'West Biding Yorkshire

'West Biding Yorkshire

woo' ' .'WEST BIDING YORKSHIRE. '214.8 WoottEl'f MANtJFA.tTulltUlsv tontd. Crosland .Ben.Jamin k Sons. Troy dale, Edleston. Will.iam, Asquith BottQm Calverley Bridge. ,Mill. eo .. (William Pudaey, Leeds I WobUen mills, Sowerby Bridge Hauiakl'rf manag~r), ..Bridge,... Cal- Cl'Ollland Benjarnio & Sbnll, 4~ Welling- .Edward& J otm & Sons, Canal mill .. , verl.ey, Leeds ton street, Leed1 t Faroley mills, Skircoat, Halifax CardweU Hrothers, Heat!fidd mills & near Leeds~ & Oakes mills, Huddrsf\11 EgglPSton WVliam, Savile mills, Sa,·ile Bradfot"d road, Dewsbury Cros~ley & Brierley, Elland, Normanton Park road; Halifax Ct1rr's Mill Co. (Thomas .A.rmitage, Crowther Henry & Sons, 24 Market Ellis .Brothers, Victoria. mills, South manager), Bil'lltal, Leeds atreet, Huddersfield; & Lockwood Ossett, Wakefield Carr G. W. 2 Upper Mill hill, LeKds Crowther John & Son, Bank bottom~ Ellis Bros. 23 York pl.& Saynorrd.Let-,1-. Carr' H. Little Moor,top~ Pudsey, Leeds Marsden, Huddersfield Elli11, Crowther & Ellis, Silver Rnytl Carr John, Little moor, P.udsey, I.e.-do~ Crowthe~: John & Sons, 7 llalf Moon .hill, Upper Wortley, Leeds; & Alli~d Carr Thomas, Highfid.dmill, Stainclitfe, street, Huddersfield. mills, Gildersome, L~eds Dew~>bury Crowther William & .Eion, 10 Station Ellis J0::1hua & Brothers, Healey laJ1e, Carr TboJs. Ha:.-~ 7 Britannia lit. Leed!l JJtreet,. Huddersfield; & at. C.dmble South Ossett, Wakefield Carter Jas. Old .hey, Delpbt Manchester m His, Slaithwaite Ell is J. & Co. Bradford road, Dewl.ibu ~y Carter J.Highgate la . .U.pton,Huddl"!Ofld Croysdale W. & J. Potterdale mill, Ellis & Quannby, 14 Littlewood's buil.t~ Carter Thomas, Elland, Normanton Dewsburyroad, Leeds ings, St'rgeantson street & 7 Marht Casson J. &: J. Commercial will, EUa.nd, Cumming William Bryee, 7 Market lit; & Marsh mill, Mal"8h, Hudder~;tl.l Norm&nton. street &: Klng'11 mill, Almondbury, Ellis Edmuud, ::iouth Ossett, Wa.kdld Cave John, Gatehea.d mlll, Delph, Huridt-r.;field Ellis Geo. Victoria mills, Savile town, Manchester Dawson J. & J .. High st. Yeadon, Leeds Dewsbury & Bradford rd. Dewsbury Cawthra Jotleph & Co. 7 Swaine st~et Day A, & Son, Bradford road, Batley -Ellis Thomas, 2;j York place, Leed~ & Dudley hill, Bradford Carr; & Hanging Heaton, Dewsbury Elswortb Jsph. Lane end, Pud~ey, LePtJ~ Cha.dwick William & Sons, 8 Quebec st. Day John &. S~ms, 15 Market street, Evans E. & Co. 14 lnfirmar.v st. L~.Js & Cardigan mills, Milford pl. Leeris & M old (!ret-n, Huddersfield El"ans &. Penis ton, Toronto lit. Let:u!i Chaffer W. Saynor rd. Hunslet1 Leeds Day, Nephew & Son, Calder wharr & Exley Jas. Roagh side, Pudsey, Leetl!4 Chambley Jonathan, Stone bottom, Calder Vale mills; warehouse, Bond Eyres William & Sops, 52 Wellington Dobcl'088, Manchester street,Dewsbury; & tLt Ravensthorpe, street & l I\ing st. Leeds; & Brum· ChapmanJ.!Vew Roadside,Rawdon,Lds Normanton ley road, Armley, Leeds Charlesworth George, Hinchliff will, Denham John William &. Co. Byrom fairhank Joshua & :Sons, 68 Wellingtun Austonle.Y; 5t 9 Station st. Huddrstld buildings, Station st. Huddersfield street, Leeds Ch~ethamChristopherGreaves&William, DenitWn F.dward, *Park pla~e, Leeds , Favell E. & Co. 7 Brit.muia !lt, Leer!~ Woodbottom mills, Horstl.rth.. Leeds &. ~metery road, Yeadon Pawcett Broughton, Greent~ide, Mirti L Cheetham William Johnson,~ Clough DeniRQD Sirnoon, Rawdon, Leeds Fawcett Tbomas, Rastrick, Brighou.e mills,Honfrth.Lefds; & 2-5Aire &t.Ldl! ,Penni~on John William & J onathan, Fen ton J arnei & Son, Low mill, Dew:~- Chilt1 W. 26 Est at~ bldgs. H uddersfidd Calverley Bridge mills, Rodley, Leeds ; bury lllOOr, Dewsbury Clay Brothers, Willow Hall mill!~, & aritannia street, Leeds Fen ton JohQ. & Sons, Bradford .ro .,f, Sowerby Bridge . Denton Brothers, South Brook mill, Batley Carr, Dewsbury Clay James & Sons, Holling•s UJUls, Mirfield~ Normanton F~:nton & Thornton, Leeds road, Eccle.- Sowerby Bridge Denton William &; Son, Higbfield mill, hill, Leeds Clay Jas. Luddenden foot, Maflch~:ster St!\i,nclitfe, Dewsbury; warehouse, Fielding B. West vale,Greetland,aalit'11x Cla) ton Witliam, Drigblington, Leeds Bradford road, Dewsbury Firth T. P. & Son, Flush mills, Heci<- Clegg A. & Co.18 Chancery Ia.Huddrsfld Denton Squire, Bradford road, Batley fllOtldwike, Normanton;. & at Cliftu1a Cleg~ Jam~ & Sons. Priest! Royd mills, :Pews William,. 9 Park place, Leeds; & mills~ nedr Brighouse Firth st. & U Market st. Huddersfield Pilda~re mill, Ossett~ Firtq Edwin, Bmdford road, Dewsbury Cl egg J esse, 23 KinK'• Head buildings Dlxon ~sa & J awes, 6 & 9 White Cloth Fii!her Henry & Co. 3 Market "tred, & Colne road, H udder~>fie!d hall, King 6treet, Leeds~ & .Sil n·r H udder~:~field &. Marsden Clough J ames, 8 Park pl"ce,. Leeds1 & Royd llill, U pver W ortley ; &. Butter Fisher ,r n. Asllfield mill, Bramley, J:.et,,f GillroJd mill, Morley Bowl mill, Faroley Fitton Benjamin & Sons, 9 Hir11t ':~ Coates & Hepper, 15 Ellis court, A ire Dixon David &. Brothen, 32 Park Cross buihlin"s, H uddersfleld 11treet, Letds street & Dorrington Road mill;~, Dor- Fitton Mrs. Jam•, Shelley, Hnddersfltl Cocker J. Briggate, Elland; Norman ton rington road, L~ds Flt:tcht-r J oseph, 3 Park place, Leed~ Colbeck Brotht!rs, woollen manufa.c- DixoQ. RobinsoiJ &. Co. ll York place & Fog-gitt; Hy. Oxford st. Guiseley, ~e~l:l .. tureril & merchants. St~ttion road, Calllll JDills, Armley road, Leed:t; & Forrest & Brayshaw. Larkfield nlill, Batley; &Alverthorpe mills, Wakefield. Queen's mills, Morley, Leeds R awdon, Leeds; office, 3 ~ nfirma.ry Mauutacturers of army, navy7 police Dixon S. & Son, l 2 YQrk place, Leeds; street, Leeds & railway cloths, pilots, pr1:1sid~nts & Low Moor mill, M:orley, Leeds Foster L, H. & Co. 13 Queen st. Leeds & coatings Dixon A. Springfield mills, Morley, Fox J ohu & Co. West vale, Greetlaud, Colbeck b.aac, Brier mills, ~irstal, Leeds Halifax Leeds; &. Batley Dixon JameQ, Quebec street, Leeds Fox Jolm & Sonfl1 'Vest vale, Greetland, ColdweU A bel &. 8on, 172 Clotl.1 hall & Dixon 'r. Queen's mills, Morlt'y1 Leeds HaHfitx Holmfirrb, Hudder:sfield Dodgsbun Isaac &, Co. 86 Basingball Fox William & Co.3 Park place& Stan- Coldwell & Son, Bottom& ll'lill, A.uston- str~t, Leeds dard works, Kirkstull road, Leeds ley, Huddersfield Dodgshun John William, 20 YQrk place, Fox William James Richardson f,l. Co. Cony er & Boocock, Bail don bridge, Leedtt; & Gillroyd mill, M orley, Let'ds Station road, Batley Baildon, Shipley Donkersley S. B. & F. 11 New street, Fozad John & Son, Ussett street, Wake- Cook, H~pworrh & Co. 10 Toronto Huddenfield field; & Station ruad, Batley 11treet, Leed!; &; UpJJer Carr wills, Donkersley Jona.•, Timothy & Daniel, France A!lred, Sheepridge, Hnddersfld Liversedge, .Normanton 21 Vance's buildings, Huddersfield FranceJames,Wellington rd. Dewebury Cook 1homas, Son&. Wcr~nald, Dews- Dover James & Sons, :-ledb~rgb R.S.O France Josiah, Honley, Hudder:~tield bury mills, Thornhill _road ~ .Bri- Donr J ~ph & Sons, Sedber~b R.S.O France J osiah, 2 ~t. Peter :~t. H uddel'l!flLI tannia mills, Dewsbury Driver John, 6 Bedford s~o:et, Leeds; & Galloway Frederick & francis Henry, Cooper D. & ,J. li> Wellington street & Fountain street, .Morleyj Leeds Apperley Bridge, Leedti Wellington Brid!{e 11trttt, Leeds Dyson ~- & G. Brothers, 32 John Galloway francis Henry, Union ruill, Cooper J. Cambridge st. Guiselty, Lds William street, Huddersfield; & Eccleshill, Leeds -Coul .. on David, New st. Pvdsey. ~s Union bl'idge, Milnsbridge Garnett G. & Sons, 6 King st. Leeds Cuultas Wm. Gill lane, Yeadun1 Leeds DJ SOU Jose ph & Sons, 72 John William Garnett & Sons, Greengates, Leed:1 Coupe Edmundr 10 YolK1 JJlace, Ltleds street, Huddersfield; & Elm Ing Gamett Jo:.hua, Idle, Leeds Cox Bro1hers~ IJreetland, Halif<.~x ·mills, Milnsbriuge Garritt Richard, Bt:lindastreet, Hunslet Crabtrt:e John,. Hey, Scawmonden, Dyaon & Whitwam,Longwood,Hudrilfld & J1 Rut~~ell street, Leeds H udder.-field Dnon & Co. Marsden, H udder11fi~ld Garsed D. Spa well, Ell and, N ormant.m Cragg Thorna~, Long Lee mill,. Ell and, Dyson A. 7 N Qrtbumberhmd st. Hudrsfld Gauu Reuben &. ~ons, 64 Wellington N ormauton Dyson George, 3 Park place, Leeds st. & 5pringfleld mill, Farsley, Let•l11 C ra~tord J onathan & Sons, East Street Dyson Samuel, Elland, N orrnautqn Gaunt Robt. & Co. ~1 HusseU 11t,; Leeds mills, East st. & Spring Close works, Eastwood D. & E., Ludd.enden, Mam;h;;tr Gauut haac, 35 York JJiace, U!ed!l ; Ellerb~ lane; warc:ho~ King st • .Le~:ds F.astw0ud Frederick &.> Co. Engin~ Farsley,.. Leeds ; & Stanningl~y, L~d::1 mill, Birstul,Ltedtt; &~t11tion rd.Batlt"y Willi11m !\treet, H udder~ field Stanning ey ,, Leeds;- & R'lad side, Crusland B. & ~ous,.l2Ellcblmgebuik- Edditton John, 1 Britanuia. 11treet & J.. Farsley; Leeds . iug3,l Huddersfit:ld ~ & Liu~y Coleman strt>et N~~ Wprtley, .Leeds 1uauut Jll~hua, Bank bo. Pudsey,_ Leeds .

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