Director of Women S and Gender Studies in Europe Program

Director of Women S and Gender Studies in Europe Program

<p> Iveta Jusová, Ph.D.</p><p>Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies Director of Women’s and Gender Studies in Europe program Carleton College</p><p>820 Green St Carleton College Yellow Springs, OH 45387 Carleton-Antioch Global Engagement home phone: 937-767-1363 Northfield, MN 55057 [email protected] [email protected]</p><p>EDUCATION Miami University, Oxford, Ohio Ph.D. in English (British Literature, Literary Theory & Cultural Studies), August 2000. Dissertation: "Fin-de-Siècle Feminisms: Development of Feminist Narratives within the Discourses of British Imperialism and Czech Nationalism." Palacky University, Olomouc, the Czech Republic Mgr. degree (MA equivalent) in English and Czech, 1991. Cum Laude. Thesis: "Issues in British and American Feminist Literary Theories."</p><p>EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Professor of WGS&WGSE Director, Carleton-Antioch Global Engagement programs, Carleton College, 2016-present. Professor of WGS/Literature & WGSE Director, Antioch U, 2015-2016. Associate Professor of WGS/Literature & WGSE Director, Antioch U, 2008-2015. Assistant Professor of WGS/Literature & WGSE Director, Antioch College, 2004-2008. Visiting Asst. Professor, English Dept., Wittenberg University, 2002-2004. Visiting Asst. Professor, English Dept., Miami University, 2000-2002. Visiting Instructor, English Dept., Miami University, 1999-2000. Teaching Associate, English Dept., Miami University, 1997-98.</p><p>Also, Teacher, NOISE Summer School in WS: Biopolitics, Necropolitics, Cosmopolitics. Feminist and Queer Interventions. MA Gender Studies. Utrecht University, Summer 2015.</p><p>BOOKS Jusová 2</p><p>The New Woman and the Empire: Gender, Racial, and Colonial Issues in Sarah Grand, George Egerton, Elizabeth Robins, and Amy Levy. Ohio State University Press, 2005. Reviews of my book have appeared in Nineteenth-Century Literature 61:2, The Journal of the Midwest MLA 36:1, Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies 2:1, The Journal of Women’s History 21:1, ELT 49:3 and Literature Compass 4:4. </p><p>Czech Feminisms: Perspectives on Gender in East Central Europe. Co-edited with Jiřina Šiklová. Forthcoming from Indiana University Press, Fall 2016.</p><p>ACADEMIC ARTICLES "Introduction." In Czech Feminisms: Perspectives on Gender in East Central Europe. Forthcoming, Indiana University Press. "Situating Czech Identity: Postcolonial Theory and the ‘European Dividend.’" In Czech Feminisms: Perspectives on Gender in East Central Europe. Forthcoming, Indiana University Press. "Vera Chytilova’s 1969 Fruit of Paradise: A Tale of a Feminine Aesthetic, Dancing Color and a Doll Who Killed the Devil." (co-authored with Dan Reyes). Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture and Media Studies 29:3 (December 2014): 65-91. "Nomadic Encounters: Turning Difference Toward Dialogue." Co-authored with Kelsey Henry and Joy Westerman. The Subject of Rosi Braidotti: Concepts and Politics. Eds. Iris van der Tuin and Bolette Blaagaard. Bloomsbury Academic Press, 2014. "Continental Feminist Philosophy Meets Intersectionality: Rosi Braidotti’s Work." In Why Race and Gender Still Matter: An Intersectional Approach. Eds. Namita Goswami, Maeve M. O’Dolovan and Lisa Yount. Cambridge UP: Pickering & Chatto, 2014. "European Immigration and Continental Feminism: Theories of Rosi Braidotti." Feminist Theory12:1 (Spring 2011): 55-73. "Figuring the Other in Nineteenth-Century Czech Literature: Gabriela Preissová and Bozena Viková Kunetická." In History of the Literary Cultures of East-Central Europe. Vol. 4. Eds. Marcel Cornis-Pope and John Neubauer. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: J. Benjamins Press, 2010. 367-378. "Hirsi Ali and van Gogh's Submission: Reinforcing the Islam vs. Women Binary." Women's Studies International Forum 31:2 (Spring 2008): 148-155. "Przezroczysty Hidzab." Zadra: Pismo Feministyczne (Winter 2008): 34-38. In Polish. "Said, Reuben Sachs, and Victorian Zionism" (co-authored with Dan Reyes). Social Text 87 (a memorial issue on Edward Said) (Summer 2006): 35-46. "Gabriela Preissová's Women-Centered Texts: Subverting the Myth of the Homogeneous Nation." Slavic and East European Journal 49:1 (Spring 2005): 63-78. "Re-Inflecting Femininity on the Czech Fin-de-Siècle Stage: An Analysis of Hana Kvapilová's Acting Style." Theatre History Studies 24 (June 2004): 35-56. "George Egerton and the British Colonial Project." Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature 19:1 (Spring 2000): 27-55. Jusová 3</p><p>This article has been reprinted in Nineteenth Century Criticism NCLC: Short Story Criticism. Ed. Lawrence J. Trudeau: Detroit: Gale, 2013. "Feminismus na Národním divadle? Prípad Hany Kvapilové." ["Feminism at the National Theatre? The Case of Hana Kvapilová."] Divadelní revue [Theatre Review] 3/2002 (September 2002): 3-17. In Czech. "Imperialist Feminism: Colonial Issues in Sarah Grand's The Heavenly Twins and The Beth Book." English Literature in Transition 1880-1920 43:3 (September 2000): 298-315. "Announcing the End of the White Patriarchal Colonial Subject: George Egerton's 'Under Northern Sky.'" Virginia Humanities Conference Proceedings: Selected papers. Ed. Susan Blair Green. Staunton, VA: Mary Baldwin College, 1999. 149-60.</p><p>BOOK REVIEWS Review of A Female Poetics of Empire: From Eliot to Woolf, by Julia Kuehn (NY: Routledge, 2014). Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies 10:2 (2014). Solicited. Review of X Marks the Spot: Women Writers Map the Empire for the British Children, 1790- 1895, by Megan Norcia (Ohio UP, 2010). Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net 57-58 (2010). Solicited. Review of Romantic Liars: Obscure Women Who Became Impostors and Challenged an Empire, by Debbie Lee (Palgrave, 2006). Nineteenth-Century Literature 64:2 (2009): 274- 276. Solicited. Review of Feminist Realism at the Fin de Siècle: The Influence of the Late-Victorian Woman’s Press on the Development of the Novel, by Molly Youngkin (OSUP, 2007). Nineteenth- Century Gender Studies 4:1 (2008): 216-17. Solicited.</p><p>CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS AND GUEST LECTURES “Human Trafficking as Aberration: The Post-Cold War Reframing of Precarity.” With Jennifer Suchland. NOISE Summer School in WS: Biopolitics, Necropolitics, Cosmopolitics. Feminist and Queer Interventions. Utrecht University, August 26, 2015. "On the Use of Post-Colonial Theory in Situating Eastern and East Central European Gender Issues: the Concept of the European Dividend." The Association of Women in Slavic Studies Conference, Lexington, KY, March 3-5, 2015. "Leading WGS Study Abroad Programs: Challenges and Opportunities." Roundtable discussions. The PAD NWSA Pre-Conference and NWSA Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, November 13 & November 15, 2014. "Ibsen and the Actress: Hana Kvapilová in Ibsen's Roles." The First Actresses Symposium. The Ohio State University Theatre Department, Columbus, May 23-24, 2014. "Vera Chytilová’s Fruit of Paradise: Feminism by Any Other Name." Panel "Feminisms of the ‘Other Europe.’" The National Women’s Studies Association Conference, Cincinnati, November 7-10, 2013. "Czech Women’s Lives and Struggles for Equality." Invited speaker. The International Women’s Day Lecture. The Unitarian Fellowship of Yellow Springs, March 10, 2013. Jusová 4</p><p>"Continental Feminist Philosophy Meets Intersectionality: Rosi Braidotti’s Recent Work." ESWIP (Society for Women in Philosophy) Conference, Why Race and Gender Still Matter, Baltimore, MD, April 27-28, 2012. "Women Making a Difference Across Europe.” Keynote Speech for the Women’s History Month, the Beacon College Global Awareness program, Leesburg, Florida, March 15, 2010. "Intersectionality as a Response to ‘Embedded Feminism’ and ‘Homonationalism’ in the Netherlands." The National Women’s Studies Association Conference, Difficult Dialogues, Atlanta, GA, November 11-13, 2009. Session chair for Third-Wave Feminist Subjectivities, 7th European Feminist Research Conference, ATHENA & Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands, June 4-7 2009. "Vampires, Dracula, and Deleuze." The USC’s Spring Nineteenth-Century Literature Conference, Transitions, Translations, and Transmissions, Columbia, SC, April 11-12, 2009. Invited participant in a panel discussion with Julia Kristeva, the 2008 Vize Award recipient. Dagmar and Václav Havel Foundation Annual Award Ceremony "Vize 97" Prague, the Czech Republic, October 5, 2008. "European Feminisms and the Return of the 'Colonial Other': Ayaan Hirsi Ali at London's Institute of Contemporary Arts." MCLLM, Issues in Mass Media, North Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois, March 30-31, 2007. "Immigration and Women in Europe." Invited speaker. The International Women’s Day Lecture. The Unitarian Fellowship of Yellow Springs, March 11, 2007. "Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Theo van Gogh’s Submission: Crisis of Multiculturalism in Europe." Invited Speaker. Diversity Council Lecture Series, WSUVancouver, June 6, 2006. "Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Theo van Gogh’s Submission." Faculty Lunch Presentation, Antioch College, March 29, 2006 "Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Eastern Europe." IASSCS Conference on Sexual Rights and Moral Panics, San Francisco, June 21-24, 2005. "Challenges Faced by Women’s Reproductive Rights NGOs in Eastern Europe." Faculty Lunch Presentation, Antioch College, March 23, 2005. "Daniel Deronda, Reuben Sachs, and the Legacy of Victorian Zionism" (with Dan Reyes). North American Victorian Studies Association Conference, Victorian Legacies, Bloomington, IN, October 17-19, 2003. "Fragment-ing Domestic Fiction: George Egerton's (Mary Chavelita Dunne's) Women- Centered Short Stories." M/MLA Convention, Kaleidoscopic Writing: (Dis)unity in Prose and Poetry, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 8-10, 2002. "Nineteenth-Century Theories of Race and Czech Nationalist Literature by Women." SA/MLA Convention, Race in Literary Histories, Atlanta, GA, November 8-10, 2001. "Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy and Dante Gabriel Rossetti's 'The Blessed Damozel.'" Guest lecture for Miami University English Summer Program, Florence, Italy, July 24, 2001. "The New Woman and the Empire: Sarah Grand's The Heavenly Twins." M/MLA Convention, Feminism and Imperialism in Victorian Britain, Kansas City, November 2-4, 2000. Jusová 5</p><p>"Representation of Work and Femininity in Elizabeth Robins' Writing." Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada Conference, The Victorians and Work, Lethbridge, Alberta, September 28-30, 2000. "Racial and Gender Issues in Elizabeth Robins' Work." Respondent at a panel discussion on Robins, Miami University, April 14, 1999. I also co-authored Program Notes for the world premiere of Robins' play The Mirkwater at Miami University's Theatre, April 1999. "Announcing the End of the White Patriarchal Colonial Subject: George Egerton's (Mary Chavelita Dunne's) 'Under Northern Sky.'" Virginia Humanities Conference, Anticipating the End: The Experience of the Nineties, Mary Baldwin College, March 19-20, 1999. "Matrilineal Nationalism in Bozena Viková-Kunetická's Medrická." Slavic Forum, University of Chicago, April 23-24, 1999. "International Graduate Students at Miami University." Respondent at a panel discussion on graduate studies at Miami U, August 23, 1999.</p><p>COURSES TAUGHT Introduction to WGS (Scheduled to teach in Winter 2017, Carleton College) Feminist Epistemologies (Graduate seminar, PHL 5200, Antioch U Midwest) Comparative Feminist and Queer Theories (WGS 350, several versions, WGSE program) Situated Feminisms: Sociopolitical Systems and Women’s Lives (WGS 240, WGSE program) Issues in Feminist Methodologies (WGS 250, WGSE program) Global Feminisms (WS 340, Antioch College) Women and Globalization; Non-Western Cultural Traditions (ENG/WS 190, Wittenberg University) New Continental Feminist Theories: The Nomadic, the Post-Secular, the Neo-Materialist (WGS 310, Nonstop Antioch Liberal Arts Institute) Nineteenth-Century English Novel: Battle of the Sexes (LIT 281, Antioch College) Victorian Literature, 1830-1860 (ENG 343, Miami University) Victorian Literature, 1860-1901 (ENG 344, Miami University) Survey of British Literature, 1660-1901 (ENG 132, Miami University) Palestine in Fiction and on the Ground (LIT 202, Nonstop Liberal Arts Institute) Themes and Traditions in Literature: Palestine in Fiction (ENG 180, Wittenberg University) Independent Research in WS (AWS 396, Antioch; I have supervised more than one hundred forty 300-level IRPs on a wide range of feminist and LGBTQ topics) Senior Project: "A Comparative Study of the Sexual Misconduct Policies at Antioch College, Wright State University, and Wittenberg University" (CIS 462, Antioch College). Jusová 6</p><p>Independent Study: "Rape as a Weapon in Ethic Wars" (SGS 296, Antioch College) College Composition (ENG 111 & ENG 112, Miami University) College Composition (ENG 101 & ENG 102, Wittenberg University)</p><p>PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Manuscript reviewer for Silse: English Literary Studies. Slezska univerzita, Opava, the Czech Republic. 2016. By invitation. Manuscript reviewer for Constellations: An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory. 2016. By invitation. Book manuscript reviewer for Palgrave Macmillan. 2015. By invitation. Promotional book cover endorsement for Generational Feminism: New Materialist Introduction to Generative Approach, Lexington Books, 2014. Solicited. Manuscript reviewer for The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Victorian Literature. 2014. By Invitation. Manuscript reviewer for African Journal of Political Science and International Relations. 2011. By invitation. Manuscript reviewer for Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature, 2011. By invitation. Manuscript reviewer for thirdspace: a journal of feminist theory & culture, 2011, By invitation. Book manuscript reviewer for Broadview Press, 2010. By invitation. Manuscript reviewer for thirdspace: a journal of feminist theory & culture, 2008. By invitation. Proposal reviewer, PA&D National Women’s Studies Association Conference, 2008. Manuscript reviewer for Victorian Studies, 2007. By invitation. Book manuscript reviewer for Broadview Press, 2007. By invitation. Manuscript reviewer for Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature, 2001. By invitation.</p><p>ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE Director, Comparative Women’s and Gender Studies in Europe Program, Antioch College/Antioch University, 2004-2016; Carleton College, 2016-present. University Academic Council (UAC) Faculty representative, AU. Elected for 2012-2014 and 2014-2016. UAC Faculty Caucus, Faculty representative, AU, 2012-2014 and 2014-2016. UAC Faculty Representative, AU Faculty Convocation, Los Angeles, April 11-14, 2015. Cross-Campus WGS Concentration Initiative designer and anchor, AU Faculty Convocation, Los Angeles, April 11-14, 2015. Jusová 7</p><p>Cross-Cultural and Global Studies Course Initiative co-designer, AU Faculty Convocation, Los Angeles, April 11-14, 2015. University Faculty Employment Task Force, UAC, AU, 2014-2015. AEA Faculty Representative, AU Faculty Convocation, Seattle, March 23-24, 2014. University Faculty Employment Policy Subcommittee, UAC, AU, 2013-2014. AU Faculty Convocation Planning Sub-Committee. Spring 2014. UAC Task Force on University Curriculum Review/Approval, AU, Spring 2013. University Academic Appeal Committee, AEA, AU, Spring 2013. AEA Faculty Representative, AU Faculty Conference, Santa Barbara, April 18-21, 2012. Learning Objectives Assessment Committee, Culture and Arts in Mali program, AEA, AU, 2008, 2011, 2012. Organizing Committee, “Lessons from Fukushima for Ohio,” AU, April 2012. University Faculty Task Force on Independent Study, AU, 2010-2011. Co-author of “Independent Study at Antioch University: A Report and Recommendations to the University Academic Council,” white paper. AEA Academic Council, AU, 2009-2016. Founding Member of the Nonstop Institute of Yellow Springs, an alternative educational and arts NGO, 2009-2013. Founding Member of the Nonstop Liberal Arts Institute, 2008-2009. Antioch College Administrative Committee, Summer 2008. PA&D NWSA Conference Planning Committee, NAWSA Conference, Cincinnati, OH, June 19-22, 2008. PA&D National Women’s Studies Association Task Force on women’s study abroad programs. 2008-2009. Women’s Studies Committee, Antioch College, 2005-2008. English Department Program Committee, Wittenberg University, 2003-2004. Gender Studies/Theatre/Film Studies Search Committee, English Department, Miami University, Spring 1999.</p><p>FACILITATED ACADEMIC/EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES – COMMUNITY SERVICE Moderator for "Conflict Zones and the State: Women Challenging Physical and Material Borders, " the NWSA Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, November 14, 2014. Moderator for "Peaceful Encounters: Women’s Sacred Hybrid Spaces," the NWSA Conference, Cincinnati, November 7-10, 2013. Facilitator and Presenter, "The Early Work of Luce Irigaray," Philosophers’ Roundtable, Antioch College, June 15, 2012. Coordinator and facilitator, "Gendered Gazes," Series of European feminist and queer film screenings and discussions, Nonstop Institute of Yellow Springs (NIYS), Spring 2012, Jusová 8</p><p>Coordinator and facilitator, "Education and Public Intellectual Practice" Reading Group, NIYS Spring-Summer 2010. Co-organizer and facilitator, live teleconference discussion with Michael Hardt (Duke U): "On the Multitude and the Common," the Education and Public Intellectual Practice Dialogues series, NIYS, June 17, 2010. Co-organizer and facilitator, live teleconference discussion with Marc Bousquet (SCU): "How the University Works: Higher Education and the Low-Wage Nation," the Education and Public Intellectual Practice Dialogues series, NIYS, May 13, 2010. Co-organizer and facilitator, live teleconference discussion with Cary Nelson (AAUP President): "On the State of the Humanities Today," the Education and Public Intellectual Practice Dialogues series, NIYS, April 29, 2010. Co-organizer and facilitator, live teleconferenced discussion with Sheila Slaughter (Institute of Higher Education, UGA): "Academic Capitalism and the New Economy," the Education and Public Intellectual Practice Dialogues series, NIYS, April 15, 2010. Co-organizer and facilitator, live teleconference discussion with Malini Johar Schueller (Uof Florida) & Ashley Dawson (Graduate Center, CUNY): "Dangerous Professors: Academic Freedom and the National Security State," the Education and Public Intellectual Practice Dialogues series, NIYS, March 25, 2010. Co-organizer and panel discussant, teach-in on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Antioch College, July 2006. Organizer and facilitator, Pavithra Narayanan (WSU-Vancouver): "Remembering Manorama Devi: Gender, Violence and Militarism in Manipur," Antioch College, April 7, 2006. Organizer and facilitator, Rebecca Gomperts (Women on Waves, Amsterdam): "Women on Waves and Abortion Rights," Antioch College, April 9, 2006.</p><p>AWARDS AND HONORS Research Fellowship and $3,000 Stipend, Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee Theatre Research Institute, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, June 2015. Invited Fellow, Intensive Seminar, School of Critical Theory, "Risk Societies and Cosmopolitanism," Center for the Humanities, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands, January 16- February 3, 2012. Women’s History Month Keynote Speaker Grant and Honorarium, Beacon College Global Awareness Program, March 2010. The International Women’s Day Lecturer Series Honorarium, the Unitarian Fellowship of Yellow Springs, OH, March 2007 & March 2013. Diversity Council Lecturer Series Grant and Honorarium, WSU Vancouver, June 2006. WS Committee Grant ($500), Antioch College, Spring 2007. Faculty Professional Development Travel Grant ($1,750), Antioch College, Spring 2007. Coretta Scott King Center’s Delta Travel Scholarship, for travel to the West Bank ($1,200), Antioch College, Spring 2007. Jusová 9</p><p>Outstanding Service for Community Award, Community Government, Antioch College, August 2006. Faculty Professional Development Funds Award, Antioch College 2005. Faculty Professional Development Grant, Wittenberg University, 2003. Faculty Professional Development Travel Grants, Miami University, 1999-2002. Graduate Student Achievement Award, Miami University, Fall 1999 & Spring 2000. Dissertation Fellowship, English Department, Miami University, 1998-1999. Graduate School Dissertation Research Support, Miami University, Summer 1997. Charles Merrill Travel Support, Summer 1992. Invited Visiting Scholar, Women’s Studies Program, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, Fall 1991 (one semester scholarship).</p>

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