DOI: 10.2478/jwld-2018-0036 © Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN), Committee on Agronomic Sciences JOURNAL OF WATER AND LAND DEVELOPMENT Section of Land Reclamation and Environmental Engineering in Agriculture, 2018 2018, No. 38 (VII–IX): 3–9 © Institute of Technology and Life Sciences (ITP), 2018 PL ISSN 1429–7426, e-ISSN 2083-4535 Available (PDF): http://www.itp.edu.pl/wydawnictwo/journal; http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/jwld Received 12.01.2018 Enhancement Reviewed 17.02.2018 Accepted 20.03.2018 A – study design of the free residual chlorine concentration B – data collection C – statistical analysis D – data interpretation at the ends of the water supply network: E – manuscript preparation F – literature search Case study of Souk Ahras city – Algeria Mohamed A. BENSOLTANE1, 2) ABD, Lotfi ZEGHADNIA2) ACE , Lakhdar DJEMILI1) EF, Abdalhak GHEID2) CD, Yassine DJEBBAR3) AD 1) Badji Mokhtar Annaba University, Faculty of Science Engineering, Department of Hydraulic, Annaba, Algeria; e-mail: [email protected] 2) University of Souk Ahras, Laboratory of Sciences and Technical in Water and Environment, 41000 Souk Ahras, Algeria; e-mail: [email protected] 3) University of Souk Ahras, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Souk Ahras, Algeria For citation: Bensoltane M.A., Zeghadnia L., Djemili L., Gheid A., Djebbar Y. 2018. Enhancement of the free residual chlorine concentration at the ends of the water supply network: Case study of Souk Ahras city – Algeria. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 38 p. 3–9. DOI: 10.2478/jwld-2018-0036. Abstract The drinking-water supply sector has mostly targeted the water-borne transmission of pathogens. The most common method employed is the chlorination of drinking-water at treatment plants and in the distribution sys- tems. In Algeria, the use of chlorine in drinking water treatment is a widespread practice. To enhance the con- centration of the residual chlorine in the public water-supply system of a part of Souk Ahras city (Faubourg) (Algeria) known by its low concentration of the free residual chlorine (according to the water utility – Al- gérienne des Eaux: ADE investigation) especially at the point of use, practical steps were carried out. The meth- od is a combination between numerical simulation using EPANET2 software and field measurements. Using statistical analysis the hydraulic model was calibrated and the observed values were very closer to the simulated results. The concentration was improved throughout the network after the injection of the appropriate dose. Key words: Algeria, drinking water, EPANET2, residual chlorine decay, Souk Ahras city, water supply network INTRODUCTION most of them children. These deaths, most of which are preventable, largely occur among the estimated All people, whatever their stage of development 1.2 billion people worldwide [BATTERMAN et al. and their social and economic conditions, have the 2009; WHO 2005]. right to have access to an adequate supply of safe The main goal of treatment of drinking water is drinking water [WHO 2003]. Disease statistics are produce water that meet national and WHO standards stark and tragic: 80% of illness and death in the de- [BOUSLAH et al. 2017; Quebec government 2002]. veloping world is water-related; half of the world’s Disinfection of water helps, in fact, significantly re- hospital beds are occupied by people with water- duces pathogenic microorganisms that are responsible related diseases; diarrhea and malaria are by far the for water-borne diseases such as typhoid fever, hepa- largest causes of mortality in children <5 years of age titis, cholera, bacillary dysentery [CRITTENDEN et al. (34%) in Africa; and the number of deaths from wa- 2005]. ter-related disease approaches 5 million annually, © Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) in Warsaw, 2018; © Institute of Technology and Life Sciences (ITP) in Falenty, 2018 4 M.A. BENSOLTANE, L. ZEGHADNIA, L. DJEMILI, A. GHEID, Y. DJEBBAR –3 CAIRNCROSS et al. [1996] suggest that a distinc- concentrations below 5 mgꞏdm , and some at levels tion should also be made between transmissions in as low as 0.3 mgꞏdm–3 [WHO 2003]. The method is two different physical domains: the public domain a combination between numerical simulation where (outside the household) and the domestic domain (in- the analysis software used was EPANET2 [ROSSMAN side the household). A desired health benefit would 2000], and field measurements. Series of sampling only be obtained if transmission of pathogens in both through the network were done to assess the free chlo- the domains is prevented [PETER et al. 2003]. Most rine concentration in different points. The properly water-supply systems in the developing countries are solution for the best concentration of the free residual not working according to design, which likely allow chlorine throughout the network and especially at the the entrance of wastewater. The drinking-water sup- ends was proposed. ply sector has mostly targeted the water-borne trans- mission of pathogens. The water should be protected METHODS against the possible pollutions by using disinfectant residual. Disinfectant residual should be maintained STUDY AREA in the distribution system to protect it from recontam- ination. The case study was carried out in urban neigh- Chlorine is used worldwide as a disinfectant re- borhood – Faubourg – it lies in Souk-Ahras, North- sidual to counteract microbial contamination and pro- -East of Algeria as shown the Figure 1. The area is liferation in drinking water supply systems (at treat- supplied from two tanks with a capacity of 400 m3 ment plants and in the distribution systems) [DHAIUA- each. It is an old urban area that has reached satura- DI et al. 2015; GALAL 1996; NILUFAR et al. 2016; tion. This area is small; it includes 398 domestic sub- 2017]. Chlorine’s residual potential not only prevents scribers, 15 government buildings and 34 small busi- potential regrowth of microorganisms throughout wa- nesses. The network is of 4.5 km long, it consists main- ter distribution systems, but also provides subsidiary ly of PVC, pipe diameter range from 63 to 160 mm. protection against pathogen intrusion [KIM et al. 2014; WHITE 1992]. Its popularity arises from its high DATA COLLECTION FOR HYDRAULIC MODEL oxidation potential, relatively low cost, high disinfec- tion efficiency, and ease of use. The analysis software used was EPANET2 Several studies have focused on chlorine decay [ROSSMAN 2000], a program that models water flow and factors affecting wall decay, such as the pipe ma- including mixing and separating of water flows in terial, flow velocity, water quality, and service age of water distribution pipeline network and provides time the pipe [AL-JASSER 2007; AL-OMARI, CHAUDHRY series data analysis. Reactions can occur both within 2001; DIGIANO, ZHANG 2005; FISHER et al. 2011a, b; bulk flow and with pipe wall. HALLAM et al. 2002; ISABEL et al. 2000; MONTEIRO et al. 2017; RAMOS et al. 2010; VASCONCELOS et al. BULK REACTIONS 1995] and so on. This paper aims to propose a method to improve EPANET can models the reactions in the body of and keep the concentration of the free residual chlo- water with kinetics of order n. Which means that the rine at the ends of the water distribution network at instantaneous rate of reaction R (in units of mass/ –3 0.3 mgꞏdm or greater [POWELL et al. 2000; RODRI- volume/time) depends on the concentration according GUEZ, SERODES 2001]. Most individuals are able to to the formula: taste chlorine or its by-products (e.g. chloramines) at Fig. 1. Overview of the water distribution network of the Faubourg city/Souk Ahras, Algeria; source: own elaboration © PAN in Warsaw, 2018; © ITP in Falenty, 2018; Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 38 (VII–IX) Enhancement of the free residual chlorine concentration at the ends of the water supply network… 5 (1) For a precise forecasting of the real water distri- bution system behaviour, many steps were carried out Where: K = the reaction constant (concentration b (Fig. 2): raised to the power of (1 – n) divided by time), C = – an electromagnetic flow meter was mounted in the the reactant concentration (mass/volume). tank outlet to record the flow variation and predict It is positive for growth reactions and negative for the pattern of water use of the city; decay reactions: – a pressure recorder was put in down point to check the consistency of flow pattern measurement; (2) – the water level in the tank was also measured to EPANET can also consider reaction where a lim- check the consistency of the output flow and pres- iting concentration exists on the ultimate growth or sure; loss of the substance. In this case the rate expression – the water supply was maintained during the meas- for growth reaction becomes: urement operation. , n > 0, Kb > 0 (3) , n > 0, Kb < 0 (4) Where: CL = the limiting concentration. The three parameters (C, Kb and CL) are used to characterize the bulk reaction rate. WALL REACTIONS The rate of the reaction occurred near the pipe wall can be considered to be dependent of the concen- Fig. 2. Equipments used for data acquisition; tration of the bulk flow, using the following expres- source: own elaboration sion: A distribution network model was developed us- / (5) ing the location and pipe line profile and demand data The first factor is represented by a mass transfer obtained from the pipeline information system that coefficient which depends on the molecular diffusivi- was organized using GIS. The results are reported in ty of the traced substance. Chlorine diffusivity is the Figure 3. equal to 1.44ꞏ10–5 cm2ꞏs–1 in water at 25°C, where R The results in the Figure 3 are explicit; a mini- is the rate of reaction (mass/volume/time), A/V is the mum flow rate was recorded in night time, which cor- surface area per unit volume within the pipe which responded to leakage flow rate; it is about 65 m3ꞏh–1.
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