<p> N.V.S.S. Shantaram Flat No. 110, K.K.R. Golden Enclave, Kantha Reddy Nagar, Attapur, Hyderabad - 500064 (M) 91-9440773414 (R) : 91-40-24001430 [email protected]</p><p>Position Sought</p><p>Senior Project Manager</p><p>Present Employer</p><p>CMC Ltd. since August 1995. Designation: IT Manager (since Mar-2001)</p><p>Expertise Summary ======</p><p>Innovative Project/ Team Lead with 10 years of experience in System Integration, experience in multidisciplinary domains primarily in Banking, Insurance, Oil and Gas and e-governance. Possess outstanding communication skills complemented by good interpersonal and people management skills.</p><p>• Solutions-oriented professional IT consultant who excels at managing projects, collaborating with project teams, interfacing with clients, and deploying technology to build successful solutions for clients • Motivated achiever with progressive experience in information-technology consulting, focusing on Web-based and client/server-based applications, custom development projects, as well as customization of packaged products • Experienced project manager who has successfully led medium project teams of 10+ people from requirements-gathering through to implementation and support • Proven Experience in Project Planning and Monitoring, Risk Management, Software Configuration Management, Requirement Management, Defect Prevention, generation of Metrics data • Well Experienced in Requirement gathering, Study of Legacy Systems, System Conceptualisation, Business and Solution modelling including Sizing and Estimation through various phases of SDLC • Acquired Expert Level skills in PowerBuilder, BO, Oracle PL/SQL application development • In Depth Knowledge in Data Warehouse and Data Mart Design, Relational and Star Schema Data Modelling, ETL and Legacy Systems’ Data Migration activities • Well versed with Database Design, Administration, Configuration, preventive maintenance, tuning and performance monitoring • Solid Communicator with excellent team-building skills</p><p>Technical Experience Summary</p><p>Role Details:</p><p>• 3 years of Project Manager Experience (of which 9 Months on-site Project Manager Experience) • 4 years of Team Lead / Technical Lead/ Senior Application Architect Experience • 3 years Developer/ Application Architect/ DB Administrator Experience</p><p>Skill Details:</p><p>4GL Tools: Power Builder 4.0 - 8.0 OLAP Tools: Business Objects 6.1, Oracle Discoverer 4i, Cognos Report Net 1.1 ETL Tools: Informatica 6.1 - 7.1 RDBMS: Oracle 8i-10g, Sybase 10x, Sybase SQL Anywhere, Open Ingres Querying Languages: SQL, PL/SQL, Transact SQL Modelling Tools: PowerDesigner 6-9, ERwin, BPwin, Designer 2000, Rational Rose Version Control Tools: VSS, PVCS, Rational Project Management Tools: MS Projects, MS VISI0 Operating System: Windows 2K, SCO UNIX 5.0.4/ UnixWare 7.11, Linux 9.0, Solaris 8</p><p>Awards/ Achievements</p><p>• Special Recognition for excellent client handling for Citizen Services Project, Raipur. • Special Corporate Recognition Award for successful handling of Genisys Enterprise (General Insurance) Project.</p><p>Page 1 • Outstanding Performance Award for successful Execution of InFAcS (Insurance Accounting) Project. • Outstanding Performance Award for successful Execution of OSCB (Banking) Project.</p><p>Personal Profile</p><p>Full Name: Nishtala Venkata Satya Siva Shantaram Date Of Birth: 20th Sep 1975 Nationality: Indian Marital Status: Single Current Location: Hyderabad</p><p>Education Details</p><p>Level Institute University/ Board State Year %</p><p>BE (Electronics) Regional Engineering College, Rourkela Sambalpur University Orissa 1995 82 Std. XII Khallikote College, Berhampur Council of Higher Secondary Orissa 1991 87 Std. X Maharajah’s Boys’ High School, Parlakhemundi Board of Secondary Orissa 1989 87</p><p>Technical Courses/ Trainings</p><p>• Cognos Report Net 1.1 – 2 Weeks – In Jun 2005 • Informatica 7.1 – 2 Weeks – In May 2005 • Business Objects 6.1 – 1 Week – In Mar 2004 • Business Objects 4.0 – 1 Week – In Feb 2001 • In-house training programme on SSAD, SDLC, RDBMS Concepts, Oracle, Forms 3.0, PowerBuilder 4.0 etc. as part of induction programme – 6 Weeks – In Aug 1995</p><p>Professional Experience</p><p>Project 10 ======</p><p>Project Manager, Fast Monitor System, Accusort Inc. PA, Mar 2005 - Present</p><p>• Handled a medium scale project having a tight delivery schedule which was very crucial for the company/ group to get into Real time applications. Application provides web interface for a real time systems. Data is captured on Real time from different sub units. Statistics are computed and shown online. Offline statistics are presented using OLAP Tool • Led team of 8 from design to deployment • Oversaw requirements-gathering and proposal (SOW), which won the follow-on work for company • Co-ordinated Off-Shore and On-Site activities • Involved in Database and OLAP Reports Design and Reviews • Delivered excellent customer service and gained respect of client management and end-users • Tailored OSSP to define Project specific Software Processes • Complied to Quality standards set by the client and produced excellent documentation for deliverables • Monitored and Tracked Project Schedules in order not to miss any delivery schedules and billing milestones</p><p>Environment </p><p>Java (JDK 1.5), JSP, Tomcat 5.5, Ant 1.6, Business Objects 6.1, Oracle 9.2/ 10g, Fedora Core 3.0, MySQL 4.1.11, Power Designer 9.0, Rational Rose, VSS, MS Projects</p><p>Project 9 ======</p><p>Project Manager, Enhanced Manual Reporting System, SCAQMD, CA, Jun 2004 – Feb 2005 </p><p>• Handled a small scale onsite project. It’s a Client Server Application for Data Capturing and Reporting. Air Pollution Details are captured along with the Emission Certificates and Audit Compliance is determined. Compliance and Non-Compliance details </p><p>Page 2 are presented through various reports • Led team of 3 from requirement gathering including project initiation to implementation • Studied their existing application (developed in C++) and the framework (PowerBuilder – Airframe libraries) on which application was to be developed • Involved in Architecture Design and Reviews • Delivered excellent customer service and gained respect of client management and end-users • Successfully handled User Training • Completed Project on Time with required customer satisfaction • Also handled Application Migration (from PowerBuilder 8.0 to PowerBuilder 10.0) • Monitored and Tracked Project Schedules in order not to miss any delivery schedules and billing milestones • Complied to Quality standards set by the client and produced excellent documentation for deliverables</p><p>Environment </p><p>PowerBuilder 8.0/ 10.0 (PFC), Open Ingres 2.0, ERWIN 4.0, MS VISIO 2000, PVCS 7.5, MS Visio, MS Projects</p><p>Project 8 ======</p><p>Project Manager, Internet Banking, National Bank of Behrain, Behrain, Dec 2003 – Jun 2004 </p><p>• Handled a big scale project. Initially it started as a pro-active prototype development, followed by customization to suit client’s requirements. It’s a Web Application for Secured Internet Banking. Providing Banking Transactions using Web Interface and generating various reports (Daily, Monthly and On Demand). • Led team of 15 from requirement gathering through prototype development to customization to meet customer’s needs and expectation • Understood retail banking practices from the Domain Experts • Involved in Architecture, User Interface, Report Design and Reviews • Set excellent standards and features for the product in order to make it more flexible • Responsible for Client Interaction and Requirement analysis • Successfully executed Prototype demonstration</p><p>Environment</p><p>Oracle 9.2, BEA Web Logic 8.0, BO 6.1, EJB 2.0, Turbine, Velocity, MS Projects</p><p>Project 7 ======</p><p>Project Manager, Citizen Services, CHiPS, Chattisgarh, Jul 2003 – Nov 2003 </p><p>• Handled a medium scale project. It’s a Browser based bi-lingual E-Governance application. Providing Services (Birth Registration, Death Registration, Income Certificate, SC/ST Certificates etc) to Citizens. This was a Bi-lingual (English and Hindi) application with security features including Bio-metric authentication and Smart Card Based authorization (Digital Signing using PKI techniques). • Responsible for Client Interaction and implementing Engineering Practices starting from Requirement Management to Defect Prevention in order to achieve back customer’s confidence. • Led team of 8 members • Responsible for Deployment of Two Services (Birth and Death Registration) • Received Special Recognition for excellent client handling in a real crisis situation and making the project to continue</p><p>Environment</p><p>Oracle 8.0.4, Tomcat 4.0, EJB, Turbine, Velocity, MS Projects</p><p>Project 6 ======</p><p>Project Manager, Land Records Maintenance , CHiPS, Chattisgarh, Jan 2003 - Jun 2003</p><p>• Handled a small scale project. It’s also a Browser based E-Governance application. on Open Systems developed as a prototype. Maintaining repository of Rural Land Record Details (owner/ tenant, crop, revenue and taxation details) along with mutation </p><p>Page 3 information and producing various reports for Land Holders and District Revenue Departments • Responsible for studying feasibility of Bi-lingual solution for Linux environment • Responsible to finalizing Bio-metric vendor who could provide device drivers for Linux environment which can also be installed on Thin Clients as the application was targeted for Thick Clients (using Windows or Linux desktops) and Thin Clients (using Linux) • Led team of 3 members • Responsible for Technical guidance and mentoring to team • Responsible for Prototype Demonstration to Customer</p><p>Environment</p><p>Redhat Linux 7.x, PostgreSQL, Tomcat 4.x, JSP, MS Projects</p><p>Project 5 ======</p><p>Team Lead and Implementation Manager, Genisys Enterprise, The New India Assurance Co. Limited, Mumbai, Jul 2001 – Dec 2002</p><p>• Lead a team of 5 members. It’s a Client Server application for General Insurance Industry. The solution includes ETL, DSS and Data Warehousing Concepts. Extracting daily transaction data from various Front Offices, transmitting it to Back office Repositories. Initially data is loaded in staging area. Data is validated and transformed and stored in the Warehouse Repository. Flexible queries and reports are generated using OLAP tool. Proof of Concept was carried out at client location • Responsible for Client Interaction and Requirement Analysis • Responsible for Architecting, development and delivery of application software • Designed and Implemented of Extraction and Loading concepts • Responsible for Database and System Administration • Provided Technical guidance and mentoring to the team • Designed End User Layer (Meta data Layer) for OLAP reports • Developed Reports using Oracle Discoverer • Successfully Carried out Proof of Concept activity at Customer’s site • Received Special Corporate Recognition Award for successful handling of Genisys Enterprise (General Insurance) Project</p><p>Environment</p><p>Power Builder 7.0, Business Objects 5.0, Discoverer 3.1/4.1, Power Designer 6.0, Oracle 9i, 8i, Oracle 9iAS Rel 2.0, RedHat Linux Advance Server 2.1, SCO UNIX 5.0.4, Windows 2000 AS, MS Projects</p><p>Project 4 ======</p><p>Team Lead and Implementation Manager, Accounts Consolidation, The New India Assurance Co. Limited, Mumbai, Feb 2000 – Jun 2001</p><p>• Lead a team of 3 members. It’s a Client Server application for General Insurance Industry. The solution includes consolidation of Accounts. Consolidation of accounts data from various Front Offices and loading them into Back office Repositories. Initially data is loaded in staging area. Data is validated and transformed and stored in the Warehouse Repository. • Responsible for Client Interaction and Requirement Analysis • Responsible for Architecting, development and delivery of application software • Responsible for Database and System Administration • Provided Technical guidance and mentoring to the team • Successfully Carried out Proof of Concept activity at Customer’s site</p><p>Environment</p><p>Power Builder 7.0, Business Objects 5.0, Discoverer 3.1/4.1, Power Designer 6.0, Oracle 9i, 8i, Oracle 9iAS Rel 2.0, RedHat Linux Advance Server 2.1, SCO UNIX 5.0.4, Windows 2000 AS, MS Projects</p><p>Project 3 ======</p><p>Software Development Leader, Developer, Architect and Implementation Manager, Financial Accounting, The New India Assurance Co. Limited, Mumbai, Dec 1998 – Jan 2000</p><p>Page 4 • It was a team of 2 members. It’s a Client Server application for General Insurance Industry. This is a financial accounting package for back office accounting of General Insurance Companies. Recording of day to day financial transactions, Generating daybook, monthly journals, and ledgers etc. periodic bank reconciliation, consolidation of lower accounts data • Responsible for Client Interaction and Requirement Analysis • Responsible for Architecting, development and delivery of application software • Carried out System Implementation and Onsite Post Implementation Support • Conducted multiple User training sessions • Received Outstanding Performance Award for successful Execution of InFAcS (Insurance Financial Accounting) Project.</p><p>Environment</p><p>Power Builder 5.0 using PFC, Power Designer 6.0, Oracle 8.0.4, SCO UNIX 5.0.4, Unixware 7.1, MS Projects</p><p>Project 2 ======</p><p>Application Architect and Developer, Co-operative Banking MIS and Accounts, The Orissa State co-operative Bank, Bhubaneswar, Apr 1998 – Nov 1998</p><p>• It was a team of 3 members. Client Server MIS and Accounts Application. This is a back office application for Co-operative Banks. Recording of day to day financial accounting data, consolidation of accounts for Head Office (Apex Bank) and Accounting of Disbursal and Repayment of Loans • Responsible for Client Interaction and Requirement Analysis • Responsible for Architecting, development and delivery of application software • Carried out System Implementation and User training • Received Outstanding Performance Award for successful Execution of OSCB (Banking) Project</p><p>Environment</p><p>Power Builder 6.0 using PFC, Power Designer 6.0, Oracle 7.3.2, Windows NT 4.0, MS Projects</p><p>Project 1 ======</p><p>Application Architect and Developer, Pool Accounting System, IBP Co. Limited, India, Jan 1997 – Mar 1998 Application Architect and Developer, Depot System, IBP Co. Limited, India, Sep 1995 – Dec 1996</p><p>• It was a team of 18 members. Client Server application for Petroleum Industry. This is an integrated package for Oil Marketing Companies. It covers various functionalities like financial accounting, sales, stock, pool, purchase, budget, asset accounting, supply, distribution & marketing system like depot and satellite depot, through which product invoicing is done. Responsible for Client Interaction and Requirement Analysis • Carried out System Implementation and Onsite Post Implementation Support • Responsible for Resolving Integration (Cross functional) and Technical Issues involved with other modules (Satellite Depot, Sales, Stock and Purchase Accounting) in the system.</p><p>Environment</p><p>Power Builder 4.0, S-Designer 5.0, Sybase 10.0, Watcom SQL 4, Windows NT 4.0, UNIX SVR4</p><p>Page 5</p>
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