<p> 9th ANNUAL REPORT FISCAL YEAR ended June 30,2005</p><p>I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do; and what I ought to do, by the grace of God I shall do.</p><p>- Edward Everett Hale Table of Contents</p><p>Welcome Letter………………………………...... P. 3</p><p>Looking Back at the Origins of our Organization…...... P.4- 5</p><p>Moving forward with WOD current initiatives…….…...... P. 6</p><p>Financial History for Fiscal 2005……………………………...... …………..P.7-17</p><p>Cash Budget 2006...... …………………………..P.18-19</p><p>General Governance in a Nut-Shell………………………………………...... P.20</p><p>Principles of Accountability and Control/General Mode of Operation...... P.21</p><p>Staff Personnel...... ………………P.22 Dear Friends of WOD,</p><p>Wings of the Dawn continue to be committed to developing its programs to help build economically stable and productive societies in Africa. By doing so the organization ensures access to quality educational opportunities and materials for its citizens. This commitment has been successfully demonstrated in past years with the ability to ship over 131,000 educational materials and supplies to Mozambique, Nigeria, and The Gambia.</p><p>There were many notable achievements in 2005, such as the inclusion of The Gambia as one of our West African project benefactors. Funding issues held back the overall financial performance of the organization and the results were very unsatisfactory. The organization looks forward to improvement in the years ahead. While the demand for Wings of the Dawn’s programs started to pick up throughout the year, the funding ability was disappointing in 2005. As the demand for our service began to improve in East, West and South East of Africa, we have been able to conduct feasibility studies in some of those areas, The Gambia, Bayelsa, and Cross Rivers States of Nigeria.</p><p>Wings of the Dawn remain strong in many respects. We are currently working on partnering with Center for Community Development (CEDSI) in Nigeria. There is also an on-going effort to establish a local chapter office in The Gambia doing this will allow us to increase our presence as well as partner with grass root organizations in this region to promote and encourage capacity building and sustainability of projects. Our program officers in Nigeria are also aggressively working with the Federal Government of Nigeria and other NGO’s to successfully implement our projects. The Ekiti State Government also agreed to sponsor elementary age students to visit partner schools in United States to increase support for WOD Adopt-a-School program. Mukurwe- ini Development Trust an NGO in Kenya invited WOD to consider implementing a project in that country; the NGO embraced the need to conduct a feasibility study as well as ensure that the government waivers are in place prior to project implementation in the region.</p><p>What is next for 2006? Implementation of the WOD Strategic Plan.</p><p>In 2005 The Board of Directors agreed to work with Donna L. Rich Non-Profit Management Consultant to develop a comprehensive strategic plan to analyze the current position of WOD, and to identify strategies to help build organizational stability for future growth. The Board of Directors agreed that this Strategic Plan will span over a 3-year period, but should be revisited regularly to make appropriate revisions.</p><p>This is not just another give away program. It’s like teaching a man to fish so that he might have food to eat for a lifetime. In order to successfully implement our vision and policies your support will be highly appreciated. We would like to thank our staff for their hard work during this difficult year and look forward to progress in 2006.</p><p>Sincerely,</p><p>Ade Otenaike Executive Director/President</p><p>Looking Back at the Origin of our Organization</p><p>On December 31, 1996, Wings of the Dawn was formally incorporated in the Commonwealth Furthermore, there is a general dearth of books and other educational materials throughout this To learn first hand what the educational problems in Mozambique are, the executive director, of Virginia as a vehicle for addressing problems with education in the poorer, less developed countries of the world. The initial country of focus was Angola. However, because of continued instability in that country and concerns that there would be a resumption of hostilities (which have since been validated) our focus shifted to Mozambique. </p><p>The country and people of Mozambique are desperately poor. For the foreseeable future, it is unlikely that this people will achieve a standard of living that is conducive to personal development without outside assistance. However, except for a brief period during the flooding of the Zambezi, Mozambique is not in the newspaper headlines. Its problems are mostly unnoticed by the world at large. Since the end of its civil war, the world's focus has shifted elsewhere. Many of the NGOs (non-government organizations), especially the relief organizations once very active in Mozambique, have left or are reducing the level and scope of operations because of the perception that there are more pressing demands elsewhere. In the field of educational, development continues to lag far behind the needs. A large number of schools are either under construction or in the planning stages, usually with NGO assistance. Nevertheless, many children attend no school at all. The majority of children attending school do so under deplorable conditions.</p><p>Furthermore, there is a general dearth of books and other educational materials throughout this country, to our knowledge; no other NGO is specifically seeking to address this problem of the lack of books. We know of a number of projects in the United States by which books have been collected and sent to African countries. But these books are generally written in English and are of only limited utility in Portuguese- speaking Mozambique.</p><p>To learn firsthand what the educational problems in Mozambique are, the executive director, Mr. J. Peter Baumgarten personally toured the country during April and May of 1997. During a period of nearly three weeks he visited 17 schools in three provinces and interviewed dozens of teachers, school officials and government officials. Contacts were established among people who are eager to assist Wings of the Dawn in bringing books and educational materials to Mozambique. </p><p>We also started a project in Nigeria when Mr. Baumgarten and Mr. Ade Otenaike of the Board of Directors visited Nigeria together in December, 1999. There, they surveyed schools in Lagos and Ogun states and establish contacts. Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country. It is also a country of tremendous mineral wealth. However, it is mostly undeveloped, its progress impeded by civil strife and internal corruption. It has tremendous need for outside assistance of its education programs. All schools visited by these two representatives made urgent requests for aid in the form of books and other school supplies to supplement the scarce materials already on hand. Upon returning to the United States, our organization initiated its first English language book collection project. </p><p>In May 2005 Wings of the Dawn lunched another project in The Gambia after several email communication with the current program officer who was referred to the Organization by USAID representative during his search for an organization that will respond to assist the need for educational materials in The Gambia. Upon the initial establishment of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with The Gambia team, the executive Director Ade Otenaike embark on a feasibility studies to local school in Banjul and neighboring provinces. It was quite an interesting experience as the cry for support was highly needed in the Gambia. The Gambia, located on the West coast of Africa, bordering the North Atlantic Ocean and Senegal. Under the current leadership, the country has seen a renewed sense of purpose, energy and drive for improvement. The schools like those in many African countries are poor lacking books and basic educational materials, during this tour the Executive Director and Exodus Kilanko visited six different schools to include elementary and secondary school as well as met with key government officials to assist in the process of obtaining Government Waiver to reduce the cost of clearing consignment at the port.</p><p>During this past fiscal year ending June 30, 2005, projects for collection and shipment of books to Nigeria and Gambia have continued while the Mozambique project is currently on hold due to lack of volunteers to facilitate the collection and shipment. </p><p>However we will continue to collect educational supplies from the United States in order to be shipped to Mozambique. We anticipate that by the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2005, the organization will have collected, shipped and distributed more than 131,000 volumes of books to schools and libraries in Africa since it’s founding in 1996. </p><p>Obviously, we cannot assume general responsibility for the education of all children in Africa. The African people must do that themselves. But we can assist this people by stimulating and encouraging the growth of learning.</p><p>We welcome passionate people to join us in these projects and to facilitate similar projects in other countries. </p><p>Moving forward with WOD Current Initiatives:</p><p>Adopt-A-School (current) This program is promoted by developing a relationship with partner elementary school in the United States and rural elementary school in Africa, where students of similar grade begin a formal relationship by writing friendly letter to one another in relation to geographical location, weather, lifestyle and subject discussion (letters are screened by school officials and WOD personnel prior to delivery). This offers school administrators and personnel’s of partner schools to evolve into developing strategic approach to assist partner schools in Africa to improve process and procedure best practice to achieve and enhance their educational growth. This program will encourage and promote educational counseling, mentoring at-risk- student. WOD officials will assist in administering and implementation monitor the implementation process of the program to improve self-esteem of African children in rural communities of Africa. Program Coordinator Ade Otenaike/Kemi Ogundeko </p><p>Web Presence for African Children (Current) This is an extension of the adopt-a-school program; the goal of this program is to develop a basic web presence for schools that participate in the program. Website project will be initially developed and implemented by WOD officials; the goal is to eventually train students from schools that are currently participating in the program the art of basic website development. The Basic Web Design and Intro to Internet tutorial and training will be administered by WOD personnel on an on-going basis. Ade Otenaike</p><p>Back-Pack for African Children (Current) This program is an extension of our ongoing project providing educational supplies to elementary age students in rural communities of Africa. Corporate entities and individuals, schools and religious organizations are encouraged to promote supply drives to collect and stuff back-packs with educational supplies like pencils, notepad, binders, assorted pens, protractors etc so we can continue to serve the community. Program Coordinator Mabel Mingate</p><p>Library for Africa. (Future) This program is an initiative of WOD resource center with a goal of establishing a central location in the communities that we are currently serving where children will have ongoing access to educational resources during and after school hours with access to internet technology to continue to encourage life long reading and learning habit among African Children. Program Coordinator Ade Otenaike Financial History for Fiscal 2005</p><p>Date Check # Description Acct # Dr. Cr. </p><p>Beginning Balance $655.52 </p><p>7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Cash 4010 $276.13 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Cash 4010 $11.60 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Cash 4010 $111.31 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Cash 4010 $117.08 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Cash 4010 $55.41 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Cash 4010 $68.31 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Cash 4010 $22.03 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Cash 4010 $23.08 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Cash 4010 $30.00 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Cash 4010 $2.16 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Cash 4010 $25.50 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Cash 4010 $43.24 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Cash 4010 $12.90 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Cash 4010 $1,800.00 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Cash 4010 $6.00 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Cash 4010 $15.00 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Cash 4010 $81.04 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Cash 4010 $60.44 Current Transactions $287.73 $2,473.50 </p><p>Ending Balance $1,530.25 </p><p>Beginning Balance 4030 $- $- </p><p>7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Pledges Receivable 4030 $2,988.00 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Pledges Receivable 4030 $2,600.00 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Pledges Receivable 4030 $100.00 Current Transactions 4030 $5,688.00 $- </p><p>Ending Balance 4030 $5,688.00 $- Beginning Balance 4090 $- $- </p><p>7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Accounts Payable 4090 $1,200.00 Current Transactions 4090 $- $1,200.00 </p><p>Ending Balance 4090 $- $1,200.00 </p><p>Beginning Balance 4100 $- $361.08 </p><p>7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report CFC 4100 $276.13 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Ukrops Golden Gift 4100 $11.60 Current Transactions 4100 $- $287.73 </p><p>Ending Balance 4100 $- $648.81 </p><p>Beginning Balance 4120 $- $1,746.63 </p><p>7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Individual-Pledge/Jo 4120 $2,600.00 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Individual-Pledge/Ade & Elizabeth $2988.00 4120 $2,988.00 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Individual/Pete 4120 $100.00 Current Transactions 4120 $5,688.00 </p><p>Ending Balance 4120 $- $7,434.63 </p><p>Beginning Balance 5030 $494.03 $- </p><p>7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Telephone (July) 5030 $111.31 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Telephone (August) 5030 $117.08 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Telephone (September) 5030 $55.41 Current Transactions 5030 $283.80 $- </p><p>Ending Balance 5030 $777.83 $- </p><p>Beginning Balance 5180 $2.96 $- </p><p>7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Cashier’s Chek Fee 5180 $6.00 Current Transactions 5180 $6.00 $- Ending Balance 5180 $8.96 $- </p><p>Beginning Balance 5190 $324.73 $- </p><p>7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Staples 5190 $23.08 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Staples 5190 $25.50 Current Transactions 5190 $48.58 $- </p><p>Ending Balance 5190 $373.31 $- </p><p>Beginning Balance 5200 $587.79 $- </p><p>7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Book Loading 5200 $30.00 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Loading 5200 $43.24 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Nigeria shipment 5200 $1,800.00 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Nigeria shipment 5200 $1,200.00 Current Transactions 5200 $3,073.24 $- </p><p>Ending Balance 5200 $3,661.03 $- </p><p>Beginning Balance 5240 $42.68 $- </p><p>7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Kinko’s Services (Business Card etc.) 5240 $68.31 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Kinkos 5240 $22.03 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report USPS 5240 $2.16 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report USPS 5240 $12.90 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Supplies/USPS 5240 $15.00 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report Supplies (Adopt a School etc.) 5240 $81.04 7/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Treasurer Report USPS/DHL (Adopt a School) 5240 $60.44 Current Transactions 5240 $261.88 $- </p><p>Ending Balance 5240 $304.56 $- </p><p>Totals First Section $9,649.23 $9,649.23 </p><p>Date Check # Description Acct # Dr. Cr. </p><p>Beginning Balance $1,530.25 </p><p>9/30/2004 to 10/31/2003 Treasurer Report Cash 4010 300.86 9/30/2004 to 10/31/2006 Treasurer Report Cash 4010 $29.14 Current Transactions $300.86 $29.14 </p><p>Ending Balance $1,258.53 </p><p>Beginning Balance 4030 $5,688.00 $- </p><p>Current Transactions 4030 $- $- </p><p>Ending Balance 4030 $5,688.00 $- </p><p>Beginning Balance 4090 $- $1,200.00 </p><p>4090 Current Transactions 4090 $- $- </p><p>Ending Balance 4090 $- $1,200.00 </p><p>Beginning Balance 4100 $- $648.81 9/30/2004 to 10/31/2004 Treasurer Report CFC 4100 300.86 4100 Current Transactions 4100 $- $300.86 </p><p>Ending Balance 4100 $- $949.67 </p><p>Beginning Balance 4120 $- $7,434.63 </p><p>4120 4120 4120 Current Transactions 4120 $- </p><p>Ending Balance 4120 $- $7,434.63 </p><p>Beginning Balance 5030 $777.83 $- </p><p>5030 5030 5030 Current Transactions 5030 $- $- </p><p>Ending Balance 5030 $777.83 $- </p><p>Beginning Balance 5180 $8.96 $- </p><p>5180 Current Transactions 5180 $- $- Ending Balance 5180 $8.96 $- </p><p>Beginning Balance 5190 $373.31 $- </p><p>9/30/2004 to 10/31/2005 Treasurer Report Staple (Printer Ink) 5190 29.14 5190 Current Transactions 5190 $29.14 $- </p><p>Ending Balance 5190 $402.45 $- </p><p>Beginning Balance 5200 $3,661.03 $- </p><p>5200 5200 5200 5200 Current Transactions 5200 $- $- </p><p>Ending Balance 5200 $3,661.03 $- </p><p>Beginning Balance 5240 $304.56 $- </p><p>5240 Current Transactions 5240 $- $- Ending Balance 5240 $304.56 $- </p><p>Totals Second Section $330.00 $330.00 </p><p>Date Check # Description Acct # Dr. Cr. </p><p>Beginning Balance $1,258.53 </p><p>10/31/2004 to 11/30/2004 Treasurer Report Cash 4010 $25.00 10/31/2004 to 11/30/2004 Treasurer Report Cash 4010 $249.00 10/31/2004 to 11/30/2004 Treasurer Report Cash 4010 $25.00 Current Transactions $274.00 $25.00 </p><p>Ending Balance $1,009.53 </p><p>Beginning Balance 4030 $5,688.00 $- </p><p>10/31/2004 to 11/30/2004 Treasurer Report Pledges Receivable 4030 $249.00 Current Transactions 4030 $- $249.00 </p><p>Ending Balance 4030 $5,439.00 $- </p><p>Beginning Balance 4090 $- $1,200.00 </p><p>Accounts Payable 4090 Current Transactions 4090 $- $- </p><p>Ending Balance 4090 $- $1,200.00 </p><p>Beginning Balance 4100 $- $949.67 </p><p>10/31/2004 to 11/30/2004 Treasurer Report Donations (Juliah & Sons) 4100 $25.00 Donations (Juliah & Sons) 4100 Current Transactions 4100 $- $25.00 </p><p>Ending Balance 4100 $- $974.67 </p><p>Beginning Balance 4120 $- $7,434.63 </p><p>Contributions - Members 4120 Contributions - Members 4120 Contributions - Members 4120 Current Transactions 4120 $- Ending Balance 4120 $- $7,434.63 </p><p>Beginning Balance 5030 $777.83 $- </p><p>Utilities Expense 5030 Utilities Expense 5030 Utilities Expense 5030 Current Transactions 5030 $- $- </p><p>Ending Balance 5030 $777.83 $- </p><p>Beginning Balance 5170 $- $- </p><p>10/31/2004 to 11/30/2004 Treasurer Report WOD Registration Renewal 5170 $25.00 Current Transactions 5170 $25.00 $- </p><p>Ending Balance 5170 $25.00 $- </p><p>Beginning Balance 5180 $8.96 $- </p><p>Miscellaneous Expense 5180 Current Transactions 5180 $- $- Ending Balance 5180 $8.96 $- </p><p>Beginning Balance 5190 $402.45 $- </p><p>5190 Current Transactions 5190 $- $- </p><p>Ending Balance 5190 $402.45 $- </p><p>Beginning Balance 5200 $3,661.03 $- </p><p>Shipment Expense 5200 Shipment Expense 5200 Shipment Expense 5200 Shipment Expense 5200 Current Transactions 5200 $- $- </p><p>Ending Balance 5200 $3,661.03 $- </p><p>Beginning Balance 5240 $304.56 $- </p><p>Postage Expense 5240 Current Transactions 5240 $- $- </p><p>Ending Balance 5240 $304.56 $- Totals Third Section $299.00 $299.00 </p><p>Date Check # Description Acct # Dr. Cr. </p><p>Beginning Balance $1,009.53 </p><p>11/30/2004 to 12/31/2004 Treasurer Report Cash 4010 $2,500.00 $169.78 11/30/2004 to 12/31/2004 Treasurer Report Cash 4010 $56.29 Current Transactions $2,500.00 $226.07 </p><p>Ending Balance $1,264.40 </p><p>Beginning Balance $5,439.00 </p><p>Pledges Receivable 4030 $2,500.00 Current Transactions $- $2,500.00 </p><p>Ending Balance $2,939.00 </p><p>Beginning Balance $777.83 </p><p>Phone Bill 5030 $169.78 5030 $56.29 Current Transactions $226.07 $- </p><p>Ending Balance $1,003.90 </p><p>Totals Fourth Section $2,726.07 $2,726.07 </p><p>Date Check # Description Acct # Dr. Cr. </p><p>12/31/2004 to 01/31/2005 Treasurer Report Beginning Balance $1,264.40 $- </p><p>Cash 4010 $50.00 Cash 4010 1.29 Current Transactions $50.00 $1.29 </p><p>Ending Balance $1,313.11 </p><p>Beginning Balance $974.67 </p><p>Donation ( Donna Rich) 4100 $50.00 Current Transactions 4100 $50.00 Ending Balance $1,024.67 </p><p>Beginning Balance $- </p><p>USPS 5010 $1.29 Current Transactions $1.29 </p><p>Ending Balance $1.29 </p><p>Totals Fifth Section $51.29 $51.29 </p><p>Date Check # Description Acct # Dr. Cr. </p><p>01/31/2005 to 03/31/2005 Treasurer Report Beginning Balance $1,313.11 </p><p>Cash 4010 $117.46 Cash 4010 $99.28 Cash 4010 $30.00 Cash 4010 $33.72 Current Transactions $- $280.46 </p><p>Ending Balance $1,032.65 </p><p>Beginning Balance $1,003.90 </p><p>Telephone Expense 5030 $117.46 Telephone Expense 5030 $99.28 Telephone Expense 5030 $30.00 Current Transactions $246.74 </p><p>Ending Balance $1,250.64 </p><p>Beginning Balance $- </p><p>Administrative Supplies & Mail 5010 $33.72 Current Transactions $- </p><p>Ending Balance $33.72 </p><p>Totals Sixth Section $280.46 $280.46 </p><p>Date Check # Description Acct # Dr. Cr. 03/31/2005 to 04/30/2005 Treasurer Report Beginning Balance $1,032.65 </p><p>Cash 4010 $55.92 Cash 4010 $10.00 Cash 4010 $122.20 Cash 4010 $29.14 Cash 4010 $65.00 Cash 4010 $20.00 Current Transactions $- $302.26 </p><p>Ending Balance $730.39 </p><p>Beginning Balance $1,250.64 </p><p>Telephone Expense 5030 $55.92 Telephone Expense 5030 $10.00 Current Transactions $65.92 </p><p>Ending Balance $1,316.56 </p><p>Beginning Balance $3,661.03 </p><p>Shipment Expense (Ryder Truck Rental) 5200 $122.20 Shipment Expense (Fuel for Truck) 5200 $29.14 Shipment Expense (Loading Crew) 5200 $65.00 Current Transactions $216.34 $- </p><p>Ending Balance $3,444.69 </p><p>Beginning Balance $402.45 </p><p>Administrative Supplies 5190 $20.00 Current Transactions $20.00 $- </p><p>Ending Balance $422.45 </p><p>Totals Seventh Section $302.26 $302.26 </p><p>Date Check # Description Acct # Dr. Cr. </p><p>04/30/2005 to 06/30/2005 Treasurer Report Beginning Balance $730.39 </p><p>Cash 4010 $400.00 Cash 4010 $200.00 Cash 4010 $2,750.00 Cash 4010 $1,447.50 Cash 4010 $500.00 Cash 4010 $200.00 Cash 4010 $8.00 Cash 4010 $15.00 Cash 4010 $55.04 Cash 4010 $153.29 Cash 4010 $35.00 Cash 4010 $23.93 Cash 4010 $27.94 Cash 4010 $43.25 Cash 4010 $65.00 Current Transactions $3,350.00 $2,573.95 </p><p>Ending Balance $1,506.44 </p><p>Beginning Balance 4100 $1,024.67 </p><p>Elisha Graham 4100 $400.00 Kent Larsen 4100 $200.00 Andrew Lee 4100 $2,750.00 Current Transactions 4100 $- $3,350.00 </p><p>Ending Balance 4100 $- $4,374.67 </p><p>Beginning Balance $- </p><p>Travel Expense (US to Nigeria) 5080 $1,447.50 Travel Expense (Nigeria to Gambia) 5080 $500.00 Travel Expense (Lagos to Bayelsa) 5080 $200.00 Travel Expense (Airport Smart Carte) 5080 $8.00 Current Transactions $2,155.50 </p><p>Ending Balance $2,155.50 </p><p>Beginning Balance $3,444.69 </p><p>Shipping Expense(Gas) 5200 $15.00 Shipping Expense(Loading Crew) 5200 $55.04 Current Transactions $70.04 </p><p>Ending Balance $3,514.73 </p><p>Beginning Balance $25.00 CNM Registration 5170 $65.00 Kinkos Printing 5170 $27.94 Kinkos Printing 5170 $43.25 Current Transactions $136.19 </p><p>Ending Balance $161.19 </p><p>Beginning Balance $1,250.64 </p><p>Phone Bill 5030 $153.29 LD/ Phone Card 5030 $35.00 Current Transactions $188.29 </p><p>Ending Balance $1,438.93 </p><p>Beginning Balance $402.45 </p><p>Trip Photograph 5180 $23.93 Current Transactions $23.93 </p><p>Ending Balance $426.38 </p><p>Totals Eighth Section $5,923.95 $5,923.95 Cash Budget for Fiscal 2006 WORKING CAPITAL (INCLUDING PROJECTED INCOME)</p><p>INCOME CFC 0.00 Fund Raising Events 5000.00 Foundations and Grants 5500.00 Direct Donations and Others 4200.00 Total Projected Income 14600.00 Cash Surplus from FY 2005 3158.92</p><p>Total Working Capital 17158.92</p><p>PROJECT PROGRAM EXPENSES I. **Program A - US/Africa A. Shipping I. US to Africa a. Carrier (for 20’ shipping container) 3700.00 b. Book counting and incidental 500.00 c. Transport & storage within U.S. 500.00 Total Shipping 4,700.00 B. Travel **1.US to Africa a. Air Transportation 3000.00 b. Boarding/Exp. ($100 x 14 days) 1400.00 c. Visa 150.00 Total Travel 4,550.00</p><p>C. Adopt-a-school Program Expenses 1200.00 Librarian/Teachers/Students Training Program Total Program Expenses 10,450.00 PROJECT OPERATING EXPENSES A. Fund Raising Event 1. Stationary 200.00 2. Printing (Souvenir Program) 200.00 3. Postage 300.00 4. Signage 200.00 5. Awards/Prizes 300.00 6. Facilities Rental 1000.00 B. Public Relations 100.00 Total Fund Raising 2,300.00</p><p>I. Administration A. Postage 200.00 B. Office Supplies & Stationary 250.00 C. Telephone 660.00 D. Insurance 0 E. Printing and copying 350.00 F. Audited Financial Report 1,200.00 Total Administration 2,660.00 </p><p>Total Projected Operating Expenses 4,960.00</p><p>Total Projected Program & Operating Expenses $15,410.00</p><p>Income: Includes account balance, company donations and Individual donations. Shipping: Includes transportation and storage, book counting and incidentals, carrier for shipping container Travel: Includes transportation cost to conduct feasibility studies, material inspection, visa, boarding and additional fund to support additional staff expenses. Adopt-a-School: Fund allocated to support Adopt-a-School program. Fund Raising: Includes facility rentals, printing, stationary, postage, signage and award prizes. Administrative: Includes audited financial report, printing and copying, postage, international courier, local/long distance telephone charge, office supply and stationary</p><p>** Government Waiver availability and approved MOU determines what country in Africa project will be implemented.</p><p>Surplus, IF ANY, to be used for operating capital for Fiscal Year 2007 and to initiate expansion of programs in that year. General Governance in a Nut-Shell</p><p>The duties of the various bodies within Wings of the Dawn International Institute for Children are determined by the laws of the State of Texas and by the organization governance policy and By-Laws. This organization governance policy is decided by the Board of Directors (Board). </p><p>The Board and the Executive Director are responsible for the management of the Organization. Other governance bodies have an assisting and supporting role. WOD prepares annual and interim financial statement according to general accounting principle. The Organization’s head office is in Fort Worth, Texas. We are also in the process of establishing a chapter office in The Gambia; there are Program Officers in The Gambia and Nigeria. Presently the Board has not decided to identify an independent auditor due to the current size of the organization. To the maximum extent possible, organization actions and records are taken and recorded appropriately. </p><p>The decision-making bodies with responsibility for managing the Organization are the Board and the Executive Director. The operations of the Organization are coordinated through the Executive Director and volunteer members. Day-to-day operational responsibility rests with the project area and assigned volunteer members with related task. </p><p>Board of Directors WOD is managed by the Board under the organization By-Laws and principles. According to the organization articles of incorporation, the Board currently consists of 5 volunteered members appointed by vote at the Annual Board Member Meeting. All directors are required to be active with hands-on approach with the organization activities. And to disclose circumstances that might be perceived as a conflict of interest.</p><p> The Board supervises the operation and management of WOD and decides on significant matters relating to strategy, investments, organization and finance.</p><p> The Board is responsible for overseeing management and for the proper organization operations. It is likewise responsible for overseeing the proper supervision of accounting and control of financial matters.</p><p> The Board has defined a working order, the principles of which are published in the annual report and on the organization’s website.</p><p> The Board elects a Chairman and a Vice Chairman from among the Board members and appoints the Executive Director and Vice President. </p><p> The Board approves the organizational structure.</p><p> The Board evaluates its performance annually. </p><p> The Board also reviews the By-Laws annually and amends it when required.</p><p> The Board meets regularly on a monthly members meeting at least ten times a year. Principles of Accountability and Control</p><p>1. The president / executive director has supervisory responsibility for the treasurer of Wings of the Dawn and each affiliate. 2. All financial books and records are kept in a manner consistent with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. 3. All financial books and records are open for public inspection at corporate headquarters during normal business hours upon request. 4. An annual report is prepared within three months after the close of each fiscal year. This report will account for the current financial status of the organization and describe all material progress made with the projects of the organization. A copy of the annual report is sent automatically to each major donor (one who contributes at least $5,000 in the applicable fiscal year) and to all other donors upon specific request. The annual report is also made available to the general public on the Internet, or at corporate headquarters during normal business hours upon request. The Internet version may be freely downloaded. A non-donor may also have a hard copy of the annual report furnished to him by mail, at cost, upon request. </p><p>(General Mode of Operation)</p><p>1. We will stay abreast with available information concerning developments in the field of education in our project countries. This includes compiling and updating our school “shopping list” based on needs determined by both current reports and personal visits by our personnel to the project countries. 2. Each year, at least one Board representative will visit each project country to assess needs, search for new qualified recipients of gathered materials, coordinate distribution of materials shipped, and evaluate and adjust allocations previously made. 3. We will continue soliciting gifts in kind of books and school supplies from donors in the United States. 4. We will continue our program of soliciting monetary contributions from individuals, charitable foundations and contributions of money and service from multinational corporations and NGOs doing business in our project countries in order to finance and arrange for shipping of donated materials and expand our programs. 5. We will continue collected materials of English language from the United States. In this connection, we will continue coordinating with local and multinational NGOs and government authorities in identifying schools and community groups for receipt of the materials we gather and send. Partnering NGOs normally will bear the costs of bringing the shipped materials from the port of destination to the places in the country where they will be ultimately used. Local NGOs will also see to their proper use. Annual visitors from our organization will also verify that materials previously shipped are being properly utilized. 6. Once our program of collecting and sending books and school supplies is well established in one location, the program will be expanded to other communities and countries, such as Ghana. Such communities and schools that are candidates for receiving materials from this organization must have a good record of community involvement, physical infrastructure, and a willingness to work out their own problems if necessary without outside help. Ideally, there should be a spirit of pro- activeness in the community. 7. Future projects may include training and assisting in the establishment of school and library organization and construction. However, such projects will not be undertaken until we have the personnel and financial means to institute such new projects while continuing to operate our original book collection and shipping projects. Staff Personnel </p><p>BOARD OF DIRECTORS: OFFICERS: 1. Adeoye E. Otenaike, Executive Director/Chair 2. Andrew Lee, Member 3. Jo Baker, Member 4. Segun Oshin, Member 5. Elizabeth Otenaike, Member</p><p>Staff Personnel 1. Adeoye E. Otenaike President 2. Elizabeth Otenaike, Vice President for Logistic and Development 3. Christy Okhihuare 4. Jo Baker, Secretary 5. Funmi Otenaike, Treasurer 6. Melvin Freeman Administrative Officer 7. Shingsai Chando Administrative Assistant 8. Simone Otenaike Officer 9. Charles Faminu Officer 10. Jide Oriola Officer 11. Khushal Shah Officer (Technology Committee) 12. Yasmin Essa Officer (Technology Committee) 13. Mabel Mingate Officer 14. Andrew Duya Program Officer (Nigeria) 15. Kemi Ogundeko Regional Program Officer (West Africa) 16. Exodus Kilanko Program Officer (The Gambia)</p>
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