Pledge of Allegiance s3

Pledge of Allegiance s3

<p> RIDLEY PARK, PA</p><p>JANUARY 20, 2015</p><p>The Ridley Park Borough Council met in regular session on the above date in Council Chambers of the Ridley Park Borough Hall. Council President Bob Berger called the meeting to order at 7:00PM.</p><p>PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE</p><p>The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor Eberle.</p><p>ROLL CALL</p><p>Council members present: Mr. Berger, Mr. Glenn, Mr. Mattus, Mrs. Snow, Mrs. Endriss- Dalessio, and Mayor Eberle. Also present were Mr. Charles Catania, Jr. Engineer and Mr. Ernie Angelo, Solicitor. Mrs. O’Mahoney and Police Chief Mark Bascelli were absent.</p><p>MAYOR’S REPORT – MR. EBERLE </p><p>OATH OF OFFICE</p><p>Mayor Eberle introduced and administered the Oath of Office to Richard Gurrea to the Planning Board.</p><p>ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS</p><p>Mayor Eberle and Bob Berger present Certificate of Appreciations to the 2015 Ridley United Soccer Champions Girls Youth under 15 years of age. Mayor Eberle introduced and congratulated Charles Catania, Jr., and assistant coaches his daughter Jill who wasn’t present due to a cold and Mark Brtz who couldn’t attend with a Certificate of Appreciation.</p><p>Mayor Eberle sadly announced the passing of Norm Donkin, Doris Lamb and John Corboy, Jr. and extended his sincere condolences to their families. </p><p>MAYOR’S 2015 ANNUAL STATE OF THE BOROUGH ADDRESS (COPY ATTACHED) </p><p>Mayor Eberle in his 18th annual state of Borough Address detailed a year of accomplishments for the community, including a new 10 year Comprehensive Plan. </p><p>1 RIDLEY PARK, PA</p><p>JANUARY 20, 2015</p><p>APPROVAL OF MINUTES</p><p>November 18, 2014 Council Meeting</p><p>Mr. Glenn made a motion to approve the Council Minutes of November 18, 2014, seconded by Mr. Mattus.</p><p>Carried by a vote of 6-0</p><p>December 3, 2014 Workshop Meeting </p><p>Mr. Mattus made a motion to approve the December 3rd Workshop Meeting, seconded by Mr. Glenn.</p><p>Carried by a vote of 6-0</p><p>December 26, 2014 Special Budge Meeting</p><p>Mr. Mattus made a motion to approve the December 26th Special Budge Meeting, seconded by Mr. Glenn.</p><p>Carried by a vote of 6-0</p><p>COMMITTEE REPORTS</p><p>FINANCE/PERSONNEL –COUNCILOR PAUL MATTUS</p><p>ACCOUNTS PAYABLE</p><p>Mr. Mattus stated that he would have a recommendation later to approve the Accounts Payable in the amount of $466,646,19. He noted that Accounts Payable is high because of the first quarter sewer bill.</p><p>GRANTS</p><p>Mr. Mattus reported that on Tuesday, December 31st there was a meeting on the Hillside Road to inspect the site and that it is ongoing. He stated that there are some interfering concerns with the residents.</p><p>Mr. Mattus reported on the Green Light Go grant on Swarthmore Avenue. He stated that the grant would upgrade to LED lights for three traffic signals and two school warning signals. </p><p>2 RIDLEY PARK, PA</p><p>JANUARY 20, 2015</p><p>PERSONNEL/CONTRACTS</p><p>Mr. Mattus reported that the police and the non uniform employees contracts are scheduled for later this year.</p><p>Mr. Mattus reported that the Personnel Committee received eleven applications for the Borough Manager’s position and that seven out of the eleven will be interviewed.</p><p>Mr. Glenn made a motion to accepted the Finance/Personnel report, seconded by Mrs. Dalessio.</p><p>Comments from Council:</p><p>Mr. Broadhurst asked if the County Grant for Liquid Fuels was received for this year.</p><p>Mr. Catania stated that the paperwork was filed but didn’t know if the check has been received.</p><p>Carried by a vote of 6-0</p><p>PUBLIC SAFETY – COUNCILOR HOLLY O’MAHONEY</p><p>Mr. Berger on behalf of Council extended his condolences.</p><p>FIRE – FIRE CHIEF NED DONKIN (COPY ATTACHED)</p><p>POLICE – CORP. JOHN MORRIS (COPY ATTACHED)</p><p>Corp. Morris announced that everyone should use 911 whether or not it’s an emergency. He stated that if you call the police station no one may be there, always use 911 NO MATTER WHAT. Corp. Morris also to be cautious of telephone scams.</p><p>CODE RED</p><p>Mrs. Dalessio reported that the Emergency Manager, Mike Gavin and herself attended a demonstration on how Code Red is utilized. She stated that it is very informative and is going to be very useful to the Borough. As an example she said it can pin point areas for specific messages and Red Code can send out E-mails, texts, phone calls, TTY for hearing impaired and later for the Borough website. </p><p>Mr. Mattus made a motion to accept the Public Safety report, seconded by Mr. Glenn.</p><p>No Comments from Council</p><p>3 RIDLEY PARK, PA</p><p>JANUARY 20, 2015</p><p>Carried by a vote of 6-0</p><p>PARKS & PROPERTIES – COUNCILOR JIM GLENN</p><p>SHADE TREE</p><p>Mr. Glenn reported that there wasn’t a Shade Tree meeting because there wasn’t a quorum. However, a few of the members met to discuss the Landscaping for the Sellers Avenue Bridge project.</p><p>H.A.R.B</p><p>Mr. Glenn reported that there wasn’t a meeting for the H.A.R.B but there is a meeting scheduled for this Thursday at 7:00 PM in the Borough Hall. Mr. Glenn noted the time change from 7:30 to 7:00 PM on the 4th Thursday of each month.</p><p>HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT</p><p>Mr. Glenn announced that the highway trucks are ready for snow. Mr. Glenn asked the residents to move their cars so the plow could clear the streets. He reported that the new dump truck should arrive early spring.</p><p>Mr. Mattus made a motion to accept the Parks & Properties report, seconded by Mrs. Snow.</p><p>No Comments from Council</p><p>Carried by a vote of 6-0</p><p>COMMUNITY RESOURCES – COUNCILOR SAMANTHA SNOW</p><p>Mrs. Snow announced that at next month’s meeting she would have a Recycling Ordinance on the agenda.</p><p>RECYCLING/TRASH</p><p>Mrs. Snow announced that the Christmas tree pick up is finished and that recycling is every Wednesday and yard waste is the 3rd Wednesday of until March. Mrs. Snow stated that if anyone has any problems or questions regarding their recycling or trash to call the Borough Hall or herself. </p><p>RECREATION</p><p>4 RIDLEY PARK, PA</p><p>JANUARY 20, 2015</p><p>Mrs. Snow announced a few dates to keep in mind. The annual community yard sale will be Saturday, May 9th and the Library Book and Bake Sale is Saturday, May 2nd. </p><p>LIBRARY</p><p>Mrs. Snow read the Library report submitted by Mary Alice Walsh, Library Director. (Copy Attached) </p><p>Mrs. Snow announced that Junior Councilor Nick DiGregorio is absent tonight because he not feeling well. </p><p>Mr. Mattus made a motion to accept the Community Resourses report, seconded by Mr. Glenn.</p><p>No Comments from Council</p><p>Carried by a vote of 6-0</p><p>TELECOMMUNICATION – COUNCILOR MICHELE ENDRISS-DALESSIO</p><p>TELECOMMUNICATIONS</p><p>Mrs. Dalessio reported that the Telecommunication met last Tuesday, January 13th and that there was discussion regarding the website and that they are setting up a webimar for next month.</p><p>BUSINESS ASSOCIATION</p><p>Mrs. Dalessio reported that the Ridley Park Business Association’s next business meeting would be Wednesday, February 18th at 6:30 PM.</p><p>RIDLEY PARK ATHLETIC CLUB</p><p>Mrs. Dalessio announced that at next month’s Council meeting the Ridley Park Traveling Team 8 and under and 11 & 12 year olds will be acknowledge.</p><p>BARNSTORMER</p><p>Mrs. Dalessio announced the production of Dogfight is now showing at the Barnstormers. Show dates are February, 27-28, March, 6-8 and a matinee a 2:00 PM March 8th. </p><p>5 RIDLEY PARK, PA</p><p>JANUARY 20, 2015</p><p>Mr. Mattus made a motion to accept the Telecommunications report, seconded by Mr. Glenn.</p><p>No Comments from Council</p><p>Carried by a vote of 6-0</p><p>PUBLIC RRELATIONS – COUNCILOR DAN BROADHURST (COPY ATTACHED)</p><p>Mr. Glenn made a motion to accept the Public Relations report, seconded by Mr. Mattus.</p><p>Comments from Council:</p><p>Mr. Broadhurst said he wouldn’t be at the next Workshop meeting due to work related matters.</p><p>Carried by a vote of 6-0</p><p>PLANNING AND ZONING COUNCIL PRESIDENT BOB BERGER</p><p>Planning</p><p>Mr. Berger reported that the Planning Commission held its meeting on Thursday, December 19th regarding the final 5 lot subdivision plans for 307 Sellers Avenue. The Planning Commission approved the plans and is waiting for escrow payment in an agreement with Borough and the builder. </p><p>Mr. Berger reported that the Borough receive a proposed curative amendment from Rose Tree Investment regarding Ridley Park Medical Building on Chester Pike addressing commercial offsite parking. He explained that a Special Meeting that was scheduled for Monday, December 22nd was tabled and is rescheduled for Thursday, January 29th at 6:00 PM in Council Chambers. He stated that it is open to the public. </p><p>ZONING</p><p>Mr. Berger stated that there wasn’t anything pending.</p><p>CDCA</p><p>Mr. Berger reported the January meeting of the Central Delaware County Sewer Authority presented the beginning of creating a 20 year strategic plan. He stated that more information is to follow as it becomes available. He announced that there is no February meeting and that the next meeting would be Tuesday, March 10th. </p><p>6 RIDLEY PARK, PA</p><p>JANUARY 20, 2015</p><p>Mr. Berger announced that the 2014 Comprehensive Plan is published and is available to Council and residents and through the website. </p><p>MAIN STREETS</p><p>Mr. Berger announced that meetings for Main Streets are the 4th Tuesday of the month at Casey’s beginning in February.</p><p>Mr. Glenn made a motion to accept the Planning and Zoning report, seconded by Mr. Mattus. </p><p>No Comments from Council</p><p>Carried by a vote of 6-0</p><p>JUNIOR COUNCILOR – NICK DIGREGORIO</p><p>Due to illness no report was given.</p><p>BOROUGH ACTIVITY</p><p>BOROUGH SOLICITOR’S REPORT – ERNIE ANGELOS ESQ.</p><p>Mr. Angelos stated that he had no pending legal matters to report to Council.</p><p>ENGINEERS REPORT MR. CHARLES CATANIA, JR. (COPY ATTACHED)</p><p>Mr. Catania reported that each year the state requires an inspection of the lake. He stated that it has been inspected and the paperwork has been filed.</p><p>PUBLIC COMMENT</p><p>Michael Gale, 51 Collier Circle</p><p>Commented on the Ridley Park Code regarding trees specifically section 195-16 Activities harmful to trees and are prohibited and it list nine items. Mr. Gale wanted to bring to Council’s attention about the spraying of chemicals around the shade trees.</p><p>Jared Brennan, 111 Welcome Avenue</p><p>7 RIDLEY PARK, PA</p><p>JANUARY 20, 2015</p><p>Mr. Brennan asked the status of the Police Chief, Mark Bascelli. </p><p>Mr. Berger stated that he is on medical leave dealing with an injury.</p><p>Mr. Angelos stated that he is taking his own earned time off and that this is a personnel matter.</p><p>Mr. Brennan asked for Mr. Berger explain the curative amendment.</p><p>Mr. Berger stated that it is the medical building on Chester Pike looking for relief for parking. It was brought forward through the Planning Commission as to benefit the Borough.</p><p>Mr. Angelos that they have a right to appeal should Council decide to curative the amendment as proposed is insufficient. It is a legal procedure that is pending. They are arguing the code is overly restrictive.</p><p>Discussion Followed</p><p>Jim Butts, 383 Hillside Road</p><p>Mr. Butts introduced himself and stated that he is a new residents and that he had a few questions for Council.</p><p>Mr. Butts complimented the Mayor’s State of the Borough Address and suggested it be put on the website along with the grant application regarding the lake. Mr. Butts had questions concerning the abatement program and the Code Enforcement. </p><p>Mr. Berger stated that the abatement program started about March of last year because there were about nine properties that need tending to and that it takes awhile for the procedure for results.</p><p>Discussion Followed </p><p>Sandy Hess, 317 Burk Avenue</p><p>Mrs. Hess commented to Mrs. Snow that her trash wasn’t picked up.</p><p>Mrs. Snow explained that there are some issues with the trash hauler but stated on a holiday your trash would be picked up on your next regular trash day.</p><p>Mrs. Hess asks Mr. Mattus to explain the late fee of $7300.00 for the MMO because she didn’t understand the answer last month. </p><p>8 RIDLEY PARK, PA</p><p>JANUARY 20, 2015</p><p>Mr. Mattus tried to explain the answer in way Mrs. Hess would understand.</p><p>Howard Caldwell, 43 Partridge Avenue</p><p>Mr. Caldwell thanked the police for cleaning up the neighborhood and the drug dealers. Mr. Caldwell asks why it takes so long to get a building permit. He explained what he went through and stated that he was very upset with the code enforcers. </p><p>Mr. Berger stated that after reviewing some of Mr. Caldwell’s documents he look into a few of the complaints, did some research and stated that he would meet with Mr. Caldwell tomorrow at 10:00AM to discuss the matter. </p><p>MOTIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS</p><p>Appointments to Ridley Park Borough Boards and Commissions:</p><p>TELECOMMUNICATION</p><p>To appoint Perry Artese and Andrew Rockwell for a 3 year term 12/31/2017.</p><p>Mrs. Dalessio is the maker of the motion, seconded by Mr. Mattus.</p><p>Carried by a vote of 6-0</p><p>ZONING HEARING</p><p>To appoint Jeffery Craig for a 5 year term 12/31/2019.</p><p>Mr. Berger is the maker of the motion, seconded by Mr. Mattus.</p><p>Carried by a vote of 6-0</p><p>SHADE TREE</p><p>To appoint David Rowlyk for a 5 year term 12/31/2019.</p><p>Mr. Glenn is the maker of the motion, seconded by Mr. Mattus.</p><p>9 RIDLEY PARK, PA</p><p>JANUARY 20, 2015</p><p>Carried by a vote of 6-0</p><p>BOARD OF HEALTH</p><p>To appoint Joanne Sweeney, Health Officer for a 5 year term 12/31/2019.</p><p>Mr. Berger making the motion for Mrs. O’Mahoney seconded by Mr. Mattus.</p><p>Carried by a vote of 6-0</p><p>CENTRAL DELCO SEWER AUTHORITY</p><p>To appoint Bob Berger for a 5 year term 12/31/2019.</p><p>Mr. Mattus is the maker of the motion, seconded by Mr. Glenn.</p><p>Carried by a vote of 5-0 Bob Berger Abstained </p><p>HARB</p><p>To appoint David Kapanjie and Kevin Gallagher for a 4 year term 12/31/2018.</p><p>Mr. Glenn is the maker of the motion, seconded by Mr. Mattus.</p><p>Carried by a vote of 6-0</p><p>PLANNING COMMISSION</p><p>To appoint Christine Valerio for a 4 year term 12/31/2018.</p><p>Mr. Berger is the maker of motion, seconded by Mr. Mattus.</p><p>Carried by a vote of 6-0.</p><p>RECREATION BOARD</p><p>To appoint Carol Dunn and Janet Hammett for a 4 year term 12/31/2018.</p><p>Mrs. Snow is the maker of the motion, seconded by Mr. Mattus.</p><p>Carried by a vote of 6-0.</p><p>Motion to approve the accounts payable for the month of January, 2015 in the amount of $466,195.51.</p><p>10 RIDLEY PARK, PA</p><p>JANUARY 20, 2015</p><p>Mr. Mattus is the maker of the motion, seconded by Mr. Glenn.</p><p>No Comments from Council</p><p>Carried by a vote of 6-0 </p><p>NEW BUSINESS</p><p>None</p><p>OLD BUSINESS</p><p>None</p><p>ADJOURNMENT</p><p>Mr. Mattus made a motion to adjourn at 8:25PM, seconded by Mr. Glenn.</p><p>Carried by a vote of 6-0</p><p>Respectfully Submitted</p><p>Christine Graham Administrative Assistant</p><p>11 RIDLEY PARK, PA</p><p>JANUARY 20, 2015</p><p>12</p>

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