I Inter-Parliamentary Union September 2008 • No. 31 P THE WORLD U Quarterly Review OF PARLIAMENTS IPU celebrates first International Day of Democracy Late last year the United Nations General Assembly declared 15 Sep- tember International Day of Democracy. This decision holds special sig- nificance for the IPU, which brings together a cornerstone of democracy – parliaments. The IPU, which promotes democracy on the basis of the Universal Declaration on Democracy, adopted by its Members some ten years earlier, has decided to commemorate this first Day, inviting parlia- Lments to mark the event through some form of special activity. It has also decided to hold a panel discussion at its headquarters, The House of Parliaments, and to dedicate this issue of The World of Parliaments to the theme of democracy, with special contributions from Mr. Jimmy Carter, former US President, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and current President of The Carter Center; Mr. Philippe Séguin, a former President of the French National Assembly and current First-President of the French Cour des Comptes; Prof. Benjamin Barber, a world renowned political theorist, and distinguished Senior Fellow at Demos, where he is President of CivWorld; and Ms. Marta Lagos, Executive Director of LatinoBarómetro. ◗ In this issue Parliaments and challenges “True democracy requires an to democracy active parliament” by Mr. Philippe Séguin. 4 To mark the first International Day of Democracy, the IPU has scheduled a panel discussion on parliaments and challenges to democracy at The House of Parliaments. Mr. Danilo Turk, “Good electoral process and sound President of the Republic of Slovenia; Prof. Benjamin Barber democratic institutions require commitment and Ms. Marta Lagos will be attendance. The special section to human rights and fundamental freedoms” on the IPU website dedicated to the event ( http://www.ipu. by Mr. Jimmy Carter. 6 org/dem-e/idd/overview.htm) provides complete inform- Tation on the activities related to this event and to the actions “Above all, democracy parliaments are undertaking. Since freedom of expression is is a promise of liberty” one of the best indicators of the health of democracy, the IPU has decided to set up an exhibition of satirical drawings. Sat- by Ms. Marta Lagos . 8 ire is a universal art but humour and sensitivities may differ from culture to culture, region to region. The archives of the Can democracy survive publication Courrier international helped us to select drawings interdependence? of caricaturists from different regions of the world. The exhi- by Prof. Benjamin R. Barber . 10 bition is to be launched at The House of Parliaments in Sep- tember and will be on display during the 119th IPU Assembly in Geneva from 13 to 15 October, at the Geneva International The United Nations and Conference Center (CICG). Some of the drawings are repro- democracy promotion duced here and others are posted on the IPU special web page By Mr. Roland Rich . 12 on the International Day of Democracy. ◗ The World of Parliaments September 2008 • No. 31 THE INTERVIEW IPU President, Pier Ferdinando Casini, was quoted as saying: “Democracy is the major issue of our day” ments have taken measures life is under threat today by underde- to ensure that the number of velopment and food shortages which women representatives cor- are again posing a problem. New responds more to the actual threats hang over the lives of children demographics of the country, and the elderly. Human life is not only because women’s representa- jeopardized by the consequences of tion in parliament is still weak war and the use of arms, but also by in several countries, including some kinds of research that sometimes - I must admit - in my coun- know no limits, which manipulate in- try, Italy, where women are dividuals and seek to produce sophis- underrepresented at the leg- ticated forms of euthanasia. I would Photo: IPU islative level. Things are also like to underscore that human life and “Parliamentarians must lead by example” according to happening with regard to the dignity must remain at the centre of President Casini. decentralization of power. Di- our concerns. rect democracy, referenda and other popular consultations Q: What would you say to young Q: On 5 September, IPU will be are moreover being mainstreamed people who are uninterested in celebrating the first International into the first and foremost of all acts politics and who are less and less Day of Democracy as proclaimed of democratic delegation of power: involved in society? the power of representation which by the UN. What are the main the people delegate to parliament. In P.F.C.: I would coin a phrase from an stakes involved? other words, let us say that between illustrious compatriot who has worked Pier Ferdinando Casini: This Day is public opinion - the popular base - and very hard to help underprivileged or important because democracy is the the pinnacle of the State, parliament abandoned youth. To those who would major issue of our day. Democracy is is the indispensable filter that must be say that politics is dirty, he would re- inextricably linked to the life of par- able to hear the voice of the citizens. ply: what would be the point of having liaments. A parliament has no raison When parliament is in crisis, it is the clean hands if you keep them in your d’être unless it is democratic, because very principle of democracy that is in pockets? Like him, I say to young peo- if it is not democratically and pluralis- crisis. When parliament does not func- ple that they should get their hands tically represented, if it does not rep- tion, when it is discredited or loses its dirty with politics. Because the more resent different voices, cultures, eth- legitimacy, it only serves to widen politics becomes politicking, the fur- nic groups, sensitivities and policies, it the communication gap between the ther away it is from the people. There- is nothing but an illusion. This 15 Sep- citizens and their political representa- fore, the more we work together to tember should be an opportunity for tives. It heralds the loss of confidence improve politics, the more open and ◗ us to reflect on how democratic life in the institutions we know today. That transparent it will be. has evolved. It should also be a time is why parliaments and parliamentar- to examine how parliamentary expe- ians must evolve and lead by example, rience has been cemented throughout including in matters of behaviour, the world. Furthermore, we should ethical principles and morals. state that peace and peaceful coex- Parliaments must be in the van- istence are insufficient because there guard of society and not be can be no genuine democracy without lagging behind or discredited freedom and without wide participa- by public opinion. tion. In other words, there can be no real parliament without freedom. Q: What are the challenges Q: What can parliaments do to facing strengthen democracy? democracy? P.F. C: They are already doing a lot P.F.C.: Democracy of things, such as promoting greater must first of all face participation by women in political the challenges associated life. Several of our Member Parlia- with human life, because human Drawing by Pavel (Romania) The World of Parliaments September 2008 • No. 31 EDITORIAL Democracy is worth fighting for Over the last twenty years we have mocracy - parliament - faces a crisis witnessed an unprecedented move of legitimacy in many countries. Par- towards democracy in every corner liament is at pains to reflect all com- of the world. Country after country ponents of society, does not control abandoned authoritarian rule in fa- the agenda and has scarce resources vor of multi-party democracies with at its disposal. Far too often it must an elected parliament at its centre. also contend with a lack of commit- ODoes that mean that we live in a more ment by the country’s leaders to the democratic world today? sharing of political power that is so Not necessarily. In our increas- essential to democratic parliamen- ingly fragmented yet interdependent tary processes. world many processes and decisions Nevertheless, democracy has directly affecting peoples’ lives es- achieved a level of acceptance that Photo IPU/H.Salgado cape normal democratic checks and it has perhaps never had before. It Anders B. Johnsson, IPU Secretary General. balances. Globalization and inter- is a universally recognized ideal as national cooperation involve deci- well as a system of government. As sion-making that lacks democratic an ideal, democracy aims essentially ing these objectives. It is also the control. And even at the level of the to preserve and promote the dignity only system of government that has sovereign nation State where not so and fundamental rights of the indi- the capacity for self-correction. long ago all important decisions were vidual. As a system of government, Democracy is therefore worth fight- taken, the central institution of de- democracy is the best way of achiev- ing for. The Inter-Parliamentary Un- ion has been engaged in that struggle since its inception and can be proud of its many achievements. The IPU embraces the International Day of Democracy. It invites all par- liaments to join in celebrating de- mocracy’s achievements. Let us also pause to reflect on how we can sur- mount the challenges facing democ- racy today and bring about effective rule by the people, for the benefit of each and every one of us. Demos kratos! ◗ Anders B. Johnsson, IPU Secretary General Drawing by Kopelnitsky (USA) IPU PUBLICATions Evaluating parliament: A self-assessment toolkit for parliaments This self-assessment toolkit invites parliaments to evaluate their democratic performance against a set of criteria based on the core values set out in IPU’s groundbreaking study Parliament and democracy in the twenty-first century: A guide to good practice.
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