Greater Moncton Horse Club Spring Into Summer Show

Greater Moncton Horse Club Spring Into Summer Show

<p> SPRING BROOK STABLES HORSE SHOW AUGUST 9 th , 2009</p><p>(A Greater Moncton Equestrian Club Show, MacLeod Natural Horsemanship Gymkhana Buckle Series) </p><p>WESTERN JUDGE : Donna McInnis SHOW MANAGER : Michelle Cox Cap- Pele, NB SHOW SECRETARY : Patti Steeves</p><p>EMERGENCY: St. John Ambulance / On Call VET ON CALL: Provincial Veterinary Services Carl Dingee- 856-2278</p><p>SAVETY COMMITTEE : Tanya Steeves & Michelle Cox SHOW ANNOUNCERS: Vikki Hart & Tanya Steeves SHOW COMMITTEE : Vikki Hart, Tanya Steeves, Charlie Buckle SHOW PHOTOGRAPHER: Celine Morris </p><p>22. Western Riding 21. Open Reining SUNDAY CLASSES – 8:00 A.M. SHARP! 22. Trail ********* Lunch Break ******** 1. Halter Geldings 2. Halter Mares 23. Drill Team Competition 3. Open Halter 24. Command Class Jr. 4. Showmanship Junior (12 & Under) F402 25. Command Class Sr. 5. Novice Showmanship 26. Dash For Cash Jr. (pay at gate $2, winner takes all) 6. Showmanship Junior (13-18) 27. Dash For Cash Sr. (pay at gate $2,winner takes all 7. Showmanship Senior 28. Relay Race 8. Dr. Groom class 29. Egg & Spoon 9. Horsemanship Junior (12 & Under) 30. Magazine Race 10. Horsemanship Junior (13-18) 31. Skudaho Race 11. Novice Horsemanship 32. Stake Race 12. Horsemanship Senior 33. Three Legged Race 13. Western Pleasure Junior 34. Jr. Barrels (18 & under) 14. Western Pleasure Senior 35. Sr. Barrels 15. Novice Western Pleasure 36. Taylor Ford $200 Open Barrels Stake (+ 1/2 add 16. Streatch Wealth management $200 Western back of early entries to the pot!) Pleasure Stake 37. Key Hole 17. Leadline 38. Jr. Poles 18. Pairs Class 39. Sr. Poles 19. Western Pleasure Jr. Horse (5 & Under) 40. MJL Steel $200 Open poles Stake (+1/2 add back of 20. Western Pleasure Sr. Horse early entries to the pot!) 21. Maritime Bred</p><p>SHOW RULES 2009 - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY REINING CLASSES: Patterns to be posted. Open to Jr. & Sr. Riders, horse/pony. Green horses 5 yrs. & under Full Payment due before ring numbers will be may be shown in a snaffle bit & may ride 2 handed. issued. – All NSF cheques will be charged a $25 fee. STAKE CLASSES: PRIZE MONEY: 1st Place-40% / 2nd Place-25% / 3rd Place-20% / 4th Place-10% / 5th Place- NOVICE DIVISION: Open to both junior & senior riders 5%/ Entry- $15.00, 1st place receives a chair. who are novice or on a green horse or pony. A novice is a horse or rider that is in their 1st 2 years of showing. REGULAR MORNING CLASSES : Ribbons to 6th place ON YOUR HONOR. Not eligible for Junior or senior but and prizes can show in the open classes.</p><p>GYMKHANA CLASSES: Junior classes: Ribbons to 6th SHOWMANSHIP DIVISION: Class 39-42. Jr. may show place plus cash back; Senior classes: Cash back only. horse or pony. Pattern to be posted. </p><p>LEADLINE: to be lead by a competent handler on a HORSEMANSHIP DIVISION: Class 44-47. Juniors may suitable mount. Competitors must wear a properly fitted show horse or pony. PATTERNS WILL BE POSTED. ASTM approved helmet. Riders to be judged on equitation. </p><p>WALK/TROT: open to green horses or green riders of all WESTERN PLEASURE DIV: Class 48-51,54,55. ages. On suitable mounts. Judged at walk ,jog, lope & reinback. Horses over 5 yrs must show in a shank bit one handed. No twisted wire bits, no ports over 3 1/2”, & no shanks longer than 8 1/2” from top to bottom. Emphasis on manners & performance. Class 52 horse must be 5 yrs. of age or under & may be shown in a snaffle bit or bosal. </p><p>MARITIME BRED : Open to horses/ponies bred & foaled in Maritimes. Enclose a copy of certificate with entry. Judged at walk, jog/trot, & lope/canter. May be stripped. Judged 40% performance, 60% conformation.</p><p>OPEN WESTERN RIDING: Pattern to be posted. Open to Jr. & Sr. Riders, horses/ponies. </p><p>Dr. Groom Class: Horses & ponies are to be shown by the groom mother, father, rider etc…Judged 100% on the best turned out horse. This will be a regular class with prizes to 6th place.</p><p>TRAIL: Pattern to be posted. SPRINGBROOK STABLES 14. Anyone who shows any disrespect or misconduct towards horses and or others at the show will be asked to leave the grounds and SHOW INFORMATION 2009 will lose their entry fees. 15. All riders showing horses at the show must be a NBEA 1. The show will be held August 8th & 9th, 2009 at Spring Brook member, NO TEMP MEMBERSHIPS WILL BE SOLD. Equine Stables, home of Maritime Saddle & Tack. This show will be held Canada Bronze license is required for all exhibitors & rain or shine. For more information call Michelle Cox at 372- owners. 4006. Temporary sport licences may be purchased at the show office for 2. Judge’s decision is final. $30 for Equine Canada Bronze Members. All competitors & 3. The Spring Brook Stables show committee reserves the right owners are required to be NBEA members. Proof of membership to refuse any entry. (photocopy) must be included with the entry form or it will be considered a incomplete entry. 4. Entry Fees $7.00 for all regular classes, $15 for Stake Classes. Entry Fees will not be refunded without a physician’s or 16. We MUST receive your paid entry form by August 1st, 2009. veterinarian’s certificate (this refund will be 75% of class fees). ANY LATE ENTRIES RECEIVED AFTER MIDNIGHT AUG. 1st, Coolers will be presented for the following divisions: Junior & 2009 will pay a late entry fee of $25.00 per horse! THIS WILL Senior English Performance Champion / Junior & Senior Western BE STRONGLY ENFORCED! Performance / Novice Champion English & Western/Halter Champion/ High Pt. Pony/ X-Rails /Intro Hunter / Beg. Hunter / 17. This is an EC Bronze Show and will be following Equine Canada Low Hunter. Horse & Riders must be present for presentations in Rules as an Equine Canada Bronze show. full show attire or it will be considered a forfeit & will go to the next exhibitor. 18. NBEA is requiring us to charge a $5.00 fee per horse for random drug testing. Fees do not apply to children under 10yrs. of age & 5. Horses must be shown by the same exhibitor in all qualifying competitors who only show in halter. Any horse entered in any classes in order for points to count. The judge will break ties for class at a competition is subject to the requirement to pay drug Champion. testing fee money, while on the competition grounds & on the recommendation of the chair of the provincial Equine Medications 6. Show Committee may cancel classes with less than 3 entries. Contact Committee or the chairs appointed to be selected for equine medication control testing. 7. All riders 18 yrs of age & under (English & Western) and anyone riding over fences must wear a helmet with an 19. The announcer’s opinions are not necessarily the opinions of the attached harness while on your horse and on the grounds. Judges or the Spring Brook Stables show organizers. As item 2 These helmets must meet the standards of the American Society states, the Judge’s decision is final. of Testing Materials and display the SEI seal. The ASTM and British BSI are also acceptable. While mounted, all riders must 20. For safety reasons, there will be no spectators or coaches wear their ring number. Horses are to be ridden in the warm up allowed at the in/out gate of the arena. ring ONLY, no trotting horses in the driveway. 21. Class entries will close 3 classes before that class begins. 8. Limited overnight stabling is available on the premises. Please There will be no exceptions. call ahead for availability. Room is available for overnight tenting. If stabling in the barn PLEASE make sure to clean your stalls 22. There must be a separate entry form for each horse/rider before leaving (stripping is not necessary) & keep your tack combination. NO EXCEPTIONS. area clean & tidy throughout the day! Brooms are available in the barn, do not leave the stall area unswept while showing. 23. ANY CHEQUES POST DATED WILL BE CONSIDERED A LATE If you fail to clean your stall or keep isle swept you will be charged ENTRY, a $10 fee the following year when your entry is submitted. The 24. With all the increases in costs of holding a show we ask that you barn and tack room is off limits to visitors. Please use the PLEASE RETURN YOUR SHOW NUMBERS before leaving the garbage containers provided on the grounds. premises. THANK-YOU! Last year many of our numbers were not returned, therefore any rider that DOES NOT 9. Stalls are rented to those traveling from out of town first & then RETURN THEIR NUMBER this year and registers next year at will be available for local accommodations. We require that you our show the numbers will be checked and they will be be out of the stall by 6 pm to allow the next competitor in. Prices charged a $5.00 fee before they can pick up their show per day - Box stall $35. packages! 10. Canteen on site – hamburgers, hot dogs, Kurt’s Sausages, chili, 25. Ages for this competition will be the age of the rider as of Jan.1, subs, salads, pop, tea, coffee, snacks, Brother’s bakery… 2009. YUMMY!! 11. It is MANDATORY that all horses have rabies, tetanus, MANY THANKS TO OUR MAJOR SPONSORS: influenza! (Strangles, Rhino and West Nile are optional but strongly suggested). Anyone stabling in the barn must be inoculated for strangles & Rhino, please provide a copy with CREDIT UNION KUBOTA ATLANTIC your entry if stabling on the grounds. You must show proof DEALERS with a veterinarian's certificate upon arrival at the show. You STREATCH WEALTH MANAGEMENT will be asked to leave if you do not have proof of shots! 12. Complaints must be made in writing, signed and accompanied by BROTHERS BAKERY A1 PORTABLE a $100 deposit within 48 hrs of completion of the class, Equine TOLIETS SITEL Canada Article A1206. MACARTHER’S NURSERIES 13. First Aid will be located in the show office tent in case of any GIANT TIGER MARITIME SADDLE & emergencies. First Aid: Michelle Cox. TACK QUALITY CONCRETE MARITIME PAVERS & STONE KIOTI TRACTORS TAYLOR FORD HERITAGE INSURANCE OMEGA ALPHA JONES-FOSTER LTD. PHARMACEUTICALS INC. GREENHAWK -MONCTON RING # ______</p><p>SPRINGBROOK STABLES 2009 SHOW ENTRY FORM</p><p>****** ONE ENTRY FORM PER HORSE / RIDER COMBINATION – NO EXCEPTIONS *******</p><p>MONCTON EQUESTRIAN CLUB MEMBER______NBEA RIDER#______NBEA OWNER #______MacLeod Buckle Series Member# ______</p><p>HORSE’S NAME: ______SEX: ______HEIGHT: ______OWNER RIDER NAME: ______NAME: ______Age: ______(as of Jan. 1, 2009) ADDRESS: ______ADDRESS: ______</p><p>______</p><p>POSTAL POSTAL CODE: ______TEL: ______CODE: ______TEL: ______</p><p>EMAIL: ______</p><p>NOTE: ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED WITH PAYMENT!! </p><p>Late Entries (received after Aug. 1st, 2009) $25.00 extra charge per horse. NO EXCEPTIONS! Post Entries accepted day of show at $3.00 extra per class, entries close 3 classes before the class begins.</p><p>Make cheques payable to: Total Class Fees (see back of this form) $7/morning class $______Total Class Fees (see back of this form) $5/afternoon class $______Stake $15 per class $______Michelle Cox Late Entry Fee ($25 per horse) $______46934 Homestead Rd Post ($3 extra x # of classes) $______Steeves Mountain, NB Administration Fee $12 per horse (Morning classes Only) $______E1G 4P1 Refundable $5 Stabling Fee (per horse for weekend) $______Stabling box $35 per night $______Check List (photocopies attached) Total Enclosed $______ Proof of insurance  Registration papers  Proof of shots NO POST DATED CHEQUES!</p><p>LIABILITY WAIVER</p><p>It is hereby recognized that all equestrian sports involve inherent risk and that no helmet or protective equipment can protect against all foreseeable injury. I hereby accept the risk and hold harmless the competition, their officials, organizers, agents, employees, volunteers and their representatives.</p><p>I acknowledge that the Equestrian Sport and its competitions are a high-risk sport and that I am participating at my own risk and in full knowledge of the hazards and potential hazards which are inherent in this sport. I further acknowledge that inherent risks in riding and working around horses, which include bodily injury to both horse and rider which can result from normal use, competition or schooling.</p><p>In consideration of being allowed to participate in this event, I hereby assume all risk and I hereby release and absolve the organizing committee, Spring Brook Stables, and their officials, volunteers, Directors, Agents, Representatives and Employees and the owners and occupiers of the land upon which the competition is held, from all responsibility, liability, or claims of any nature and kind which I may have arising from the participation in this activity, including but not limited to bodily injury or death to myself or my horse(s) and damage to property arising from any cause whatever, including the negligence of one or more of the individuals and organizations referred to herein.</p><p>‘In the event that______participates in the Spring Brook Stables Horse where approved headgear is required for juniors, he/she will wear a properly fitted ASTM or BSI approved helmet. It is understood that juniors not meeting this requirement will not be allowed to compete at these competitions.” </p><p>Signature of Rider______Signature of Parent/Guardian______</p><p>I hereby declare that in making this entry I have read and fully understand and agree to the terms and conditions stated herein and that it is binding upon my executors.</p><p>Signature of Rider______Date______</p><p>Signature of Owner______Date______</p><p>If rider is under 18 years, the parent/ guardian must also sign below</p><p>I acknowledge as Parent/Guardian of ______that I have read and fully understand and agree to the terms and conditions stated herein on behalf of ______and myself. Signature of Parent/Guardian______Date______.</p><p>Person Responsible</p><p>I declare that I am the person responsible for the care, training, custody and performance of the horse Signature______Parent/Guardian if rider is under 18 yrs. ______</p><p>The person responsible must be on the competition grounds during the time of competition. If on the day of the competition the person responsible is different from that stated, the change must be made in writing to the show committee.</p><p>Championships: HORSES MUST BE SHOWN BY THE SAME EXHIBITOR IN ALL QUALIFYING CLASSES FOR POINTS TO COUNT (Novice Western: 1,or 2, 5,10,14) (Halter: 1or 2, 3, 4, 6 ,7or 8) (Jr. Western Performance: 4 or 6, 8 or 9, 10,13,14,16,19 or 20) (Sr. Western Performance Champion: (7, 12, 14, 16,19 or 20) (Maritime Bred Champion: 21) (Agility Champion: 26 or 27,22,23,24) (Jr. Gymkhana Champion: 26, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, ,36,40) (Sr. Gymkhana Champion: 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37,41)</p><p>Rider Name ______Horse Name ______</p><p>Entry fee for morning classes is $7.00 - Entry fee for all stake classes is $15.00 Entry fee for afternoon Gymkhana classes is $5.00 Class # Name of Class Fee Class # Name of Class Fee</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______Left Column Subtotal Class Fee ______Right Column Subtotal Class Fee ______</p><p>Total Class Fee ______</p><p>TO ALL OUR COMPETITORS HAVE A SAFE AND ENJOYABLE SHOW!</p>

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