Dr. Sylvester Joseph Mwangi Maina

Dr. Sylvester Joseph Mwangi Maina

<p> DR. SYLVESTER JOSEPH MWANGI MAINA C U R R I C U M L U M V I T A E</p><p>PERSONAL DETAILS</p><p>NATIONALITY: Kenyan (born in Kenya)</p><p>DATE OF BIRTH: 1946 </p><p>MARITAL STATUS: Married with children</p><p>PRESENT POSITION: Senior Lecturer, School of The Arts & Design University of Nairobi</p><p>LANGUAGES: English – fluent, Kiswahili – Fluent Others – fluent and fairly satisfactory in a number of Kenyan African Dialects and some knowledge of Luganda and German.</p><p>ADDRESS; Office-School of The Arts and Design, University of Nairobi, P. O. Box 30197 ,Nairobi Tel. 2724527or 2724524/6 Ext. 263 or 238 Private – P. O. Box 61434, Nairobi House Tel. 543980 Email : [email protected].</p><p>QUALIFICATION: Ph.D (Design) M.A. (Design) B.A. (Fine Art) Diploma Certificate (Computer) Diploma Certificate (Architecture) Diploma (Carpentry & Joinery) SI Diploma Certificate (Teachers; Education) Level I & II Certfication in Leadership PI. Certificate (Teachers Education) C.S. C. (G.c.E.) Cambridge School Certificate K.A. P.E. (Kenya African Preliminary Examination) C.E.E. (Common Entrance Examination) EDUCATION: 2003.2004 Leadership Certificates (L.T.I.) 2000 Awarded Doctor of Philosophy Degree (Ph.D) of the University of the Nairobi. 1995 Bergische Universitat Gesamthockschule Wuppertal (Ph.D Research on Design Theory under Professor Sigfried Maser</p><p>1991-2002 Doctoral studies at University of Nairobi and Wuppertal University, Germany, A German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Scholar. Dissertation title: “Aesthetic, Functional and Social Cultural Significance of Traditional Art Among the Maasai of Kenya – A study of Forms, Ornaments, Design Patterns, Decorations and their symbolic meaning” (Supervisors: Professor Jerry Magutu and professor Osaga Odak)</p><p>1994: Awarded Diploma in Carpentry and Joinery of International Correspondence schools London. 1990.1994 Distant correspondent student with I.C.S. London.</p><p>Subject Studied: (i) Basic Mathematics (ii) Principles of Mechanics (iii) Basic Building Drawing (iv) Builders Trigonometry (v) Timber (vi) Shop and Mill Equipment (vii) Carpentry and Joinery (viii) Advanced Carpentry and Joinery</p><p>1993: Awarded Diploma in Architecture of International Correspondence Schools, London. 1989 – 1993: Distance Correspondence student with I.C.S. London. Subject Studied: (i) Basic Mathematics (ii) Basic Building Drawing (iii) Building Construction (iv) Building Materials (v) Principles of Heating (vi) Ventilation and Air Conditioning (vii) Geometric Drawing (viii) Building Specifications (ix) Perspective Drawing (x) Shades and Shadows (xi) Building Supervision (xii) Building Contracts (xiii) Building Regulations (xiv) The Factory Act 2 1991 Awarded diploma certificate in Computer Studies Oct.1991-March 1992 Computer studies at Maison de Francaise French Cultural and Co-operation Centre. Course Studied: (i) Introduction for Word processing (software programme works) (ii) Introduction to spread sheet and data Base(software Programme works) (iii) Word processing (software programme word) (iv) Advanced course (in application chosen to specialize) in word processing (soft ware programme word).</p><p>1984 Awarded Master of Arts (M.A.) in Design Master of Arts in Design Post-graduate course at the University of Nairobi Thesis title: Traditional African Graphic Design in Kenya (Form Content Appreciation and Communication (Supervisors: Professor Henry wood, Professor S.M.A. Sagaaf and Dr. Gideon Hanjari)</p><p>1981 Awarded Certificate letter of Recommendation.</p><p>Sept.1980-Jan.1981 Post-graduate course at Goldsmiths, University College, University of London</p><p>Subject Studies: (i) Printing (ii) Interglio (iii) Theory of Art and Design (iv) Typography (v) History of Art, Design and Architecture, (vi) Film and Video (vii) Graphic Design (viii) Photography (ix) Freehand Drawing (x) Illustration (xi) Post-graduate research on Graphic Design under Mr. Brazil) 1980 Awarded Certificate of Attendance in German Language.</p><p>Feb. – July 1980 German Language beginners course at Goethe Institute, Nairobi.</p><p>3 1974 Awarded and Grduated with Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in Fince Art. Upper Second class Honours. University of Nairobi.</p><p>1971.1974 Undergraduate studies, University of Nairobi. Course Studied: (i) Graphic Design (ii) Textile Design (iii) Sculpture (iv) Free Hand Drawing (v) Instrumental Drawing (vi) Painting (vii) Typography (viii) Printing Techniques (ix) Anthropology (x) Social and Cultural Studies (xi) Form Content Appreciation (xii) Photography (xiii) Communication (xiv) Philosophy (xv) Materials</p><p>1969 Awarded S1 Teachers Diploma Certificate. Kenyatta College (Teacher Education Department T.E.D.) January 1969 December 1969 : Specialized Teachers Education at Kenyatta College (T.E.D.)</p><p>Specialized subjects Studied: (i) Graphics (ii) Sculpture (iii) Pottery (iv) Painting (v) Drawing (vi) Research Project (vii) Theory and History of Art (viii) Textile Printing (ix) Foundations of Education (x) Psychology (xi) Organization (xii) Administration (xiii) Philosophy (xiv) Other techniques of Art and Crafts (xv) Teaching Practice</p><p>1968: Awarded P1 Teachers Certificate St. John’s Teachers College, Kilimambogo</p><p>4 Studying for teacher education at St. Johns Teachers College, Kilimambogo Thika.</p><p>Subject Studied: (i) English (ii) Mathematics (iii) Science (Chemistry, Physics and Biology) (iv) Geography (v) History (vi) Kiswahili (vii) Art and Crafts and Pottery (viii) Physical Education, Games and Sports, (ix) Religious Education (x) Music (xi) Foundations of education (xii) School Organisation (xiii) Child Psychology (xiv) Philosophy of Education (xv) Teaching Methodology (xvi) Research Project (xvii) Teaching Practice. 1966 Awarded Cambridge School Certificate of the University of Cambridge Examination Syndicate at City High School, Nairobi.</p><p>1963- 1966 Student at City High School Nairobi, Kenya Subjects Studies (Majors) (i) Mathematics (ii) English (iii) General Science (chemistry physics and biology) (iv) Health Science (v) Commerce (vi) Geography (vii) History (viii) Bible knowledge (ix) Art 1961-1962 A Student at Fellowship High School, Kampala, Uganda</p><p>1960 Awarded Certificate of Kenya African Preliminary Examination at St. Peter Claver’s Intermediate School.</p><p>1957-1960 A student at St. Peter Clavers Intermediate School, Nairobi Subject Studied: 5 (i) Mathematics (ii) English (iii) Religion (iv) Rural Science (v) Carpentry 1956 Passed Common Entrance Examination at St. Joseph Primary School</p><p>1954-1956 A student at St. Josephs Primary School (Present St. Brigid’s) Nairobi.</p><p>1953 Iyego Primary School Kangema</p><p>TEACHING EXPERIENCE 1976-2006 University of Nairobi – School of The Arts & Design.</p><p>Main Activities (i) Teaching design courses at graduate and post-graduate levels. (ii) Research in uses of design in human life. Analysis of design materials for enhancing design as a problem- solving activity and process. Study of design theory as an aesthetic need for people. (iii) Design Education curricula development. (iv) Supervision of students theses and final year undergraduate projects and portifolios. (v) External Examiner invited by other universities and colleges. (vi) Private professional consultancies as basis for training design students. (vii) Collecting teaching aids on design artifacts from all over the world for teaching Graduate and undergraduate students. (viii) Training students in Freehand Drawing, Form Content Appreciation, Social and Cultural Studies, Ergonomics, Structures History of Art and Design, Textile Design, Graphic Design, Illustration , Sculpture, 3d Studies, 2d studies, Design Theory.</p><p>1992 Woodgrave College of Fashion (part of Barbra Education Institutes of UK) part-time (February- March). Main Activities</p><p>6 (i) Teaching Textile Design, History of Costumes, Theory and Practice of Art and Design and Principles of Textiles Skills. (ii) Curricular development. (iii) Professional demonstration of printing of textiles.</p><p>1984-1985, 2000 –todate Guest participant in reviewing, criticism and teaching of planning projects for M.A. Post- graduate students. Department of Urban and Regional Planning (DURP) University of Nairobi.</p><p>1987 Senior Lecturer, School of The Arts & Design (U.O.N.)</p><p>Main Activities (i) Teaching as indicated above (ii) Research as indicated above 1980.1987 Lecturer , School of The Arts & Design (i) Teaching as indicated above (ii) Research as indicated above</p><p>1977.1980 Tutorial Fellow, School of The Arts & Design</p><p>Main Activities (i) Master of Arts in Design research and theoretical framework. (ii) Workshop and studio supervision (iii) Teaching as indicated above (iv) Research on traditional African design in Kenya. (v) Experimental uses of design to various human needs. (vi) Testing and optimization of design concepts on industrial and commercial practices in Kenya.</p><p>1976-1977 Graduate Assistant, School of The Arts & Design (U.O.N.)</p><p>Main Activities (i) Teaching as indicated above (ii) Research as indicated above 1974.1976 Tutor, Kamwenja Teachers College ‘Nyeri’</p><p>Main Activities (i) Teaching Art, crafts, sculpture, pottery, teaching methodology, teaching practice. 7 (ii) Field supervision (iii) Curricular development</p><p>1970 – 1971 Tutor, St Marks Teacher College, Embu, Main Activities (i) Teaching as indicated above (ii) Professional practice as indicated above.</p><p>PUBLICATION Refereed Journals & Book Chapters </p><p>2005 Maina S.J.M.The Role of a Designer in making Kenya a Planning Society, Africa Habitat Review. A Journal of the Built Environment.</p><p>2005 Maina S.J.M.Analysis of the Design As A Fundamental Human and Social Need. African Habitat Review , A journal of the Built Environment, U.O.N.</p><p>2004 Maina S.J.M. Ethnic Art Forms and Design Patterns As Agents to Transformation and Adaption (BI/MSS/2017B). The Academy of African sciences Nairobi. Discovery and Innovation.</p><p>2004 Maina S.J.M. The role of Language As A Tool of Interpreting the Social and Cultural Meaning of Traditional Art Forms and Design Patterns. A Case of Aesthetic, Functional and Symbolic Meaning of Maasai Shields B1/Mss/2017A. The African Academy of Sciences. NRB. Discovery and Innovation.</p><p>2003.2004.A.1.1 Maina S.J.M. , Where do Textile Design Students Go After Training at Dept. of Design U.O.N. A look at the Textile Syllabus of the dept. B1/MSS/2017. The African Academy of Sciences Nrb. Discovery And Innovation.</p><p>2002 Rukwaro, Robert W, Mugenda Avel G., (Maina S.J.M. forward) Representation Techniques In Building Drawing P.111-IV Published by Applied Research and Training Services (ARTS) Printed by Paretto Agencies, Nairobi ISBN 9966-9702 – 1- 5 8 1999 Ayiemba E.H.O., Otunga R., Oketch B.A., Maina S.J.M., Sabana B. Impact Assessment Study on Technological Based Enterprise Projects in Kenya Institute for Development Studies IDS (U.O.N.) pp 75-84.</p><p>1999 Ayiemba E.H.O. Oketch B.A., Bwisa H. Aduda K., Sabana B., Maina S.J.M. (1999). Proposal for Pilot Impact Assessment of Department of International Development for International Development/British Aided Small Enterprises DFID/BASE. Support Technology Development In Kenya. IDS (U.O.N.) pp 1-12.</p><p>1999 Ayiemba E.H.O. Oketch B.A., Bwisa H., Aduda K., Sabana B. Maina S.J.M. (1999) Organisation Questionnaires for Impact Assessment of Technology Based (BDS) projects in Kenya. Institute of Development Studies, University of Nairobi Case studies of Approtec Kenya. The Pedal Pump and Kick pp 1-8 and 1-19.</p><p>1999 Ayiemba E.H.O., Muchiri M., Ondienge P., Otunga R.N. Njeru E., rono P., Aduda K.,Njoka J. Sabena B., Bwisa H. Odulajah O.L. Wegulo F. , Maina, S., 1999.</p><p>Information – Based Business Development Services in Kenya Institute For Development Studies University of Nairobi Occassional Paper No. 66 pp. 11-13, 18 and 91 –106 (Appropriate Design Application for Entrepreneurship and sustainable business development.</p><p>1999 Ayiemba E.H.O., Otunga r., Oketch B.A., Maina S.J.M. Sabana B. Aduda K. Bwisa H. (1999). Technology Based Business Development Services in Kenya. Institute For Development Studies University of Nairobi Occasional Paper. No. 67. pp. 23-56, 84-86 and 95-104. (Appropriate Design application for entrepreneurship and sustainable business development)</p><p>9 1999 Ayiemba E.H.O., Otunga R. Oketch B.A., Maina S., Sabana B., Aduda K., Bwisa H. (1999). Reme Background paper on Technology based. Enterprises. Institute for Development Studies University of Nairobi. (Appropriate Design Technology and Information). 1999 Maina S.J.M.(1999) BIFA Contribution to Modern Art and Design Teaching in Nairobi and Investigation Research Report. Pp 1-12.</p><p>1998 Maina S.J. M.et al. (1998) Diploma in Building Construction Kenya Institute of Education (K.I.E.) Nairobi. Technical Education Programmes (TEP) pp 450-501. 1998 Maina S.J.M. et al (1998) Diploma in Sculpture. Kenya Institute of Education (K.I.E.) Technical Education Programme pp. 1-54.</p><p>1998 Maina S.J.M. Oloo J. , (1998) Artisan Trust. Baseline Information Institute for Development Studies University of Nairobi . Reme and A.S.Research Project (Research Monitoring and Evaluation) </p><p>1998 Ayiemba E.H. O. , Otunga R., Oketch B.A, Maina S.J.M. Sabana B., Aduda K., Bwisa H., (1998). Business Development Services and Profiles of Projects. Institute for Development Studies, University of Nairobi. (Review of Literature by Research Monitoring and Evaluation (REME) Team, pp17-22.</p><p>1998 Ayiemba E.H. O. Otunga R., Oketch B.A., Maina S.J.M. Sabana B., Aduda K., Bwisa H., (1998). Research Monitoring and Evaluation (Reme) Background Monitoring and Evaluation services in Kenya. Institute For Development Studies University of Nairobi. pp. 1-32</p><p>1997 Maina S.J.M. et al. (1997) Diploma in Architecture Syllabi and Regulations. Kenya Institute of Education (K.I.E.) Nairobi Technical Education Programmes pp.421 – 484.</p><p>1996 Maina S.J.M. (1996) Africa: The Art of a continent. Deutschland. A magazine on politics, culture, 10 business an science (published). D20027f No.2 1996 E6.67. Frankfurter Societats Druckerel GMbH 1996 Verlag and Press and Information Office Feb. Govt. Bonn ISSN 0947 – 3068, pp 27, 40-42</p><p>1995 Maina S.J.M. et. al Africa: The Art of A Continent. Royal Academy of Arts (RAA) London Catologue. No. 2.24 ab.</p><p>1993 Maina S.J.M. et al (1994) Diploma in Graphic Design, Textile Design, Painting and Sculpture. Buru Buru Institute of Fine Art (BIFA) Nairobi. Pp. 50- 201.</p><p>1993 Maina S.J.M. (1993) “African Art” Emory, U.S.A</p><p>1992 Maina S.J.M. (1992) Jua Kali In Kasfir, SCL. (ed.) Jua Kali Iwowa City Third World Mode of Production or The New African Aesthetics, Trienvia Symposium in African Art.</p><p>1974 Maina S. J.M. (1974) Research documents on African Traditional Artifacts, Design Theory, Freehand Drawing, Advertising Design, Typography, Three Dimensional Studies (3D), Ergonomics, Communication Theory, Form Content Appreciation, Cost Planning and Spinning, Textile Design, Fashion Design, Social and Ceramic, Glass and Plastics, Sculpture Industrial Design, Illustration and Industrial Application.</p><p>Teaching Notes, Department of Design and University of Nairobi.</p><p>19971/1972 Maina S.J.M. Rev. Kamenyi J., (1971/1972) Reprinted (1980s and 1990s). The Music of Kenya, Nairobi.</p><p>REFEREED CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS</p><p>2001 Maina S.J.M. (2001) The Role of a Designer In A Planning Society. Making Kenya A Planning Society. Problems Challenges and Opportunities 11 Department of Urban and Regional Planning (DURP) Safari Club, Nairobi.</p><p>2000 Maina S.J.M. (2000). The Relevance of Design in Rectifying Aestheic Deficiences in Urban Management Plans. Regional Conference on Urban Land Management Practices in Eastern Africa. (Design Section pp 1-22) Department of Land Development (U.O.N.) Safari Club Nairobi. 1997 Maina S.J.M. (1997) Design Education and Transformation in Culture: Transofrmation Through Social and Historical Developments. Tecnikon Pretoria, Pretoria South Africa. IIIrd International Conference on Design Education in Developing countries. Paper No.29 Design Education Forum of South Africa (DEFSA)and Technikon, Pretoria Journalism Department. No. 1223 DESA/DISABS.</p><p>1997 Maina S.J.M. (1997) The Role of Language As A Tool of Interpreting The Social and Cultural Meaning of Traditional Art Forms and Design Patterns. A Case Study of Aesthetic, Functional and Symbolic Meaning of Maasai Sheilds. Moir University Seminar. Pp 1-19 (Visual Language Section)</p><p>1995 Maina S.J.M. (1995) Maasai Art and Graphic Symbols: Wuppertal University, Germany (paper and video film presentation).</p><p>1995 Maina S.J.M. (1995) Maasai Art and Graphic Symbols.; Wuppertal University, Germany (paper and video film presentation).</p><p>1994 Maina S.J.M. (1995) A Study of Employment Opportunities For University of Nairobi Design Graduates. A Study of Employment Opportunities For University of Nairobi Design Graduates. Penninsula Technikon, Cape Town South Africa 11nd International Conference of Professional Design Educators SABS paper no.33 (Design Education Forum of South Africa and Peninsula Technikon, PENTECH J. DEPT. SAD. ICSID, SDSA @ (1995).</p><p>12 1995 Maina S.J.M. (1994) Shapping Future Designers Training In An Information Based Society with Special Reference to Computers. Industrial Design Centre, Indian Institute of Technology (IDC/IIT) Bombay India (pp.1-9)</p><p>1994 Maina S.J.M. (1994) The Influence of Maasai Customs on Their Cultural Implements and ornaments. A study of Traditional Lifestyle of A people. Kenyatta University Cultural Week Seminar (K.U.).</p><p>1994 Maina S.J.M. (1994) Why Design Education is Key to Child Development. Bloemfontein, South Africa Design Education Forum (DEF).</p><p>1993 Maina S.J.M. (1993). An Analysis of Forum Content Appreciation of Traditional Art Forms and Design Patterns of The Maasai of Kenya. Design Education and Re-Appreciation of Own heritage and Sensitivity for Circumstantial Needs. Durban, South Africa. Design Education for Developing Countries. Design Education Forum for south Africa & SABS, ICSID, Technikon ML Sultan. Paper No. 18 ISBN. O. 626-09414-3.</p><p>1996 Maina S.J.M (1993). Effects of Social Cultural Dynamics on Modern Maasai Art Forms Egerton University Njoro Okot’ P’ Bitek Arts Festival Seminar.</p><p>1989 Maina S.J.M. (1989), Moving Murals for Nairobi Berger Paints/Kenya. Bus Service/University of Nairobi (B.P./KBS/UON) project SOKONI, Marketing Society of Kenya (MSK) Journal Volume 3 Number1 (Vol.3.No.1) pp(1) & 22-33.</p><p>1987 Maina S.J.M. (1987), The Application of Graphic Design To Informing Readers: And Non-Readers. The Art of Traditional African Signs and Symbols In Kenya. French Cultural and Co-operation Centre, Nairobi. No. AEB/Ano12 Appendix 3 CC-89/S-16.</p><p>13 1987 Maina S.J.M. (1987) Graphic Design for Development French Cultural and Co-operation Centre, Nairobi UNESCO PARIS & ICOGRADA Report Studies. NO. AEB/ANo12 pp.6-20.</p><p>1985 Maina S.J.M. (1985) Promotion of Research Oriented Education and Training of African Universities. DSCE/GTZ/DADD, K.I.C.C. Nairobi.</p><p>PRESENTATION IN CONFERENCE</p><p>2004 Maina S.J.M. Modern Trends in Fashion Design ADD Design Seminar</p><p>2002 Maina S.J.M. (2002) Where Do Textile Design Students Go after Training At the Department of Design, University of Nairobi. A look at The Textile Design Syllabus of the Department. I.A.S., U.O.N.</p><p>2001 Maina S.J.M. (2001), Application of Design Theory In Computer Aided Design Department of Design Seminar UON.</p><p>1994 Maina S.J.M. (1994) Traditional African Shapes Are Relevant to Modern Building Ceramics. Florence, Italy. 8th Cimtac World Ceramic Conference.</p><p>1994 Maina S. J.M., (1994) An Anaysis of the Impact of Design In Commerce (situation in Developing Countries) Singapore. Fourth International Design Forum.</p><p>1991 Maina S. J. M. Mayienga J.S. (1991) The Way Forward. In Designing of New University of Nairobi Academic And Graduation Gowns. Research Report & Designs. Department of Design/Deans Committee Project. U.O.N.</p><p>14 1991 Maina S.J.M. (1991) The Role Of Visual Communication In The Preservation Of Our Enviroment. British Council Nairobi Youth Environment Painting Exhibition. BC & Environment NGO</p><p>1991 Maina S.J.M. (1991): Why Design Is Relevent in The Training of Science Teachers Kenya Science Teachers College (KSTC, Nairobi)</p><p>1990 Maina S.J.M. (1990), Research Report On The Designing of Chancellor’s Court. U.O.M./MOPW/N.C.C. project, Nairobi.</p><p>1989 Maina S.J.M. (1989). The Importance of Art, Crafts and Design in Science and The Teaching of Science. Kenya Science Teachers College (KSTC) Nairobi</p><p>1989 Maina S.J.M. (1989); Signifiance of Art, And Design In Enhancing Skills of Pre-Primary School Children C.F.N. School (C.M. Society) Nairobi</p><p>1988 & 1989 Maina S.J.M. Research Reports (Classified) On Design of Kenyan Car (Six designs In Number) Numberical Machine Corporation (NMC) U.O.N.</p><p>1988 Maina S.J.M. (1988) Research and Technical Report of Joint Universities Float for 25th Uhuru Celebrations. U.O.N. </p><p>1987 Maina S.J.M. (1987) Research and Technical Report on Local Product Project (N.M.C.) Emphasis on Machine Tools (CLASSIDEID INFORMATION) Milan, Italy & Athens, Greece and University of Nairobi.</p><p>1986 Maina S.J.M. (1986) The Role and Status of Handicraft in Development in Kenya. Six Eight Hotel, Nairobi. 15 IDRC & IAS (UON) sponsored (6-7 February).</p><p>1985 Maina S.J.M. (1985) Freehand Drawing and Printed Graphics. Goethe Institute Nairobi. Paper on Elizabeth – Roost of West Germany Exhibtion.</p><p>1975 Maina S.J.M. (1976) Art and Craft Education to Primary School Inspectors and Supervisors. Kagumo Teachers College Nyeri.</p><p>BOOKS</p><p>2006 Maina S.J.M. & Mahugu, P. Printing Technology U.O.N. S.E.S.</p><p>2006 Mwituria S& Maina S.J.M., Language of Art and Design.</p><p>2005 Rukwaro R.& Maina S.J.M. Transformation of Maasai Art and Architecture. INSB 99669702 –2- 3. Nairobi.</p><p>2002 Rukwaro R., Mugenda A.G. & (Maina S.J.M.). (2002) Representation Techniques in Building Drawing.</p><p>1999 Maina S.J.M. Gitonga E. (1999) Art and Craft Book for Standard Three Kenya Institute of Education (K.I.E.) pp. 1-60.</p><p>1992 Maina S.J.M. (1992) Graphic Design and Desktop A Book. (i) On History of Art and Design (ii) Overviw of Visual Communication (iii) Materials for Design (iv) Terms and Definitions of Art and Design (v) Anatomy of Type (vi) Personality of Lettering (vii) Elements of Advertising (viii) Book Stand Display (ix) Introduction To African Art (x) Application of African Art in Modern Design. (xi) Freehand Drawing</p><p>16 (xii) History of Typesetting and Materials for Typography (Daystar University Nairobi)</p><p>1992 Maina S.J.M. et al. (1992) The Kanu Manifesto 1992 (Arts,Culture, Welfare) (UON) (pp. 1-IV) (pp1) (pp 47-64).</p><p>1976 Maina S.J.M. Mwathi P.G.m Nyaga J.J., (1976) Teaching Manual (Test Book) For In-Service Teacher Training. Kenya Institute of Education (K.I.E.) Nairobi </p><p>BOOKS EDITED</p><p>1988 – todate Maina S.J.M. et al. Art and Craft – A Teachers Handbook by Webbo E.B. Kenya Institute of Education (K.I.E.) Nairobi.</p><p>Maina S.J.M. et al.Metalwork Design – Crafts Education. by Pettit T.K. Kenya Institute of Education (K.I.E.) Nairobi.</p><p>Maina S.J.M. et al., Theory and Practice in Basic Woodwork – Crafts for Primary Schools, Book One by Mwainge G. Kenya Institute of Education (K.I.E.) Nairobi.</p><p>Maina S.J.M. et al. Art and Crafts – Upper Primary Syllabus for Standard I, by Malkiat S. & Smith D. Kenya Institute of Education (K.I.E.) Nairobi.</p><p>Maina S.J.M., Primary Art and Crafts – Standard 7, by Njagi S. and Berluti A Kenya Institute of Education (K.I.E.) Nairobi</p><p>Maina S.J.M. et al Primary Art and Craft Standard 8, by Njagi S. and Berluti A., Kenya Institute of Education of Education (K.I.E.) Nairobi.</p><p>Maina S.J.M. et al Art and Craft – Teachers Guide for Standard 5, by Malkiat S. and Smith D.Kenya Institute of Education (K.I.E.) Nairobi.</p><p>Maina S.J.M. et al Art and Craft – Teachers Guide for Standard 5, by Maina S.J. M. et al Art and Craft </p><p>17 – Teachers Guide for Standard 4, by Kenya Institute of Education (KIE) Nairobi.</p><p>Maina S.J.M. et al., Primary Art and Craft for Standard 4, by Njagi S. and Berluti A. Kenya Institute of Education (K.I.E.) Nairobi.</p><p>Maina S.J.M. et al. Arts and Crafts – Lower Primary Syllabus for Standard 3, by Malkiat, S. and Smith D. Kenya Institute of Education (K.I.E.) Nairobi.</p><p>Maina S.J.M. et al , Art and Design for Form 1 and 2, by Digolo, O.O.. and Orchardons-Mazrui Kenya Institute of Education (K.I.E.) Nairobi. </p><p>Maina S.J.M. et al., Home Economics Teaching Manual by Oniango M., for U.O. N. Press.</p><p>Maina S.J.M. et. Al., Revision Woodwork, metalwork, Building Construction and Drawing for Standard 8. by Kenya Institute of Education (K.I.E.) Nairobi.</p><p>Maina S.J.M. et.al. Revision Woodwork, Metalwork, Building Construction and Drawing for Standard 8. by Kenya Institute of Education (K..I.E.) Nairobi.</p><p>RESEARCH INTERESTS</p><p>Intellectual Property Law and Design (2002)</p><p>A detailed Study of Indigenous Art and design (1996 todate) Australia Humanities Research Centre, Australian National University – Camberra – Australia</p><p>Modern trends of Art & Design 2006.</p><p>PARTICIPATION IN ACADEMIC INTERESTS</p><p>2006 Design Seminar on Fashion Design,ADD, U.O.N. </p><p>2005 Design Seminar on I.D. and the Jua Kali U.O.N. U.O.N.</p><p>18 2004 Design Seminar on product Design A.D.D.</p><p>1997 Seminar on Baseline Information on Micro Entrepreneur in Kenya Eldoret REME & IDS (UON).</p><p>1997 Seminar on Impact Assessment Study on Technology Information and Services Based Enterprises, Machakos REME & IDS (U.O.N.) 1997 Seminar on Reme Impact Assessment/Machakos REME & IDS (UON) 1993 The “University of Nairobi Convocation Seminar at U.O.N. (30th October). 1993 “Environmental sound technologies. Incentives for Transfers” by Edith Mnerie” Urban Planning in developing countries. The case of Kenya by I.Karanja Mwangi”, seminar. Sponsored by Acts Policy Outlook at Professional Centre. Nairobi.</p><p>1993 The 25th Anniversary of Humane Vitae – save the African Family through our Lady of Africa, International Conference. Sponsored by Family Life Counseling Association of Kenya at Technical Teachers College (K.T.T.C.) (22-28 August).</p><p>1993 The “Capacity - building and indigenous publishing” by A.A.A. Ekirapa, Alison Field Juma, Jose Kadhi and Eva Ndavu (Mrs). Sponsored by ACTS Policy Outlook at Professional Centre, Nairobi (18th August).</p><p>1993 “Growth and the organization of production case studies from Nairobi garment industry – discussion paper No.294” by Dortothy McCormick and Grace Ongili seminar I.D.S. U.O.N. (5th August).</p><p>1993 “Policy and Planning task group (PPTG – Ministry of Education and Public Universities”, seminar at Pan Africa Hotel Nairobi (30-11 July).</p><p>1993 The “Wildlife Conservation in Kenya. Institutional change and techno-scientific capacity” by John Mugabe and “The decentralization process in Kenya. The place of local authorities”but Arthur Eshiwani, seminar. Sponsored by ACTS Policy Outlook at Professional Centre, Nairobi (25th May).</p><p>19 1993 “Environmental, history, land use policy and the dry forest in Ukambani,” seminar by Dr. Dainne Rocheleau of Department of Georgrpahy, Clrake Unviersity, Worester, Massachussetts, U.S.A. Sponsored by ACTs Plicy Outlook at Professional Centre (7th May). </p><p>1993 The “African women, as environmental managers & African Centre for Technological Studies” seminar. Sponsored by Acts Policy Outlook at Professional Centre (19th March).</p><p>1992 The “Revegetative and soil conservation in Semi- arid Kenya, Technical success and policy challenges” Seminar sponsored by ACTS Policy Outlook at Professional Centre (24th June).</p><p>1992 “Workshop on participatory rural appraisal in Kenya” at Silver Springs Hotel, Nairobi.</p><p>1992 The “Genetic resources and intellectual property protection. Policy considerations for developing countries. Sponsored by ACTS Policy Outlook at Professional Centre, Nairobi. Speakers; Dr. Mohammed Khalil of Science Policy Research Unity, University of Sussex. Brighton U.K. (29/7/92).</p><p>1992 The Graphic Design and Desktop” Seminar at Daystar University. Nairobi. 25/5-10/6/92 Produced a book manuscript. 1992 African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) policy outlook seminar on Technology Transfer and Sustainable Development. (Policy lessons form the 1992 Rio Conference) Nairobi 2nd September 1992.</p><p>1992 The African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) policy outlook seminar on Managing Wildlife in Kenya (New Policy Directions) Nairobi, 27th May 1992. </p><p>1989 Staff workshop, Silver Springs, Hotel 27th May 1989.</p><p>1988 An International Wildlife conference on Conservation at Nairobi Museum, Nairobi.</p><p>20 1988 The “Birth Centinary of Pandit Jawharalal Nehru” seminar (14-11-1988).</p><p>1987 The “Dental Health Research” Seminar at KEMRI Nairobi (20-11-1987).</p><p>1987 “Graphic Design for Development” seminar sponsored by UNESCo & ICORADA at French Cultural Centre, Nairobi (June 1987).</p><p>1987 The “European Machine Tool Exhibition” for a major technical research and report, Milan, Italy. Did a major research (Classfied report to NMC project for National Industrilization (15-22 October 1987).</p><p>1987 The “Healthy Teeth for Life. National Dental Health Action Month” Seminar at Norfolk Hotel, Nairobi. Sponsored by Colgate Palmolive Ltd.</p><p>1987 Seminar on Alternative Construction Technologies (Fibre Concrete Tiles and Stabilised Soil Blocks) Sponsored by HRDU Intermediate Technology Group (ITDG) and Action Aid (Kenya) Silver Spring Hotel Nairobi.</p><p>1986 Symposium on Urban Climatology in Tropical Countries. Effect of Climate on Urbanisation in the Tropics. U.O.N. UNEF, International Federation for Housing and Planning (IFHP) UNCHS, HABITAT sponsored. April 1986.</p><p>1980 The”Management seminar for Chairmen” Sponsored by U.O.N. at Silver Springs Hotel Nairobi (27-29 August).</p><p>1986 The “interaction of man, space and environment over time,” seminar. Sponsored by (public Law Institute) PLI & U.O.N. Silver Springs Hotel. Nairobi.</p><p>21 1986 “The role and status of Handicraft in Kenya Development, Seminar and Workshop. Sponsored by IDRC & I.A. S. (U.O.N.) at 80 Hotel, Nairobi (6-7 February).</p><p>1986 The fiberglass open-day. Seminar and workshop Organized by Synresins Ltd. Industrial Area Nairobi (24-1-1986).</p><p>1985 The “International Conference on Promotion of Research Oriented Education and Training at African Universities” Sponsored by G.T.Z. D.S.E. & DAAD (1727 September) K.I.C.C.</p><p>1971 and 1970 Staff and students works exhibited at ASK Embu Show. 1069 to date (i) Murals, for permanent exhibition at Kenyatta University. (ii)Three Dimentional (3D) works permanently exhibited at K.U. 1968 Group exhibition at ASK Show Nairobi.</p><p>1968 Group exhibition at Thika</p><p>SOME PUBLIC LECTURES AND ADJUDICATIONS</p><p>1996 – Date Art, Design & Multi-MEDIA PANELS.</p><p>1995 Maina S.J.M., (1995) Maasai Art and how it is influenced by Maasai culture. A lecture at, Wuppertal University. Germany.</p><p>1993 Maina S.J.M. et al (1993) 30th Anniversary of Independence. Member of Jury for the celebrations and the production of logo/Emblem. Ministry of Public Works MOPW (Nairobi).</p><p>1991 Maina S.J.M. Marete J., A judge of floor displays at Kenya Science Teachers Collage Variety Show. Also gave a lecture.</p><p>1991 Maina S.J.M. Lukwago, (1991) Chief Judge at a book fair “Christian books Association Book Fair”. All Saints Cathedral Nairobi (December). 22 1991 Maina S.J.M. Mwagiru (1991) A lecture on Youth and Environment. Also Chairman of judges at Youth Environment Painting Exhibition. British Council Nairobi.</p><p>1991 Maina S.J.M. et Al (1991) In the panel of judges for the appropriate logo for Kenya National Theatre Nairobi.</p><p>1990 Maina S.J.M. Marete J., 1990 A judge of floor display at Kenya Science Teachers College Variety Show, Nairobi, Gave a lecture.</p><p>1989 Maina S.J.M. et. Al (1989). One of the judges at Association of Professional advertisers Creative Awards Competitions. Nairobi.</p><p>1989 Maina S.J.M. (1989) key lecture on Art and Children. Also officially opened an art/crafts exhibition of children and staff as well as a workshop. (Nairobi).</p><p>1989 Maina S.J.M., Marete J,. 1989 one of the judges at Kenya Science Teachers College floor displays in their Annual variety show. Also gave a lecture.</p><p>1988 Maina S.J.M. et. Al (1988) Member of jury for 10th/25th Anniversary commenrative monument “Nyayo monument” at Central Park Nairobi. I was consulted as Chief Designer and Artist to the Studies and portifolio presentations. </p><p>1988 Maina S.J.M. et all (1988). One the judges of exhibits for wildlife clubs of Kenya at National Museum. Nairobi 4th November 1988).</p><p>1986 Maina S.J.M. , Marete J., (1986) was chief Judge at Kenya Science Teachers College (KSTC) Variety Show Nairobi. Also gave a lecture (October 1986).</p><p>1986 Maina S.J.M. (1986) A lecture on the relevance of Art to our future” at LCVR (July 1986). 23 1985 Maina S.J.M. (1985) Gave the Key note lecture on “Freehand Drawing Drawing and printed graphics was the guest of honour and officially opened exhibition by Elizabeth – Bieneck Roos of West Germany Nairobi (29th October 1985).</p><p>1984 Maina S.J.M. et. Al (1984) judge at children’s painting organized by Red Cross Society of Kenya at British Council ICEA building of Nairobi.</p><p>1976 Maina S.J.M. et al (1976) judging primary schools Art/Crafts exhibition. Provincial level, Thika.</p><p>1975 Maina S.J.M. et. Al (1975) judging of primary schools art/crafts exhibitions at district level, Kerugoya Town.</p><p>1971 Maina S.J.M. et al (1971) judging of primary schools art/crafts exhibitions at district levl, Kerugoya Town.</p><p>1971 Maina S.J.M. et al (1971) judging of primary schools art/craft exhibition at division level, Ishiara Embu.</p><p>1970 Maina S.J.M. et. Al (1970) judging of primary schools art/craft exhibition at division level, Ishiara Embu.</p><p>1970 Maina S.J.M. et al (1970) judging of primary Schools Art/Craft exhibitions at local level, Embu.</p><p>ONGOING STUDY INTERESTS Leadership Diploma LTI Leadership Certificate – Leadership Training Institute at CCD ( a resource center of the ACCEA) Nairobi.</p><p>Certificate of Competence – Writers College London (WCL) D.B. A Research MBA Research</p><p>24 Diploma, B.A. M.A. in Interior Design. Rhodec International, Brighton, London.</p><p>AWARDS 1995 Certificate of Achievement – Cape of Good Hope, South Africa.</p><p>1998 Certificate of Recognition – Family Caring Trust (OLOP) Nairobi.</p><p>1994 Certificate of Participation – Nairobi ASK International Show.</p><p>1991 DAAD research Fellowship for Doctoral Studies (U.O.N. and Wuppertal University)</p><p>1991 Certificate of participation in Environment Painting British Council.</p><p>1990 Certificate of Participation – University of Nairobi Chancellor’s Court project. Office of the President.</p><p>1990 Certificate of Participation – Ministry of Works (G.K.) Chancellor’s Court project.</p><p>1986-1995 Design, exhibition and displays 1st position, 2nd positions a top awards every year at Nairobi ASK International Show.</p><p>1979 Inter-University Council Scholarship for post graduate for post graduate study at Goldsmiths College of the University of London.</p><p>1977 Deans Committee research award for M.A. Thesis University of Nairobi.</p><p>1970-1971 1st prizes (twice) for best designs, exhibitions and displays for St. Marks Teacher College, Kigari at ASK Embu Show.</p><p>1968 Prizes for best artist in several categories during Art and Craft and Science exhibitions for St.John’s Teachers College, Kilimambogo Thika.</p><p>25 26</p>

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