<p> UMABU STRATEGIC PLAN (USP)</p><p>1. PLAN OF WORKSHOP FOR PREPARATION OF UMABU STRATEGIC PLAN</p><p>SCHEDULE FOR PREPARATION UMABU STRATEGIC PLAN</p><p>DAY ONE: 28/ 01/2015 Time Activity 10.30am – 11.30am Arrival, Preparation and Breakfast 11.30am – 1.00pm Plan of workshop 1.00pm – 2.00pm Lunch 2.30pm – 4.30pm Assessment of UMABU programs 4.30pm – 5.00pm Evening refreshment 5.00pm – 7.30pm Rest and Dinner 7.30pm – 9.30pm Organization budget DAY TWO: 29/ 01/2015 Time Activity 7.00am – 7.30am Breakfast 7.30am – 8.00pm Recap 8.00am – 10.00am Management of existing programs 10.00am - 10.30am Tea 10.30am – 1.00pm Management of existing programs 1.00pm – 2.00pm Lunch 2.30pm – 4.30pm Innovative programs 4.30pm – 5.00pm Evening refreshment 5.00pm – 7.30pm Rest and Dinner 7.30pm – 9.30pm Innovative programs DAY THREE: 30/ 01/ 2015 Time Activity 7.00am – 7.30am Breakfast 7.30am – 8.30pm Recap 8.30am – 11.00am Innovative programs 11.00am - 11.30am Tea 11.30am – 1.00pm Fundraising Strategies 1.00pm – 3.00pm Lunch and Rest 3.00pm – 5.00pm Preparation of log frames for innovative programs 5.00pm – 8.00pm Evening refreshment, Rest and Dinner 8.00pm – 10.00pm Preparation of Implementation Plan</p><p>1 2. ASSESSMENT OF UMABU PROGRAMS</p><p>In this assessment, first we recalled programs ever implemented by our organization. Second we conducted SWOT analysis to track strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats/ challenges that enabled us to recommend immediate measures for improvement of UMABU performance.</p><p>PROGRAMS:</p><p>S PROGRAM/ PROJECT DONOR TIME N INTERVAL 1 Girls Secondary Education Sponsorship Terre des hommes 2000 -2014 Netherlands (TdH – Nl) 2 Early Childhood Education and Development Basic Education (ECED) Fellowship (BEF) 3 Water, Environment and Sanitation (WES): UNICEF 2008 Reproductive Health 4 Staff House Construction (Appropriate Terre des hommes construction technology) at NSS Netherlands (TdH – Nl) 5 Nyegina Water Project Terre des hommes 2006 - 2009 Netherlands (TdH – Nl), Belgium Overseas Mission Secretariat, Diocese of Musoma. 6 Child Rights Radio Program Terre des hommes 2009 - 2013 Netherlands (TdH – Nl) 7 Integrated Project Terre des hommes 2009 - 2014 I. Girls secondary education sponsorship/ Netherlands (TdH – Girl Guide Nl) II. Youth sports program III. Women income generating groups (IGA) IV. Child Rights 8 Quality Primary Education with Community Terre des hommes 2011 - 2013 Auditing Groups(CAG) Netherlands (TdH – Nl) 9 Improvement of Government Secondary Terre des hommes 2011 -2012 Schools in the Bukwaya Area (Construction of Netherlands (TdH – Labs) Nl) 10 Girls’ Hostel Construction at Nyegina secondary Tanzania 2008 School Development Support (TDS) 11 Girls Secondary Education Sponsorship Tanzania 2012 – TO Development DATE Support (TDS)</p><p>2 12 Library and Community Resource Centre Tanzania 2012- TO (LCRC) Development DATE Support (TDS) 13 Study Abroad Program for TDS students Tanzania 2010 – TO Development DATE Support (TDS) 14 Women Solar Cooker Project Rose William (Madson)</p><p>SWOT (C) ANALYSIS:</p><p>STRENGTHS:</p><p>- UMABU is rooted in its community,</p><p>- It has well equipped offices,</p><p>- It is a credible organisation that serves with local government authority, local and international donors,</p><p>- Longevity; it has an experience of more than 20 years in implementing development projects</p><p>WEAKNESSES:</p><p>- UMABU has been too dependent to its few funders, that is it lacks drive for many funds.</p><p>- Its staff and members lack clear understanding of the meaning of civil society,</p><p>- It engages few women in the organisation,</p><p>- And poor working ethics of staff.</p><p>OPPORTUNITIES:</p><p>- There are full of community needs of UMABU programs due to prevailing poverty.</p><p>- Plenty of resources are available in environment: People, Land, Knowledge and Funds (e.g money markets). </p><p>THREATS/CHALLENGES:</p><p>- Inflation (Instability of currency value)</p><p>- Extreme poverty</p><p>IMMEDIATE MEASURES FOR IMPROVEMENT OF UMABU PERFORMANCE</p><p>3 - Start offering consultancies in areas of organisation and project management.</p><p>- Start initiatives to acquire land from the Musoma District Council Director.</p><p>- UMABU has to recruit one female staff from one of the following fields of study: Economics, Development or Sociology.</p><p>- Increase our drive to fundraise and mobilise resources both locally and internationally. We should peg in new programs once sources are available in other sources.</p><p>3. ORGANIZATION BUDGET </p><p>This is a budget for cartering daily management activities, stationeries, expendables, transport, maintenance and repair. Below are among the activities to be covered by the organization budget:</p><p>- Program and Project implementation Activities</p><p>- Board and Staff Meetings</p><p>- UMABU elections</p><p>- Recruitment of UMABU staff</p><p>- Follow up of activities implemented, existing and to be implemented</p><p>- Evaluation and Review of UMABU programs and projects</p><p>- Internal and external auditing of UMABU accounts</p><p>- Report writing; Narrative, Monitoring and Financial reports.</p><p>- Attending workshops, Meeting and Trainings</p><p>- Purchases</p><p>- Banking Activities</p><p>- Communications (Writing and responding letters, emails and fax)</p><p>- Handling visitors</p><p>FIND ATTACHED APPENDIX 04: UMABU ORGANIZATION BUDGET.</p><p>4. MANAGEMENT OF EXISTING PROGRAMS</p><p>List of Existing programs:</p><p>4 4.1.Girls Secondary Education Sponsorship</p><p>4.2.Quality Primary Education with Community Auditig Groups (CAGs)</p><p>4.3.Improvement of the Quality of Education in Government Secondary Schools in the Bukwaya Area (Labs and Classrooms Construction)</p><p>4.4.Study Abroad Program</p><p>4.5.Writing LCRC-ICT Project Proposal to be submitted to Rotary Club</p><p>4.6.Library and Community Resource Centre (LCRC)</p><p>4.7.Women Pottery Project/ Social entrepreneurship</p><p>4.8.Hostel fence</p><p>4.9.Engineer Without Boarders (EWB) Solar Installation Project at Nyegina Secondary School.</p><p>4.10. TDS Girls Secondary Education Sponsorship</p><p>4.11. Election of UMABU leaders</p><p>FIND ATTACHED APPENDIX 01: PURPOSE AND ACTIVITIES FOR EXISTING PROGRAMS 4.1 – 4.9 </p><p>4.12. ELECTION OF UMABU LEADERS</p><p>A list of implemented election activities:</p><p> i. 2014 October 11th Election mobilization meeting</p><p> ii. Mobilization of election in villages. This was done in few villages as outlined below:</p><p> It was already done at Mmahare, Kurukerege, Kigera, Nyakatende, Kiemba, Kamuguruki, Nyasaungu, Rukuba and Kabegi (Nyasurura).</p><p> It was not done at Etaro, Busamba, Bisumwa, Nyabekwabi, Kyamajoje, Kakisheri and Nyegina.</p><p> iii. 2014 November 4th Evaluation of election progress </p><p> iv. 2014 November 5th -19th Elections in respective villages. This was also done in some of the villages as outlined below:</p><p> It was not at Etaro, Busamba, Bisumwa, Nyabekwabi, Kyamajoje, Kakisheri and Nyegina.</p><p>5 It was incompletely done at Mmahare, Nyakatende, Kamuguruki, Kiemba, Nyasaungu and Mkirira.</p><p> It was completely done at Kurukerege.</p><p>A list of non implemented and partially implemented electoral activities:</p><p> i. Mobilization of election in villages.</p><p> ii. Election in some of villages.</p><p> iii. A meeting for evaluation of elections in villages and preparation for electoral AGM.</p><p> iv. Electoral Annual General Meeting (AGM).</p><p> v. Review of election budget.</p><p> vi. Informing election mobilizers to keep on doing their work.</p><p>Date: February - April</p><p>5. INNOVATIVE PROGRAMS</p><p>List of innovative programs:</p><p>5.1.UMABU Consultancy Program (UMABU Management Solutions)</p><p>5.2.Library and Community Resource Centre Program/ Business plan </p><p>5.3.Integrated Community Economic Development Program in Butiama District (ICED – Butiama)</p><p> 4H</p><p> Value Added Agriculture (REDT/RIPAT)</p><p> Land Management Project: “Hati miliki za Kimila”</p><p> Women empowerment (IGA) in agriculture</p><p>5.4.ICT Based Science Teaching Program</p><p>5.5.Serengeti Water Project</p><p>5.6.Extension of Nyegina Water Project to Etaro Village</p><p>5.7.UMABU Volunteers Program</p><p>5.8.Soliciting Land from Musoma District Council or Bukwaya Villages.</p><p>6 DESCRIPTIONS PER EACH INNOVATIVE PROGRAM</p><p>These tell what will be the purpose of each program, the activities/ sub-activities to be undertaken to make the program exists, the time frame in which those activities will be implemented and location of program implementation.</p><p>5.1.UMABU CONSULTANCY PROGRAM (UMABU MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS)</p><p>Purpose: Provision of planning knoweldge and skills in education programs and empowering marginalized communities in project management.</p><p>Activities/ Sub-activities:</p><p> i. Assemblying knowledge base for various consultancies: Templates, Guides and Training manuals.</p><p> ii. Developing a consultant team: B. Misana, L. Kazeri, Regina Andrea, B. Luzangi, B. Ndago, Musiba Laurent and F. Patrick.</p><p> iii. Establishing partneship with CASEC, CBHCC, CWCA and Ubunifu Associates.</p><p> iv. Search information for registration.</p><p> v. Developing a market strategy for consultancy service.</p><p>Location: UMABU office, Musoma.</p><p>Date: Urgent</p><p>5.2.LIBRARY AND COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTRE PROGRAM/ BUSINESS PLAN </p><p>Purpose: Library based provision of knowledge and skills for human resource development in communities and education institutions, providing entrepreneurial skills to marginalized groups.</p><p>Activities/Sub-activities:</p><p> i. Identification of beneficiaries and their needs through conducting a baseline survey in expected library user communities.</p><p> ii. Designing programs (training, fundraising etc) for beneficiaries</p><p> iii. Determing membership system and fee</p><p> iv. Analysis of human resource required</p><p>7 v. Designing management structure</p><p> vi. Contacting Dr. V. Msonge to enquire various insights on library issues</p><p> vii. Preparing budget plan for LCRC program</p><p> viii. Developing resource mobilisation strategies:</p><p> Mobilize resources from the Ragional Library</p><p> Approaching Hakielimu in search for a support of library books</p><p> Mobilize resources from Mwangaza Centre</p><p>Location: Nyegina</p><p>Date: March</p><p>5.3.INTEGRATED COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM IN BUTIAMA DISTRICT (ICED – BUTIAMA)</p><p> 4H</p><p> Value Added Agriculture (REDT/RIPAT)</p><p> Land Management Project: “Hati miliki za Kimila”</p><p> Women empowerment (IGA) in agriculture</p><p>Purpose: Improving economic livelihoods of rural communities by practising value added agriculture, land management improvement and empowering women.</p><p>Activities/ Sub-activities:</p><p> i. Searching information on:</p><p> 4H programs: Google information and Enquire from TDS Director, Prof. Kurt.</p><p> REDET/ RIPAT agriculture programs: Enquire information from Arusha and LGA agricultural Officers in Musoma District Council.</p><p> Land management programs: Enquire information from DC Deus Munasa and LGA land Officers in Musoma District Council.</p><p> ii. Visiting Arusha REDET/RIPAT program for the reason of learning it and searching its donors.</p><p> iii. Develop a concept note for the ICED- Butiama Program.</p><p> iv. Marketing the program Concept Note to various donors.</p><p>8 Location: Butiama District.</p><p>Date: February</p><p>5.4.ICT BASED SCIENCE TEACHING PROGRAM</p><p>Purpose: Fast tracking the revolution of teaching mathematics, science and ICT subjects by organising the teaching and learning experience around information and communication technologies (ICT).</p><p>Activities/ Sub-activities:</p><p> i. Searching for possible donors.</p><p> ii. Forwarding the ICT Based Science Teaching Program to TDS Director, Prof. Kurt.</p><p> iii. Contacting Fr. B. Misana for the aim of assisting UMABU in search for possible donors of the ICT program.</p><p> iv. Review of the Concept paper to fit other donors’ formats and needs.</p><p> v. Searching out the possibility of starting a pilot of ICT program at Mkono Secondary School</p><p> Contacting the headmster for Mkono secondary school.</p><p> Discussing with the existing volunteer at Mkono secondary school</p><p> Flying out the idea to DEO</p><p> vi. Review and write a new full proposal</p><p>Location: In secondary schools of Butiama District</p><p>Date: March</p><p>6. RESOURCE MOBILIZATION/ FUNDRAISING STRATEGIES (RMF – STRATEGIES)</p><p>UMABU is analyzing RMF strategies through the three outlined levels in order to identify appropriate RMF-strategies for each of its program:</p><p> i. UMABU existing RMF-strategies</p><p> ii. Other possible available RMF-strategies</p><p> iii. Selecting RMF-strategies for each program</p><p>9 i. UMABU EXISTING RMF-STRATEGIES</p><p> Project proposal writing</p><p> Individual Fundraising (For example: Solar Cooker Project, UMABU Election)</p><p> Pledges (For example: Water Walk, Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro)</p><p> Local Contributions </p><p> ii. OTHER POSSIBLE AVAILABLE RMF-STRATEGIES</p><p> Corporate responsibilities/philanthropies.</p><p> Electronic Fundraising (e-mailing, website).</p><p> Alumni of Secondary Education Sponsorship.</p><p> Non financial resource mobilisation: Job volunteers program, Collaboration, land and office premises donations.</p><p> iii. SELECTING RMF-STRATEGIES FOR EACH PROGRAM</p><p> a. UMABU CONSULTANCY PROGRAM (UMABU MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS)</p><p> Collaboration: collaborating with CASEC, CBHCC, CWCA, UBUNIFU, B.MISANA</p><p> Volunteers: Registration – Makongo; Marketing brovhures – Codemasters, Sirorisimba Co. Ltd, Kayola enterprises, Nyambusi Bookshop and Radio VFM.</p><p> b. LIBRARY AND COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTRE PROGRAM/ BUSINESS PLAN</p><p> Collecting training fees of various programs; e.g. Entrepreneurship training.</p><p> Collecting library membership fees.</p><p>10 Solicit funds and books from LGA, Embassies, and advanced libraries e.g. regional and central libraries.</p><p> Corporate philanthropies e.g. CRDB PLC, EAFCO</p><p> Solicit funds from and through influential people; e.g. Mathayo, Mkono, Jaji Bwana, Werema, Vicent Msonge (IFM academic staff)</p><p> c. INTEGRATED COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM IN BUTIAMA DISTRICT (ICED – BUTIAMA)</p><p> Collecting training fees</p><p> Mobilising land for development of exemplary farm from LGA.</p><p> Soliciting local contributions from the community members involving in the project</p><p> Writing both concept note and full proposal for the ICED – BUTIAMA and share it to donor for attracting funding.</p><p>7. LOG FRAMES</p><p>Find the log frames for innovative programs attached as APPENDIX 02.</p><p>8. 2015 UMABU IMPLEMENTATION PLAN</p><p>Find an implementation plan for first half of 2015 attached as APPENDIX 03.</p><p>11</p>
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