<p> 8001 Panorama Drive Bakersfield, CA 93306 Phone (661) 871-1289 Fax (661) 872-6302 E-Mail – [email protected] Website – lcop.org</p><p>February 2015 Volume 15, Issue 2 The Prayer Line Pastor’s Page By Rev. Mark Airey Inside this Issue Greetings in the name of Christ: Pastor’s Page Pastor’s Page Rev.Ever Mark since Airey I became a Christian I have been stirred by the mission Jesus gave the church, “Go and make disciples of all nations.” At that point I thought of 1 mission in the context of going to a far off land and being a missionary Official Acts, Homebound THERE… in Africa or India or the like. It was exciting, but how would I, “Go to Members, Birthdays and make disciples?” I had to go to work on Monday. 2 Anniversaries Fast forward several years, I am sitting at the seminary in a class and a LCoP Prayer Chain light goes on in my mind: mission is not just another reason the church is on 2 Church Calendar the earth; mission is THE reason the church is on the earth. Everything the Dates to Remember church is called to do is best understood in light of our mission to reach the Pastor’s page cont. nations. Mission is the organizing catalyst. Light #2: while the mission is to 3 Properties reach the nations, it is not just carried out overseas, but right in our local WW School Board communities. I was motivated in a whole new way! I started thinking about Save the Dates what we could do to be more effective in carrying out the mission we had Golf Tournament 4 been given. Drive Thru Dinner Fast forward another couple years…I am called as the “Outreach Parking Lot Sale Pastor” at King of Kings in St. Louis. This community is literally OUR mission 4 Bible Study, Classes & Meetings field. What can we do to carry out Jesus’ mission HERE? How can we get them (out there) to come to church so we can fulfill our mission here in our Wonder Window Children’s Center community?” The answer? Programs! Marketing! Really good worship 5 services! A subtle message to people out there that we have a better Jesus- Preschool News show than the other churches! Better assimilation, blah, blah, blah. It was, in some ways, effective. But it was also complex, expensive, 6 and tiring! Were we reaching people? More people were indeed coming and Puzzle being exposed to God’s Word and sacraments. Lives were being changed by Conversation Hearts Jesus. But it was unsustainable. I needed countless hours to organize, create, 7 inspire, etc. I read books, I went to conferences, I tried ever-more complex strategies for reaching more people, we launched a capital campaign to support outreach, blah, blah, blah. One more light kept trying to come on. I didn’t want it to come on because it would be very troublesome to answer: Was all this what Jesus had in mind when He gave us the mission? Was this how the early church Also Inside: Serving us exploded? And if not, why was I working 70 hours a week for comparatively Federwitz Update small results?</p><p>Continued. on .page 3 ...... </p><p>OFFICIAL ACTS Watch for changes or additions posted in this official acts section, and then please record the changes in your church ards, calls and prayers are much appreciated by our directory. God’s blessings to everyone on your homebound members: C special occasion! If you don’t see Lyn Espericueta no longer your name in print please call the has a landline her cell # is: * Ruth Jones 661-343-3609 *Bob & Marge Palmbach office to make corrections or * Mary Smith additions. We want to include Ruth Jones has moved. *Norman & Margaret Snyder everyone! Her new address is: 8904 Bear Creek Road, ♥ FEBRUARY ANNIVERSARIES ♥ Bakersfield, CA 93311 Please keep in your prayers all those 8 Tim & Diana Danforth who are hospitalized or recuperating at 10 Bill & Charla Herider home. Stephanie Elliott’s new 14 Brian & Marilyn Henderson address: Bennie & Kathi Loudermilk 8808 Eastwind Circle + + + + + + + + + + Chuck & Tammy Poyner Bakersfield, CA 93306 LCoP Prayer Chain 15 Chuck & Betty Jordin Arnold & Cindy Ramming’s When you have any prayer 17 Jim & Lottie Sullivan new address: 2319 W. Mimosa Lane concerns, please let our prayer 20 Craig & Nancy Perkins Stephenville, TX 76401 chain pray for you by contacting 22 Mike & Sharon Jacobsen Chuck Jordin at 661-873-9565 Joined the Church or you may send an e-mail to ~ FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS~ Triumphant: [email protected] or use 1Ava Andrews January 1, 2015 the prayer link on our website; 3 Patricia Kritsch Martha Jones www.lcop.org Matthew Palmbach Church Calendar 4 Ruth Neu We are in need of a volunteer 8 Joanne Klinchuch to take over the maintenance of 9 Walter Heer the Church Calendar. It has not Chuck Jordin been done since the Rammings 10 Kate Zimmerman moved to Texas. There has been confusion because it is 15 Diana Danforth inaccurate. A copy of the Laurie Hillis current calendar will not 17 Frank Hedge appear in the newsletter until Lou Patterson the information is correct. 19 Brian Huens Dates to Remember 22 Andrew Sterling 23 Casey Minnear Valentine’s Day 24 Frank Crookes February 14, 2015 26 Jacqualynn Holmes 29 Bonnie Grisso Presidents’ Day February 16, 2015 We honor birthdays and anniversaries Wonder Window Closed on the Second Sunday of every month. Ash Wednesday 2 . . . February. 18, .2015 ...... If you would like to help with refreshments for those who are Pastor’s page continued- celebratingThen bring I met your Greg treat Finke to church and saw his presentation. He put forward a new perspective. The mission of God thatwas morning. indeed our catalyst. Our motivations were absolutely noble: we wanted more people exposed to God’s Word and sacraments! But we had an important point backwards. We thought God had given us a mission. We thought He said, “Go, do this for Me.” We thought He meant, “Go and figure out how to reach the nations… or at least a few people in your local community.” But He didn’t. Ever since I became a Christian I had it subtly wrong. Much of it I had right, but in one small, important way I had it backwards. I thought Jesus was telling me what I had to go do FOR Him. What a huge burden! I thought I needed to figure out how to make disciples of all nations. I thought He had the product and I had to be the salesman (20 years of sales will do that). He had the idea but I had to figure out how to make it reality. That was the mission, right? Nope. Jesus did not give me a mission to do FOR Him. Jesus is on a mission and He invites me to come WITH Him. And he invites you too. That’s what Challenge 2015 is all about! We will be joining Jesus on HIS mission! Stay tuned for more… </p><p>In Christ’s Love, Pastor Mark</p><p>Properties Don Votaw ~ Communications Wonder Window School Board Tim Hartnett ~ Chairman As our Wonder Window pre-school program moves forward in 2015, there are many challenges we must deal The properties board would like to thank all with. There are a myriad of issues from state regulations, those who help. We know it’s not always easy rising costs and upgrading equipment that we must face. to physically help, but prayers and gifts are But one thing we know for certain is that we are so richly always welcome. We have some projects we blessed to have the tremendous, dedicated staff we have are currently working on that take time to do. enriching the lives of our students. One of our teachers, Ms. One of our big concerns is that we want to be Nati Flores is having surgery next month and won’t be with us for 3-6 months. Please keep her in your prayers for a good stewards of your hard earned money. successful surgery and a speedy recovery. We are looking Research and bids are very important to us. for a part time replacement to fill in. If you know of anyone Lets’ continue to pray for our church, pastors, who might be interested, have them contact Ms. Charla as country, and especially office staff. soon as possible. Phase 2 of our playground improvement, Our next properties meeting will be Monday, the adding of swings, will be soon realized. We want to February 16th at 7 pm. And our next work day is thank those of you who participated in our various going to be on Saturday, February 21st at 8 am. fundraisers for making this a reality. We are also looking to replace and upgrade some of our toys. The Parking Lot Sale, on Saturday March 7th will be a great opportunity for you to God Bless and have a safe winter. help. Wonder Window parents will have a booth and all proceeds will go toward our toy fund. God has used Wonder Window mightily through the years to advance the Gospel. We hear all the time from former students and parents of ...... current. students. how. their time. at Wonder. Window. has. impacted their lives. We are blessed that God is using this ...... mission. of .LCOP in such. a powerful way. 3 Tim Hartnett School Board Chairman God’s Presence. Save the Date St. Patrick’s Day Tea March 14, 2015 Tuesday Morning Christ’s Light 11AM-2PM Bible Study that used to meet at the At the Airey home will now be meeting at Loudermilk’s Home the church in the library at 9:30 on Tuesdays. Come join us as we LCoP Youth will be explore God’s Word and fellowship! selling tickets for $15. Women’s Fellowship Guild Tuesday, February 3rd we will meet Parking Lot Sale in the church library at 10:30 A.M. SAM’s next great event will after our business meeting. We will help you clean out your closets go to Peking Palace for lunch. All Golf Tournament and your garage! Our Spring are welcome. Please call Ruth Neu Parking Lot Sale is March 7, Our annual golf tournament is at 872-7570 or Delores Markell at coming in June, on Sunday, the 14th 2015 from 7:30 – 1:00 P.M. We 873-1354 at 2:00 P.M. Mark your calendars if are renting spaces for $10 to you are interested. If you want to individuals who wish to sell Praise to God for LCoP’S successful help with the planning, please their yard sale items. Contact a Walk thru the Bible Campaign! contact Mike Lehmann at SAM member if you are an Some at LCoP read through the 661-805-5258. LCoP group and you’d like a whole Bible last year. Some people read most of the Bible and skimmed “super discount” on your through parts. Most everyone said space. Food items will be that they read more of the Bible available for sale. Come and than they had in the past. We Newmake Member’s a morning Class of it. There’s a thank God for the opportunity to Ifsign-up you are sheet interested in the in Narthexjoining our to read the Bible and celebrate the gift wonderfulreserve your family space. at Lutheran of His Word in our lives! Church of Prayer or you want a refresher course on Lutheran Drive Thru Dinner doctrine contact Pastor or show up LCoP Youth Dinner Fundraiser on Monday nights starting February 8 at 10:30 to noon Monday, February 2 at 7PM in the $10/adult $5/child conference room. You can get tickets from any LCoP youth MEETING On the menu: LCoP Mission Board will be meeting on Tuesday, February 17 at 7PM in Pulled Pork Tacos, beans, salsa, the Library. and dessert Indulge for Lent? If you are on a board or have Rather than sacrificing something information for the newsletter for Lent — especially something please send your blurb to easy and spiritually insignificant, [email protected] before the such as chocolate — Patty Kirk, in deadline. Guideposts magazine, suggests finding new ways to indulge in Newsletter Deadline 4 ...... Friday,. February. 20,. 2015...... animal can predict the weather. Our colors this month are silver and pink and you know that February has to have a heart as its shape. For our Chapel curriculum, we will be covering A Forgiving Father, Jesus Feeds 5000, Jesus Heals 10 Men and Mary and Martha. Please CHILDREN’S CENTER remember to go over the Bible verses with your child(ren) so that Ms. Charla Herider they can recite them to the staff on Director Fridays. I’ve noticed there are Dear Wonder Window and Lutheran several children who have yet to Church of Prayer family, miss a memory verse this year. “For God so loved the world, that That’s AWESOME! Keep it up! He gave His one and only Son, that There will be parties in the Ms. Nati’s Class whoever believes in Him shall not classrooms on Friday, February 13th. Let’s celebrate the month of love perish, but have eternal life.” Wow! Each class will have a sign-up sheet and friendship! This month the 2’s John 3:16 is something that should and class lists of the student’s first will be introduced to the letters O, really make you think. You know names will go out soon. This is a P, and Q and the numbers 15-17. how much you love your own wonderful time to volunteer in your Our colors are going to be pink and child(ren). Can you imagine giving child’s classroom if you’re able and silver and of course our shape is the them up? Yet, that is exactly what provide a healthy snack if you’re heart. We will also be talking about God did for each of us. He GAVE His not. Be sure that all children in types of transportation (air, land child. For you. For me. For your child’s room receive a and sea). We will also be everyone. All we have to do is Valentine card. You can always remembering how Jesus loves us. accept Him, seek His forgiveness send a few extra ones that your We would like to wish a very Happy and accept His grace. If that child has signed in case of a Birthday to Satori who is turning 3 doesn’t make you feel loved, what th dropped card or two. on February 15 . Finally, I will? We will be having open enrollment regrettably must inform you that I I would like to ask that you all keep for both summer and fall in late will be away for a few months. I our beloved Ms. Nati in your March or early April. Be sure to have to step back for medical prayers. She is finally having her watch for signs posted on the back reasons beginning Wednesday, long delayed surgery and will be out th glass door. The first few weeks are February, 11 . I hope to recuperate for a minimum of 3 months. While for current students and their quickly so that I can return to the she is away, Ms. Lynda will be siblings. Enrollment will open to the little ones as soon as possible. Ms. stepping in and taking care of the public in early April. Sign up as soon Lynda will be taking charge of my class. If you can help with cutting or as possible to reserve your child’s class while I am away. Please say a making patterns while she is away, place for these upcoming time few prayers for me. Thank you! please let me know. periods. God bless! For the month of February, we’re As a reminder, we will be closed on going to cover Transportation. Monday, February 16th for Whether it is my air, by land or by President’s Day. sea, there are so many ways to May God fill you with His love each travel this beautiful world. In and every day! addition, we’ll briefly cover Charla Herider Groundhog Day. It’s a fun tradition and the children are always interested in why we think an ...... 5 able, please sign up for something. Have a blessed Valentine’s Day.</p><p>Ms. Rachel’s Class Hello, parents! We made it through the New Year! Hope and pray that all is well with everyone. The threes have been busy working, learning and growing. We would like to wish everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day. It’s such a sweet time to show how much we love one another. We want to wish a Happy Birthday to Giovany and Mr. Jacob’s Class Elijah who share a birthday on February is a great month to rd February 23 . How much fun is show others how much you that? God bless you all. love them and to remember how much God loves us. We will be going over how God loves us by forgiving us, how Jesus fed 5000 people and healed the 10 men with Ms. Stephanie’s Class leprosy. We will also be having Happy February to all of our parents a Valentine’s Day party on and families. This is “the month of Friday, February 13th. Look for love”. Our class will be focusing on the sign-up sheet soon. I would how much Jesus loves us and what like to wish Shaun a Happy He has done for us. Our class would Birthday on the 15th. May God’s th like to wish Karissa a Happy 5 love and the love of others fill birthday on the 16th. During the your heart. month of February our shape will be a heart and our colors are pink and silver. The numbers will be 18- 20. We will focus on the phonetic sounds of p, n, c, k, e, h, r, and m. Please continue to review all papers at home with your child. We will have a Valentine’s Day party on Friday, February 13th at 9:15. A class list will be sent out 2 weeks prior to the party. There will be a sign up list for goodies. If you’re </p><p>6 ...... 7 8 ...... </p>
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