<p>Call to Order</p><p>Roll Call</p><p>Approval of Minutes from Motion by Senator S. Dybas Second by Senator Whittington</p><p>Executive Officer Reports -Student Body President (C. Joyce) GeoPerks is launched o New sharing coupon . Share with 10 people to get 50% coupon o Let Danny Thompson or Joyce know if want to see new stores Finals Week Policy o Nothing worth more than 10% due the week before finals week Town Hall Meetings at ISU o Have on campus with ISU officials . 1st meeting with President . 2nd Associate Deans o Ad Hoc committee meeting to plan it</p><p>-Student Body Vice President (M. Christensen) ELP o First mentor meeting last night . September 16th for mentor/ mentee meeting o Largest program so far SGA representative for honorary degree committee o Give out to non-academic members . Ryan Powers and Cally Lindenmier are interested East Campus Senator o Sam Kubil has to resign due to time conflicts with major o Also CFA/Nursing is still open o Applications will close Friday next week the 12th . Recommend friends . Applications online Homecoming o Lots of mandatory events . Red bird rumble . Homecoming Kick off</p><p>A D V O C A C Y ● U N I T Y ● L E A D E R S H I P . Parade . Bell Ringing</p><p>-Student Body Executive Director (J. Swift) Quarter zips for second fall apparel items o New members need sizes and get name tags New members o Meet with Julie Schafer . Fill out I-9 before able to work office hours Meet and Greet with Normal Town Council coming up Promoting the Elections as much as possible o Meet with Spann and Cassata for giveaways Promotional Items o Portable battery charge kits o USB version as well . Coordinate ours with it to give away for homecoming o Mini Footballs o SGA shirts Office Supplies o Note pad in back room with supplies . Have a specific budget for supplies 1 on 1’s with Secretaries o Schedule a time for Bi-weekly meetings</p><p>-President of the Assembly (R. Powers) Please send Resolutions the Friday before SGA meetings Name tags see Powers after Bylaws, Constitution, and Operations Manual Ad Hoc committee for Town Hall Meetings o Meet Bi-weekly o Email Powers or Joyce . Alita, Sam, Spann, and Lindenmier interested -Vice President of the Assembly 4 constituent contact hours o Bylaws . 1 Gathering information: surveys . 2 Raise awareness: . 3 Inform specifically about SGA Emails do not count Need to see a large group of the student body Email Dates to Alita and Swift</p><p>-Secretary of the Assembly Need a list of who all stayed an extra hour at Festival of ISU for makeup absence o Spann, Breeden, Sam, Ward All approved minutes have been sent to Giacomo for the SGA website</p><p>Advisor Report (J. Davenport) Welcome new members Constituent Contact o Need a few days notice to go out and get supplies 1 on 1 meetings sent through outlook o To meet up and discuss what you are doing for the year Executive Cabinet Member Reports -Secretary of Governmental Relations (M. Spann) Please come out to the Meet and Greet September 15th form 5-6:45 at Medici followed by Town Council Meeting o Wear SGA shirt and name Tags o Would be great to have everyone support that o Let all of your friends know . Want to have a large student population out Contacted about elections o October 7th applications must be received to register to vote o Registration drive during Homecoming weekend o Early voting is October 20th - November 2nd o General Election is November 4th Minority and police partnership is open for everyone to participate in o Open every other Month on the first Monday of the Month . If you are interested on sitting on the committee let Spann know o They talk about diversity initiatives . Problems with profiling . Hiring minorities . Making Bloomington/Normal more open to diversity Attending the City Council meeting o On the first Monday of every month</p><p>-Secretary of Programing (S. Dybas) Stephanie From SAC o Mandatory o Redbird Rumble o Parade Friday September 26th is judging for office o Game of Thrones theme Community Cleanup is filling up Events o Please come prepared to speak with constituent</p><p>-Secretary of Public Relations (A. Kendrick) Homecoming nominations Fixing up the bulletin board outside Pictures o Office hours M W 12-2 T 1-2 o Taking inside SGA office Chase: Come up with a half sheet of paper that described what SGA did including mission statement o There is a 2004 brochure to go off of Spann: Reach out to more people to let them know where we are o Let students know what is in the SSB and what it has to offer students</p><p>-Secretary of Diversity Affairs (J. Mejia) Meeting this week Mrs. Davenport rescheduled for next week Two alumni relations events coming up Diversity Advocacy has I Quest o Applications due Friday o Overnight retreat to talk about different ideas about diversity . It spans to religion, sexual orientation, and background o Strongly encourage everyone to register for it SGA get more involved in more diverse areas on campus Thank you for all the ideas o Found the need for discussion about diversity o Look into programs o Think about . What does diversity mean to you? . Why is it important to think about diversity as a member of SGA? o Spann: Keep in mind that we are supposed to represent the entire student body . We do not just represent our friends “Cannot be the voice of students if we are only one voice”</p><p>-Secretary of Information and Technology (M. Giacomo) Updating website with current information Email Giacomo if you have anything that is wrong o Need major, hometown, and office hours Getting a server for everyone outside of SGA o Could access whenever we want . G drive and google docs does not cut it . Gen system option . Reggie net as a SGA</p><p>-Secretary of College of Affordability (D. Thompson) Meeting with Dane Ward o Work with library to get e-textbook up and going o Need faculty support since they choose the books . Get something to have academic look at Talked with Indiana State University who use a similar version o Meet with Executive Director o Need support from Academic Senators o Possibly form a committee . Talk to Powers</p><p>-Secretary of Sustainability (C. Lindenmier) Student Sustainability Committee o Solar Car team is heading to Abu Dhabi . 1 of 4 American Teams nominated Table at Fest of ISU got a lot of feedback and interest o Looking into creating a subcommittee that does not come to all proposal meetings . A place where students could come and share their ideas . Have students interest in the committee have them contact Cally November 4th is Sustainability Committee Forum o Joining with all sustainable RSO’s More Bike related things o Bike racks o Bike paths . Quad is historic and cannot build on it . Could possibly paint a bike lane Working through problems</p><p>Committee Chairperson Reports -Membership and Outreach Committee (S. Dybas) Fun retreat is early October o Crate Stacking o Trampoline park Volunteer ideas for association o Holiday helper o Trick or Treat for change o Staff Holiday party Spann: give away idea with a member scavenger hunt </p><p>-Finance and Allocation Committee (D. Thompson) Had first meeting tonight</p><p>-Civic Engagement Committee (M. Spann) Asked to help support Town Council meet and great at Medici o September 15th 5pm-6:45 pm right before Town Council meeting o Catered by Medici: all for free o Need our help advertising and have our presence there Flags on the quad for 9-11 o Sending out an email for American Democracy Project and Republican groups Applications for ISU Leads, STLF, Alternative Spring Break o August 8th – October 23rd Free mock LSAT exam September 20th o Just need to register and have a student ID o Email Spann: [email protected] -Policies and Procedure Committee (Giacomo) Updating constitution</p><p>Senator Group Coordinator Reports -On Campus Senators (J. Johnson) Headed out to Cardinal Court with Jackie o Interested in Volleyball games, movie nights o Trying to get a grill and patio and bonfire ARH meetings starting this Thursday Cardinal Court Cooking Program with DSAC</p><p>-Off Campus Senators (F. Cassata) Constituent contact event coming up Off Campus Housing Services data base website went live September 2nd o Find roommates, sub leasers Landlord review site October 1st is open leasing o Get word out about the dangers of leasing </p><p>-Academic Senators (P. Kelly) Meeting with Deans will be done hopefully by next week Got old surveys and making some new ones for constituent contact</p><p>-Student Life Senators (C. Breeden) Spent an hour going to RSO’s at Fest of ISU Permanent Tables for RSO’s o The meeting wasn’t until the second week of February Student Involvement Center will let them use the list serve for RSO’s RSO’S of the month Policy for Students: Juniors and Seniors o Get GRE’s, interviews, and internships excused from class o Get X amount of days a semester to miss for said reasons . Not exempt from school work Make up for full credit</p><p>Ex-Officio Reports -ALAS September 4th o Spread your wings with ALAS . Free Food! . 7pm room 375 SSB September 14th Cookout o 3:00pm at peoples park -APAC 250 contacts from Festival of ISU o Very small attendance o Had new people Bowling with Delta Phi Lambda at 6:30 Friday September 5th September 16th outdoor social -BSU BSU week 3rd Dos and Don’ts Panel 4th Social dinner from 4-8 in Tri-Towers Saturday 6th community service event with the Baby Fold in the BBC 1-3 o Helping kids from a foster home Sunday September 7th Quad Jam 4-7 GA meeting on Monday o 6:30-9 in SSB 375</p><p>-ARH Getting ready for Pig out with the Prez Retreat Friday to Saturday Suicide Prevention Week is this upcoming week o Partnering with TWLOHA with activities on the quad Information Items A. Resolution Authorizing the SGA Co-Sponsorship of “Pig Out with the Prez” a. 3-5 September 9th on Milner Plaza B. Resolution Authorizing the Appointment of Matt Porter to Academic Senate a. Point of Clarification by Senator Alvarado: looking for specific locations in the bylaws b. Tabled for further information Action Items A. Resolution Authorizing the SGA Co-Sponsorship of “Pig Out with the Prez” a. Friendly amendment to add co-sponsorship to line 24 “with ARH, SAC, and UPB b. Friendly amendment to add time and date to location c. Friendly amendment to capitalize letters after Whereas d. Friendly amendment to change price to $1500 i. All voted Yay</p><p>Special Items A. Approval of appointment a. Off Campus Senator i. Ehsawn Fiez 1. Voted in by association with unanimous vote b. On Campus Senator Watterson i. Marques 1. Voted in by association with unanimous vote </p><p>Passing the Gavel</p><p>Adjournment Motion by Secretary Mejia Second by Secretary Dybas 9:25</p>
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