Pth 275 Instructional Package

Pth 275 Instructional Package

<p>INSTRUCTIONAL PACKAGE</p><p>PTH 275</p><p>Advance Professional Preparation </p><p>Effective Term Fall/2014 Page 2 of 9</p><p>INSTRUCTIONAL PACKAGE</p><p>Effective Term: 201410 </p><p>COURSE PREFIX: PTH 275 COURSE TITLE: Advanced Professional Preparation</p><p>CONTACT HOURS: 1/week CREDIT HOURS: 1</p><p>RATIONALE FOR THE COURSE: Upon completion of the course the student should be able to list goals and set priorities as a Physical Therapist Assistant. Students will be familiar with the State laws for licensure and registration to practice successfully as a Physical Therapist Assistant. Be prepared to seek employment and transition from a student to a competent health care professional. </p><p>COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is the study of the skills needed to enter the professional arena, including resume writing, interviewing, professional decision making, and preparation for the PTA National Board Examinations.</p><p>PREREQUISITES: A grade of C PTH 228, PTH 242 and 253</p><p>REQUIRED MATERIALS: PTA Exam: The Complete Study Guide, Scott M. Giles, 2013 Scorebuilders, Scarborough Maine.</p><p>ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: None</p><p>TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: None</p><p>PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES</p><p>After successful completing the Horry-Georgetown Technical College Physical Therapist Assistant Program the graduate will be able to achieve the program learning outcomes. The student is advised to view the program learning outcomes in the student clinical handbook. Reviewing the outcomes will assist the student in understanding how the terminal course objectives achieve the program learning outcomes. </p><p>STUDENT TERMINAL LEARNING OUTCOMES After successful completion of this course, the student will be able to meet the following terminal behavior outcomes:</p><p>1. Develop an appropriate strategy in preparation for the National Physical Therapists Assistant. Examination (NPTAE). Page 3 of 9</p><p>2. Achieve a passing score on a physical therapist assistant board practice examination. 3. Accurately prepare a cover letter for a position as a physical therapist assistant. 4. Accurately prepare a professional resume for a role as a physical therapist assistant. 5. Participate in a mock interview for a physical therapist assistant employment opportunity. 6. Discuss a current topic within the profession of physical therapy. 7. Discuss the student’s strengths and weaknesses as a physical therapist assistant and identify a career development plan. </p><p>Schedule August 23rd Guest Lecture: Preparation for National Physical Therapists Assistant. 8- 5 Examination & 24th 8-3 August 30th Guest Lecture: resume, cover letter and interview skills Guest Lecture: Federation of State Boards September 6th Assignment 1: Draft resume and cover letter submitted to September 6th Assignment 2: Submit test score, include break down of content area, for PTA test 1 Scorebuilders. September 23rd Assignment 3: Submit a study plan in D2L drop box for National Physical Therapists Assistant Examination September 30th Assignment 1: Final resume and cover letter submitted Drop Box D2L October 11th Assignment 4: Mock Interview, interview schedule TBD Assignment 5: Application for licensure to the State Board submitted D2L drop box October 18th Assignment 6: Respond to a D2L post on the discussion board your opinion on a current topic within the profession of physical therapy on the discussion. See grading criteria under EVALUATION OF REQUIRED COURSE MEASURES/ARTIFACTS October 18st Assignment 7: Post in D2L on the discussion board your strengths and weakness as a PTA and identify career development plan. See grading criteria under EVALUATION OF REQUIRED COURSE MEASURES/ARTIFACTS October 19th 8 am Test: First Monitored Practice Physical Therapists Assistant. Examination. October 26th Assignment 3: Submit a study in D2L drop box for National Physical Therapists Assistant. Examination November 2nd 8 Test: Second Monitored Practice Physical Therapists Assistant. am Examination.</p><p>METHODS OF INSTRUCTION:</p><p>Concepts will be taught by lecture, discussion, demonstration, audio-visual materials and Page 4 of 9</p><p> computerized exercises. Memorization is no substitution for understanding and will not give you the results desired. REQUIRED COURSE MEASURES/ARTIFACTS:</p><p>Final paper Homework Assignments  Your assignment will be reviewed by your own department faculty, but also faculty from multiple disciplines. Please make sure you use appropriate sentence structure, proper grammar, correct spelling and punctuation in your assignments. It is important your work make sense and makes a good impression to everyone reviewing it. An important component of your education at Horry-Georgetown Technical College is acceptable communication skills. With this in mind, please revise accordingly  Grades earned in courses impact academic progression and financial aid status. Before withdrawing from a course, be sure to talk with your instructor and financial aid counselor about the implications of that course of action. Ds, Fs, Ws, WFs and Is also negatively impact academic progression and financial aid status.</p><p>EVALUATION OF REQUIRED COURSE MEASURES/ARTIFACTS</p><p>Grade Weighted Percentage *****Note assignments in this category are worth 20% of the total Total 20% weighted grade. See total points for each assignment. Distribute weights Points is by points across all items in the category. Assignment 1: 12 See rubric for of the final resume and cover letter uploaded in D2L. If student fails to turn in draft, resume and cover on time 10% will be deducted from final resume and cover letter score. Assignment 2: 10 Student will submit test score via D2L drop box, include break down of content area, for PTA test 1 Scorebuilders. Assignment 3: 10 Submit a study plan in D2L drop box for National Physical Therapists Assistant Examination. If student does not pass first exit exam a second study plan will be required. If additional study plan(s) is required the study plans grade will be averaged for the score. Assignment 4: 12 Mock Interview, see D2L for the rubric for grading. Assignment 5: 4 Post D2L your opinion on a current topic within the profession of physical therapy. Commendable Acceptable Marginal Unacceptable Page 5 of 9</p><p>4pts. 3 pts. 2 pts 1 pts. Well defined Clear Not always Incomplete, and concise understanding clear, too unclear understanding of topic short, too understandin of topic wordy, but g of topic meaning of topic can be interpreted.</p><p>Assign Assignment 6: 4 Post in D2L your strengths and weakness as a PTA and identify career development plan. Commendable Acceptable Marginal Unacceptable 4pts. 3 pts. 2 pts 1 pts. Well defined Clear Not always Incomplete, and concise understanding clear, too unclear understanding of strengths short, too understanding of strengths and weakness wordy, but of strengths, and weakness and career meaning of weakness, and and career development strengths and career development plan. weakness and development plan. career plan. development plan can be interpreted.</p><p>Test: 80% Student will complete a monitored physical therapists assistant examination. Student will be required to pass an exam with a score of 68% in order to pass the course. Student will have three attempts to take monitored physical therapists assistant examination. The first two examinations are scheduled (see above schedule). If required to complete a third examination the student will schedule a remediation session with instructor to develop a third study plan prior to third monitored physical therapists assistant examination.  Test passed with a score > 68 % first time: 100 points awarded  Test passed with a score > 68 % second time: 90 points awarded  Test passed with a score > 68 % third time: 80 points awarded. Page 6 of 9</p><p>GRADING SCALE 100-91% A 90-82% B 81-75% C 74-69% D 68-0% F</p><p>Grades earned in courses impact academic progression and financial aid status. Before withdrawing from a course, be sure to talk with your instructor and financial aid counselor about the implications of that course of action. Ds, Fs, Ws, WFs and Is also negatively impact academic progression and financial aid status.</p><p>The Add/Drop Period is the first 5 days of the semester for full term classes. Add/Drop periods are shorter for accelerated format courses. The following week of the semester is Financial Aid Attendance Verification period. You must attend at least one meeting of all of your classes during that period. If you do not, you will be dropped from the course(s) and your Financial Aid will be reduced accordingly.</p><p>The Student Success and Tutoring Center (SSTC) The SSTC offers to all students the following free resources: 1. Academic coaches for most subject areas, Writing Center Support, and college success skills </p><p>2. On-line student success and academic support resources</p><p> a. 24/7 online academic tutoring assistance (access in WaveNet)</p><p> b. 24/7 Online Resource Center (ORC)</p><p> c. Campus2Campus Virtual Appointments</p><p> d. Tips and tricks for college life, studying, and learning (Facebook: hgtcsstc)</p><p>3. Other student resources and academic support</p><p> a. Resource guides to improve college success skills</p><p> b. Science models & other supplemental tools and textbooks</p><p> c. Workshops on college success skills and citation styles </p><p> d. Study Skills, Test Anxiety, Time Management, etc.</p><p> e. APA, MLA, and Preventing Plagiarism </p><p> f. Check the EVENTS calendar in WaveNet for more information!</p><p>Visit the SSTC website: and visit the student services tab in your WaveNet account to schedule appointments using TutorTrac. For more information, call: SSTC Conway, 349-7872; SSTC Page 7 of 9</p><p>Grand Strand, 477-2113; and SSTC Georgetown, 520-1455. Room locations and Live Chat is available on the SSTC website.</p><p>Student Information Center: WaveNet Central (WNC) WNC offers to all students the following free resources: 1. Getting around HGTC: General information and guidance for enrollment! 2. Use the Online Resource Center (ORC) for COMPASS support, technology education, and online tools 3. Drop-in technology support or scheduled training in the Center or in class 4. In-person workshops and online tutorials are available for: 1. D2L & WaveNet, 2. Microsoft Office Word, PowerPoint and Excel, 3. Basic Computer Skills, 4. Budgeting your Money, and more. 5. Check the EVENTS calendar or the WNC Online Resource Center for more information! 5. Additional services such as reviewing Degree Works, scheduling tutoring, or scheduling testing center appointments, scanning and uploading documents, etc. Visit the WNC website: Live Chat and Center locations are posted on the website. Or please call one of the following locations: WNC Conway, 349-5182; WNC Grand Strand, 477-2076; and WNC Georgetown, 520-1473. View tips and tricks for college life, personal development and technology learning on their Facebook page (Facebook: hgtcwnc).</p><p>“True genius resides in the capacity for evaluation of uncertain, hazardous and conflicting information.” W. Churchill</p><p>Physical Therapists Assistant Grading Policy: The grade for this course will be determined solely on the basis of the criteria outlined in this syllabus. Students will not be allowed to substitute other activities (reports, homework, etc.) to count in place of any of the stated criteria. (This means there will be NO extra credit offered.) Also, since the tests/exams given in this course are designed to measure the extent to which the student has mastered course materials, students should not expect there to be any “curving” of grades.</p><p>Academic Dishonesty All forms of academic dishonesty, as outlined in the Student Code in the HGTC catalog, will NOT be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action. Anyone caught cheating or committing plagiarism (Defined in the code as: “The appropriation of any other person’s work and the unacknowledged incorporation of that work in one’s own work offered for credit”) will be given a grade of a zero for that assignment. A second offense will result in charges being filed with the Chief Student Services Officer.</p><p>HGTC ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS: Page 8 of 9</p><p>Students are expected to attend a minimum of 80% of all classes, but a program or an instructor may make the attendance policy stricter if he/she so desires. </p><p>After the allowed number of misses, the student will be dropped automatically from the course with a W or a WF. Remember an absence is an absence, no matter if it is excused or not!</p><p>Physical Therapist Assistant Program Classroom Attendance Policy:</p><p>For a 15 week course (Fall and Spring) the allowed number of misses is as follows:</p><p>For MWF classes: 9 absences are allowed for lecture and 9 absences from lab, regardless of the reason. </p><p>For MW classes: 6 absences are allowed for lecture and 6 absences from lab, regardless of the reason</p><p>For TTh classes: 6 absences are allowed for lecture and 6 absences from lab, regardless of the reason</p><p>For Classes meeting once a week for lecture: 3 absences are allowed for lecture and 3 absences from lab, regardless of the reason.</p><p>For a 10 week course (Fall and Spring) the allowed number of misses is as follows:</p><p>For MWF classes: 6 absences are allowed for lecture and 6 absences from lab, regardless of the reason. </p><p>For MW classes: 4 absences are allowed for lecture and 4 absences from lab, regardless of the reason</p><p>For TTh classes: 4 absences are allowed for lecture and 4 absences from lab, regardless of the reason</p><p>For Classes meeting once a week for lecture: 2 absences are allowed for lecture and 2 absences from lab, regardless of the reason. </p><p>For a 6 week course the allowed number of misses is as follows:</p><p>MTWTH 4 absences for lecture and 4 absences from lab are allowed, regardless of the reason. </p><p>MW or TTH 2 absences for lecture and 2 absences from lab are allowed, regardless of the reason</p><p>After the allowed number of absences, the student will be dropped automatically from the course with a W or a WF. Remember an absence is an absence, there are no excused absences. Page 9 of 9</p><p>Classroom Tardy</p><p>A tardy is defined as missing up to 10 minutes of classroom time. </p><p>Three tardy, of ten- minutes, will be counted as one class absence.</p><p>Six tardy of less than 10 minutes will be counted as a one-class absence</p><p>An absence is defined as missing greater than 10 minutes of classroom time or leaving class early with more than 10 minutes remaining. </p><p>MAKE-UP WORK: Missed assignments may be made up at the discretion of the professor.</p><p>Each professor will provide you information on his or her make-up policy.</p><p>CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR:</p><p>You are expected to treat your fellow students with respect. This means you should limit talking to your neighbor during lecture and do not start to pack up your materials before class is over. Finally, cell phones MUST be turned off or put on the vibration mode during class. </p><p>During an exam all electronic devices (cell phones, pagers, etc.) must be turned off and stored in a purse or backpack, they may not be visible to the student. The only exception to this policy will be on-call emergency personnel. For those individuals in this situation, please contact your professor on how to handle electronic devices during exams.</p>

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