Bargain Hunters Regarded Criminals' Aides STORY PAGE 21 Rainy and Cold Rainy, windy and cold today. THEDAILY VWPTQTWV FINAL Clearing, colder tonight. Fair and cold tomorrow. EDITION (Bee Details, Pan 2) Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. 124 RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1969 36 PAGES / 10 CENTS lllilllIililillIllllllllililliIIlllI||||||!lllBi|||||i|i;|]|i|ii!|[Bi, illtB!llililIlllliilIIII!lllllli» State Crime Probe Continues As Juries Take Yule Recess NEWARK (AP) - The out only on Christmas Day. published reports about including city officials, con- son County, the location of three grand juries investigat- U.S. Atty. Frederick B. La- where the investigations will tractors and reputed Mafia one of the oldest political ma- ing corruption and under- cey says the gran dpuries will strike next. chief Anthony "Tony Boy" chines in the nation, has been world activity in New Jersey meet again the week after Mayor Indicted Boiardo on charges of extor- marked as the second target will not meet this Christmas Christmas, however. Last week saw the indict- tion and tax evasion in con- of the federal investigation. week but investigators will The state, though, is rife ment of Newark Mayor Hugh nection with city contracts. Meanwhile Lacey, who is continue their work with time with rumors, speculation and J. Addonizio and 14 others, Those indictments came heading the investigations, re- only a day after 55 persons, plies "no comment" to all including Mafia boss Simone questions on where the probes "Sam the Plumber" DeCav- are going. He will only say, alcante were charged by an- "the investigations are con- other federal grand jury sit- tinuing." ting in Newark in connection He also will say only "No with a $20 million a year comment," when asked if gambling operation. The op- any more Indictments are to eration was characterized by be expected. 'TWAS THE SUNDAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS — An Arab family with their donkey U.S. Atty. Gen. John Mitch- Lacey late last week con- ell as the largest ever broken tributed to speculation that visit Manger Square in Bethlehem in Israeli-occupied Jordan on the Sunday before in the area. more Indictments are to come Christmas. In background can be seen the Church of the Nativity. (AP Wirephoto) A third grand jury in New- when he told reporters that ark has already returned two at least two more federal indictments against Internal judges should be assigned Revenue Service agents and temporarily to Newark to published reports say more handle criminal cases. One are coming. U.S. District Court Judge is U.S. Helicopter Downed The" Newark Sunday News now doing the job. said that federal auditors are He said he had requested digging deeper into contracts the assignment of one, but made by the city of Newark. should have asked for two. By North Viet Forces It also told of reports that an Meanwhile, Mayor Addoni- investigation has begun into zio who almost shouted his SAIGON (AP) — A. U.S. More than 40 enemy troops .Thieu visited the headquar- alleged tipoffs to the under- innocence Friday in pleadings ters of the U.S. 25th Infan- world by high Newark police at U.S. District Court, is ex- helicopter was shot down yes- were reported killed in other terday and U.S. paratroopers small actions across the try Division 20 miles north- officials about organized pected back at his City Hall west of Saigon to wish the gambling. desk at 8:30 a.m. sharp to- ambushed a North Vietnam- country. Fifteen of them died ese force in the third day of under a U.S. artillery bom- Americans a Merry Christ- The Sunday Star Ledger in day for "business as ususal." mas. He told them "many The mayor and other city of- action in South Vietnam's bardment 67 miles north of Newark reported federal au- northernmost province. Else- Saigon at Quan Loi, the U.S. American troops will leave thorities are examining city ficials indicted last week have Vietnam next year according refused to resign or step where, battlefield action was Command reported, and 12 contracts that mushroomed light as the Christmas cease- were killed by militiamen in to our plan of replacement by hundreds of thousands of dol- aside though there has been Vietnamese troops." But he lars over original estimates. pressure from groups such as fires approached. southernmost An Xuyen An American spokesman Province, the Saigon govern- gave no figures beyond the And the New York Daily the Newark Chamber of Com- 50,008 President Nixon has News said Sunday that Hud- merce. said enemy fire downed a ment said. UH1H Huey helicopter as it Force Ambushed announced will be withdrawn by April 15. was landing 2% miles from The U.S. Command said the demilitarized zone yester- paratroopers of the 101st Air- In Saigon,, legislative lead- day to unload a 101st Air- ers protested police failure to Arab Views Vary borne Division reconnais- borne ambushed a North Viet- namese force about 40 miles interfere with pro-government sance team. Eight Americans demonstrators who smashed were killed and two wounded. to the southeast. Three of the through the National Assem- The two injured men were enemy were killed and three On Israel Strategy taken out safely. bly building Saturday. The captured, while one Ameri- demonstrators protest was RABAT, Morocco (AP) — Three different viewpoints Routes Bombed - ' can was wounded in the ac- aimed at three deputies Pres- CHRISTMAS NEARS — Pope Paul VI kisses the statuette of Jesus the Child he emerged today as delegates from 14 Arab states and the U.S. Air Force B52s tion northwest of Hue, the ident ' Thieu has accused bombed infiltration routes placed in the manger set lip' under the colonnade of St. Peter's Square yesterday. Palestine Liberation Organization met in private session •U.S. Command reported. of being pro-Viet Cong. Fif- seeking a new strategy against Israel. leading from Laos through The Pontiff came down to the square afrir giving his noon blessing to a crowd of It was the third time In 10 teen miles northeast of Sai- Sources at the Arab summit conference said the first the jungled mountains and gon, 5,000 demonstrators in thousands. (AP Wirephoto) lengthy discussions yesterday produced these suggested foothills as intelligence indi- days the paratroopers had fought with North Vietnam- Bien Ha burned the three courses of action: cated growing infiltration of deputies in effigy yesterday 1. Several rulers want to continue the search for a North Vietnamese troops and ese troops in the foothills supplies into the northwestern leading from mountainous and demanded govern- political solution although they do not necessarily subscribe ment action against them. to any of the formulas proposed since the 1967 war. part of the country. jungles along the border to 2. "A number of states, reportedly including Egypt and The bombers attacked base South Vietnam's northern In Hanoi, Gen. Vo Nguyen GOP Leaders Believe coast: Intelligence analysts Libya, favor launching a general war against Israel in an camps, bunkers and gun said the North Vietnamese Giap, North Vietnam's de- attempt to recover the territory lost in 1967. But some positions less than two miles fense minister, called for the leaders doubt that the Arabs are ready for another round from the Laotian border and may have been heading for of hostilities. 11 miles southeast of Khe the coastal plain to get rice fight against the United from guerrilla contacts. Tax Bill's Hopes Rise 3. One group of leaders holds the view that territories Sanh, the U.S. Command States to be stepped up until occupied by Israel — the Sinai Desert, the west bank of the said. President Nguyen Van complete victory. WASHINGTON (AP) — <to a bill increasing Social Se- the compromise could not fin- Jordan River and the Golan Heights of Syria — would The most sweeping tax re- • cur'ity benefits by 15 per cent, ish its work until late, last provide ideal base areas for Palestinian guerrilla raids form bill of modern times as the compromise measure •week! ' • • ; against Israel. moved closer today to its fi- does, and upping the person- The massive tax reform-re- SHOULD FORM GROUP al income tax exemption from The Palestinians, these leaders believe, should form a Divers Fail to Locate nal test in Congress with GOP lief bill goes beyond the re- leaders saying chances have $600 to $800, as the Senate's visions made by Congress dur- government in exile under guerrilla chief Yasser Arafat. The improved for presidential ap- version did. The compromise ing the Kennedy administra- guerrillas should be given maximum backing by the Arab proval. bill1, however, limits the ex- states, they say, because guerrilla action would eventually tion early in the 1960s. The force Israel to negotiate with the Palestinian provisional The ultimate effect of the emption increase to $750 in last such sweeping revision Suspected Murder Gun steps over a three-year pe- government and reach an agreement under which both sides bill's provisions would cut in- came more than a generation could live within Israel's pre-1967 borders. c6me taxes of some Ameri- riod. ago. Sources in Arafat's delegation said the Palestinians are MIDDLETOWN - A 2'/2- feet in either direction of the cold we had to wear gloves cans by $9.1 billion while rais- Republican congressional While the tax relief pro- leaders who met with Nixon not interested in forming a provisional government because hour search in the freezing bridge. and couldn't feel objects be- ing them ?6.6 billion for oth- visions will not become fully this could cause "political complications" for the guerrilla waters of Swimming River He theorizei that because neath the sahd.
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