Weekly Plan for Literacy: Year 1 s5

Weekly Plan for Literacy: Year 1 s5

<p>Maths Year 2 Weekly Plan: Spring – Week 1: TS1 Ordering and comparing ~ TS2 Rounding to the nearest 10 Objectives: Mark two-digit numbers on a landmarked line (labelled in tens), Compare numbers using the symbols < and >, Use ordinal numbers in context up to 10 th and beyond, Use knowledge of order of numbers and properties of number (e.g. odd/even, multiples of 2 and 10) to describe/sort numbers, Solve logic problems, Round two-digit numbers to nearest multiple of ten Starters Whole class teaching Guided group and independent paired/indiv practice activities Outcomes y</p><p> a Compare 2-digit Show chn a large landmarked line (0-100, with only 10s marked and labelled). Where would 35 Easy/Medium/Hard Chn can: d n</p><p> o no.s go on this line? Which 2 multiples of 10 does it lie between? Where is it between 30 and 40? Chn work in pairs to shuffle a pack of 1. Mark two- M</p><p>Put chn in group Imagine 10 beads between 30 and 40. Draw a tag to label its position. Where does 51 lie on 1-9 digit cards, take 2 cards and digit numbers 1 of 4. They each this line? Is it closer to 50 or 60? Imagine 10 beads in the space between 50 and 60, and then discuss what 2-digit no.s are possible on a k</p><p> e st</p><p> e write a 2-digit hanging a tag after the 1 bead. Where would you put 83 on this line? Nearer 80 or 90? Closer to make using these 2 digits. They landmarked </p><p>W number on a w/b to 80 or 85 which is halfway between 80 and 90? Rpt with other 2-digit nos. Make an equals mark both on a 0-100 landmarked line line (labelled and then work sign by securing 2 strips of black paper in the middle using brass fasteners to a background (see resources) and record the 2 in tens). together to put piece of card (see below plan). The equals sign means that whatever is on each side must inequalities, e.g. 54 > 45 and 45 < 54. 2. Compare them in order balance. Make 2 towers of 2 cubes to fit between the 2 lines of the equals sign. Take 1 cube TD with Medium group numbers from the smallest off the right tower and add it to the left, and move the 2 black lines so that the cubes still fit Easy: Chn mark both no.s on a 0-100 using the to largest. Show a between them. There is space for more cubes at this end than at the other, we call this a beaded line (see resources). TA symbols < and 1-100 grid for greater than sign: what’s on this side is greater than what’s on the other side (see below plan Plenary >. them to check. for demo). Record 3 > 1. Put 3 cubes on the right and 1 on left and explain that this is a ‘less Write on the f/c: > Together Rpt, then ask two than’ sign. The smaller number goes on the left this time, there’s less space here. Record 1 < 3. find 2 nos from the 1-100 groups of 4 to Shuffle a pack of 1-9 digit cards. Take two out, e.g. 8 and 3. What 2-digit no.s can we make grid that would make this combine and order with these digits? Which number will be bigger? Record 83 > 38. Read together. Also record true. Show both no.s on a all 8 w/bs. 38 < 83 and read together. Mark both no.s on the landmarked line. Rpt with other pairs of nos. pair of bead strings to confirm. Rpt. Rpt with: < Recognise multiples of 2 and 10 Show chn a 100 grid (or use the ITP Number grid) and ring 24. What Easy/Medium/Hard Chn can: Highlight multiples of 10 on ITP can we say about this number? Anything else? Draw out statements Chn guess mystery numbers given clues (see 1. Identify Number grid. What do you notice such as: resources). TD with Easy group properties of about these nos? They are all in 10 It’s even Hard: Chn also write their own clues for numbers and times table, we call them multiples It’s between 20 and 30 someone to guess 25. TA</p><p>© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. MATHS Y2 Week 1 TS1 & 2 Spring Maths Year 2 Weekly Plan: Spring – Week 1: TS1 Ordering and comparing ~ TS2 Rounding to the nearest 10 Objectives: Mark two-digit numbers on a landmarked line (labelled in tens), Compare numbers using the symbols < and >, Use ordinal numbers in context up to 10 th and beyond, Use knowledge of order of numbers and properties of number (e.g. odd/even, multiples of 2 and 10) to describe/sort numbers, Solve logic problems, Round two-digit numbers to nearest multiple of ten y</p><p> a of 10 and they all end in 0. Write It’s a two-digit number Plenary use this to d s</p><p> e the following no.s on the board: 23, It’s greater than 20. Write the following no.s on cards: 12, 35, 17, sort them. u</p><p>T 87, 60, 120, 346, 910, 2870, 5472, It’s not in the 10 times table. 40, 10, and 13. Draw two sets, labelled odd 2. Solve logic </p><p>1</p><p>36780, reading the really big nos. Rpt with 35. Show chn the following clues for a mystery number: and even. Where should we put 12? Why? problems. k</p><p> e Which of these are multiples of I am less than 40. How can you tell it’s an even number? Give e</p><p>W 10? How do you know? Ask chn to I am greater than 25. each pair of chn a card (1-100) and ask them think of a really big number and I end in 5. to discuss where they should go. Chn say write it down for them. Wow, even I am not in the ten times table. how they decided as they take turns to with this big number we can still What am I? place their cards in the correct set. Rpt for tell whether it’s a multiple of 10 or Work through clues together, crossing out on the 100 square (or using ‘multiples of 2’ and ‘multiples of 10’. Draw not! Rpt for multiples of 2. grey square on ITP to hide them) until there is only 1 number left. out how the sets need to overlap. </p><p>© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. MATHS Y2 Week 1 TS1 & 2 Spring Maths Year 2 Weekly Plan: Spring – Week 1: TS1 Ordering and comparing ~ TS2 Rounding to the nearest 10 Starters Whole class teaching Guided group and independent paired/indiv practice activities Outcomes 1</p><p>Order no.s <100 Show chn a selection of birthday cards which show ordinal no.s, e.g. Happy Easy/Hard Medium Chn can: k</p><p> e th st nd rd</p><p> e Give each child a 9 Birthday! Ensure that they include 1 , 2 and 3 so that you can discuss Chn work out Give chn 4 red, 2 blue, 3 green and 1 yellow 1. Use st W 1-100 card. Count how these are written differently. Look how 21 is written too. We don't secret cubes. They use them to make a stick and ordinal y a</p><p> d to 100, pointing have a card for someone who is 22; you don’t usually get that on birthday messages describe it using ordinal no.s. Make a stick numbers in s st nd rd e to no.s on a 1-100 cards. But how might it be written? And 23? Which person is the oldest? (see so that the 1 , 2 and 3 are red, and the context up n</p><p> d th th th th th </p><p> e grid as you do so. And the youngest? Show 2 cards, e.g. 6 and 9 If a person is older than 6 resources). 9 and 10 are blue. How is your stick to 10 and th W Chn stand up as but younger than 9, what might be on their card? Line the class up. Help Easy Easier different to others? What colour is your 4 beyond. you say their chn to work out their position and to write it on their w/bs. Read along from version of cube? And 8th? Chn sit back to back with number. Chn swap 1st to the end. Write in big writing: Gina, Peter and Sam are 2. sheet, partner, they take it in turns to make a new no.s Rpt, this 15th, 6th, 8th, 7th, 2nd, 3rd, 1st working out stick, describe their stick to their partner time without 4th, 7th short chn’s who tries to make an identical stick. TD pointing to no.s 19th, 5th, 15th names. TA as you count. There is a secret code in the sentence. The 15th letter is the 1st letter in a Plenary secret message. What do you think the next letter is? Write 1st, 2nd, 3rd… Show 3 different sticks of cubes made by the medium group. 19th above the letters to help chn work out the mystery message. A child describes their stick to the rest of the class. Can they guess which one it is? Rpt with a different child. </p><p> y nd</p><p> a Place value Write 32 on a tag, and ask a child to hang it after the 32 bead on a 100 Easy/Medium/Hard Chn can: d s</p><p> r Show chn how to bead bar. Is 32 nearer to 30 or 40? To round 32 to the nearest 10 we Chn work in pairs to shuffle a pack of 1-9 digit cards. They 1. Round u</p><p> h show 35 using round it to 30 because that’s the closest multiple of 10. If we were adding take 2, make two 2-digit no.s and mark them on a 0-100 two-digit T hands. Close your </p><p>1 the prices of lots of toys, and just needed to know roughly how much the landmarked line (see resources). They discuss which 10s numbers </p><p> k hands, flash 10, 3 whole would be, we could round each price to the nearest £10 and then number each 2-digit number rounds to, and ring that number to nearest e e times, then hold add them. Rpt, locating 68, 42 and 98 on the bead bar, and rounding each on the line. Rpt. TD with Medium group multiple of W up 5 fingers. Hold to the nearest 10. Write 45 on a tag and ask a child to hang it in the Easy: Chn mark nos on a 0-100 beaded line (see resources). ten. up a 2-digit correct position on the bead bar. Is it nearer to 40 or 50? It’s in the Plenary Hold up a 2-digit number, e.g. 48. Which multiple of number, say 3, 2, middle. If we’re asked to round 45, we would round it up to 50. If you ten does this round to? Chn use place value cards to answer. 1. Chn show the were rounding lots of prices, it would be safer to round 45p up to 50p to Rpt with other no.s including 25, 35 etc. Show me a number number. Rpt. make sure you had enough money! So we always round up any nos ending in which rounds to 30. 5. Rounding Show chn items priced 17p, 25p, 32p, Easy/Medium/Hard Chn can: Use the hall. Chn 49p, 55p, 63p, 74p, 86p and 99p. Take Chn work in pairs to come up with 2 prices that round to 20p. Rpt for 30p, 40p, 50p… £1. 1. Round stand holding no.s 0, each in turn and round to the nearest They mark each on a money line (see resources). Easy: Chn’s line has pennies on it (see two-digit 10, 20…100. Give 10p. Mark each on a 0-100 landmarked resources). Hard: Chn write 2 prices, one < 20p and > than 20p. Rpt for 30p, 40p… £1. TD numbers </p><p>© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. MATHS Y2 Week 1 TS1 & 2 Spring Maths Year 2 Weekly Plan: Spring – Week 1: TS1 Ordering and comparing ~ TS2 Rounding to the nearest 10 y</p><p> a other chn a 1-100 line (see resources), having added ‘p’ Plenary to nearest d i</p><p> r card each. A group after multiples of 10. Discuss how 99p Show items priced 27p, 18p and 11p. I’ve got £1, I wonder if I’ve got enough to buy all 3 multiple of F</p><p>1 at a time, they stand rounds to 100p which is £1; write £1 by things. We could also round each price to the nearest 10p to get a rough idea. Do this to ten.</p><p> k between the correct 100 on the line. Explain that if we want arrive at 30p, 20p and 10p. What is 30p and 20p? How could we work this out? Now we need e e multiples of 10, then to add several of these prices quickly, it to add on the last 10p. What have we got? So the total is about 60p, so we’ve probably got W move to the closest is much easier to add, say, 20p, 60p and enough money to buy all 3 things. Use a calculator to find the exact total, 56p. What is 56p 10. 50p than to add 17p, 63p and 49p. to the nearest 10p? This is one example where rounding can be really useful. </p><p>© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. MATHS Y2 Week 1 TS1 & 2 Spring Maths Year 2 Weekly Plan: Spring – Week 1: TS1 Ordering and comparing ~ TS2 Rounding to the nearest 10 Resources  0-100 landmarked lines (see resources)  Strips of black card, two brass fasteners and cubes to make =, < and > signs  1-9 digit cards  0-100 beaded lines (see resources)  Two 100 bead strings  1-100 grid  1-100 number cards  Activity sheet of clues (see resources)  Birthday cards  Red, blue, green and yellow cubes  Activity sheets of mystery messages (see resources)  100 bead bar  10s and 1s place value cards  Landmarked 0-£1 money line (see resources)  0-£1 penny line (see resources)  Objects and price labels up to £1  ITP Number grid (see resources)</p><p>© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. MATHS Y2 Week 1 TS1 & 2 Spring </p>

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