<p> HECS-HELP Benefit - Mathematics and Science Reported Course Completions 2010 – Natural and Physical Science</p><p>AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY University name Course code Course name The Australian National 3600HBSCI Bachelor of Science (Science (Honours)) University The Australian National 3600XBSCI Bachelor of Science (Science) University The Australian National 3602XBSCM B Science(Sci Communication) (Science University Communication) The Australian National 3605HBBIOT Bachelor of Biotechnology (Biotechnology (Honours)) University The Australian National 3605XBBIOT Bachelor of Biotechnology (Biotechnology) University The Australian National 3607HMEDSC Bachelor of Medical Science (Medical Science University Honours) The Australian National 3607XMEDSC Bachelor of Medical Science (Medical Science) University The Australian National 3613XBGOS B Global & Ocean Sciences (B Global & Ocean University Sciences) The Australian National 4006 B Music/B Science University The Australian National 4106 B Arts / B Science University The Australian National 4106HBARTS B Arts / B Science (Arts Honours) University The Australian National 4106HBSCI B Arts / B Science (Science Honours) University The Australian National 4426 B Finance/B Science University The Australian National 4460 BActStud / BScience University The Australian National 4460HBSCI BActStud / BScience (Bachelor of Science (Hon)) University The Australian National 4556 B AsianStudies(Spec)/B Science University The Australian National 4556HBSCI B AsianStudies(Spec)/B Science (Science Honours) University The Australian National 4596 B Asian Studies / B Science University The Australian National 4600HBSC Bachelor of Science (Adv) (H) (Bachelor of Science University (Adv) (H)) The Australian National 4602 B Science / B Economics University The Australian National 4602HBSCI B Science / B Economics (Science Honours) University The Australian National 4603 B Science / B Laws University The Australian National 4603-0000B B Science / B Laws University The Australian National 4603HBSCI B Science / B Laws (Science Honours) University The Australian National 4603HLLB B Science / B Laws (Laws (Honours)) University The Australian National 4604 B Science / B Commerce University The Australian National 4604HBSCI B Science / B Commerce (Science Honours) University</p><p>NEW SOUTH WALES University name Course code Course name Avondale College 40401 Bachelor of Science - Major in Biological Science Avondale College 40451 Bachelor of Science Avondale College 44001 Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Teaching Avondale College 44002 Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Teaching Charles Sturt University 22530225 Bachelor of Applied Science (Wine Science) Charles Sturt University 22531052 Bachelor of Applied Science (Honours) Charles Sturt University 3454SC01 Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary)/Bachelor of Science</p><p>Charles Sturt University 4209GS01 Associate Degree in General Studies (Science) Charles Sturt University 4402BM01 Bachelor of Biotechnology (Medical) Charles Sturt University 4408FB01 Bachelor of Forensic Biotechnology Charles Sturt University 4412AB01 BMedicalScience/BBiotechnology(Medical-Applied)</p><p>Charles Sturt University 4412CP01 BMedicalScience(Clinical Physiology)/BBiotechnology(Medical-Applied) Charles Sturt University 4412PA01 BMedicalScience(Pathology/BBiotechnology(Medical- Applied) Charles Sturt University 4414US01 Bachelor of Medical Science Charles Sturt University 4428CS01 Bachelor of Clinical Science Charles Sturt University 4502BM01 Bachelor of Biotechnology (Medical) (Honours) Charles Sturt University 4514HN01 Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) Charles Sturt University 5405FS01 Bachelor of Applied Science(Food Science) Charles Sturt University 5407AS01 Bachelor of Animal Science Charles Sturt University 5420SC01 Bachelor of Science Charles Sturt University 5507AS01 Bachelor of Animal Science (Honours) Charles Sturt University 5507SC01 Bachelor of Science (Honours) Macquarie University 32DB010900 Bachelor of Marine Science (Honours) Macquarie University 32DC019900 Bachelor of Medical Sciences (Honours) Macquarie University 32DE010900 Honours Degree of BSc/BA in Natural History, Cultural and Museum Studies Macquarie University #NUM! Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts in Museum Studies & Heritage Macquarie University #NUM! Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts in Natural History Culture & Museum Macquarie University 32F5010900 Bachelor of Marine Science Macquarie University 32F6010900 Bachelor of Medical Sciences Macquarie University 32F6019900 Bachelor of Medical Sciences Macquarie University 32F9010900 Bachelor of Science in Advanced Program Biology</p><p>Macquarie University 32FB010900 Bachelor of Science in Biodiversity & Conservation</p><p>Macquarie University 32FD019900 Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology Macquarie University 34A7010700 Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts in Museum Studies & Heritage Macquarie University 34A7010900 Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts in Museum Studies & Heritage Macquarie University 9568010101 Bachelor of Science in the Faculty of Science Macquarie University 9568010500 Bachelor of Science in the Faculty of Science Macquarie University 9568010703 Bachelor of Science in the Faculty of Science Macquarie University 9568010900 Bachelor of Science in the Faculty of Science Macquarie University 9569010101 Bachelor of Science with the Diploma of Education in the Faculty of Scie</p><p>NORTHERN TERRITORY University name Course code Course name Charles Darwin University BBMSC2 BACHELOR OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE Charles Darwin University BBMSC3 BACHELOR OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE Charles Darwin University BNBSC22 BACHELOR OF NURSING/BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Charles Darwin University BSBED32 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE/BACHELOR OF EDUCATION Charles Darwin University BSBLAW2 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE/BACHELOR OF LAWS Charles Darwin University BSC231 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Charles Darwin University BSC232 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Charles Darwin University BSC992 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Charles Darwin University BSCBB32 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE/BACHELOR OF BUSINESS Charles Darwin University BSCIH3 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HONOURS) Charles Darwin University BTLBSC1 BACHELOR OF TEACHING AND LEARNING/BACHELOR OF SCIENCE QUEENSLAND University name Course code Course name Central Queensland University CA02 B Applied Physics Central Queensland University CA66 B Sci (Biology) (Hons) Central Queensland University CA67 B Sci (AppChem) (Hons) Central Queensland University CA86 B Chemical Sciences Central Queensland University CF34 B Biomedical Science (Hons) Central Queensland University CF93 AdvDip Biomedical Science Central Queensland University CG09 B AppPhys(Co-op)/DipProfPrac Central Queensland University CG67 AD Geoscience Central Queensland University CU04 B Biomedical Science Central Queensland University CU18 B Science Central Queensland University CU98 B Informatics Griffith University 1007 Bachelor of Science (Ecology and Conservation Biology) Griffith University 1018 Bachelor of Science Griffith University 1026 Bachelor of Science with Aviation Griffith University 1031 Bachelor of Biomedical Science Griffith University 1032 Bachelor of Biotechnology Griffith University 1033 Bachelor of Food Science and Nutrition Griffith University 1045 Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Information Technology Griffith University 1071 Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Education - Secondary Griffith University 1085 Bachelor of Environmental Engineering/Bachelor of Science Griffith University 1087 Bach. of Urban and Environmental Planning/Bach. of Science (Environment) Griffith University 1094 Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Gold Coast) Griffith University 1210 Bachelor of Science Griffith University 1238 Bachelor of Biomolecular Science Griffith University 1240 Bachelor of Photonics & Nanoscience Griffith University 1242 Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science Griffith University 1264 Bachelor of Forensic Science Griffith University 1265 Bach. of Forensic Science/Bach. of Criminology and Criminal Justice Griffith University 1280 Bachelor of Medical Science Griffith University 1306 Bachelor of Medical Science Griffith University 1315 Bachelor of Science (Ecology and Conservation Biology) Griffith University 1328 Bachelor of Marine Science Griffith University 1334 Bachelor of Science with Honours (Accelerated) Griffith University 1350 B Biomolecular Science (Exit Point) Griffith University 2006 Griffith School of Environment Honours Program Griffith University 2078 Biomolecular and Physical Sciences Honours Program Griffith University 8023 Diploma of Biosciences James Cook University BAPS019999 Bachelor of Applied Science James Cook University BARS099999 Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Science James Cook University BBSA019901 Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences James Cook University BEEC030000 Bachelor of Engineering-Bachelor of Science James Cook University BEEL031305 Bachelor of Engineering-Bachelor of Science James Cook University BEGH03000H Bachelor of Engineering-Bachelor of Science</p><p>SOUTH AUSTRALIA University name Course code Course name The Flinders University of South BBT Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours) Australia The Flinders University of South BEDJPBSC Bachelor of Education (Junior Primary/Primary), Australia Bachelor of Science The Flinders University of South BEDMSBSC Bachelor of Education (Middle School), Bachelor of Australia Science The Flinders University of South BEDSBSC Bachelor of Education (Secondary), Bachelor of Australia Science The Flinders University of South BMS Bachelor of Medical Science Australia The Flinders University of South BSC Bachelor of Science Australia The Flinders University of South BSCBC Bachelor of Science in Biodiversity and Australia Conservation The Flinders University of South BSCES Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science Australia The Flinders University of South BSCH Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Enhanced Program Australia for High Achievers) The Flinders University of South BSCHNN Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Nanotechnology) Australia The Flinders University of South BSCMB Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology Australia The Flinders University of South BSCMC Bachelor of Science in Medicinal Chemistry Australia The Flinders University of South BSCNT Bachelor of Science in Nanotechnology (Honours) Australia The Flinders University of South BTFA Bachelor of Technology (Forensic and Analytical Australia Chemistry) The Flinders University of South DIPAS Diploma in Applied Science Australia The Flinders University of South HBSC Bachelor of Science (Honours) Australia The Flinders University of South HBSCBC Bachelor of Science in Biodiversity and Australia Conservation (Honours) The Flinders University of South HBSCES Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science Australia (Honours) The Flinders University of South HBSCMB Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology (Honours) Australia The University of Adelaide BABSC B.Arts/B.Science The University of Adelaide BAGSCOEN B.Ag Sc (Oenology) The University of Adelaide BEBSP B.E (Elec) & B.Sc(Physics) The University of Adelaide BEDAS B.E(Aero Eng) with BScience The University of Adelaide BEDM1 B.E(Chem) with BMaCompSc The University of Adelaide BEDM4 B.E(Comp Sys) with BMa&CompSc The University of Adelaide BEDM5 B.E(E&E) with BMa&CompSc The University of Adelaide BEDM7 B.E(Mechat) with BMa&CompSc The University of Adelaide BEDM9 B.E(Aero) with BMaCompSc The University of Adelaide BEDS1 B.E(Chem) with BSc The University of Adelaide BEDS2 B.E(Civil & Env) with BSc The University of Adelaide BEDS3 B.E(CivilSt) with BSc The University of Adelaide BEDS6 B.E(Mech) with BSc The University of Adelaide BEDS9 B.E(Aero) with BSc The University of Adelaide BEDSB B.E(Chem) with B.Sc(Biotech)</p><p>TASMANIA University name Course code Course name University of Tasmania 63E Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws (63E) University of Tasmania G3A Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Science (G3A) University of Tasmania G3K Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Science (G3K) University of Tasmania J3T Bachelor of Applied Science (Marine Environment) (J3T) University of Tasmania J4T Bachelor of Applied Science (Marine Environment) with Honours (J4T) University of Tasmania K3B Bachelor of Marine Science (K3B) University of Tasmania K4B Bachelor of Marine Science with Honours (K4B) University of Tasmania L3G Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws (L3G) University of Tasmania L4G Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws with Honours (L4G) University of Tasmania M3G Bachelor of Biomedical Science (M3G) University of Tasmania M3M Bachelor of Medical Research (M3M) University of Tasmania M4E Bachelor of Biomedical Science with Honours (M4E) University of Tasmania M4G Bachelor of Medical Research with Honours (M4G) University of Tasmania N3C Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Engineering (N3C) University of Tasmania N4C Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) (N4C) University of Tasmania R3I Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science (R3I) University of Tasmania S2G Associate Degree in Science (S2G) University of Tasmania S3E Bachelor of Applied Science (S3E) University of Tasmania S3G Bachelor of Science (S3G) University of Tasmania S3L Bachelor of Computing and Bachelor of Science (S3L) University of Tasmania S3N Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Teaching (S3N) University of Tasmania S3V Bachelor of Biotechnology (S3V) University of Tasmania S3Y Bachelor of Antarctic Science (S3Y) University of Tasmania S4E Bachelor of Science with Honours (S4E) University of Tasmania S4G Bachelor of Antarctic Studies with Honours (S4G) University of Tasmania S4T Bachelor of Natural Environment and Wilderness Studies with Honour (S4T) University of Tasmania S4V Bachelor of Biotechnology with Honours (S4V) VICTORIA University name Course code Course name Deakin University D3111 BACHELOR OF ARTS/BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Deakin University D3211 BACHELOR OF COMMERCE/BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Deakin University D3312 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE/BACHELOR OF LAWS Deakin University D3441 BACHELOR OF TEACHING (SECONDARY)/BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Deakin University D3511 BACHELOR OF TEACHING (SCIENCE)/BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Deakin University D3722 BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING/BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Deakin University S3191 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (BIOTECHNOLOGY) Deakin University S3201 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Deakin University S3202 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Deakin University S3211 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE)</p><p>Deakin University S3212 BACHELOR OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE Deakin University S3231 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE)</p><p>Deakin University S3232 BACHELOR OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE Deakin University S3241 BACHELOR OF FORENSIC SCIENCE Deakin University S3242 BACHELOR OF FORENSIC SCIENCE Deakin University S3951 BACHELOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (CONSERVATION ECOLOGY) Deakin University S3991 BACHELOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (MARINE BIOLOGY) Deakin University S4001 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HONOURS) Deakin University S4011 BACHELOR OF FORENSIC SCIENCE (HONOURS)</p><p>Deakin University S4112 BACHELOR OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE (HONOURS)</p><p>Deakin University S4332 BACHELOR OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE (HONOURS)</p><p>La Trobe University BSBS Bachelor of Science La Trobe University LWLS Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Science La Trobe University LWLSP Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Science La Trobe University RBSCS Bachelor of Chemical Science La Trobe University RZASB Bachelor of Applied Science/Bachelor of Business</p><p>La Trobe University RZCES Bachelor of Civil Engineering/Bachelor of Science La Trobe University SBANS Bachelor of Animal & Veterinary Biosciences La Trobe University SBANS01 Bachelor of Animal Science La Trobe University SBBAS Bachelor of Biological Sciences (Advanced Science) La Trobe University SBBCB Bachelor of Biotechnology and Cell Biology La Trobe University SBBIS Bachelor of Biological Sciences La Trobe University SBCBE Bachelor of Conservation Biology and Ecology La Trobe University SBCHS Bachelor of Chemical Sciences La Trobe University SBMC Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry La Trobe University SBMS Bachelor of Biomedical Science La Trobe University SBMS01 Bachelor of Medical Science La Trobe University SBMSM Bachelor of Medical Science La Trobe University SBMSS Bachelor of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences</p><p>WESTERN AUSTRALIA University name Course code Course name Curtin University of Technology 131310 Bach of Sc(Physics), Bach of Eng (Computer Syst Eng) Curtin University of Technology 131410 Bach of Sc (Physics), Bach of Eng (Electrical Power Eng) Curtin University of Technology 131810 Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science Curtin University of Technology 132510 Bachelor of Sci (Computer Science), Bachelor of Sci (Physics) Curtin University of Technology 132610 B Science (Mathematical Sciences), B Commerce (Finance) Curtin University of Technology 133010 Bachelor of Science (Mathematics and Finance) Curtin University of Technology 133310 B Sc (Chem), B Sc (Ext Metallurgy) Curtin University of Technology 155210 Bachelor of Science (Mathematical Sciences) Curtin University of Technology 156299 Bachelor of Science Curtin University of Technology 170609 Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) (Honours) Curtin University of Technology 172299 Bachelor of Science (Geophysics) Curtin University of Technology 172499 Bachelor of Science (Physics) Curtin University of Technology 173299 Bachelor of Science (Medical Science) Curtin University of Technology 174399 Bachelor of Science (Mineral Exploration and Mining Geology) Curtin University of Technology 177299 Bachelor of Science (Applied Geology) Curtin University of Technology 177499 Bachelor of Science Curtin University of Technology 300210 Bachelor of Science (Environmental Biology) (Honours Curtin University of Technology 300212 Bachelor of Science (Applied Geology) (Honours) Curtin University of Technology 300241 Bachelor of Science (Geophysics) (Honours) Curtin University of Technology 301387 Bachelor of Science (Math Science), Bachelor of Education (Sec Educ) Curtin University of Technology 301578 Bachelor of Science (Molecular Biotechnology) (Honours) Curtin University of Technology 301590 Bachelor of Science (Medical Science) (Honours) Curtin University of Technology 301636 Bachelor of Science (Molecular Biotechnology) Curtin University of Technology 302395 Bachelor of Science (Life Sciences) Curtin University of Technology 302408 Bachelor of Science (Actuarial Science) Curtin University of Technology 302452 Bachelor of Science (Actuarial Science) (Honours) Curtin University of Technology 302929 Bachelor of Science (Chemistry), Bachelor of Commerce (Entrepreneurship) Curtin University of Technology 303316 Bachelor of Science (Forensic and Analytical Chemistry) Curtin University of Technology 303770 Bachelor of Science (Environmental Biology) Curtin University of Technology 303799 Bachelor Science (Enviro Biology), Bachelor of Social Sci (Sociology) Curtin University of Technology 303800 Bachelor of Science (Envir Biology), Bachelor of Social Science Curtin University of Technology 304002 Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science) (Honours) Curtin University of Technology 305347 Bachelor of Science (Applied Geology), Bachelor of Science (Envir Biolog Curtin University of Technology 305377 Bachelor of Science (Nanotechnology) Curtin University of Technology 305537 Bachelor of Science (Applied Geology), Bachelor of Commerce (Finance) Curtin University of Technology 305539 Bachelor of Science (Applied Geology), Bachelor of Commerce (Entrepreneu </p>
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