1887. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 163 0Fll'ICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE COlii!IO:YWEALTII By Mr. BUNNELL: Of citizens of Litchfield, Bradford County, Penn­ 1 HarrisbU1·g, December 20, A.. D. 1831. sylvania. Pe~·nsylva nia, ss: _ By Mr. DINGLEY: Of D. A. Lawrence and others, and of 1r1icliuel I do hereby certify that the foregoing and annexed is o. full, true, anci correct Hickey and others, of Maine. copy of the original concurrent resolution of the General Assembly, approved By Mr. ENLOE: OfW. P. Holton and 32 others, of Jester, Chester the 22d day of April, A. D. 1887, as the same remains on file in this; office. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the County, Tennessee. se.::retary's office to be affi.xed the day and year above written. By 1\Ir. ERMENTROUT: Of citizensofBerksCounty, Pennsylvania. (sEAL.] CHARLES W. STONE, By Mr. GLASS: Of citizeng of Abernathy, of McBride, and of Dur­ Secretary ojthe Commonw~alth. hamville, Tenn. By Mr. GOFF: Of Michael Shepard and others, of Wileyville; of J. The PRESIDENT pro tempore presented resolutions adopted by the R. 'Vindom ·and others, of Short Creek; of P. A. Poundstail and others, American Bar Association, favoring the celebration of the Con titutiona.l of Troy; of Elliot Stump and others, of Stumptown; of G. M. Warner Centennial; which were referred to the Select Committee on the Cen­ and others, of Aberdeen; of Henry Estep and others, of St. Joseph; of tennial of the Constitution and the Discovery of America. N. Beck and others, of Pepper; of George F. Perry and others, of Olive; Mr. MITCHELL. I present senate joint resolution No. 5 of the Leg­ of W. F. McKelvey; of Morris H. White and others, of Pond Gap; of L. islative Assembly of the State of Oregon, favoring legislation prohibit­ F. Hildebrand and others, of Adamsville; ol M. L. Weekly and others, of ing aliens from occupying Uni!Rd States lands for herding and grazing J o epb's Mills; of M. Bailey: and others, of Leading Creek, and of At­ purposes. Such a bill has already become a law, but let the memorial well Summers, of Lonetree, W. Va. be referred to the Committee on Public Lands. By Mr. GRIMES: Of James M. Cook and others, of Chattalioochee The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The memorial will be referred to the County, Georgia. Committee on Public Lands. By Mr. GROUT: Of Alfred Watkins and 38 others, of South Read­ Ur. UlTCHELL presented joint resolution No. 6 of the Legfslative ing, Vt. Assembly of the State of Oregon, favoring the adoption of a constitu­ By Mr. HIESTAND: Of citizens of Bainbridge, Lancaster County, tional amendment providing for the election of United States Senators Pennsylvania. by a direct vote of the people; which was referred to the Committee on By Mr. HOUK: Of Gumfork; of Well Springs; of Big Creek Gap; Privileges and Elections. of Louisville; of White Pine; of Piney, and of Troutman, Tenn. He also presented bouse joint resolution No. 7 of the Legislative By Mr. LEE: Of citizens of Fauquier County; of Loudoun County, Assembly of the State of Oregon, favoring an appropriation for the sur­ and of Prince William County, Virginia. vey and improvement of Tillamook Bay and bar; which was referred By Mr. .McCLAMMY: Of A. R. Ellis and others, of Gilbert, Moore to the Committee on Commerqe. County, and ofS. B. Taylor and others, Ward's Mills, N. C. He also presented a house joint memorial of the L gislative Assem­ By 1\!r. McCULLOGH: Of citizens of Swartz, Greene County, Penn­ bly of the State of Oregon, favoring the payment of tlie expenses of the sylvania. volunteer forces of Oregon and W asbington Territory in the Indian war By Mr. McKINLEY: Of citizens of Achor, Columbiana County, of 1855-' 56, as allowed by the commission consisting of General Hufus ~~ . Ingalls, A. J. Smith, and Hon. L. F. Grover; also that the survivors By Mr. McRAE: Twenty-three petitions of sundry citizens of the of Indian wars be pensioned in the same manner as the survivors of the Third district of Arkansas. Mexican war; which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. By Mr. NEAL: Of R. R. Ramsey and others, of Cassville, White He also presented senate joint memorial No. 10 of the Fourteenth County; and of Alexander Coppinger and others, of Tarlton, Grundy Legislativ~ Assem\lly of the State of Oregon, favoring an appropriat.ion County, Tennessee. of the sum of $2,500 for the construction of a wagon-way from Cape By Mr. NICHOLS: Of citizens of Alamance County; of Nash County; Foulweather, in Benton County, Oregon, to Coos Bay, in Coos County, of Chatham County, and of D. H. 'Albright and others, of the Fou.rth Oregon, through the United States reservation known as Cape Perpetua; district, North Carolina. which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. By Mr. PETEi-c : Of S.C. Carter and others, of Ainsworth, Kans. He also presented house joint memorial No. 2 of the Fourteenth By Mr. ROGERS: Of citizens of Ivesville, Pulaski County, Arkan- Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon, favoring an appropriation s~ . of $13,845.84 to pay claimants the amounts allowed them by Philo By Jtir. ROMEIS: Of W. M. Hewitt and 20 others, of Peachton, Callender, commissioner of war claims, growing out of the Indian war Ottawa County, Ohio. in Oregon Territory; which was referred to 'the Committee on Military By 1\Ir. SCULL: Of citizens of Salemville, Bedford County, Penn­ Affairs. sylvania.. He also presented senate joint resolution No. 18 of the fourteenth By Mr. STONE, ofKentucky: OfJ. F. Stone and others, ofKentucky. biennial session of the Legislative Assembly of Oregon, favoring the ll.Y Mr. WHEELER: Of Goodloe Pride and 23 others, of Barton, and reimbursement of settlers on even sections of land within the grant to of H. H. Bridgers and 17 others, of Dry Cove, Ala. the Oregon Central Railroad Company, which grant bas now been for­ By Mr. WHITTHORNE: OfR. G. Petway and others, of•Hickman feited, for the excess paid by such settlers for their lands ·by rea<>on of County, Tennessee. the price fixed in the grant; which was referred to the Committee on lly l\lr. WISE: Of citizens of Fifer, Goochland County, Virginia. Public Lands. • lly ~ir. YODER: Of citizens of Neptune, Mercer County, and of He also presented house joint memorial No. 3 of the Legislative Landeck, Ohio. Assembly of the State of Oregon, at its regular session, favoring legis­ lly Mr. YO T: Of citizens of Flannagan's Mills; of Moreley; of Hun­ lation providing that the Umpqua River between Gardiner and the ter's Lodge; of Deerfield; of Bees ville; of Gilliamsville; of Strait Cr~k, mouth of that river be properly buoyed; which was referred to the and of Vanderpool, Va. Committee on Commerce. He also presented joint memorial No. 3 of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon, praying Congress as follows: First. That all unearned lands heretofore granted to railroad cor­ SENATE. porations, and especially to the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, be THURSDAY, December 22, 1887. declared forfeited. Second. That especially. the lands of said company coterminous with Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D. and adjacent to the proposed Columbia River bri:illch of said road, The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. namely, between Wallula, Wash., and Portland, Oregon, be declared PETmONS AND 1\!El\IORIALS. forfeited without delay. The PRESIDENT pro tempore presented resolutions adopted by the Third. That th:J forfeiture .Of said last-mentioned portion of said Legislature of Pennsylvania; which, on motion of Mr. BLAIR, were grant be not made conditional upon the forfeiture of other portions be­ ordered to lie on the table, and be printed in the RECORD, as follows: tween Bismarck, Dak., and Wallula, Wash., but that in case Congress IN THE SENATE, .Aprill3, 1887. can not agree upon the forfeiture of all unearned lands west of Bismarck, Resolved (if the house concur), That our Senators in Congress 'be instructed, th.ey shall nevertheless declare forfeited said lands coterminous with and the Representatives be requested, to support, at the next session, the Bl!u and adjacent to said proposed line between Wallula, Wash., and Port­ bill for national aid to common schools, to the end that a.ll sections of the Union may secure educational facilities. land, Oregon. Re.~olved, That tb.e secretary of the Commonwealth is hereby directed to send Fourth. That in case speedy forfeiture of said lands is not possible, copies of the above resolution to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of such legislation will be had as will require the locatbn and public an­ the Hou e, at Washington, when Congress convenes in December next. Extract from the journal of the senate. nouncement to settlers of a definite boundary line of said grant, so THOS. B. COCHRAN, that lands beyond legal and proper bounds can no longer be kept from Chief Clerk of the Senate. entry and sale in consequence of the present undefined claims of said lN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, ..4.prill4, ..4. D. 1887. company. The foregoing resolution concurred in. The memorial was referred to the Committee on Public Lands. SAM'L A. LOSCH, Ohiej Clerk of th6 House of Representatives. Mr. MITCHELL presentedsena.tejointmemorial No. 5of the Legis­ Approved the 22d day of April, A. D. 1887. lative Assembly of the State of Oregon, fuvoring an appropriation for J AMES A.
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