/16/2008 Telephone interview with Brian Montopoli Political Reporter CBSNews.com</p><p>95. 1/17/2008 telephone interview with Jerome Sherman (again) Pittsburg Gazette regarding NV Latino Voters.</p><p>96. 1/17/2008 Live radio interview with Dave Berns on KNPR regarding NV caucus</p><p>97. 1/17/2008 telephone interview with Tim Reid, London Times (again) regarding Demographic changes in the United States.</p><p>98. 1/17/2008 telephone interview with Andrew Chung, Toronto Star, regarding NV caucus and Latinos.</p><p>99. 1/17/2008 telephone interview with Flo Rogers, Director of Nevada Public Radio, regarding at- large precincts in the NV Caucus.</p><p>100. 1/172008 telephone interview with WBBR Bloomberg Radio show "Simply Put" Bloomberg radio's national political program hosted by Tom Moroney. </p><p>101. 1/19/2008 recorded TV interview with Channel 3 reporter regarding NV Caucus</p><p>102. 1/19/2008 Live TV interview at Channel 3 news studio regarding Caucus results</p><p>103. 1/19/2008 in person follow up interview (6pm) with Daniel Alling Foreign Correspondent, Swedish Radio regarding NV Caucus results and the Latino vote.</p><p>104. 1/19/2008 TV interview with TV Asahi America, with reporters Takayuki Yamano and Rika Ochiai regarding Nevada Caucus results.</p><p>105. 1/21/2008 Live radio interview with Dave Berns at KNPR regarding NV Caucus results. 106. 1/22/2008 telephone interview with Erin Neff from the Las Vegas Review Journal regarding Latino vote in elections</p><p>107. 1/24/2008 telephone interview with Charlotte Hsu of the Las Vegas Sun regarding student involvement in politics.</p><p>108. 2/7/2008 Studio interview at KUNR regarding Super Tuesday Primary results</p><p>109 2/25/2008 TV interview with Channel 3 News regarding Democratic County Caucus</p><p>110. 2/28/2008 Live radio interview at KNPR with Dave Berns regarding presidential campaigns.</p><p>111. 3/17/2008 telephone interview with Damon Hodge regarding Henderson Police</p><p>112. 4/9/2008 in person interview w/ Nur Kausar (Rebel Yell) about new PhD program in political science.</p><p>113. 4/26/2008 telephone interview with Margaret Miille (Review Journal) regarding Judicial ethics</p><p>114. 4/30/2008 telephone interview w/ Samantha Williams (Rebel Yell) about Obama & youth vote.</p><p>115. 5/5/2008 telephone interview with Manu Raju (The Hill newspaper) about Harry Reid, Senator Clinton, the Presidential election and the super delegates.</p><p>116. 5/7/2008 telephone interview with David Swartz (LV SUN) regarding Governor Gibbons and his divorce </p><p>117. 5/27/2008 telephone interview with David Swartz (LV Sun) regarding term limits</p><p>118. 6/12/2008 telephone interview with Molly Ball (LV-RJ) regarding new public opinion poll.</p><p>119. 6/13/2008 telephone interview with reporter from The Afro-American Newspaper regarding conservative black voters and the 2008 election.</p><p>120. 7/8/2008 telephone interview with Ben Breier of Politicker.com regarding the 2010 Nevada Governor's race.</p><p>121. 7/10/2008 Email interview with Sharief Ali, managing editor of the Rebel Yell regarding oil prices</p><p>122. 7/11/2008 Live TV interview at the Channel 3 NBC studio (noon show) regarding the presidential election</p><p>123. 7/23/2008 TV interview with Channel 13 report Darcy Spears regarding Las Vegas Metro Police and inappropriate expenditures. </p><p>124. 8/8/2008 TV interview with Amanda Hernandez Channel 8 News regarding the recent campaign activities of Obama and McCain. 125. 8/13/2008 KNPR live radio show interview regarding Nevada Primary Election</p><p>126. 8/13/2008 Channel 1 live TV interview with Jeff Gillan regarding Nevada Primary Election</p><p>127. 8/25/2008 Channel 8 TV interview regarding youth voter turnout</p><p>128. 9/2/2008 Channel 1 TV interview regarding VP Candidate Sarah Palin</p><p>129. 9/11/2008 Live Radio interview with Ros Atkins of the BBC World Service program Talking America</p><p>130. 9/19/2008 telephone interview with Ben Breier of Politicker.com regarding the Presidential election and the role Nevada will play.</p><p>131. 9/25/2008 live TV interview with Jeff Gillan Las Vegas One News at 9 regarding the presidential debates</p><p>132. 9/29/2008 Interview with Kathy Topp Channel 3 local news regarding the youth vote</p><p>133. 10/2/2008 interview with Channel 8 local news regarding negative campaign ads.</p><p>134. 10/2/2008 live TV interview with Jeff Gillan, Las Vegas One News at 9 regarding VP debates</p><p>135. 10/7/2008 interview with Al Jazeera English regarding Nevada, the economy, and the presidential debates.</p><p>136. 10/7/2008 telephone interview with Matthew Garrahan, Los Angeles Correspondent, Financial Times regarding the presidential election and the Nevada economy.</p><p>137. 10/9/2008 in person interview with Horiuchi Takashi from the Asahi Shimbun, Japan's Leading Newspaper, regarding Nevada politics and the Presidential election.</p><p>138. 10/14/2008 TV interview with Kristel Mucino with V-Me TV, a new Spanish language TV channel affiliated with PBS, regarding the Latino vote in the Presidential election</p><p>139. 10/14/2008 interview with Jose Diaz Briseno, the Washington D.C. correspondent for Reforma -- the largest newspaper in Mexico, regarding the Latino vote in Nevada.</p><p>140. 10/14/2008 TV interview with Lorraine Blanco, Channel 5 Fox News, regarding McCain and Obama's economic plans.</p><p>141. 10/15/08 Live TV interview at Channel 3 KVBC studies regarding presidential debates.</p><p>142. 10/21/08 Live TV interview with Jon Sopel from the BBC News and World Service regarding the Nevada economy, the Presidential election, and the Latino vote. 143. 10/22/2008 telephone interview with Joel Millman of the Wall Street Journal regarding the Latino Vote</p><p>144. 10/22/2008 TV interview with Carol Wilkinson Channel 8 regarding VP Canidate Palin and the women's vote.</p><p>143. 10/23/2008 follow-up telephone interview with Joel Millman of the Wall Street Journal regarding the Latino Vote</p><p>144. 10/23/2008 TV interview with Jerry Brown of Channel 3 News regarding the UNLV student debate and the youth vote.</p><p>145. 10/23/2008 TV interview with Tania Reyes of Channel 13 News regarding the UNLV student debate and the youth vote</p><p>146. 10/23/2008 TV interview with Channel 3 News regarding the Ballot initiatives.</p><p>147. 10/23/2008 telephone interview with Jessica Estepa from the UNR newspaper the Nevada Sagebrush.</p><p>148. 10/24/2008 telephone interview with Laura Davis from the CityLife weekly alternative news publication regarding the youth vote and the presidential candidates' economic plans.</p><p>149. 10/24/2008 TV interview with Carol Wilkinson, Las Vegas One, regarding early voting in Nevada and around the Country.</p><p>150. 10/27/2008 TV interview with Denise Rosch, Channel 3 News, regarding negative campaigning.</p><p>151. 10/27/2008 telephone interview with the Daily Metro, regarding the Latino Vote.</p><p>152. 10/27/2008 telephone interview with ABC News (Reporter named Richardson), regarding presidential election</p><p>153. 10/30/2008 TV interview with reporter Quyen Chung of Fox 5 KVVU-TV news regarding the electoral college and the presidential election</p><p>154. 10/30/2008 TV interview with Katherine Whaley of News 3 regarding undecided voters.</p><p>155. 10/31/2008 Live radio show with Dave Berns KNPR regarding the presidential election</p><p>156. 11/3/2008 telephone interview with Las Vegas Weekly associate editor Todd Witcher regarding change in the political system after the election.</p><p>157. 11/4/2008 Live TV interview on Channel 3 News Noon show regarding election day</p><p>158. 11/4/2008 Live TV interviews Channel 3 News 4pm to 7pm Election Coverage 159 11/4/2008 Live TV interviews Channel 3 News 10pm to 11:30pm Election Coverage</p><p>160. 11/ 5/2008 telephone interview with the Financial Times regarding the Latino vote for Obama.</p><p>161. 11/5/2008 telephone interview the Oscar Garcia from the Associated Press regarding race and the election.</p><p>162. 11/5/2008 TV interview with Channel 8 news regarding Obama and economic policy</p><p>163. 11/6/2008 telephone interview with Wall Street Journal reporter Jim Carlton about Democratic voter registration and the changing demographics of Nevada and the southwest.</p><p>164. 11/17/2008 telephone interview with Amara Collins from the Rebel Yell regarding race relations and public policy.</p><p>165. 11/18/2008 telephone interview with John Smith of the Las Vegas Review Journal regarding the Howard Cannon.</p><p>166. 12/3/2008 telephone interview with Manu Raju from Politico regarding Harry Reid and the 2010 Senate Election.</p><p>167. 12/4/2008 TV interview with reporter Dan Ball from Channel 3 News (KVBC) regarding the state's budget crisis.</p><p>168. 12/15/2008 TV interview with Carol Wilkinson, Las Vegas One, regarding Nevada's state budget</p><p>169. 1/15/2009 telephone interview with David Swartz at the Las Vegas Sun regarding Gov. Gibbons' State of the State.</p><p>170. 1/15/2009 Live TV interview at News 3 studio regarding State of the State</p><p>171. 1/16/2009 Live radio interview at KNPR with Dave Berns regarding the Obama inauguration.</p><p>172. 1/20/2009 telephone interview with El Tiempo regarding 2 subjects: 1) the state budget and 2) the inauguration.</p><p>173. 1/20/2009 live radio interview at KNPR with Dave Berns regarding the inauguration (again).</p><p>174. 2/11/2009 TV interview with Carol Wilkinson, Las Vegas One, regarding President's Obama's statements about corporate trips to Las Vegas</p><p>175. 2/25/2009 telephone interview with Review-Journal reporter Ben Spillman regarding Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority</p><p>176. 3/25/2009 telephone interview with Linda Duffin from the BBC regarding international criticism of Obama's economic plan 177. 4/2/2009 telephone interview with Amanda Llewellyn of local newspaper The View regarding voting ethics in the North Las Vegas City Council.</p><p>178. 4/29/2009 television interview with Mark Sayre, KLAS-TV, Channel 8 News, regarding Obama's first 100 days.</p><p>179 5/11/2009 telephone interview with Jeff Pope from the Las Vegas Sun regarding North Las Vegas mayoral campaign.</p><p>180. 5/26/2009 television interview with Hetty Chang KVBC-TV (Channel 3) regarding the state budget.</p><p>181. 6/12-2009 telephone interview with Jason Whited (Las Vegas City Life) regarding the future of the national, state and local Republican party.</p><p>182. 6/16/2009 television interview with Steve Crupi, KVBC-TV (Channel 3) regarding Senator Esign's admitted affair.</p><p>183. 6/16/2009 television interview with Heather Klein, KTNV-TV (Channel 13) regarding Senator Esign's admitted affair.</p><p>184. 6/17/2009 live telephone/TV interview with KTNV-TV (Channel 13) morning news (6am) regarding Senator Esign's admitted affair.</p><p>185. 6/26/2009 telephone interview with Jason Whited (Las Vegas City Life) regarding Senator Esign and Governor Sanford's affairs.</p><p>186. 9/14/2009 telephone interview with Channel 8 reporter Colleen McCarty regarding Brian Sandoval stepping down from his federal judge position to run for governor.</p><p>187. 10/5/2009 television interview with KLAS Channel 8 reporter Edward Lawrence on Senator John Ensign's affair and Senate Ethics Committee investigation.</p><p>188. 10/6/2009 television interview with KVBC-TV (Channel 3) report Hetty Chang on Senator John Ensign's affair and Senate Ethics Committee investigation.</p><p>189. 10/6/2009 television interview with Fox News (Channel 5) on Senator John Ensign's affair and Senate Ethics Committee investigation.</p><p>190. 10/7/2009 television interview with Jon Ralston, Las Vegas One on Senator John Ensign's affair and Senate Ethics Committee investigation.</p><p>191. 10/8/2009 telephone interview with Ashley Powers, the Los Angeles Times, regarding Senator Ensign and the 2010 and 2012 elections.</p><p>192. 10/12/2009 TV interview with KLAS Channel 8 regarding newspaper poll about Senator Reid and the 2010 election. 193. 10/23/2009 telephone interview with David Schwartz, Las Vegas Sun, regarding a possible ballot measure making abortion illegal.</p><p>194. 11/19/2009 telephone interview with KVBC-TV (Channel 3) report Hetty Chang on the Health Care Reform Bill going to the Senate Floor</p><p>195. 11/23/2009 television interview with Richard Campbell, student reporter with UNLV-TV and UNLV Views</p><p>196. 12/9/2009 television interview with KVBC-TV (Channel 3) regarding a ballot initiative to legalize marijuana in Nevada.</p><p>197. 12/17/2009 telephone interview with Las Vegas Sun reporter Michael J. Mishak regarding Oscar Goodman's potential run for Governor.</p><p>198. 1/10/2010 telephone interview with Ashley Powers, the Los Angeles times, regarding Senator Reid and his comments about Barack Obama.</p><p>199. 1/11/2010 television interview with Anita Vogel, Fox News Channel (national), regarding Senator Reid and his comments about Barack Obama</p><p>200. 1/12/2010 phone interview with Ed Stoddard, Reuters, regarding Senator Reid and his comments about President Barack Obama.</p><p>201. 1/13/2010 live radio interview with Stan Layne, KPSI NEWSTALK, about Senator Reid and his chances for reelection in November</p><p>202. 1/13/2010 video interview about the State of the Union for the Public Affairs Office at UNLV. To be placed on Youtube.</p><p>203. 1/14/2010 phone interview with Oscar Garcia, Associated Press, about Senator Reid's comments and the November election.</p><p>204. 1/14/2010 phone interview with Jason Whited, City Life, about Senator Reid's comments and the November election.</p><p>205 1/20/2010 TV interview with KTNV, Channel 13 local news, regarding Senate race in Massachusetts.</p><p>206. 1/21/2010 video interview for UNLV office of public affairs regarding Senate race in Massachusetts (to be place on youtube).</p><p>207. 1/27/2010 tv interview with local Fox news about the State of the Union.</p><p>208. 1/28/2010 video interview for UNLV Office of Public Affairs regarding State of the Union.</p><p>209. 1/28/2010 radio interview about the state of the union with KDWN 720 AM radio. 210 2/16/2010 tv interview with Fox News (national) about Harry Reid and the GOP candidates for the US Senate.</p><p>211. 2/16/2010 telephone interview with Rebel Yell reporter Amy Woodward about the state's budget.</p><p>212. 2/16/2010 telephone interview with Jason Whited (Las Vegas City Life) regarding the Tea Party in Nevada</p><p>213 2/19/2010 live radio interview on State of Nevada, KNPR regarding the Latino Vote</p><p>214 2/19/2010 telephone interview with Jason Whited (Las Vegas City Life) regarding Rory and Harry Reid and the 2010 election</p><p>215. 3/23/2010 telephone interview with Sandra Chereb, Associated Press, regarding Rory Reid and the Governor's election.</p><p>216. 4/11/2010 telephone interview with Channel 3 News reporter on RJ polls</p><p>217. 4/12/2010 live TV interview with Jon Ralston regarding the Mason-Dixon polls.</p><p>218. 4/19/2010 telephone interview with Benjamin Spillman of the Review Journal regarding Brian Sandoval and his campaign for governor.</p><p>219 4/28/2010 telephone interview with Todd Witcher from Las Vegas Seven Magazine regarding the Primary election in NV.</p><p>220. 4/28/2010 telephone interview with Anne Ryman from the Arizona Republic about the Arizona state law on immigration.</p><p>221. 4/29/2010 telephone interview with Laura Myers from the LV Review Journal about the immigration issue and Senator Reid's new campaign ads</p><p>222. 4/29/2010 TV interview with Annette Raveneau from Univision, Channel 15 regarding the immigration law in Arizona.</p><p>223 4/30/2010 telephone interview with Jennifer Haberkorn from Politico, regarding Harry Reid and his new campaign ads on health care.</p><p>224. 4/30/2010 telephone interview with David Swartz of the Las Vegas Sun regarding the AZ immigration law.</p><p>225. 5/4/2010 telephone interview with Michelle Alejandra Booth from El Tiempo, regarding the AZ immigration law.</p><p>226. 5/10/2010 telephone interview with Laura Myers from the LV Review Journal regarding Republican Senate candidates support for AZ immigration law. 227. 5/13/2010 telephone interview with Benjamin Spillman of the Review Journal regarding recent poll on candidates for governor.</p><p>228. 5/20/2010 telephone interview with Valerie Richardson of the Washington Times regarding the Republican Primary for Nevada's Senate race.</p><p>229. 5/21/2010 telephone interview with Jason Whited (Las Vegas City Life) regarding a conservative gay organization in Nevada and their claim that liberal gay groups do not speak for all homosexuals.</p><p>230. 5/24/2010 telephone interview with Boston Globe reporter Susan Mulligan regarding polling data that shows Sharon Angle leading in the Republican primary for Nevada's Senate Seat.</p><p>231. 6/7/2010 TV interview with Channel 3 News Matt Kozar regarding the upcoming Nevada primary election</p><p>232. 6/9/2010 Live radio interview KNPR regarding the primary election results</p><p>233. 6/9/2010 TV interview with Channel 3 News Hetty Chang regarding Sharron Angle's victory in the NV primary</p><p>234. 6/9/2010 TV interview with Channel 8 News with Nathan Baca regarding the Tea Party and the NV primary election results.</p><p>235. 6/10/2010 radio interview with KDWN reporter regarding NV primary</p><p>236. 6/28/2010 telephone interview with Jason Whited (LV CityLife) regarding Nevada’s Republican Party.</p><p>237. 6/29/2010 telephone interview with Laura Myers Las Vegas Review Journal regarding Harry Reid’s ads attacking Sharron Angle’s policy proposals.</p><p>238. 7/10/2010 interview with Steve Kanigher, Las Vegas Sun, regarding President Obama’s speech at UNLV</p><p>239 7/10/2010 interview with Laura Myers, Las Vegas Review Journal, regarding how President Obama visit will help Harry Reid.</p><p>240. 7/14/2010 telephone interview with Michael Booth, Denver Post, regarding conservative candidates across the nation moving other candidates to the right of the ideological spectrum.</p><p>241. 7/14/2010 television interview with Jon Ralston regarding the media and candidate campaigns.</p><p>242. 7/15/2010 telephone interview with James Rainey, Los Angeles Times, regarding newspaper coverage of the election in Nevada.</p><p>243. 7/16/2010 telephone interview with Sean Lengell, Washington Times, about recent poll regarding Harry Reid and Sharron Angle. 244. 7/16/2010 live telephone interview with news morning show on KXNT regarding Nevada Senate election</p><p>245. 7/16/2010 telephone interview with Jason Whited, Las Vegas City Life, regarding Republican agenda alienating minority groups.</p><p>246. 7/19/2010 telephone interview with Sandy Chereb, Associated Press, regarding the Nevada Senate and Gubernatorial election.</p><p>247. 7/23/2010 TV interview with Jonathan Humbert, Channel 8 KLAS News, regarding anti- Obama advertising on the Las Vegas Strip.</p><p>248. 7/28/2010 telephone interview with Ben Spillman, Las Vegas Review Journal, regarding the Fireman’s unions attacks on Rory Reid.</p><p>249. 7/30/2010 telephone interview with Barbara Kusak, KDWN radio, regarding the recent poll on Nevada voters.</p><p>250. 8/10/2010 telephone interview with Laura Myers, Las Vegas Review Journal, regarding Harry Reid, Latinos, immigration and the Republican Party.</p><p>251. 8/12/2010 telephone interview with Jason Whited, Las Vegas City Life, regarding the political rhetoric in Nevada Senate race.</p><p>252. 8/16/2010 live radio interview with Dave Berns KUNV regarding community planning and the economy</p><p>253. 8/17/2010 telephone interview with Michelle Booth, El Tiempo, regarding the immigration debate and Nevada elections.</p><p>254. 8/23/2010 telephone interview with Channel 8 reporter Colleen McCarty regarding the Rand study on teacher value-added performance.</p><p>256. 8/24/2010 TV interview with Jonathan Humbert, Channel 8 KLAS News, regarding Angle and Reid campaign’s use of Twitter.</p><p>257. 8/24/2010 telephone interview with Ben Spillman, Las Vegas Review Journal, regarding the campaigns of Dina Titus and Joe Heck.</p><p>258. 8/29/2010 TV interview at KSNV Channel 3 TV studios regarding gubernatorial debates.</p><p>259. 8/30/2010 TV interview with Las Vegas Univision regarding Gubernatorial debates</p><p>260. 9/7/2010 telephone interview with Laura Myers, Las Vegas Review Journal, regarding campaigns and narrowly targeted messages. 261. 9/10/2010 telephone interview with Ashley Powers, Los Angeles Times, regarding Sherriff Joe Arpaio and his political endorsements. </p><p>262. 9/13/2010 video interview for the Public Affairs Office at UNLV regarding the November elections.</p><p>263. 9/23/2010 live radio interview for the news morning show on KXNT regarding the Reid/Angle forum and debate.</p><p>264. 9/23/2010 telephone interview with Laura Myers, Las Vegas Review Journal, regarding a new poll on the Nevada Senate race.</p><p>265. 9/28/2010 telephone interview with Delen Goldberg, Las Vegas Sun, regarding health care reform as an issue in the November election.</p><p>266. 10/4/2010 telephone interview with Jason Whited, Las Vegas City Life, regarding local organization/groups supporting candidates outside the state (i.e. O’Donnel)</p><p>267 10/5/2010 telephone interview with Barbara Kusak, KDWN radio, regarding upcoming election.</p><p>268. 10/6/2010 TV interview with local Fox news channel regarding gubernatorial debate.</p><p>269. 10/7/2010 TV interview with Janet O, channel 8 News Now reporter, regarding campaign ads.</p><p>270. 10/7/2010 telephone interview with Delen Goldberg, Las Vegas Sun, regarding special interests and labor unions.</p><p>271. 10/8/2010 Live TV interview, Channel 3 Wake up to the Wagners, morning news program, regarding gubernatorial candidate debate.</p><p>272. 10/8/2010 TV interview for Channel 3 Noon program regarding Reid/Sandoval debate.</p><p>273. 10/8/2010 telephone interview with Arian Campo-Flores, Newsweek magazine, regarding Brian Sandoval and Hispanic voters.</p><p>274 10/12/2010 TV interview with Lauren Murphy, Fox5 New, about early voting and the Nevada Senate race.</p><p>275. 10/14/2010 TV interview with Jerry Brown, Channel 3 News, regarding recent polls of Angle and Reid.</p><p>276. 10/14/2010 Live radio interview with KXNT Radio regarding Angle/Reid debate.</p><p>277. 10/18/2010 interview with Laura Myers, Las Vegas Review Journal, about Palin, Sherriff Joe, Gingrich, Biden, and Obama coming to Nevada. 278 10/19/2010 Live TV interview, Wake up with the Wagners, Channel 3 News, regarding Angle’s comments about Latinos.</p><p>279. 10/20/2010 email interview with Laura Myers, Las Vegas review Journal, regarding Angle’s comments about Latinos.</p><p>280. 10/22/2010 TV interview with Hetty Chang, News 3, regarding President Obama’s visit to Las Vegas.</p><p>281. 10/25/2010 TV interview with Channel 8 news regarding survey data on Tea Party Movement.</p><p>282. 10/25/2010 TV interview with Channel 8 News (again) with Jonathan Martinez, regarding Judicial Selection ballot initiative.</p><p>283. 10/25/2010 TV interview with Fox 5 News regarding the complexity of ballot initiatives.</p><p>284. 10/26/2010 Live TV interview with Channel 3 News Morning show regarding early voting and the election</p><p>285. 10/26/2010 TV interview with Channel 8 News regarding the campaign strategies of Angle and Reid.</p><p>286. 10/28/2010 TV interview with Channel 3 News Reporter Hetty Chang, regarding the international attention that Nevada politics is receiving.</p><p>287. 10/28/2010 TV interview with Channel 3 News regarding Angle avoiding the media.</p><p>288. 10/28/2010 telephone interview with Laura Myers regarding new poll coming out on Angle and Reid.</p><p>289. 11/1/2010 TV interview with Fox5 news regarding early voting turnout</p><p>290. 11/1/2010 telephone interview with Laura Myers regarding last minute get out the vote strategies.</p><p>291. 11/2/2010 Live TV interview 5am with Channel 8 reporter Janet O regarding election day turnout</p><p>292. 11/2/2010 Live TV interview at 6am with Channel 8 reporter Janet O regarding District 3 polls</p><p>293. 11/2/2010 telephone interview with Ben Spillman regarding the potential of the first Latino governor.</p><p>294. 11/2/2010 telephone interview with Marie Mortera, KSNV Anchor/Reporter, regarding Brian Sandoval and this policies for Nevada. </p><p>295 11/3/2010 Live TV interview with Channel 3 Morning Show (5am) regarding election results 296. 11/3/2010 Live TV interview with Channel 3 Morning Show (6am) regarding election results.</p><p>297. 11/3/2010 Live radio show KNPR State of Nevada regarding election results.</p><p>298. 11/3/2010 telephone interview with P.J. Huffstutter, Los Angeles Times, about the minority vote.</p><p>299. 11/3/2010 radio interview with Barbara Kusak, KDWN radio, regarding election results</p><p>300. 11/4/2010 telephone interview with Oscar Garza, Los Angeles Public Media, regarding the Latino Vote.</p><p>301. 11/4/2010 telephone interview with reporter from Fox News Latino regarding Latino Vote.</p><p>302. 11/4/2010 telephone interview with Christine Silva, Associated Press, regarding the Nevada election results.</p><p>303. 11/8/2010 telephone interview with Jason Whited, Las Vegas City Life, regarding campaign contributions in Senate race and CD 3.</p>
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