<p> Boy Scouts of America - Circle Ten Council Jamboree Contingent Information July 10 – July 25, 2013 The Summit Bechtel Family National Reserve What is a jamboree? </p><p>Scouting’s flagship event is one-of-a-kind. It’s a gathering of approximately 45,000 Scouts, leaders, and staff that showcases everything that is great about the BSA and its members. Over the course of 10 summer days, once every four years, the Boy Scouts of America comes together. The result is the national Scout jamboree.</p><p>Each Jamboree Troop is made up of 36 youth participants and four adult leaders.</p><p>A New Venue: The Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve In 2009, the BSA purchased 10,600 acres of property adjacent to West Virginia’s New River Gorge National River area in order to create The Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve (the Summit). The Summit is the new home of achievement, adventure, and innovation in Scouting. With world-class facilities and a focus on outdoor action sports, the Summit will welcome Scouts to a whole new jamboree experience in summer 2013. </p><p>C i r c l e T e n C o u n c i l J a m b o r e e P a c k a g e T h e 2 0 1 3 C i r c l e T e n C o u n c i l t o u r a n d a t t e n d a n c e a t t h e N a t i o n a l S c o u t J a m b o r e e w i l l b e g i n o n W e d n e s d a y , J u l y 1 0 , w i t h a r e t u r n o n T h u r s d a y , J u l y 2 5 , 2 0 1 3 . W e w i l l s t a r t b y fl y i n g i n t o N e w Y o r k C i t y o n W e d n e s d a y , v i s i t i n g n u m e r o u s N e w Y o r k C i t y s i g h t s a n d o n T h u r s d a y t a k i n g a b u s t o W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . a n d s t a y i n g u n t i l d e p a r t i n g o n J u l y 1 5 t h f o r t h e J a m b o r e e . W e w i l l d e p a r t t h e J a m b o r e e o n t h e 2 4 t h a n d s t a y i n g t h e n i g h t i n a W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . a r e a h o t e l a n d fl y i n g b a c k t o D a l l a s o n J u l y 2 5 , 2 0 1 3 . </p><p>C i r c l e T e n h a s b e e n a l l o c a t e d 1 4 t r o o p s a n d o n e V e n t u r e C r e w f o r t h e 2 0 1 3 J a m b o r e e . T h i s w i l l a g a i n b e t h e l a r g e s t c o n t i n g e n t f r o m t h e S o u t h e r n r e g i o n . S p a c e i s li m i t e d , s o a p p l y e a r l y . A d u l t l e a d e r s d e s i r i n g t o a t t e n d w i l l b e s e l e c t e d b y C i r c l e T e n ’ s J a m b o r e e C o m m i t t e e a n d w i l l h e l p r e c r u i t S c o u t s t o a t t e n d .</p><p>T h e f e e o f $ 2 7 0 0 f o r y o u t h a n d $ 2 2 0 0 f o r a d u l t s i n c l u d e s t h e N a t i o n a l B S A J a m b o r e e f e e w h i c h c o v e r s t h e e x p e n s e o f p r o g r a m m a t e r i a l , f o o d , i n s u r a n c e , e q u i p m e n t , d u f f e l b a g , a n d t w o a c t i v i t y s h i r t s a s w e l l a s t h e u s e o f a t e n t a n d c o t . A l s o i n c l u d e d i s a l l a i r a n d g r o u n d t r a n s p o r t a t i o n w h i l e o n t h e s c h e d u l e d c o n t i n g e n t t o u r , a l l f o o d a n d h o t e l a c c o m m o d a t i o n s , t r o o p n u m e r a l s , t w o J a m b o r e e p a t c h e s , n a m e t a g s a n d s o m e t r o o p e q u i p m e n t . T h e f e e s c h e d u l e i s li s t e d b e l o w . A d u l t s</p><p>Youth Adult Deposit with application 300 Dec-11 400 Mar-12 400 450 Jun-12 400 450 Sep-12 400 450 Dec-12 400 450 Mar-13 400 400 TOTAL 2700 2200</p><p>High Adventure The excitement of the jamboree isn’t limited to Scouts. The Summit will feature a large visitor area, where day-users can try out some of the activities that the Scouts are dialing in around other parts of the Summit. Also, 2013 will be the first year that Venturers, a branch of the BSA that includes young women, will be part of the jamboree. Whitewater rafting and kayaking, rock climbing and bouldering, and mountain biking are just a few of the activities offered at the Summit. There’s also skateboarding, BMX, shooting sports, and zip-line challenge courses. And that’s just the beginning.</p><p>Create World Jamboree-Style Scouting Neighborhoods Smaller camping footprint (1,000 acres) than Fort A.P. Hill (5,000 acres). Maximum distance to arena from any subcamp will be 1.5 miles. Twenty subcamps organized into five villages. Troops will be assigned to subcamps in a manner that promotes the highest level of interaction. One subcamp will be dedicated to Venturers. Almost all adult staff will be housed and fed in the adult camp (6,000 to 7,000).</p><p>Embrace Cutting-Edge Technology in the Jamboree Operational Model Jamboree will utilize technology at every possible level from the submission of applications through the duration of the event. Plans are to utilize mobile technology to provide programming, data and individual schedules. BSA technology will become part of the jamboree “magic.”</p><p>Employ a Seamless Logistics and Supply Operation Jamboree will provide all troop equipment—tents, cooking equipment, etc. Participants will only bring a duffel (jamboree will supply), sleeping bag, and personal gear. Food will be pre-packed by troops, with cooking designed for troops rather than patrols. Commissary will be offsite, with troop food delivered to villages. Lunches will be issued with breakfast in the morning so that participants will have them wherever they are.</p><p>Deliver a World-Class Program—Constantly on the Move Program will be more diverse, more intense, and have a higher energy level than previous jamborees. Jamboree will engage participants on a more intense program level in areas of interest to them. Program will be available from daylight to dark. Day of Giving Back. New Jamboree Trek program. Merit badges connected to program areas rather than a "merit badge midway." Arena shows designed to entertain and inspire youth members.</p><p>Showcase a Visitor Experience Very Different than the Participant Experience Visitors and participants can come together in the 90-acre Summit Center. Access to program areas will be limited to jamboree participants. In the Summit Center, visitors will be offered a “jamboree lite” experience with a sampling of jamboree activities, constant entertainment and activities in the arena area, in addition to the exhibit and display areas. Jamboree visitors will be provided an improved experience and charged a reasonable but appropriate fee. Pre-registration will be required and available early 2013.</p><p>Enable a Volunteer-Driven, Professionally Guided Jamboree Staff Opportunity Staff mantra—“volunteer–driven, professionally guided.” No duality of one volunteer and one professional in each major assignment. Less management, more customer-engaged staff. Emphasis on recruiting younger staff members by providing shorter commitments than entire jamboree. OA will provide more than 600 Arrowmen for programs such as Jamboree Trek and Day of Giving Back. Jamboree staff camp will be separated from participant camps, with vast majority of staff housed in the staff camp.</p><p>Go Green, Go Healthy, and Go Safe Jamboree will use absolute best practices of eco-friendly camping—an example to other camps. Embrace conservation practices and Leave No Trace camping. Promote childhood health and fitness. Walking will be the mode of transportation for everyone. Healthy food and drinks offered.</p><p>Sustain the Scouting Movement for the Next 100 Years Jamboree will preserve the best of jamboree traditions while creating new ones. Scouts, staff, and visitors will be introduced to the World Brotherhood of Scouting at The Summit.</p><p>Offer Scouts, Scouters, and Visitors a True, Once-in-a-Lifetime Experience A jamboree at The Summit will truly be that once-in-a-lifetime experience for all who attend.</p>
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