<p> ICTM STUDY GROUP ON MUSIC AND DANCE IN SOUTHEASTERN EUROPE announces</p><p>The Third Symposium of the Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe</p><p>Programme</p><p>17-23 April 2012 – Berovo, Macedonia Hotel “Manastir”</p><p>Organized by the ICTM National Committee of Macedonia Tuesday, 17 April</p><p>17.00 – 19.00 Symposium registration </p><p>19:30 Opening ceremony Welcome reception with cocktails Concert of Dragan Dautovski </p><p>Wednesday, 18 April</p><p>8.30 – 9.00 Opening ceremony of the working sessions of the Symposium</p><p>9.00 – 10.30 Morning session/1 Topic: Terminology and analytical approaches to southeastern European music and dance A. Theoretical approaches to terminology CHAIR PERSON: Anca Giurchescu 1. Jane Sugerman, USA "What's in a word? Theoretical approaches to local terminology"</p><p>2. Naila Ceribašić, Croatia “The status of “tradition” in Croatian ethnomusicology, and the issue of Pidgin-English eth nomusicology”</p><p>3. Victor A. Friedman, USA “Musical terminology and the Balkan linguistic league”</p><p>10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break </p><p>11.00 – 12.30 Morning session/2 Topic: Terminology and theoretical approaches to southeastern European music and dance B. Local terminologies CHAIR PERSON: Victor Friedman</p><p>1. Lozanka Peycheva, Bulgaria “What is folk music: examples from Bulgaria”</p><p>2. Dimitrije O. Golemović, Serbia “Naming in Serbian folk singing”</p><p>3. Velika Stojkova Serafimovska, Macedonia “The term “voice” – social and/or music expression in the rite tradition (Macedonian cas e)”</p><p>13.00 – 14.00 Lunch 14.00 – 15.30 Afternoon session/1 Topic: Terminology and theoretical approaches to southeastern European music and dance C. Terminologies and analyses CHAIR PERSON: Selena Rakočević </p><p>1. Stephanie Jordan, UK “The choreography of Mark Morris: some procedures for choreomusical structural analysi s”</p><p>2. Nick Green, UK “A consideration of structural analysis methodology in the context of southeast European dance: an example from Banat – Brâul bătrân”</p><p>3. Branislav Gerazov, Rodna Velichkovska and Iskra Gerazova, Macedonia “Rural singing parallels: comparison of formant shift in Macedonian and Bulgarian singin g”</p><p>15.30 – 15.45 Coffee break</p><p>15.45 – 17.15 Afternoon session/2 Topic: Constructing identities A. Constructing identities CHAIR PERSON: Jane Sugarman</p><p>1. Elsie Ivancich Dunin, USA/Croatia “Romani weddings in Macedonia and migrant family contexts”</p><p>2. Dieter Christensen, Germany “Conflict and expressive behavior. Observations of a cultural musicologist in a Macedonian village, 1956”</p><p>3. Jaynie Aydin and Emir Cenk Aydin, Turkey/USA “A Zeybek wedding: the performance of music, dance, and customary wedding traditions i n a modern village in Aydin, Turkey” </p><p>17.15 – 17.30 Break</p><p>17.30 – 19.00 Afternoon session/3 Topic: Constructing identities B. Constructing identities CHAIR PERSON: Dimitrije O. Golemović</p><p>1. Ana Hofman, Slovenia “Balkan music industries between 'already Europe' and 'Europe-to-be' ” 2. Daniela Ivanova-Nyberg, Bulgaria/USA “The South Slavic Club activities in the North American Midwest: Zivio folk dance group re pertoire today”</p><p>3. Gergana Panova-Tekath, Bulgaria/Germany “Europe – one and for all: intercultural communication through the Bulgarian traditional d ances”</p><p>20.00 Dinner Evening event</p><p>Thursday, 19 April</p><p>9.00 – 10.30 Morning session/1 Topic: History A. The multiethnic face of Balkan music in historical recordings (panel) Organizer: Susanne Ziegler, Berlin Panelists: Susanne Ziegler, Jakša Primorac (Zagreb), Ivona Tatarčevska (Skopje), Ardian Ahmedaja (Vienna) CHAIRPERSON: Speranta Radulescu</p><p>1. Susanne Ziegler, Germany “Gustav Küppers-Sonnenberg's recordings in Southeast Europe”</p><p>2. Jakša Primorac, Croatia “Küppers's recordings of Bački Šokci: intercultural aspects of popular and traditional musi c”</p><p>3. Ivona Opetcheska Tatarchevska, Macedonia “Küppers in Macedonia”</p><p>4. Ardian Ahmedaja, Austria “Albanian recordings in the G. Küppers-Sonnenberg 1935–1939 collections”</p><p>10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break</p><p>11.00 – 12.00 Morning session/2 Topic: History B. Music in different southeast European archives CHAIRPERSON: Susanne Ziegler</p><p>1. Ivanka Vlaeva, Bulgaria “The puzzle of music plurality in Bulgaria according to the music archives” 2. Malik Sharif, Austria “Performing (against) the Balkans”</p><p>13.00 – 14.00 Lunch</p><p>14.00 – 15.30 Afternoon session/1 Topic: Crossing national boundaries/ intercultural communication</p><p>A. Interpreting Interculturality (panel) Mirjana Zakić, Selena Rakočević, Iva Nenić “Interpreting interculturality in music and dance” Coordinator: Iva Nenić CHAIRPERSON: Dieter Christensen</p><p>1. Iva Nenić, Serbia “A longing for the other: interculturality in (post)traditional and world music scene of Serbi a”</p><p>2. Mirjana Zakić, Serbia “Intercultural communication and multicultural context: the place of Kaval in the musical practice of Serbia”</p><p>3. Selena Rakočević, Serbia “Multicultural vs. intercultural: dance practice of the village of Svinica (Romania)”</p><p>15.30 – 15.45 Coffee break</p><p>15.45 – 17.45 Afternoon session/2 Topic: Crossing national boundaries/ intercultural communication B. Migrating musics CHAIRPERSON: Velika Stoikova Serafimovska </p><p>1. Ganka Cvetanova, Macedonia “Cultural differences in the Republic of Macedonia: factor of integration or disintegration”</p><p>2. Jelka Vukobratović, Croatia “The new paths and travels of Ojkanje singing”</p><p>3. Ferruh Özdinçer, Turkey “Traditional dances of the exchanged population from Greece to Selcuk, İzmir”</p><p>17.45 – 18.00 Break 18.00 – 19.00 Afternoon session/3 Miscellanea A. Karagöz shadow theater (panel) CHAIRPERSON: Ardian Ahmedaia 1. Z. Gonca Girgin Tohumcu, Turkey “Communicator behind cloak: Karagöz shadow theater”</p><p>2. Ahmed Tohumcu – F. Merve Eken Küçükaksoy, Turkey “Sound of identity: the music in the Karagoz shadow theatre”</p><p>20.00 Dinner Evening event </p><p>Friday, 20 April</p><p>9.00 – 10.30 Morning session/1 Topic: Crossing national boundaries/ intercultural communication A. Transnational music and dance CHAIRPERSON: Naila Ceribasic</p><p>1. Ersen Varli, Ozlem Dogus Varli, Turkey “The musical production and its psychology of hidden differences of religious belief: an Ale vi-Bektaşi district in Trabzon (East Black Sea Region, Republic of Turkey) and five strings’ B aglama”</p><p>2. Dunja Njaradi, Serbia/UK “SheiIs Belly-dancing, but what is he doing' Čoček dance in the social poetics of Balkan soci eties”</p><p>3. Zdravko Ranisavljević, Serbia “Whose dance is Kolo? Kolo in the dance traditions of the Serbs, Bosniaks and Roma from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina”</p><p>10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break </p><p>11.00 – 12.30 Morning session/2 Topic: Crossing national boundaries/ intercultural communication D. Crossing boundaries CHAIRPERSON: Ana Hofman 1. Gordana Blagojević, Serbia “Dance as an emigrant: intercultural communication by salsa in Belgrade” 2. Joško Ćaleta, Croatia “Čigova Je 'Vo Pisma? - Klapa singing as an integral part of the southeastern European m usic repertoire”</p><p>3. Omer Barbaros Unlu, Turkey “A henna night in Batman in the context of politics, popular culture, and dance”</p><p>12.30 Departure to “Bachilo” (Sheepfold hut) (Traditional Macedonian cuisine from this region)</p><p>17.00 Returning from “Bachilo”</p><p>18.00 – 19.30</p><p>Business meeting of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe</p><p>20.00 Dinner </p><p>Saturday, 21 April</p><p>9.00 – 10.30 Morning session/1 Topic: Nation, nationalism, folklore sacralization A. Nation, nationalism CHAIRPERSON: Mehmet Ocal Ozbilgin</p><p>1. Liz Mellish, UK “Performing ethnicities – but whose? Dance performances by co-located ethnicities in mult icultural Banat”</p><p>2. Onur Sonmez, Turkey “Idealistic (Ulkucu) pop in the context of pragmatic usage of music”</p><p>3. Colin Quigley, USA “Obstacles to a ‘de-nationalized’ approach to the music and dance of Transylvanian string bands posed by multiple terminologies and concomitant differences in theoretical perspect ive”</p><p>10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break</p><p>11.00 – 12.30 Morning session/2 Topic: Nation, nationalism, folklore sacralization B. Folklore sacralization CHAIRPERSON: Colin Quigley</p><p>1. Iva Niemčić, Croatia “Portraits of professional female dancers”</p><p>4. Mehmet Ocal Ozbilgin, Turkey “The effects of intermigration between southeastern Europe and Anatolia on traditional da nces”</p><p>5. Dave Wilson, USA “Teškoto and national sentiment in Macedonia: ascribing meaning, experiencing tradition”</p><p>13.00 – 14.00 Lunch</p><p>14.00 – 16.00 Afternoon session/1 Topic: Minorities A. Romani musical culture CHAIRPERSON: Lozanka Peycheva</p><p>1. Carol Silverman, USA “DJs and Balkan Gypsy music: issues of appropriation and representation”</p><p>2. Mladen Marković, Serbia “Gypsy magic: filters, influences and consequences on Serbian violin tradition in the first h alf of 20th century”</p><p>3. Serpil Murtezaoglu, Turkey “Romany culture, dance and music in Istanbul in the context of social change”</p><p>4. Ventsislav Dimov, Bulgaria “Pan-Balkan musical practices in the fields of recorded ethnomusic – the role of Roma mus icians”</p><p>16.00 – 16.30 Coffee break</p><p>16.30 – 18.30 Afternoon session/2 Topic: Minorities B. Other minorities’ cultures CHAIRPERSON: Margaret Beissenger</p><p>1. Aida Islam and Stefanija Leshkova Zelenkovska, Macedonia “Changes in the musical tradition as a reflection of the modern musical trends” 2. Belma Kurtişoğlu, Bülent Kurtişoğlu, Turkey “Hidden Latin in Thrace: Notyalılar”</p><p>3. Efthymiou Lampros, Greece “Intercultural examples in Greek Thrace: Pomaks, ethnic Greeks and Gagauz sing a Pan-Balkan myth” </p><p>20.00 Dinner Evening event</p><p>Sunday, 22 April</p><p>9.00 – 10.30 Morning session/1 Miscellanea B. Music and Dance in Romania: Traditions in Transition (panel) CHAIRPERSON: Carol Silverman</p><p>5. Anca Giurchescu, Denmark/Romania “How traditional are the “traditional dances” in present days Romania?”</p><p>6. Margaret Beissinger, USA “Music-making at traditional weddings in pre- and post-1990 Romania”</p><p>7. Speranta Radulescu, Romania “The preservation of traditions as a way of rejecting an oppressive social order”</p><p>10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break</p><p>11.00 – 12.30 Morning session/2 Topic: Organology A. Organology CHAIRPERSON: Joško Ćaleta</p><p>1. Abdullah Akat, Turkey “The structural changes in the process of adaptation of the Black Sea Kemenche to the cha nging conceptions on performance”</p><p>2. Enver Mete Aslan, Turkey “The place of Lute, a classical Turkish musical intsrument, in Elaziğ and Şanliurfa folk musi c” 3. Marija Šorak, Serbia “The instrumental practice of ‘ćemane’ player Stojan Stojanović: the life of one marginaliz ed tradition”</p><p>13.00 – 14.00 Lunch</p><p>14.00 – 15.30 Afternoon session/1 Miscellanea Different approaches CHAIRPERSON: Belma Kurtişoğlu </p><p>1. Sonja Zdravkova Djeparoska, Macedonia “Culture, boundaries and their implementation in the field of dance”</p><p>2. Hale Yamaner Okdan “A suggestion of term classification: under the concept of Turkish folk dance education”</p><p>3. Branka Kostic Marković, Macedonia “Polyphonic female group singing in Macedonia - or is it a multi-part? (terms and confusio n) ”</p><p>15.30 – 16.00 Coffee break</p><p>16.00 – 17.00 Afternoon session/2 Miscellanea D. Music and dance in a fresh interpretation CHAIRPERSON: Elsie Ivancich Dunin </p><p>1. Rumiana Margaritova, Bulgaria “Saz across the border: maintenance of a Turkish traditional practice in Bulgaria”</p><p>2. Sebnem Sencerman, Turkey “Music and dance of imagined ancestors in (re)constructing/reinforcing African-Turkish col lective identity: observations from the revived calf festival in Izmir Turkey'”</p><p>17.00 – 17.15 Break</p><p>17.15 – 18.30 Final discussion 20.00 Closing ceremony</p><p>20.30 Dinner Farewell Party </p><p>Monday, 23 April</p><p>10.00 Departure for Skopje</p>
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