<p>Little Miss Burwell Rodeo 2017</p><p>Little Miss Burwell Rodeo OFFICIAL RULES AND REGULATIONS Miss Burwell Rodeo Committee Jennifer Gideon Andrea Seidel Kayla Cone Theresa Petska</p><p>The 2017 pageant will be held July 22nd, 2017 in conjunction with the Miss Burwell and Nebraska’s Big Rodeo Calcutta in Burwell</p><p>Little Miss Burwell is… A young lady who wishes to be a leader in our community, her community, and who would like to promote the Western Way of Life and the sport of Rodeo. You will be acting as an official representative of the Burwell Community as well as being an Ambassador of Nebraska Big Rodeo; therefore, portrayal of good sportsmanship, moral and ethical character are a required. This position does require making appearances throughout the year that will require travel, but also the opportunity to gain many educational experiences throughout the State. </p><p>Contestant Eligibility and Rules: 1) AGE: All Little Miss Burwell Rodeo Contestants must be a natural born female and must physically reside in the state of Nebraska, and be between the ages of eight (8) and Twelve (12) by the first day of the pageant.</p><p>2) SCHOOL: All Contestants of the Little Miss Burwell Rodeo contest must be currently enrolled in school, being home schooled, and be in good standing (good grades). Any contestant or winner who fails to complete the above (by dropping out or getting expelled) will be considered in violation of this rule and will result in disqualification and forfeiture of her title, monetary gifts and any prizes.</p><p>3) BEHAVIOR: All contestants and Burwell Rodeo titleholders are obligated as role models to portray the highest moral standards and set positive examples by their actions in your private, public and social media lifestyle (Facebook- Twitter - Instagram etc). Any misconduct or inappropriate behaviors will be investigated by the pageant committee, and if necessary, will result in one written warning, as well as a conference call between the titleholder, pageant committee, parent(s) and a rodeo board member. A second infraction will result in forfeiture of her title. </p><p>4) OTHER TITLES: All Burwell Rodeo Pageant Contestants/titleholders when competing or while holding a Burwell title, shall not hold or compete for any other pageant titles that may pose as a conflict of interest to her time without forfeiting her titles and awards. Contact the Pageant Directors for any questions concerning this rule prior to obligating yourself. </p><p>5) MANDATORY EVENTS: All contestants must be on time for all pageant events and appearances. No Gum Chewing or Cell Phones. Contestants will remain together during group pageant outings, i.e., dinners prior to or following practices under the supervision of committee member chaperones. (The signed and notarized Hold Harmless Agreement submitted with contestant applications applies to this rule). </p><p>6) APPEARANCES: All Contestants and title holders must be given approval and permission by the pageant committee to attend any public appearances, to having pictures taken and/or appear on television, radio or websites prior to, during, or after pageant for publicity purposes when representing Nebraska’s Big Rodeo at Burwell. If selected as Little Miss Burwell Rodeo, you are expected to return calls and emails promptly and attend all appearances assigned by the pageant throughout the year following your selection. We would like Little Miss Burwell Rodeo to have a visible presence in our community throughout the year, so please be willing to commit to that when signing up. </p><p>7) CLOTHING REQUIREMENTS: Contestants and titleholders are to dress as instructed during practices and events pertaining to the pageant (Reflecting western style). If chosen as a titleholder, long sleeve shirts, hats, belt and boots are required in order to appear in the arena during rodeo events. Contestants and titleholders shall at no time while attending appearances, show visible tattoos, tongue rings, body enhancements, facial jewelry (i.e. nose, lip, or eyebrow) or excessive earrings. Please limit earrings 2 to each ear. During the contest, the Little Miss Contestants will need only two outfits – a dress or skirt/vest/or jacket combination for interview, a jean outfit for the style show and horsemanship, and a THIS IS NOT A CLOTHING CONTEST. Leather outfits are not required. The style show outfit can be any dress, so long as it is appropriate for her age in length, fit, ect., and must be worn with a hat, belt and boots. Feel free to ask the committee if you need help determining appropriateness of clothing.</p><p>8) Contestants, parents/guardians, trainers and pageant coaches must abide by all pageant rules. Any interference or accusations against the integrity of the pageant committee, judges, accountants or other pageant contestants by contestants or their family members or friends of contestants will not be tolerated prior to, during, or following the pageant. The pageant committee holds the right to disqualify a contestant or titleholder after investigation if it is brought to our attention that accusations have been made. Our committee, rodeo board, judges and accountants endeavor to always act with the utmost integrity in regards to scores and judging. </p><p>9) PAGEANT HOUSING: The Little Miss Contestants will stay with their parents during the pageant. It will be the parent’s responsibility to get their daughters to the events on time. Lateness will not be tolerated. Parents are required to attend the contestant orientation on Saturday, July 22.</p><p>We look forward to your involvement in our pageant this year. If you have questions please do not hesitate to give us a call at 308-730-0580. </p><p>Entries are to be postmarked & emailed by June 27, 2017 to:</p><p>Theresa Petska </p><p>81570 475th Ave Ord, Ne 68862</p><p>308-730-0580 ENTRY FORMS All entry forms, fact sheets, and photos must be postmarked no later than June 27, 2017. The following will be required with the application: Non-refundable entry fee of $25 Signed and completed entry application One 8x10 and Three billfold size colored Head and shoulder photo. (this is the same pose) You will need to have Western Attire including a hat in this picture. A copy of your birth certificate JUDGING A. Three judges will judge all categories of the pageant. Judges are selected for their expertise in all areas of the competition. B. There will also be silent judging present somewhere during the competition and will award the girls up to 25 pts based on attitude, willingness to get along with others, poise, presence and overall appearance. C. Promptness is an important trait of a rodeo queen. As such, all contestants are to be ready at the scheduled time to leave. Failure to be on time will result in a loss of up to 10 points for the first offense, and disqualification on the second. If a contestant encounters a problem that would cause her to be late, she should let her chaperone or the coordinators know immediately so as to not disrupt the scheduled events. </p><p>JUDGED EVENTS:</p><p>D. HORSES/ HORSEMANSHIP</p><p>There will be two rounds of horsemanship in the MBR competition. You may need assistance getting your horse ready for Horsemanship as well as someone to take care of them. The first round will be a free-style pattern (MBR Pattern #1). MBR Pattern #2. (rail work). Spurs may be used. Please bring a pair of spurs, as well as your own flag boot. Please make sure that the horses used in competition are used to arena noises and flags. Contestants may ride their own horses at coronation and for the grand entries, but proper equipment is expected. Contestants Scores will be reflections of: *Horsemanship: control of the horse * Balance: The ability to sit in a saddle, position of hands, feet and seat. *Mounting and Dismounting * Saddling and care of the Horse: Questions may be asked *The understanding and skill of the Contestant will be judged, not the horse and equipment * Dress for Horsemanship contest will be: A western, long-sleeved shirt which may be colored and/or tailored with or without embellishments, western jeans which may be colored, belt, boots, and a hat. (Don’t forget your Flag Boot). No vests, jackets, chaps, or gloves . All attire should be neat and fit properly. Sponsor considerations is appreciated. *Showmanship should be considered since your personality does project from horseback to the audience and Judges. * Rain gear is appropriate if approved by the committee * Equine Boots are allowed * Stallions are not allowed * Use of hackamores/mechanical hackamores, gag bits, or martingales will not be allowed * NO one including coaches, family or friends of the contestant will be allowed in the arena prior to the horsemanship competition. If it is discovered that someone associated with the Contestant has been in the arena the Contestant will have twenty-five points deducted from the total Horsemanship score. </p><p>PERSONALITY</p><p>The purpose of this division is to select a Contestant who scores the highest in: Intelligence Education: conversational ability in rodeo, current events, and other areas with a emphasis on grammar and enunciation Attractiveness: Not necessarily to mean beauty, but rather the Contestant radiates self-confidence without making an issue of it, shows maturity, high moral standards, sincerity and integrity. Personality reflections: this includes the Contestant’s style of attire, overall appearance, magnetism, and eye appeal. A genuine interest in other people Self-projection: The ability to project one’s own personality no matter where you are. Promptness in keeping the pageant schedule Personality scores will be accumulated not only from the personality interviews, but from other areas of the competition; horsemanship, interviews, your resume, public appearances, radio interviews, style show, speech and impromptu, and modeling</p><p>SPEECH/IMPROMPTU Each Contestant will be expected to write and deliver a 1 minute about the State of Nebraska or an aspect of the State of Nebraska. The delivery of the speech will be during the Style Show. Impromptu questions will also be asked during the Style Show. Reminders: * 1 minute speech *Contestants are judged on the content, grammar usage, delivery, introduction, conclusion, quality of voice and listening ability *Notes are discouraged and Props are not allowed *Points will be deducted for going over (10 sec or more) or under the minute time limit</p><p>APPEARANCE</p><p>The purpose of this division is to select the Contestant who scores highest in: *Attractiveness: * Grooming: to include neatness and cleanliness in every detail, such as complexion, hands, fingernails, hair and clothing. * Poise and Posture: Ladylike behavior in EVERY situation *Knowledge of Proper Western Attire: Contestants should be aware of what is fashionable and appropriate in western dress, with particular attention given to color coordination. No fashion boots are allowed, Long sleeves are required. * Appearance scores will be accumulated throughout all areas of the competition to include horsemanship, interviews, style show and modeling. </p><p>INTERVIEWS Each contestant will be interviewed individually and privately by the judges and may be interviewed on many categories Judges’ questions asked will test the Contestants knowledge of the Pageant, Rodeo, Horsemanship/ Horses, current events, and the Community of Burwell. CLOTHING REQUIREMENTS:</p><p>Orientation/Horsemanship: Dress for Horsemanship contest will be: A western, long-sleeved shirt which may be colored and/or tailored with or without embellishments, western jeans which may be colored, belt, boots, and a hat. (Don’t forget your Flag Boot). No vests, jackets, chaps, or gloves . All attire should be neat and fit properly. Sponsor considerations is appreciated. </p><p>Interview/Photo/Speech/Modeling/ Style Show You will need a jean outfit but can be the one you use for Horsemanship A Dress or skirt with a shirt/jacket, vest</p><p>*all outfits must have boots, belt, and a hat included. </p><p>SCHEDULE: *Parents will be allowed to be with their child throughout the pageant except in the personal interviews. SATURDAY, July 22</p><p>9:30 am Orientation 10:00 am Horsemanship 11:30 am Lunch at the Baptist Church 1:00 pm Photo Shoot 1:00 pm Interviews 2:30 pm Speech delivery and Judged at the Baptist Church 5:00 pm Supper at the Legion and prepare for Style Show 6:30 pm Style Show</p><p>WEDNESDAY, July 26</p><p>6:30 pm Queens Barn for Orientation of Coronation 7:30 pm Rodeo and Coronation</p><p>Queen Committee: Theresa Petska, Little Miss Coordinator 308-730-0580 [email protected] Kayla Cone, Miss Burwell Coordinator Andrea Seidel, Sponsor Coordinator Jenny Gideon, Sponsor Coordinator</p><p>Little Miss Burwell Rodeo Appearance Requirements</p><p>***Nebraska’s Big Rodeo (remainder of rodeo) District Show ribbon hand out 4-H ribbon hand out Valley Co. Fair Parade Popcorn Days – North Loup Loup County Far ***Burwell Junior Rodeo ***Nebraska State Fair Burwell Time for Giving ***MRN Send-Off Chamber Christmas/Mrs. Claus MRN Coronation Kearney Boat Show/ Omaha Boat Show Burwell School visit Junior High Rodeo - Ord ***Ag Appreciation ***Nebraska’s Big Rodeo 2018</p><p>All other appearances must be approved by the committee. ***indicates a mandatory appearance. Must attend 10 obligations</p><p>I have read and understand the above rules and regulations for the Little Miss Burwell Rodeo Pageant and agree to abide by all. I understand that any infraction of the above rules may result in immediate disqualification and/or forfeiture of title, all monetary gifts and pageant awards.</p><p>______Contestant Signature Date Parent Signature Date</p><p>Date Sworn to and subscribed before me this _____day of______, 20______. ______My Commission expires ______Notary’s Printed Name</p><p>______Notary’s Signature (Seal)</p><p>By this consent, we hereby release and discharge the Miss Burwell Rodeo Pageant Committee, and Nebraska’s Big Rodeo from all liabilities, claims and demands of whatever kind or nature that may arise from or be connected with the person’s participation in any activity sponsored by the MBR Pageant Committee or Nebraska’s Big Rodeo. Please complete your current public, home, or private school information for grade checks during the year.</p><p>Name of School______</p><p>School’s Phone #______</p><p>School Contact Person ______</p><p>School Street Address______</p><p>City, State, Zip______</p><p>**************************************** I, as parent and/or legal guardian of above named contestant, attest that she is a citizen of the United States of America and physically resides in the State of Nebraska; that contestant is a natural born female; that contestant will be the age of ______on or before the pageant date. I further attest that I hereby give my permission for the above named contestant to have photographs taken, photos posted on the Miss Burwell Rodeo Facebook page/NBR website and other promo materials, and/or to make appearances on television and/or radio prior to, during and after the pageant for publicity purposes. I further understand that if selected as a titleholder in this pageant, contestant is expected to participate in all activities during Nebraska’s Big Rodeo, and special promotions throughout the year as deemed necessary by the Pageant Committee. I further understand that as a contestant or winner in this pageant, I must adhere to all pageant rules, and that an infraction of the rules will cause disqualification or result in the forfeiture of my title, awards and benefits derived from the pageant. ______Contestant’s Name (Please Print) Parent/Guardian’s Name (Please Print)</p><p>______Contestant’s Signature Parent/Guardian’s Signature OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM 2017 Little Miss Burwell Rodeo Pageant (May be retyped)</p><p>Entry Form MUST be kept within the original Microsoft Word Document format & emailed as such. There is a $25 entry fee that should be submitted with your entry. photo, three wallet-size photos, and the entry form (with all releases) must be mailed Theresa Petska, 81570 475th Ave, Ord NE 68862 </p><p>Full Name: ______</p><p>Address: ______</p><p>City: ______Zip Code: ______</p><p>Telephone #: ______Birthdate: ______Age: ______</p><p>Parent’s Names: ______</p><p>Grade in School/School Attended: ______</p><p>Activities/Honors/Awards: ______</p><p>______</p><p>Riding/Rodeo Experience: ______</p><p>______</p><p>Other interests: ______</p><p>______</p><p>Why would you like to be Little Miss Burwell Rodeo? ______</p><p>______</p><p>The above information is correct to the best of my knowledge. I hereby agree to enter the 2017 Little Miss Burwell Rodeo pageant under the rules set forth. I agree to waive any liability of Miss Burwell Rodeo Pageant or Nebraska’s Big Rodeo committees in route to and from, and during the contest. I have read all the rules, and understand the responsibilities required of me should I be selected as Little Miss Burwell Rodeo. APPLICANT: ______</p>
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